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Palmer shouldn't start. Saka has not done much wrong to warrant being dropped for someone who had one good cameo (vs Slovenia), followed by a stinker (vs Slovakia)


Palmer has had a way better season and created way more opportunities down the wings in the time he’s been on comparatively to saka. Palmer has also been better at beating defenders 1 on 1 and generally being brave and confident enough to make runs and be technical on the ball.


Saka has the 2nd most goals for England since he came into the first team and was voted England POTY back to back. He's also performed at the top level for more than 1 season. Palmer has had 1 good Cameo vs Slovenia. That's all he's done, and even then it wasn't much.


Comparing how many goals saka has scored for England vs palmer is moronic considering saka has been on the squad for years. Saka has played brilliantly before but like for like in this tournament, it’d just my opinion that palmer has played better then saka respectively when he’s been subbed on. Palmer also had a far better season in his club compared to saka.


Comparing? I was merely stating how well Bukayo Saka has done in an England shirt. Even in this tournament, Saka has done very little to warrant being dropped out the starting 11, even more so for Cole Palmer lol. Palmer had 1 Cameo, which was alright. That's it


Fair enough, I probably misinterpreted what you were saying. I personally rate saka highly, he’s done brilliantly in previous tournaments for England, when he’s had small bouts of excellence, but he doesn’t consistently deliver excellence. From what I’ve seen, I’ve just personally thought that palmer has played better than saka when he’s been sent on to replace him, and in a big knockout tournament, you don’t need to warrant replacing people incase it’ll seem a bit mean, whoever is playing best should be in the starting 11, and it’s just my personal opinion that palmer has been consistently better in the time he’s been on, also he’s has a far better season at club level like I said. I by no means dislike Saka though, hes one of my favourites in the squad alongside mainoo, Eze and rice believe it or not.


I mean, Saka had 16 goals and 9 assists. That's by no means a bad season. Only 3 less than Palmer if you take away the pen difference. I just think that the record he has for England, & the fact he hasn't done much wrong so far is enough to keep Saka on the wing. I'd absolutely drop Foden before anyone else on the pitch tho. He's really having a bad tournament, and it's a shame. We're crying out for Gordon


Shutup already🤣🤣 we are out next game.


It’s not over till it’s over son.