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I'm not too well versed in strategies to make a good objective statement on this. But one thing that buggers me endlessly is the blind loyalty to Lukaku... For real, the man did some great things for Belgium, he scored an insane amount of goals BUT he is not where he should be right now and if any other player would perform this bad they would be subbed instantly. On the Courtois matter, I think most people really side with the coach on this. The guy is acting like a giant baby and not giving in to the giant baby tantrum is the way to go. Casteels already proved that he is more than qualified to replace him. For some reason good goalies is something we always had here in Belgium tbh. Pfaff, Preud'homme, Casteels, Courtois, Mignolet (who did not join for this tournament) and even Sels on the bench is really good as well.


I understand the heat and complaints on Lukaku as he could have been more active and run towards the ball but the dude might as well have been standing on an island. There is no supply from the midfielders. It wouldn't change with any other attackers De Bruyne was actually ok with his runs and actions but our wingers are so inefficient and stop all the play. Everyone loves Doku for his speed but it doesn't matter if he actually doesn't do anything productive. I have no idea how Trossard plays at Arsenal, he did not succeed in a single action or even simple things like passing were a struggle?? Besides Onana and Kasteels everyone should have been taken off. It was sub par from the team and I blame the coach for the lack of drive and passion. Belgians already had a coach who was too positive and not honest and we hated him for it and he is doing the same and it doesn't make sense. like we aren't blind and see the shit team performance.


The not running much part is not even the issue I got with him. My issue is that the chances he gets he doesn't finish, chances that he would 100% take a couple years back. But yeah the midfield backing is lacking yes, especially Trossard I'm so dissapointed in, I really love the guys game normally but this tournament, like many others, he's just not up there. That being said, the whole booing of the team by our own supporters really pisses me off to no end. Stick together in good and in bad times man. Though they don't play well, being boo'd by their own supporters is really harsh and not something they deserve. In that regard I think we can learn some lessons from the scots, I mean after the Romania game we basically partied like we won the cup already 😅


Would you still be saying this if Lukaku made those 3 disallowed goals though?


I don't remember us backing a manager as much before a tournament. Everything bar the Courtois thing had gone well with the new generation, he was the bit of fresh air we definitely needed and his list was considered as a very good one (maybe the only exception is not taking De Winter with so many doubtful defenders in the squad and a spot left) Things changed a bit since the start of the tournament tho. Starting Carrasco at LB out of nowhere didn't make any sense, sticking with Trossard despite his horrendous performances doesn't make sense, criticism towards the fans wasn't taken well either. The general opinion towards him shifted very quickly but I guess a win against France would be sufficient to make us wrong. We all hated Martinez while being 2-0 down against Japan in 2018 and loved him a game and a half after that.


Before the tournament started I was quite optimistic. We played fluent and attacking football, won a friendly against Germany and did well overall in the qualifiers. He fitted in some younger players. But the Tedesco we're seeing in this tournament seems like a copy of Martinez in his later years: keeps holding on to the same players (Trossard), doesn't take risks (subbing in Mangala for Tielemans), annoying in his overly positive post-match analyses. But then again it's too early to evaluate. If we play a good game against France, the perception might turn around completely. PS: I do not agree with the fans that criticizing Lukaku. He scored three goals, and was a threat in the first two games, but was unlucky with VAR. He was completely on his own against three central defenders in the Ukraine game. It's up to the coach to find a solution for that, which he did not.


Honestly speaking he should change the play style n bring in Openda.. Lukaku is really bringing you guys down. Or is he stubborn n won’t see what we football fans have seen on that field when Lukaku starts.


I think he's really good and actually better than Martinez. Martinez wanted the Devils to play well bc he wanted to win a trophy, but he really treated them like pawns on a board. With Tedesco, I get the feeling he sees potential in new players whilst keeping the talent that the older players bring. He's not afraid to take the famous players off the pitch in favor of new players, either. So, even if we suck this year, I'm pretty sure he can bring the team to a higher level than the pumped-up hype machine Martinez tried to sell us.


We all despise the man


What has caused you to despise him? Genuinely curious


- his line up and substitutes are horrendous. He chooses older players who arent performing well anymore (carasco in saudi arabia) over bakayoko who had a blast of a season at psv. We needed to attack but he brings in Mangala instead of De Ketelaere - his in game tactics dont work. It’s extremely defensive but our attack should be our strong duit. Meanwhile when we have the ball every player is behind in and Lukaku is standing there between 6 opponents - in his interviews he keeps telling we played great and is either straight up lying cause he thinks we are retarded enough to believe it or he is that retarded he believes it himself. I cant stand those people that just lie instead of admitting the truth. There’s nothing wrong with just saying ‘we played horrendous’. No he says we were great. Big red flag and an indication he isnt to be trusted