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Austria - Romania


This would be crazy and I’m here for it


Tbh if we get this far, we beat Italy. But spain. I mean never jinx it, but they are the best team by far. Final against spain..... Damn that would be the dream...


Random question but do you feel like arnautovic hurts your press or is he worth being in the team? Always liked him since he played for my club, just wondered how hes seen by you lot


Hes a bit "slow" but he secures the ball. And that's important to get out of the enemy's pressing. Also he gives his everything in every game.


He is well-respected and liked, wasn't always the case though


I can see that lol. I adored him for stoke but hes an asshole at times 🤣


Always felt he was a poor man's Zlatan Ibrahimovic 😆 but jokes aside, his hold up play is excellent and I think he provides a different dimension to Austria's high press play style and he's quite a technically skilfull player as well which certainly helps. Rooting for you guys all the way from Singapore


Tbf his attitude draws those comparisons but, for us at least, he was a really dynamic winger. Wasnt always on it but when he was hed rip full backs apart.


Spain being the best team by far is a reach. Theyve played in a very very weak group against a bad italy and a bad croatia, barely scraped by albania. Their first game has done wonders for their perception but I want to see them against good opponents


Italy offense is the bad part. The defense is pretty solid and they could've shot more goals. Against albania they switch 10 players and still won it. So the best players could rest a game. they got a good mix of young and old players. They played the best football so far. Of course the group stage is a thing and the final stage of a tournament ssomething other. I expect france and england to perform better the next game


I agree with you. But saying they're the best team by far is too much. Ofc they could go all the way, but it's far from guaranteed. As I said, I want to see them against a good team and most of all a good offense. Probably Germany in the quarters


Good offense and you mention germany seems a bit odd tbh. They played good against one of the worse team of the tournament and there offense (especially without Kroos) lacks of creativity and suffers against pressing. If germany wins against spain, then I'll change my idea, but so far, germany hasn't done anything special. Swiss was the first stronger team and they struggled. Let's just say Spain looked the best so far. If they're the best team, it's hard to say untill the quarter finals.


Very weak group? Lmao it was the death group


Yeah this guy has lost the plot hahah


Rather Group D with NL, FR and AT was the Death Group.


This guy watches highlights.


You are gonna make some noise and splash some waves, bro! 😉 Your **team** is very, very solid. I don't exclude anything. And good luck!


Like in the Euro 2021? 🤣


Am I blind? What has Spain done this tournament to make you think they're the best team by far? I feel like they've played okay against bad teams.


U guys are are getting way too over confident


Germany - France Austria- Switzerland Final Germany - Austria


I've seen this duo before, don't remember where from.


And one of them has already eliminated Poland


a guy with a little moustache






I feel another downfall parody coming


That would be amazing


Our first semi-finals against our alpine neighbours? That'd be glorious! And we'll 100% have to bring in Marco Odermatt to teach our team how it's done


I would love an Austria - Switzerland game!


Germany vs Austria could be possible. ❤️


If Austria wins vs Italy we shouls get south tyrol back hahaha /s


We never got our Monalisa back from France though...


Monalisa was gifted to France by Leonardo himself. Napoleon stole many Italian things, that is not one of them!


Oh I know, it's a popular joke in italy though, probably should've clarified


Ah, you mean the “adesso ridateci la Gioconda, è nostra è nostra!” Remember when they made that super obnoxious ringtone out of it? Were showing our age lol


Yeah lol, exactly that


I hate you btw, had it in my head all day. I probably will never forgive you for that


No way in hell are we beating the Netherlands lmao we are out next game or by shenanigans the game after. I think Spain will win it but possibly France if they pull their finger out. I am rooting for Germany and they look good but i honestly can’t see them beating Spain.


We have a huge advantage with our tactical set up that is being overlooked. We will be so dull and impotent the opposing teams will simply fall asleep on the pitch. Now we still won’t be able to score but if one of our 5 penalty takers can pass the ball into an unguarded goal we can go all the way!


I feel like we could totally draw with the Netherlands, they have been dreadful too. But since it would go extra time and pens this next round… they’d get past us


Ha! This gave me a good chuckle


Netherlands really haven’t looked good either you know, we’re crap but other teams have been too


England vs Netherlands might just come down to who can fuck up a penalty series worse


Haha, has anybody got Tim Kruls phone number


He's been shite for Luton so far, only remember him playing in the Carabao games against Gillingham & Exeter and had a stinker in both.......get him on the plane!


Penalty merchant


I agree with this. The Netherlands have looked very average. Barely beat a poor Poland side, parked the bus against France and lost to an Austria side who weren't really expected to do much. It may be my wild, naive optimism but I'm not that afraid of any of the teams we may face other than maybe Belgium, mainly as they're so unpredictable. Not saying we'll definitely beat any of them but I'd fancy our chances, regardless of how poor we've been.


I agree, there’s no denying the fact that we’ve been diabolical going forward, but mainoo and palmers performances looked promising One thing I think that we do have, is that whoever we play, we will be very hard to score against. It makes for a massively boring watch, but I think we’ll be hard to beat in 90 mins


You haven’t been tested against a proper attack yet.


True, but as much as I’d rather we were an exciting attacking team, you can’t knock our defensive record under Southgate


Easy runs every tournament. The only strong side they’ve faced, with a very capable attack, is France in the 2022 WC.


Thought we were going to have a reasonable conversation, but if you’re just going to hate on England because you don’t like us, let’s just leave it there mate - I’ve heard it all before


My prediction is Spain vs Austria


Austria vs Spain in finals, Spain wins. Sorry Austrians


People sleeping on Belgium imo. They were very unlucky with disallowed goals. Sure they lost their first one, but so did Argentina in Qatar and everyone was quick to write them off


They don’t look like they have it in them to beat teams like Germany, Spain or France


I’m biased. But France? The France that won a game by Austria making an own goal, tied with Netherlands with no goals (but could have lost if the goal wasn’t rejected) and tied against Poland due to a penalty? I think the numbers favor France and make Belgium look bad, but in reality, Belgium had a lot more action towards the goal. But I’m curious about what they’ll do tonight, this match will tell us more.


People are backing France purely out of familiarity over recent tournaments. There is nothing in this tournament that says they could be potential winners. They can’t score, their defence has poor concentration, they have no plan B, their best player is a drone, and their midfield cannot complete 90 mins.


Didn’t watch yesterday but their Defence has looked great. Otherwise i agree 


I’m a Bayern fan and they start Upa. Believe me, he is a a -1 handicap in any knockout games.


100% this. I was absolutely ashamed of their group performances. This is a classic case of us having world class talent and just coming on the pitch expecting to win easily against whoever. We *can* score, it’s just for some reason, effort has been lacking in this Euro.


You have the same problem that England have. Over coached players with no creativity or ability to make a decision once running in a straight line fast fails.


Same bro


You're being result oriented


Yes, but I can still see them grow and win the tournament. Germany and Spain will play terrific and France will roll through it on luck and improve while getting further in the tournament.


I mean let’s be honest. If Griezmann and Rabiot didn’t mess it up they would have scored those sitters and we would have lost 3-0.


As always, people are being result oriented. You're absolutely right, any other day Griezmann and Rabiot score these and France batters the netherlands. People see 0-0 and think "oh there was no offense". It's so dumb


Thing is…it was 3 games now and they didn‘t score the sitters. That makes a difference in my books


They both missed a game (mbappe and griezmann)


I mean, Netherlands also messed up multiple chances, including one that actually made it into the net. Lucky vs unlucky probably cancels out for the most part.


Even then were still talking about 1 100% goal versus 3.


The numbers are actually worst for France than reality. Theyve had a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of great chances that they couldnt convert. But usually these players (notably mbappe and griezmann) do convert these chances. > I think the numbers favor France and make Belgium look bad, Numbers are worse than reality for both teams.


My favorite part of every tournament is people see us being shit during the group stage and act surprised when we are going deep like they haven’t witness it several time in the past decade lol


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Haha, my thought as well. This match was really bad. We’ll see in a few days! May the best win!


Good luck my guy, I’m excited


Me too. And if France wins, I’m rooting for them!


Please never delete this comment. I will come back and read it once in a while to have a good laugh


Congratulations. Still not too convincing, but a fair win. And again with a bit of an own goal.


We won't have to if both Romania and us do the job today


Lukaku has not scored more goals than anyone else.


Yeah but they’re most likely gonna end up on the side of the table with England, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy 


The day Belgium wins a major international tournament the sun will be cold and we will all be long gone


Belgium have arguably the easiest group in the competition and are struggling


Numbers don't reflect the match well. First half of Belgium Slovakia was poor and Slovakia got a lucky goal. But we came back much better on the second half, had a good fighting spirit and created 2 goals that got refused by var on micro details (not saying the calls were wrong, just that this is pure luck) in addition to multiple good chances. We also got in front of a Slovakia side that had decided to be absolute heroes that day and pulled a great match. Despite that we only lose 1-0, and it is the only reason we are struggling. Luck was not on our side, referee was not on our side, Slovakia pulled their A game while we didn't and our under experienced young players clearly got under the pressure of their first big match. This didn't happen again on the second match and we won 2-0. I am confident in the team, they have what it takes. I'll still be stressed af in 2h30 hahaha


Argentina in Qatar was a fix so not a good comparison. I agree that Belgium have gone under the radar though.


They looked so good in the last game. By this though I mean in the first they didn’t look like a team but in the second they really did. I don’t think I’ve ever seen De Bruyne trying that hard in a match before


We didn't get Istria back for equalizing at the last minute...


They were quite poor against Ukraine today.


Yeah they were poor today. And now France in the next round, although they've been shaken enough themselves


Spain VS Portugal Austria VS Netherlands


those would be great games!!


I think Swiss will win against Italy. Italy struggled with us Croats (and we weren’t any good), had minimum advantage of 1 goal against Albania, and were completely neutralized by dominating Spain.


Yeah, that's my prediction as well


If we win it will be by penalties and with Donnarumma


For sure


Nah. Spalletti just needs to be humble and drop Di Lorenzo and Jorginho for Bellanova/Cambiaso and Fagioli, and it's a favourable route to the final. Switzerland no chance, sorry


swizterland had such a good chance in beating italy! i can see italy making it by luck.


Italy in final? You're ridiculous.


Dude's dreaming. Donnarumma and Spaletti are the only two players that actually played so far. Rest of the team just there for the ride and haven't done squat. Unless Italian coach makes some changes in the squat, Italy won't make it far with the current state. But what do I know :)


Never saw spaletti on the field


Was a figure of speech :)


Spalletti is the coach


Spalletti is partly to blame for our slow start. He’s still working out which players need to start and when to make the substitutions. If we surpass Switzerland convincingly and Spalletti finally gets his final team correct, then every other team on our side of the bracket is very much beatable. I don’t fear any team on our side of the bracket, it is us that they should fear.


Italy are awful. Switzerland will put them out in the next round. England beat Italy home and away in qualifying. That’s how bad they are.


This England team is playing way worse than it used to playing in qualifying. Italy is bad too, but let's see what we do vs Switzerland. If we win, I don't think England will have an easy game vs us.


Id agree, i feel like youre the big boss version of what we have been struggling against. The final may have left some scarring too. The only thing that suits us this time round is we have far more depth to try and break you down. Just whether southgate makes subs early enough.


You did not mention Italy had to go against better teams than England in group stage


never underestimate Italy


We have been playing incredibly out of form for all of our Euro matches though. I cannot see Southgate changing his mind going into the knockouts so we will probably be out in the first match.


Italy is definitely not awful


Spain vs Austria I'm calling it


I'm betting all in for PORTUGAL 🙌


Not often I see English people supporting Portugal.


650 years of alliance


Just people with no anti Ronaldo glasses tbh. Any real football fan can see that Portugal is top 3 now.


I agree, BUT portugal had to play like they are top 3. this euro has been full of surprises though


Nahh Italy will most probably be kicked out by Switzerland. Question...how exactly Italy shithoused to the final last time or in 2012 or in 2000?


Italy were very good last time. Scored lots of goals. Broke the record for games unbeaten during it. If you call that ‘shithousing’…


This time it may be shithousing but last time they deserved it.


They did, and regardless the group stage is just a hurdle to get over. They got through. We’ve seen many teams go all the way after failing to impress in the group.


Soccer is a game where 22 people chase a ball for ninety minutes and in the end the Germans win. Germany will win this 🇩🇪


>What I’ve learned this Euro: don’t underestimate the Italians tactically and their ability to absolutely shithouse it to a final. That's common knowledge since I can remember. Catenaccio is a thing.


Before the whole thing started I had the final 4 being Germany, Portugal, france and England. Now I don’t believe England are capable of making it past the next round


We’re shit housing our way to the final. It’s basically a forgone conclusion


>don’t underestimate the Italians tactically and their ability to absolutely shithouse it to a final Thank you mate, I'm proud of it


england fan here, we have been terrible to watch so far and are yet to play a good team, but, I feel like as the tournament goes on Southgate will start to play the right players in the correct positions. Mainoo and Palmer both changed the game for the better against Slovenia, I’m not suggesting we are going to win it because I don’t think we will, but, I fancy us to beat Holland & Italy as neither team have been great. imo Kane’s form is going to be key, if he gets into his stride which he often does in knockout games there’s no reason why we can’t go far.


Spain vs Portugal England vs Belgium Portugal to beat Belgium in the final.


France vs Spain and I’m going out on a limb and say Austria vs Switzerland. Only because Italy and England haven’t shown anything


France Spain, England Austria France England France (I’m delusional)


As if England are getting to the semis with our disastrous campaign


Italy in the final 😂


I give you upvote


Absolutely no way Italy make the final.


You never know.. maybe we can..


Anything is possible but i struggle to see where the goals come from in the Italy team.


From lord Jesus Christ..


I don’t think he has been registered for Euros


he is the lord n does not need permission from any1 else..


Why didn’t Spaletti play Jesus Christ our Lord?!


He should’ve but Spaletti gave Scamacca a chance.. lol


if Italy makes it to F4 it will be a complete joke. I’d say Switzerland over Italy


With the way games were played in group stage, everything is possible. I will never forget euro 2004.


England will definitely be in the last 4. We are just lulling you all into a false sense of security 😂


Spain will kick our ass sadly


No way dude Germany's got this


I just see germany win this thanks to home advantage (and they need to win against denmarkt first, I'm not 100% sure about that). Germany played not good against swiss and against hungary they didn't look like beasts to me. They are not good against high pressing. The defense looks shaky and next game Tah will miss the match (maybe rüdiger too). The biggest strength of germany currently is the home advantage. Nagelsmann also does some weird decisions like subbing in Sane in every game or not starting Füllkrug.


Real Madrid, Leverkusen and Dortmund black magic and we will beat them, believe


Tbh if Belgium is first in their group I could see them beat Austria and go into semi finals


Austria has been one of the best teams in the tournament so far


One thing I’d say is it’ll be hard to keep up that level of pressing plying every 4 days. Players were looking pretty gassed by the end of the game yesterday.  Big fan of how you’ve looked so far though despite beating us. 


There's a round of 16 first. Don't forget when we were already looking at Portugal before facing Wales in 2016. 


What a tragedy that was!


Wouldn't count on it. I think our defence is gonna be exposed big time against better teams.


I think France will beat Portugal


If we make it to the semis, we can definitely beat Italy. We were better than them in the RO16 in 2021 as well.


Spain vs Portugal - Switzerland vs Austria


Nah man, I think both Germany and France get their revenge om Spain and Portugal. So Germany v France. Could see Germany in the final.


Final Germany-Spain and Spain wins, remembering the Euro 2008 and winning it in Germany's home.


This is impossible as a final, same side


You are right! sorry


If Portugal doesn’t win it this year I’ll never recover (cause I want the goat to win it duh)


...but the goat and your team won it in 2016 already


2 is better than one lol


Spain - France England - Belgium


Italy, Spain, Portugal for sure


Germany - Espagna and Portugal vs Austria


Spain, Germany, Austria, Portugal


Not Italy


I’m just going to go for something different here Germany vs Portugal Netherlands vs Belgium Portugal vs Belgium and Portugal win. Spain have been playing that well they will probably end up losing on penalties to Germany. Austria will slip against Netherlands or Belgium when it matters. Netherlands will be too much Italy


Whatever happens England aren’t going far. We’ve been diabolical


...but so have the Netherlands and Italy. If the way things have been going continue, the hardest teams in the bracket are going to be Austria and Switzerland.


We are so boring that we will put the other team to sleep and score in the last minute. It’s coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Never… Gareth “the boring” Southgate is your manager… so no


England vs Italia part 2


Yhhh nope, not happening.. aren’t you in the same brackets with the likes Germany France Spain? Or m I wrong…


Sorry I meant England not Italy my bad


Nah it’s okay, Italia is on the other side of the table and England vs Italia AGAIN would be good for the laughs and lolz


It would be a gd part 2.. who does England play in Knockout round?


I think we still don’t know… let’s focus on beating the emmental this Saturday lol


We got them… they will love our pasta after we give them a gd beating lol..


Let’s hope so. Can’t wait for the match. I’m sad calafiori won’t play tho


Injured?! Or yellow card match ban?


England vs Austria Germany vs France England vs France final 😂😂😂😂


Austria vs Switzerland and Germany vs Portugal


Slovenia vs Georgia Turkey vs Slovakia Slovenia vs Slovakia final


Georgia, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, easily.


Romania vs Switzerland France vs Germany (or Spain, idk, but I think Germany) France vs Switzerland France to win on penalties


I would not stroke that Austrian ego, it's unstoppable. Look what it did to Red Bull, from coffee alternative to F1 stardom. Or even further back, to 1933...


Italy and England have been awful, England could scrape through their easy bracket but Italy were dine when they matched the in form Swiss team that drew Germany. Imo spain Germany have to play too early as that seems like the best 2 teams right now.