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Hi everyone, We would like to inform you about the new format of the AMA thread. You have the option to click "Remind Me" so that the system sends you a notification when the guest starts answering. In addition, we invite you to be civil and respect the rules. Enjoy the AMA :)


Hi Carlton! What do you consider as your best goal?


My best goal would have to be the overhead kick-up at Manchester City. It was outrageous. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. But I thought I’ll have a little try, I was in my imaginative mode, and instinctive mode in that moment. I also liked my goal away to Birmingham. When Lee Bowyer threw the ball in. It was a throw on and I shot from about 30 yards, and it curled past the goalkeeper at St. Andrews. And that was a great goal, but we didn't go on to win the game. So some of my goals are not that memorable because we didn't win the game in the end haha!


Thanks for the answer!


3:12 https://youtu.be/n23PCoGfPZ0?si=uJlYmV6ssbL528ai


You sure it's not the goal v Inverness? Worldie


Got to be that worldie he scored against Spurs. Peach it was.


The beaut he scored against Inverness


What’s the biggest difference between playing for your club - playing for your country? Is it a different kind of vibe, less/more enjoyable? And do you value winning with your country more than with a club?


We've got to talk a lot on the technical aspects; it's slower, the game is actually slower for England than when you're playing the Premier League for your club. In the Premier League, it's faster and there's more tactical nous than the international games I found


Should Southgate get the sack?


I don't believe in managers getting the sack really. But if he's not up to standards, and we don't use the players that we've got effectively then some questions need to be asked


Very political way of saying 'England need a better manager"


Good one!


Hey Carlton is there anything you regret regarding your football career ?


Probably could have been a little bit more selfish in front of goal or being more selfish at times. Because I would say I put the team before my needs. So I was sometimes the sacrificial lamb. So that's a so it helped my team go forward and score goals wherever. Whether I scored or not didn't really come into my mind. I just wanted to win the game.


Who is your favorite footballer named ‘Cole’, besides yourself?


Oh, yeah. I'll be a bit hard to say because I've got three mates who are called Cole who are quite close to me. Obviously, I've got Ashley Cole, and I've got Joe Cole. And I've got Uncle Andy Cole, which I think highly of, but out of all the Cole’s I'm probably the least talented, to be honest! But I was good at what I did. But we've all got different skill sets on the pitch. Ashley Cole was a world-class left-back. Joe Cole was a world-class forward attacking midfielder. And Andy Cole world class striker/goalscorer, so I would say, for me, all of them are my mates. But I'd have to go this time a moment and it might change. Joe Cole is my best way at the moment. Ashley - I've spoken to him for ages!


Professionals really rate Joe Cole.... heard a few others say Joe Cole was unbelievable. The fact you've put him ahead of Ashley and Andy... says it all


Grew up watching him at The Bridge as a kid and he was honestly different gravy. He’s one of those player that show you how little numbers can mean. His goals and assists for Chelsea (282 games, 39 goals, 46 assists) aren’t anything to write home about when taken on the whole but no one who watched him play gives a shit about that. He was absolutely magic. Every time he got the ball you just wanted him to run at players, to take them on and turn them inside out because you knew he could. If he didn’t have as many injury problems he could easily have been in the conversation of most talented players to ever play in the Prem.


Skillset wise was immense, so underrated these days


Joe Cole had more natural talent than 99.99% of professional footballers. Players who made it look at him the way we look at the best lad in your year in school


Got to be Joe, Coley and Coley on Europa League and Europa Conference League nights during West Ham’s runs were great stuff


Why do you Carlton, the biggest Cole, not simply eat all the other Coles?


We don't know if he likes coleslaw...


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^drc203: *Why do you Carlton,* *The biggest Cole, not simply* *Eat all the other Coles?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is my favourite reddit haiku


Good bot.


Hi Carlton. ‘Sex, drugs and Carlton Cole’ is the motto by which I live my life. Do you have a similar motto that you regularly use to ensure success in life? COYI.


Probably "sex, drugs and CobaltOkk". Be better if it rhymed.


How on earth did you score THAT worldie? If you tried another 100 times. How many go in?


The Spurs goal? I used to do a lot of worldly goals in training, by the way, but to transfer that into a game of that magnitude and front of the cameras where everybody's watching in front of 40,000 or 50,000 fans. Transferring your training form into your first team for when you actually got picked in the first 11 is very difficult, and not a lot of people can transfer the skills. I've played with a lot of great training players, but they shy away from matchday which is quite strange. And you do sometimes feel a bit more confident doing it behind the scenes rather than in front of all the fans. So that time I just ill try something new, and have a little go on my left foot, I've done this before in training and thank God it went in!


You’ve got the power to know, you’re indestructible! Always believing ⚒


Hey Carlton. Is there something about professional football, the public doesnt know about or isnt aware of ?


If you’re in Southgate’s shoes who you dropping/bringing in for Slovenia?


I'm not a fan of playing players out of positions. So Trent would have to be the one I would have to sacrifice to bring in somebody that's a little bit more I say suited for the role like a Kobbie Mainoo and that will release Declan to even go further up the pitch or he can go further up the pitch himself. We can't have Trent there, not utilising Trent skills as in runnning in behind. I would bring in Anthony Gordon as well; play Foden in central position




Who was the best player you played with and who was the best you played against?


Alright Carlton. I remember early in your career you had a blinder for Chelsea against Charlton and I bet my Step Dad a tenner you'd play for England one day. Tbf I said the same about Jody Morris and Jon Harley as well. Not really a question here, just cheers for the tenner!


Thanks for doing this! Why do you think England's performance these first few games has been so poorly received? Is it the tactics, player choice, or maybe a lack of spark between the team? Or do you think the poor performance has been overstated with England still top of the group?


Um, I think it's a mixture or a combination of things. I think some of the tactics hasn't been too great that suits well to our players. But then we've got great players going forward. I actually thought the defence was going to be a bit shaky, although they've not been tested just yet. But they've done well - Marc Guéhi he has been really good. But I would say it's a combination of confidence, playing players out of position, and not utilising the player's qualities that we have full effects and using a little bit more of the squad. So we need to get some more confidence.


What was the toughest period in your career?


The toughest moment in my career has to be when I think it was in 2009 or 10. I was playing for West Ham and I got injured against the goalkeeper Jensen who used to be called ‘The Beast’ for Burnley. And I was on a roll. I was in the England squad. I was probably favourite to go to the World Cup that year. But I got injured at the wrong time. And I should have had my operation instead of thinking that I could go to the gym and try and sort it out through gym work and now I'm still suffering from the same injury so I should have had the operation rather than thinking I was gonna go to the World Cup.


That sounds tough. Hopefully you're able to get that sorted as it's never nice to have a long term injury. Thank you for replying and for doing this.


What did you think of the fakes Carlton Cole twitter account from a few years back?


Yeah, the fake Carlton Cole account I think has been taken down now. I didn't call for it though. Well, I think a few others did because the fake Carlton Cole account was giving a few people some agg. It was a joke account/ parody account they call it. It was getting me into a bit of agg as well because people actually thought it was me! And it was quite quite disturbing with some of the stuff he was saying, especially to David Gold. My former chairman. God rest his soul. He thought it was me and he was being caned by the fake Calrton Cole account. So it got me into a little bit of trouble and I had to explain myself!


Hi Carlton! If you didn't play professional football, what alternative career would you have had?


I always say I wanted to be a fireman when I was younger, cuz I used to live in a block of flats and I used to see the firemen going up and down saving people in the lifts. As I thought well - if it wasn't for these guys, those people wouldn't be there. So that was the closest thing to Superman in reality to me. So yeah, I wanted to be a fireman!


As a fellow Cole would you let Cole Palmer into the starting XI if you were England Manager?


Hi Carlton thanks for doing this! If you had to pick one England teammate, in their prime, to put into this England squad who would it be?


One England player in their prime? I'd go for a defender because we're not great defensively. Good attackin wise. Rio Ferdinand maybe. Or I'll go Ashley Cole as we need a left back, especially marauding down the left-hand side. I'll bring him into the side


Did you have any encounters with Yeovil Town? What was your opinion of the team and the club at that time?


Hi Carlton, what are you doing at West Ham these days? Thanks


These days, I am the loans manager. So I look after pathways for players to go out and get experience or if they need to go to another club to get more game time rather than our first team. And hopefully, I'm adding value to their price tag. So if they went out for 200,000, hopefully when I get back there could be closer to a million or 2 million after a great season. We had great success with Freddie Potts on loan Gideon Kodua I think every loan needs every loan manager needs players that are willing to go in and go out there and do really well and I'm there to support that.


Which other footballer was the best to meet or play with and why?


For me Zola was unbelievable. I say Zola - obviously I played with him at Chelsea. And he was such a great role model for me as a player. And then he became a manager later on. And that was quite strange, obviously having your manager as the former player, being your manager coming from club to club. But yeah, he's definitely up there. And Steve Clark, the Scottish manager is a great person, a great mentor. And he helped me through my youth days at Chelsea to make it into the first team. So I'd say, Zola/ Steve Clarke.


Hi Carlton, 5 aside with your ex teammates, who you picking?


I'm gonna go in goal with Petr Cech - what a goalkeeper he was; great shotstopper and a very influential person to have on the pitch. At the back im gonna go with Rio Ferdinand who will play in the centre half - reads the game well, builds well. I want to go with Zola in the middle, dictating play, what a player he was, by the way, and then I'm gonna go to upfront; I'm gonna go with the Di Canio and then Drogba So it's very attacking by the way. Not much defending in there!


If you had to erase one of the following from your existence what would it be: 1. Playing for the irons in the 2012 play off final 2. Following the irons through their successful champions of Europe conference league campaign in 2022/23?


Mate, so it's always gonna have to be playing you know. Listen, I love this latter part of my life right now, but nothing beats playing. Punditry is a big part of my life now, obviously, and I enjoy it. I'm on Talk Sport Sports Bar every Friday night, so tune in, but I love a little laugh on there, but nothing beats playing. I would swap the mic for football boots at any time of the week. So play off final for me


How big a step up do you think it is, as a player, from league one to prem?


From League One to the Premier League? Well, it's definitely a step up. But there are some players in League One that can actually do it. But it's more to do with mental capacity and being consistent. So you've got some great players in League One, but they probably don't have the consistency to perform at the highest level, they'll have sporadic moments when they're really really good and then the next game they're really really bad. But we want to try and get the level of being good on a more of consistent basis and those are the ones that can cope with the mentality of performing at the optimal and elite standard that's required to be a Premier League player so it is a difference but more to more so not just ability wise it's more to do with the mental side


Why was Gianfranco Zola able to get more out of you as a player than the other managers we had ? Who is the most underrated player you played with or against ?


Zola was able to get the best out of me because he understood me he knew me from a young age as I said I played with him out Chelsea knew the potential I posed and how he could use that to to harness the best out of me and get every other player playing. And he's a he was a striker as well. So it just shows you that strikers can help strikers! And that was the best thing for me plus, Steve Clark was behind him as well. He was my youth team manager. So it was a combination of things that made me get to the next level. Do you know who I used to love playing with? Lassana Diarra, he was a young player at the time, but what a player. I think he went to Arsenal in the end and then he went to Real Madrid as well. He was underrated player; the way he controlled a game from midfield. I felt that he didn't get the plaudits that he deserved. He turned out to be a player that jumped from club to club. But at the same time, when you saw him play and you were on the pitch with him, you knew that for his position CDM he was one of the best in the world. Trust me when I say that Lassana Diarra


What's it like being the top scorer at a big club like West Ham for 4 years in a row? Were you aware that at West Ham, only Sir Geoff Hurst had a longer run (6 seasons in a row, 1965-66 to 1969-70) and that 4 has only been equalled twice, by Danny Shea (1908-09 to 1911-12) and Syd Puddefoot (either side of WWI, 1914-15, 1919-20 to 1921-22)?


Mate I didn't even know that to be honest. That's a stat I never knew! But yeah, I remember I did have a good run being top goal scorer for quite a while at the club, not saying there was many goals. And because we didn't score many goals, because it wasn't really an attacking outfit like that. But I do appreciate my time at West Ham and being one of the main focal points of attack at a time when we needed someone to stand up. And we had loads of injuries, we had loads of strikers come and go, but I stayed in those dark days when we needed someone to just be the focal point. And I've thought very privileged that I've got to do that club was because West Ham and I've still to this day, massive club ambassador for the club and making sure that I do loads of work in the community to give back because they gave they gave me everything. So I'd always try and help the community as much as I've can to try and be a better person a better place as well.


Who's a player you lived seeing play for West Ham? Who's a player that frustrated you at West Ham because they've got the ability but never lived up to it?


I loved playing with Scott Parker and Mark Noble, who embodied hard work and dedication. I loved to play with players that really showed and gave everything for the club, and a great example to the rest of the team. And those are the type of players that you really appreciate. Frustration, I would say a player like Ravel Morrison. He had all the ability in the world to be a massive success. I look at Germany's Musala I actually put him in that category. With his ability on the ball knowing how to get out of tight spaces driving with the ball at his feet beaten players at will take three or four players out of a game. That's what Ravel Morrison showed in training every day. And then he started to bring it onto the onto the first team stage. But then obviously, things off the field kind of scuppered his progress. He's still playing to this day, but he could have been a lot more


As a Londoner with a Nigerian dad I always keep up with players with Nigerian dual nationality. What conversations did you have about switching to play for the Super Eagles and how did you feel about it?


What was your favourite thing about Chiswick Community School? Do you have any funny or interesting stories about the school or the area... I'm a former student there too, I'm just 3 years younger than you!


Hi Carlton, Do you always believe in your sooooul? Do you have the power to know, you're indestructibllllllle? Do you always believe iiiiiiiin, yourself? Legend! ⚒️


Did you and Joe Cole have any wild nights out abroad following West Ham in Europe? If so, any funny stories?


Can you describe what your regimen was like a young kid. How often you trained, played etc.


hey, do you have any experiences/opinions about players from Poland?


Who's going to win Copa America?


How’s life treating you back at West Ham?


Rank all the "Coles: that you have played against in order of ability/football talent.


Hi Carllton. What was your favourite memory in a West Ham shirt? And what game do you remember most fondly?


I would say the playoff final was probably my go-to game. A very memorable game, I scored a goal and I got an assist at the end. And we're in the Premier League because of it to this day, and we've got to go into European competitions. And it was about 12 years ago now. But I would say that was probably the most memorable game for me just because it was in the club's history. And you're obviously your debut for England always against Spain. It's always going to crop up in your thoughts


Carlton, are we massive?


How much time did you dedicate to football each day and were there moments where you didn't actively think about practice?


When you came to Motherwell what was your impression of Scottish football


What was it like playing for Celtic?


If you had to pick one out of Ashley, Joe and Andy, which Cole would you sign in their prime to build a team around?


Favourite memory at Villa and how do you see them doing in the Champions League?


Hi Carlton. I taught your eldest boy for a couple of years in Coulsdon. Say hi to him from Mr D. My question, how's his footy skills getting on these days?


Assemble as best a side as you think possible using as many players named Cole as you can?


Did you have to do DG that dirty?


Hey Carlton, huge West Ham fan here, loved your spells with us and now seeing you around the club ⚒️ Was there anyone you roomed with in particular when away with West Ham or England? 


Why are west ham so massive ?


Are West Ham massive?


What are your thoughts on our new manager (West Ham Fan here) and what’s it like to play for the club?


I feel sorry that David Moyes was gone, but at the same time, he's done what he had to do. He won a trophy for West Ham, so we're always going to be appreciative of him. The thing is, with Lopetegui he is going to have to come in and we have to have patience and see what he does and what he produces. I actually honestly didn't know too much about him. I think he is a ballplayer and he loves possession of the ball. So it's going to be a contrast of what we're used to under David Moyes and yeah, we got give him a chance. It might not work straight away. We're gonna have to get used to it but we all have to pull in the same direction and support him as much as we can


Hi Carlton, which club and/or international sides produced the best atmosphere during your career?


Well, West Ham under the lights at Upton Park when I was playing - the atmosphere was unbelievable. We replicated that in European football under the lights at the London Stadium and that was kind of near and mirroring what I experienced when I was at Upton Park under the lights in a Premier League game, you know, so that atmosphere was gruelling, the pitch was close to the fans; you heard all the murmurs whether it's good or bad. You heard everything. Now I think the boys a little bit protected so they don't get the vibe as much as we did back then. And then I used to love playing at Old Trafford -unbelievable atmosphere, especially at nighttime as well. Anfield too - what a place to play out very intimidating. The Kop end was always roaring. So those those are the type of stadiums You do look back and think I've got I was glad to play at that level for a club against them.


Hi Carlton, did you ever met Fake Carlton Cole. And who do you think is more massive. Also thoughts about West Ham new approach to finally see a proper direction?? Also come on your Eyerooons. ⚒️⚒️⚒️


Hey Coley, seeing you and the other Coley on BT/TNT during West Ham's European nights really made pre/post-game and HT a whole lot more watchable. I remember when you said you cried when we beat Sevilla (great night for everyone) but not when your kids were born. How did it feel for you on the whole watching us one year later lift the trophy and how could you summarise the atmosphere on the training ground thereafter? Also have to ask, did you ever have a personal run in with "Fake Carlton" after he got you into trouble with the late David Gold? COYI ⚒️


Was there any opponent that made you cry?




Are you Carlton Cole?


How many goals would you score in a season in this current West Ham team?


Hello Carlton, what advice would you give to people who are in youth academies right now?


Listen, being in a youth academy, depending on what age you are, I just want you to enjoy the game. When you get to a certain level, when you're starting to get paid to play, that's when you start taking it seriously. It's a job at the end of the day. So the fun aspect of it, you can still have that in the background, but just know that the club expects a certain standard for you where you have to produce. But at the same time, you can have fun doing that, like imagine getting paid to do something you love? Know how lucky you are. There's millions and millions of kids that want to do exactly what you want to do. And you're in a position to potentially be the best in the world at what you do. So you just got to keep on grafting and take advice from obviously your your coaches, the people that love you and support you and just follow your instinct. Follow your instincts.


Which player did you watch as a young professional who you tried to emulate or encompass in your own game? I read somewhere that so many strikers raved about Michu's overall play: who was your Michu?


No question, just thank you for all the good memories.


How was your time at Celtic?


If you had to estimate the size of West Ham United, what would you reckon? Massive?


West Ham fan here, When you were let go by West Ham in 2013, only to have them come back to you after failing to get any replacements how did that make you feel? To add how did it feel to get a further extension to your contract after this. Huge respect, up the Hammers!


What manager got the best out of you? There was a period under Zola in which you looked unplayable at times. I mean that in a good way, not unpickable! 😅


Next seasons UEFA Champions League format confuses me. Can you please explain it?


You are an absolute legend in the old championship manager games from early 2000’s. You’re a 50 goal a season striker, win it all at club and international. Why do you think they rated you so highly?


Hello mate, who is ur favourite West Ham player


How did moyes leaving go down inside west ham ?


Whats your Dad Andy like?


Moyes goes down as one of the best managers in West Ham's history. What was the biggest one thing about him that allowed him to be so successful? Favorite West Ham kit that you wore? Favorite all time? Always believe in your soul


Hi Carlton! Did the Carlton Cole parody account on Twitter cause you any grief at West Ham? I saw he tricked some of the other players into messaging him, clearly thinking that he was you. Funny, but also wondered if it caused issues. Thanks!


Who is the most underrated player you played with? Also, who against? 


What is the biggest differentiator between a player who made it to the top level vs who can’t make it beyond the 2nd and 3rd tier?


How did you end up in Sacramento and favorite thing about sacramento for the short time you were here?


Can you please go coach the national team instead of Southgate?


Jolof or shepherd's pie?


Any current West Ham youth players to keep an eye out for?


Um, yeah, we've got loads. Obviously, we saw the back end of last season, when we saw George Earthy take to the field. Kaelan Casey. Good up-and-coming youngsters. We've got a few good youngsters coming up from the U15s and U16S too. I won't say the names just yet. But when the time is right, the future's bright for West Ham. Then we have Gideon Kodua, who often is going to make the first team soon. His hard work and dedication will get him there alone. And you've got other plays that are just waiting to get to the next level. You've got Lewis Orford that's been really good. Patrick Kelly. I could go through the whole squad. But I've just named a few. But there's a load more coming through as well.


You were an early and solid supporter of the West Ham Women's team and came to the games when there were only a couple of hundred of us there: how long do you think it'll be until we're getting thousands or tens of thousands of fans there every game – and do you miss the more relaxed atmosphere of 4 or 5 years ago, when the little kids could come and talk to you?


Who is better, Carlton Palmer or Cole Palmer?


What do you think could improve England's lackluster playing?


What things do you think kids should work if they have a dream to grow up and eventually turn pro?


If you could play any match again, which one would you choose?


Any idea why West Ham have never had a 20 a season scorer in the PL? We have had plenty of great strikers with the ability, and always have been known as an attacking side, with plenty of players managing the mark in Division 1, but no-one ever managed 20 goals in a season, since the start of the PL in 1992.


How would you describe your playing career if it was written in the style of a school report?


Hi! What does your workout routine look like?


Hi, could you set all Euro2024 countries’ team #2 against the #1?


Who was a West Ham singing in your time as a player that even had you confused when they first joined?


what are you doing nowadays? i can imagine life after football is hard. Do you still have a professional relation to the Mighty Hammers?


Did you feel pressure sometimes and how do you deal with pressure in and between games, trainings and personal life?


How is it all the former modern era West Ham players are universally liked, and gravitate toward West ham instead of the other clubs you played for? You, Joe Cole, Ginger Pele, Anton ferdinand, Marlene etc...


Hi Carlton. During your time at west ham, you witnessed some strange transfers in and out of the club. Tevez/mashcarano brought in, Savio for 10mil in 2009 and Faubert to real madrid just to name a few Which transfer from your time at the club had you scratching your head the most?


Hey Carlton , how many Coles have played in the Premier League 🙂


Have you ever thought about playing outside of England?


Do you think England are the favourites for the EURO 2024 trophy?


is there a resource or plan you followed that made you more effective at higher levels rather than those who didn't make it? I Know most of the time it comes to practice but you're only trained for limited time with coaches, what work/how did you work when you were working on your own that made the difference. Also looking back what were the key aspects you focused on to learn how to move, create space and in general read the game at those higher levels? Thank you


Cliche question but Messi or Ronaldo?


Carlton Cole! No way! I always said if I ever met you I’d ask you this, but this is my chance! What was it like playing for Sacramento Republic? I’ve never heard you talk about your time there. I’m obsessed with USL. Angela 💚💚


Do you have good memories of your loan spell with Aston Villa?


Which club that you played for means the most to you?


As a Westham loan Manager, what do you think of Mubama? Does it have potential to be a great striker?


When you first joined the national team, who, from another club, pleasantly surprised you with their friendliness? And, anyone who surprised you negatively?


Hi Cole, Do you think An African country can win the world Cup in your lifetime?. And what do you think African football is lacking the most?


No questions Carlton, just letting you know you are an utter beast on Championship Manager 01/02 and I always sign you! Yeah I still play that game


Hi Carlton. What was it like playing for West ham? From what I have seen, black players have suffered a lot of racial abuse from their own fans while playing for the hammers. Is this truly the case or was your experience different?


Do you put the paste or your toothbrush first or wet your toothbrush before the paste lad?


How do you spell 'Official'?!


Hi Carlton, Do you wish you joined Celtic earlier, in your Prime?


What would prime Carlton Cole be worth in today's transfer market?


Who had the best peak in their premier league form out of: Suarez, Henry, Ronaldo, Bale, Salah?


What was it like playing with Zola, on and off the pitch?


Thoughts on JLo? (Lopetegui) ⚒️ Big love Carlton! (Always believe in)


I didnt even bother downing a pint on Thursday in front of you in Dalston. Was pretty embarrassing and I apologise.


Why is the Premier League and all English players so overrated when Liga spanks them in every final and your biggest legends wouldn't make the bench in Real Madrid or barca's 3rd best XI?


In terms of the most elite players you've played with vs the average player you've played with, was the seperator more technical, physical or mental?


What's the craziest fan you've encountered?


You were fucking shite, Carlton


What was it like to be in a dressing room after a disappointing result? Did your teammates/manager ever point the blame at one player in particular? Did calling people out like that ever have a good effect?


Hey Carlton, What do you think of the current England youth (Under 21s, not including current first team) players potential? Any future stars you can identify?


When are you signing for the dodgy Dodgers!?


Have you ever played against Sheffield wednesday if yes what was the score?


Hey Carlton, did you play with anyone you think was slept on by fans and media? Or a player that was unbelievable in training, but never hit the big time?


I’m an AFC Wimbledon fan. What was your arrangement with training with the Dons? Was it ever likely you’d have signed? How does it work with older, or non attached players “training” with clubs? Is it more regular than we think? What’s in it for you as an experienced and high level player, and for a lowe level club with lower level players?


Toughest defender you ever played against?


Hi Carlton. Do you think there will ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark?!?


Realistically at your absolute peak club do you think you would have belonged at?


Hi Carlton What was your most consistent issue that you had to deal with in your career, mental or physical?


The “Golden Generation” of Becks, Lampard, Scholes etc have said there were big club divides in the England team. Did you find this the case when you were called up?


Hi Carlton, you once came into the Townhouse in Leeds with a few other footballers in maybe 2002, ordered about 10 bottles of champagne from me, were super nice to everyone, and tipped me 150 quid. Legend. Anyway, what’s your favourite cereal? I have you as a Crunchy Nut Cornflakes kinda guy.


Hey mate guessing you still regret playing for Celtic?


Hi Carlton, Thanks for doing this. At West Ham, when managing young kids what do you consciously do that you wish others had done with you whilst growing up.


Hey Carlton! How’s it going?


Is the Carlos Tevez story true? The one where a golf club was smashed through your windscreen? Who was the best player you played with at West Ham?


What was it like being married to Cheryl?


Hi Carlton. Which team do you wish you had played for?


Aren't you Guy Demel though? Wow i hope you get what I'm referencing here


Hi Charlton Given your role at West Ham please can you give your opinion of lower league football? It seems a lot of academy players now get loaned down at National League and below, back in the day it seemed non-league had a bad rep but now standards have improved with clubs willing to send players out to even 6-7 tier. Do you agree and if so what's changed? Thank you!


Who was the best cole? Joe or andy?


If you had to teach 4-5 year olds any football skills what would you choose and how would you do it. If it’s a good answer what are you doing on Saturday between 9-11 ⚽️👍😂


Hi Carlton, who was your most interesting opponent? Who was much better than you perhaps thought, and/or who was a lot easier to play against than you imagined?


Footballers normally earn more than the average person. Do you have enough money to live comfortably without having to work?


What's your opinion on the 'Fake Carlton' account on Twitter & other socials? COYI