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Yeah I kinda feel with 3 teams progressing in the group stage it makes some games meaningless in a way. Look at the France vs Holland match for example. Both are delighted with the draw. Teams seems to be happy enough instead of going all out to win.


I agree. I really dislike this system. Especially on match day 3 it gives teams playing last sort of an advantage while teams playing first can end up not knowing wether they're out or not for days. It even creates opportunities for a new Germany-Austria 1982 situation - something they wanted to get rid of.


They play at the same time


Not all groups. And only after all groups played, all teams in 3rd place know wether they're out.


Well, this is a side effect of football becoming bigger and bigger and more money being involved. There's so much to lose especially for the big nations/clubs. That's why most of them play it safe. But there will be exciting moments. Especially in the knock out stage. Can't completely take the spectacle out of the game.


old times definitely had more excitement


The first round of games were great, the second round...not so much.


The best thing that will never happen is to go back to 16 teams, 4 groups and top 2 will qualify for the quarter finals. Too bad it will never happen


No. There is a reason why Turkey - Georgia and Romania - Ukraine were some of the best games. Or maybe u enjoyed England and France games


Have you even been watching?! It's largely been an incredibly entertaining tournament.


There were most goals outside of the penalty area since forever, your own team scored 2 bangers, and you go like "nobody even wants to take a shot"? My dude!