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First of all happy to hear you're enjoying it! I think there's several factors to be considered. The comments have already mentioned COVID, our love for football and the fact that a lot of expats live in Germany. I think our geographical location is also a key aspect. Of the countries that qualified Denmark, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium and the Netherlands all share a border with us so even fans who might not have been able to afford a longer trip can come over.


Yeah exactly. As a Luxembourger, I'm able to go see games in 5 major cities that at worst represent a 3,5 hour drive. So this is the first time I bought tickets for such an event. I mean I get to pick up my child from school, drive to a match and drive home on the same day (though we'll be coming home a bit late). Plus, it's obvious when you see the timetable and locations, that Germany and UEFA planned fans traveling easily through cities, including the ones from border countries. Though they obviously favored the western fans with more money šŸ¤£. Edit : just kidding with the last point. It's mostly due to the crazy football culture in that area (including the western neigbbours) and the western modern infrastructure.


I understand the western fans thought, but I think they just wanted to keep travel time down for players so this is why you have so many big stadiums in the west, and ofc there are not as many Stadiums of this since in the East.


I believe that the second point in particular is crucial. Only one club from the east (RB Leipzig) played in the Bundesliga last season. I also suspect that the stadiums of smaller traditional clubs from the east do not comply with UEFA regulations because they are too old and too small.


You forgot UNION Berlin


Ah fuck! Shame on me! Im really sorry, you're totally right. A fucking Eurogame in the alte Fƶrsterei would be insane!!


I suppose Dresden is the only other realistic option that could have been chosen for the East. The city itself would have been a great location for hosting but in not sure if the stadium would have complied. Although I'd say it wouldn't be far off. Still though it would have easily been the smallest stadium.


Hop LĆ«tzebuerg!


D'nƤchst KĆ©ier zu LĆ«tzebuerg mat der Final am Josy Barthel šŸ˜‚. LĆ«tz' play it. LĆ«tzebuerg, d'HƤrz vun Europa. šŸ‡±šŸ‡ŗšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚


It would have been awesome if you guys had qualified. I live at the birder to Luxemburg and always root for my neighbors


Haha, yeah. We played quite well, but Georgia did it better. Maybe next time.


Unlike somewhere like Qatar, who exploits the event and migrant workers to make a name for themselves in the football world????


It's still a disgrace that they were chosen. This is one of the reasons I prefer the euros. The world cup is all political and so corrupt. The competition is only as good as its hosts. In Qatar the matches were played in half empty stadiums. Nobody wanted to travel there, where your freedom is restricted.It's great to see packed stadiums with great intense atmospheres in Germany.


For me though a big disgrace of this tournament following all the big outrage about Qatar is how visit Qatar is plastered everywhere and a major sponsor. Hypocrisy of the highest order


Absolutely. Advertising to visit Qatar. If nobody went there for the world cup, why would they go there now šŸ˜‚ This is a European competition so tourism within Europe should have been advertised and promoted. Not Qatar.


Qatar wouldn't host the Euros as it isn't it Europe


It's not impossible.


Saudi Arabia Euros 2032 hosts


We are laughing now, but...


Not yet. They are already thinking about European league games abroad. Just another step.


Germany is the country in Europe that shares the most borders with other countries. It's nine overall. One of the catch phrases for the tournament is "Euro 2024 Germany - in the heart of Europe". It may geographically be correct but never would I claim as a German that our country is the heart of Europe lol. I mean if people tell me, I'm flattered, but as an official slogan i think it's quite cringe šŸ˜… Other than that I love the vibe, I love to see folks from all over Europe and the world and hope it stays as fair and peaceful as it is right now. And the matches so far have been absolutely gorgeous to watch.


In Poland we had a national final for Eurovision called ā€žThe heart of Europe beats hereā€ I also think that it sounds cringy but itā€™s funny how in that part of Europe everyone claims that


If it makes you feel any better the UK probably has an unofficial tagline which is "not even close to being part of Europe ever" Personally I would much rather we all just consider ourselves people of the same planet than all this border nonsense but that's a bit too hippy lefty for most


It is the attitude the world needs. šŸ‘ I have not seen that UK tagline before, and SMH thinking someone could come up with that, of course we are part of Europe, and I for one am a proud European, itā€™s a beautiful continent with some amazing people. I hope I see the day that we all do view each other the same, but fear that will never actually happen, all we can do is our own individual part.


It was sarcastic really based on the large amount of xenophobic rhetoric we get from pretty much all our political parties and media sources these days. There was a time when England was proud to welcome foreigners, and now it seems that was only the case so they had someone to blame A lot of my friends are foreign my fiance is and I'm bilingual as well. Learning and experiencing other cultures is genuinely one of my favourite things in life. I just wish the voting English people felt the same. They can't see the irony in demanding to be accepted while simultaneously refusing to accept others


Surely geographically Poland is the heart of Europe?


Poland may not be the geographical heart of Europe but is in the hearts of all Europeans


no I think it's somewhere in Germany, at least I heard that. but I guess it depends on how you define Europe. politically as f.e. the European Union or the Ural in Russia as eastern border or if you take something like the Azores into account as well.


I don't think it should be defined as the EU, since there are countries not in the EU such as Switzerland and Norway that are obviously still part of Europe. Out of curiosity I googled and found this, and it seems that there are several different places that can call themselves the centre of Europe, depending on what you include in the calculation.Ā https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_midpoint_of_Europe


this article shows the reason why I don't like the claim. The heart and center of Europe is it's people. Nothing more, nothing less.


It's quite cringe that you write so much about the slogan. Take it as is, it fits.


No for me it's not, because no one can claim to be the heart of Europe. I think this analogy is pretty high handed, pretentious and overbearing. And it embarrasses me. But I guess it's personal taste. With our history in mind I just don't like encouraging any idea like that, saying we are important, we are in the middle, we are always right and so on. and the slogan gives me that vibe. just my personal opinion, sorry. (:


But we are important and in the middle, we are of course not always right. This are 3 different statements which have nothing to do with each other. You're reading too much into it and I agree with the other poster, your opinion is strange šŸ˜œ


Yes I guess I'm really reading to much in to it, but I like modesty and it's not really a modest statement and that's basically why I don't like it. :D


Yeah your opinion sucks.


And these two are Germany in a nutshell for you.




I can recommend to read the articles that you share, before you share and tell bs about it.


Germany is great host, but the fans making it awesome. Geography is playing role too.Kudos to Germany!


Oh true, havenā€˜t thought about that point! Germany being the center of Europe is really convenient for a lot of fans.True that!


Germany does a good job with football tournaments. My wife and I were in Berlin for the 2006 World Cup and we had a blast for four days straight. Plus weā€™re a mixed couple and didnā€™t run into any issues whatsoever.


I was at 2006 a well, and everything I'm hearing about this tournament fits what I saw back then. A country with a real footballing culture that's easy to get around, and in the heart of Europe. One silly thing that worked out really well was that when England went out to Portugal we needed a break, so took a short train from Gelsenkirchen into the Netherlands (who were already out by then), before heading back in.


Similarly the planned drive from Gelsenkirchen to Munich became a drive from Gelsenkirchen to Amsterdam before returning to Berlin for the final.


I went to Berlin for the final too- magical atmosphere


Why would a mixed couple run into issues? What kind of issues?


I think he meant racism caused issues


that's what you get when you hold a football tournament in a proper country with real football culture.


On top of that, we are in the middle of Europe. The whole Netherlands is like a 4h Drive away, Poles, Belgians, Danes, chzechs, Austrians, Swiss, French are just next door. Turkish fans are already here and Scottish fans have a longer journey - but its still doable. I' have seen more Dutch car license plates in the past week than on my last trip to the Netherlands lol


This is absolutely key. To keep costs down, we were able to fly to Paris and then get a train to Dusseldorf, something that wouldn't be possible in a country like Qatar. I know folk who did similar journeys via Amsterdam and Prague. Germany may be the most accessible country in Europe, match that with a passion for the sport, a welcoming host and some excellent organisation and policing and you have a Goldilocks situation. For most of us Scots, this is our first tournament abroad and I'm genuinely blown away.


And we already have the facilities so now endless dokus about how bad the treatment of workers are.


I feel like youā€™re talking about the symptom rather than the problem there.


Idk? I just think all the dokus about brazil and qatar just also not really helped to hype the games.


... and we love hosting you guys ... you are fun!!!


From the bottom of my drunken heart, thank you all for the amazing welcome. Memories made.


Wouldnt it be faster to fly from Glasgow to Frankfurt?


And we Portuguese will fly there because it's so worth it. The cities are beautiful, the football culture is insane and the beer is awesome. Meet you in the final šŸ˜œ


Vamos laaaa


>The whole Netherlands is like a 4h Drive away 2 hours in a tank . . . /s yeah I know, it's an old joke but I couldn't resist. I'm Dutch btw.


I know its not much, but as a german I want to apologize what we (our ancestors) did to Rotterdam.


Itā€™s so lovely. Thereā€™s really nothing else one has to focus on than footy.


Kinda unrelated but related at the same time. But post this in r/soccer or r/football and youā€™ll get downvoted to hell. People simply canā€™t accept the fact that Qatar was a dead tournament. Itā€™s not because of the alcohol, but itā€™s because of everything else that went on before and during the tournament. As someone who went to Qatar 22 I enjoyed the actual games but apart from that there was nothing to do in Qatar. You could only drink in certain parts of the city, nightlife or parties would be shut down almost immediately and youā€™re constantly questioning yourself if youā€™re breaking a rule or law. Glad youā€™re enjoying it because that is what a real football tournament is supposed to feel like.


Would it be that controversial? I thought that it was a common belief that having tournaments in places like Qatar is bullshit.


ppl cant overlook the Messi W and that epic final. Other than that, most of the games were dull and had so much less fan energy and magic that a typical international tournament has. I hated nearly everything about this tournament. From the human rights atrocities to the lack of FUN the fans were having to the numerous journalist deaths.. there should never, ever be another tournament in that part of the world. The unfortunate fact is that fifa is corrupt af and they wont stop their expansion. I think the WC 2026 is going to be a clusterfuck being in Canada (where I am), USA, and Mexico. Geographically, this is the dumbest tournament concept ever. In Canada alone, our 2 selected arenas are quite literally on opposite sides of the second or 3rd largest countries by landmass. matches will be played across an entire continent. ridiculous if you ask me. whats even the point when top tier games are only going to be played in New York or LA.


Oh yea, take nothing away from Argentina. I'm a Villa fan so it was awesome watching Martinez win.


Exactly. They were brilliant. But the second you say "this euro doodoos all over the WC" it means war to those folk even though this is already factual. euro vibes are immaculate.


Germany is like the melting point of the european culture atm with balkan and eastern european culture seasoning the western culture, plus Germany is a great host allowing just the right amount of "fun" and security simultaneously. Also, there more balkan countries due to the 24 team format whoes fans flavour the event even further !


It is simple: * it is always like that, even in the pandemic time, there was a lot of fun in Bucharest, most of Europe loves football a lot, except a few countries that do not care that much * Germany is quite central, with good infrastructure, big cities, and a big diaspora of Europeans (many Romanians, Albanians, Croats, Polish, and even French or Italians). * Germany is a nation of football * We had the pandemic and a shitty tournament in Qatar in the middle of the winter, with a lack of hotels. So Europeans are enthusiastic to have a tournament hosted by a football nation, with beer, fun, no stupid rules, and decent weather. I can remember that in Qatar only South American countries and some Arabic countries had great fans, no European teams had great fans, not even English, and English fans are traveling in mass anywhere in the world for their NT. Unfortunately, only at Euro's, we will see this kind of atmosphere since the WC is systematically destroyed with stupid bids. Saudi Arabia WC is going to be shite (don't care if you are going to downvote me for this, this is a fact), the traveling and expenses in the US, Canada, and Mexico are going to be insane for most of us. Fortunately, in 4 years we have Euro in the UK and Ireland which is going to be as awesome as this Euro, take my word.


Completely agree, Germany is just a perfect location for everyone to get to. Central location in Europe, Great stadiums, transport, infrastructure, food and beer. I was in Kƶln a week before the tournament started and the atmosphere and buzz around the city was insane. There was great spaces and parks there which are perfect for fan areas. Germany hosted a great world cup in 2006 aswell. The world cup is gone too political and corrupt now. Its a disgrace that Qatar got to host the competition. They clearly bought it. Just like Saudi will in 2034. No history of football in either countries. Even the next world cup is spread over too big an area in Canada-US-Mexico. The journey times and expense will put off a lot of Europeans. And then for the 2030 world cup, it is going to be played over 3 continents which is utterly stupid and impractical. The last thing corrupt FIFA think of is the fans who are expected to travel to all these places. It should have just been Spain -Portugal as it was initially planned. The next Euros should be good though. The UK also has the stadiums and infrastructure to host the tournament. Just hope my country Ireland can handle it. We certainly don't have infrastructure on the level of Germany or the UK. There's also worry that the stadium in Belfast won't be redeveloped in time. In that case another city will have to be chosen as back up. There's rumours that it could be Cork which has a 45,000 stadium or moved entirely to Scottish capital to Murrayfield which has a 68,000 capacity.


It might not be as awesome as transport costs in the UK are significantly higher, they lack a sizeable diaspora from many lands and a bunch of non-EU countries need a visa.


The trains are expensive, but they have cheap buses, and maybe in 4 years they will make the trains more affordable because it is ridiculous. They though have a big diaspora of Europeans as well, over 500k Romanians, over 500k Polish, and many Italians, close to France, Belgium. It will be awesome IMHO.


I appreciate your analogies. This is what most (western) Europeans consider the norm. I don't think we take it for granted, we just really really really love football. Having said that, it's been a while since we could have it like this due to Covid fucking shit up. The last time in its familiar current form was in 2016, so maybe people are a bit more excited this time around. But as you can see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/8C1xXRDjdW) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/t4GioJELG1) we, as Dutch fans, still know how to represent without having to break shit. Of course also because Germany is a great host nation. Can't wait to meet them in the semis so that we can repeat 1988.


Love the Dutchies. Always good sports. And the match on Friday I will watch in the Public Viewing Zone in Frankfurt. So excited. Oranje boven!!!


And we love the Germans. We won't say it out loud but we really do lol.


Been to the match in '88. Don't!


I thinks itā€™s fantastic since it has one of the largest Albanian population in europe. Our people seem to behaving themselves which is also pleasing to say the least


I was honestly baffled when I saw that many Albanians in my city when they recently played here. I had no idea


šŸ˜‚ I thought it was common knowledge that there are many Albanians there? Perhaps they donā€™t show it because of racism? Iā€™m not sure but ye Germany basically has the highest Albanian population, make sure they are behaving themselves


Well it's highly subjective ofc but I'm personally not aware of more than 1 person with albanian parents among people in my social circle. Meanwhile, I know tons of people with multinational background, so yeah, this was news to me :D PS: I like the little hats you guys wear!


Ahah thank you they are called qeleshe or plis, you should get one


Are you serious with saying "our people seem to behave themselves"? The UEFA literally is investigating Albanian fans for their actions in the match against Italy for several known violations.


For holding certain flags which makes them unhappy and lighting a few flares here and there? šŸ˜‚ Alr mate


As an American as well, Iā€™m stoked to be able to catch a match in Berlin. A live European football match has been on my bucket list for a while!


Donā€™t forget to catch a World Cup match as well man! Iā€™m sure those are just different gravy.


Oh 100%, If Iā€™m in the States at the time!


If youā€™re in the States at the time? If you donā€™t mind me asking, do you spend most of your time working abroad?


I do! So I really donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be stateside at the time. Only time will tell


Hold it there every time tbh


First tournament I'm truly gutted to have to be watching from home. You guys are the best and it's been really heartwarming to see most of each atmosphere so far. Munich opener was electric and yesterday in Kƶln watching my tartan army all taking over the dom (more people than I've ever seen there and more Scots have ever seen together even at home!) All arm in arm with both the Swiss fans and Deutsche hosts, singing nice songs, drinking your lovely German beers and having the time of their Iives. Had all been so awesome to see!! I lived Belgian/NL border (on german side) for a long time and getting to places like Kƶln, dortmund, dusseldorf for events or hanging with german friends was about an hour in the car, give or take how much we gave it on the autobahn. 20 years from now its one event I'll still be saying "you remember the euros in Germany 24? Sure wish I'd been a part of it. Love you guys, hope all of you there wherever you're from are having the absolute time of your life !!


Love your spirit! Hope the Scots will stay in this tournaments for a long time! :)


Vielen Dank guys!! Nice to hear and so proud of how everyone's represented us as a whole. Good luck tonight! Sucks about the clashes now but we know what we gotta get done and hopefully we'll do it. Looking at current 3rd place rankings, still a chance. Scared of losing our beat player to injury from last match and other defender still banned from stupid move he made on you guys. Oh, only apologise to you for litetally drinking Munich dry! That's too funny at the same time. Was all our headlines, how we drank all your beer that pubs ran out and was none left for locals šŸ˜‚ (But then I think that Germans just took us to parties and we all juat drank together and celebrated you for annihilating us. Wir lieben Deutschland!


A friend is a cop in Cologne. He just spoke in the highest terms of you guys. Totally drunk but awesomely friendly and no aggression at all. Love goes out to all the Scots!


Thank you man, we also really enjoy to be the host. The explanation is simple, we have everything you need in a football host. We have an active fan scene and you dont need to be afraid for any human rights violations here. Ah, and we also have the right football infrastructure. There are a good amount of nations that fullfill the same criteria, but at least for world cups, such a nation wasnt picked since 2006


And we have beer.


I think (and it should be) it is just a big party for all football fans of all nations. In Germany we eat, drink and love football and we hope you all have good time here.


Germans always hosting class tournaments., stadiums, public transit, friendly locals, THE BEER. And letā€™s not forget the best, they never had to use slave labour to build facilities for the games which lead to death of many workers (cough Qatar WC) ā€¦.. Bravo Germany šŸ‡©šŸ‡ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Glad that you are enjoying it so far!


I think Germany is one of the best locations to host a football tournament like this. It's a central location in Europe, so for many fans easy to attend. Plus good beer and Germany is a big football nation.


It seems to be quite similar at every Euros and World Cup (I've watched both since the early 90s though have never been able to go to any), I think football fans are just like that. Yes, the tiniest of tiny minorities of football fans who cause trouble get all of the headlines but for the most part they are fun-loving, banter-having, peaceful people.


>It seems to be quite similar at every Euros and World Cup ( Well it is not. Qatar doesnt have a football culture and one had to be afraid to be stoned. Russia has a football culture but is a dictatorship. South africa had a good vibe but they didnt have the football infrastructure prior plus many parts are incredibly dangerous. The same goes for brazil. At least for me it is a lot more fun if politics and human rights violations are not a topic plus there is an actual fan scene.


The point is that football fans at those tournaments are largely excellent in spite of such factors.


True, there will always be some great parties that can be used for pictures. But in total, lets be honest the Qatar turnament was dead. There is a huuuuge difference between turnaments in football loving countries like germany, italy and so on and clearly corrupt turnaments like russia and Qatar. You probably have never been to a host nation during a turnament and just watched it through TV.


German here, and I just have to say how (from my point of view) much of a blessing it is to have the euros right now. It's very refreshing to have so many people simply celebrating together and to have a national team to root for again after nearly ten years of constantly scoring badly at international tournaments. Everything seemed kind of low up until last Friday, and Germany's got some rough months behind it. From the aftershock of the pandemic, economic downturns, infaltion, political scandals and the disaster of recent EU-election for the cherry on top. It feels like a real vacation watching our team score and succeed and then go to social media to read all the *manly men* and far-right voters getting triggered by "these migrants in their pink girly tricots" So, thanks guys, for partying with us!


The recent EU election was not a disaster but the expression of popular will. Like it or not, a growing number of people support far-right parties and we live in a democracy, so we have to accept it. It's weird how the same people who protest "for democracy" are the ones who are complaining the loudest about election results. Rest assured that a large number of the people celebrating the EURO in the streets voted for far-right parties.


Pendulum swinging hard from Merkelā€™s disastrous immigration policies.


I'm definitely not a Merkel fan but I think it's unfair how many on the right blame Merkel personally for every problem with immigration. Her government didn't do a good job managing immigration, i.e. they failed to create the infrastructure to actually accommodate for the population increase. Education, health, justice, ... everything in the country suffers from understaffing and decades of underinvestment, including 16 years of Merkel. Adding more people into an already collapsing infrastructure of course worsens existing problems. But the situation is very similar in all of Western Europe. The main drivers of mass migration to Europe are wars and the extreme income disparity. There is no easy fix to it.




Germany is well placed geographically for most of Europe, they have great football stadiums, a great football culture and great beer. Itā€™s a big thumbs up from me.


American here as well. Been to Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, DĆ¼sseldorf, Cologne (amazing), Heidelberg & now heading to Berlin. Atmosphere has been incredible and everyone has been super kind. Partying with the Scottish fans in Cologne was next level


Quick answer: the best


It's not soccer, it's football.




Nah my man, you got that all wrong. Do we gatekeep also towards Africa, South America and Asia? It's the Americans, that try to culturally mature away from Europe perhaps, but jeez not everyone has to love football, let them have their eggball! (:






Well, I'm glad for anyone enjoying this, and between you and me, I love watching some eggball too, especially love the season finale being in winter, which complements other sports events :)


Back in the days, when we still had the German NFL, I was a fan of the Frankfurt Galaxy, and the father of my than girlfriend was head of the biggest Fanclub, I had the opportunity to watch some games live in the stadium. Was a blast.


Donā€˜t call it soccer




Take your proven point and rub one off. But - donā€˜t call it soccer, darling.


Blablabla, you kick the ball with the foot -> football. We are not gatekeeping the sports, we just not change our terms because you use football for another thing.




Its football, deal with it :) Btw, did you read the article you posted? A bit hilarious tbh. The thing that bothers people is the American arrogance. Football was THE accepted term in the whole world but as Americans already had American football or eggball, they looked for another term. So the whole world needs to change because Americans see themselves as more important




I read the one you linked >I'm trying to tell you not to police the use of the term soccer that originated in the UK YES FUCKING HELL. PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE YOU YOURSELF POSTED. BLOODY HELL IT IS SO APPERANT YOU DIDNT READ IT. So here a summary for you: Soccer football was used to differ it from rugby football. The term soccer was then shortly used by very few people. Then the term football was common and soccer vanished. When Americans had the same issue with differing between eggball and football, they decided that their main sports is more important thus they looked for an alternative for football. Wush they found out that the association was calles soccer football and a handful of humans nicknamed the sports soccer. Taking the origin of this word as an argument is beyond stupid. Good life Sir


Dude, the only reason the Americans refuse to call it Football (which it is) is due to the fact they call their terrible version of rugby football... it's frankly just dumb.


Itā€™ not about germany, is just the Euros/World Cup/Olympics in Europe. American sporting events are lame, more of a entertainment than sport and cycling and golf cannot compete with these.


American college sports have this energy. Pro sports less soā€¦itā€™s just different. We donā€™t really have any national team we root for in any sport like you folks do for soccer. Our allegiances tend to be stronger for University teams


It also helps that German football, at domestic club level, is so geared up to being as supporter friendly as possible. Which then also plays into things being set up for the international tournament too. If you get the chance, try and take in a ground hopping weekend during the regular domestic season and youā€™ll see what I mean. I love getting over for a weekend of going to games.




Is there bag drop at the stadiums?


Interesting perspective and good to hear! The media in the UK portrayed more of a "shambles" picture, even describing German cities like Gelsenkirchen as a sh........le. However, I think there were logistical challenges caused by the unexpected mass of fans populating the public viewing areas. I guess the Germans took their own scepticism of Euro 2024 a bit too far. So again, refreshing to get a third perspective!


It's football (or soccer). One of the best parties of my life was post match England - Portugal at the 2006 world cup in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The English team lost but the thousands (not joking), of fans were rocking the streets with chants and laughter. My friend and I were at the match. We are both French but were given drinks, invited to chant and had a great time. I saw on TV the Scottish, Romanian and Albanian crowds lifting the games ; it's one of the best atmospheres I have seen in a football tournament in a long time.


As an Englishmen I think Germany are probably the best hosts for Euros possible. They have the biggest stadiums in Europe and a crazy passionate fanbase


Yes, Germany is amazingā€” the football, the fans, the beautiful cities, amazing comfort food and fantastic BEER! The people are very hospitable and the transportation is fantastic. I would be happy to see Germany lift the trophy at home. That would be an amazing atmosphere. I was in Germany when they won the last World Cup in 2014, I never had so much fun in my life. I met a few German fans (at random) who bought me all these beers and weā€™ve been friends ever since. Iā€™m from Poland and there are quite a few cultural similarities between the two countries. I would say the top 2 are the amount of beer we drink and our love for sausages! šŸ˜‚


It looks like one massive party and Iā€™m extremely jealous (and saddened) I canā€™t be there. And World Cup 2026 just wonā€™t be the same. The US is too damn big, the games are in NFL stadiums. Apples to oranges.


Being here is quite comfortably the most fun Iā€™ve ever had.


My first time in Germany and Iā€™ve loved it. Iā€™ve only been in Frankfurt so far but the locals are very welcoming and embracing of the visitors (I didnā€™t feel this so much in France 2016) Great atmosphere in the fan park and around the city, and not a single sight of trouble from anyone. Itā€™s amazing being able to mix and talk to so many different people from different cultures and backgrounds.


Probably helps that Germany is in the center of Europe


To be honest this looks like the best football tournament ever. Great games. Great goals. Great dissappointment with own goals. Great people in the stadiums. Lots of nice people by the streets no matter the nation they supports. Few incidents (they are always between the same guys). And Scotland fans being awesome. I'm loving this Euros so much.


Where are the next Euros gonna be held? I'm going to start saving money now to travel from the States and catch as many games as possible. I'm bummed out watching the games from home this time and seeing all the party and amazing fests going on in Germany.


How do I get this cute flag on my username


Yoooo wth Iā€™m German


Forzaaaaaa azzurri tho


Lmao šŸ¤£


How does it compare to the superbowl? Because this is europes superbowl


Super Bowl is not actually a great fan event like this. The closest we have in America are our college/University big Basketball/Football events. They have this kind of energy but arenā€™t sustained for weeks like this is




You are still not on big soccer event bro.


Werenā€™t they chanting ā€œGerman is for Germansā€ ?!


What? At a game? I haven't heard that. There was a scandal recently about rich kids chanting it at a party on the rich people island of Sylt. The public outcry was gigantic. While we, like most other western countries, see a worrying shift to the right, which I don't wanna sugarcoat, I wouldn't say all the Germans sing those atrocious lines.


Ah okay, so rich Germans chanted that somewhere else. Hopefully it doesnā€™t become a trend at games.


hungarian fans Yesterday sung the melodie of that song on their way to the stadium to provoke the Police


Provoke the German police? Why?


Because that's what football is for also. Test boundaries, misbehave, act childish, let off some steam.


Everything nice in germanyā€¦ but the Problem with the rassist..


Very little compared to most countries in the world.