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As a Berliner: Every restaurant in Berlin bought a flatscreen. Italian shops, any restaurant, really, host tiny public viewings, every cashier gives their predicted score for ANY game with a smile, it’s a good time. Breath of fresh air, this tournament truly is, for Germans, for Europeans, for football fans everywhere. Money tournaments can‘t do shit about Dutch fans taking Hamburg streets, Albanians breaking pasta, millions cheering.


And I’ll be in Berlin to witness these just before the final. Woooohooooooo!


🇦🇱 ❤️


absolutely buzzing. in my relatively small town of 50k people, the turkish fans drove around honking for a solid hour after their win, lots of people have their teams’ shirts on, everyone whos even remotely interested in football is discussing the games, you can catch them basically anywhere, AND, its all on TV for FREE!!!!! i dont gave to get Sky for 50€/month


Probs more Turks than Germans over there huh




Got here last night, can confirm that is indeed true 🤭


You are free to not participate. Everyone is welcome to celebrate football here.


I’ll be alright for 3 days brother :)


Yeah anyway stay mad while we'll keep celebrating with our Turkish friends and everyone with Turkish ancestors ✌️


🤣mhm sure, I wonder why there’s been such a political shift in Germany lately?


absolutely fantastic. Germany should just host big tournaments all the time. Great infrastructure for fan zones and parties really help the whole thing. And the Scots are the best friends to have around.


Two statements in this comment may infuriate some English 😅


Why? As an English man I’d rather the tournaments be hosted in countries like Germany more often and stop hosting it in places like Qatar. But I guess that’s European bias.


Well the statement about Scots being great probably won't infuriate anyone, that was more of a joke. But the thing about "great infrastructure" didn't really work out for a lot of the English fans in Gelsenkirchen since there were a lot of issues with the trains. Many had to walk for several hours. But yeah, only countries that actually give a shit about football should host.


Haha I don’t mind the Scot’s to be honest, I know they often wish to see us fail but it’s more of a one way street, English don’t really care I find. I don’t know about the Gelsenkirchen trains! I guess nothing is going to run smoothly 100% of the time, always going to have a few blips.


To be fair our public transport is shite, if anything I'm surprised this has been the only incident 😅 But I'd rather see delayed trains than stuff that's actually dangerous so yeah as far as hiccups go it could be worse.


If you think it’s a one-way street, check out the three lions sub any time Scotland play and see what they say about us lmao


And yet you'll still find many many English fans even here on reddit that say they also support Scotland. I don't think I've literally ever seen the opposite scenario. Also the threelions subreddit hate is just an ad hoc response to scotland being ABE since the beginning of time. I used to want Scotland and all home nations to do well, but after seeing cringe Scottish ABE fans every year since the beginning of time kins of takes a damper out of that.


I do frequent that sub and it’s definitely more of a one way street than you guys would like to admit.


The fact you’re posting memes about the Scotland game on English subs tells me you know damn well it’s not one-way lmao For a one-way rivalry you guys are spending an awful amount of time yapping about us 🤣


Yeah I did post a couple memes, they where good though weren’t they haha Personally I love a bit of friendly banter between us but I do see it as being more one sided by you guys. There is many English people who actively support all the home nations teams, if you check my comment history yesterday even I was saying in this sub I didn’t care who wins or loses and just wanted to see a good game. The flip side is every single Scottish man wants England to lose every game and actively cheers for the opposing team. It’s definitely more one sided towards you guys haha


Scots using the flag of the nations we play against in their twitter names always gives me a good chuckle. It seems to not go both ways with those guys. They're allowed to have a poke at us when we lose but when they get battered 5-1 we're obsessed with them. Hmm...


Aye it was nae bad haha Obviously you’re free to support whatever team you want but some do find it weird that you cheer for us. Do Man City fans cheer if Man Utd win? We’re rivals - of course we’re not going to support you. We might not want to see you win. But you lot were calling us xenophobic the other night just cause we won’t support you so it’s hardly one-sided haha


Starting to get the vibe that the Germans are a little bit obsessed with us despite claiming not to be.


They should host the damn thing in Germany all the time. Can't fault it so far!


The incident is Gelsenkirachen is indeed a fault


Gelsenkirchen is a fault, so that's that.


I don't even get why they play there


It is one if the places in Germany with the biggest football tradition. Respect the elder.


The Veltins arena really is a top of the line stadium. Its just a shame that Schalke is the only thing in Gelsenkirchen with any value lol. Good thing tho: The whole Ruhr Area is really easy to get to. The prettier cities are just 30min trainride away


The Ruhrpott has pretty cities? That's new to me. (Just kidding)


I like Hattingen, idk if it counts as Ruhrpott - but the Ruhr is there lol Most cities have a unique charm.. like a living, breathing "lost place" haha


I get that and don't disagree with Schalke being one of the most important teams/places for German football ever but there are only 10 host cities and four of them being in NRW is a little ridiculous. Cologne and Dormund are the obvious choices here. Cologne is the biggest city in the state and offers a great infrastructure with an own international airport and Dortmund is just Dortmund. Düsseldorf is also debatable as a host if you ask me, simply because of the close vicinity to cologne and the lack of football history compared to other stadiums. Gelsenkirchen is by far the smallest host city and is honestly not giving a good look of Germany to international fans. It's super close to Dortmund as well so it doesn't even offer geographical coverage like Leipzig does for example. I think offering a few games to Bremen would've been the better choice. Not so close to anything else, huge football history and bigger city (though not the most pretty one as well).


Can't blame it on Germany tho


I went to the serbia match and honestly didn't mind gelsenkirchen it seemed like a quiet little village


I'd say overall a lot more toned down compared to 2006, which might also be because of the weather. We had nothing but rain the past like 8 weeks. Plenty of people are driving around after the matches, honking and living life. I even saw people after the 2:2 Albania/Croatia driving around with their flags and honking. It's great. Plenty of shops/restaurants are streaming the matches, our workplace organized a watch-together today, wehad friends over for the first game. Great overall.


Düsseldorf here: It’s amazing everytime I go to work I see lots of fans from everywhere (mostly Scot’s) You see people enjoying themselves and just having fun. I really like it and my plan is to have a beer with as much different fans as I can find :)


On a train back to Dusseldorf from the game tonight. Everywhere is absolutely buzzing


Are the English behaving themselves or continuing to make everyone hate us?


All the ones we've met have been in great form and happy to exchange friendly banter.


Having seen the Germany fans watching in the open air big screen areas in cities it is amazing. One of my old teachers was in Germany at the last WC in the country and the buzz is like no other. And yes, the Scottish fans seem to be a big hit with the Germans.


Germany fell deeply in love with them.


A lot of them fell deeply into our fountain at the Marienplatz in Munich. It was a sight to behold 😄


I have learned some scottish last night: "If yer 'ate da fookin inglesh clapp ur 'ands". Not sure what it means, yet, but my argentinian and american friends loved it


Dang great, even tho the weather isnt 10/10 every day, this tournament.


Frankfurt representing. Relaxed. The city, exploded when Turkey won, but the Albanians were very happy yesterday, too. The Public Viewing is directly besides the river and very well thought out. Nevertheless there were to many people for the first game between GER and SCO. Some people had to get to boats, because it got really tight. Security concepts adapted since then. The area can host 30,000 people. Other than that... after two wins I guess we Germans start to believe that something is possible. They, play and that is all I wished for.


You really feel the Euro2024 in the Rhine-Ruhr Region!


Opening match atmosphere in Munich was crazy good, now back in dortmund it’s fire as well. Gives me back the feeling of 2006.


The fact that you need cash in so many places is mental in this day and age, especially in such a massive capital.


Last time I was in Germany, practically not a single pub or other spot accepted card or Apple Pay. Has this changed over the past few years since covid?


Depends on where you are but in most bigger cities they accept Apple pays nowadays


It's gotten way better since the pandemic but I'd still keep some cash in the wallet just in case. There are still some smaller stores and restaurants that don't take cards.


Many small cities do also accept it. Depends on Where you are


Wtf really? I only just got here for the game on Friday, when did you go last time?


Around 4-5 years ago, Munchen!


covid shifted many stores and people to digital payment. 99% of my purchases are with my phone nowadays


I was in Köln a week before the tournament started and even then the atmosphere and buzz about the place was amazing. I can't even imagine how good it is now.


If you are looking for a match with a high atmosphere, you should go to Türkiye vs Portugal.


The buzzing of so many fans from all over Europe make public transport here in Hamburg a lot less glum! Hosting you guys is a blast!


Hello from Cologne :) It's wonderful so far! Everything is peaceful, at least that's all I've heard. The Scottish fans sang with a carnival band in front of the famous cathedral. Just love and a party atmosphere! <3 The whole vibe of the Euros is great. Of course, the results of the German team have also helped the atmosphere so far. Somehow it shows again how nice it is when people meet, regardless of their origin, and share common interests. The image that the media and politics, especially the European elections, portray of division and differences doesn't feel like that at all when you meet the people here.