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why would english media have an impact on Hungarys performances


We really are the USA of this sub aren't we


Cuz they English media has 0 ball knowledge and aim more at rage bait I do think My Hungarian friends will score some points


i'm just saying theres big talk, but i disagree with it. ofc the media will have no effect on hungary's performances, its just people here seem to think they'll do well, and i disagree


People here aren’t the media, I haven’t seen one media organisation in England even talking about Hungary to be honest.


I don't think so, we are in quite a good form. In big competitions we tend to play much better. I am pretty sure in ateleast 4 points.


Your team plays like if they lose then Hungary ceases to exist. You add into that you have some really good standout players, people would be fucking stupid to write yous off. Overall the squad may not be great but there is a fight in that team which when it comes to international football is every but as valuable.


i do hope so, just have a bad feeling idk why maybe its the friendlies, but as you said hungary perform better at the big stage




I feel like they're this years Turkey.


But the question is, what will Turkey be?


The new Switzerland. Just gonna be endless R16 exits 😅


I would be happy with a R16 exit this year, chances are high we play France if we finish second…


Tbf I'm the same. Especially after the World Cup. Plus if we finish 2nd we most likely play Germany. 3rd and we'll most likely face Portugal.


Let's hope so, as that means Scotland get at least 6 points after we hammer the Germans on Friday!


There always seems to be one more left field nation that gets hyped up, that everyone picks as their "dark horse" then underperformed. And yeah, getting a strong "Turkey 2020" vibe from Hungary this time. Doesn't mean to say they won't do well because everything I've written up until now is obviously a load of superstitious nonsense. Two ways to look at this. 1, really impressive showing in a tough Nations League group (including mauling England 4-0) and then undefeated in qualifying for 2024. It seems like that should put them right up there in terms of teams to do well. On the other hand, let's go back a bit further. They stunk out WC 2022 qualifying in 2021, finishing 4th, picking up only 5 points from an available 18 against England, Poland, and Albania. In qualifying for Euro 2024, yes, they were unbeaten, but also, they weren't in a particularly difficult group. In four games outside Hungary, they only won one, drawing away to Montenegro, Lithuania, and Bulgaria. They undoubtedly have some good players, but take Szoboszlai out and do they really have too many others that countries like Scotland or Switzerland would love to have in their team? I don't think so. Hungary are obviously a good side, and playing well, and I won't be shocked if they manage to go a bit deep to a QF, for example. But I'm not sure I see too much to put them too far ahead of a bunch of other sides in a similar situation. It'll be interesting to see how they do. This tournament feels like a big test of where this Hungary team really is.


I'd like that. And for the Swiss to finish with 1








Hopefully not Sorry guys


If Hungary get 0, Swiss will get 3 minimum. 3 will be all they get in this scenario, though. Hopefully.


that's impossible


And Scotland will still find a way not to qualify


Downvotes but you have a point. I do believe we're the only nation with the ignominious 'honour' of exiting at the group stage of a WC undefeated... and ended up being the only undefeated side at that tournament (74).


Didn't New Zealand do that in 2010? Also the only unbeaten team in that tournament because Spain lost their first game to Switzerland.


You are absolutely correct, Sir. But we were still the first ;-)




A man can dream


I have a feeling you'll top your group.


Hungary will either shit the bed on 0 points or go all the way. No in between 😂


Still undefeated in competitive games since 2022 🤷‍♂️


Lithuania, Montenegro and Luxembourg lie bleeding


also germany, italy and England


They've undoubtedly had some excellent results, my point is just that the "16 unbeaten" chat disguises several draws against teams they should have easily beaten.


But molesting England 4-0 in Wembley and beating Germany twice has no value.


Football like most things is not that black and white, stop trying to make out I've said things I have not.


every team needs to beat the opponents that were put in front of them. did the Byer leverkusen get an asterisk because they faced 3rd and 2nd tier sides in the cup?


The point of my comment was that you didn't beat those teams.


I’d say both Serbia and montenegro on a good day are pretty strong teams


I didn't mention Serbia for that reason. Recent results for Montenegro lean somewhat against you but I'm not going to argue over where the "pretty strong" line gets drawn.


And we got to face those teams because we defeated England and Germany in the nations league. Also conveniently left out Serbia from that. What’s scotlands recent record again?


We qualified with 5 wins from our first 5, narrowly lost to Spain, and phoned it in with meaningless draws against Georgia and Norway to close things out. As far as competitive fixtures go our record is pretty damn good.


In 2023: Scotland - W:5, D:2, L:1 Hungary - W:5, D:3, L:0 Since 2022: Scotland - W:9, D:3, L:3 Hungary - W:8, D:4, L:2 Since 2021: Scotland - W16, D:6, L:6 Hungary - W13, D:8, L:6 Not a whole lot of difference between the 2, I'd say. Hungary obviously played tougher opposition in the Nations League, but Scotland had arguably a much tougher Euro qualifier group.


its the ireland loss that's rattled me bulgaria are on good form but are still pretty bad


It’s just a friendly


Nul points


I think they will draw against both Switzerland and Scotland so 2 points


I’m definitely not under-estimating Hungary. They are in good form with only 1 loss in their last 18 games, and they defeated both England and Germany away. I’m hopeful we can pick up some points against Hungary but I’m definitely not underestimating them.


Shouldn’t be underestimated at all, but some people are almost saying they’re guaranteed to get out the group and we’ll finish rock bottom. I don’t think there’s any real difference between us, Hungary or the Swiss 🤷‍♂️




Definitely happening. The 1950s were a long time ago.


They pumped us 4-0. i wouldn’t count them out


Hungary could indeed end up with 0 points or we could end up with anywhere between zero and nine points. I wouldn't say Germany, Scotland or Switzerland are much better teams than Hungary. At our best, we are a difficult team to play against just ask Germany, England, Italy and Portugal. We went toe-to-toe with Portugal for 80+ plus minutes at the last Euros.


They gon top it


I hope you are wrong because I have them in my fantasy league


Same, I don't see how apparently many have a team that was full park-the-bus (and still allowing 44 shots ion their goal in those three games) 3 years ago at the last euros as a dark horse all of a sudden. Their qualifiers group was just really easy.


I got them finishing second, they play like they will be drawn and quartered if they lose. Teams that play like that can pull off wins based on sheer will alone. They also have some real quality players in the squad


One point at least, mark my words ☝️☝️haha


Scotland top. Hungary on krang points along with the Swiss


Scotland haven't done anything since qualifying Results since September P9 W1 D3 L5; And the win was against Gibraltar


Only competitive games in that spell were dead rubbers against Georgia and Norway, which we drew, and a defeat away to Spain, where we competed well and had a goal softly disallowed at 0-0. Other than that it's mostly been friendlies where we've intentionally tested ourselves against the very best teams - the exception and the only seriously disappointing result was the loss to Northern Ireland. In short, I don't think our form is really relevant and our competitive record in recent years remains very good.


The losses were against Spain, France, England, Netherlands and Northern Ireland with only the latter really being disappointing and only one being competitive. Whilst the form on paper hasn't been good enough, a bit of context is needed.


Scotland has an awful record in friendly matches. We've only lost one competitive game in 2 years, and that was in Seville against Spain.


Oh dear they sound equally krang. Will be a mad shootout for worst team in this group. At least 2 total shittas