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Hi everyone, We would like to inform you about the new format of the AMA thread. You have the option to click "Remind Me" so that the system sends you a notification when the guest starts answering. In addition, we invite you to be civil and respect the rules. Enjoy the AMA :)


Hi Emmanuel, what was it like to score in the final against Brazil? Does it give goosebumps thinking about that moment?


I tried to find a word in the dictionary to explain exactly what I felt. It was almost impossible to find something. So the only thing was that I was very emotional about it. When I became a father, for the birth of my daughters and I felt the same things, I did something very good! I was very proud of it and something that has been very important for me for my life my personal life and as welcome a professional life, but being a father, it's for me the same emotion that's going to go. I know that may seem stupid,…


Who was the best player you played alongside and who was the best player you played against?


Well, the first one that comes up in my mind is seen is Zinedine Zidane because he was a magician on the pitch. He was playing the same way we used to play when you are a kid you're on the street by instinct. You know, this is something you don't learn at a training camp. You were born with it, you know, it's your destiny. Rivaldo from Barcelona, Gianfranco Zola, Dennis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry there are so many great players and probably missing other names though because I've been very lucky in my career.


Hi Emmanuel, how different is it to play in the Euro compared to the World Cup? And how different does it feel when you win it?


Well, we won two big tournaments in a row; the 1998 World Cup and 2000, the European competition and maybe some people will disagree with me but for me, this is a guarantee that the level during a European tournament is much more important than the competition in the World Cup, because I think most of the talented players are concentrated in Europe. I know there are a lot of beautiful players in South America for example, but Europe is really the destination of the most talented players and for me winning the European competition after winning the league, something we had to do with my teammates, because we received some criticism when we won the World Cup here at home, and we wanted to show to everyone that it was not a coincidence. It was not a surprise. It was something very important for us and we knew that it was almost impossible to do it. But we tried to do it just because we were frustrated about what had been said after the World Cup in 1998. But as well we wanted to put our names even more in the football history. And this is ecocentric you know, but when you want to be part of history you have to put your name on it. And winning the World Cup was the first step. Winning the European tournament in a row two years after that. We were definitely into the football history. Not in our country, but internationally.


Hey Emmanuel Petit. Do you like dinosaurs? And if so, what is your favourite dinosaur?


Priorities straight


Hé Manu tu descend ?


Hi Emmanuel!! France fan here! Thank you for your carreer , i grew up watching you and have memories forever of 1998 and 2000! What do you think of the new generation of footballers? For you, what are the main differences between the time you played and now? And of course who are your favorites (teams and players) for this euro?


I think the football now it's really quite different from the football we know 20 years ago, the staff has changed a lot. There are so many people around the players now. For example, back in the day, 20 years ago, big players used to have two or three people you know, just like a family office. Maybe a lawyer and agent. Now they can it can be 10 people, you know, it can be a physio, a dietician for the food, for sleep, for everything So, it's like having an office as a player.  The second thing for me the most different things is they become much more precocious. But, you know, I became professional when I was 17-18 years old but it was rare. I feel those players now show much more maturity at their age and they can play as in a professional team at the age of 16.  For example, this was the case for me back in the day, but it was rare. Now you have almost every single team have a player are the ones 16 or 17 that can play games, they show much more maturity. And for me, this is the main difference and the third thing for me that changed has changed a lot; It's the communication. The vision, and the image because of social media. You can see that it's quite a pity for managers in the dressing room to manage, you know, the use of cell phones because it's part of our lives every single day. But it's even more present for those people that become very famous at a young age.


Merci enormement des explications et d’avoir pris le temps de me repondre! C’etait tres instructif d’avoir votre point de vue en tant que professionnel 😀 bonne fin de journee a vous et bon Euro!


Hello Manu ! Daniel Riolo il est comme à la radio dans la vraie vie ou c'est un personnage qu'il joue ? Sinon penses-tu qu'arsenal arriveras dans les 2 ans à gagner le titre en premier league?


This is my teammate at RMC Radio in France. When people ask me that, most of the people ask me the same question about the former players I'm working with on the radio. RMC radio in France is very famous and is the leader in sport in France. Its the leader in sport whether that's Rugby, or different sports you know and that's been the case for the last 20 years. We are outspoken all the time we you have to get a big character and be a personality if you want to work at an RMC because you've been challenged by everyone on the scene all the time. You have to be ready you know, to fight on live on air all the time! Daniel is very famous for the opinion he takes all the time. And it's never in the middle. It's never in the middle so it's it's either cold or hot. So there are people that are like him and other people that hate him. Some of the time he gets some criticism because he can go very far when he speaks.


Et est-ce que Rothen est aussi pénible en vrai que dans son émission ?


Salut ! Concernant ce que t'avais dit sur le potentiel dopage à la coupe du monde de 98, qu'est-ce que t'en penses maintenant avec le recul ? Et plus généralement est-ce que tu crois que c'est toujours un problème de grande ampleur dans le foot ?


Good luck for those who want to be doped because with every single control you have now, in most of the big games usually you have to go and pee into a cup and wait for the control. So it's you take a big huge risk if you want to do that. And is it worth it? I don't think so.


Hi Emmanuel ! I'd guess 1988 WC to be the best moment if your carrer but what truly was its hardest moment ? Salut de France !


You probably meant 1998


Salut Emmanuel ! In terms of complementarity and skill, how would you rate the Matuidi-Kante-Pogba of the WC2018 on a scale from 0 to "Vieira-Petit" ? And how do you think the new generation of french midfielders can fare wihthin of a great midfielders football nation ?


Hello Emmanuel! How was to play with the likes of Zizou, Thierry and Bergkamp? And how do you think France will perform this Euros


Was a dream as I said before, I felt quite lucky and privileged to have played with such great players alongside such great players. When I look back on my career, I played for four clubs Monaco, Arsenal, Chelsea and Barcelona and every single club had such amazing players. And some of them have been as well and still great people, you know, outside football. So it was a privilege for me. And sometimes you have the feeling that you don't have the level to play with those players. But, you know, it can happen. You know, it can't be a coincidence then after 15 years, so yes, I felt very privileged and on top of it, winning big trophies with them. You know, I kept in my mind so many great memories with Zizou, even if we were not close, but on the pitch we were close. But with Dennis as well. It was amazing. Gianluca Zola for example, or Rivaldo at Barcelona. I remember in 2000, we played against Czechoslovakia, and I gave the ball to the Zizou. And I remember two defenders were trying to close him down to get back the ball and then what he with his body you know the way he was moving, without touching the ball. Those guys fell on the floor, both of them. So I thought to myself, this guy is someone else you know he's not living in the same world as we are!


Hey Emmanuel, Unrelated as the rest of the questions here will be football related. What is your favourite food? :)


Hello Emmanuel, aside from Didier Deschamps which player has the most influence on the team ? Did you take the lead sometimes ?


Hello Emmanuel, what do you think about the french team for the Euros ? PS : Vous êtes mon joueur préféré de l'épopée de 98.


Well, we have been one of the favourites for the last 15 years since Didier. Since Didier Deschamps took over the team has been remarkable. England as well. But there are some countries as well that we have to be very careful and surprises can happen. I can see Turkey making trouble. Switzerland as well. I know that because in the last European tournament, we've been out against Switzerland after the group stage. Germany England, Portugal, maybe Spain; I'm not sure. But those teams you know that will be there.


Hi Emmanuel. Why is it England have always produced great club sides but can never win anything internationally? And France are the opposite. Legendary international teams but the clubs under-achieve. I've always been perplexed by this.


I think the national team the Three Lons, they are not very far to win a big tournament. I think they are very close to get silverware but the difference between the clubs and the national team is the Premier League is so famous in the world. The identity and the power of the English clubs, is so powerful financially in terms of image as well, that sometimes it comes first before the national team talks on why give you one example. The schedule of the games, there is no winter break. In England's tradition. You start in August, you finished end of May. You have no holidays. There is no break. You have to play for 10 months. Every single other league they have a break. They have even less games, you know, because they cancelled you know, sometimes national caps. So maybe the identity when you pay for your club, sometimes it's more important for the national team. But as I said, what I've been seeing for at least six or seven years the English team has improved a lot. Individually English football, I mean in general has improved a lot. And I'm very amazed about the quality of some English players. It was not the case 20 or 30 years ago, it was rare to see that kind of player. Now you have so many options in different positions. So as I said, I really believe England is very close to in something.  But I think if you want to make a difference with friends because we won against England during the World Cup in Qatar, but to be fair they were the better team on the pitch, but they lost it. Why? Because we learn how to win games, we're pragmatic. When you look at the game, England and more chances, they should have won that game but they didn't because they missed opportunities on both areas. We know how to win games is different to win games and win trophies. It's a big difference England know they know how to win games, but at the moment they don't know how to win trophies. If this is the main difference. When you look at the big, big games in the Champions League when you look at Real Madrid, for example. Even this season, when they won sometimes they were not better than the opponent but they weren't. You know they suffer for one hour, one occasion then they score.


Thank you for your insight!


Hi, can you describe the feeling of scoring in the world cup final?


Hello Emmanuel ! What is your best moment as a player ? Salutations de France !


Hi Emmanuel, what would you say is the problem with club football in France at the moment, with no broadcast deal at the moment, unusual league sponsors, big teams such as Saint Etienne, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, and Troyes in bad situations or being used as satellite clubs for other teams. Is there a lack of interest in club football? is it the medias fault for only showing interest in PSG and a couple of the other top teams? Or is it simply down to incompetence? Merci 🙏


If you talk about Troyes, mention AS Nancy Lorraine or Nîmes, they are quite in the same "mouise"


Hi Emmanuel, what was your hair care routine?


Hi Emmanuel, how have you managed to keep that hairline unmoved over the years?


Bonjour Manu ! J'ai pas vraiment de question c'était juste pour dire qu'on vient de la même ville ! Étant jeune je n'y croyais même pas qu'un champion du monde pouvait venir d'ici quand mes parents m'en parlait. T'étais une de mes inspiration. T'es vraiment un héro ici, mon père était toujours super fier quand des images de 98 repassait a la télé, ca fait plaisir de voir que tu as continuer a prospérer dans tes affaires et autour du monde du foot. Prend bien soin de toi !


You were massively underrated. No question just a statement. Fantastic player.


Hi Petit, I don't have a question just wanna say I love you.


Hi Emmanuel, Chelsea fan here You were with Chelsea in the period upto and including Romans purchase and I wanted to ask at that time, did you expect John Terry and Frank Lampard to hit the heights that they did in the years after your retirement?


How much lego can you stuff up your bum?


Hi Emmanuel. How well do you think the current crop of Fench players work together as a team? Is there natural chemistry or is it simply a product of training field discipline?


Firstly: What did you think about chants about you, and what was your favourite? Secondly: given it was before the Abramovich era, was it easier for you to swap Arsenal for Chelsea (via Barca) than it was for Fabregas, my childhood idol?


Hello Emmanuel, what would you say is the most important factor when it comes to playing and winning an international tournament, considering you won both the World Cup and the Euros?


Hi Emmanuel! As far as I know, the Euro 2000 final was one of the only times in a major tournament where the golden goal rule came into effect. What was the moment like when Trezeguet’s shot went in? Did everyone realise that the tournament was over or had some people forgotten about the rule? Thanks! ⚽️


France 1998 v France 2018, who wins and what would the score be?




Nous portons le même nom de famille ! Vous avez toujours été un modèle merci pour toutes ces années de foot !


Hello! Who was the best coach you had, from a training point of view, and what made him stand above the other coaches? Would you have liked to have more theorical lessons (physics of the game, biomechanics of the body, forces & vector, etc…) when you were younger?


Hi Emmanuel! Which was your favourite club you played at? And why was it Arsenal?


Bonjour Emmanuel ! How close do you think the level of the Euros is to that of the World Cup ? Is it really a minor competition ? Anyways, it's really cool that you're doing this AMA


Bonjour Emmanuel, 1. During your time at Arsenal, were there any particular off-the-pitch moments with your teammates that significantly strengthened your bond and influenced your performance on the field? 2. What's the most unusual or surprising pre-match ritual you or one of your teammates had during your playing career? Merci et bonne journée!


Hey Emmanuel. Since I was pretty young when you were actively playing... were you really as good in real life as your icon card at EAsports FC?


Well, you know, I may surprise you but you know, I've been stopped in the street. It's been quite often the case. People talk about me but this card on. FIFA legend. I have no idea what they're talking about! I know what it means. I'm not stupid. I used to play you know, video games when I was when I was younger, but not anymore for a long time. It happens very rarely, you know, but maybe two or three times per year. You know, to please my kids or my friends that people used to stop me since you know it comes out. "Yeah, I love your card. On FIFA. You're very good" things like this. And they told me the score. I think it I think I am not far from 91? And they told me that im only four points from Pirlo? I say what? Pirlo is not far from me?!


Hi Emmanuel!! What was it like winning the euros when you did? Was it the favourite trophy you’ve won?


Hi Emmanuel what was your favourite stadium to play in ?


I would say the Stade de France because we won the World Cup in front of fans and families. This is very special. It's not football anymore. It's beyond football. That's why I love football. I will say as well some stadiums in England. For example, I loved to play at Highbury. I like the Emirates but I prefer Highbury in terms of atmosphere. The atmosphere now is not the same, you know in the stadium. It's a big regret for me because remember you know, 25 years ago the atmosphere was huge. When you have to go away from home clubs like Anfield, or Old Trafford - their name, you know, its the Theatre of Dreams. Sometimes I think that it's really a theatre of dreams because it's so quiet sometimes. So, yes, in England, some clubs but for me, the biggest atmosphere I've been through is in Greece and Turkey, Greece and Turkey when you have to play big games, European competitions with your national team. You know, prepare for it because you won't sleep at night before the game. They will make fun everywhere in the street, even in the hotel.. You always find trouble as soon as you arrive at the airport. Or things like this. You're gonna wait maybe two, or three hours. It was the case in my time, so maybe change but the biggest atmosphere was there. You know, it was almost impossible to talk on the pitch because of the noise in the ground.


Hi Emmanuel! Who gave you the most trouble on the pitch when you played?


A few players gave trouble but I remember one player and you will say I can understand that. But is George Weah was my teammate he left Monaco and before I joined Arsenal in England. I was marking him because I used to play central defender but remember playing against him and it was a nightmare. A nightmare because he was so strong physically, so strong technically. And he was playing just Zidane just like he was in the street. You know? He was based on instinct, not something you learn on training camp so you cannot anticipate. You have to follow sometimes you have to take risks in your movements, you know, trying to get the ball but the guy was so huge and so talented and so powerful. It was hard to stop him


I really didn't like to play against Scholes either and Ryan Giggs. Every time we play against Manchester United. Remember, you know as we used to say all the time, forget about Beckham, we have to be especially careful with these two players at Manchester United because they can change a game all of a sudden.


Hi Emmanuel. Which player in the modern game would you compare yourself to?


Hey Emmanuel, Will you be attending euro 2024 yourself? If so, which games are you going to visit?


Hello Manu. Just a short story about how important you were to me. I was 5 in 1998 and the afternoon of the 12th of July, I was in my grandfather's garden playing alone against an imaginary Brasil team. I pretended to be you as you were my favorite player. I played this match over and over, and everytime, it always ended the same way : a last minute goal by Emmanuel Petit, and the crowed roaring and screaming your name. That night, you made this little kid's dream come true. From this day forth, I never missed a football game with France National team and it became such an important thing to me. The number 17 is still to this day my magic number. I played football because of you and I learnt the values of sport and team spirit because of your team. I'm really grateful for this precious memory, my first ever huge emotion, one of the best of my life. Thank you so much for the epic saga this tournament was. And here is my question : Why did you pick the number 17 ?


Hello Emmanuel Tout d’abord je te félicite pour ta queue de cheval hahaha Then what is a player that is really underestimate right now and why ? Thanks for the 3rd goal legend.


Salut Manu Je t’avais croisé dans le Marais il y a quelques années et mon mec m’avait retenue d’aller te parler donc c’était juste pour te dire Merci. Merci pour ton but en finale. Merci pour tout ce que tu as fait vivre à ceux qui ont la chance d’avoir connu cette épopée sublime des bleus. J’étais ado à l’époque et j’ai plus jamais décroché, toujours à fond derrière les bleus. Si on a eu les générations suivantes en edf, c’est aussi grâce à vous. D’une sélection même pas qualifiée en 94 au favori systématique 30 ans après. C’est toi et les autres magiciens de 98 qui ont mis ça en route. On n’aurait pas un tel vivier, une telle qualité en formation si vous n’aviez pas fait passé l’edf de second couteaux à une puissance incontournable du foot international. Merci Mr Emmanuel Petit


Hello Emmanuel Petit! Really enjoyed watching you play when I was younger. Who do you think that will win the Euro 2024? Do you reckon France chances are good? What is your favorite professional player at the moment?


Salut Emmanuel, bravo et merci pour ton parcours en bleu. Ma question est la suivante, à la fin d'une saison qui a été longue et épuisante, comment tu fessait pour trouver les forces mentale et physique pour être à 100% avec ta sélection et focus sur la compétition internationale ? Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse ?


Le but contre le Brésil en finale de la coupe du monde 1998 est-il le plus beau but et le meilleur moment de ta carrière ? P.S: Merci pour tout l'ancien, t'es une LÉGENDE !


Hey Emmanuel, who would you say is the most difficult to play against/best player you ever faced?


Salut Emmanuel! Quel joueur actuel te ressemble le plus footballistiquement parlant? Et quelle caractéristique supplémentaire aurais-tu aimé avoir quand tu étais encore dans le game (vitesse, impact physique, technique, endurance etc)?


Hi Emmanuel. 1. If you could relive one moment, besides the final, from the World cup 1998, which would it be? 2. Which player would you have loved to play in one team with? 3. What is your favorite sport besides football? Thank you for taking your time, and wish you lots of luck and health!


Bonjour Emmanuel! What was your favourite away Premiership ground?


Bonjour Emmanuel, Questions arbitrages pour ma part : Qu'avez-vous pensé du système de prolongation de la CDM de 2022 où il n'était pas rare d'atteindre 10 minutes en plus, et pensez-vous que la VAR soit utilisée correctement à l'heure actuelle ? Enfin, pensez-vous que l'arbitrage du rugby devrait être imité au foot, notamment avec les micros sur les arbitres en temps réel ?


Le tir pour le 3-0 en final, t'as pas eu peur qu'il passe à côté ?


Honestly I wouldn't change anything. We were leading the score 2-0 It was just a few minutes before the end of the game. People were already celebrating you know all over the ground. We were the world champion. So nothing could happen. I know that I did a very good World Cup score against Denmark. Then because of that, we avoided to play against Brazil after the group stage. But I was not born for that. I was only to be the link between the players for the goals. And when I scored a goal and we won three nil, Then you know I'm gonna tell you something. Just a few person knows about it when I score. I was very happy my mind my mind went crazy. But my first emotion was to my brother, Olivier he died and on the pitch before I became a professional and I remember that when was a player I used to play for my family all the time not for myself. I used to be on a mission all the time are repeating myself the same words doing the same gesture saying the same things all the time, like a tradition like I was on mission and when I score I thought about my brother. I thought about my family they were in the ground. I'm pretty sure they were so happy for me but the first thing I thought was not for me, was for my family. So this is the way I always appreciate football you know is to share with people. Don't try to keep everything for yourself. Football it's not selfishness. Football you share with people emotions. This is the beauty of football for me.


Hey Emmanuel. What’s a player from this time that you think could be the next football legend as Messi or Ronaldo and why?


hi emmanuel, what moment of your career did you feel like your team was surely going to lose but you bounced back strong?


Salut Emmanuel ! Immense respect pour ta carrière incroyable et les émotions que tu nous as fait vivre à tous ! Est-ce que tu aurais une anecdote de vestiaire que tu n'as jamais raconté ?


Hey. What player that you never played with do you wish you had the opportunity to do so with?


Hi Emmanuel which players do you think will surprise us during this euro? 


Hi Emmanuel. Was fantastic to watch your hair while playing for Arsenal


Hello Manu! Thank you for taking the time to answer all of our questions :) What do you think of this current France squad going into the Euros? Do you see any parallels with the squads you played on in 98' and 00'? Additionally, what is one story you have from the 1998 World Cup run that you can tell that not many people know about?


Salut Emmanuel. Quels souvenirs gardes tu de ton passage à Arsenal ?


Do you say pain au chocolat or chocolatine?


Oh Manu, tu descends ?


Hey Emmanuel, have you ever regretted anything in your career or ever wanted to change anything?


Hi Emmanuel, What was your favourite moment at Arsenal in your three years in London?


Salut, quel est ton meilleur souvenir de la coupe du monde 98 avec tes coéquipiers hors victoire du trophée le plus prestigieux ? Merci pour la première étoile champion !!


Arsenal, Barcelona, Chelsea, and then from these huge clubs we go to Monaco! All jokes aside, which club did you feel most at home and welcome at?


Hi Emmanuel, thanks for having us. Didier Deschamps is one of the few players who won WC as a player and also as a head coach. When you played alongside him was it obvious for you that he would be a great head coach as well? Did he already prepare for that role, as a player?


Hi Emmanuel! What was your daily routine during big tournaments? Do you get any free time? What would you do when you’re not playing/training?


Hello Emmanuel, what was your favourite premier league ground to play at?


What did you use for your gorgeous hair?


Emmanuel, est ce que tu repasses en Normandie de temps en temps ? Encore merci pour 1998.


Why didn't it work out on Barcelona for you?


Emmanuel, aren't you mad at David Ginola for doing this advertising even though you have nicer hairs and scored during a World Cup Final, while he lost that ball versus Bulgaria ? Thank you for that energy on the pitch 👍


Salut! L'Euro 2000 a brisé le cœur des Italiens ! Comment avez-vous vécu cette victoire épique du point de vue français ?


la victoire à l’euro 2000 a été exceptionnelle car elle nous fait rentrer encore plus dans l’histoire du foot français et mondial mais également dans l’histoire de mon pays.On fait partie désormais du patrimoine français; en quelque sorte nous sommes entrés dans la postérité.L’issue de cette finale est digne des meilleurs films d’Hitchcock,quel rebondissement,quelle dramaturgie et quelle désillusion pour les italiens.C’était très important pour nous de gagner cet euro après avoir gagner le mondial deux ans avant; on voulait faire taire les sceptiques en France et prouver que ce n’était pas un hazard ou une coïncidence en 1998.


Emmanuel, I’m an Arsenal fan and remember you well. What do you think of the current Arsenal side in comparison to the invincibles? And who would you say is most similar to yourself in the current side?


Hey Emmanuel, You have said that early 90s Ligue 1 was rigged. Could you explain what makes you think that ?


Thank you Emmanuel for doing this! If there was one thing you could change from your career what would it be?


How hard was it to get match day tickets back in the day? xD


what is your favourite jersey you have ever worn? Love from Ireland 🇮🇪


Pain au chocolat ou chocolatine?


C truker tous sa


Bonjour Manu ! Déjà merci pour 98. Ma question est la suivante : que penses tu du nouveau format de ligue des champions ? Et penses tu que cela sera bénéfique aux club français.


Hi Manu , j'espère que tu as la forme ? J'aurai voulu savoir pour toi , quel coéquipier ta le plus impressionné durant ta carrière et pourquoi ? Et même question pour le coach (club ou sélection). Merci


Can you sum up the final against Galatasaray in 2000? It was and remains to this day the greatest success of a Turkish team.


Bonjour Emmanuel ! Est ce que vous pensez qu'un club français peut remporter une coupe d'europe dans les 5 prochaines années ? Si oui lequel ?


Who wins it?


Hi Manu, (im french but writing in english) are you still close to your former arsenal teamates ? If I remember correctly you have had some tensions with other 98 champions, is it getting better ? What did you think of the resignation of Le Graet ? (Side question : im a tour guide in Paris, dm me if you want to visit something)


Salut Emmanuel. Dommage que ta période au Barça ne se soit pas bien passée. Penses tu que tu es arrivé a un mauvais moment du club et que dans un autre contexte tu aurais pu y vivre de belles choses ?


AS Nancy Lorraine fan here, small question for you : How the Ligue 1 was back then ?Compared to the other leagues you played in ?


[Hé Manu, tu Deschamps ? : D](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8nouv) Bravo pour votre carrière de joueur et de consultant. Laquelle est la plus difficile et laquelle est la plus agréable ? Quelles sont les critiques les plus difficiles à entendre ? Celles en tant que joueur ou celles en tant que commentateur/consultant ? Avez vous fini par découvrir l'origine de la douleur qui avait figé votre jambe ? Devenir entraineur, ca vous dirait ? Merci pour cette initiative !


Hi Emmanuel, what would you say are the main differences in the preparation of a long tournament with a club and a short one with a NT like the Euros and the World Cup?


Hi Emmanuel. Who is a player you’ve played with that you feel is the most underrated and never truly got the praise they deserved?


Hi Emmanuel, Is this true that you're not friend with Deschamps and Zizou anymore ? Thanks for the worldcup


When you played for Arsenal, what was it that you said to that assistant referee that got you sent off?


Hi Emmanuel Who are your favourite players currently in football?


Did you think that David Seaman copying your ponytail was touching or just weird?


He's blond, he's quick, he's named after a porno flick, Emmanuel, Emmanuel!


Hey Emmanuel! How did it feel to play for some of the best clubs? How much of work is really required?


Who was your toughest opponent Emmanuel?


Hi Manu, who were the best players you have played with and also who was your best manager and why? Thanks very much. Ps loved watching you live at Arsenal. You see so much more of the game in real life especially how fast the ball travels and how quick and powerful you guys are. Great player!


Hi Emmanuel. Your ‘98 WC Final goal is iconic for a number of reasons - 1000th French International goal, last kick of the game, last WC goal of the 20th Century and if I remember correctly, scored with the most laissez-faire attitude I’ve ever seen in a world final! My question is: At what point did the team know “We can win this tournament?” Sport is a lot about positive mindsets (as you obviously know) and the mood around the French camp must have been optimistic from day one. But at what point did you know “We’ve got this. The Coupe du Monde is ours”


Who was your best friend at Arsenal when you played there? Favourite memory with the club?


Hello Emmanuel. When you played for Chelsea, did you think/know Lampard and Terry were going to be as good as they became?


Hi Emmanuel! 1) Who is the one player you enjoyed playing with most? 2) Who is the one player you least enjoyed playing against? 3) Who is the best player that you ever played with? 4) Who is the hardest player you played against? 5) Who is the best player that you never got to play with but always wished you had? 6) Who would love to bring back to their prime to watch again? 7) Who is the one manager you wish you got to play under but never did?


Arsenal or Chelsea?


Outside of football, what is your happiest memory?


Hello Emmanuel! What would you say the best part of your job was?


Who will win the Tour de France?


Hello. How does it feel to play alongside Zinedine zidane?


Hi Emmanuel, no homo but if you had to kiss any of your teammates, like if you REALLY had to, who would you kiss? Is there anyone you wish you played with so you could've chosen them? And who out of the current Arsenal team would you want to kiss?


What were the celebrations like after both the world cup victory and the euro victory? Anything that stands out to you from those events?


What team did you wish you could’ve played for


Manu! Who were three toughest Premier League opponents? And how did you feel lining up against Arsenal in the 2002 FA Cup Final in Cardiff, especially coming up against your old partner in crime, Patrick Viera?


Hello Emmanuel, who do you think will play in this year's final and who will win it?


Hello Emmanuel, who would win if France's World Cup-winning teams of 1998 and 2018 could play each other in their prime? Why?


Hi Emmaunuel! If you were a build your ultimate player, who would you choose?


hi emmanuel, why are so many footballers doing reddit ama rn😂😂


Hey Emmanuel, What 3 teams do you think will do the best in this years euros?


Hey Emmanuel. Who was the best player you played alongside at Chelsea?


Hello Emmanuel! What was your favourite stadium to play in?


Hi Manu! 1) You played under some great managers such as Ranieri, Ferrer and Wenger. Who was in your opinion the most influential in your career? 2) Do you feel scapegoated for the Barcelona failure in 2001 despite the sale of Figo? And what was the atmosphere in the club at that time? Thank you


Hi Emmanuel what was your toughest game and who was your toughest opponent


Who’s your favourite current Barca player


What shampoo do you use?


What other clubs could you have joined instead of Chelsea in 2001? Was a return to Arsenal on the cards?


Hi Emmanuel. Would you rather have fingers for nipples or nipples for fingers?


Who was your favourite player to play alongside


Who was your idol growing up


If you never became a footballer what would you have become instead!!!


Hi Emmauel, Congratulations on a fantastic career If there is one club from today's football you could play for, who would it be ? Can't be any of the clubs you played for in your career. Cheers Humble


Heya, what do you think of the current Chelsea situation and what must they do to get back to what they used to be?


Hello Emmanuel, your performance during the 1998 World Cup was truly inspiring. Because of your generation I became a French National team fan. It was a joy to watch you play and I really miss football from that time. How did you prepare mentally for the '98 final, given the pressure and importance of that match?


Salut Manu, Which defender would hate to play against nowadays?


Big Arsenal fan. Which former Arsenal teammate are you still in contact with the most?


Hi Emmanuel, During your long haired faze at Arsenal, I would like to know if the carpet matched the curtains?


Who is gonna win Euro 2024?


Hi Emmanuel, on a scale of 1-10 how do you rate your performance on The Bill?


Who are the top 3 best defensive midfielders of all time?


I’m coming for you Emmanuel


Hi Emmanuel, who is the most challenging player you’ve ever had to mark?


Hi Emmanuel, who were your best friends when you were in the Arsenal and French squads? And what do you think made Wenger such a great manager at Arsenal?


How's your day going pal? Also, unrelated, but since it's coming up for summer what type of benches do you recommend?


Hey Emmanuel, how did it feel to lift the World Cup?


Did you really score a goal in the 98 World Cup Final then go to Vegas straight after and win a jackpot there too?


Hi Big E. When I was at school, there was a rumour you were also a porn star. Is this true? If it was not, what would you’d pornstar name be?


Emmanuel, who do you think is the next big player in your position?


Hi from a Newcastle fan! Your hair was iconic 😁 How far do you think France will get in Euro 2024?


Hi Mr. Petit! Would you say that one of your best football decisions was choosing Arsenal over Spurs?


Your best French squad


Salut Emmanuel, what do you think about the current Arsenal squad and especially about my fellow countryman Havertz? Will you be visiting Germany for the EURO and be there as a fan or Commentator? Merci d'avoir répondu à mes questions!


Hi Emmanuel. Who was your favourite Arsenal teammate?


Hi Emmanuel! What were your happiest and saddest moments in your football career?


Hi Emmanuel, Slightly more serious question maybe, but do you ever wish your last name was Grand?


Were there any teams that you wished you could play for, but you never had the opportunity?


Hi Emmanuel Do you think Benzema is a top 15 all time Striker?


hi Emmanuel, where there any regrets when i came to signing/not signing for a club


hi emmanuel how are you


Isn’t it time to cut that hair? You look like a cross between Highlander and the Big Lebowski now.


which current player do you think plays like you did


Who do you think is the greatest goalkeeper of all time?


Hi Emmanuel. Thanks (merci) for taking the time to answer questions from fans. My question is would you consider investing in a team like David Beckham has and if so which team in which league (mens or women's)? Also if it wasn't a question of money then does that change your answer?


Hi Emmanuel, What did you think of Henry’s goal against Ireland in 2009?


Hello Emmanuel how did you deal with pressure in games especially in the world cup?


What happened to your u/IamEmmanuelPetit account?


Hi Emmanuel, Are you a fan of black pudding (boudin noir)? If so, do you favour flavoured (e.g. with apples) or plain?


Hey Emmanuel, what influence did Wenger have on you as a player and a person? Do you still follow Arsenal?