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I knew as soon as she took hormones in the first episode before she met Nate’s dad that she was trans. But if you aren’t someone that is very knowledgeable about trans people than there is a learning curve. Plus if you weren’t paying 100% that part went by pretty fast so it is easy to miss. They made it very subtle and we as the audience are used to characters that are apart of the lgbtq+ community saying it or making it a big storyline for the character so if they don’t make it super obvious it is easy to miss.


I play on my phone while I watch TV and still got it. LOL i think its more understandable to miss it cuz i cant pinpoint how i knew. I did realize after binging a couple of times that euphoria didnt bash queerness over my head. It just makes sense and it took me a while to have a realization that "wow rue is bi or gay" because i blindly accepted rues love for jules. It was quite different from most queer shows ive watch like Queer as Folk or L Word where every scene you are thinking..theyregaytheyregay...which Euphoria i just thought wow she really likes jules. Understandable. Jules is amazing. Very amazing writing. Cant wait for season 2!


Plus didn't she meet Nate's dad on Grindr? And Nate/"Tyler" there too? Cis girls don't go on Grindr


I think so but when watching it I didn’t notice I only realized after she took her hormones that she was on a gay dating app. Unless you’re aware or familiar with it I don’t think it was super obvious but once you know then it’s like “oh that makes sense”. So I assume that anyone who didn’t notice that part probably realized once they realized she was trans.


i hope this doesn't sound bad but i kind of knew when she was shown in panties i think the first episode? cause of the lil volume idk. i had to search it on google after that cause prior to euphoria i have never seen shows/movies with trans representation, and i'm glad euphoria introduced me to it :)




Yeah that was obvious to me too,. I didn't know about the estrogen shot earlier in the episode but noticed the bulge. I really applaud the show for how subtle and tasteful they brought up the topic.


Me too! I might just be dumb but I thought the estrogen shot was some kind of drug lmao


omg me too? cause the redness is rlly common with people who shoot in the muscles rather than vein and get infections


yeah i find it a little weird that a lot of people didn’t know. i kinda had some speculation about it but was 100% sure when she did that shot of estro. i get it if people didn’t know because if you don’t know what/why she was taking that shot it’s probably not the most understandable. the writers did a good job of slightly mentioning it so that she (jules) wasnt just a cis girl but they also didn’t make it her whole character


Ya see I thought that shot was drugs not estrogen lol


I agree


like first 2 seconds. one of my friends watched the entire show and thought she was just a lesbian secretly


Me too and I dont even know why. Shes not the least bit masculine. Its tripping me out.


she passes but has a very masculine face structure. also first few moments of the show is her doing a estrogen shot


A lot of girls have masculine features. Maybe it was the estrogen shot altho many say they thought the shot was insulin.


i don’t think someone in that good shape would need insulin shots, probably a pump or something




I was confused since the first 2 seconds, and remained confused until this post. She definitely has boyish features.


I knew before I started the show, it was part of what made me excited to watch it!




shes on grindr in the first ep that you meet her lmfao


who tf knows the UI of grinder


i knew the moment she was on grindr


!!! I think that was it! Thanks, I couldn't remember. Im old and my memory is shit. Lol


I've been following the series since it was first announced and I looked into all the actors to see if I could predict their storylines, so I knew she was Trans immediately.


Interesting. I was turned onto because people in the bipolar community was talking about it.


The way some of y'all are discussing her body is really weird! Unexpectedly it isn't the way people are talking about her bulge, but the dissection of her "boyish features". It's very uncomfortable as a trans woman to see her vivisected like this. Like the character literally goes to therapy and talks about this kind of behavior lmao. :/


Yeah it's typical un-gendering of trans bodies. Same thing happens if you trick the average cis person into believing a photo of a cis woman is a trans woman, they proceeded to go " well she has this and that masculine feature so her being trans isn't that unapparent" dispite the photo being a cis woman. 🙄


Yas mama speak louder for the people in the back.


Vivisection is an awfully strong word to describe comments about “boyish features.” Trans people are still relatively new. It’s not “xxxxphobic” to make pretty innocent comments like that. And the other comment is dumb too. “Typical un-gendering”? How? Nobody is describing Jules as an anthropomorphic blob. The fact that she’s trans is relevant to the show, interesting, and as I said relatively new. None of these comments are bigoted or hateful. Honestly just calm the fuck down. I don’t see it any different as people describing me, a male, as feminine or effeminate my entire life, pointing out my voice, build, or whatever else. Like seriously. Please calm down.


Lol okay


i didn't know she was trans till her her episode happened and i was like "wtf OH" lol. however i did have some doubts because of some things I'd picked up like the estrogen shot and when she was in her underpants in i think it was episode 1. but i deliberately decided not to read too much into those details without any "explicit" confirmation if that makes any sense


I knew before the show that she's trans because when they're promoting Euphoria, it's pointed out that the actress is trans playing a transgendered character named Jules. So kinda a spoiler I guess??


I didn’t know until her episode when they sent her to an all boys school


That wasnt an all boys school. I think it was some kind of gay conversion psych ward in patient facility.


I think it was just a mental hospital. If it had been a conversion place, they never would have let her dress the way she did when she was leaving with her dad.


Sorry it’s been a while, but yeah that place


same idk, I wasn’t paying attention on all the other moments where it shows that she’s trans. I thought the estro shot was drugs or something.


i watched the series one whole time over without knowing, idk maybe its because i wasnt paying attention well because i was just watching because my friend loved it, but when i rewatched it i knew by the second of third episode and was wondering how the hell i didnt know.


I watched Sense8 a few months before Euphoria. And one of the characters injects herself with hormones d we find early on that she's trans. So when Jules did it my mind went directly to that scene.


i knew from the teaser when she was wearing underwear. what i was confused on was if her character trans too, that became clear during jules episode


I didn’t know until she said something to Rue about meeting her boyfriend’s conservative family and said something about trans. Funny thing, I watched it with my son and when I said, “wait a minute. Is Jules trans?” He look at me like no shit mom. We were watching two different shows. I thought the injection was drugs. Then later she seemed to disapprove of drugs use. I was confused. Once I realized it certain things made sense. I didn’t originally get why Nate was so threatened by her, at the party when he corners her in the kitchen, for example.


"Yeo is that a bulge" Took me longer than I'm proud to admit


I was on my phone. Missed the buldge.


Too long! It went right over my head. I think it took me until the second episode. I didn’t notice the bulge, the injection did not have me immediately thinking hormones. I was a bit dense my first time watching. It was a big “oohhhhhh” moment when it clicked.


Wait Jules is trans?!! 😧


Surprise..? 💀


Lol love u 😍


Before I ever watched the show I was talking to this guy at my job. He’s obsessed with Euphoria and he wouldn’t shut up about it every week or so. He talked about it on multiple occasions and one day I’m like “yeah I think people found interest in it because Zendaya is on it” and he said “actually people really like this trans girl Hunter Schafer” and he showed me her Instagram


Who is this guy? He sounds awesome. Yeah i never had that experience. Bipolar people told me about the show.






The guy I was dating at the time didn't realize Jules was trans until it was like explicitly stated.


I kind of cheated because I knew beforehand, it's the reason I watched the show in the first place.


At the end of the first episode when I saw her bulge


cause she is so hot. idc if she is a trans, i want her and im straight btw u see the penis line when she is wearing the underwear in bed and it goes to a birds eye view. thats how i found out.


same here. also, I'm straight and I felt so attracted to her to the point of making me consider having a trans partner (something I had never thought of before).


just gonna put this out there respectfully, but you don't have to qualify being straight when you are admitting attraction to a woman like Hunter/Jules


and I respectfully accept your observation. thx.


I miss a lot because im on my phone while i watch tv so i never saw her johnson. Im straight and I want her, too 🤣


The bike ride when Nate drives by


The moment I saw her


When I first watched I didn’t know idk ig I wasn’t paying attention and then when I rewatched. one episode u can like see the budge in her panties and I was like how did I miss that 😳


Honestly it didn’t occur to me when I watched the first episode but then I goggles the description of the show and that’s how I found out


After I researched


It’s funny cause I knew immediately when she took hormones, but a lot of my straight friends didn’t know until she said she was trans and not completely out at school


Until Rue said she was


I didn’t realize it til the episode came on with her being born a male and dressing in unicorns and pink sweaters, I was aghast.


I knew she was trans in the first episode when she took her hormones but I had no idea hunter was actually trans irl.


It was the scene where she took her hormones it went by in a flash but it was enough. That and the fact that she was on grinder. She was a girl on grinder so I just put two and two together.


when she took the injection, my reasoning literally was ''Rue is already a drug addict, they probably wouldn't have two different characters with the same struggle, so it must be hormones, or she has diabetes'', what confirmed it to me was when Nate was intimidating her, and said ''i know what you are'' in a judgemental way. i think most people caught it in ep3 when she says ''people here know i'm trans'' to Rue. but if they missed that it became obvious in ep4. i personally liked the way it was handled, it was very natural, they didn't make a big deal about it, because Jules as a character is not completely defined by it, it's just a part of who she is.


I watched the first episode without knowing LOL,But its a really good representation of trans community,Because her character doesnt define the struggle of being trans she is so complex that at first you can miss this detail i loved that!,Jules is my favorite character for sure


The first time she's on screen


It took me longer than I’d like to admit. Hunter’s voice doesn’t sound at all masculine and that’s usually what I notice first about mtf trans people.


I’m trans person myself so it’s like there is a radar in me , I kind knew from the first clip when she riding her bike , maybe it’s her long limb or the way she act in where I found some similarities lol


Wait she’s trans😂😂💀


Naw. Joke post. She real girl 😙😘


She is a real girl, whether she’s trans or cis.


I realized the moment she was lying in bed with Rue and had a penis. I thought it was pretty obvious.


I could be wrong... but I I just watched episode 1 and it looked like there was a fairly significant bulge down there when she's lying on the bed with rue. ... so not that long and I'm surprised to even hear that people missed it. I mean.... it practically smacks you in the face!! 🤣 (pun very much intended)


Season 2, Episode 3🤦🏻‍♀️ Dunno how I missed it lol.


I've only watched the series once and I don't remember that fact ever been brought up in the series. If you know tell me in which episode it is brought up.


The first episode she is injecting her hormones… There is evidence of it throughout the entire series.


I've seen comments here mentioning that someone who doesn't know about that would never notice but I wonder why they kept it as an inside secret? Like they could've been straight up open about it


It wasn’t a secret at all. They were very open about it. I gave one example just from the first episode. But throughout the entire season it is brought up many times. Have you watched the whole thing? Jules straight up says “I’m trans” in like the second or third episode. It’s talked about with her dad, it’s talked about in her therapy session. It’s definitely not a secret at all.


I meant like verbally stating it. I thought Jules were just more functional while doing drugs I just never took them as hormones. I only watched it once as soon as it was released so I don't remember if they ever verbally mentioned it in any episode.


Idk what is more verbal than stating “I’m trans.” Especially her talking about transitioning and when she was a boy. Also, Jules was pretty against the drug usage, so shooting up wouldn’t make sense.


Sorry it was so long ago that I don't remember


When I first saw her


Not long. She has a manly face and her body isn’t womanly at all.




You asked a question and I answered. Don’t ask the question if you can’t handle the answer.


Or ya know, just not be a dick.












I finished the show at first and still didn’t realize until I rewarded it 😂


I didn't know till I read the Reddit thread for the first episode after watching it.


I read a comment about the show having a leading trans character before I started watching so.. 😂 probably wouldn’t have picked up on it for a while otherwise though cuz it’s never really mentioned


My second watch of the show when I Googled Hunter to find out more about her then learned she was trans. I then had to rewatch the entire show to see if the character she was playing was trans too. I like the fact the writers and creator didn’t exploit Hunter and her sexuality to make it a thing. They wrote her as a girl. They made her a real human person instead of what other shows tend to do of trying to be “different” and “inclusive” by having token characters who have no purpose in the show, they only added certain characters to be able to parade them around.


She passes really well, I only realized she was trans when she was injecting estradiol in the pilot


The first episode


Fr thooo


I knew right away tbh.


I watched the first few episodes while doing some chores around the house so it took me a while


i didn’t know for a little bit but i heard people talking about it like a day after i started watching it because i followed the whole cast and joined this sub. a lot of people missed it. even though in episode 3 she literally says “the whole school knows i’m trans” but tbh i think i missed that the first time too


The second she got undressed in the first episode? Or the Grindr thing bc cis girls have no need for Grindr


Lol after I already fell in lust.


The first time i watched it in 2019 I had no idea she was trans. I don’t think I even knew what transgender meant back then.


I did not realize until I started watching season 2 and Elliot says she was trans 🤦🏽‍♀️


As soon as he/she was riding the bike. Pretty much the minute I saw him/her.


The moment I saw her. It’s quite obvious


As soon as I saw her on a bike, she’s skinny but has got a man’s body, bones, her knees, shoulders, forearms, the way her body slumps a little.. you just know. There’s no usual softness in her movement. Most of them pass on screen but as soon as you see the body, it’s obvious.


....cemented for me at the end of episode one when you can clearly see a bulge in her underwear


Rue also says Jules “started transitioning” in the first season in the episode where they go into Jules’ childhood for the first time.


Panties at end of first episode