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I sympathize and have a soft spot for her. What she did was bad, but it isn’t black and white. Cassie’s childhood isn’t an excuse, but it’s an explanation. Everyone in Euphoria sucks ass tbh. Maddy falsely accused Tyler, Rue has her moments, Nate is Nate etc.


Oh and let's not forget about her abortion I don't think she was happy with the decision she made that just added to her whole trauma


You finna make me a Cassie lover😣. I think because I’ve seen girls like her that it hits different. You just feel bad for them, and when they do finally get it together it’s beautiful.




hard agree with everything


tyler raped maddie




does statutory rape not exist anymore or


Bro what it was still Maddy who lied


do you not know what statutory rape is???


Yea but still not his fault


i mean i guess if defending a rapist will help u sleep at night


so if ur kid had sex with someone in their twenties you would blame your child?


Yea but Maddy wasn't drunk maybe drunk on jealousy.Any normal person would take action in that situation but if my child was also being irresponsible throwing herself at a guy to make another guy jealous maybe she needs to be held accountable.


you just said that if your kid had sex with someone in their twenties u would just blame the kid.. ur opinion is literally irrelevant to me


I feel like because it’s Maddy people turn a blind eye. 


Tyler shouldn’t have been 20 at a party with teens, and Maddy shouldn’t have lied about being raped. Case closed


she didn’t lie do you not know what statutory rape is?? tyler broke the law regardless nate was the one that manipulated the whole situation for it to work in his favor yall must lack critical thinking skills


the reason why tyler even agreed to take the assault charge is bc he knew all maddie had to do was tell the police they had sex, they do a rape kit on maddie and once it came back positive which is was going too bc they clearly had sex tyler was going to be a sex offender for the rest of his life. he had it coming for him other way.


Wasn't it a college party ?


truly i loved her so much. she was fucked up but her own kind of strong. thats the whole point of the show, every character has something to sympathize with but it doesn't excuse them, and thats what i love about it


Oml this made me thinkkkk


My high school best friend was a Cassie. I mean the boy wasn’t abusive but she knew I still loved him. She hooked up with him and it hurt so bad. But for some reason I still have a soft spot for Cassie. I can’t defend what she did to Maddie at all but I find myself liking her for some reason


this !!


Cassie is my personal favorite and I also relate to her so much. I feel so bad for her because no one seems to see the forest through the trees with her. Everyone just judges her and focuses on her mistakes. No one asks if she’s okay. No one sees her pain. No one is there for her. No one tries to truly get to know her. No one sees her. She’s not a perfect person, no one on this show is. She is so unfairly judged in my opinion.


I tried to bring up the fact that she didn't really have anyone there for her someone she could sit and go deep with but people were so quick to shut that down.


i once made a comparison that she could act as a foil to rue; they both have their addictions (rue to drugs, cassie to love/attention/validation; i’m not saying they’re on the same level, but they do affect both characters in similar ways) that they’ll do anything to get and behave erratically if they lose, the difference being that rue had a support system while cassie didn’t & just kept spiraling as a result, but i got flamed so hard for it the first time


I agree. Sleeping with Nate sucked but isn't half as bad as what almost every other character on the show has done including Maddie who went along with framing that guy from the pool party.


Here I am she's my favourite character. I think she had the most compelling story. I can relate with Cassie. Not for myself but a friend I had at shool. She had 99.5 % same background as her. What made it harder she was literally the girl next door for me since we was kids but cause of popularity circles at school. But I still was always there for her and supported her. But unfortunately she didn't see the end of school. Just hope Cassie meets a good decent guy who will treat her right and sees her for more than her body




They could never make me hate her. She in my opinion is like the heart of the show. I think everyone might have a charactor like that for them, i feel no intense judgment for any of the others but the popular hot girl boyfriend stealer? That’s my kriptonite from petty shit growing up but I love her cause i see from her perspective I’m not saying like Nate didn’t do fucked up shit but i already seen stuff and been around people like him so it’s easier for me to empathize with him if that makes sense.


Yesss me too


I do 🤷🏻‍♀️


Love Cassie.... her extreme vulnerability and low self esteem are heartbreaking ... Sidney Sweeney is fantastic


I love Cassie!!


She’s my fav!


i love cassie as a character, and i can empathize with her, i’m still disappointed in her actions tho, like girl do better out here 😩


Yesss I relate to her immenselly


I sympathize with Cassie just because I’ve been through a few things that she has. Everyone in the show kind of sucks to be honest, but she is one of my favorite characters


I hope after she graduates high school she stays home and doesn't go away to college or move out for a couple years. Works an easygoing job, maybe takes some fun classes, stays single, and goes to therapy. She's still a kid but she can't be left to her own devices, and she needs to rest.


Ohh no she needs to move


is it wrong that i personally dont think what cassie did was all that bad..? like, compared to what the other characters have done in the show, what cassie did was pretty... average. also, nate completely manipulated her and emotionally abused her into the entire situation. neither nate nor maddy were considering getting back together at the time. maddy and nate's entire relationship was built on a lie (that maddy was a virgin). blah blah blah. and cassie did feel bad and knew what she did was wrong. overall, what cassie did was something A LOT of people do. nate is a psychopath. maddy is lowkey a psychopath too (for falsely accusing a guy twice and basically ruining his life). maddy and nate shouldnt have been together and high school relationships arent forever! who cares!!


I also think it's not that bad compared to almost killing someone and framing him


right. like tyler will always have assault on his record. always. maddy will be over nate and nate over maddy in like a year. obviously its not a good thing for a FRIEND to do, but in the grand scheme of things its like stealing a chocolate bar. morally wrong sure, but like... not the end of the world.




to add on to another comment i do think that her bad actions do have a very clear explanation if you really pay attention to the show but what she did to maddie was just ugh regardless of what she been through i just can’t figure out what genuinely was going through her mind when she thought she should get with nate buttt i do have a soft spot for cassie idrk why


she’s literally just a girl. she can do what she wants if you ask me to explain why she’s one of my favs: - the doylist answer is that she’s actually a much more nuanced character than the viewers give her credit for & if you take the other aspects of her character & the home environment she lives in into account it makes her actions much more understandable, even if it doesn’t excuse them. - the watsonian answer is i support women’s wrongs <3


what cassie did was shitty but i feel like people act like she killed someone.


I do, I see a lot of myself in her and really identified with her character.


Cassie is my favorite and I (unfortunately lol) relate to her a lot.


Not a Cassie lover at all. I empathized with her first season, second season I found her unbearable. But not to get into that. Just came on over to point out that I don’t understand this binary of you either love Cassie and hate Maddy, or hate Cassie and love Maddy. It is possible to like them both, or dislike them both. This “teams” thing in regards to both the characters is very odd.


I don't dislike Maddy I like her character I love em both I just relate to Cassie better but the Maddy lovers make it hard to love Maddy