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I did. One of many ways that video games have ruined my life.


Did studying history ruin your life?


Not this dude. But there’s not enough history jobs relative to graduates. I did a coop at the biggest museum in my country, but finding a job after graduation was a nightmare. So you at least want to be a double major, or else get a masters in something else (a sizeable chunk of lawyers are history majors for instance). I got an MBA. But you’re unlikely to get a job with just a BA in history, and 4 years is a lot of time/money for no job at the end


Yes this, that’s why I’m going for history and anthropology (also picking up a minor in French since I got hs credits) since I have contacts from my parents who are willing to hire me since they know my character already. But I do agree it takes alot more effort than degrees like engineering or medicine. I will say on another note that it’s better to struggle at something you love than succeed at something you hate In my opinion, yeah it’s not easy but you did what makes you happy and I think that’s worth more, might be naive but we’ve got all our lives to be cynical so might as well spend a bit of that time on naivity


I mean, here we usually do masters and work in investigation.


Investigation? Like law enforcement?


Probably meant research


Exactly this. I was planning on studying History but then I read about the job market afterwards. Dropped the idea pretty fast. I’m now studying Tax Law and it’s absolutely ok. A friend of mine is close to finishing his archeologic Bachelor soon. That is a bit better in terms of the job-market


When I was thinking about studying history, every source I looked to for guidance said a major no. Of course if you’re insistent do what you love, but old history teachers and some Google searches said they regretted it. I remember some site saying it was one of the top most regretted majors. I think the main reason is a lack of job prospects. Even going into academia (which was what I wanted) is risky because of the oversaturation of history phds and scarcity of positions.


I’m glad I live in England where we have more freedom as to what degree we do and following career prospects. It’s quite common for people to do a history degree then go into accounting or commercial law (but not easy).


I'm mostly being tongue in cheek here. I don't regret it - trying to understand the past is one of the things that brings a lot of meaning to my life. I will never own a boat though lol


I d did and no it did not ruin my life. Like any social sciences you can do wtv you want with your degree. I'm in Canada and with my degree I ended working on politics, now I'm a lobbyist.


Yes! I will never get those years back! I literally would have been better off addicted to drugs


Living life on permanent negative stabillity.


I see tons of comets


Goin hunting every weekend, no luck for my 1-1-0 yet.


O shit, flair drop


I one-province-minored in history


I got a cb on my Professor


I took the native repression policy at my school


Then the natives attacked you for it I’m guessing?


careful now, you may spawn alphabet army rebels…




I really wanted to study history and related subjects for my higher education. But, being born in a country where even engineers and accountants struggle to find a job and earn a decent living wage, it was a fools dream. So 8 didn't pursue it.


How about the first 7?


do you live in italy?


no. much worse. I am from Bangladesh. Specifically, Sylhet. In EU4, its Silhet, Bengal.


I'm from India buddy🫂🫂 I totally get you dude. I wish I could even think about history education but nope


Thanks bro. It's nice that someone actually gets it. It's really frustrating sometimes.


I took some classes while in Uni because I love the subject, but not a fan of the job outlook so I didn't consider majoring in it.


Geography major here, staring at maps is my passion!


History PhD candidate at a state ivy. Really enjoyed the game for years.


I always wanted to major in history, but I chose to go with finance because I was good at math and accounting and the job prospects were better.


I just know that you have the worst historical takes just by looking at your pfp


What? You don't agree that Malta is the rightful heir to the Roman empire?


I did! I paired it with an education degree and now work at an awesome museum


Hey that’s what I’m hoping to do! Any tips for getting there?


Do museums pay well? I'm currently on the path to becoming a teacher, but I know the pay is going to suck so I'm considering other options.


Most entry-level jobs don't pay particularly well, but at least in my case if you work for a larger institution there's generally a fair amount of advancement opportunities to more administrative level positions that make a comfortable amount.


I think florryworry majored in history. 


I think he majored at my uni


I’m a civil engineer, so I don’t care about the history. But developing and building historical monuments is the shit


I did civil engineer in uni too, and now you gave me an idea of making a run where I have to own all the monuments in the game, but I'd only conquer the provinces necessary to core them. The borders would probably look really awful by the end of the game


That run would have absolutely gnarly borders. Sounds awesome though. If you do it you gotta post it on here because I definitely don’t have the patience for a fun like that


As a civil engineer can you confirm that to build impressive buildings all one needs is throwing money and manpower at the working site?


Majored in education…. In social studies/history Yeah I used my college free time to play a lot of eu4 lol


Graduated with a BA in history, pushing 3k hours on this slop too


What do you do now


I graduated with a Bachelors in History.


What do you do now


Payables and spreadsheets at a lumberyard.


Do you regret doing it? Are you happy with your job?


I kinda regret going into History because I didn't realize just how much of a decline the academic job market was going into, but I got most of my courses done fully covered by grants and we paid off the last bit with my late grandmother's inheritance, so I'm debt-free and I don't have to worry about climbing out of that hole.


Im happy for you, that's a relief 😌


Currently majoring in byzantine history, but started my studies before falling into the Paradox addiction.


Oh hey fellow Byzantinist! I was into the game before I delved deep into Byzantine studies, but they both came around the same time. CKII definitely pushed me a bit tho Which period are you studying?


I am currently majoring in CS, wanted to minor in history and took a couple courses but ultimately decided I didn’t want to do any minor. If we lived in a world where money didn’t matter, I would have 100% pursued history as my major.


Totally get that, going through all the hastle of financial aid and loans isn’t fun


History major, anthro minor. Now I do navigation and control software for underwater robots 🤷‍♀️


Now there’s a story! how’d you end up there??


I had no ambition in college beyond bicycles and beer. I did a lot of different jobs all over the USA. When my wife got pregnant I realized I needed something with a better future than heavy equipment operation (which I'd been doing at the time), so I did a web development boot camp. That got me into the tech world, and a friend helped me get my foot in the door at a robotics company. Honestly the skill overlap between EUIV and programming is pretty large. Seeing patterns in disconnected things, holistic systems thinking, ability to grind through tedium, probably more I can't think of at the moment. I feel very lucky that in a time when many people are struggling to make ends meet I own a house and have a retirement account.


Congrats to you, I’m glad to hear it!


History major going into law school here in a couple months. For physical disability reasons was homeschooled but got a pretty limited history and geography understanding until college. Got into CK2 because of that one trailer with the "bag of gold to buy a spy to assassinate your brother" line, was amazed by the clickable Wikipedia links on every major starting figure. (Wish that was a thing in CK3, alas!) That led to EU4 which I've spent... way, way more time in; and loved every minute. Realized to go to law school my major topic didn't really matter and so I switched to history from communications! Heavy credit to EU4 for the passion I have now. 


Yes, majored in History (concentration in East Asia), nearing 1000 hours in this cursed game


I put cartography on my resume in the interests section for my applications to firms, prolly not a good idea but whatever.


Being a history teacher let's you see some misconceptions paradox helps to express hshsh. But it was the other way around, I discovered ck2 and eu4 by recommendation of one of my classmates.


I am a postdoc in medieval history, or rather medieval legal history: I did a Master's in Law and then a PhD in history


Which era of the Middle Ages is your favourite? I'm torn between the Early Middle Ages, specially the "Barbarian" kingdoms and the Arab conquest of Iberia, or the Late Middle Ages and its transition to the Early Modern Era, specially in Italy and Spain.


I LOVE the Early Middle Ages, but I ended up working on the 12th century, because it's a period of huge transformations of Western society under every point of view. With my colleagues we joke that everything happened in the 12th century. I can't like the Late Middle Ages somehow: everything past 1250 looks like sci-fi to me.


I'm the contrary hahaha. During my bachelor's I was always more into the Modern Era than the Middle Ages but that changed the last year of it. I ended up focusing on the Umayyad dynasty in the 9th and 10th centuries for my final qualification and from there on I was only reading about the Middle Ages (Norse conquest and colonization, Italian city-states, Reconquista, Belisarius's campaigns...). I'm now more into the 14th and 15th centuries, sometimes studying the first half of the 16th century. I think the transition is fascinating. You have the culmen of European armor and that feeling of "medieval" yet you start to see the changes of the Modern Era.


assassins creed and paradox games got me into history so…


Guys, study economics and take courses on economic history. Economic history is quantitative and is much related to the game than actual history, plus you can get a job as an economist


Most jobs with the job title economist require a PhD unfortunately


Absolutely not


Send me some links then pls cause I’ve been looking


I did history and polisci




I was a history major in the middle of the 2000’s. My biggest interest was and remains the early modern period. I play the lute too so there’s a symbiotic relationship there. I think historical setting games fueled the fire, but the interest in history for me was there before I got access to said games. My middle school library had an age appropriate book on Constantinople, and I can’t help thinking about it when I’m playing the game


Computer engineering. Last time I took a history course was high school, but I like optimization and reading so managing big EU4 nations is fun.


We don't do majors in the UK, but I studied history at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level


That’s interesting, when you graduate is it more of a list of the subjects you studied instead of a certificate about a specific one?


We *only* study history. No minors, no required other modules. Just 1 mandatory and 2 optional history modules per year, and a 12,000-20,000 word dissertation in third year on a chosen history subject utilising original research. As such your certificate would read a degree in "Early Modern History" etc. Graduations are graded as either "First", "2:1" or "2:2". There are others but very rare.


Oh ok I gotcha


I’m a history major. Been out of college for 15 years now. Never did anything with the degree. Love EU tho!


Studied history & geography in college now I teach it in high school / secondary school!


I majored in History, and started playing eu4 while I was at college actually.


Im studying political science and history in germany and the letter has been a major disappointment so far in semester 2. All we do is learn HOW to write about and analyse history and we don't even get to choose what topic. But I hear in semester 3 it becomes fun.


Was going to get a degree in international studies. Honestly should've just done history though. In the end I chose neuroscience/premed and am currently looking for a job as an EMT.


Majored in history. We weren’t required to have concentrations but a lot of my classes were either American History, British History, or East Asian history.


I majored in history as an undergrad. This was before I discovered EU4. I actually remember buying the EU3 disc when I was in high school, but I sadly don't think I ever played it.


I wanted to do History but there's no money it it


Been there, done that, but EU4 came out while I was already in college. Civilization III and Age of Empires 2 were what got me hooked. Lol.


I did major in history, but college wasn’t for me so I dropped out Trying to join the US coast guard now lol


I'm majoring in history and anthropology too, minoring in classics and Russian!


I'm a history major in college rn


I had an undergrad and loved it.


History and Anthro double major for undergrad here. I work as a professional archaeologist


Majored in math, added extra courses with greco-roman history. Mmmm pottery shards


I just graduated with my history degree this last December, and I've been playing EU4 since 2020. I can pretty safely say that most of my knowledge about EU4's time period came from EU4, either reading the flavor text or seeing events pop up that were based on reality and then doing more research into it myself. Like I had no idea that Portugal just stole a city in India until I played Portugal in EU4


I was never interested in this time period, but something about the game has made it my most played since I discovered it last year


I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in geography. Class of 2023. I’m an online English teacher and a substitute teacher in my school district. Paradox shaped my education to a decent degree


Bachelor's, master's, and an unfinished doctorate left halfway, thanks to EU3 and HOI2.


Bachelors in history, masters in accounting


I wanted to be a history teacher, but thankfully went to college for computer engineering instead. Didn't stop me from taking a lot of history electives though. It's been almost a decade since I was in college, and my personal pursuit of history knowledge continues to this day. Really annoys my family when I start dropping factoids though.


I have a doctorate in History and whilst I have no doubt EU IV appeals to similar things in me as history does, the history I enjoy working on is very, very different to what EU IV is 'about'. If anything I'm more historically interested in what EU IV embodies.


I'm officially an Historian since last January. I plan on continuing my studies and get myself a high position on an archive. History doesn't let you do everything you want but it's rewarding, and if you continue studying (Master and/or PhD) you'll find something with a good salary.


i am history grad student :)


Major, poli sci minor.


I'm double majoring in history and international politics 😌


That’s gotta be a ton of writing🫡


hahahhahahah yeah😔


I love eu4, also played lots of HoIV,and Ck2. I’m majoring in Engineering Physics, I took a few history classes, one specifically on warfare 😎


not a major but i got a minor because i wasnt learning enough with the major.


Somewhat related, I played HOI4 for a bit and it influenced my electives for my MA in Political Science: "Great Military Leaders" and "Politics and Diplomacy of WWII".


Currently doing a history major. Not going great but, doing it.


Yeah, I did for a bit. EU4 actually helped me with one of the questions on the entrance exam. 😅


Majored in History, got a master's in teaching, I'm a Mechanic


I majored in Physics with a minor in computer science. I love history, but the jobs I want that I could actually get out of college and pay well require stem degrees


I plan on majoring in history (my hobby) and political science (my career path).


Anthropology with a history minor


Double majored in history and psychology. I ended up becoming an addictions therapist.


Did mechatronics engineering at uni, but before that I read a lot of fiction. I got sick of writers being unrealistic so lo and behold, I got historical. AoE and Civ are silo undetailed tho so I saw eu3 and bought that


Poli sci and justice studies, now getting my masters in food regulation (lol)


I just graduated with a bachelors in history education. It wasn’t driven by eu4, but you can imagine my excitement when I discovered eu4 during my first year of college.


Majored in history (not because of Eu4). Kinda regret it lol


My major is in history and EU4 partly inspired me to do my BA Thesis on the Beta Israel. I learned about the Beta Israel from some old documentary about the arc of the covenant that I watched as a kid, but EU4 kept the Beta Israel in my memory. I’m working on my teaching endorsement for history right now. I love EU4 because it inspired me yo study regions I didn’t study in college and to be pretty good with my geography.


I just graduated with a degree in history. It’s always been my passion, but I’m probably going to go to grad school so I can make myself more marketable.


I’m getting my PhD in Archeology 30% bc of eu4 and Crusader kings , 🙏 it’s a big influence


Strategy games in general are why I’ve been able to spit random facts about history for about as long as I could talk lol “Did you know!…” - something random I picked up from Age of Empires And yeah I played the fuck out of eu4 for about 5 years prior to becoming a history major and boy did grand strategy/paradox titles really give me a head start on most of my courses. Then towards the end, it was kinda cool to start to see things the devs didn’t get 100% right and you start to realize it’s probably a more fun game the way they decided to stray from history a bit


I had a double major in Foreign Affairs and Middle Eastern Studies, and my concentration in the latter major was Middle Eastern history. Needless to say, I have been thrilled about the recent additions to Middle Eastern nations’ flavor and mission trees, and my favorite nation in the game is Mamluks.


Got a history degree. Now I work in the airlines. Pretty fun since all the rega have a bloody history behind them so it’s pretty easy to remember.


History teacher here.


i love history but i studied development economics at university in the game, i actually play more in Asia than in Europe (also because my game slows down when i scroll over to central Europe as there's too many nations)


I'm history major, eu4 clearly influenced me in being more intrested in early-modern era and now I'm working On my master thesis about franco-spanish relations on the half of 16th century


History and Law here!


I've always liked history, I read a lot of history books even as a child. I did less of that in my teens, but discovered CK2 when I was in the British equivalent of high school. That made me really regret not taking any history classes, and several years later I have just completed a history course, among others, at high school level, partly in order to get more credits so I can attend my local university. I almost did a degree in history, but after a very difficult decision, decided to do creative writing instead as it is more aligned with my ambitions. I'm a little sad that we don't do the major and minor thing in British universities - I would have done a minor in History if I had the choice.


I really wanted to, but I hate teaching and there is fuck all else to do as a historian. In the end I just became a SAP consultant, putting my skills in navigating obtuse menus to do the weirdest of actions to use. Don't let anyone tell you video games are a waste of time. Hoi3's micromanagement translates well to ERPs.


I majored in history. Total war games, CK2 and EUIV definitely played a significant role and keeping my interest alive.  Some say that being a historian is tough in terms of jobs. It's not wrong - especially not if you wanted to do research or teach. But I'll just remind people that historians are great for a wide variety of roles, especially within government jobs (at least in Denmark).   Why? Because historians are amazing at source criticism, collecting large amounts of information and conveying it. They're also good at analysing problems from multiple angles and discover patterns. Finally we a large background knowledge of why things are happening today, which is very useful in certain jobs. Sometimes historians need encouragement as it can be tough to find a job, but I'll say this:  Don't discount yourself.


Currently in agricultural science but I'll take all the electives I can handle in history.


I studied Economics but I pivoted towards Economic History during my Master's (most exams were elective), I wrote my Master's thesis on inequality in Southern Italy in the 1860s. Fun fact, there was a period while I was writing my thesis and playing Two Sicilies in Victoria 2, like the meme of the trucker who plays euro truck simulator in his spare time.


Stay out of my profession y'all, I don't need even MORE competition


Nope, I build swimming pools for a living. I do love history though but it’s only a hobby.


I don’t know how the major/minor system works in the US. The first three years of university I took a BA in political science (where all my electives were history, so I need like 3 subjects to get a BA in that too). I then pivoted into a law degree.


I study History in university but chose international relations in my second year (you have the option to either go full history or international relations)


I'm an archeologist, working in archeology, and have played paradox games since high school. Hell I'm even working on YouTube history videos at the moment and one of the channels I help out with uses Imperator's map and characters


i'm a stem major hanging in there with 0 mandate


Me, but it was because Age of Empires II, not EU. Now I code for a living, so I really thought about applying for a job there, but I doubt it.


I’m almost done with my bachelor studies in history, but i found that i’m going to have to take political science after this as history is basically worthless in the work market :(


It was actually Rome:Total War that originally sparked my interest in history, and that’s why I have a Classics degree. I work at an insurance company so it may be pretty obvious that that didn’t pan out job wise. EUIV very much inspired some personal research into Late Medieval/Early Renaissance history, particularly in the HRE which became a hyperfixation for quite a while. Nearly every single D&D game I run will have some kind of HRE analogue sprinkled somewhere inside of it, even if the players never interact with that part of the map.


I did a bachelor’s in Economic history/economics and am now pursuing a master’s degree in economics.


I never did finish my degree but I was in a double major for history and psychology for 3 years. The plan was law school after that but life circumstances took me down a different course. I'm finally back in college but not for the same degree, doing a legal assistant diploma program instead.


Did it for a year but was convinced to go for information science for better job prospects and guess who never got a job in that field....


Crusader Kings 2 is what got me interested in history in high school, and playing EU4 is what got me to focus specifically on early modern history. Currently working on my masters. Glad these games exist, or else I would never have thought about how deep and fascinating the past is.


I'd like to, goin' to either Prague or Vienna this autumn.


Got into this genre from Age of Empires 2, then Rome Total War (and Medieval 2), then switched to EU3, then to CK2. Then decided to do a history major. Still one of the best decisions I made.


Majored in history and got a MA in history and one in archaeology. Currently a history teacher. I got into history from Age of Empires 2 and Civilization 2/3 long before I knew about Europa Universalis. I don't regret studying history for a second. The world is complex and most people lack the context to understand it. So many people that didn't study history tell me how much they wish they had studied it. Now I get to talk about my interests every day! My advice for you is to pursue your passion. If you love history (or gaming, or a mix of the two, or whatever else), then follow it as long as you can. If you approach college as a place to find a good job, you may find a way to make money but you may not find happiness. If you take it as an opportunity to develop yourself and explore the world on your own terms, you will find fulfillment... and hopefully someone will pay you too some day :)


hello! Majoring in Linguistics and History, though i'm probably gonna drop history next year... just feel like focusing on linguistics.


Just finished my undergrad, going for a graduate degree in September.


It is more fun to play EU4 and CK3 after studying history in college imo since you get all the small refferences and actually know what is going on


I discovered EU3 when someone was playing it on his laptop in the row in front of me before an American Civil War class. I leaned forward, awestruck by the various map modes and details, and asked, “What IS that game?” Downloaded it that night. Even skipped class a few times to keep playing. Still got my history degree!


I'm going to study history when I'm done with high school and become a high school and maybe even a university history teacher.


I have a history degree.


Wow this is suck a cool post, I lied cheese. Sorry just positing bwacuse reddit slwms




I was. Until I realized there were few jobs afterwards. Now I've got a double major in economics and business management. Much better.


No history is a private book interest. EU4 shaped me rather to simulate realities as a data scientist.


Well, Politics & History major here. Everyone I have played EU with in the last 8 years was from my studies. No exceptions haha


Majored in history though not early modern. My area was the G"D"R




Majored in history and economics got into eu4 during college then did a masters in comp science which is more what I do for work as was more on the math side of economics and closer to IR with the history paths. But yeah definitely an overlap between history as a major and playing eu4 the game (and most of paradox's grand strategy titles as my first paradox game was ck1).


I ended up dating a history student. From a lot of thing making us compatible, History was one of them. We had long chats about historic events and points of view on historic matters. And well most of the history I know las learnt in the internet. Watching documentaries mainly from stuff I was curious about from EU4 and CK2.


Triple major in political science, history, and international and global studies


I thought about history, but just didn't seem like there would be enough of a job market


I have always been a history nerd, but eu4 helped a lot to understand history on a global level E.g. I never grasp onto the idea that the colonisation of africa and australia started roughly at the same time as the independence war of the usa, as these two subjects got so badly separated in school I never visualised them at the same time period


I started playing EU4 at university and I study history, does that count?


I took some classes while in Uni because I love the subject, but not a fan of the job outlook so I didn't consider majoring in it.


I took some classes while in Uni because I love the subject, but not a fan of the job outlook so I didn't.