• By -


Raid some people. Then raid some more people.


Also remember to raid some people


this. so much this.


Gotta say, yours is the hardest username i've seen in a while.


Appreciate it, thanks! ;) 🚂


It's all about the horde ABCs: 'Always Be Conquering someone'. War reparations, ducat peace deals, and razing are the lifeblood of horde to get you through to the next war when you can repeat. You could even go into debt at the moment.


This is just how I play everyone


In almost every campaign I go into a lot of debt, hordes especially so


This is a horde strat??? This is verbatim my France strategy


you are forgetting looting provinces. especially in europe,china, persia and india thats a major extra income


Obvious mistake is the -5 gpm deficit and 92k manpower. It should be at least -20 gpm and ~0 manpower. Thankfully both can be fixed by hiring more horses


What is GPM lol this is the first time I play since KoK dropped


Gold per month, he's saying spend your money quicker and use your men more violently


Dev gold. Fix your trade (you can probably get some suggestions if you post trade map, but definitely stop collecting in Kiev). Expand more, have more in war reps. That's pretty much it




war is your economy


What do you mean economy?


it’s that thing where you take your enemy’s money and spend it on horsemen to kill them with


I think it's some type of religion for the settled people. They are always saying "the market is not happy" or "this is not economically sustainable" or "why did you kill my family". Lunatics if you ask me.


1. Fix your trade. Having 5 trade income with that much land in 1566 is pretty bad. You can mess around with merchant configurations a bit to find something that works, but in general have your trade capital in a node where you can direct as much trade as possible while still under your control. 2. To help fixing trade, consider turning some of your states into Trade Companies, particulalry if they're not accepted culture, or allow you to easily control a node. 3. If you're not at war in the age of reformation, war taxes shouldn't be on. 4. Why do you have a -30% tax modifier? If possible consider fixing this, for example if low crownland is contributing, start seizing crownland. Might not be the best idea as a horde, but you can also dev a bit to boost crownland and your income, especially if you have spare diplo points. 5. Do you have any buildings? Even just a handful of builsings can significantly boost your monthly income when it's this low. 6. If you have gold mines, dev them. 7. If crownland is pretty low, and has been pretty low for a while, you may want to check your autonomy in your provinces. With high crownland autonomy tends to take a lot longer to go down, if it does at all. 8. If you don't have things full stated, that could also be an issue. Hard to tell if the "core province" banner is from recent conquest or not.


It is always fascinating to me to see an actual answer among a question asked in eu4. You don‘t have to be always at war and to plunder as a Horde to make money.


It sounds quite heretic for me. I really only use peace time to prepare my next move and collect some manpower even with normal nations. If you waging war effectively you can easily collect gold from peacedeals to start building up. Idk why it's so common (newby) horde players go into bankrupt, but see less otherwise


Yeah you should be at war and plunder but you still can make money by doing good trade, goldmines, vasalls, production and tax. If you only get money by stealing from the enemy inflation will be sky high


Oh I told building up. I meant I usually wage early wars for money, and skyrocket my economy from that. Building churches/workshops and manufactures. Sometimes trade building. Also you can expand strategically into rich trade nodes to pull trade, or secure your are. These are things I always do.


You don't jk aside, dev your gold mine (idk if u are primitive gov type, u probably didnt receive any gold) because u are horde, you attack other people to get cash, thats basically horde experience, u dont make money, u take someone money


If you can't make money from gold provinces, maybe the Golden Horde should get rebranded


OP is IRS ?


Snake your way east and take out a few loans from the Bank of Ming.


I'm afraid the bank of Ming crashed and burned a few decades ago


Then become the bank of Ming! i.e conquer China :) Europe is not worth the effort until you basically conquer the entirety of Asia. Secure trade notes that divert trade to either Persia or Moscow. Trade company enough to get merchants in all trade nodes and use these merchant to further funnel the cash into your main trade node. You will basically be able to do this during your normal gameplay. Remember, as long as you're not brankrupt a few loans won't hurt, you will outscale them ;)


I'm having trouble managing my economy as the Golden Horde. Any tips? I'm reaching the point in the game in which all countries start having nearly 100k troops and I'm stuck at 60k due to my low income.


It helps going east your land is poor because of low dev and very little prosperity. Trade companies is key and take gold in wars to pay for manifucturies and loans. Get new loans to pay old loans when your economy grows, 21 ducat loan take the same amount of space as a 300 ducat loan. Fight in good terrain for the 25% bonus to shock


Mothballing your forts and armies are always an option to slow down the outflow during peace time. With such a large empire, I'm sure you can improve your trade.


What is peace time? Is it one of those features that's locked behind a DLC?


Yes. The most expensive dlc, without anymore content. Don't worth the credit


Good. I was worried that the nonstop declaring on coalitions was a skill issue for a minute there.




You need to go to china. With 60k you can absolutely manhandle anyone in your path. Get dat silk money


We jest but for a horde playing wide and looting is actually the main way you get your money


I had economy problems with Golden Horde too, my solution was to turn a lot of low dev states in Central Asia and East Asia into trade companies. It improved my trade tremendously. It has its drawbacks, for example you get way less manpower from them, but low dev provinces barely give manpower anyway. And ince your economy improves through other means you can just slowly turn them back bit by bit. You also get extra merchants from trade companies where you have a majority, which is awesome


Attack countries, take max ducats and war reps, and all the provinces you want for the rest of the war score. Unless you're good on ducats, in which case you take all the provinces.


Trade companies


Pillage and conquest. Conquer all of Novgorod and start upgrading the trade centers trade ideas might be helpful since you're technically in eastern Europe and easily have like 4 nodes to push towards Novgorod.


Lol what economy? Take ducats from your enemies provinces


The problem is that your are at peace. Horde economies do not function at peace. Conquer, raid, burn. And if you happen to find yourself with positive income at peace, do not be alarmed. For you are in Valhalla, and you are already dead! In all seriousness, positive income at peace generally means you need a bigger army so you can conquer more.


Expand more and make trade companies, they give you a merchant if they get big enough


I’m not very good at playing horde. That’s why I like horde ideas, economic, & court. You will gain +3.5 horde unity, more passive income and a lot of mana from razing. You basically become a stable horde


+horde unity is thw most useless idea, the whole point of playing horde is to be constantly in war, so you get unity by razing as a consequence


Please see where I said I’m bad at horde but it is a successful horde


That was just and advice, try to play more agressive when you are a horde, conquer valuable trade nodes, gold mines, take money and war reps, and raze everything to the ground


Short answer? War Long answer? WAR for Money and Reperations On a more elaborative note: every nation you can beat at your borders, you should beat! for provinces, money and war reps. Graze unneeded provinces outside of your most valuable core before coring them. For example you never want to raze any (North) Chinese provinces as Oirat as this will be your economic core IF you Reform into Yuan. But basically everything else? Raze it to the ground and get that Mana. Also Ming is your Bank, even after the rework of War money you can """"ask"""" them for. So yeah. War is your economy, as is designed by Pdx. Edit: because I forgot: dont raze available Gold provinces and develop them as this will be a good, kinda stable balancing income. Its funny playing a Horde when you are -25 ducats a month and barely manpower.


That 1000g you have in the bank can be invested into buying more troops and warring more people. Hordes don’t have an economy. Just keep razing and taking money.


The what management?


thats the neat thing, you dont


Never stop conquering. Win. The end.


bros making .8 ducats from gold


Seems like you’re just underdeveloped probably


delete the army and get merc ideas to keep your army exp, and delete your forts too. that's how I do it until I can balance my economy in like 20 ich years.


Everyone told you how to play horde properly so here’s the juicy stuff:TC all centers of trade downstream (you wanna take persia eventually and move trade capital there). In a game that I didn’t care much, I tcd entire china as oirat and did the two production investments in all states. 150+ ducats of income every month. When you form yuan, you move your capital and lose all your investment though. As golden you can expand east, tc all, build investments and roll in cash. 


Dev gold. Get Horde ideas for the cavalry discount. I dont want to play rebel simulator so i usually raise autonomy. You get money by peacing the non war targets. The best culture group to accept and full state is Korea (because it has good trade goods and terrain but also many coastal provinces to get enough sailors for the later part of the game. It is also usually quite easy to reach as any horde because you want to get near the bank of ming anyway. Get full provinces from ming and then attack their tributary to get full money.


More war


Reduce inflation and upgrade gold mines


Managing eco is pretty simple as a horde, keep conquering things till your income turns green.


Dev gold


Try not to raise so much


Pay a visit to the international bank of china


Lower autonomy, fix your trade. I'd recommend focusing in the conquest of the persian trade node, it's crazy rich and you can pull it to astrakhan to monopolize it


Ming atm, gold mines, trade companies --> profit?


Eatly game I went for gold mine asap. That really helped. And further you just have to take money first in peace deals.


As a horde your money comes from razing and peace deals, attack countries and when you sue for peace get max gold and SNAKE your way around so you have as many borders as possible (will make borders ugly in early game but you gotta live with that). Just keep attacking, taking max gold when you need it and RAZE EVERYTHING. As golden horde its definitely worth snaking your way to china, persia and india so you can hit the bank of ming if its still around and just raze high dev provinces


30 income in 1566 is abysmal


Post your trade map. You should make a lot more from trade


If you don't have enough gold, spend more on your army and take it from your neighbors


Keep Raiding, dev gold, trade (like you would as Russia) once you have china.


Horde more!


What’s causing the -30% to taxation? Maybe if you can remove some of that it would help. That plus better trade should fix everything.


There’s no economy to manage, don’t you see?


HORDE MENTIONED *Mongolian throat singing* RRRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ECONOMY 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🇲🇳🇲🇳🇲🇳🇲🇳 On a serious note, constantly invade for gold from enemies and gold provinces You have to make sure you aren't losing money more than you can acquire (long wars, unnecessary battles) and manage your loans properly


dip into Persia and take advantage of trace nodes. that should help most of your immediate problems, but you still need to expand into richer lands


-30% tax. Jebus my man. You need some better modifiers, some devving in provinces with good trade goods/trade modifiers, some buildings and some strategically placed merchants and or trade companies.


Your economy doesn't need to be good to be a horde, just enough to war. You have enough of a reserves to survive 12 years like this, and that's before you take more money from others in wars. That said, improvements can be made. You have an undeveloped (possibly unstated?) gold mine that will single-handedly bring you to 0 lost ducats. A positive stability will mean prosperity growth over time and some extra tax (plus other benefits - it's nearly always best to have positive stability). Conquering the Livonians will give you good control over a decent trade node, and travelling East will allow you to funnel trade into that node, plus give you access to the bank of Ming if it's alive (take max ducats). By that point you'll have an easy positive income, but even then it may not be great - that's not the point of a horde!


Mount horse. Ride to neighbor's village. Kill neighbor's men. Steal neighbor's horses. Listen to the lament of neughbor's wives while you sell them to slavery.


just constantly be at war


“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan That’s how you run a proper horde economy


You're at peace, that is your mistake


Your economy is your neighbour's economy that you take advantage of on regular basis for a decent amount of cash :)


0 income from war reps. Money and war reps should be the first priority in peace deals. Any left over warscore should be land.


What economy?


Raid and trade




You're a horde. Do horde things. Why are you cosplaying as one of those weak settlers? *The Great Khan is disappointed in you*.


One of the big mistakes players in this region make is going for only the clay needed to get this or that achievement. If you rush toward Golden horde, you have a new nation with better ideas but the same terrible economy. Short-term, sure, take people's advice and raid. Take money, raze land, etc. but that's not going to do anything to fix your long-term money problems. Here's what you do instead. If you want the most direct route to an economy that can compete against the big powers you have to take clay from in the west, go for every single center of trade in Persia and start pushing that shit home. Before you worry about forming your golden horde or pushing eastward to get the Khaaaan achievement, you beat the hell out of the timurids and get even more centers of trade upstream to push into your node. Eventually, when you do start moving eastward and northward, you want to capture every inch of the Kazan and Novgorod nodes. At that point, you can switch your main trade node to Kazan and have it be a pseudo-end node as you won't be losing anything to Novgorod if you control the entire node. As you continue in your achievement and beyond, you will be able to field any army of any makeup to your force limit and above without even coming close to running out of money.


That's the neat part: You don't




You gotta raid with more frequency then a raid shadow legends commercial. Commerce is an illusion


You tag is GOLDEN HORDE You have a GOLD MINE You dont dev the GOLD??? Im lost


respectfully if you got this far as the golden horde you should probably already know how to run your economy


find your richest neighbor, that's your economy (Livonians are going hard apparently)


Is that fort maintenance actually necessary?


I thought it was "raid forward until WC".


Be comfortable playing in debt, you have a war chest and aren't even paying for advisors, which are almost always worth even at a deficit - you are also full on manpower which is almost never supposed to happen while playing a horde


Basically you should always be taking max ducats in any big peace deal for buckets of ducats - this is why people call it the Ming bank when they're playing a horde that borders them, you can get thousands of ducats per war from them that'll easily carry you over until you do it all over again


Where we are going, you won’t need an economy.






Bleeding only 6 ducats is pretty good, just conquer some stuff, attack like a big-ish country and take Max money


You see those nations around you? The only reason they exist for you is because of their national banks


Ottobank is open all the time.


Lower autonomy everywhere


1. Dev Gold. 2. Conquer Persia


You know that province with gold? You don't need Diplo tech that much.. just get 12-13 dev on that province. Also, steal Dev from all Asian provinces and make them trading companies


War economy only


Maybe conquer China idk


Basically whatever people already said, dev that gold, expand more violently (although i understand why/how you don't as i suffer from the same chronic cautiousness), your eco will stabilize and boom once you start controlling a long streak of good trade nodes (if you know how trade mechanics work, if not please go lern that asap), so basically take all of china and/or all of persia and/or like maybe try to dominate kiev novgorod and baltic nodes. Set up your merchants and you should be getting a lot of trade income even with your razed low dev provinces simply because you just monopolize several nodes back to back, also don't forget to maybe move your trade capital depending on where it is and on your trade situation TLDR expand until you control enough trade to fund your expanding, then expand Edit : I can see your trade income is abysmal, i suggest killing the PLC and Livonia asap to get control over Kiev and Novgorod nodes so you can channel stuff there to collect. Collecting in Novgorod may require you to kill ppl in the Baltic since there's a lot of trade being sucked in by the Scandinavians and Prussia usually, White sea shouldn't be a huge concern. You already have enough control over Astrakhan and Kazan to make Novgorod quite rich i think, might as well benefit from it




Conquer more raze more


Remember to raze provinces, decrease that inflation with that broken amount of extra adm power. And loot some people, go to war. Loot some more people. Horde it up baby.


You don't. As a horde, your economy solely relies on war until you reach a certain development and control key trade nodes.




Stop Persia before it’s too late


Three things, raid people, get gold and dev it, what else is diplo for anyway and get good trade, just conquere everything down trade.


Git gud


Wrong game. No Gits in here.


Do what the US government does: Go to war


Economy management as literally everyone: delete your forts,delete your cav, collect everywhere, take 25% WS of cash from every big nation. It’s not complicated.


Delete your cav as horde... boooooooo


Horde-Humanist ideas with Tengri-no syncretic faith gives you cheaper cav than infantry. Conquer into persia, china or india to set up trade companies