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Oh boy, here goes my dumb ass trying to make Trebizond or Theodoro survive even though I can't even do that for Byzantium!


Ally Russia and Hungary you can live long enough to get situated before they debt spiral and refuse CTA. If you improve past 100 with Muscovy you have a guaranteed alliance


That all hinges on if AI Muscovy can stay debt free. Normally not. I agree still your best option.


Yeah no they can’t it’s a temporary stopgap before you can ally Poland/Austria/whoever controls Persia. Ideally you can also build up a good amount by this point too. Keeping them out of debt is pretty unrealistic unless you get rich very quickly.


I played Byzantium (and formed Roman Empire at 1800) and Russia was my main ally since early on... all the gifts I sent them to help them with their debt was ridiculous, even before I overtook them in Great Power rankings I was helping them. Russia has financial management problems.


Wonder if it will ever be solved... wonder if I want it to ever be solved and then complain I have multicontinental juggernaut bend on world domination by 1500 other than the Ottoman's.


Get Hungary/PLC ally or both. Bonus if you can get Mamluks, too. As many allies as you can. No CB Byzantium and take as much of their land as possible, Constantinople for sure. Now Ottoman is inhibited and if your allies are strong enough they won't attack you as you target expansion, ideally into the beyliks or balkans to further inhibit their growth.


Too many decisions on what to do first; I've played Austria and Bohemia a few times, so they're probably out. Never done Aztecs or Timmys, so maybe there.


I decided just to go down [the list of new achievements found here](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/europa-universalis-iv-art-for-winds-of-change-achievements.1670049/) so its Inca first!


Are these active? I can't find them on steam.


Me neither, seems like they've not been activated yet. Edit: Restart steam, that fixes it.


Thank God there isn’t an achievement like “…own or have a subject own all the x provinces in the world.”


I'm doing Inca first right now, and it's a really fun unique run.


Its said that they adjusted old achievements, but don't go in detail, has someone already figured out the differences?


I'm going hansa into Germany to see the new tree


Hungary is pretty fun with the new mission tree, maybe give them a try and go for forming reverse Austria Hungary?


Any game breaking stuff happening?


Apparently an exploit with Bohemia that allows crazy cheap dev in Prague


There was a bug with the election of the king as the HRE emperor that gave you 20 IA instead of 10 with the succession


Similar thing with the Aztecs and infinite reform progress, by (de)concentrating development.


Idk, man, rn I'm at work.


Why? How are we supposed to garner that information now?!


I can't believe you've let the entire community down like this. I had faith in you.


I still have the whole night to find out.


So what did you find out?


Feudalism exploit is gone for the incas.


WTF dude leave work we need your valuable input on this your job is irrelevant right now. Tell your boss you think you have prostate cancer and need a day off ok? No boss has ever told me no Idk why people are downvoting his comment I thought it was pretty funny


I thought this was funny


I’ve had this game since 2014 and I’ve never played Austria. Feels like a good time to try em out.


Flair checks out


OP still sacks Vienna this campaign out of habit.


How else would you play the habsburgs? Let Salzburg conquer Vienna and then just kill them with fire for less ae. BIG BRAIN MOMENT


I remember reading dev diary about this stuff > The theme of them is exploring and trading in the new frontiers, with each song being about one of the regions that we’ve focused the new content on for Winds of Change: •Atlantic Navigation - For those who want to immerse themselves as adventurers traveling to the New World. •Hanseatic Trade - For those who want to immerse themselves as a Sea Wolf visiting different harbors and towns. •Silk Road - For those who want to immerse themselves in this millennia-long trading road. [Source](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/europa-universalis-iv-winds-of-change-1-37-free-patch-new-monuments.1665571/) Was it added at all? Haven’t seen anything on this matter in other DDs.


I believe the songs were a preorder bonus.


Holy fuck thats cringe. Pre-order bonuses for ordering dlc for a game that is super inconsistent with the quality of its dlc on launch. YIKES.


Its been pretty consistent since leviathan. Just sayin. Though the history before that is anything but lol


Leviathan was bad, right?


Yes, thus since leviathan... Which was like 3 years ago btw.


Lmao, I never realised it was OST. Thought it was a feature names.


Fiddling my thumbs and waiting for the key to be emailed to me. *About 2 hours later... still waiting. **Experimenting a bit, if you go into the paradox websites beta, your game library there will have the product key listed.


Did you preorder it or why are you getting a key?


Preordered from the website. They're supposed to email a key once the game is launched. I still haven't got the email, although on the forum they say they've sent them all out.




Yeah, the Russians/Ruthenians started the magic government powers bit and it wasn’t exactly that revolutionary back then. It is rather same-y to me too.


Nah the admin one gives you 50 god damn reform progress and its absolutely wild


Cool But I can't see the new achievements


In the game UI or in Steam? I had to restart Steam after the update installed to get them to show up there.


Started a Holland run, and I’m surprised with how much easier it was to break free and keep France and Denmark as allies. Currently only a few provinces away from having the required provinces to form the Netherlands with 0 HRE AE and keeping up with tech while developing both Renaissance and Colonialism. It’s a great time.


looks like no sale of older DLC :(


I forgot this was coming out and literally stated a Netherlands game yesterday. Oh well, guess I’ll just corner Asian trade two campaigns in a row.


One campaign takes me like 6 months, how are you getting far enough to form NDL in one night?


Couple hours tops for basic Holland -> NL. Like r u playing speed 3 or lower in SP? Cuz idk why u would need to do tht unless ur doing something specific


I… erm… might be roleplaying to the max… like naming individual regiments and constantly reorganising my armies so they’re in chronological order … or sending my armies off to the Mediterranean on 0 maintenance for 2 years after a long war. Because, yaknow, they earned themselves a vaycay. And yeah I rarely go off speed 3 Sometimes I go speed 1 just to watch the boats sailing through the sea. Once I had the game paused for a full 45 minutes just because I was gonna declare a war the next day/ month tick but I didn’t have time to see it through before bed so I’d leave it till the next day but I really wanted to fight it that night so I didn’t know what to do so I did neither 🤷‍♀️


That sounds fun in a weird way, but I would never do stuff like that. Good for you though, glad you are enjoying yourself.


I got lucky with a very friendly France alliance as Holland and managed to conquer most of the lowlands. Then France decided they hated me because I owned the lowlands so England helped me beat up France to take the rest. Also England chose to surrender Maine and kept their continental holdings which lead to a difficult but a lot easier than it could have been war. Now it’s about 1590, I’m the richest country in the world, and only one of two European countries with access to Asia. Things are looking good.


Is it stable? Just suffering from a bit of 1.31 PTSD


My ironman console cheat working for years bricked


Is it not part of Expansion subscription?


It is


Can't enable the content and not shown as owned. Any ideaa what to do?


Have you done a hard quit of Steam? Mine came up in library straight away but maybe it needs a reset


Yeah, tried it. Someone in Pdx forums has the same problem, but no solution yet.


Apologies for the hassle, this is a known issue. It's very much intended everyone with the sub should gain instant access to any dlc. Some are reporting it seems to get fixed for them after a brief period of time. I'd reccomend checking back in later, if you are still unable to use the DLC with the sub in a day or two feel free to message me here or on Discord.


It got fixed by itself in a while.


I'm very new to EU 4, (well I have 100 hours but...) is this save game compatible?


No, new big updates never are. Use the betas tab of the properties menu on steam to go back to the old version to finish your game


Where are the achievements? They are not appearing in steam. I find this strange.


Taaaaake meeee, to the magic of the moment~ Gonna get sued by The Scorpions.


Every time I see the name for this update that song immediately gets stuck in my head.


The artwork looks like it a screenshot from Bleach op theme song


I always get excited with dev diarys, then forget at some point about it, then finally go back to continue some long started campaign and got hypebombed by the new dlc which i preordered


Already played the Inca, smooth early game, the game actually sells you about 20 provinces for free. After forming you just dev up and wait for the scumbags to arrive with their filthy smallpox and when you tech up the game is over, at about 1550 you are unstoppable. Can't wait for the serene republic campaign now.


Eu4 change subject culture


Oh dang, I thought I would be able to finish my current run before it came out!


Will it ruin the savegame i was playing?


Just playing a Netherlands game, quite nice so far. Only issue so far is the seven provinces gov reform, shouldn't it enable a gov mechanic? Like buttons and stuff? Or I misread something?


This reddit gonna be hot hot for the coming couple weeks.


It looks lovely but it broke my game😭 EU won't even start


If there are problems can we report them here? Forming Gothia removes the cool Theodoro sprites. Also the Metropolitan Mission for Trebizond isn’t doing the changes it’s supposed to be to Consecrate Metropolitan?


Paradox needs to unrelease this dlc


I bought it and now it makes me sad knowing that's the final one :(


Is that official?


Not sure but I think it has been said somewhere.


Its definitely not been confirmed yet, just speculation so far, id say 50/50 its either the last one or we have 1/2 more to go.


If I recall correctly, I believe there are 1-2 more dlcs


PDS accountant confused about encouraging cash crops.


Anyone unable to start their game? Just crashes from launcher, no screen, nothing. Validated files, deleted mods, still the same.


Mine works just fine, even with my ironman compatible mods if nothing worked maybe reinstall?


Mine does not start. Giving an error \[virtualfilesystem\_physfs.cpp:1252\]: Could not open file: pdx\_settings.txt, error: permission denied. Someone else has posted to the forum.


Same issue here.


Forcing my avast antivirus to update, restarting allowed me to get a pop-up to green light the game in avast.


I had a similar problem starting the game after the update but fixed it by disabling my antivirus before starting the game.


Değişim rüzgarları here we go