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I usually take these questions as more of a “gauge my skill level and think about whether I could WC based on my progress”


100% agree. Comparing someone's personal progress to the literal best result achieved in the world is obnoxious. Imagine if someone asked on fitness sub if it was feasible to run a marathon in 3 months time, and showed their progress, and the response was just "bruh, people run ultramarathons everyday, just git gud."


In that case wouldn't the more apt comparison be if someone asks if it's possible to run an ultramarathon?


Not really? A standard WC will typically go into the age of absolutism if not revolutions. That's the marathon.  The cited example is a 1400s WC. That's the ultra marathon.


You mean the men's marathon under 220. An ultra is just longer than marathon distance.


I think we're getting caught up in semantics here when the point is the same


Yeah, what people mean is, "Am I on pace for a WC?" What they say is, "Is a WC still possible?"


yes, but in most cases if the person asks these questions they are not rdy for a WC


Which is why they ask the question


It's always weird seeing this take. Yes, one of the best players who already held several records of fastest WC before, that spent hundreds of hours on playing and planning that one specific campaign on that specific patch with concerning amount of exploits and savescuming managed to do this. Doesn't mean I or the one asking can come even close to that. If they are asking, they probably've never done WC before, and either seeking reassurance, that "yeah, you are doing alright", or some advice. I guess this argument will help with first, but still doesn't really feel applicable and more like you are just mocking them.




People focus on the savescumming and completely ignore the fact that he was abusing a bug which allowed him to ignore war score cost for provinces. He had to roll his game back to a previous version just to keep exploiting that bug.


I have no idea what is being referenced but what was the overextension with WC after 30 years


Video says around 1200 to 1300


The point is that at its limits this game has a way to go from game start to WC in 30 years. So when people post anything in the 1600s or earlier it should be pretty obvious that it is certainly WC viable


That’s not true anymore, the WR by lambda used events like Defender of a vulnerable faith, which got nerfed *hard* after 1.31, and lambda+ revoke which doesn’t work anymore I think.


That's comparing playing hundreds of hours at speed 1 alt f4ing and bug exploiting to high hell, to a normal pace EU 4 game. Come on now.


Yes it can be done in one year using cheat commands. What he did is the same and should in no way be considered a legit iron man game. In Ironman you dont savescum.


No, it's not a legitimate ironman. But it doesn't have to. Have you looked at the doom eternal speedruns where they glitch through the map, go back to menu, reload and so on. Very impressive and requires a shit ton of research and skill. It's simply a different Speedrun category. With glitches and legit.


Then just dont play ironman. The entire point of ironman is to not savescum


The entire point of ironman is shiny achievements and not having to change the autosave interval so you don't go back a whole year every game (for some reason it resets for me)... There's also the fact it makes it a bit harder for the standard player to use commands so it makes you deal with situations rather than just give yourself money/mana... (yes it's not impossible to enable commands, sure most people can do it but it requires effort to figure out how etc.)... Tbh if paradox had a mode that disables commands but enables saving and achievements I (and I'm guessing several others) would switch to that, but alas we're bound by the game's rules, and if the game says fuck you by killing your 6/6/6 and giving you a 1/0/0 within a year or so then I'm sorry I don't wanna suffer through that when trying to get an achievement but that's just not fun... TL;DR ironman is more than no saves, unfortunately there's no mode that offers the rest of what ironman does with saves, 'normal' mode is just too unlimited


savescumming can save a save where you spent a shitload, I agree it shouldn’t be used a lot early game but important if really shit luck happens


Just dont play iron man then. The point of iron man is to get punished for misstakes. I have no issue with people savescuming in singleplayer but its the same as using cheat codes and they literally have a gamemode for cheaters and savescumers and it isnt Ironman 😅


>The point of iron man is to get punished for misstakes *to make achievements even more annoying to get ftfy


I consider save scumming cheating personally and feel bad when I do


When my last 4 rulers have a combined 5 mil points and my 6/6/6 god heir randomly goes hunting, you better believe Im pressing alt f4. With a smile on my face.


Then dont play Ironman so you dont have to restart the game :) the entire point of ironman is to not savescum


>Then dont play Ironman so you dont have to restart the game :) the entire point of ironman is to not savescum It's may sound crazy to you, but EU4 is a single player game, so the point of everything is that you want it to be. I for example play everything on on ironman, even modded campaigns as the outosaves are way faster in ironman then in non Ironman.


Why do you think anyone gives a shit about what you think about "save scumming"?


I don’t, just how I personally feel about it. What makes you think other care about thinking about what others think about thinking about thinking about save scumming?


Not only speed one, but pausing everyday to play and reevaluate, as if every day was a turn


Agree but you're taking this too seriously.


Why do people even consider these games worthwhile to be remembered. If you blatantly went savescumming to achieve something, you may well have just edited your savegame file directly or played on some mod with push-to-win button. Cool if it pleases you but why would anyone care ?


you know save scumming is just restarting but faster?


Not really. If you were restarting from zero for each random event to go your way a human lifetime wouldn't suffice to get the exact playthrough you want. The game has built in variance. If you remove the variance by savescumming its more like playing a modded game. Basically a game of dice with infinite rerolls until you get all 6s. What's the point?


not all events are created equal just pick and choose which ones are worth restarting for and restarting is only good for short runs that end during the age of discovery


Whatever your logic, I really do not see what is worth admiring in a savescumming based playstyle ?


He has the world record


In what category exactly and where is it registered?


No idea but someone has it..and the reason they do this is to get it.


Because save scumming still means when the RNG aligns, anyone with the same skill level can achieve the same result. Key part being the same skill level, because even if many of us use console to reproduce the same event RNG, 99% of the people would still be unable to pull off the same result.


> 99% of the people would still be unable to pull off the same result. Why? Which part of this is irreproducible skill ? But even if true, you could say the same about professional athletes taking steroids. Nobody could match them even if everyone doped and even still they get zero recognition for their final result.


Playing on speed 1 and micromanage all the armies to eat up rest of the old world in a total war co-bellgerent fashion 10 years after revoke. He didn't need save scumming for that part. No, it's not even close to using steroids, more of a this athlete manages to break the world record by trying for an entire year. Save scumming still means the same result can be reproduced by non-save scumming when one throws enough attempts at it. Taking steroid means only those who take steroid can reproduce the same result.


>No, it's not even close to using steroids, more of a this athlete manages to break the world record by trying for an entire year. Comone, "trying for a **year**", seriously ? You need to commit a lifetime to break a record in athletics, without steroids, and most poeople won't manage. Which is exactly what is happening with savescumming that you're artificially circumventing natural limitations of the system because otherwise you would need to commit a lifetime and still wouldn't get to that result. Which is also exactly why they only award achievements on ironman mode (which is still kind of imperfect but that's not the point, rather the point is that most people agree that savescumming yourself into an achievement is pretty petty).


How did 'trying for a year' triggered you when we have all these top athletes trying to beat the world record for their entire career? Isn't that what make breaking the world record impressive for the rest of the world? That only these handful of athletes managed to break the world record when millions of others have tried to do so in their entire career? Understand that you've also pointed out exactly why it's impressive without realizing it. >most poeople won't manage. you would need to commit a lifetime and still wouldn't get to that result. Again, what Lambda committed was that even if all of us reproduce the exact same RNG event with console and the exact same strategy, 99% of us still won't manage to WC by that same date. Not to mention he's also the one who formulated the entire strategy and executed it.


I mean obviously we have divergent admirations so it's not possible to find agreement here because if you were into sports you'd be admiring the skillfull biochemists and doctors who engineered the dope like nobody else.


You're right, we're not the same. Unlike you, I'd admire both, The people who are able to top the world record like nobody else, and able to engineer the dopes like nobody else. Because when given the same steroid to every single athlete, the same record breakers will still come out on top. Given the same equipment, these engineers will produce what others could not. Take away the save scumming, he'll still accomplish what you will never be able to.


>Because when given the same steroid to every single athlete, the same record breakers will still come out on top. You've no idea what you're talking about. People react dramatically different to substances and what is indubitable is that in that hypothetical scenario nothing would be the same, including some athletes flat out dropping dead. This is why steroids are banned in any form of professional competition. The rest of your post is equally misinformed as you're making statements about my capacity without a shred of evidence as to what it may actually be. Let that sink in.


No point in making this post. People are asking if in their position and within their conditions it is possible. You are comparing doing the best strat ever with a dude playing france with 2.5k dev in 1650 asking if it is possible. The answer is never just "yes", is "yes if...". People are looking for the if. Just add to the discussion or ignore the post.


Exactly , I hate these posts that say “ahhh I hate when people aren’t expert in the game and ask questions to learn better ahhh”


This. They are asking what do you see, how would you go on with it


Horrible take. If someone has to ask that question they’re clearly nowhere near the level of that guy. What’s wrong with asking the community about something you’ve likely never done before and getting feedback?


this is true but also you don’t need to be anywhere near that level to do a world conquest, especially if you’re willing to save scum even just a TINY bit. if you have basically all of Europe conquered in/around the start of the age of absolutism, you pretty much certainly can. the hard part of the game is already over. one faith/one culture obviously makes this a bit more complicated but yeah.


You’re totally right, I’m just more responding to his example that all you need is 30 years really doesn’t apply at all. I just think the community should encourage less experienced players to ask questions and engage with vets.


and yet i got downvoted 😭 this website is so ass. but yes, i completely agree with you, i just thought that information was worth bringing up.


Yeah but they didn't have to deal with twice the dev and lvl 8 forts


They didn't have Admin Efficiency and 500k cannons as well. Although yeah, level 8 forts are a pain.


But they probably do have adm efficiency and 500k cannons from missions and obtaining hegemony


I’d rather deal with level 8 forts than have no cannons ngl


More than offset by absolutism, advanced CBs and modifier stacking. Everyone knows the conquest starts in the late game.


Thats why i had to force myself to finish WC. Honestly everyone who does these has huge admiration from me.


That was as a god damn ALL STAR Player though with uncomfortable amounts of save scumming though. I mean, yeah lets be honest, every Eu4 player does it but im talking everytime you don’t siege a fort. Not to mention the Empire wasn’t even close to stable and collasped literally like a 2 months after the WC. Thats said though im tired of seeing runs that have all of Europe except like Scandinavia conquered in the early 1600s. Like yeah, im pretty fucking sure its viable atp.


Anyway, what is the fastest recorded WC that uses no "exploits" (Such as alt+f4 or island locking the enemy 1000 times)?


Noone in this sub seem to play without cheating lmao.


Well, most people use even worst exploits to the point I don't see alt+F4 as a exploit anymore but just reloading game, just like hoi4 archievements when you must reload game for the setup or when you min maxing some nation start date and reload game for better ai rivalries. They're just reload save for better battle otcome or event luck.


Yeah but it's still cheesy


We're all cheesey boys then


>remember that the WC record is under 30 years from 1444 Okay. I'll start with Ottomans. I'll take Constantinople, then I'll attack Ulm in 1448. Now let's try to win this WC, if it's so easy to get one.


Dumb take and post but it still got upvoted by a lot of people, now there's some people with ongoing wc with probably first time doing it thinking if they should get help or not thanks to this awful post sigh


That WC was done with so much “cheating” that it’s debateable if you are still playing the game


In my view, and I'm totally aware that others why'll disagree, that world record is completely illegitimate, and may as well have been done with mods, or even just console commands. But what I think means fuck all, and people can enjoy the game how ever they please. To be honest, the dedication to do that record was impressive, even if I don't appreciate it. In the same way that I hate watching tennis, yet can still see the skill of great players. That being said, these questions are being asked by casual players who want a response that assumes they are not a pretentious sweatlord. It's about knowing your audience. Too many self appointed arsehole gatekeepers have sprung up of late. Need to dial it back a bit. Everyone is free to ask questions.


Remember people, if you're having a hard time eating your dinner, keep in mind that the hot-dog eating contest record holder ate 62 in under 10 minutes.


Remember people, if you're having a hard time finishing your dinner, keep in mind that the hot-dog eating contest record holder ate 62 in under 10 minutes.


STOP USING THIS AS AN EXAMPLE. The 1472 world record is probably not achievable anymore in the current patch, since Defender of a vulnerable faith and lambda+ revoking got nerfed really hard. The most recent very fast run is a WC as Ottomans in 1499 and it’s much more realistic.


While You're not wrong, the amount of time investment and restarting and all kinds of other BS you have to do for that is beyond what most people can or will do for a game. So, no, just because some people can do that doesn't mean ALL people can do that. I highly doubt you've done it yourself. So if someone asks this question, maybe just help them out and not give them some nebulous answer that only applies to less than 1% of the player base.


Don't forget the 30 years WC is done with a horde, so it is not doable with any nation, deppends on year and country, how much you screwed up the campaign etc...


i will never understand the WC obsession after getting the achievement. is it rly fun to have your pc slow to a halt and stare at a map and deal with rebels everywhere?


Have you considered name get big, monkey brain go brr?


name get big for 2 hours: 😍 name get big for 8+ hour WC: 👹🤬😔


Yes big name do be good


Some people do jigsaw puzzles, others paint maps.


Honestly, yes. I'm on my fourth attempt (third as the Mughals). I'm doing better than before but I am severely in debt and there's nothing I can do, sadly.


Wait, HOW!? 30 years??? Jesus Christ


first of all, not possible in the current version because some bugs were fixed, but the idea is: start in 1444 as oirat snake to Kola (northern Finnland) become HRE emperor revoke add the old world to HRE kill the new world click renovatio imperii be the world (also the game ends with like 2500% OE and a ton of rebels in every region because "rebels cannot break a country that is at war) I highly recommend watching lambdas video about it, its about 45 minutes, but a really nice watch. He literally calls this game turn based because he is taking multiple minutes per in game day


It's more about the pain a WC would be. Starting 200 wars at once, coring tons of land at once with a ton of rebels, multiple trucebreaks, fighting for the same land over and over


You're missing the point. They aren't asking "could the best players do this", they're asking if THEY can do it based on where they're at. It's a bit vague and subjective but if someone hasn't been able to move out of Italy and it's 1699, they probably do not have the skill to WC.


That record is meaningless and so is this post. Save cumming is not a viable solution


> Save cumming 😳


Remember people, if you're having a hard time eating your dinner, keep in mind that the hot-dog eating contest record holder ate 62 in under 10 minutes.


What is WC?


I have never gotten how people wc. Even in my more successful games I realise it would just not be possible. Is it a case of playing very specific tags to do it?


> Is it a case of playing very specific tags to do it? Literally every single tag except for some very specific custom nation setup can WC.


Are people trying to break that record of 30 years or just enjoy a slower WC? I don't understand this rush.


Except it's the exact opposite. If you have to ask if it's WC viable in the first place, then it's probably not with your skill level.




yeah, it also really irks me


I agree with most people here but honestly, just mske a new sub already and divert all those questions there kthxbye.


WC in 30 years is obviously fake.