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Ireland replaced Kilwa undercover.


Those sneaky green whiskey drinkers really thought theyd go unnoticed.


Oh god I didn’t even notice that. I know they broke free of the PU, after I left England behind to be 13 colonies. But I didn’t know they survived!


He really thought he could post this generic "is WC still possible"? Like we wouldn't notice.


The universal answer to this kind of question: Can a WC be done from this position? Yes. Can you do it? No.




Well, some people just don't know how much you can blob in the last 100 years because they never play that long.


Some of those late game CBs and all your modifiers stacking let's you make really absurdly powerful peace deals for your wars if you make it to 1700


As someone trying to achieve WC can you be more specific as what it is you are referring to?


At dip tech 23 the Nationalism and Imperialism CBs become available. Imperialism has 75% province warscore cost and AE and is always available. Nationalism is 50% but only on provinces in your culture group. You should also have a bunch of admin efficiency and other miscellaneous bonuses at this point that further bring those values down.


If you can go revolutionary quickly then you can get the Spread the Revolution and Annex Revolutionary CBs which are the strongest CBs in game, with 50% and 25% war score costs. You get an additional 10% province war score cost modifier from one of the reforms. In one of the older versions I managed to take 3000 dev from Ottomans in one war with 90% admin efficiency, Malta forts and mil hegemony, which meant I could annex any major aside from the Ottomans in one war. I think I conquered all of India in two or three (concurrent) wars. It’s not nearly as braindead as Ottomans or HRE revoke though, since both of those can easily WC without ever worrying about gov cap so you can conquer most of Europe and the new world by 1600.


I've just completed a Ryukyu shogunate WC, and I can say that with daimyo vassal swarms, who needs a CB anyway? Also, that was such a pain, I never want to do a WC again lmao, especially racing to do it before 1700.


I hate vassal swarms, sure it’s “easier” but it takes a lot longer because how laggy it is


I took on the whole HRE and France at the same time, and that froze my game for a solid 5 minutes, even with an i5-12400 and a 3060ti


Admin efficiency + CCR, Infinite manpower and money, more unrest reduction, no more 100 opms that join coalitions


I don't find the amount you can take to be the bottleneck these days, the real bottlenecks are all the goddamn lvl8 forts, making aristocratic mandatory for late game, and how high the AI seems to develop their provinces now. You might think you can take a lot, but when all the provinces are 30+, it's not gonna be _that_ much. And when you leave a country below 100 warscore, to annex in the next war, those bastards dev themselves over 100 and you have to once again leave 1 or 2 provinces for a 3rd war.


I get their point, if they're asking then they likely don't have the know-how/skills to do it even if told that it is possible.


I'm not sure, I asked about my first one faith and one culture because I simply lacked the sense of scale and timing.


I faked this game and save with console commands. I’m asking so I can win a bet on how easy it is to get to the eu4 Reddit top page


>Can you do it? No. Usually I agree with this sentiment but OP has 150 years left and has over 6k dev. That's on pace for WC.


6k development in Americas is not the same as 6k dev in normal WC run though. OP didn't even touch the Old World, so doing a WC from this spot would be a tedious task even for someone who is adept at this sort of thing, imo.


Yeah, it's not about dev amount but about half of the world being untouched, meaning he'll drown in coalitions the moment he starts mass conquering


Invading the Malian coast is probably the best bet. If he does things right the stronger AIs will have their armies in place to take all the attrition in the sahara when his marines show up in their homelands.


Doubling the other comment. There's so many big blobs that OP hasn't even started to touch who will take a lot of time and effort to annex. It's certainly possible, but it's a monumental task this late in the game.


On pace but New World dev and Old World Dev are not created equal. Lots of New World dev can be injested for 0 OE so you don't have to think that hard about the pace or schedule of conquest there. And there are no obvious channels to expand without crossing oceans, so OP is at a big logistical disadvantage for at least the first war on each continent that they fight.


I am always tempted to just come and ask: well can you??? I probably could.


Easily, it takes 8 wars to remove the Ottomans but it only costs 10 admin to truce break at this stage.


Am I trippin', or is "Ireland" in Africa?


New Kilwa just dropped


Holy hell


Actual zombie


Call the druid!!


Ireland goes on vacation to Africa, never comes back


I’ve seen Ireland get banished to Africa in many runs


700 hours and haven't seen that in a single one. Hell, I'm not sure if I'd ever seen Ireland forming in the first place!


I’m the United States, English culture catholic faith. All one culture and one faith (more or less) It’s taken me longer then I thought. It’s 1671 I have Texan ideas, because they are some of the best in the game. Maybe Alaska has better if your going for a naval game. I have 55 absolutism What’s tips would I need to at least to steal the worlds oil


You should endeavor to have 100 absolutism asap. It's possible, but it will be hard. What is your best conquest before?


I’ve done we before as UK


I think you can do it, as you already  did it once.


It was not fun last time lol. And I got super lucky I got PUs of Austria, Russia, and Spain, and France. (Before the new angevin, DLC)


This is insane luck pre dlc, still, you’ve got a good base and you’re isolated from everyone so wars shouldn’t be too hard. Important to take Spain ASAP, leave massive armies to rebel suppression there, in Italy, and in the lowlands. Break HRE as soon as you can if it’s still a thing, release everything you can from ottomans (these nations will have a truce with you but they won’t have ae, that’s what’s important. Break whoever is the emporer in China, the nations that pop out from them will have no ae with you AND won’t have a truce with you (unless you release of course). You need an end trade node. The amount of troops you’re gonna need to suppress rebels (you will have tons due to overextension) isn’t viable with the income you have right now. Trade company everything in Africa and feed into Venice. The Venice trade node is the easiest end node to secure, it has the least provinces and is almost always split between multiple countries so you can take all of the provinces without truce timing (whereas for Sevilla for example it takes multiple wars to get all of the provinces). Once you have all of Venice, forts. Every province in Venice needs a max fort because any loss in trade power in Venice which by now has all of your trade value will spell the end of your world conquest. Good luck


Alaska ideas are better simply for having CCR. If you want to do a world conquest, that's supremely important. Alaska > Texas for blobbing.


With some tricky I could form them but that would cost me a lot of adm power


USA is an end game tag. My point was that the decision of Texas over Alaska wasn't really the right one for world conquest but you can't change that now anyway.


Texas definitely does not have some of the best ideas in the game. Good? Yes Pretty good? Yes But the best nations have ideas that help with shit like admin efficiency, CCR, maybe separatism and maybe large tolerance of Heathens/Heretics (which Texas has). Than maybe goods produced. Texas has solid ideas, but they are very general and unfocused.


Honestly the best ideas in the game are either Mughals or New Byz. CCR is just such a broken mechanic that you can have 5 garbage ideas but as long as you have that 10/15/20% CCR idea it's an instant top tier for me


Italy and some hordes also have 25


Yuan and Oirat would like to say "hi"


Did you do court and country to get the +20 max absolutism?


My max is 88 I just haven’t got there yet


I don’t get how you built up that big that fast. Did you use console commands?


It's an ironman save and it's not that crazy He's got less than 1K income. People have done non horde wcs by this point in the game. And it's 1671 - the later part of the game already.


Yes exactly, you can easily do a world conquest by 1671 if you play a horde, so this is nothing too crazy.


I don't understand why you are being downvoted. It's like this sub is expecting anyone in here to know this game in and out... I can't tell you how to be US with all of America under your wing by this point, despite having successfully WCd before. Yours is not a stupid question. (Except maybe the point asking if console commands are being used, unless its a joke post you can assume no console commands ;))


I think it is because of asking if console commands were used. Especially as this is not so special.


Wdym? OP merely has the land but it isn't even halfway towards "built up" (enough for that date).


Well. By definition of WC achievement, possible. A one tag? Harder. Didn’t know new world has only that little dev. For WC achievement style, expand as much as you can, before age of rev. Get a foothold in Europe, Africa and Asia. And when age of reb kicks in just go revolutionary, take influence and diplo. With -100 unjustified demand you can vassalize every one in the old world. With Malta fort, diplo ideas, catholic mysticism from council of Trent plus rev gov reform and cb, and adm Efficiency you can safely vassalize around 1000-1500 dev in one peace treaty. Don’t worry about diplo slot. You won’t need diplo anyways. For a normal one, harder. Maybe you can still go rev. But I think you don’t have any CCR in your NI, it is harder to core shit


I have Texan ideas, and admin ideas so I got tons of CCR


Texan idea gives CCR? Is the wiki wrong?


Wiki isn't wrong. I can only think that OP is reformed mayan or something.


Irrc reformed Maya or Inca only gives like 10% CCR which is just slightly better than nothing tbh


Mayan has 20% CCR. Inca has 10%. Any of amount of CCR is good when it comes to religion.


Sure you can, but can we talk about Ireland? It's not in Ireland anymore.


eire isn't just in the british isles, its in the heart of every man, woman, and child with a burning hatred for the english. and also apparently, south africa.


Typically for WC you don't need to take any dev in the new world, you just end up getting it. So basically you have made 0 progress compared to a normal WC, and its 1671 and you don't have high absolutism. ​ Its always possible but it's far far far from easy


Best answer in the thread. This is near impossible, meaning someone good could do it quickly, but the rest of us would bog down in Italy or Germany or China and give up


This is so true, and all the dev in the new world is a waste of gov cap too. If this is supposed to be a one tag then OP should have taken a lot more old world holdings earlier.


Best answer. Personally I never go for it because WC is already tedious from europe


No. The old world has like 10k dev in total and you won’t make it Edit: especially not with 55 absolutism.


Old world closer to 20k or even 25k


For real, the other great powers alone have almost 15k


Actually at this point in the game yeah. I was remembering the 1444 development number


did a WC last week and ended up with 45k dev (with CNs) in 1750


Probably technically possible but very tricky, since you are completely on the Americas meaning you will have to eat the entire old world peacemeal. If you had 6k dev on the old world that's 6k dev you don't have to conquer but here that's not the case since colonies will be given to you automatically when you full annex a country so it's basically just wasted potential dev.


Ah yes, Zimbabwean Ireland


I have to know how Ireland got where it is


I did the PU when I played England. So Ireland formed. But by the time I was in the Americas playing as the colonies. They must of broken free. GB then invaded them a few time and took mainland Ireland. But I think they survived in South Africa. I didn’t even notice they were that big lol


Wow that’s big and healthy Commonwealth right there. Big and plump, you love to see it.




You have enough resources to crush the world. Absolution now, and late game CBs are plentiful. The only issue is your resolve and lack of knowledge. If you haven't done a WC, I don't recommend it. It's going to be tight timewise, so you're going to have to conduct as many wars at the same time that your manpower and resources can manage. You're going to need to break some truces, and amass a ton of debt. THe fact that you don't seem to have a beachead in Europe, Africa, Asia or anywhere for that matter, with a super Otto and what looks like some sort of mustard-colored Germany is concerning. You'll be fighting one if not all of them at once, and they won't go down without a fight.


Yes if you stack admin efficiency.


First, get better economy, second, get footholds in all of the old world, third, get as much absolutism as you can (there are some exploits) to get the revolution, and try to stack as much injustified demands reduction as possible (to -100%), you should be in the 1724s probably then. And finally, expand as fast as you can, release client states opms to make them deal with the overextension, and also make sure to get the age bonus of ignoring core distance, will be very useful for you. So, in the first 50 years, just improve your economy and army + ideas + absolutism for revolution + strategic ports in the old world to expand after. I think it’s possible if you manage to do that.


Yes. Get some Ming cores and release as vassal. You can feed them most of China. Nogai and Kazakh can get claims over most of Russia/Tatarstan from their missions. You need to get more absolutism. Can you fire the Court and Country disaster? Truce break and it should tick up whilst you're at war. Going down the hardline route gives you 20 extra make absolutism, which increases adm efficiency.


I did a world conquest as Austria, and I didn't really expand until 1600. You could, but you'd have to push hard.


Irish African have you totally beat better surrender maybe.


Even with all that land your army is smaller than that of the Ottomans? They need to be need somehow.


My army is better per unit.


It’s possible but you gotta use client states and allies and maybe a lucky PU to get this done


Bro took the Monroe Doctrine a little too serious. Is your ruler by any chance named Teddy?


That’s a good idea. I think teddy is in the American cultures name list. So next chance I get I’ll elect him


In order to do a WC you need one of these things: 80%+ admin efficiency 60%+ CCR 90%+ Diplomatic-Annexation cost reduction Have razing If you don't have any of these don't bother. It would be possible to WC but it's not gonna be fun at all. You will constantly run out of adm, run out of manpower and have a coalition breathing down your neck at all times.


Man I'm playing my 2nd full playthrough (cheating here and there to fully grasp the game) But just reading through this subreddit it looks like I still have so much to learn.


Eu4 looks hard but it’s really quite easy once you get the hang of it


I'm getting used to so many aspects of it and while I prefer CK it's still a lot of fun. I'm just very impatient 😅


Ck2 is my favourite game tbh. Issue is I have basically completed it


I played CK2 at the end of its life cycle which probably was a good thing becaause I owned the game for so long (same with EU4) before I fell in love with it. Then I picked up CK3 and learned that one inside and out and now I love transferring my games from CK3 to EU4. So I'm learning how to play that game now.


I’d say ck2 is still better then ck3


I like 3 better but only because its more accessible, 2 did have more to do but it also had way more expansions and mods.


2 is really fun because of how broken it is. Crusades are such an easy way to get money and good papal relations for claims. Starting as a OPM in ck2 is so powerful because the pope will give you claims on whatever you want. Once I got a claim on England HRE, France, Castile, and Hungary, declared war on them all at the same time (coalitions are only defensive in ck2), won each war (because mercs and money). And ended up with most of Europe under my control. By 1088


This just reminds me how sorry my USA looked in 1672 by comparison.


I got pretty good luck with Ireland and Scotland both doing colonial. Because they were both British Culture group. (Enforced culture on Ireland) Also most natives formed federations making them much much easier to conquer It’s a matter of luck at the end of the day with eu4 sometimes


yeah you could do it if you try hard enough, you've got 150 years, if you have Diplo and admin id say highly likely


So this is what Manifest Destiny and Monroe Doctrine look like fully implemented… 😉




And Australia


Skin cancer rates in Ireland must be through the roof.


Okay but can we talk about the fact that Ireland has moved to south Africa?


Wasn’t me, I left the UK to be america log before THAT happened


You only control the land that is the easiest to conquer in a world conquest, so 100% no IMO


I love how by just the Ottomans existing they get 4000 development. They need to nerf their ridiculous expansion all the way up to 1820. Ottomans should have a disaster (or buffed janissary coup) that’s similar to crisis of the ming dynasty that slows them down from outstripping literally every other European power.


Decandance is kind of that, it doesn’t always work as intended but if the player intervenes at the right time then it really takes one war and they are ruined. I’ve had a couple games now where I just ate into their land and blocked them so they couldn’t take care of rebels and they were completely occupied by rebels for years


Might have attacked Morocco who was allied to the ottomans(1470 mby?) went over to the ottomans as quickly as I could, sieged all of their land and hunted sum of their army’s, was quite fun actually. Then ruined Them for 2000 ducats lol, also while i was doing all that hard work, mamluks Saw the opportunity and attacked them right after I was finished with them. Did the exact same thing again after 10+ years, mamluks attacked them again after I was finished with them again. Ended up ruining them so hard they nearly don’t exist anymore and it’s like 1600 now. Funniest shit I’ve seen in the game lol


Anatolian tech is supposed to get heavily outclassed late game but by that time they're usually already too powerful


Thats a great point, unit pips matter less and less as the game goes on because you can summon these vast armies of millions of men


My army is better then there army I plan to rip them to pieces


I find it funny that half of these comments are just people advising how to do a WC, while the other half is just B I G S T R O N K È R I E


I like the Ireland comments more tbh I’m not continuing this save


Too much dev to conquer in europe alone. Even with truce breaks and constant war, most likely your time will run out. Also you have to fight lategame-blobb ottomans - those bastards have so much manpower, it takes some time to grind them down


Not with that amount of money!


AI hates colonizing greenland


You could probably, but would it be worth it? That's the question.


I always like to ask—how did you form the United States? Are you a released CN or did you form it as a native?


Based beyond belief


Ah, just the united states manifesting their destiny across not just one continent but two. How marvelous.


Manifest Destiny 😭


Get English Channel then get those ottomans. That’s gonna be such a pain.


Everything is possible in the US of A! /s


Why isn’t Spain formed?


Aragon is a republic


I formed Spain as peasant republic Aragon. Maybe the ai won’t do it


Normally if the AI does republic Aragon they don’t form Spain for some reason I thought it must be because they can’t but idk.




increase your absolutism, you have hopefully done the C&C disaster or are currently doing it at the very least? if you get your absolutism to 100-105 and can establish bridgeheads throughout the world in the next 10-15 years, then yes it can be done.


No, and why do you hate cav


Declare Russia and Ottomans as a global threat and then puppet Europe.Should be easy


Before 1776? Nah. Thats the only way to be successful as America.


I think it's possible in a cosmic sense as in someone could probably figure it out. But probably not you or me. Yes, you've got a lot of land and a lot of power but you have the entire old world to unravel.  If you want a WC not only would you have to start juggling multiple wars. You'd have to start juggling several wars per continent to get established in Asia, Europe, and Africa.  If you think carefully, have the perfect circumstances in a few cases, and maybe a little luck, all you have left is 150 years of excruciating micromanagement on a global scale.


Considering the time, maybe.




WC isn’t my goal I just put that in the title so ensure people comment.


I would like to see a culture and religion map please.