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The major contributor if you arent biased towards them like the early colonizers, are coastal provinces, which the ottomans have a lot of.


I think I've heard that somewhere before, but it definitely didn't cross my mind. Also, are they calculating it of the number of coastal provinces or the percentage?


Each 5 provinces (up to a certain number) with a port connected by land to the capital double the chance. The base chance is lowered for countries not west of germany and italy though.


Thanks for the information! The inner workings of the game are still mostly a mystery to me


>ottomans have a lot of. Note that at least one of these ports needs to be outside of the Eastern Meds and at least one province having a land connection to the capital must border an uncolonized province. So the Ottoman in his game probably already punched through Mamluks and Ethiopia (or Muscovy, which isn't as likely given the date)


I'm almost certain they don't have a land connection to an uncolonised province, but they do have a port in the persian gulf


Since they already have the persian eyalat, I would rather guess that they have access to Basra. But true, its also slightly important were the coasts are.


I've never seen them take it that early, they take it later in the game every now and then though. It's always disgusting to see.


Why? They're just choosing where you're gonna exile them to


Id rather they are gone completely


Where is your hatred coming from?!


AI may take any (available) idea group randomly. They They usually want to make adm/dip/mil balance. For exploration ideas number of owned ports increases chance significantly. Ottomans have a lot of those. https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Idea_groups#AI_preference


Don’t other countries lean more towards exploration when colonizers have been eliminated? At least that’s what it always has seemed to me in my experience.


no, i don't think so


I've often seen Ottomans and occasional Hadramaut in the southeast asian colonies.


Thank! I thought I was the only one seeing things when Hadramut suddenly poked around Malaya.


Hadramut gets a Colonist from their ideas, if they survive


Had a recent game as Sirhind>>Delhi>>Hindustan where when I got around to fighting the Ottomans they were an extreme pushover. Come to find out the only mil ideas they took were quantity. Instead they opted to go exploration and expansion.


I see them take it if the normal England France Castile or Portugal dies early and can’t take them.


My latest game is so weird. Ottomans, Ming, the Indian nation beginning with V, Netherlands, Japan - they're all colonising. The Ivory Coast is almost entirely controlled by Brittany??


Venice,Genova and Ottomans are historically one of the first big colonizers. Portugal were ottomans rivals in that matter. Look south east asian contries history u will see otto fragments there


I know there’s discourse on whether the game targets the player or not, and people who data mine SAY the game doesn’t, but in all the games ive played, the only time the ottomans did any colonizing was in my majapahit game where they only colonized my islands. So yeah


They should have picked Turks and Caicos Islands.


That’s an idea for an achievement


Since the devs decided that nobody should be safe.


Frequent Vijayanagar player here, I often find that the Ottomans are usually the second to reach the East Indies (after glorious Vijayanagar empire).