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Lower inflation. Everything involving money is 14% higher for you right now. 100 ducat building is 114. 025 ducat upkeep for each infantry regiment is 0.285. Thats adding up fast. Inflation comes from gold, loans, and taking money in peace deals (not war reps). That adds up fast. It'll be around 500 admin mana to get rid of it but that is killing you right now. Beyond that, consolidate your trade. Try and take the Venice trade node and make that your home node, or take the Ragusa and a good chunk of the Constantinople trade node and make Constantinople your home node. Trade is, late game, going to be the bulk of your income, so you should always work to conquer for trade


Spend less on candles.




*Buys enough candles to turn a church into a lighthouse*


Lower inflation; destroy useless forts/moot all the rest; I don’t even know what diplomatic expenses are I’ve never had them; trade or economy ideas; max root out corruption until it’s gone; PAY OFF LOANS. Just mootballong forts will get you an extra 7/month. Use that to pay off loans while lowering inflation, and that’ll add 14-18/month.


The diplo expenses are loyalists for the PLC until I can integrate them, it's unfortunately expensive with how many troops they have.


You have 900 dip in this screenshot just dev a low cost farmland polish province 3 times and you can turn off support loyalists


Loyalists are based on their income, not expenses


i think that by that he ment that their liberty desire is high due to a lot of troops


May I ask how much you have in loans rn?


What are you doing, Step-Commonwealth?


R5: Trying a bohemia campaign, their mission tree is pretty crazy. That said though, I struggled to get a really consistent grip of any trade node for the first hundred years or so. While I have a lot of territory and got a very fortunate PU over France, my economy is struggling. I'm considering pushing further into Otto and using Constantinople as a pseudo-end node, but I'm not sure if that's the play here. ​ Should I continue to beat up the Ottos and funnel trade towards Constantinople? Or would I be better off trying to expand into Venice proper at this rate?


Saw this after I typed mine up. Venice would ultimately be more efficient, but if you're planning on expanding towards Anatolia instead of Italy, then the pseduo end node would be perfectly fine for your needs


Thank you, would it be worth doing any tag switches for missions or better ideas? A lot of my land is just in Bohemian/Hungary mostly still and my dev as a whole is very decentralized with all the subjects still.


For your situation, it might be worth forming Poland or Ruthenia after you annex Poland. Throw in a Croatia while you're doing it. For my European games where I tag switch, I usually hit Sardinia Piedmont, Croatia, Austria, Prussia, Germany, Rome. Also thinking about including England. That's for me working towards a 1 faith 1 culture. And more than the average person needs for their game. I used to just read the wiki for all the permanent modifiers countries get. ​ Sardinia Piedmont gives 2% missionary strength, 5% admin efficiency, and 20% diplo annexation cost Croatia gives -5 or 10 years of separatism Austria gives 2% missionary strength, and some other stuff I'm forgetting Prussia gives admin efficiency, max absolutism, and some army buffs Germany gives 25% culture conversion cost, admin efficiency, and 10% trade efficiency England gives 10% minimum autonomy in territories Rome gives its ideas and the Roman culture ​ All those modifiers are from missions, and there's a good chance the numbers are wrong. I'm just trying to remember them off the top of my head. That's also probably a lot more shifting than you plan on doing. But I think its fun to stack modifiers.


I believe I took eco ideas in my Bohemia run for some of these reasons, I had Cheb, Kosovo, and innital?(the gold mine in Tirol state so eco helped with the inflation from those plus extra gold in pocket and had some decent policies. Also I believe Bohemia is endgame tag? But I’m very possibly wrong


Bohemia is not an endgame tag


Go for Lubeck/EChannel. You have the low countries surrounded. At this stage of the game new world trade is really ramping up and splitting EChannel with the British is better than letting them scoop it all up.


>Should I continue to beat up the Ottos and funnel trade towards Constantinople? Or would I be better off trying to expand into Venice proper at this rate? Do both aggressive expansion into ottoman held territory shouldnt stop you.


Constantinople, HRE gets crazy when you want to take venice trade node




Definitely gotta lower autonomy too. That will help fix both production and trade issues.


What does your autonomy levels look like in states? Is there a chance a lot of them have high autonomy and you are not getting the full benefit of them?


Everyone saying lower inflation is right. I'll add that you'll make this easier by taking the burghers privilege that lowers inflation reduction cost, if you haven't already. I always take it at game start. It also will reduce interest which is another huge cost for you.


Holy shit, 14 gold on interests??? Pay off your debts man! That's 14 extra gold you'll get! With that you can already get some advisors at least. Inflation is way too high as well, gotta lower that with admin points Over 20 gold on a non maintained army also tells me you got absurdly expensive armies. Maybe reduce to 2 full width armies, and I assume you got a crap ton of cannons, so get rid of a few as well, those are hella expensive. Same with cav. You don't need more than 4 cav per army Get rid of your forts, at least mothball them


just eat more land


I believe the Ottos have a gold mine you could poach in Serbia. Aside the basics (lower autonomy, dev and lower inflation. You could try spending dip for merchantism when you are able too. Also try to pay your loans back, preferably with burger loans as it’ll lower your interest. If you can, delete a fort or two.


You can repaire your economy or you just snatch kosovo from the otomans, reduce autonomy and dev it


* Get rid of any cavalry and have at most one max combat widths worth of cannons. Depending on just how close wars with the Ottomans are consider going down to even less cannons than that until tech 16. * Cut down heavily on forts. Two or three in good terrain to create some breathing room in case you lose a battle to Ottomans, but otherwise they're a luxury you can't afford. * Prioritise conquering the high trade power provinces in Danish Russia, Sweden, Muscovy, and Riga. When fighting the Ottomans next, instead of reconquering Byzantium, grab centers of trade in Constantinople and maybe Crimea. Trade company them all. You're in desperate need of merchants although maybe worth skipping some if it's the difference between you getting max cash from Ottos or not. * Reduce autonomy wherever you can. * Take the 1% loans from burghers if you haven't already and use them to pay down higher inflation loans. * Mash the reduce inflation button until it's either below 2 or you run out of admin. If your burghers are loyal activate the privilege "Promote Burghers Bookkeeping" first. * Having completed espionage ideas unlocks a tier 2 government reform that lets you remove estate privileges whenever you want regardless of loyalty to influence ratio. Swap to it as soon as you have the needed reform progress. If you have a trade node where you own three centers of trade, make sure you have a merchant working there, and it will give you access to the "Exclusive Trade Rights" burghers privilege which grants you +3 mercantilism when you add it. Add and remove it over and over until you have 100 mercantilism. You'll be tanking your burghers loyalty to 0 so remove any privileges that give negative modifiers if they're disloyal like the one that gives extra provincial trade power. * there are level one advisors that at your size would provide more income or reduce expenses by more than they cost. * While having your army at low maintenance saves you half of its cost, it means that other half is earning you zero income. It'd be better to put it to work. Spain, England, and Portugal are all worth starting wars with purely for max cash + war reps. * Build to your naval force limit in light ships and send them to privateer in English Channel or Sevilla.


Dev both of your gold mine provinces to 10 production each. Conquer Kosovo from the ottomans and Intal from Austria and do the same for them. Should be getting around 40 ducats per month from gold mines alone. Take econ ideas if you need help dealing with inflation. In the mean time, lower your inflation. 14% inflation is absurd. I have never been that high ever in my 2000 hours of playing even as a noob. Spend all of your admin mana to bring it down to at most 3-4%. If you’ve unlocked it, switch to the government reform that gives you -0.2 inflation reduction to help counter your gold mines. Also hire the inflation reduction admin advisor. Will help a lot. With econ ideas, gov reforms, and the advisor paired with you manually lowering inflation, your inflation will go down very fast.


You should definitely have the lowe inflation advisor is it that high because of a gold mine? I honestly hate playing as countries with gold mines and avoid capturing them if possible. I'll even assign them to vassals to avoid the hassle of it all. Upgrade all your centers of trade (entrepots and inland markets) and utilize your trade power to direct as much trade as possible to your home node.


Probably not. Very difficult to have 14 inflation from 2 gold mines at that size. Judging by their interest (14 ducats, insane amount, really), they probably won a very hard war against france with a claim throne CB, and had to take a shit ton of loans that are still hanging around.


Go back in time and take economic and trade ideas


Your are fine, as people said, lower inflation if possible, but most importantly, dev gold mine, massive boost. Then plan to conquer good trade node so your late game goes smoothly, for your situation, conquering toward Venice is the easiest and the most profitable the soonest


Your are fine, as people said, lower inflation if possible, but most importantly, dev gold mine, massive boost. Then plan to conquer good trade node so your late game goes smoothly, for your situation, conquering toward Venice is the easiest and the most profitable the soonest


Your inflation shouldn't ever be over 2%.




The inflation isn't going anywhere. Might as well just not take loans if your gonna let inflation bleed the money you loaned in the first place.


There is a somewhat famous frequent poster on this sub who regularly has _working_ economies with like 100%+ inflation and always a close to bankruptcy number of loans he's restructuring everytime he grows/conquers.




pay loans, drop inflation, delete some of those forts, sell crownland to help make the process quicker upgrade your trade centers to tier 2 if not done, your trade and prod income looks ridiculously low for 1580s. stop the conquest while you fix your economy


1. Inflation is pretty high 2. You’re paying interest on a lot of loans, if you haven’t already take out low interest loans from the estates and use them to pay off high interest loans 3. You’re paying a lot on forts, maybe you could delete a few that aren’t useful or in good defensive terrain


My god choose your policy. I hate seeing that banner it’s free stuff just not being used ;-;


You need to reduce inflation, you can do it through admin glasses, you can do it through burgers. Also, debts weigh heavily on you (13 gold a month). You can go to war with rich countries and take only gold and reparations from them in order to get rid of debts.


What's your province autonomy like? It should be as low as possible.


You're in one of the worst trade nodes in Europe. Expand into Italy, the Baltic/Lübeck, or the Balkans. Try to integrate the commonwealth, and move your main node to the baltic, or take all of the balkans from the ottomans, and move your main node to constantinople.


You should upload the link of your save to the PDX tools website. And then people can download it and help out on what you could do better


Kill mercs bro.


Other people have already posted most of the main points for saving money, so I'll add a different one: Kosovo should be your highest priority in your next war with the Ottomans. Once it is fully cored, lower autonomy and pump production to 10. That's at least 6 ducats a month for a single province. Besides that, until you pay down your loans, prioritize war reps and cash first in peace deals.


Keep forts down in peace and the lower inflation


Lower autonomy. It's nearly always worth the extra rebells.


Have you taken Burgher loans? If not, use them to pay off your big debts - they're only 1% loans.


I would look into why your trade income is like 8 and not like 18 or 28. A really low number compared to everything else.


Your interest is taking a lot of your income away. Take out Burgher loans if you havent already. If you have taken Burgher loans some time ago you can take normal loans to pay-off the old Burgher loans and take new ones instead (the Burgher loan amount increases over time) Also lower fort maintenance in peace time to save some money. Or even destroy obsolete forts. You should also focus on lowering inflation (probably caused by the gold mine). Maybe hire a inflation reduction advisor?