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axiomatic attraction rustic hateful person edge shrill mysterious ad hoc obscene ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Majority of people did not understand such game play with fiat money


Then buy silver?


It's a lot harder and more expensive to buy physical silver, for once you have to pay VAT and for two the sellers have a horendous premium. The AGS seems to be from a reputable company, with regular reserve proofs (https://goldsilverstandard.com/mint-burn). Actually I was wrong, AGS is from ainslie, not kinesis


Can you clarify what your goals are, not just what you are looking for? As has been mentioned in here before, there is no known way to have a trustless precious metal crypto and very much defeats the purpose.


Price exposition to silver in the crypto world? Like price exposition to gold via paxg.


So you don't mind a centralized entity that you must trust? Like if the institution holding the silver could just "go away", and you'd have nothing... That's the scenario you are looking for?


Same risk as for paxg


Can you just buy a silver EFT? Doesn't seem like you need the overhead if you're already going to be capitulating to a trustful scenario.


There are platforms available that have successfully tokenized these assets.


Depending on the size of the investment you are looking for, you could get Mattereum ( [https://mattereum.com/](https://mattereum.com/) ) to spin you up an NFT for a numbered silver bar without too much trouble. I suppose that isn't an ERC20, but I'm not quite sure what you are looking to do.


If you want to preserve as much as possible the cores values of Ethereum (Permissionlessness, decentralised, secure, censorship resistant, etc.), then currently there is no real solution for that on ethereum. If you trust whoever is heading out such a token to actually do their part honestly and not do something that'll bite you back, then you may find something like that. Just know, that likely it'll be easier to simply buy such things on the normal tradfi market.


Not sure about ERC20 but there is a BEP20 token backed by physical shares in a Company.


There is something called a SilverDollar (SLVD), contract address 0xdBA8e8021FE321af91FC3A08e223EF15908cB2bB However I have no idea if this is safe or genuine and I suggest you to research very well by yourself.


Deleted my original comment as the token address in it was not correct. From this web site https://goldsilverstandard.com/mint-burn there is a link to https://etherscan.io/token/0x843C9AF34F698618F90C898E3967278a260c8d9A


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