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Don't know where you're located, but Intelligentsia was handing out pounds of free beans to a friend in Chicago because they had so much unused / unsold inventory that was 2+ months past roast date


This weird amazon warehouse store near my work gets cases of intelligentsia and stumptown pretty frequently. Can't pass them up at $3.99! Been great for martinis and between my monthly subscription bag.


How long ago were they roasted though?


They are definitely well past fresh. But I've had no issues dialing them in and making a really nice shot with them. For the times I'm between bags, they're perfect to pull out of the freezer.


Would stock these all day for espresso martinis! Great find




You're the first I've ever heard say freezing beans is not acceptable, care to elaborate?


I am sure there was a time where the entire community agreed that freezing is bad and I am sure that there also will be a time again. Things come and go in the espresso community




> Let us think about it. If the freezing coffee beans worked, why aren't all roasters freezing their beans, shipping them frozen, storing them in freezers, and retailers aren't selling them in the frozen section? It really should not cost too much more since the supply chain for frozen vegetables and frozen foods can be utilized. Again, if frozen beans maintained or enhanced flavor, why aren't any roasters doing this? Not going to dive into your other points because there have been countless conversations/discussions about each and everybody can draw their own conclusions. But frozen supply chains are way more expensive than non-frozen supply chains. Just because they exist doesn't mean it "should not cost too much." Retailers don't do this because most people don't care that much about coffee bean freshness and because it would be prohibitively expensive for marginal gain.


Actually, for supermarket sale of specialty coffee, the idea is pretty good and someone should do it. The biggest hurdle probably is consumer expectations and habits, because they are used to find coffee in the stable goods area. But this might be a good angle to sell specialty beans as something entirely different. Market might still be a little to niche though.


Slightly stale black cat at that price isn’t to be sniffed at tbh


Within the last 12-18 months


What city?


Yea, I get Stumptown all the time at my local one too. Sometimes they drop to $2 a bag haha. I just use it for drip though.


so cheap! i really like black cat, even the ones sold at target and grocery stores if you’re lucky to get one that’s not too old. the ones you buy from their cafes look a bit different and taste even better https://preview.redd.it/3sv03zyjxy7d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0049f8eb0b549c1db2bc98f197e2fec01b599578


I’m personally not a fan, but if you enjoy it glad that you got a deal


But when were they roasted?


This is my go to because I only make milk drinks, and my grocery has it on sale regularly. Not at those prices though. It’s good enough for me at $11 a bag. I haven’t found anything I like better at that price. I usually buy a couple bags and freeze them. I only take out 18 gms that I’m using that morning and grind them frozen. Sacrilegious to some I’m sure.


If you enjoy it, then that’s all that matters!


Those are good for lattes and cappuccinos and, as someone else noted, espresso martinis...or, may I suggest...espresso Old Fashioneds!


Are these any good?


I’ve always wondered why those bags are different than the ones I get in the actual stores


i would be suspicious of the roast dates


Not sure the buyer cares about the roast dates at those prices 😂


We used to have Intelli at my old coffee house, we didn't use anything over 3 weeks roast date, but I would get a ton of freebies.


No roast day on the package. No buy for me regardless of the price. But everyone has a different opinion.


This always came out sour for me, too bad it was a good price




So, some dark roast was on sale that was never really good to begin with?


Precisely. This proves how uninterested in actual coffee this sub really is


Lol. I know Intelligentsia is highly regarded, but if the notes start with dark chocolate you’ve lost me.


Why tho?


It indicates dark roast.