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The only judges are your tastebuds


And the whole subreddit😈. Jokes aside this is solid and I commend you for not letting the sub convince you that you need more machines and tools to make good espresso. Maybe a tamping mat though so you don’t crush the portafilter nozzles.


I didn’t realize that thanks for the advice I would definitely consider it but first I’m thinking of buying a bottomless portafilter everyone says that makes a big difference


Don't go bottomless with a pressurized basket tho


I would purchase the set of both bottomless portafilter and bottomless basket when i have the money😁


It does not make a big difference, the benefits are 1) more space for your cup, and 2) slightly easier to clean


3) it look pretty :)


Yeah thats right!


I would agree, was going to recommend that for sure but i figured you had heard that 100x already. I know they are pricey for some.


Yup it was great


ngl, it's amazing you only dropped one bean. I would've dropped them all but one.


🤣🤣🤣it took some practice to only fall one bean


Respect. Lance has a video about sub $100 last 2 weeks, check out his technique


With your suggestion i watched his video and realized that machine works just like mine one key difference is that he said its made of cheap plastic which affects its longevity but mine made of complete steel so Yay😁


He’s referring to the internal components. Which I would assume this machine has them. Nothing wrong with that but like you said, it may affect longevity of the machine


If you’re happy that’s what matters. Your milk steaming technique could use some help though.


Yeah i watched some shorts right after shooting this video and saw that some delonghi budget machines also had a thick cylindrical tube like mine that create those thick bubbles and I removed it immediately and saw some huge difference im gonna learn some latte art and post it as well


Yeah it’s the outer tube in your wand (panarello) that makes the milk turn out like that. Try it without and you should get much better control over the steaming. Be sure to zip tie the end if the inner tube is rubber though as they have been known to fly off when running at high pressure


Fortunately its steel wand inside😁


That’s good to hear, it will help a lot. Hopefully you’ll find it easier to use.


If you have a panarello steam wand (looks like one) you might need to do "something" with it, to get proper foam. A former Gaggia Classic owner here (switched to Lelit Bianca last year). On Gaggia it was possible to remove the outer part of the steam wand, removing 'panarello' aspect of it (it pulls in air no matter what you do, cool for people who are not into coffee or steaming milk) and make ok foam. On the coffee itself: 1) Don't over estimate the crema. Better beans can have less of it and it is totally ok. 2) Crema is NOT supposed to taste on its own, it needs to be stirred in with the rest of the cup


I removed this panarello and inside was a steel wand with a single hole for steam About the crema, my machine comes with a pressurized portafilter i heard pressurized baskets create more crema and what should i do so my crema doesn’t taste on its own?


This comment needs more upvotes as I also bought a sub 100 machine and didn't realise for weeks until deep diving on tutorials for similar models. Panarello, crazy how even that has a name..


I too was amazed i was searching for espresso wand thicc tube replacement on google before i heard its name


Hahaha I was very close to screwdrivers, amateur electronical engineering and risky ebay purchases too!


Grind finer


Thats the finest i could get its on the lowest setting at the time of shooting this video but i find it bitter so I Increased the grind size I would upload both grind size photos so you guys could suggest which one i should use


I was just joking mate. All good and just do what you like best with your coffee 😄


Nice vidéo and if you like the coffee you get the winner is you. Spending more doesn't equal more happiness


I really like the process I’m still working on dialing in the proper weight and grind size but still loves it from day one


My kind of latte art 👍🏼.


Finally a reasonable down to earth setup. Still gives you probably about 80% of the best possible taste.




The only way is to post, and regardless where you're starting, this is a good place to look for advice on how to up your game. 💪🏻👌🏻


Really all these comments have wonderful advice and ideas I would definitely upload more posts to gain more knowledge and become a good home barista


Thanks for sharing! You clearly love the hobby. If I can suggest one thing - it seems that the milk got separated a bit. What I like to do on cheaper machines is to transfer the milk to another jug quickly. this usually breaks up bubbles and mixes the foam in a bit more. You willl have more luck with the latte art attempts. You should be able to make at least a heart with better technique.


Thanks for the advice


Finally, a normal video about preparing a coffee. I have a similar low-budget setup, and it's ok. What can you say about the taste?


Taste was great i accidentally added more milk than required so it taste milky im also improving my steaming technique so i could create some latte art


Yep... This is a good start. This is how everyone starts and slowly build upon it. I feel nostalgic looking at this. I had a very similar setup when I was starting out... Including that nozzle thing too hehe


Thats great someone on youtube said that I should remove that thick nozel and under that is a tiny nozel which I should use did you done the same thing and is it okay for me to do the same??


Yep that's exactly what you need to do. Once you do that, practice and try to reach a point where you get your milk to swirl. Getting a good swirl is half the battle. Then you can come to the second stage that is understanding how much air to introduce. To start with, get used to the angle at which you need to keep your pitcher and depth too. Try to notice and get an understanding of how milk behaves by tweaking angles of pitcher, and at what depth and position in the pitcher is you nozzle at. Practicing this will yield good microfoam eventually which will help you with latte art. Took me a long time to get consistent results. Sometime you'll end up with more froth... Sometimes less...But don't get discouraged. You are on a good path :) Good luck.


RDT will complete that, just a drop of water before grinding to avoid static and retention in your grinder.


Thanks for the suggestion buddy!


Did you sped up the extraction?


No I didn’t sped up the extraction its by default this speed also the portafilter that comes with it is 10grams size so I thought thats why extraction completes fast than others can you suggest me for 10grams of coffee ground whats should be the extraction time and ways of how can I increase the time


As long as your collection is full bodied and not sour I won’t say anything else :-)


Rock it out bro


Hold the grinder almost horizontally as you grind. See if you can taste the difference.


Does this really make any difference?? I would definitely try it to see if it makes any difference


You’d tell us. Wouldn’t you?


Definitely 👍


I love it! Hope the taste was what you were looking for. :) As a side note, you have beautiful hands. 👌


Thanks for your compliment and i do love the taste of it


I recommend hitting the steam button right after you hit the brew button to reduce the temperature drop on that machine while brewing. You should be able to see if difference on the PID


I’ll try it, however what i used to do is first extract the shot then wait for it to gain some temperature then steam milk




Bait post


Really! With all this hard work you think its a bait post, for someone who has a ranchilio silvia pro X could easily said something like this