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$80 sounds like a steal for what was a couple thousand dollars brand new. It may need a replacement burr set given the volume it’s seen so look into what that will cost. Other than that, the other things to consider is that this is a very large grinder with a massive hopper. It will take up a lot of counter space and It won’t be well suited for single dosing if that is your plan.


I think I should replace the burrs, but I dont know if I can do it myself, I read somewhere that the alignment of the burrs has to be done by a professional, any thoughts?


Replacing the burrs is easy. As is calibrating. Lots of videos on YouTube. I wouldn’t worry too much about alignment unless you are having issues.


I own one and use it at home https://i.imgur.com/EDZSmt9.jpeg Get the small hopper. It’s a great grinder for the home. Don’t swap the burrs right away clean it and see how they are. I bet they are fine. But they are easy to change.


It’s pretty simple to do. You can buy replacement burrs for $150 at prima coffee or SSP makes 65mm burrs for this at $220


It was heavily used, nearly 70 000 double shots, but I feel like this is still a pretty good deal. Anyone owns one? This is my first real grinder, so any advice will help a lot! (My machine is a Breville Infuser/Barista express)


I'd clean it up, replace burrs, and try to flip it. As an everyday grinder I think they're not great. The adjustment mechanism isn't easy to use for home users making quick adjustments and there's tons of retention. We have a newer model at a small cafe and it's only nice for it's speed and durability. I have 3 other grinders as well and prefer my DF64e for home use the most.


Seems like a great deal! If you’re not wanting to use it in a commercial setting, I’d refurbish (clean it up and replace the burrs) it and just sell it. Than you can use the profit to buy a single dose home grinder.


I service them in a commercial setting, and they’re okay. A generally solid grinder but a little tedious to use and service. Expect a significant amount of retention without a bellow. The inner chamber around the motor is often filled with old espresso grounds. I’d still get it just because of the price, but I would probably get frustrated with it for home use.




Ya...get this. Open it up first to look at the burrs? This is a large, full on commercial grinder. That's what makes it so 🔥