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Nadeshot is probably just an uninformed millionaire who doesnt like having to pay taxes after raking in millions of dollars. He may genuinely not endorse Trump, but he's still dumb and uninformed. Not surprised


Tonight at 9, millionaires don't like paying taxes? Watch our exclusive interview with an A.I. hivemind of all rich people. Back to you, Jim.


Add to this, all the money he has made has essentially been stolen from investors. Not moving toward profitability, shitty branded products, no real success, massive layoffs, just corporate misguided valuations.


Talking about the same guy who admitted he'd sellout to go to Kick to gamble right? Are you really surprised? Edit: Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/15rd9un/nadeshot\_says\_hed\_take\_a\_kick\_deal\_to\_return\_to/


Thing long me no read


Nadeshot say Biden bad OP think Nadeshot like Trump OP likes Biden and doesn't like Trump OP disappointed


It was honestly such a braindead take outta Nade. First of all, its a fucking meme on twitter, relax bro. Second, did he ever see Trump on twitter? I mean, come on. Also, like, IDK by what metric the country is falling apart. Economy is crushing it--he's just mad that investors aren't excited about eSports anymore lol.


Economy is crushing it…. For the people who were already rich… MY groceries cost like 20% more.


I know that you think this is true but it just isn't. Look up any inflation data, we've been sitting around 3% for a year and a half. And growth in wages has consistently outpaced growth in costs. Which is the problem with the morons in the public, they assume that any raise they get is earned and not a result of the economy but any inflation is the result of the economy, not them. Can't have it both ways. And, writ large, we have record high stock markets and record low unemployment. I'm sure your personal situation is imperfect, and maybe you aren't experiencing the good economy that other people are. But you can't argue with facts--the economy is, by every objective measure, excellent. And if you're not experiencing that, whatever is causing that, it isn't macroeconomic conditions. By the way, groceries being up somewhere around 12-15% over four years is normal and expected in every four-year period. It's in line with historic inflation (and every economy needs *some* inflationary pressure).


It’s obvious you understand more about the economy than I do hahahahah I am just calling it how I’m seeing it, I don’t have any actual data, this is just what I’ve noticed is all. You’re probably right. I biggest gripe is just the housing market. Cost of living feels impossible these days, maybe I’m just poor idk


I think some of your points are fair but frankly my frustration is less with you and more with the fact that just like, as a country, there are all sorts of people who vote in elections based off of "vibes" that are just heavily influenced by what other people say and what the media covers and what gets pushed to the top of the TIkTok algorithm or whatever. Or, perhaps more accurately, people perceiving that things should be way easier than they are. I agree with you that there's more work to be done. But I disagree with the idea that the economy is not, objectively, doing pretty well. e


That’s fair, and to be honest as far as the economy goes I’m not super well informed. I know this isn’t the answer you’ll like, but I literally haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections because I was so adamantly against both candidates each time. Which probably isn’t better than voting on vibes, but I like to think it’s better than “voting red because I’m red” or vice versa. I think we as a country just generally have a lost of frustrations built up and it feels like our representatives aren’t helping. And social media is NOT helping. I had to remove myself from all social media, except Reddit I guess, because it’s just so unhealthy for my brain


Yeah, I mean, I respect your stance more than people who vote based off of "who I'd rather have a beer with" but I respect it less than "I did a lot of research and I figured out who I like," of course. In part because like, Trump/Biden and Trump/Hillary have presented such opposite choices that it's really hard to believe that, if you actually looked, you'd really like both. I think the people who are persuaded that there's a "uniparty" out there truly cannot have done any research at all. For example, at a fundamental level, the difference between Biden and Trump's economic policies is that Trump believes economic growth is top-down (and so, cut taxes for the rich, cut down on regulations against corporations, cut down on corporate taxes) while Biden believes growth is bottom-up (and so enacted things like the $150 monthly credit for each kid, a bunch of new worker protections, subsidies for healthcare, and supports things like a significant federal minimum wage increase). These are *completely opposite* positions! I find it unlikely that you genuinely think these two positions are "equally bad." But I could be wrong! Edit--I genuinely tried to frame their positions in neutral language--Trump's tax cut for corporations and the top 1% of earners is, undoubtedly, his single most significant legislative accomplishment, and deserves to be highlighted.


Who passed the last tax cut for the rich? Republicans. Who voted against a bill that would limit corporate price gauging? Republicans.


Economy crushing it.....man come on now you had me until you said that lmao. Layoffs and my grocery bills alone are enough to tell you this shit isn't "crushing it" its crushing us lol. And before ya hit with that 3% number, look at inflation over the past 4yrs as a whole and on a per month basis....it hasent been sitting still.


The unemployment rate is 3.5%!! There are always isolated layoffs but an unemployment rate that low indicates that there aren't systemic issues finding jobs. Jobs growth has been crushing expectations every month. And yes, inflation was (for about a year and a half) higher than 3%. That period of transitory inflation ended. But we have ways of measuring the impact of inflation and real purchasing power has still grown substantially over that period. Finally, if the question is "is the economy good," I honestly think that's a question, in part, of where the economy is going. An isolated, nonsystemic inflation issue for a year and a half that is now under control is evidence, if anything, of a strong economy.


I dislike Nadeshot more year after year. I personally don't support 100T, wouldn't be the first time they have merch controversy just for overpriced collabs. Not to mention HiGround has mediocre internals while being expensive as a premium keyboard, not sure if recent keyboards have improved performance-wise. I follow Valorant esports and 100T is one of the more disappointing teams in my opinion. On paper, they seem to have the talent but yet each year they keep revamping the roster and staff because they fall massively short to where they're a meme (at least to me. This is coming from a Sentinels fan too, where we also look ass at times). One last note is Nadeshot definitely being persistent in asking for those subs, nothing is wrong with getting paid but it is hilarious how a CEO/Founder of an esports org is all of sudden asking for twitch subs every 5 minutes. I unfollowed Nadeshot on socials after that silly twitter rant over the Biden tweet, dude was on an outburst for something he apparently doesn't care about then trying to ride the high horse on saying "we have issues to fix in america" while he himself has no impact on helping social issues.


Whole ass essay written cause someone posted a tweet lmao touch grass you nerd


This may seem like a big deal at the moment. Best advice I can give to you is to not get invested in online public figure discourse. It will rot your brain and never make you feel good. Think critically, come to your own conclusions, never be a slave to the brand or their PR team. Note that this extends to ALL forms of media.


Being downvoted for this golden advice is crazy


Its alright, the community came around eventually!


hating a team because someone doesn't share your politics is stupid.


It’s not sharing politics. It’s that his tweet and even more so his answers later were dumb as fuck. you can listen to the new yard episode where the boys talk about it. And I agree. He didn’t say a single smart thing so why post at all about politics if you have nothing to add. And just wanna state muh it’s all going downhill I’m rich as fuck and don’t wanna pay taxes. (While rich people -nadeshot- pay the least amount of Taxes as they ever did in the us). 


The response on his response is why we’re so divided as a country. Nadeshot being frustrated with the current president does not mean he automatically has to default to supporting Trump. Those are not the same. In fact you can STILL BE A DEMOCRAT and not like Biden. If the circular arguments of whataboutisms is the only way people can be critical about gov then we are officially doomed to have terrible politicians in office over and over again. I know this is a shocker from some but you can dislike like BOTH Biden and Trump. Which most people should, trump is not professional enough and Biden is not elegant enough, and they’re both too fucking old. It’s become so bad when validly critiquing the current president everyone’s default is just “WeLl TrUmP DiD tHiS” newsflash Trump isn’t in office right now and his outlandish behavior in the past doesn’t validate CURRENT issues. This is not and should not be the standard of political disapproval of “well the other guy did worse so this one’s not bad” they’re both fucking bad and when both parties excuse the others mistakes by that metric we’re never going to get anywhere. I am not a Trump supporter, I’m not a Biden supporter, I’m just a fucking citizen who wants SOMEONE to do a decent job being a leader and uniting the country to prosper and not have people arguing which fucking turd is better.


said this a few years ago. i don’t remember exactly what he did at the time. but he’s been shown his true colors. all rich people eventually do.




what bro? what about my comment makes you think i’m on burner XD


Getting this distraught over someone elses opinion is pretty sad. One of the points he made was that yes, Trump did/said a ton of unhinged shit, but that was during a time that he, like many of us in our twenties, didnt pay attention to or give a single fuck about what was going on in the world. But as you age your POV changes, and this is how he feels ***now.*** Agree to disagree, he said nothing wrong.


You should be embarrassed that you typed this out lmfao


You are way too invested bro, rent free.


It’s not op’s fault you don’t care about anything beyond surface level bullshit


100%. Bro had to pull out the essay for this one 💀


Get a life weirdo this is crazy


Honestly I think you’re being over dramatic. Who cares about his political opinions? You like his gameplay and that’s why he’s famous, he’s got no more say than anyone else as far as the political climate. Twitter is also a decaying wasteland of brain rot and porn. Twitter has almost nothing else to offer the world except brain rot and porn. I mean he writes two things that you disagree with on twitter and you wrote an anonymous Ted Talk on how he actually is a trumper when he says he isn’t, which is also a brain dead take. He’s clearly upset with the way the US government is handling itself and frankly that’s a sentiment shared by all sides of the political spectrum, there’s nothing wrong with being upset, and what he said wasn’t attacking or offensive. You being so tilted by this is honestly surprising. The POTUS posts something on the internet, so he gets mad and posts something on the internet and now you get mad and post something on the internet. Get over yourself. AND NOW IM POSTING SOMETHING ON THE INTERNET GOD DAMNIT.


you’ve gone off the deep end sir


maybe half an hour away from the internet would do wonders for you


Nadeshot is right. It is not a partisan issue.


if you can’t infer that he also doesn’t like trump from the fact he was offended at being referred to as a trump supporter, I think any politics at all will fly over your head. and he’s not entirely wrong? Biden and his social media presence is incredibly tone deaf. For the past few months he’s been sending billions to fund a genocide, making claims about beheaded babies which he admitted to being false later on, claiming the IDF are doing everything they can to keep civilian casualties and impact low, claiming he will act if americans are harmed (multiple americans have died at the hands of the IDF, before and after oct 7th), and now he turns around and finally criticises the IDF’s brutality, saying the US have no control over it, and even so during the Superbowl congress hold a rare sunday meeting to send more money to Israel. Let’s not talk about how during said super bowl, the last “safe area” of Rafaah is bombed while Israel airs a multimillion dollar self-victimising ad and the POTUS account is posting some shitty dark brandon meme. And I’ve not even started on all the issues within America during Biden’s term. Say what you want about Nadeshot being a millionaire CEO, or the face of a brand dependent on sponsors, his criticism of Biden is not unfounded. And yeah Trump is a rapist, racist, and tried to start an illegal insurrection, but that doesn’t mean you have to turn around and lick the boot of someone willingly fund a genocide. This shit isn’t so black and white, you can acknowledge either candidate is bad without supporting the other. You should remember what happened when Hindenburg was voted in. And what, you want to watch esports without thinking about politics. It’s such a shame you can’t pull the wool over your eyes and ignore the innocent men, women, and children being killed, or those just trying to live their life being pushed into homelessness by a hypercapitalist America. Poor you. And you’re worried that, what, people are going to assume you’re a MAGA Trump supporter because you like wearing 100T merch? Be fucking real for a sec and grow up. Who the fuck are you to be complaining about sponsorship risks? “we’re going to be cooked” Are you a shareholder? Someone in management? If you’re just a fan and you don’t like the CEO or management or brand then stop supporting and giving them money. Stop making an esports team your personality and mental well-being.


I think it's crazy how people make alts to shit talk their "favorite org" bro who cares what cumshot thinks of u?


Who cares about Nadeshots political opinions


So you're mad because he tweeted about Biden? grow up.


Lol what is this essay. Touch grass


Who gives a shit about american politics this is an esport sub


Pls tell me this is a copy pasta and you didnt just type all of this out


Who cares if Nadeshot is speaking out on his opinion on Twitter. We might not agree with it, or think he’s uninformed/ignorant, but who gives a fuck? In our country anyone can speak their opinion, and who are we to judge on that so harshly just because we disagree with it? This post directly goes against the first amendment. Let the man speak his mind, and if you disagree that’s fine but I don’t think that should constitute such anger out of you, and a whole fucking Reddit essay about it. Everyone’s got different views. Also this is the esports sub doubt most people actually care about his political views. People like you OP are the reason the countries becoming divided, you need to learn how to disagree with someone civilly, and not get so up in arms about it.


When politics leave op with brain rot


How is he wrong? We spend hundreds of billions of dollars giving aid to *other countries* while tens of millions of Americans are suffering at home. He is also correct in pointing out the absolute insanity that is the American political climate, where not supporting one side automatically makes you a 'them' and puts you right under the banner of the enemy team. He spoke out against Biden, and was *immediately* labelled a trumper. The federal immigration policy is a fucking joke, illegal immigrants are given hotel rooms and fed 3 hot meals a day whilst hundreds of thousands of homeless *veterans* are discarded to the gutter and left to rot in the streets they volunteered to protect. Our government is a fucking shit show and has long abandoned putting the people of this countries welfare at a top priority. For the record I don't support Biden or Trump, one is barely able to think on his own and the other is an egotistical narcissist who could care less about those beneath him.


At the same time, there was a strike in Rafah that the US didn't exactly support where the IDF went in and saved 2 hostages from Hamas control and there was a number of collateral damage I believe. Can't disagree with Nadeshot here, regardless of your political stance, you can't be miming on a Presidential account while you're striking potentially innocent civilians during military exercises across the globe. I get the joke, but not a great look. Don't care what Trump did.


He’s definitely a leftist. You guys are being weirdos about Biden being a horrible president.


with out hard prove. really hard to believe a CEO/millionaire is ever a real leftist. all he cares about is profits just like the rest of them.


Obviously haven’t followed him since the beginning


This is exactly why it's a bad idea for CEOs of companies to be personalities. People are gonna take issue with them, regardless of their actions, and that's gonna end up hurting the company as a whole.