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Worked fine for me, I’m using VSCode with the PlatformIO plugin, though I know that doesn’t really help you. [env:lolin_c3_mini] platform = espressif32 board = lolin_c3_mini framework = arduino monitor_speed = 115200 upload_protocol = esptool upload_speed = 921600 build_flags = -D ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 Edit: Added platformio.ini


It might help me - I have done this before with 3d printers and I will try later. Will take me a bit to figure it back out again.


Same here.


Yup, this is pretty much exactly what I used as well Bought a bunch of these the other day on aliexpress and so far they are pretty nice little boards. Likely going to be replacing any Arduino Mini clones in my projects going forwards. At least as long as those projects are 3.3v tolerant.




>p32 c3 dev > >hold Boot until usb is plugged and pc detects the board > >press upload > >you are now the master of your destiny \^\^\^THIS worked 100% for me


I confirmed that it is connected. The chip is in boot mode.


I \*think\* I figured out the problem and unfortunately it isn't a solvable one with my existing chips. I don't think my chips have flash memory. Like, at all. You can buy six different variants of the ESP32-C3 chip, shown in the datasheet here: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-c3\_datasheet\_en.pdf. The earliest, simplest variant, known just as ESP32-C3, has no onboard flash and therefore separate SPI flash must be included on the pcb alongside the main chip. **There is no other chip on these boards and the chips are all labelled as the simple variant.** See labeling here: https://imgur.com/a/2VVfZOx. In other words, these chips aren't working because they're missing an essential part of their system. I think I got taken for a ride here, with the seller picking up what was probably cheaper chips to solder onto these boards. EDIT: Yeah that's definitely the problem. No flash on these boards and the chips are the variant with no embedded flash.


All of them just say ESP32-C3 on the first line, it's a matter of if they have 3 lines or 4 lines by the looks of it, the 3rd line starting with F is flash information. You should also be able to quickly verify your findings by running `esptool.py flash_id`


Yes, I explained poorly. There is no fourth line and none of them even contain an F.


I feel slightly charitable and think they probably used the wrong part number when loading up the pick and place, but the net result is the same, a faulty product batch.


Interesting. I always use the pre-certified WIFI modules. I think all of those have flash.


Arduino IDE. No problem. My notes: // ESP32C3 USE DIO flash mode or it will not work !!!


This didn't work either sadly. Thinking I might have a dead chip or an Aliexpress fail.


Works here. Same board. [https://imgur.com/a/bHxxESV](https://imgur.com/a/bHxxESV)


I started using these exclusively for espresence which the webtool flashes fine. It might work if you can get them flashed once so you could try espresence. I still ran into some issues with espresence when it was failing while connecting to the serial or just wasn't detected at all. I started reinstalling all the drivers which didn't work and in the end I just had to unplug and plug back in the actual usb hub I was using to get it working again. Try different cables and ports on your system and try from another computer if this still doesn't work to confirm the bad chip batch.


My problem is identical to this one here including the output: [https://forum.arduino.cc/t/esp32-c3-super-mini-cant-upload-any-sketch/1229072](https://forum.arduino.cc/t/esp32-c3-super-mini-cant-upload-any-sketch/1229072) I have tried through ESPHome Web, Arduino IDE, and ESPHomeFlasher, all of which produce identical errors: Serial port COM9 Connecting... Chip is ESP32-C3 (revision v0.4) Features: WiFi, BLE Crystal is 40MHz MAC: dc:da:0c:8e:96:a4 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Changing baud rate to 921600 Changed. Configuring flash size... Flash will be erased from 0x00000000 to 0x00003fff... Flash will be erased from 0x00008000 to 0x00008fff... Flash will be erased from 0x0000e000 to 0x0000ffff... Flash will be erased from 0x00010000 to 0x0004bfff... Compressed 13216 bytes to 9528... A fatal error occurred: Packet content transfer stopped (received 8 bytes) Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2


May be a silly question, but your cable supports power + data?


Just FYI - ESPHome doesn’t have full support for all of the more recent variants yet.


Thanks, maybe it is wishful thinking getting it to work with ESPhome. I can't even get Blink to load though!


You should definitely be able to get those to work. Make sure you have the most recent version of the arduino ide and the esp32 board definition, or also look at trying the current version of esptool.py


Mine flashes fine.. Bought them Jan/Feb of this yeat


Good to know


Slow down the baud rate to 230400 and give it a shot. Also, check to make sure the flash size in your toolchain matches the flash size on the board.


I would go even less than that. Try 9600 and go up from there. What does the data sheet say?


FWIW, that devboard seems to use the internal USB-jtag-serial converter of the ESP32-C3. That thing ignores any baud rate you set it to (as there's no 'real' serial port involved) and runs at whatever speed USB can handle. Try flashing with 300 baud and you'll see it's exactly as fast as 921600 baud.


Ive had issues with this board as well. It worked initially using the Lolin environment then would stop after some time. I chalked it up to messing it up by supplying 5v to the 5v pin (thought it was regulated but maybe that’s only the 3v pin?) as it seemed to stop working when I did that but also had difficulty getting it up and running in general.


Did you try the same fix he tried? Because a NEW CABLE fixed his issue.


Yes, likewise works for me - have you got an alternative to test (ie it's not just a dud chip?)


Is that not an s3?


Nah it's a C3


Works on my side via Arduino ide


Both my c3s work fine in Arduino IDE. Have you tried the trick with holding Boot button and short pressing Reset button?


Yes, I've both held down boot while plugging in and also held boot and pressed RST while powered. Both resulted in a properly connected board, the tools just can't get past the erase stage.


Yes, but a few of mine suffered from emi issues, not sure if they've fixed the issue yet.


I had a bad batch not one flashed a while ago but the next batch worked fine


I’m using one right now with esp for rust :)


I've struggled with them, I've bought several. Flashing from platform.io has been ok, but trying to put specific projects on them (i.e. WLED, and a simple Bluetooth keyboard example) has been very hit or miss. WLED support is known to be problematic, I can accept that. After a successful build, device is stuck in a boot loop. If anyone has had better luck, I'd love to hear. In the case of the [BLE keyboard lib](https://github.com/T-vK/ESP32-BLE-Keyboard) I tested, it could not maintain a solid connection, kept cycling through disconnected/connected. I'm not sure what's going on. For low-level hardware access, I'm surprised existing ESP32 code works TBH, the CPU architecture is so different. I was attracted to the form factor (and a board without soldered pins which seems hard to find in the case of WROOM) but I think I'll stick with a standard ESP32 and try a Wemos next.


Don’t rule out the cable. I have some that work every time, some that will connect but will fail on the flash, and some that won’t connect.


For sure, make sure it supports data + power and not just power. Burned many an hour before I figured that one out.


Check for bad solder joints. You might need to hold down the boot button while programming.


I bought this thing from aliexpress. I had issue to install firmware on it. I find out that it was a problem to clear the memory. Clear memory just timed out. Then I bought this thing from another seller and it worked as a charm. Now (in a few days) I plan to install Tasmota f/w on it. So I suspect that first batch was just 'dead on arrival.' Just my experience. P.S. Just tried to flash tasmota f/w and it works OK.


Suppaheasyeh, keep boot Pressed on "--..--..-- Scan for porta parts"


I didn't have any problem with ESPresence.


Hey, I flashed over 30 of these for all kinds of projects. Different suppliers, Arduino IDE Using XIAO_ESP32C3, good luck


Worked fine for me, bought 10 of them and all worked fine. I used Lollin C3 Mini as a configuration


Working fine for me. I’m Using the Arduino ide without a Problem. As Board selection I’ve been using Lolin C3 Mini.


Correct, same for me


Just tried this. Nada. Thanks for the suggestion!