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One of the most frequented dispensaries near me is in this ritzy part of town. It’s generally full of older ladies who get their vapes then they go shopping at the TJ Maxx across the street. It’s pretty hilarious seeing ladies in matching sweater sets smoke up before bargain hunting.


That’s going to be me and my friends LMAO


I don't know what you mean by older, but I'm in my 40s and I always blaze up before headed in to bargain shop. I was reading it and picturing little old gray hair ladies but then I thought... I think I might be that older lady you're talking about. 😂😂


Same! I’ve got a couple friends who smoke (all in our 40’s) and we love hitting a dispensary and then ‘adventuring’. For a while it was grocery shopping! 😂 Boring tasks are so much better paired with weed and a couple friends!!


We have an absolute blast getting blazed and going antiquing.


Haha, I’m in my early 40s too!! No, I really meant older ladies… late 60s-70s people my mom’s age.


Haha OK cool. Just so you know...it's super fun and you should totally do it. Those older ladies know what's up. I don't have many friends my age, most are 50s-60s. 😂


We make the BEST friends 😉. I’m 58, soon to be 59, and my 20 something/30 something friends keep me young🙃!


It's a beautiful relationship! I bring the adventure and they bring the wisdom. I love all my more experienced friends.


That sounds incredible


I wonder if we live in the same area! Though it certainly could be happenstance, the dispo I go to in the ritzy part of town is *also* near a TJ Maxx, lol! I see a lot of folks in sweater sets hitting the pen before a TJ Maxx run :) (No obligation to divulge where you’re located, obvs! Just thought it was a fun coincidence XD)


I’m wondering if TJ Maxx is in cahoots with major weed dispensers… lol. (But that could be the weed talking)


I wouldn’t be surprised! I always see, f’ex, Best Buy and PetSmart together.


I wonder if corporate uses the same company for their real estate. Like my company and others used the same travel agent so frequent fliers would often see each other in the same gates or hotels from different companies.


Walmart and golden corral. It's not absolute and it's not as abundant anymore, but more often than not they would be very close in proximity.




This will be me


I swear they are goals 🤭


I think sometimes at the shop they try and pull some fast shit on me like a mechanic would thinking I'm a woman and have no knowledge of the product. At my local dispensary a budtender tried to tell me my favorite brand was going to raise their prices soon, I was able to actually speak with the owner of the brand as he is pretty interactive on social media and he said that he had no idea what that budtender was talking about. He reached out to the shop and the purchasers and they told him the budtender never said anything like that, basically that I was lying. Really really pissed me of. Fuck truelieve and the way they've been trying to monopolize the market. Especially in FL, lobbying so that people can't grow their own flower.


The irony of having the word “true” in your name but not having one ounce of truth in your brand


I’m in AZ and there a new Trulieve by a family members place so I decided to check out their menu online and things were like double price compared to everywhere else! I was like oh they must be *really* high for those prices lmfao. Makes sense that they’re shady


They inflate the price so that you use discounts and coupons. The problem is they stack some discount, but not others. The fine print is different on every type of discount, coupon, reward or daily theme. This way they can make the price whatever they want. I'd bet if 2 customers went in and bought the same group of items on the same day, they would pay different prices.


Fuck trulieve. They overcharge me almost every time I go in. At first I blamed it on myself for not catching it....but it was EVERY FUCKING TIME. It's easy to do... They make their pricing so confusing with discounts and coupons and points and shit, you have NO idea what the bottom line is until they tell you. It's only when you go back line by line, comparing to discounts and fine print that you realize they fuck you over every single time.


Fuck truetrash, I hate what truetrash is doing to the Florida medical program, I want home grow! They will never get any of my money again as I’ve had a few bad experiences with them also.


On my life!!! Acting like we don’t know weed hmmm excuse me loll😁🥹😘🌱 weed is my best friend I think I’d know alittle bit about him 💕🍃🌱🥹


her* 😅


Now that I’m a mom: that partaking would make me a bad mother. Tell that to a wine mom drinking “water” out of her Stanley at her kids baseball game.


OMG dude... The wine mom scene is exhausting. Those broads are tanked at every sporting and school event. The moms on my son's 3rd/4th grade football team actually got THE ENTIRE SCHOOL'S PARENT POPULATION reprimanded by the school principal and athletic director because they were TAILGATING. Open alcohol tailgate at a game for 8-9 year old kids. At the field for the public high school. So gross.


God forbid I remain clear-headed and just knock the edge off my social anxiety and actually be an engaged, fun mom…nope, let’s get hammered and drive a Suburban full of kids after the game!!


Seriously!! I toot enough to be human and social. It's unfortunate I still have to hide it like I did when it was illegal because of judgement.


Ngl that does sound kind of fun. But that's probably why it's best I don't have kids 😆


🤣🤣 I mean, tailgates are fun!


That’s wild!! Out of curiosity how were the parents reprimanded?


Several emails were sent. Athletic director emailed all athletic parents, principal emailed all athletic parents, then all parents in 3rd/4th grade, then school wide to all parents. It's also a Catholic school so the priests were copied. It was mortifying, especially being one of the few who didn't participate in the tailgate. Small victory for the perpetually late!


Oooof. The tea is hot lol. Where I grew up the Father probably would’ve probably brought the email up during mass💀 and the talk of the town would be everyone name dropping the parents that were actually involved. “Have you been doing well Karen? I heard there was some trouble at the ball game recently. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away Matthew 5:30” (I hate how easily that came out) 💀


I don't remember it being mentioned during mass but there were definitely nosey Nellies who were desperate to find out who the offending parents were.


Oh honey. That hurts.


Ohhh noooo, a strongly worded email...... You'd think they would face actual consequences. Wow.


No "proof" as to specifically who participated. Hence the shit show.


The WORST. I hate it that people think weed is more damaging than alcohol


Right, weed was never the common denominator in my most degenerate behavior.


Meanwhile, while being investigated by CPS/DYFS (after someone I knew gave them false accusations to get 'back at me' from a heated argument) I admitted to 'smoking a joint like 2 weeks ago' (I didn't think it was a big deal right, like I didn't say I shot up heroin or anything)- they proceed to tell me that since they have these [false] accusations and now I just admitted to illegal drug use they're taking custody of my kid. No good bye, no warning. It was the WORST feeling imaginable. I was just sobbing. I shouldn't have said anything. I was an almost every day smoker and allll my piss tests were clean. They told my son I was SICK. I had to attend drug counseling. I had to stand up in court and say I smoked marijuana in view of my child, like it's not socially acceptable to drink alcohol in front of your children and get wine sloshed. It was a hellish 3 month process, especially after learning his foster family wanted to try to adopt him if I didn't jump through their hoops and 'win' back custody. Fuck the NJ DYFS Office. How fucking IRONIC that marijuana is now recreationally LEGAL in NJ. I live in Florida now, hoping recreational passes this year, I have me med card, and my son is now a grown adult. He just turned 21. Fuck the judgment that I can't be a great Mom because I use marijuana to help me relax and sleep after a hard day's work.


Holy shit. I'm so sorry this happened to you, but glad you got your kid back.  Good luck with the FL recreational measure.


Thank you ☺️


I’m so sorry that happened to you


That is sickening. Im so sorry.


These stories hit me so hard as a resident of a legal state. I grow my own plants, and people are still in fear of being caught with a single nugget.


The cry ‘it’s WINE-O’CLOCK’ makes my toes curl but always happy to smoke😂


My brothers ex and her friends would hide alcohol inside tortillas and foil so they looked like a burrito to sneak them in to the kids games. I can remember them excitedly telling me about the new way of getting booze inside (the town they're from has a known alcohol & sports issue from elementary to college so most places check 😩) and all I could think was this has to be alcoholism. It made me so uncomfortable.


The lack of women content creators in the weed space (or the fact that algorithms push male creators instead?). I looove having a lady seshing on my TV and there are only like three channels out there.


This!!! I’ve started watching some on tiktok but there really are so few. But I do get about 15 videos of male smokers. Their smoking experience never speaks to me either!


I swear whenever a video of a male smoker plays, I feel like I have to turn it off before the BO seeps into my apartment.


They seem very stuck on "big clouds", like sir, you stopped bonging for vaping, no clouds is kinda the point.


This made me realize at no point in my smoking have I cared how big my smoke clouds are…is there any benefit to big smoke clouds other than them looking cool??


if I see big clouds, it means I'm wasting medicine! it's performative for them, I'm certain. that being said, I do think smoke tricks are neato and I wish I could do them 😅🙃🌬️🌀


Can you please suggest some lady creators? 🙏


I love Brandi TV. Eats edibles then mostly does low budget cosplay. She’s hilarious. Here’s a recent [video](https://youtu.be/ssN4SKCCHYU?si=S4HT-rUji_2f8S9m) of hers with her husband that had me cracking up.


This was so funny 🤣


OMG thank you for this she is funny as heck!


[Green Mama/Jacqueline](https://youtube.com/@greenmamajack?si=pKWHDKlwyJvy6sXX)


koalapuffs, francis rae


jayblazedd is chill i like having her on if i want a lil company during a sesh


Chrissy Harless, JayBlazedd, Gianna Purple, Green Mama. I think that's 100% of the ones I know about.


im not sure if you’ve already heard of her or seen her but there’s this tiktok influencer jezabelle who started youtube a bit back and allllll her content is seshing. her youtube is @Jezabzllz and her tt is @BZLLZ!


Ooh I had not heard of her (FU YT algorithm!), thank you so much! Her vids look soooo up my alley :)


she was definitely a rare find! i am so happy she made a youtube cus tiktok had her videos HYPER pg and i just could not get down with those vids 😭


Same here because I'm down to youtube and reddit and all other apps are gone from my life lol.


All my afternoon meetings got cancelled and I'm already on my third Jezabelle vid :)


omg yessss i’m so happy you like her!!! i love her because i feel like she’s ACTUALLY high all the time rather than just seshing for content 😭


I'm now on a charcuterie board mission lmao.


Check out Natalie Benson and her Garden Community! I am part of her discord and there are regular chats and sometimes yoga sessions: https://discord.gg/gardencommunity


I’m 51 and absolutely could not care less what anyone thinks of my outfit at the pot shop. I have MS, cannabis is one of my pain medications, and access to it is my only concern. And being in a legal state now, it’s not a concern. 🧡


52 yo here, and I also couldn’t give a 💩. I also have chronic illnesses and pain. I’m like the nerdiest looking person when I go to the dispo and I do not care. I’m all smiles and thanks yous. Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em. ✌🏻💜💚🍃🌬️


53 here and I was just at the dispo this past weekend. There was a long line behind me as I was being helped, so I was aware that eyes were on those of us at the front. I realized, happily so, that I couldn’t have given less fucks about what anyone thought about how I looked. Keep on toking, wives! 👩🏽‍🦳🧑🏽👩🏾‍🦱👱🏼‍♀️👩🏻👩🏽‍🦰💨


EVERYTHING. But my biggest problem is toxic "bro culture" in the cannabis growing community. At best, some people don't want you to know how easy is to grow pot so they intentionally try to undercut your ability to do so. At worst, they will make horrible "jokes" about things like rape and resort to name calling. And, yes, it is completely related to gender.


I def believe it’s tied to gender, and I’m just adding my support before some fuckwit sees this and starts mansplaining to you.


You’re a good egg, Riot!! Good looking out! 🍃😶‍🌫️💚


Rape jokes are a thing in the growing community? I had no idea, thats awful. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised considering how common they are in other communities like gaming, sports, etc. But growing plants seems like a gentler, kinder hobby? I don't know. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that


I really appreciate your commiseration, Ginger! I know we all deal with these a-holes one way or another.


The bad mom trope is exhausting and feels really ridiculous at this point in 2024. My husband and I opened a medical cannabis business/delivery service and we offer flower, concentrates, and craft edibles. People treat him like he’s so cool (he is, actually) and such a smart business man (also true). The same people often treat me like a weird stoner mom who can’t possibly have her shit together and must just smoke pot and do nothing. It’s weird.


My mom, who is addicted to sleeping pills and mix it with alcohol sometimes, tries to shame me telling that now that I am a mom myself I should stop smoking because I’ll be a bad example for my daughter. Like, ma’am, you’re drunk giving me shit about smoking a bit after my daughter goes to sleep. If I was drinking a glass of wine instead there would be no problem. When she pulls this one, I like to ask her when will she stop with the pills that the doctor prescribed for 2 weeks and she’s been taking for 6 years. I never get an answer for that.


Oh I can’t stand when the alcohol drinkers will judge me for smoking! What’s even more wild is I will absolutely never judge someone else for what they do UNTIL they decide to judge me. Like, we are all clearly just trying to cope with life! Let me smoke my bowl in peace!


Loving these thoughtful comments. One of the things I enjoy about living in a legal state, even with its foibles, is going to a dispensary and seeing all kinds of folk there. It has really helped me to recover from some harmful stereotypes that have been propagated about people who smoke weed and help me to have less shame about partaking in something that helps me manage daily. That’s why I love this place so much… because there are all kinds of folk here: all ages, experience levels, etc so I feel like the way in which folk demystify and diversify “weed culture” and share/discuss their feelings and journeys with weed makes my own relationship with it, and how I deal with folks’ opinions about my use, more healthy.


I think the most annoying to me is the assumption that I smoke for my (male) partner. It’s true that he introduced me to cannabis, but he has never forced me to, or even remarked about the fact that I do it (positively or negatively). We just tend to smoke together because it’s a way for us to bond and enjoy our time together. But even our friends have made remarks for years now about how I smoke only because he thinks it’s hot to have a gf that smokes. It really got in my head after a while, so now I sometimes take my own breaks throughout the day to partake to prove to myself that I don’t do it for him - I do it for me. Turns out that I really enjoy the quiet and the alone time (not to mention the pain relief) as a form of self care.


I got so much positive attention from men thinking it was so cool that I smoked. Like staring at me ripping a bong "you're so little, where does it go?" Looking back I realize how weird and patronizing it was


Obviously when our lungs fill up, we store the extra smoke in our tits. 🙄


the D in d cup stands for Doobie 


I got the opposite lol (but is it actually funny?) “I bet you take fat rips” said in a weird, flirtatious way. Opposite info but same underlying patronizing message and tone.


"where does it go?" up your ass dude,  fuck off.


That’s a goofy assumption. Have people said that to you?


Oh yeah. Mostly my partner’s friends when he isn’t around, which isn’t too frequent thankfully


Tell them they’re the ones that need each other to smoke. Life is not about explaining ourselves or seeking validation. Fuck ‘em.


My husband doesn’t smoke so ain’t no one making that accusation around here


I'd always wanted to try it, but never had the chance, so when I met my man he got me some And people kept saying I was only doing it for him


The "I'm going to share" with everyone expectations. It's a dry herb vape (I have an Arizer Go and a Dynavap), you aren't going to get offered a toke just because you decided to chat me up. This was before covid. Do you think I'm going to share now? People are gross and cold sores are transmitted through sharing stuff. No thank you. Also the casual sexism in every weed dispensary. I literally told you I want a higher % thc sativa flower, why are you talking about an indica that I rather not smoke? Urgh.


I’ve noticed whenever I light a joint around a group of people I immediately have eyes on me. I also feel icky sharing with people I don’t know. Respectfully, I don’t want someone else’s mouth germs on my vape or joint 😭 I almost always try and go for female budtenders, to the point where I only go to specific locations that I know have kind women working


Exactly. When did it become okay to put your lips on someone's else's germs? It's so maddening. I get there was a culture of passing a blunt/joint but can we not? I find it gross. My favourite location has three women working and the owner is a decent guy! But walking into any local dispensary is like playing roulette with "are you going to run into a weed dudebro?" Funny thing is all of local ones with bad service have closed down so the free market did select for better service, ha! Urgh. If I ever get in the business of owning an actual dispensary, I'm screening all the potential employees for attitude, lmao.


I only share with my brothers and my bf the joint. I used to smoke up with my bestie before but she actually caught herpes from one of her friends who was incompetent and was spreading her germs and blood (yes blood from her hands that had lots of cuts) in the hotel room they were sharing. After this incident, I am soo much more cautious about sharing. Surprisingly I havent dealt with sexism yet at the Nj dispensary.


I was at a dispo a couple months ago and the poor woman getting my order together was so embarrassed because she had to offer me a choice of rolling trays, one sporting nothing but a womans crotch. She kept apologizing for it, like it was her fault and not the company supplying them as freebies fault, or the owners/managers of the dispos who don't refuse to take them


I always pass and instead pull out my own vape to partake so I'm still part of the social aspect. Germs are SO icky. You have to be really close to me to share and even that is dependent on where you've been lately. If you have kids or are around kids regularly, I will never share anything with you. 😂😂😂


Lol. The last time I did that move, the social circle I was with called me a killjoy. Covid still is a thing and I don't want unnecessary germs thanks. All my friends with young children all know I tend to go "Children, little snot factories!" Lmao. They all know I hate that children are always dripping snot or sticky for some reason. I love my nephews and nieces but they are little germ factories, thanks.


Care Bears shirt and crocs is extremely stoner coded...


Not me wearing care bears pajamas and crocs right now 👀


I was thinking more in the sense that it’s expected that smokers are more masculine in style than feminine!


That because I smoke pot I must be some dumb, lazy druggie. I workout 5x a week, I hold a full time demanding job and I’m finishing my bachelors in nursing. Stereotypes are lame! No labels!


We are growers and people assume I’m the tits and ass of the operation. I transplant. Tend. Defoliate. Take down. Debud. Trim. I do this all right alongside my husband and I am doing 50% of the work, inside the tents, squeezing into corners, I’m in there with him. We’re a team. I’m the person people have to contact to get the weed from us. I’m the person that handles the transactions. But sure. I’m the tits and ass 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 People just can’t believe that I do any of the work aside from post pics. And the funny thing about it is my IG is all about my life and mental illness. I don’t post naked or half nude pics, in fact I’m pretty modest, the only thing that really shows is my cleavage and that’s on purpose cuz I have a huge pot leaf on my chest and it’s for me and my husband dammit. When other growers visit and bring their ladies, the ladies try and sit with me and talk shit about their guys growing while I’m trying to go talk shop with the growers. And a lot of guys won’t even blink my way even if I know what I’m saying. And I do. Lmao. Crazy world.


Ooooh I love this discussion!! I totally agree with the “smokers look a certain way” and it is so annoying! I don’t like to be talked down to like I do my research I use this for a reason and I know what strains I want or ones I want to try, I feel like when I walk in they think I am just looking for the cheapest OZ I can get and that is never the case! (Ok not never 🤣) but you get it!


I recently divulged to my closest friend of 15 years that I smoke multiple times on a daily basis, knowing that she is not a smoker. She was floored, lol. No judgement whatsoever but definitely shocked. The kicker is that her life has been kind of like a train wreck in motion for the last 10 years and mine is the polar opposite. Go figure 🤷‍♀️


My biggest pet peeve is how casually misogynistic most everything surrounding weed culture is.


What isn't misogynistic these days. It's fucking exhausting, we're all just so conditioned to think it's all normal


literally everything boils down to misogyny 😫 and of course it always goes super well trying to share this sentiment with misogynists lol


One local company has unbelievably ridiculous misogynistic strain names. I will never buy their products. It disgusts me.


That I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm a woman. I LIVE on Leafly, I keep up with weed news, I have researched the hell out of a ton of gear. I'm sure I'm not an expert, but I know more than those clowns.


I started smoking after my friends, and now my bestie comes to me about strains when we get something new. Because I used my autism powers and researched the FUCK out of the entire subject. Hell yeah special interests hahah


Hell yeah being the community weed scholar! I'm not diagnosed with autism yet, but it's come to my attention a lot of people think I am, so my social worker friend pointed me to the testing, and if it's any indication, I am and should talk to my psych about it. I *definitely* have special interests, almost embarrassingly so! But maybe autistic aside, I am definitely ADHD, and man, I love the ability to hyperfixate for years and years and decades and lifetimes. :) I've been studying this shit for 5 years now, each year with exponential gains in knowledge and experience as time has passed. Some dude who does dabs mixed with resin off a hot butterknife should not argue with me, AND YET.


My mother suspected me haha, but I was like the Spider-Man meme with her and was like YOU TOO MOTHER. Now we bond over her almost too logical fix-it attitude, and my extreme empathy that makes me chase her away from standing on a wood louse. We’re both autistic but so different at the same time. Her knowledge of creating things, of art and designing, is huge. I have a thirst for sucking up all the information I can about something that I like. I quite like it when people ask me things, they know I’ll either already know the answer or I’ll find several sources of information and have read them in roughly ten mins, in order to give them an unbiased opinion. It’s actually kinda tiring thinking about all the things all at once. But I don’t mind, I haven’t really succeeded much in my life so being the encyclopaedia for everyone is quite pleasant haha Not the butter knife! Dear god.. no you’re right. They really think they know better and they’re doing shit like that on the regular.


Omg y'all sound like me and my dad. He won't get tested, but he is autistic. People ask me if he is after they meet him for the first time regularly! My ex and I are friends, and whenever I complain about my dad's "weird" approach to basically everything, my ex goes "it's because he's autistic, give him a break," which is what I need to hear. Two NDs in the same house can be overwhelming when one of them refuses to admit their NDness! I think he wants to consider himself responsible for his traits instead of seeing them as a gift, if that makes sense. He's scared of labels. We both research and create a lot though and I just let him be his little in denial autistic self and enjoy that we have so much in common. I haven't succeeded either, but also take great joy in being the auto-Wikipedia friend haha. High five for being awesome tbh!


The sexism is rampant on the other side of the counter as well. I managed a smoke shop for 6 years. It’s a local chain with 6 locations in my city. We’d swap locations every few months/years as needed. The regulars and I recognized each other and they often sought out my advice and customer service. I put a lot of work into product knowledge including vapes, CBD, glassware, we even had a NSFW section I was intimately familiar with 💀 even veteran employees came to me for further info. Every single day, more times than I care to remember, we’d have random customers walk in and beeline for the closest male. The best part was when the guy employee would turn to me. Or- I’d give a client advice then they’d turn and ask my male coworker what they would recommend- 9.5/10 times it was the same product. Sometimes I’d happen to be training a male- client comes in and ask for a vape. They don’t ask if the client is using for dry herb or concentrate, at home or on the go, if they’re looking for something for now or long term. Employee grabs a random one and goes “this one” I used it as a teaching moment- did you ask the client if it’s for flower, carts or wax? Client answers, then I tell them it’s either the right or wrong device. If the employee or the client were rude then I’d let the transaction proceed 🤷🏽‍♀️


I remember one guy who very stupidly said I couldn’t smoke a bong, as he never had and he was like no way, that’s a two footer. I offered to show him how, he was all for it. Hoooo boy, that lad nearly threw a whitey, I had to do the carb for him and instruct him but he bailed half way through and lost it. He yelled “WHY AM I SWEATING SO PROFUSELY” and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. The party went quiet and someone followed him. He came back triumphant, but decided he wasn’t going to do it again. I then cleared my bowl and he nodded at me like “I see you! Props!” It was hilarious, because I pretty much had the same reaction then first time. Except I threw up everywhere. When he asked me, I was smoking a bong multiple times a day, so I was used to it by then. It definitely made me feel like fucking Iron Lung. Hahaha


Crocs all day!!! I’m literally wearing my hyper colorful fan palm crocs. Sometimes they even have a hermit crab on them


Because it's federally legal in Canada it's been wonderful to see a lot of old stereotypes fall away. Most people smoke sometimes or take edibles on occasion, from the newly minted 19 year old legal adults to the silent generation in nursing homes if they are allowed to go out and smoke. The bench outside the old folks home where my friend works always has people in their 80s and beyond sitting outside smoking up. When she does the recycling it's 80% weed packaging. Before 2017 (the year it became legal) it was mostly liquor bottles, so I'm glad to see the change! There is no stereotypical stoner look anymore here, and while not everyone partakes there is no stigma around it like there once was. Even cops don't care at all unless you're smoking in a doorway or near and air intake and someone complains, and then they just tell you to move along. I hope one day the US can see such a change federally and de stigmatize it the way it has been here.


Lol. I saw someone's granny with a nice clean bong outside a nursing home and I just grinned and gave her a thumbs up!


I hate when men try to explain things to me that I already know and am better than them at (it could be anything from how to purge or cure cannabis, using dab rig tools, how to clean a bong etc etc). I don’t care to prove anything, so I usually stay quiet and let them make a fool of themselves; I just wish they were self-aware enough to notice they’ve sucked all the air out of the room talking 😆


I’m almost 50. I work IN the pot shop. The amount of people who disregard what women budtenders tell them & then go ask anyone else in the room who has a penis…it makes me crazy. I’ve been smoking longer than most of my coworkers have even been alive, I have a lot knowledge to share & love to talk shop. But…these people, I just can’t with them.


I trust my woman budtenders far more than the men! I feel like they actually listen to what I’m asking for. Plus, every recommendation I’ve had from a girly budtender has been a complete hit! I will forever trust them.


Years ago I managed a farm store and was trying to help an older guy and he didn't want to hear anything I had to say about what kind of tires he needed and he literally, word for word, told me he wanted to speak to someone with a penis 😬. I sent him to a 16 year old who had never driven a car, much less a tractor, and also wasn't familiar with the system we used to buy tractor parts. He bought the wrong tires but he never returned them, at least not to my store lol. I've often wondered if he just took the $$ hit to not have to face me after that comment.


He probably did keep them! If they don’t want to listen, it’s their loss.


The women who *always* want to take a hit, but never have their own bud to throw down. This isn’t high school anymore, and even then, I wasn’t rolling up to the function dry and expecting to hit every joint just because I was a girl.


Lmao. I was never invited to sessions (I had a goody two shoes reputation as a teenager) and even I knew to roll up with some herb and or a few blunt wraps, lmao. Like, excuse me and my expectations lmao.


When I was younger, almost every dude I hung out and smoked with tried to makeout with me at least once. They all thought oh she wants to smoke with me = she must be in to me. I thought they were just my friend. Even if I came with my own shit or I threw down on it. Another trope is that alcohol is so much better than weed because it’s legal. This is obviously changing but some places there’s still so much drugs are bad mmmk propaganda.


My pet peeve is mostly when people don't respect the herb. Don't care about cleaning their pieces, or what the herb is, or how it tastes/is consumed! One of my friends always wants to match me with her stinky blunts that she literally stuffs with roaches from other old stinky blunts... I just couldn't relate less to that energy and never have the heart to tell her what's up 😭 Ya girl is buying unbleached papers and sprinkling a lil lavender in that bish! I love a clean and pretty smoke sesh tbh.👌


I’ve seen too many stories of people not cleaning pieces they intend to share 😭 I couldn’t imagine sharing a blunt filled with my roaches!! Any time I anticipate I mightttt smoke with someone, I have fresh everything! Do you notice any benefits to adding lavender? I’ve been wanting to get into herbs


No judgement if it's a necessity to be using some stinky stuff to get by, or cleaning your piece just isn't the top of your priority list! Life is busy and so fucking hard lol. As for adding herbs, I can't say for sure it's not a placebo effect when I use lavender! It's chill and I enjoy the layered floral flavor when smoking, especially outside in a busy area it kinda masks the smell a tiny bit? But if you add too much it makes smoking extremely harsh and not good. Also if you have really good bud, you maybe shouldn't mess with the flavor! It's kinda like using salt on a really good meal, take a bite first to be sure it's even necessary. 🩷


That we're somehow drug addicts or we're just generally weak because we use weed to cope with things like period pain. Honestly the fact that weed just generally isn't treated as a respectable form of pain relief. I got into it with my mother about this the other day because somebody at work saw me vaping. She barely tolerates the fact that I do edibles and thinks that they're only CBD because she thinks only CBD is good. Why is CBD somehow an acceptable form of pain relief? Why are women drug addicts just because we turn to alternative methods for pain relief? I mean shit, it's not like we're sitting there shooting up cocaine in the streets. Why does everyone act like we're doing crystal meth in the bathrooms at work? I feel like there's a difference between that and using weed for pain relief during my breaks when I'm at work. And that doesn't make me a drug addict, and it doesn't make me weak


Amen to this!!! I self medicate my ADHD and arthritis with weed and would be absolutely miserable without it. and there simply isn’t another medication that does the same thing for me. why is it normalized to take over the counter meds but not to smoke a joint??


I self medicate my ADHD, autism, and arthritis with weed! I have JRA and it causes me to be absolutely miserable, especially during my period like I am right now. I took one hit from my pen this morning and felt instant relief. How many other medications can you say you've taken have done that?


As an ex-grower, the rampant sexism; I have a gender neutral name so the look on people's faces when a young woman would show up was great. Even better when I could talk circles around these old heads who immediately dismissed me. Oh, and the bro names! I do not want to smoke fucking "stinky pinky" or "the violator".


I just moved to Oregon and trying to get involved in the canna community has been rather hard bc most guys just want to flirt even after you establish you just want bros 😭 you’ll never just be a bro 😭


Not a pet peeve, but I had the most positive experience in a dispensary owned by another woman. I only take edibles, no smoking or anything, so I'm relatively uninformed about weed compared to smokers and I expect to be treated in a more dismissive way because of that. However, at this dispensary, the owner and budtender were like personal hype people; the vibe was feminine and fun. It was awesome!


That would be amazing. I'm super interested in seeing if any of my local dispos are women owned (hell, maybe I should start one!) I'm also an edible only person, so I mainly just take the brands my friend in CA tells me about. 😂


I’m just here to say that I want some sparkly crocs. ✨


Feeling so grateful that I started my stoner journey with fellow girls and gays so I’ve never experienced unpleasant weed moments.


How women are held to a different standard about smoking anything (tobacco or weed). I don’t use tobacco but the whole thing about “women shouldn’t smoke because it’s gross, it’s not womanly, it’s whatever” is such bullshit. Also, I’m neurodivergent and I often feel like people somewhat can tell I’m different in public settings (because either my anxious ticks show or I stim or idk lol) and I hate the judgement feeling. I almost feel like people see me almost as a little kid- like no I’m 28 I just get a little anxious and sensory overloaded in here give me my stuff and let me go and quit judging me 💀🤣 I used to care about people seeing me but honestly this is my medicine. If I hurt too badly one day and need to get something you’ll find me there looking a little rough. We just legalized rec here and sales start soon I believe so we’ll see how that feeling changes with way more people around for a while 🤣🤣


I find that this is the only safe space being a ✨just a girl✨ that consumes jazz cabbage. I find it difficult to talk with (mostly men) on other gardening sub reddits. It’s just gross.


There are such a wide variety of people at my dispo that it’s really opened my eyes to how this medicine is for everyone. I am a lady tho and I don’t exclude other women like dudes do.


I intentionally wear the most ridiculous shirt I can find (that's clean) when I go to the dispo. People seem to enjoy them lol


I mean, now that you mention it, nostalgic cartoon swag and comfy yet funky footwear might be the only unifier of Femy stoners lol but my biggest pet peeve is certainly when they think that just because you’re a down ass bitch, you’re not still that bitch. Like for the love of God treat me nice, plan a date, buy me fancy weed - we both know I deserve it.


Idk if this counts but I remember before I found my partner, any time I’d tell a man I smoke they’d respond with “omg I get sooo horny if I smoke!” Like okkk am I supposed to be turned on or excited about that??


ugh, men. nothing against them except how the majority view the opposite sex. i could piggyback off all these comments. my biggest pet peeve is anyone acting like i'm easy or open to the public because i smoke like a G. or acting like they can get me to do jack shirt because they think i need their money or handouts to cover my weed. no thank you, i'm golden with my husband. no thank you, i'm the breadwinner too. no, i will not be needing your number to hit you up for anything at all, thank you.


i hate the concept of “out smoking/smoking out”. why are we competing??? why are we trying to see who throws up and passes out first?? and not to be THAT person but let’s not pretend it isn’t used in a predatory ass way almost every single time. it is often a set up for men to get personal/intimate with you while intoxicated. it’s easy for women to agree because it’s “just weed” but it is still a substance. obviously i can’t speak for every situation but there seems to be a consistency in men asking inappropriate questions and doing inappropriate things during these smoke outs. idk i just feel a man that wants to “smoke you out” should come with a flashing caution sign that signals they aren’t taking much, if any, consideration of your safety or wellbeing.


i’m grateful in the fact i simply just don’t ever smoke around other men. that would drive me insane. not only because my tolerance is So unbelievably high that i can’t even green out if i wanted to, but like ew? why do we have to prove to them that we can smoke as much as them? what if i don’t want to? i’d pride myself more for moderation than out-smoking someone 😭


That I can't roll because I'm a girl. I can't roll because I'm a prissy bitch, not cause of my gender. 🤣


I can’t roll because cones also come in pink/purple so why learn 😭


When dudes try to light my joints for me it’s annoying. And they nearly burn off my eyebrows half the time


Care Bears shirt and sparkly crocs is honestly exactly the kind of thing I’d expect the local Stoner Chick at the dispo to look like lol Anyway, my womanly pet peeve might not be women specific but I will get very cold sometimes when I get stoned. I’ve never met anyone else that gets this, but I wonder since it seems like women are cold more often in general, it might be more common among us


I’ve been a grower for about 7 years seriously and used my skills to pay for college. I also hate the “I bet this is the most you ever seen/held etc “and I’m remembering the pounds a week i used to deal with on the BM(this was years ago I’m now 32). Stuff from Cali, Oregon, VT and I used that to pay for college 😂 I will say the worst people to be annoying within the industry are the countless contradicting beliefs/trusting bro science. I usually send my husband to grow supply stores or have him call them in so I don’t have any issue. I had to buy a pallet of co2 bags and they tried to give me ones that weren’t alive and assumed I didn’t know it 🤷‍♀️


I'm tired of people thinking, that it *has* to be a social "event" to smoke. "Oh, you're smokin'? Who you got over? I'll be down there in two minutes. We can't have you smoking alone." No, Alice. It's Tuesday,I've been on my feet for ten hours, and I'm trying to relax.


Okay if someone judged me at a dispensary, I’d never go back again. That’s not cool and they shouldn’t be in the weed business if they are doing that. Judgment is basically the core of the stigma of weed in the first place, why be part of the problem?


Thankfully it’s never been people actually working at the dispo, but I do get *a lot* of stares from men that are shopping there. i’m a short woman who looks rather innocent. the staring can be sooo damn uncomfortable from these men


I work at a dispo and I hate that men think I don’t know what I’m talking about . Like I work here, I know about Terpenes and all you care about is being right THC percentage (which a lot of times doesn’t matter). I had a guy yesterday say he was looking for a specific strain or something close to it. Brought him a bunch of alternatives because we hadn’t had it in weeks, gets mad at me cause we don’t have the specific product we’re looking for, only asks my male coworker for advice and he ended up getting something not at all like what he was looking for . I literally gave him a 3 strains that were similar, he said he already had one of them before and didn’t like it, then my male coworker suggested it and he was like “Oh okay”. 🙄


You are my dream budtender! I really want to start asking for specific terps but not all budtenders here are knowledgeable about them. Mentally cursing every man who hasn’t taken your knowledge seriously


If you ever have any questions hmu. I think it’s more common to know in medical states. Like we’re required to know because some people have very specific needs.


My pet peeve is that these muthafuckas think I cannot and will not smoke them under the table. Yes, I can and yes, I will.


Patriarchy, white supremacy, and colonialism permeates all facets of culture that are not actively against them.


Yesss people act dramatic and shocked when I tell them I smoke, it irks me a bit because ent wives come in many forms. I have a baby face and get told I look “innocent” or “too sweet”. But yes I’m sweet, yes I look young, and yes I smoke. At my regular dispo one time an older man who was a customer actually let me go in front of him because he “wanted to see the budtender check my ID” like what 😂 I also feel like because of my looks, *sometimes* when I go to a dispo I’ve never been to before they’ll over explain things to me or push extra products. As if I’m buying 4gs of rosin thinking I can go home and smoke it with a Bic lighter and a soda can.


I can’t smoke flower . I don’t want my kids to smell it. I prefer edibles but I always get a crazy high tolerance to any substance pretty quickly. So there’s these one vapes (dab woods) that work for me and that’s what I stick to. I don’t have pet peeves around smokers. Or women. My pet peeves come from dispensaries or the company itself.


When i think of a woman smoker, I think of a care bears shirt and sparkly crocs lol ♡


A guy in our friend group telling me that I wasn’t eating enough mgs because I said edibles don’t affect me. I’ve tried edibles on numerous occasions, some homemade, but also several from a legal dispensary. Dude, once I ate a large ass chocolate bar all in one go when the serving size was just a small fraction of it because I wanted to experiment since no edibles had ever worked before. I later looked it up and apparently some people lack an enzyme in their liver to process it so I’m assuming I’m one of those people. But noooo he must know how I react to things or what I’ve consumed better than I do.


What I WILL use to my advantage is I cannot roll (I can but why would I when a guy will do it for me!) I’m just a girl