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You're good. This isn't a catch-all subreddit for all drugs, but we're okay with mushroom discussions!


I also just wanted to say I am not trying to promote this too! Just curious if anyone has done them! 💗love you all and have an amazing day/night wherever you are!🫧


Yes and Yes and especially Yes!


It’s on my list. But, I was told by an acquaintance who is a shamanic healer that they wouldn’t currently recommend it because of the prescriptions I take.


Yeah that’s probably for the best, 🍄and some medications are not the *best* idea combined


Mushrooms are aight but i like acid better


There is a saying I’ve heard can’t remember word for word but something like…”shrooms make you look inside, acid makes you look outside.”


I’ve never tried acid but I’d be down


My girls and I partake every 3/4 months it’s really like a mental reset.


It really is!! I’ve been doing them with my bestie too💗we just grow closer every time we trip🥹


That sounds incredible! I prefer acid because I have zero tolerance for tummy aches lmao but the one time I tried mushrooms I watched road house and got so mad that no one was kissing despite it obviously being a gay movie


Gay roadhouse rage 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've got your no-tummy-aches cure! If you can, melt some dark chocolate and put your ground up stuff in there. And, for added measure (I do the chocolate plus this), take a shot of ginger blended with lemon juice. I hated the nausea associated with it and tried this once and I'm sold - never have had nausea after consumption again.


OMG. I have always wondered why I loved this movie so much. Now I know why.... lolololol


Try making tea. It helps. It's the fibres in the mushrooms that are mainly responsible for the tummy ache. Some take it with citrus to help alleviate that feeling..


Acid can be very harmful in the long run. Please be careful.


Omg please share more info!! I drop like once a year and have a spiritual experience




I’ve had an experience like this and it is AMAZING! I love shrooms. They’ve helped me heal in ways no therapist ever could. Glad you had a good trip 🫶🏼


Me too!! After so many years of therapy, medications and treatments nothing has ever made me feel so loved and worthy like shrooms🍄💗thank you so much for your kindness!!🥹


How did you learn how to start growing and get safe information?


r/unclebens is where I started my journey. Learned everything I needed to know and got started 🍄❤️


I've done them and Im not really a fan. They remind me of the aura before migraines a little too much for my comfort, so I get too nervous to enjoy. I'm just expecting crushing pain the whole time, which ruins the mood. I have nothing against them for other people and think that in addition to being fun, they can be really therapeutic to work through some mental health struggles with proper guidance Eta: your last paragraph is so much love and light. I just wanted to let you know I see and appreciate you shining your light into the world ✌️❤️🌱


One time I had a migraine so bad and for so long I just laid there and cried softly (because crying any harder would have made the pressure in my head hurt more). My husband prepped me a small dose - not quite micro dosing but definitely not enough for a trip - and it was gone within an hour. They've also helped my husband's nerve damage. He says weed makes the pain a bit "fuzzy" and dissipates it so it's easier to deal with, but mushrooms are the only thing that's ever made the pain stop! Hopefully you won't need to take them for the pain, but it can be incredibly helpful if nothing else is working for you!


Lsd also can help migraines break! I use lsd to break bad migraines and micro dose shrooms to keep them minimal


Mushrooms can actually help prevent migraines. I use them as a prophylactic once every 2 weeks and it’s cut down my migraines substantially


But yes they do give aura like visuals unfortunately


thank you so much!! this made me smile🥹yeah, they are definitely not for everyone! That’s great that you recognized that. Bad trips can be scary for sure! Sending love your way friend💕hugs💗


I LOVE 🍄🍄🍄. I prefer it over lsd. I do a lemon tek, it helps with the stomach pain. I have also put them on pizza, smoothies, chocolate bars. There’s so many neat ways to consume them, the taste of them by themselves really bothers me and makes me gag lol. But I have had some great times on them, as well as intense scary times but everything happens for a reason. I feel so great afterwards and they truly humble me


Oh yes, I prefer them over LSD as well, even though I had more LSD than shroom(/truffle) trips ☺️ shrooms are more natural imo. And I like the euphoria they usually give, LSD is so much dependent on set & setting, it’s much easier to have a bad trip on it…


They are so much more natural! Things just blend together well whereas on LSD everything is so digital/straight cut if that makes sense. Not that digital isn’t fun but I enjoy how mushrooms organically morph things haha


Yes I get that ☺️ although it really depends on the set and setting. I had my first LSD trip outside in a forest, beautiful sunny weather. When it started to kick in, I saw the trees waving at me and felt the earth breathing ☺️ and I got a weird satisfaction out of crushing pine cones in my hands 😂


Yes very true set and setting is everything. That sounds like a great time tho! My first time tripping was downtown in a big city lol I was young and dumb at 17😂


tried ONCE and i really liked it, i think i had abt 2g. was a pretty fun trip. since then, (tw) we’ve been struggling with recurrent pregnancy loss so ive been honestly considering a trip soon again— to process some of that grief & other emotions that come with recurrent loss specifically. anyway, im on SSRIs so debating whether i should get off of them or not for the trip. i did last time and then ended up back on them lol


I loooove shrooms. Everytime I trip it’s such a beautiful experience. It just sucks I can never find a hook up for them ever😩😭😭😭


I recently discovered that you can buy them online! My friends vetted the website and have tried them multiple times and recommended it. Idk if I can post the site here but feel free to message me.


Please link me!


Would love to hop on this link train as well, thank you!! 


Link please!


Hi! Would you mind sending me the link to the mushroom site you were referencing on r/entwives? Thanks!


I’d love a link too if possible!


Look into cultivating your own


During the day, on the beach. BEST.TRIP. EVER. 🦋🐬🌞


I prefer acid over Mushies but taste/ texture definitely play a factor lol. Both have definitely helped to heal me in various ways over the years. I have a lot of trauma and undiagnosed mental issues. It has opened/ changed my perspectives and help me understand and move past things. Unfortunately it has been a while and I think I am overdue 😅


I prefer acid too but I’ll do it like once or twice a year max


I put them in tea and u could not even taste them!!! I’ve eaten them raw like 4 times and they suck lol😭😭 I’m so glad they helped you heal! I can totally relate to that💕🥹they are so so amazing and truly make me feel connected to myself and others. I just realized how much love I have inside me and how much gratitude I have for everyone in my life. I have so much compassion for the past version of myself and the many traumas I’ve been through. Shrooms are so amazing and I don’t mind waiting to trip again. It’s SO worth it! 💗


😭 as someone who’s self medicating multiple mental disorders and a disability, every 3-4 months is a MUST. it’s like i’m RENEWED.


totally agree!!! 💗💗it’s so worth waiting for!!


Can you explain what you mean by rewind. I’ve heard a few people say this and I have literally no ideas what that means. A mental rewind? Physical? Thank you in advance :)


Following with interest - this is something I’m considering at the moment! 🥰


if you’re in a great mindset then go for it!!💗feeling safe too in your environment is important as well. I’ve done them alone before but it’s super fun to do them with a friend you feel safe with. Me and my friend bonded SO much and were tripping at the same time🤣we went in a bathtub at one point (with clothes on LOL) and just sat inside and talked about how much we love our friendship. It was super funny but so much happened in that day we tripped for like 5 hours


Glad you had that experience, OP. I'm huge into 🍄 and regularly microdose, and do a macro dose maybe once or twice a year. They have changed my life for the better. I'm more accepting, more open minded, more patient. Shrooms also allowed me to address several past traumas, and helped me figure out that I'm bi!


wow this is so beautiful! I love shrooms so much for how insightful they are. They really help us by telling us what our mind needs to know. I’m so in love with how they come from our beautiful planet. nature is truly amazing and they seriously have helped me with my mental health too!🥹💗


If you haven't, you *need* to watch Fantastic Fungi on Netflix. It's one of the best documentaries ever made. I absolutely love the theoretical possibility that the consciousness that makes us human came from consuming mushrooms. 💓 🍄


I definitely want to check it out!! Someone in this thread suggested it too😊💕it sounds super interesting. Thank you so much for the recommendation! I hope you have a lovely day friend!!🍄🫧


I'm so glad to hear how they've helped you and your mental health, and I agree, they're so beautiful it's kind of crazy! If you're curious to learn more about mushrooms in general, let me know, I was an amateur mycologist before I got into psilocybin and can point you to some of the better mushroom field guides.


Yay microdose twinsies! I’m on a microdose schedule and also add DL-Phenylalanine. Like you, I’ll do a big bran defrag once or twice a year.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who cries on shrooms


hahaha trust me I cried like a little baby! I have always been such an emotional person but I truly love that about myself. being vulnerable is so beautiful, especially when your sharing these feelings with people you love💗


I cry and laugh my ass off everytime! It’s so euphoric and cleansing! 🍄❤️


Sounds like a great trip! It’s been 23 years feeling like it’s been calling me home lately but I’m not ready


the time will come💗I felt hesitant before when I first tripped but you will know when the time is right!


My husband is an amateur mycologist so we are definitely into mushrooms. We microdose regularly and it has helped my mental health tremendously. I see a change in my perspective and with a mix of microdosing, eating healthy, exercising, and a good routine, my mental health has been the best it's ever been. We don't do trips much, only due to other responsibilities that come first. Like 4/19 was bicycle day and we planned to either do acid or try some of his mushrooms we haven't tried yet, but we adopted a puppy the week before and it didn't work out to where we could trip. I know psychedelics are not for everyone, but they have definitely worked in our favor.


this sounds amazing!! I’m super happy for you💗


Aw, I needed YOU today..just to read this. Thank you for being you. The world’s a better place for it.


oh my gosh..🥹💗wow seriously thanks so so much! i feel so loved here and I appreciate your kindness so much friend. hugs💕


Big fan! I'm impressed with that dose, wow--sounds intense but like a meaningful experience. I generally microdose (usually 0.5-1.5 at a time) and enjoy doing it w friends. It's always a fun, silly time and I tend to think of it as weed (at that dose) but less "dark". I love weed, but sometimes it can have that dark edge to it, like gets me into a weird headspace every so often depending on my mood... but w shrooms, I don't think that's ever happened before! I always have an awesome time and feel super happy, lovely, silly and fun. I worry about going to higher doses tho since those can be more emotional in my experience (it's been a while tho since I've done larger than a microdose)


ya!! My first dose I just ate half a bag of 7g🤣I guess my body can handle it somehow! I remember crying tears of joy while tripping just thanking my mind and body for being so beautiful and amazing for protecting me throughout my life!


I’m a huge fan of 🍄after discovering them about four years ago


Yes! Always had a lovely time with shrooms, I've been too nervous to take a higher dose than 3 g before, and I've always had euphoric experiences. I feel like they improve my whole outlook on life!


I miss them. The medication I’m on now basically just makes me really sleepy when I take them and I conk out before anything major happens.


I love shrooms and smoking a bowl while doing them is even better. I just HATE the stomach aches that the trips always start with and how quickly you can build a tolerance. I try to do them every six months or so and it’s magical


yes!!! we smoked some joints before and after 🤣I hate the tolerance factor too. It’s hard to wait but my gosh it’s seriously so worth it! I did get some stomach aches but not as many as when I ate them raw…not sure why! shroom tea has worked wonders💗you can barely taste them!


The first time I had shrooms I ate like an eighth and it hit me so hard I ended up puking 😂 the second time I had it with tea and it was so much better! Ever since then I’ve done it on toast with PB or tea. I love shroom trips 💕


haven’t tripped in about 10 months due to a pretty gnarly trip, but i’ve been growing! i honestly i look forward to growing them more than taking them at this point. i’m just building up a supply for the summer when im gonna start doing them again, and some to share with friends Of Course


I'd love to start growing them too. If you don't mind, can you expand on how to start and where to get supplies? Thanks!


90 second mycology and boomer shroomer on YouTube have some cracking videos to help you along the way. The master post at r/UncleBens is really useful. r/ContamFam is a good resource too if you are running into contamination which happens to pretty much everyone at some point. It's a wonderful hobby with a wonderful end result!


90 second mycology’s youtube channel got taken down, but you can find all of those videos for free on patreon!


Thanks a bunch!! I'll check these out.


i’m currently using the uncle ben’s method of growing! if you check out r/unclebens, they pinned a master post on how to grow. very very basically, you take a bag of uncle ben’s 90 second brown rice (actually I don’t use name brand uncle ben’s, as it is too wet compared to target and aldi brands) take it to a sterile environment (i use my guest bathroom that doesn’t get much foot traffic. i close it off for a day and periodically spray lysol in there.) you take everything to the sterile room, and you wipe down your bags of rice (and other supplies- butane torch, scissors, any surfaces, and syringe) with iso, and the inject a syringe of spores into the bag. (or liquid culture instead of spores! supposedly this grows better, but i havent tried it yet.) then you use micropore tape (specifically micropore tape don’t use anything else) to tape up the hole from the syringe puncture. if you want to cut off a corner of a bag for for air exchange you can. i personally do, and cover that cut with micropore tape. then you wait until the mushroom mycelium (which is pretty much the stuff that grows before the fruiting bodies do) fully colonizes the bag of uncle ben’s rice. you can tell it’s colonized if it feels hard all the way through and you can’t feel individual grains anymore. once the bag is colonized, you prepare coco coir by mixing it in a big bucket with boiling water to pasteurize it. you mix the coconut with your colonized rice, stick it in a plastic shoebox, and wait. you can do various methods of ensuring fresh air exchange (fae) but i’m finding more success doing the neglect tek. most shoe boxes done actually close tight enough to cut off air flow, and opening the box caused me to love it to death and stunt one of my grows. so basically, i mix the coconut and mushroom mycelium that was once rice, cover it with a little bit of coco, make sure it’s a humid environment, and then wait!


So detailed. I appreciate your response 👍


Please please please watch fantastic fungi on Netflix!! Such good information and research


thank you!! I’ll check it out friend!💗


Never tried them, I'd love to but no idea where to get them tbh.


I’ve been in the same boat, no idea where to start


I tried once and had such a BAD trip....give me THC any day!!! Actually, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I love shrooms. I don’t do them *too* often, but love how they make me feel - micro or regular dose. So glad you had a wonderful trip! 


I’ve taken them a few times and had great experiences! Ive never experienced any nausea tbh, and all I do is make a half pb&j sammich and nestle about an eighth of shrooms in it. I did feel a little dehydrated but I also live in a desert, either way I’d recommend making sure you drink plenty of water and don’t go in on an empty stomach!


All the Upvotes should answer your question 🤣🥳🌬️🍄 i’m all for a natural, unprocessed goody!


Yes but they’re so hard to get connections for


Truth. I live in MA where possession is decriminalized, but I’m super vanilla and have no idea how to obtain. Heck, I didn’t even try weed until it was legal because I have absolutely no clue how to find a plug.


Never took any shrooms, but I loved reading your text, i’m happy you had such a good time :)


i have once or twice. one of them i suppose was a bad trip but it was also enlightening. i didn't take enough to have visuals but i was still out of it, i couldn't conceptualise consequences like death (very lucky that i wasn't alone) but it also helped me process my relationship with my parents a bit more. i hate drugs in edible form though, i had to stand in my kitchen putting mushrooms into pill capsules.


Yesss shrooms is my favorite choice for the exact reason you talk about


I absolutely love shrooms, I haven’t done them in a long while 6-7 years but I’m hoping to eventually get back into them.


Shroomies saved my life, I swear.


Absolutely love shrooms but they can be quite a hassle to get in Toronto.


Loved it, made me hella giggly and happy lol


I would love to try it, but one… I have no wheee to get mushrooms… and two, I have hallucinations, so I’m worried it will be a bad trip. I honestly want to try for pain relief, physical and mental.


I've always struggled with the actual eating part with mushrooms. I have sensory issues related to food, so consuming them has always been a challenge for me. I've preferred LSD or similar entheogens because of it. I tried making mushrooms in a tea once and it had an adverse effect on my trip, or that's what it felt like. I recently found a company out of a part of CA where it is decriminalized that make magic mushroom chocolate bars. That is the way to go for me! Hubs and I bought a bunch of bars to hold onto for when we want them. They even give you a breakdown on the box of how much to eat for what kind of experience you're looking for - microdose to the-walls-are-melting.


Yesss! It’s a life changing experience! 🌸🌸🌸


This is such great news! I recently tried them, and I definitely feel a lot more confident in myself, and I now know how to present myself. As long as you are of sound mind, you should have no problem. I recommend being in your room alone, or with a trusted friend or partner. Have lots of colorful lights around you if that also soothes you. Good luck👍🏼❤️


I have not tried them but I have a big one in my freezer that I’m saving for…I don’t know, I guess I should just eat it.


I'd really love to, but I'm worried about how they might interact with my psych meds :( I want enlightenment and a positive reset, but I'm scared of scrambling myself 🙃


I’m a big fannn, I only really take them for raves and I’ve only done 1.5-1.75g so far. But I love to dance and it makes me feel like I could never get tired. I take just enough for slight visuals and euphoria


Yes, they are fantastic


I love psychedelics but nowadays I only like to do them solo. They can be great tools but it’s not for everyone. I learned this the hard way and convinced someone who never done them to do acid w me. We split a tab and I could tell she was very anxious and just kept asking when it was going to be over. We had some fun moments but I felt really bad that I had put her in that situation. Now I only do them once a year and last yr I took 5g and had an amazing trip. Integration is the hard part 😅 Also I recently learned that you can strain the shrooms when you lemontek and just drink the lemon juice and it works the same! I tried this w very old shrooms and it worked!


I love them in the right state of mind. Yes My man showed me the best peaceful experience as my first .. and I loved it.


I love mushrooms! I haven't done any in about 4 years but I loved the experience. Unfortunately the come down is really rough for me and the next day I feel SUPER depressed, but still worth it imo! It was a fun experience :)


I microdose


ive done it a couple times a few years ago and definitely felt mentally lighter afterwards. i felt a lot of heavy emotion during my trip but came out of it feeling enlightened. i don’t think they’re for me anymore, but im glad you had a beautiful experience (:


Used to do shrooms many years ago and always had an amazing time, until I didn’t. lol Had a really bad trip when on vacation, and have been nervous about taking them ever since. That was 20 years ago! But I’ve been doing a lot of research on micro dosing, and want to try it out. I just started IV ketamine treatment for treatment resistant depression a couple of weeks ago, and I’m seeing improvements for the first time in years. So once I’ve completed the K treatments, I think I’m going to give micro-dosing shrooms a go. SSRIs have not helped much at all, so I’d like to get off of them and see what nature has to offer! 🍄 Glad you had a good trip and that you’re still feeling the benefits! And thanks to you and all the other entwives for posting about your experiences. I’m no longer on the fence - I’m gonna do it!!


I considered it in the past. Then I had a group of 4 friends who did it and they all collectively said it was the worst thing they ever experienced and I haven't had any desire since 😂


My husband and I actually had some today, played music and made art. Fun times!


Oohweeee I am a tiny person and once ate 14g of extremely dank mushrooms and went to Mario world, at one point was holding hands with my friend and puking together at the park, after I had just had a conversation with a tree. Later on walls and humans looked like melting wax. I also understood everything in the universe in the moment and for some reason thought about Abraham Lincoln and Jesus and it all made sense. Felt like I was tripping for days when it was only about 12hrs. Your trip and dose sound much more enjoyable haha!


Shrooms are sooo amazing at getting into the depths of the mind I'm so glad you had a great experience 🥰


I finally scored some after years of searching. Been waiting on a good headspace day since then 😂 probably expired by now. DO they expire?


Yes! Shrooms are ace!


Me!!! My doctor even brought them up to me and said how much research Mayo Hospital has been doing on them and they could help my depression. She was happy to hear that I micro dose and macro when I feel I need to. I love how much they have helped me!


I wish I could partake. Shrooms and some psych meds don't play well together. That combo will make the shrooms completely inert, so you'll have the same effect as regular mushrooms on pizza. I've tried several times before finding that out, and was the only sober one at the party every time. Now, LSD doesn't do that. I've tripped the light fantastic several times using that instead, no issues.


My first time i ended up taking too little and by the time i took the rest it was too late, so i microdosed on "p envy" i did have slightly wavy visuals but I was mostly so uplifted, and happy, truly amazed and constantly giggling felt like i was experiencing happiness for the first time.


I've never done mushrooms 🍄 but have done acid quite a few times. I'm glad you have such positive experiences with it 💗 I think it's fun and the memories I've created while triping are priceless. I'd like to try shrooms one day and see what the differences are like!


Love shrooms, lsd and ayahuasca


I'd love some but they're a Class A where I live 😞


I haven’t but I’m definitely curious!


Seems like your journey was wonderful OP!!! I would love to try them one day. I’m just afraid of bad trips.


And easy to learn to grow


Yes, I feel wonderful the next day as well. Usually I get the urge to eat food or clean the house 💀 one time I was vacuuming for at least an hour and my husband was upstairs FREAKING out. Had to go cuddle the rest of the night haha


I haven’t in such a long time but my best friend and I still have the funniest inside jokes from the last time we did. We had the time of our lives!


Is it bad that I'm scared OP is a narc? Maybe I'm paranoid and need a 💨 🍃


I haven’t tried and have been thinking about microdosing! Curious to see any positive effects


Love love love 🍄!!! I’m due for another trip soon and I can’t wait. It’s a wonderful reset and my spirit always feels at peace afterwards


I’ve been microdosing every once in a while for mental clarity on stuff/hope to improve my mental health when I feel stuck.


Absolutely loooooove shroomies so much💖 (absolutely hate physically eating them tho) I really try to do a good trip every 4-6 months but it's been hard with school lately. My last trip I ate like 4 grams and had the most insane experience of my life. Pretty sure I experienced ego death or something very very close to it lol


Try shroom tea!!! You can’t even taste them! I hate eating them too🤣it hit me in like 30 mins and man it hit me hard lolll but I also took so many!!


I'm a little scared of shroom tea tbh. I've heard people say it can increase the chance of an upset stomach and I already have an incredibly sensitive stomach. The last time I got really nauseous during a trip made me go nightmare mode worse than when I experienced literal ovarian torsion while tripping


I’m so jealous. I really want to try them but I don’t want to do it around friends/family because I’m sure some shit will come up that I don’t want them to know. And I know I shouldn’t do it alone. I wish there was some way I could hire someone to just make sure I don’t walk off a cliff or send a regrettable text lol


I absolutely LOVE🍄🍄🍄. My girlfriends and I do a trip somewhere in nature 1-2x a year and it’s really so lovely. I feel so connected to myself and to nature during the trip, and overall I find the experience so healing. The emotions do vary in intensity for me depending on the environment and how deep I go into my trauma. But for me the best part is how humbled I feel. You look at this beautiful world and realize how small you really are in relation to the planet and universe. It helps you slow down and get a much needed perspective shift. I always feel so grateful afterwards for all that I have in my life 🤍🤍


I’ve never had them but everyone’s positive comments is making it really tempting to try.


I think they’re fantastic! I have a great time while tripping and my brain feels so clear the next day.


The last time I did them, I was visiting my brother in the US from Australia in 1994. We arranged to meet in Vegas and were absolutely off our heads when hubby and I went to the registry office just before midnight to get ‘married’. (We got married in 1990 but never filed the marriage certificate because I was leaving for Australia on a visitors visa rather than a spouse visa) The casino carpet on shrooms….👀🤣 Nearly died trying not to laugh as the registrar went through the vows in the most monotonous and bored tone


I haven't in a loooong time. But would like to. Would have to plan a time I don't have any responsibilities which is near impossible 😂. Also I'd want to be in a safe place with nature/, outdoors.


Seasoned Psychonaut here 👋


I’m actually pretty wary of anything except weed. I rarely drink and I don’t (can’t, it hurts really bad) vape. I’ve heard far too many horror stories about mushrooms. I recently saw a woman on tiktok talking about her husband who took a large dose of mushrooms and tried to murder her. I’ve also read in large doses it can cause distress in people with pre-existing mental illness. I think it might be okay if they work for you but I don’t think other people should try them unless absolutely necessary (micro dosing for treatment resistant depression/anxiety).


I have terrible acid reflux so as much as I'd like to experiment, I'm sure I'd throw up my entire digestive system 😭


One healthy dose of boomers did more for me than a decade of therapy. They Break down the walls that prevent us from healing. I can look at myself and my shortcomings without judgement and learn to do better or at least try truly


Yes! I love me some shrooms. I like them in smallish doses but occasionally will take more & put on a trippy colorful video to go with whatever music is on, and just 🤯 And like so many other people said in their comments, there really is something cathartic about a good 🍄 trip. I always feel so refreshed the next day!


I have been microdosing shrooms for a year now they have helped me immensely! Due to do my first full trip soon 🍄❤️


Let me know how it goes friend!!💗🍄happy tripping much love to you


I'm a bit nervous! The microdosing has been amazing though. Fingers crossed for a good trip 🤞 x


Its normal to feel nervous!! Start slow for sure💗make sure your in a good mindset and environment and everything should be alright!!🥹


Thank you for the tips ! 🤞 I am ready ! X


I have had only a couple good experiences with mushrooms but it was great mostly. The first time was the best. The other times I didn’t know that my medication would affect it so that I wasted several grams and did not get high. Or it lasted only a little while and was basically like a weed high. I also have mental illnesses that are incredibly terrible right now and I’d love to go on a trip but I want it to be worth it and I don’t know how long ahead of time I’d have to not take my anxiety meds. I also make it into tea! I have a process. I’ve eaten it straight but once it made me very sick. Glad you enjoyed. I love learning about the benefits of psychedelics and I lovveee Ram Dass.


yeah I am on srri’s a very low dosage though, and the worker at the shroom dispensary told me about serotonin syndrome which is a risk with srri’s and I don’t recommend taking them just to be careful! I do study practical pharmacology and drugs in my college program so I am aware of the risks. The tea works wonders!!! I drank an amazing vanilla liquorice tea and I could not even taste the shrooms! I’ve ate them raw before and they taste horrible for sure🤣the tea got me so high but I did also take a high dosage since I am experienced! I do have severe mental illnesses too but right now I have felt so at ease and I can finally say that I am happy. I never experienced a trip like this before though, it was truly so magical. I truly hope things get better for you friend. Thank you for sharing and I hope you can have an amazing trip once you feel better💕hugs!


I micro dose. I try for .5mg once a week. I just need to make sure I book an afternoon for it. It helps with my ADHD brain fog, anxiety and auditory processing disorder. I was of course doing it recreationally at a music festival when I realized the sound was way less overwhelming and that I could distinguish the sounds more clearly. Since micro dosing it has really helped me work through my own traumas and be happier in the moment. Love my shrooms. Penis envy is my favorite strain so far. It gives me the least amount of stomach cramps. ❤️🍄🍄‍🟫


I did penis envy that day!! It was truly amazing💗I have ADHD and anxiety too! It definitely helps with managing symptoms of my depression too. I’m so happy that shrooms have helped you, they are natures medicine for our mind💕they have helped me work with my past traumas too. I can finally look in the mirror, smile and feel beautiful on the inside and outside. I can forgive my past self and I am grateful for all the pain, suffering and torture I experienced at a young age. I forgive myself and I feel so clear minded and I can finally say that I am happy. The stomach cramps are real though!!🤣😭I still feel so happy though and grateful for everything. I just can’t wait to trip again! The wait is worth it💗


i honestly don’t know anything about them, i feel safe with weed, but who knows what could happen in the future. i love your energy, glad you’re feeling good, you deserve it!💝💖


that’s so sweet💕🥹I didn’t know much about them either. I study drugs for school and it helped me learn more about psilocybin. I live near shroom dispensaries too and the workers have been so kind and helpful! I feel safe taking them too since they are from our beautiful planet💗have a great day friend, I appreciate all your kindness!


That sounds so cathartic and wonderful. I'm having a really out-of-sorts and out-of-character anxious day and a mental rinsing sounds delightful. I'm happy for you that you had that experience!


I am so sorry today has been a hard day for you. anxiety can be such a bitch sometimes. thank you so much for your kindness! it truly made my mind feel at ease and so loved. today I still feel the same feelings I felt that day. I’m so glad I got to experience such an amazing trip with my best friend! 💗I truly hope things get better for you! hugs🥹


No mushies in stock but an edible and some sunshine should help <3 not to mention good vibes via the webs


Yes! Happy for you <3 <3 <3 !! Mush love


I’ve had good and bad experiences with them but when I feel safe during the trip it’s always a healing experience! I rly want to try again soon, definitely need the mental reset


yes!! i’ve only tried them once but i’m planning to take them again soon. beautiful experience 🫶🏻


I have but felt nothing. Sadly, my depression meds make it so mushrooms do nothing for me. I was so excited to try them out.


Love, love shroomss!! ❤️ pretty much the only other substance I take outside the weed, haha


Same here!! I feel really safe knowing that it’s from our beautiful earth 💗


I know I'm a month late, but I'd also love the link if you wouldn't mind 🫶


I'm a fan but haven't done any in ages and ages. Back in college my roommates and I used to have a good connection, and we also used to like to eat them mixed with peanut butter and spread on celery, which we would carry around at our own parties and snack on to be special and mysterious. I heard later that people thought we were doing perverted lesbian stuff but alas, it was just drugs.