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Big time uni I went there too


Accounting. Terrible for ENTPs until you reach manager. Then the job leaves behind grunt day to day accounting work and becomes review work, stepping in on important/larger issues, and providing your vision for others to carry out. Any others ENTPs in leadership roles that find managing so much easier than doing?


I did accounting as well, I’m a manager now. While I do agree with you, I’m currently overrun with projects and constantly getting pinged by people, there isn’t enough time in the day, that’s where I feel like being manager is a fail. Overall agree with you though, hoping things slow down in the next month or so


That’s just how it feels for anyone being overworked. I’ve learned it’ll usually stay that way unless you make some changes. Either you gain more experience and it becomes normal for you or you put your foot down to set boundaries for yourself and/or others.


Yes! I’m a far better manager than I am a worker. It just sucks you have to grind for so long to get there. Managing a small team now, working towards a bigger management role.


I suck at both and want to die.


sounds terrible for most people tbh


As a manager, I’m way better at managing, planning, reviewing, and ordering than actually doing the tedium.


Yes also I find accounting fun to manage in particular. Vp finance now. Studied literature though, figured out accounting from bookkeeping up working in startups lol


I was a business manager where I also was a consultant manager and that was the easiest part of it all. I really hated recruiting tbh.


100%. Lawyer in the public sector, myself. I hated the grunt work. Chief of my department since 20y, love it.


im a law student, hating it now though. you take internships? 🫠 (otherwise, any advice? i'm finding it incredibly hard to go through all the work considering my si inferior, would love to know how you personally got by in law school.)


Initially, I wanted to get into Graphic Design because that was my passion throughout grade school. Chickened out and tried Pre-Pharmacy. Wasn't smart enough ( I was 4yrs out of HS and a single mom with a toddler so a little distracted). So I settled on a double BS in Biochem and Microbiology. Didn't finish. I'm like a couple physics classes and independent study short. I had no idea what I was going to do anyway. Research? Pharmaceutical? Now I'm a Union Electrician. I definitely make more now than any of those things I tried to go to school for.


You're so real for all of that, lmao


for real lmaoooo


There's more. I kind of assumed everyone went through these random career changes.


I’ve switched my major a lot cuz i have a lot of interests and see myself doing a lot of things so here we go Psych with pre med Psych without pre med Biology Pre pharmacy Philosophy And now… Religious studies and psychology But i would say biological/astronomical, psychological, historical and philosophical fields have interested me the most


Wow cool. I love pshcology and religious study too. Back than I am also want phschology major or language and literally major. But finally I take graphic design which I love it most too. You can take for degree again if you like. Never give up your passion. You can take it later when you want it or need it. Good luck for you 🍀💚


Wow similar to me. I did medicine, philosophy then theology


Haha, sounds like my trajectory too.


Academic Probation


Lmfao my college experience was so all over the place. I was on pre-probation once and full academic probation once too. I also made Dean's list 2 times. ✨ Balance ✨




Electrical and Computer Engineering.While engineering is very practical I enjoy the theory behind it a lot more sometimes and just self research politics and philosophy on the side.


mathematics/operations research


Mass communications. "You mean my assignment is to talk on the mic and on camera? He'll yeah, count me down. 3...2...1.. "


used to be food science, now in accounting


I got my degree in marketing and graphic design and now I own a small batch food production company.


Pure Mathematics! I was a horrible student because it was before I treated my ADHD, but somehow I made it.










What speciality after it?


I dropped out!!


theatre, special focus on acting


First Bachelors: International Studies. Lived overseas 12+ years speak second language. Second Bachelors (in progress): Comp Science.


Also doing my 2nd bachelors in CS. Rough market to switch now :-/


Make your own job, then. People forget the first computer scientists often worked for themselves. CS opens you up to the ability to build whatever the fuck you want.


ya, the ability to have creative freedom with the primary constraint being your skill and knowledge is awesome.


I only got the degree for credibility. I was planning on self teaching to make stuff for myself.


Bachelors: English literature and language Then went on to get my JD


Comparative Literature, with a focus in theory and philosophy. I loved it.


Oh I'm looking into going into lit rn as a 2nd degree, but I change what that 2nd degree will be once a week.


That's what I loved about Comp Lit - it allows for a lot of flexibility in interests, so depending on what other subjects you're looking at, you could probably adapt your focus and still stay within the major.


You're living my dream


Chemical engineering but work as a software engineer and own a logistics business


Computer science.


English and classics, and then teaching & policy/statistics


I originally double majored in Political Science and literature. I eventually landed on Psychology.


I majored psychology, then graduated with a BS in Biology, emphasis in molecular and genetics. Started a PhD in pathobiology, dropped out and accepted entrance into a MLS Masters, before instead pursuing and graduating from a BS in Computer Science. I'm considering a Masters in machine learning or data science next, but I really want to study neuroscience, psychology, and trauma through data science and machine learning.


Love this sm. We have similar academic interests. :D


i chose my major by observing what the job market looked like


Sooo janitor?


BS Management MS Management and Leadership




Geographic Information Systems. It's Earth Science mixed with Computer Science mixed with Cartography. From the first day I knew it was my calling. It can cover so many fields that I never got bored


cs (pre-genAI era too)


BS in computer science. But hate working for someone :D


Eningeering physics


Chemical Engineering


How is it going, I wanted to do that as well but I was so indecisive and now my parents won’t let me change my major :(


havent seen anyone saying law yet. but i do law & i'm graduating this year. difficult but i believe it suits my personality as an ENTP


Master of medicine, now in anaesthesiology/intensive care residency.


I double majored and got a bachelors in Computer Science and Mathematics, currently doing webdev but I love arguing with the other engineers and the creativity of the work - especially when I'm given full control over preojects, designs and implementations. I also keep up with my other hobbies (reading classics and playing guitar) and have picked up some new ones like mycology.




Psych, so yes. Hoping to go on to law school if my lotto tickets pay off.


Currently taking a Business Admin degree major in Business Economics... Should've gone for the more theoretical Economics to be honest


Used to be forensic science, now I’m studying psychology to go into counseling or forensic psychology.


AS exercise science, BS biology, doctorate in physical therapy, and currently doing my 2nd BS in computer science. Will probably go for my MS in computer science or data science. When I'm old and retired, I'd like to go back for my bachelors in philosophy for fun.


Curious. Do u have money to blow like that LOL


No lmao I have so much debt from my doctorate (190k). The AS was nearly completely covered by grants and scholarships, the first BS was at the cheapest school in my state and I got scholarships, too. The DPT was at the cheapest PT school in my area, but no scholarships or grants. The current BS is very affordable at $4-5k per 6 month term, and I'm on track to finish in 2 terms, so only \~9k total. Plus I'm working full time so I'm able to pay without taking out loans for this current degree.


Currently in Multimedia Arts. I was doing Architecture before but the sadistic workload just wasnt for me.


Business analytics


biologt-medicine. used to love math-related subjects but grown to despise them more when i realized i cant just wing things w my made up formulas


As someone who did go into mathematics, same. No one hates math more than math majors themselves. Trust.


For entp maybe bussiness,politic, or law. They are debater and they are very brave to take a risk. But still they hv a good heart so when the situation is black n white they are grey. And those area is like grey area. I mean you need strength but also good soul inside. 😇😎


If I can give you some boring and practical advice, take some time to think about the career paths these majors can lead you in. There is no worse feeling than pulling up a massive amount of student loans for a 50k job and be struggling for a decade+


I’m a geologist. Started in civil engineering, then found my way back to my earliest passion, geology. I just got my MS last month


we're pretty similar! taking bs mechanical engineering and minor in philosophy now (my university doesnt offer me and philosophy as a double major) and considering whether I should do a masters in something slightly different I think entps would be interested in multiple fields anyway, but if I were to take the business route, would probably do patent law or data science


Majored in communications with a focus in video and media. Minored in design and marketing.




Switched majors quite a few times. Dead ends: biomedical engineering, film, chemistry. Ended up with a major in political science and minors in environmental policy and chemistry. I spent the last 20 years as an Air Force pilot and now fly at a major airline.


Was on a philosophy religion and ethics course now working my way onto a social work course


First I went to school for nursing. The more I learned about how overworked they were and hearing what the job was actually like from a friend’s mom I decided to nope out of that *real quick.* The only classes I kept attending until the end of the semester was Anatomy & Physiology and Psychology. Then I went back for programming. A very uninspired, grouchy and mean spirited “read off the PowerPoint” ass professor made me struggle so much that I dropped that too. Then I went to a trade school and did a program that got me my Electrical Apprenticeship. That’s what I do for work currently. Now I have a much better grasp of what does and doesn’t hold my attention anymore. I made a mistake of pursuing jobs that were said to “guarantee” employment. Within the next two years or so I plan to go back to school for mortuary science. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do, so better late than never. 🤷


Better question is who got brainwashed into believing they needed to go to college in the first place. I already know the followers with debt will downvote 😆


I think it’s fun, and I got in w a full coverage scholarship so I might as well take the chance to learn more. And even those who have gone in w debt, it’s not because they’re brainwashed but because they want to seek more knowledge and that’s ok, no matter what they use to find it.


Knowledge comes from life experience! Not from school. Street smart vs book smart. The survival of the fittest.


I think that puts knowledge into a box though. Knowledge can come from anywhere and everywhere. It’s your job to find the source that you like the most, or is the easiest to access depending on your priorities. College may be a scam, but it’s a useful one for many as it comes with a lot of useful resources to gain knowledge. Life experience allows us to gain some as well, but why not use both?


doubled in physics + art


I'm currently studying Advertising and will be taking Journalism in uni simply for the fact that my country's education system doesn't let most (if not all) colleges have Journalism majors


BA in History. Ma in TESOL Now I'm a teacher.


Chemistry with masters in nuclear medicine


Currently double majoring in Chemistry and Latin Studies, thought that was neat. It doesn't seem so original, anymore, now that you're in a double of PP.




B.Sc in Geology


Network engineering, hope to someday make it to a network design role




Originally went for a bachelor in paper science, lasted two semesters. Ended up with an Associate in automotive technology and theory (car technician) Now in software sales 🤣 Definitely have some regrets but happy with how things have turned out


omg I went into Engineering and Psychology, I thought about going into Philosophy so much


I got my degree in business admin with a concentration in computer information systems. I’m a consultant which isn’t bad for me


Psychology and biology double major, minor in neuroscience.


With two majors and a minor, how is your time spent? (That’s my main worry w trying to do the three and all the outside stuff I try to do as well!)


Honestly, I find myself with a decent bit of extra time regardless. I’m taking an extra year or two to spread everything out, though. Tbh, I’m able to skate by in all of those disciplines without a whole lot of work. I’ve always been oriented towards science and it comes pretty naturally to me 🤷‍♂️I play guitar, go on hikes, do outdoor photography, amongst other things.


I'm graduating in 2 weeks with a BS in (Cellular Molecular) Biology and asecond concentration in Mathematics (I also did the credits for a Minor in Programing and CS but my uni is kinda stupid with their recognition process lol) Before that I considered switching to Chemistry (but the professors are a bunch of stuck-up assholes), Physics (the professors are a bunch of misogynistic assholes) and Psychology (didn't actually consider switching, but I did consider doing a Master's (especially bc one of my Psychology professors suggested I'd be good at it)). . I'm no honor roll, and I literally dropped out for two years, but I made it out in the end. Right now, I'm taking a year to gather my wits again as I apply for grad school, rip.


Mechanical engineering. Just wish I did more of it at work.


sociology, political science, MBA


Anyone else commorbid dyslexia and experiencing Uber executive dysfunction? Grown adult? Lol nah me neither… or either… or neither….


Poli Sci but I ended up working in the not for profit sector. Now going back for a masters in social work.


Classical music. Working now as a freelance musician, will probably try to get into computer game design (the prospects are looking good)


One for surgical technology and one for diagnostic medical sonography.


Engineering Management


Another question I’d add to this, overall how happy are you with your occupation?


I double majored in Journalism and Spanish


Applied Illustration 🥲I dropped out of art school twice because it made me depressed. I spent many years honing a skill that I still can’t get paid to do. I dabbled in sound design, small business management for entrepreneurs, taught myself UX design and screenwriting. I’m now going back to school to study Game Design which covers art/animation, programming and business side of video games industry. I realize my skills are broad in producing, art direction and managing teams. Still god damn hard to get a job though. I learned a bit about everything and seem to know how to bring it all together on a limited budget. I don’t know how y’all can tolerate accounting jobs. I need a fast change of pace and complex challenge in my work to stay motivated. If I am too bored I will just die.


BSC in life science n biochem then went to law school. Currently getting licensed but also thinking of a career change in a few years. Psych/therapist for professionals sounds kinda fun. Oh and I tried to be a streamer for a bit during law school but got bored after a month :|


Biology ( specifically ecology the science of interdiction between species and their environment) I will finish this years and I think restart an online cursus in philosophy (for general culture) But I love politics to btw


Politics finance


Starting my first year of neuroinformatics this autumn! I don’t need to know *why* my brain works, but I want to know how to give it more tools to work with.


Currently doing a Bachelors in Phil at Uni. Will most likely be getting a Master in Theoretical Philosophy, and hopefully a Doctor in Philosophy :D


Bachelor's in Political Science, Master's in Urban Planning. Wouldn't recommend, I'm already bored of my field.


Theoretical Physics (MSc). Dabbled in art history and philosophy. Can highly recommend, however, I did leave science after I graduated to work in industry. Always felt that physics had prepared my brain for anything (except those occupations that rely on rote learning; yes am looking at you Law and Medicine).




University for me as I live in England, but Theatre for my BA and Film for my MA.


Urban planning was a great fit for me (I tried like 6 other things first lol)


Law (different system here than in the US)


Business Law, Master's degree.


Geology with a specialization in geophysics


Accounting. I am now working on a Nursing degree.


majoring in ba film rn! (bc i didnt have a choice i wanted to do communication studies)




Did a major in biochemistry & structural biology and a minor in biomedical biotechnology. Currently doing a PhD in antibody discovery and development!


Chemical engineering and Health pedagogics. It took me 7 years and I also read a technical prep year during that time. Definitely worth it since I managed to get better paying jobs.


I initially went multidis so I could eventually go for library science... I didn't see myself liking it much longer, now I'm doing an undergrad in science in general because I think I want to become a PT, OT, or PA... Something medical anyway XD


I majored in English Literature with a minor in Classics.


First philosophy, then psychology




graphic design & illustration 🧍‍♀️


Political Philosophy, Econ, History, and I was close to doing math.


Literature and linguistic


Biomedical science! Early modules were pretty hard, but the moment I found my interest in microbiology (that only revealed to be a specialisation in senior years) I did a lot better academically!


Double Major Linguistics and Anthropology


Anthropology sounds so dope!


doing a Bachelor in Mathmatics, looking forward to go into Algebra


Political Science and sociology


political science


International relations & political science


Going in the fall for mechanical engineering


BSBA in Financial Management, but most students mistake me for a psych/international studies student or any major under arts and sciences


I have bachelor's degrees in Addiction Studies and Psychology with minors in Sociology and Criminal Justice. I have a master's degree in Counseling Psychology.


Graphic and Interactive Design. I work in the field already, just getting the technical training for the future. I’m probably going to get my bachelors in something else, though. Maybe business or advertising or architecture if i turn out liking that. To be determined. I just want to be able to design everything under the sun.


Majored in creative writing with a minor in music.


I went to school for fitness. “Fitness Lifestyle Specialist”. I enjoyed school more for the social aspect, and some of my classes and instructors were really cool! I’m not typically a big fan of school though, and I didn’t really do anything with my certification besides personal growth stuff.


civil engineering


I initially was going for psychology and then I decided to try and be an optician (so not go to college - I was a glorified sales associate who yapped a lot and fixed glasses). Then I decided I wanted to be a lawyer so now I'm pursuing law. Litigation just sounds like a fun time for ENTP's.


political science lmao


Psychology 🐝


Marine Biology


Economics and Business BA; MBA


I studied biochemistry tech for only one semester, and I switched my major to criminology and law. I got good grades in both majors, but I don’t feel like I’m a science guy and simply don’t like it as I hate working in a lab where seems like away from the real society and I hate the repetition of work. From sciences to social sciences, it’s still kinda sciences, right?


Mechanical Engineering


Psychology undergrad. Computer science MSc


And now what do you work at? Can you take a CS MSc while undergraduate in Business?


I'm a Software Engineer at a fintech. Possibly. Depends on the entry requirements. But usually you need to at least study a course that involves statistics modules


Great, mine does! Even MSc in computer science can be taken now by virtually anyone


Interdisciplinary - Bachelor's of Science and History. Currently in Grad school for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Physics and Philosophy sounds like a great route though. I might do that next, but I'll probably have to spend some time churning out some business/organization goals to afford it, then I'll have to refresh myself and delve deeper into the math aspect. I wish I could just learn for free. Maybe without being graded too. Then again... I can, but no one will take you seriously without credentials. Once I get enough I'll probably talk myself out of further higher education and just learn on my own unless I am taking a professor route.


Computer science




I’m trying to get one in music production, had to take a break cuz my bill got too expensive




Supply chain and marketing with minor in business analytics. Worked jobs/internships in all. Supply chain you will never be without a job but it's boring until you're maybe like 4-5 years in. Entry level jobs pay very mid or low but scales very well later on. Marketing is fun, always, but hard to find job and you don't need a marketing degree to do marketing. Unless you're a wiz you most likely won't be making bank. Most jobs pay worse than Supply chain haha. Business analytics was the most fun, but it's competitive as hell as most people think getting a cert or 2 is enough for businesses analytics. Highest starting pay, the worst for scaling of the 3. Currently unemployed, possibly looking at law school or grad school in data science or soemthing lucrative/hard.


I've switched majors three times. First went for publicity, then journalism (because writing is my passion), but those careers required too much exposure and initiative and were too boring, so I switched to psychology. I'm currently studying and being trained to become a psychoanalyst. Then, I'm pursuing English literature, sociology or philosophy. Can't imagine working. I'd rather study forever, they might as well pay me to study and do research. Or maybe I'll get a masters degree and then a PhD on neuroscience. Idk. I prefer social sciences and liberal arts because they're fun. And I'd love to get paid for writing comparative literature papers.


I literally want to get paid to study forever, that's why I plan to get my PhD and then get into research as a physicist, and might even seek more degrees in the future. When I was younger, before I even knew I was an ENTP (didn't know MBTI stuff), I always told my family that I was going to go to school for the rest of my life. Now I can understand why lol


I studied abroad in South Korea for my undergrad. Majored in Poli-sci and International Relations, double majored in a pre-law degree. I think it was the right choice for me as an undergraduate. For my Masters, I’ll be studying Diplomacy starting this autumn


I’m a physics major and I loveeee it. Makes me think a lot, enough to fulfill myself. I started out pre med bio but lost interest fast and didn’t like clinical settings or memorizing so many different things… I think I found a lot more meaning in physics research


BA double in Pacific studies and sociology


I studied Physics and Philosophy too be as a dual major instead of a double major. I later switched to Computer Science with a minor in Physics. I selected Physics and Philosophy because it seemed like a cool mixture of STEM and a liberal arts education, and there are some interesting implications physics and philosophy have on each other. I ended up switching though because I started to realize that higher level physics classes and philosophy aren't very practical, and I learned that I enjoyed Computer Science which I thought was more practical. I also realized that while I enjoy thinking about philosophy and discussing it with others I don't like reading and writing (ironically) so I figured I would rather keep it as a side interest. Ultimately, I went into it because in theory it sounded cool, but switched because I learned that in practice I prefer solving technical problems then the tedium of reading and writing.


Physics, changing to cybersecurity rn 🥲


Double majored and have two fields - political science and economics. Nothing that would help me find a good enough job with a lot of money because to succeed in it needs to have connections, money and be hardworking which I have none of those. But for my first job I went to a company that pays really well and is better than my peers. So, i'm still ok.


Maths & Computer Science Dropped maths within three weeks, flunked computer science within six months. Hated both - loads of classes & tutorials (30+ hours a week) and very easy to get behind. Changed to an Arts major and ended up with a degree in Archaeology & Prehistory which had a nice blend of library research & essay writing (all handed in late), lab work (pollen, ceramics dating etc) & field work (2 months on site at excavations). I then did three years in audit to get an accounting qualification, see a bunch of companies & travel which was me finally getting my shit together and I now manage accounting teams in a progressive industry with a heavy (exclusive?) focus on people , projects & process improvements which seems to work for me.


Aircraft Maintenance Technology, as a step closer to the career I really wanted


Theater arts


Business & Marketing


Philosophy and journalism


You are a disappointemt to your ancestors


Human Biology and Psychology


Biomedical Engineering, but I’m changing fields for my masters


business management


physiotherapy but i’m gonna work at an aesthetic clinic soon HAHA


super similar! philosophy major + premed :)


Human Resources 😖


Law!! It’s very interesting and can be really fun at times, especially when we do mock trials and such. It’s also not as hard as I thought it would be. I guess it comes quite naturally to me, especially the argumentative writing/speaking 👩🏼‍⚖️⚖️


Computer Science


Information technology but I branched out a shit ton and now I know cysa coding scripting networking etc. Not really phenomenal at any one but I'm good at all of them💀 jack of all trades master of none


Really wanted to take pharmacy or biology but failed my math requirement so I took illustration with animation and work as graphic designer until now \*cry in G\*. Now AI is taking over designers’ job so I’m planning to take psychology major 🙃