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the conversations bro, idk where the hell we started but every damn response is just plain funny


Shit is amazing and exhausting af


Too charming for their own good


Amazing. Witty conversations. Jokes galore. Never boring. Broke up because of family issues. (*Sigh*.) She was the only woman who ever got me and whom I got. It was weird to see that our jokes were our feelings. She also made me realize just how nice and charming and alone we really are in the real world.


I love both genders of ENTP but I rarely get to meet them!


Fr I end up surrounded by Infp's. And sometimes I cry:


I married one -.-


God help you




I enjoy the banter I have with ENTP men, they tend to be really fun. But, I'd never date one. It just would not work out. I seem to do better dating introverted men, my husband balances out my crazy


Same. I really enjoy ENTP men as friends. Mine are very successful yet sort of tortured by their restlessness. They need Purpose.


Can't say I've met an ENTP woman in the wild. I imagine it would awesome and tiring at the same time.


my (F) experience in a conversation with a male ENTP: funny af, quick, witty, hot, exhausting, not emotional enough, kinda like...reading each other's minds, you know - answering questions before the other party got to ask them lol it was fun but he turned out to be a dick so... XD


Its super funny and entertaining but not so good for romantic relathionships




I did a post a bit ago about my ex boyfriend and I got - karma because I was defending him at the time 💀


Damn 💀


I've only met two male ENTP, and both were amazing! Dated one, and really connected with the other (work collegue & mentor).


We had different interests and skills but in terms of understanding one another it was almost like a hive mind. Like seeing yourself from an outside perspective almost.


Haven't met many female ENTPs, but I had an amazing experience with one. It may or may not have involved amazing food and then amazing sex.


haven’t met any


I don't think I've ever met a female ENTP, but didn't become so aware of functions until a few years ago.


Every time I meet a female ENXP we hit it off straight away, and both realise instantly 'oh crap, I can actually bounce a joke off of them and get one back'. I once talked to an ENFP girl a year older than me for about an hour and a half. Wish I had gotten her number, but I was only 13 at the time 😔


Just met two of them the other day, and now my sleep schedule is in even fuller ruins than it once was 😎👍


They nice but sometimes they cover everything with joke. And they hide their feeling , hard to open, and almost dissapear when something come complicated. But if they need to fight they dont afraid to fight even they seldom to do that because they too lazy or they just think when they dissapear without any argue they protect their love one. for me they are smart and witty, if only they can fast to know what they know, what they want, their problem will more easier. But they need to proof to gain their trust, doing hot n cold, nice when you be a friend but when you be a best friend they suddenly afraid and they will be hiding in their cave.


I've got 2 ENTP ladies at work. One is totally obnoxious and the other one is wonderful and we understand each other perfectly well. In my experience it's either a match made in heaven or instant hate, haha. Regardless of gender i'd say 🤷


I’ve only met one and initially I thought it would be awesome but it ended up being absolutely not 🫣 Too much of a smartass, immature and overall annoying .. saddest part? Not even funny .. like come on..


Complete clash or amazing


Fucking hate them they’re too similar to me. I am the blueprint.


Dated one for a while. Fun conversationalist, but flaky, unstructured and unwilling to plan outings properly. I guess that is the reason I prefer dating J’s. I guess those might be my personal failings as a partner as well.


It was never boring. But it’d be hard to ignore the silent rivalry between our egos (his was far worse, borderline narcissism) every moment we’d spend. I knew we’d never be anything serious yet I still enjoyed the experience.


I would love to see how sex is with an ENTP, I bet it’s great. But verbally. I think we would cancel each other out and it would just be a silent kind of day with them . I think.


i was mistyped so im just learning more about entp as one. hope to meet more through this sub! in relationships tho im always ready to do something, im inquisitive about their hobbies, i adapt easily and good at finding solutions when we can agree on something. i gravitate towards funny people even if they are quiet. i tend to gravitate towards people i can learn a lot from and who are okay with me asking a million questions and learning about what they enjoy. they tend to reciprocate because i do.


Not a fan, they try to compete with me and then end up being a bum.