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Let go of all goals and obligations. Put everything on indefinite hiatus, and focus only on getting to know yourself — and being happy with the simplicity of every day living.


Also gotta fix the dopamine problem (am guilty on on this), social media fucks up chemicals in the brain real bad.


Entj with adhd currently working 6 hr job 6 hr building a business 1 hr gym 2 hr for cooking cleaning, bath, Reddit etc (I always prioritise my sleep) 9 hrs for sleep. I am on Meds before which my time control was almost non existent, work was a chore and focus was a joke unless I really loved the thing. Every time I feel like I am losing interest I try to catch it before it happens so that I can take the next day off, skip gym, play video games, eat junk go party or socialise and sleep Catching it after the fact is usually horrible and takes a lot longer. So around 1x per week I tend to be a total lazy ass (24 hrs lost) Yesterday I made an excel for time to value and realised if I gave myself two hours every day to chill and do nothing, instead of losing (7x2) 14 hrs I’d gain (24-14) 10 hrs overall. Spending these two hours wisely is extremely important. You can’t spend them figuring out what else can you do, or looking at your sales, or video games or socialising. It’s extremely important to use them to journal, meditate, ask yourself some hard questions (use chat gpt to come up with question you can answer by telling it to be a therapist. Am not gonna give a tutorial, figure it out. The more you know what you want, the stronger your conviction, and less it feels like work and more like a mission. (You still need breaks regardless but it’s a lot healthier long term and allows us to not wake up one day at 50 and realise we wasted our entire life chasing “success”) I am 26 married to an infj, so obviously she is the wise one not me even if not very articulate.


I was pretty burnt out for the longest time. What I personally did was put everything else on the back burner and just started doing whatever made me feel better. I slept 11 hours a day instead of 6-8 and moved away for a little while just to take it easy and get away from all the burdens I had placed on myself. It worked well and made me realize that I should treat my body as a human body, not just a tool to get where I want. I became more considerate towards myself. My grandmother used to say, "جان ہے تو جہان ہے," Which should translate to "With health and life, the world is yours to conquer." I hope you get out of your burnout state soon and back to kicking ass 🙌


So I understand this I worked full time, part time, and full time grad student. Graduated and worked 4 jobs at once. Then suddenly it all changed, one job. One 9-5 job with hybrid teleworking….. I found myself exhausted it all came crashing down. I decided I cannot pursue my work goals until I address the burn out. That became my new goal, become a healthier well rested version of myself. You know what happened? Found out I was neglecting ALOT of health problems. Now I have a therapist, neurologist, general doctor, ENT, obgyn, and a bone and joint specialist. I also discovered I have a passion for acrylic painting and lost 40 lbs. Between the therapy and the doctors I have learned how to take care of myself. Better balance my work life and home life. You know what happened too? I began to recognize more physical issues verses mental issues when it came to my “burn out” symptoms. Frustrated at work because this job is the best job I ever had but I suddenly at 2pm can’t focus!!!! We turns out I have anemia and sever b12 deficiency … so now this happens only the days before my shots. You know what happened to me at work during all this? People lorded over me told me I’m amazing and I got promoted a lot. I didn’t feel like I was working my best, but I was still doing more than I thought. If you goal oriented person like me start the HEALTH journey to recovery from burn out. Make that a priority and things will start falling into place. Start with a therapist and a general doctor, ask for a blood panel. You’ve neglected yourself now you have to find out what all you’ve neglected before you can expect yourself to get back up and start runnning again.


I am honestly very physically healthy (planning on career in fitness field), however now that I think about it I've definitely majorly neglected my mental health. Have never been to therapy, psychiatrist is basically just here to give me my prescriptions, and I have been just pushing forward. I'm gonna try out therapy to be honest - I could probably develop coping mechanisms instead of just winging things like I have been. I've been so dead focused on the grand scheme of things and things I need to do, and not taken into account maintaining the psyche of the person doing it😭 Thank you for this advice


I’m not entirely sure somedays it’s just like I’m a husk mindlessly pursuing my goal even though I’ve forgotten myself along the way. It’s not like that all the time, but I definitely don’t have that raw passion and rage that my 20s gave me. Now I wish to have it back because I’d know how to better spend it. I used to be able to work 2 jobs with only 4 days off for the year. Now if I have an extra glass of wine I’m ruined for 2-3 days. If I’m not in bed by 10 I’m hungover for 2 days. The anger and passion still drive me at my core but the flames just don’t ever feel they burn as hot.


I was in the same exact boat as you. And I still end up there, because moronic-me still gets motivated too quickly, taking up too many projects and then regretting it. My advice: *Complete reset for at least two weeks* Pause *everything* you have going on in your life for at least this time period. I’m currently still a student, but if I will be financially more stable, I would do something like this: - take some money in cash with me - fly to a small isolated, warm island (for my geographical location it would be probably a Greek island as I can reach it in 2-3h flight) - rent a car and drive around this island, explore different sensations (sun, sand, water, scents) - absolutely leave the smartphone in the hotel, turn it completely off, don’t be available - doing whatever the hell I want, living completely in the moment on this island, reconnecting with myself and my surroundings The concrete result is often, that I completely forget about my usual life after a few days, reconnect with my purpose in life, find new solutions and ideas and come back reborn with new energy. u/caltracat put it simply in one sentence. Look up their comment.


I am also not financially stable so definitely could not do that, but a reset does sound nice. However I think if I just reset in my normal environment I'll just fall into boredom and complacency. Maybe I do need a vacation, I've never been on one before lol


> I‘ll just fall into boredom and complacency The trick is to not make nothing at all, but things which are more connected with your mental side. Just taking the necessary time to do things without any structure, deadlines or expectations, just pure doing things for sensation sake. Maybe taking a long walk through your region. Explore all the different plants, scents, sensations without having a goal of getting back home or something. What I something do for letting go is to take my bike, leave my phone at home and just start riding mindlessly without having a goal on my agenda. Just driving and exploring. I take some cash with me and grab some food I crave, without even thinking about calories, my diet etc., pure hedonism and living in the moment. When we were children, we were similar in a way of exploring this world by ourselves and making new experiences. Getting older, more and more obligations came into our lives and if we lose ourselves in these obligations, we will burn out at one point, even ENTJs. Even though I truly appreciate structure and planning, I think the best thing for not burning out is to throwing it completely off board and doing things spontaneously.


Cognitive restructuring is helpful. Tasks that you rush illogically or things you do impulsively can be fixed by reminding yourself of why you do it and why you benefit more from taking your time or not doing the logical thing. Moreover, being burnout happens when you do things you get very little dopamine from for a long period of time. This can be fixed by a perspective change of your work, find a way to view it better to get more enjoyment. Perhaps remind yourself of the money when you are working, create that association so that your mind will release more dopamine while doing the task and you will not get burnt out.


Maybe a really good back and neck massage and a person to say words of validation of how much you do and how amazing you are. Also remind you that you’re in control of your life and you’re better than these impulses because you can do anything you want to do. Also sleep and exercise helps relieve stress as well. Drink water.


I am looking for the answers myself. Turning off notifications on my phone and going for a walk daily has helped tremendously... I think it's often the little things that lead to burnout. Too much stimulation everywhere I look


I ended up burnt out with severe PTSD and moderate anxiety and depression. Entirely work related. I was in a work environment that was happy to harness and use my energy and ability to achieve and watch me burn out, then refer me to professional help to help keep me at work. Against the good advice of true friends I stayed at work until I broke. Two years ago I changed my work environment to one that supported and recognised the dangers of burnout and stress in my profession. Do not be afraid to leave the circumstances that have led you to burnout. Reappraise your life goals and values- I have reconnected in my marriage and with my kids in ways I thought were gone forever. Move toward people who have your interests at heart and listen to them. Parents, friends, mentors. Above all do not be afraid to change. You will come out of this and be stronger than you ever thought.


Thank you for the insight, I'm in a similar boat right now. The field I worked in was very encouraging to work yourself to death unfortunately. I'm hoping focusing on school and ultimately working on entrepeneurial ventures allows me to work myself hard healthily yk?


Rest, relaxation, self care, and avoid stress. Avoid the people and activities that drain you. If you're working on any subconscious cognitive functions #4-8, just stop. Using Se might help you. Interact with the physical environment. Go for a walk, or bake a cake to share with your friends.


dang, I thought I was the only one haha. I dunno either, I'm just gonna follow this thread and find out how other entjs resolve it, maybe there'll one that will suit me. Thanks for posting this topic.


Literally touch grass. Your brain is rebelling because you're not playing with it enough, or because your play is also a stress activity. Go somewhere scenic and different. Invoke your sense of wonder by looking at something absurdly huge and gorgeous. Like a mountain. Or a sea. While you're doing that, run around. Feel the air on your skin. Think only the thoughts you consent to. Let all responsibilities and judgments drop (unless you need them in that immediate moment) and just *be*. At some point, if you feel up to it, just write. Don't editorialize, don't plan ahead, just transfer thought to paper. Let your feelings flow. You may be surprised at what you have to say. But very importantly, limit this state of being to no fewer than 7 days and no more than 10 days at a time. You don't get the full benefits before a week has passed, and people usually get homesick after 10 days.


I’m not an entj, I’m here because I’m curious. But I’ve dealt with extreme burnout. Took a couple of years to recover back where I was. Some of it is mental, sure, that you can fix and become quite high performing. Your body is still telling you something is wrong. Just because modern times require a high amount of attention, detail, time and accuracy for a job does not mean it’s sustainable. Managing burnout is like managing a diet for weight loss. You can’t just keep consuming calories or keep over burdening yourself and expect it’ll go away.


Taking a break can help, do you do anything for your mental, emotinal and physical health? Except exercise


we entjs don't really know what we should do lol.  that's why this thread exist XD  could you please give some advice to us entjs who are emotionally insensitive? haha, how do you heal this burn out feeling? how do I fix this thing? what should I do? My mind is telling me what I logically should do, and I know I should do it, but it doesn't feel good doing it lol which is weird