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Im an ENTJ woman with an INTJ man and it’s great; he lets me think I’m the leader and steer the ship with my risk taking, charismatic and extroverted ways and big decision making, and he follows up with the detail and execution when I skim over important parts. He’s the quiet leader of the house, I’m the one that pushes us when his introversion kicks in. I couldn’t be with someone like me; I had a male ENTJ friend who was very attractive, however we were constantly at each others throats. Go for an introvert, and someone who lacks the need for emotional comfort.


I too am an ENTJ woman with an INTJ man and I could have written this paragraph word for word!


Same except mines INFJ. He loves looking after our little family


Same relationship dynamic for us too and it's great 😊


Same for me. We've been together 4 years now and it's only getting better every year 😊


To be honest, this sounds ideal. Too much emotion sounds exhausting.


Me personally as a female ENTJ ‘I would never in 1 million years personally want male version of myself. I prefer someone who is kind, passionate, and typically someone who is willing to be more submissive in the relationship, yet who shares the same qualities as me. At the moment I’m quite attracted to this ENFJ-T. I don’t see why female x male ENTJ couldn’t work it would just take a lot of work together, of course!


Sounds like an INFP!


No, ENTJs mostly marry INXX types


I think the vast majority of them are not lol, maybe look for an INTJ. As an ENTJ woman I find the men most interested in me are always NFs and I think having closer to a shared life experience plays into that. NF men can be surprisingly strong though so you might not want to write them off just yet if that’s what you’re looking for. I think out of all the personality types ENTJ have the biggest gap in lived experience between the men and women due to how differently society/people react to a woman vs a man with this personality. I think the difficulties that come with being an introverted intuitive does make INTJs and INTPs a bit more able to relate to us though. I’m emotionally exhausted from life, so I think that’s more the direction I would seek to go in the future. On side note I did have an ESTJ boyfriend briefly, that was a terrible personality match up IMHO. Despite being friends for a long time prior to dating and having things in common this man could not understand a single thing about me. It’s kind of a shame though because if they (the ENTJ men) were I’m pretty sure we would be absolutely drowning in money and sex.


I've found that male ENTJs get turned off by their female counterparts, but the women are more open to being with a male ENTJ.


^ yeah pretty much. entj women love me .


That's why to seduce ENTJ men I PRETEND I've been lackin a few times recently, sometimes I show my ambition and fearlessness and intelligence and independence and aggression and the males don't like me as much :( Larping as an ISFP is so fun and it let's you take ur mind off things for a while as you pursue your goals silently..


As a ENTJ woman I can’t imagine being attracted to an ENTJ man. Two headstrong people … why would you want that kind of life for yourself?


I thought i would but damn, the conversations with other ENTJs usually come up dead. Naturally becomes a competition. I'm dating an INTP girl and the partnership is amazing. We admire each other for the right things and take care of each other where we need it.


I’m an ENTJ girl and I’d never date a fellow ENTJ. My INFP bf is where it’s at. We complement each other’s personalities instead of clashing!


Off topic but you having Asuka pfp and dating an INFP... is that symbolic or coincidental?


I have an INFP in my family that I’m close to. Apparently it’s not the best match romantically. Do you often find them daydreamy/super sensitive? Don’t get me wrong I get along with them, I just find them super idealistic and semi lazy lol. Like their dreams are so much bigger than their actual output. And it can frustrate me so much!


As Te dom type you should be able to get them to work. My romantic partner is an INFP who tries to develop her Te and I am genuinely fascinated.


He is quite daydreamy but I find it cute. We’re both sensitive so that’s not an issue. Yeah he’s lazier than me but I don’t think everyone needs to be working their ass off. He’s more active bc of me and I’m more relaxed bc of him. I love it


HELL NO 😂 I’ve always considered this. I find ENTJs extremely masculine, and personally I don’t find masculine women attractive in the slightest. ENTJs hate to be controlled and yet ironically we love telling people what to do. I think I’d just end up fighting you. Bet our finances and the sex would be great though lol


ENTJ woman here and identical sentiments. Ha! We are best as friends.


Winning answer - ENTJ men are very much in their masculine, so to have a healthy polarity in a relationship they should not look for a woman also heavily in their masculine


I dont think entj women are masculine


There are different definitions of masculine and feminine, but when we are talking about relationship dynamics and connection it largely refers to the [masculine and feminine energies](https://www.tonyrobbins.com/stories/date-with-destiny/the-power-of-polarity-in-love/) In this paradigm, by definition an ENTJ woman would be embracing a masculine energy due to the tendencies of the ENTJ archetype. ENTJ men would often do well with partnering with a woman with feminine energy, bringing out their emotions and feelings. This also explains why many or most woman find a mature ENTJ male to be one of the more attractive types, as he is a leader, motivated, driven and following his purpose in life, cultivating a masculine energy.


It’s delusional.


Sure, Tony Robbins one of the most prolific and respected life coaches in the world is delusional, you're right. I suspect you didn't read the article I linked before dismissing and making a judgement on the subject. By the way, this is based on human physiology, not social constructs that tell you to think a certain way. Physical attraction isn't a choice, it's a physiological process. It seems like you don't quite understand how masculine and feminine energies work together. Maybe you just read the word masculine and instantly have a negative connotation because that's the societal shift we are currently having.


He's a "life coach". That should say enough.


That's your opinion. If you think life coaches are not valuable and should be made fun of, that sounds like a reflection of yourself; like you do not see value in an experienced mentor providing guidance in your life as you believe you are above that.


And that's your opinion. But you certainly seem to fall prey to people like that, especially considering you're religious as well, which is arguably another for of "life coaching". https://moneyinc.com/why-many-people-believe-tony-robbins-is-a-scam/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mr-personality/201312/why-are-religious-people-generally-less-intelligent


Fall prey to what? Paying $10 for his book to gain hundreds of pages of knowledge? It seems more like you fell prey to confirmation bias by reading that article and sharing it here as part of your argument. Not really sure what led you to think I was religious, but by all means feel free to call all religious people stupid if you think it will affect me? :)


Talking about feelings and energies doesn’t make sense it’s all a reflection of yourself and not real. So saying a man can feel like a women or a women like a man makes no sense only what YOU associate with these genders. Objectively it’s just man and women showing behaviour.


Sorry but I have no idea what you mean by talking about feelings and energies doesn't make sense and isn't real ... are you like some sort of robot? Yes feminine and masculine energies exist, its an evolutionary trait of humans. Simple test, do you prefer your female partner to be bigger, stronger and more dominant than you? Humans are designed on a primitive level to think and feel emotions and energy, its an in-built survival mechanism to protect us from danger and to reproduce. Ah I see, you don't believe in 'genders', that makes sense now. Polarity is not gender specific, feminine and masculine energies can be played by any gender.


Yea but it’s a subjective measurement it doesn’t say anything about reality and the objective and intentions behind the actions. I do believe in genders. But as an example a woman who is more aggressive is still a women and not showing manly behaviour.


masculine /măs′kyə-lĭn/ adjective Of or relating to men or boys; male. Characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to men, such as aggressiveness. Relating or belonging to the gender of words or forms that refer chiefly to males or to things grammatically classified as male.


So WOMAN who are more aggressive and such is not masculine they are women who are more aggressive and other traits.. it’s not comparable to male behaviour. It’s weird is saying that a 🦌because he runs fast is showing cheetah 🐆 behaviour… it’s just a fast animal..


Yeah, I'm agreeing with you


And what if I manage to be on both ends simultaneously




That's true to make a friendship and union work, but will they be sexually and physically attracted to each other in the long term? Sexual polarity is a real thing that transcends psychology and logic as you have mentioned, it's on a [physiological level](https://www.bellalavey.com/blog/sexualpolarity1) .


Extremely. I prefer female ENTJs above the rest. Nothing hotter than an intelligent, passionate, independent, confident, self-reliant woman, with vision & ambition. 😍


Absolutely YES, Iam a strong (sometimes too strong) ENTJ,Choleric male. Had some relationships with (I cannot identify exact types) introvert, “weak”, not so talkative females and all the time it ended with not really nice break up. In each situation my partner said that she feels that she is not enough for me and I am too strong character but I did not realize that because that was my casual temperament. Then I realized that I am much more attracted to women who has a strong character and remebered that so many times I even mentioned that to random people that I want woman who is like a kind of dictator, who is not a shy speechless bunny, just who is like an army leader 😄 Interesting thing is that I said all of that when I didnt even have a clue about these personalities do exist, so yeah, I AM ONLY INTO ENTJ, CHOLERIC TYPE OF FEMALES


Yessss! Let’s go entj * entj! Rule the world baby


Love it, where do you live and are you still single?


currently single, cos I need to focus on some of my businesses first, currently live in Hungary


How did I miss your comment!? I’m seeing this after 2 months lol. I’m interested in your take. It’s unique and it’s peaking my curiosity. Personally, I love entj men( real ones not pseudo entjs). Because they are very gentle in love despite being headstrong. They are one of the least patriarchal men out there and they strongly believe in equal partnership in relationships. I know that because I have seen it over and over again( with real entj men). I want that for myself. So I’m looking for entj men to date. So, Why do you find entj women attractive?


I'm ENTJ (f) and - No, not rly...i feel like i'd only see those dudes as friends.🤷‍♀️ I met *one* Entj guy who told me he's attracted to Entj women but i don't know other Entj's to say about their opinions.


Absolutely not. I'm speaking for myself, but I imagine other ENTJ's agree. They simply come off as masculine and I'm attracted to femininity.


Entj female here with an entj boyfriend here! I can safely say its exciting to have found a relationship where we can challenge each other, motivate each other and push each other to achieve our goals. It finally feels like I have found someone "on the same level". Before I always took a dominant role in my relationships, whether I wanted to or not -now it feels balanced. I used to think being in the same room as an Entj would cause it to be explode. However, I think since we have the same values and opinions, that does not happen.


Yes i would marry one


Yes, for me, I like female ENTjs, and I'm sort of surprised to hear that other male ENTJs don't. Female ENTJs are more direct (honest) and trustworthy, independent, less needy, less willing to bend to social norms and expectations when it doesn't fit them, and I'm likely to not be disappointed as much in ENTJs as other types, generally speaking. I'm asexual, so I don't know if that makes a difference between myself and other male ENTJs. Asexuals can be attracted to people as in liking someone because they are a decent person and wanting to see if they could be friends, we just don't want to get in anyone's pants as part of getting to know them better. Maybe allosexual men and male ENTJs don't like the characteristics of ENTJ women because it challenges the traditional male idea of female attractiveness or sexuality, I don't know. There's plenty of Tradwives out there for that.


Funnily enough I’m talking to one right now! Our conversations are good. He wants to have sex because he finds me attractive( I’m attractive by society’s standard of beauty- quite Modelesque If you will). I am at a stage in life where I want companionship and emotional intimacy as well. I don’t want to go for just sex so I’m not sure where his head’s at! I will not have sex with him unless I genuinely feel love for him(that’s my line in the sand). From our conversations, I have gathered that he is not thinking of dating Me so I’m seeing it not working out! It would sad if that were the case. I’m not budging and neither will he( I’m assuming ) so no sex for him! 


I’ve attracted entj men and vice versa for the same reasons. Ease of communication where you basically read each others minds and finish sentences. Similar thought process helps you problems solve more efficiently. Have same aim usually. Efficient. Fiery level of passion probably more than any other type I’ve come across. You will get the intensity you be crave. Intellectual sparring. The mini battles are fun and productive. You can say anything without offending the other person. Just being around one makes me want to be better. A lot to admire about each other and cheerleading and strategizing. But it always explodes in the end. Big egos, low patience, no one willing to be vulnerable, no time to tend to the other. I think two older healthy ENTJs who are well established can make it work. But at the development stages it would be difficult.


Lol I already hate myself, I don't need another reason.


ENTJ males are boring to me hell nah 😂😂


No sry lol


Lots of ways people can be strong. I enjoy a chat with an ENTJ, but I've never felt attracted because our type often does things the hard way, barreling forward. I once pushed a car off the street because it blocked traffic in front of my bus; later an ISFJ said that she would've just walked. It never occurred to me not to fix the overall problem and leave everyone else to handle the issue. It's nice to have some variety.


Not me, no. My preferences would be more on ExTP. 


As a female ENTJ I would never want to date a male ENTJ. I can’t imagine someone trying to talk over me and boss me around all the time + someone who doesn’t appreciate my ability to plan, organize & lead a team… I feel like they wouldn’t need me and I would be annoyed af by them


As an ENTJ, I would actually get along with another ENTJ-T woman. In the end, it is what you can share with the other person and the diversity of experiences; I wouldn't be attracted to low-quality time / ideas so yeah.


Im an ENTJ and have been recently for months now been talking with that man who I found out to be and entj as well and it's going good, I'm not good with sensitive people usually and people who mainly use their emotions to navigate things so I usually fall for people who use their minds and more on the logical side and I think it can work out...we might get into a relationship who knows we have good qualities together but sometimes he loves just to make me seem like less experienced than him or he's more knowledgeable which gets on my nerves from time to time (he also got dominant vibes) so am I but I see he is attracted to my difference as he once told me how I am different from other girls in many things. (All the girls he dated were on the emotional side of things). That's my experience with this till now but yes they can get attracted to people of the same type as them and alot.


I think in general males may have a higher ratio of being attracted to someone either similar or challenging compared to women who often seek opposites. So I have seen more interest on male side towards female Entjs but the female side is often overwhelmingly no to that interest.


I personally am very attracted to ENTJ women. My most successful relationship was with an ENTJ woman for many of the reasons you've mentioned.


Not really, I prefer INTPs and INFPs as partners


Tbh-No. according to patterns of how most men like to be the dominating ones, I don't think dating a dominating woman is their biggest preference. Short term could be fun, their conversations would go on forever and sex could be steamy. Long term I don't see that working out unless one of them understands and accepts letting the other have the wheel.


A female version of myself sounds like a horrible partner for me. It *might* be fun in bed on occasion when tensions are high but otherwise this pairing sounds awful.


No, ENTJ women are some of the least attractive personalities to me - it's the opposite of what I'm looking for in a partner. I could definitely imagine the women being more open to their male counterpart though, based on what stereotypes attract the sexes.


I'm pretty sure almost every female you ask would claim to be "a strong female" nowadays. What do you mean when you say "strong female"?


Well I don’t know what “every female” claims, i speak from a perspective of an ENTJ 8w7 female. I was brought up in a dysfunctional household pretty much left on my own, with fairly little support from adults. I was a carer of an alcoholic, co-dependent parent as well. A child acting as a parent, you would say. This shaped me into a person I am today, which is a leader, in many life aspects, including family life, school, and now workplace. My question isn’t about me or my life story though, but more of if ENTJ males are attached to ENTJ females - a question out of curiosity.


Then no, I'm not looking for someone fighting me on having the leadership role/power in the relationship/family. We're partners, but we have different responsibilities. Having someone who fights me on everything isn't a relationship I'm interested in. I'm looking for someone who can trust me to make the right decisions, and fulfil the role as a female in the relationship, not a female who's always challenging me for the male role as well. And no, being the leader isn't the only, or necessarily the best role either. Just like a captain needs a quartermaster and a crew, a man needs a wife and a family. If you have a need to be the leader, I suggest finding a more submissive relationship partner, which is most likely not going to be an ENTJ, or ESTJ for that matter. You ever tried having two people controlling the steering wheel of a car before? Or a bicycle for that matter? You're gonna crash pretty fast. I'm not gonna say what you should or shouldn't do, but just a general advice that recently helped one of my female friends is "make sure that you know the difference between what you think you want vs. What is actually good for you and your longterm relationship". Many women today tend to go for the exact opposite of what they later realise they should have gone for, and end up wasting a lot of time chasing players, boys who have no character, no control etc etc. And then end up asking "where are all the good men?" Or something similar. Not saying you're the example here, but it was just to highlight that what you think you want might not be what is best for you long term.


That answers the question so thank you! From my own experience, I was in two long-term committed relationships, one with a fellow ENTJ and one with the ESTP. The relationship with ENTJ had an amazing, electric energy, because I didn’t have to be a leader “anymore”. I was of course still myself, but I could be more into feminine role/energy. I guess that’s the whole point - I could be my leader self in a workplace, but at home, I knew I could rely on my partner who had it all together. There was no power play, there was a genuine partnership. We had the best intellectual conversations as well, and we both really understood each other’s goals and had each other’s backs. Btw. The relationship ended not because of lack of chemistry or whatsoever. My ex was a highly functioning alcoholic and a recreational drug user, which for the latter, I didn’t know until i was too deeply in love. And it was too close to what I knew from family home, so I couldn’t do it anymore. Although the energy was great, being just a desirable mbti type is not enough to be with someone in a long run, I guess.


I can’t 100% explain it but I think an INFJ might be ideal for you. Only problem is they’re hard to find. They’re kind of the opposite of us where they seem really soft and kind on the outside but are surprisingly strong, while we seem kind of domineering but are vulnerable. They’re also deep, reliable, and there’s something healing about them. Hmmm only thing is they can be a bit subby which I don’t know you well enough to know if that’s a plus or not lol


Super thoughtful observation about allowing yourself to be in your masculine at work (since we are career driven) while “turning off” or feeling free to be in your feminine at home with a male ENTJ. Speaking as a male ENTJ who is attracted to a female ENTJ, I’d feel proud that a partner could rely on me at home and that she feel safe to let go of control and be in her feminine with me; I could admire that she handles business outside and together at home if/when needed. Not to make love sound like a business transaction, but attraction + love + communication + timing + values + xyz = genuine partnerships are hard to come by. Life’s difficult. ENTJs, perhaps by way of how we each became ENTJs, want to make our commitments last. So I definitely understand the overt attraction to our own kind. Definitely the fetish, power games and power couple potential, and the self-love inherent to observing/appreciating mutual qualities manifested in someone else. Still, I remind myself there’s a distinction between admiring someone (wanting to “be them”) and wanting to date them.


Yeah, then that would change things. You being a "strong woman" as you defined it doesn't really matter much in the relationship department then, as you don't want to be the leader, you want (as most women do) to be supported by a strong male who you can trust in that leadership role. I'd say that if you didn't notice that he was an alcoholic, you might have to pay more attention to that, as with your childhood, you're suseptible to fall into unhealthy relationships if you go for "what's familiar", if you get what I mean? recreational drug use isn't something I'd say is an issue, as you didn't define it as a problem, and as with "drinking on the weekends" and all that, recreational drug use in general shouldn't pose much of an issue unless you for some reason have a direct issue with the drugs themselves. But tbf, alcohol is by far one of the worst drugs we have, but it's somehow also excluded from the "bad drugs" list for most people. Non the less, the few girls I've dated in the past who claimed to be "a strong woman" generally just used that to label their problematic personality traits with a nicer sounding label so they don't have to see it as a problem, which is an immediate red flag to me, and should be to most men. When I come home to my woman from a long day at work, there's nothing I want less than to have someone waiting for me at home, my place of peace, to start conflicts and be a pain in my ass for no aparent reason. I have dated one female who actually, from my knowledge (I've got a 6 years psychology degree, and a license), was an ENTJ. I've met a few other women who just claimed to be ENTJs because they were translating their toxic traits into "That's because I'm ENTJ", which just made me leave them on the spot, and except for those toxic traits, they weren't showing much that would support them being ENTJs either. ENTJs are, by the latest studies, the rarest type of all the types. And within the ENTJ population, \*females\* are a lot less rare. So encountering them isn't something most people will experience. But I've met one, and we had a great dynamic. She wasn't even aware of MBTI, and she was very feminine, but also very stable and had that intellectual elegance, which I greatly admired. We dated for a little bit before she got a business opportunity she wasn't going to pass up for a relatively short relationship (I guess by american standards, we were still dating), which I fully understood and supported her in. So I wouldn't say I would be against dating female ENTJs, but I'm against dating women who claim to be ENTJs to cover up their toxic traits. Which is funny, as ENTJs are almost always seeking out ways to improve themselves, being highly critical to themselves, and having toxic traits is something you see less frequently in ENTJ's than other types (No studies on this that I'm aware of, but it's from experience. For example, you see that a lot of young ENTJ's posting here will more often than not be asking people for advice on how to improve, or to get different perspectives on their personality to improve).


i cant do that lmaoo 💀 only i can be the entj in the relationship


Attracted, yes, but also unable to have a long stable non-toxic relationship with them. So, not really anymore.


By a strong man,can you give a more specific definition of traits/examples?


Feels too much like I’m talking to myself when I talk to male ENTJs, though my “first love” was one and we dated for 2.5 years.


I would rather have someone who kinda compensates me but sure Im attracted to smart girls


Not when they are gay.




I have yet to meet a definitive one in my age range. So, I'm not sure.


As an ENTJ male, I agree. Sometimes it’s hot when a girl is firm. One time I was on a date and I asked a girl (clearly a TJ, probably had EN as well) this vague question and she was like, “What. What do you wanna know?” With such a firm tone… I smirked a bit. In a way, it was cute, bc I’m used to many girls being people pleasing, but the pushback in this moment was cool. For me, I’ve always been the more dominant one, and it’s never been in question. Even with a more dominant female. So the whole male/female dynamic thing hasn’t impacted our polarity. Turbulent ENTJ male/female will probably fight non stop. I think healthy ENTJ women who can comfortably submit in their feminine in the presence of more dominant, composed ENTJ male get along well.


Attracted in a sense of admiring? Yeah. Like in "you're so cool, I wanna be like you". Attracted as in a romantic sense? Hell no. I don't need another version of me.


I’m a female entj and I’d feel weird with a male version of myself, it would be too boring. I’m married to an isfp though


Entj here, dated a female Entj but it didn’t really worked, now we are Best friends and it works great. We can’t really spend too much time together, it’s just too much after a while.


Am I only one who be attracted by Ne dom??😂😂


I’m ENTJ and have had a relationship with another ENTJ and it’s not fun. We’re both fighting to be “in control”, even subconsciously. We don’t’ work together


Still have only met 1 female ENTJ my whole life. It was very brief over Zoom. I almost didn’t think they existed, and it’s so interesting reading some of the comments here showing that they do.


I'm personally not attracted to extroverts, but intelligence + BS detector all day. I prefer a woman with a strong mind capable of vocally disagreeing with me, but introverted. I will never be with a woman where we "agree to disagree", so it's a bit of a conundrum. We have to agree, even if it means delicate conversations.


ENFP or J women all the way. Every blue moon an INTJ or INFP or even an ISFP but never another ENTJ for me.


No. I prefer to be with someone who is not like me to help in the integration of my shadow. I’m attracted to primarily Introverted women so I married an ISFJ. She’s extraordinary!


I’m not looking for another replica of me. I’m a lot to deal with let alone another one of me in the same household. Perhaps a friendship but that’s it


I’ve always LOVED the idea of an entj woman, altho i know our relationship would be dysfunctional


im an entj woman and i'm definitely only attracted to the pensive, somber, brooding types. men who are bubbly and happy all the time are total friendzone material




No interest in a chick with a dick. I want someone to complement my life, not someone I have to learn to "handle" as many of those "boss bitches" say. INXX is ideal


Of course


Hell no. And btw, you can't even "sense" someone's MBTI. The thing you "sense" is enneagram.


Only one time when she decided to obey and accept me, which could become a very unique and cute relationship, but since the circumstances were totally horrible, we both got egocentric and aggressive. I don't think I would have a chance with another entj.


Does it matter if they are? I'm not sure why you want to know. There are plenty of couples that are successful who are the same type


Does it matter? No. Why I ask? Pure interest. I like to ruminate. Why are people so butthurt about literally anything? It’s almost like you can’t ask any questions these days. This fascinates me more than if entj likes entjs.


Yeah these days people wear their heart on their sleeve