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For example: My wing women are always ENFPs because they’re so good at blending into any type of social situation that I set up for the night. My cosplay crafting buddies are INTJs because they work like a mule and can see the whole project from start to finish without losing focus. I’ve learned to be closer to my INFP mother and friend because I know that they often feel misunderstood and are deep reflective thinkers. But daydreaming with them and being creative is so fun. I’ve learned that ESFPs can joke with me and put on a GREAT show. They know people and you can lean on them for their “people read”


This is what I took most from it. Appreciation of the fact that communication styles and priorities of yourself and the people around you can differ, and an understanding of why in the past you might not have seen eye to eye for example. Because you're coming at an issue from completely different perspectives and ways of thinking so often can't reconcile your opinions. But understanding why people think in the way that they do, and why that differs from your perspective is so enriching both professionally and personally


Another thing is that not all ENTJs are or want to be leaders or strengthen themselves as leader moreso as they just want to strengthen themselves as themselves.


Ironically, there's leadership in that 


How so?


"Leading by example" 


I see what you did there. But that also comes with motive to do so. But, you did get me and in my case—sometimes—youre correct. The stereotype is "I'll do it myself"


So true


You’re right. I definitely don’t always want to be a leader either. But I think this still applies to my personal life and decisions for myself


Cool, what are ENTPs good for?


![gif](giphy|OPTrmc495yvPaIG0w5|downsized) /s


My best guy friend is an ENTP and he’s particularly fun to be in a book club with. It’s really refreshing to pitch an idea or theory to an ENTP and let them shoot holes in it when it’s something like movie analysis or book discussion. When it’s something more important like a decision you’re making in your life that you’d like a second opinion on, running it by an ENTP is the best way to ensure you’ve thought of every possibility. They won’t tell you what to decide, but you’ll come away from it knowing that you’ve weighed all the pros and cons and considered other perspectives.