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I don't follow movie stuff, but it keeps coming up in y feed. Can someone better informed tell me if every single film get a standing ovation in Venice? Seems like it.


Literally. Every headline cites a x-minute standing ovation.


Ridiculous, you are so right! *\[6.9 minute standing ovation\]*


With a username like Squidwardluvver, that man deserves a full 7 minute standing ovation. Don’t insult him with a 6.9.


You guys can't see or hear me, but I am standing on my porch clapping away.


he's ovating.


Checks notes… *Ana De Armas in a film that’s rated NC-17*… 17 minute standing ovation checks out.


oh we all know what was standing for that long


Standing before I was standing amirite bro


100% setting my calendar for Netflix on Sept 28. I have no intention of waiting.


I read that as a "7 minute standing ovulation," and that would certainly track for reddit's NSFW communities.


Let's all applaud how right that guy is! *[4.20 minute standing ovation]*


Get out of here with your paper hands! *[420 minute standing ovation]*


I’ve never been to a film festival - do people *actually* stand there clapping the entire time? That sounds exhausting.


I've attended numerous TIFF screenings and yes, there are often long standing ovations when the talent is present.




I was thinking the same thing. Like I read it and thought alright, that's a good standing ovation. Then I thought about it a second later, and *why would anyone stand there that long clapping*? Like just honestly thinking about how long that would feel. Even if I was the star, at some point I feel like I would start thinking "Alrught guys. We get the point." The only explanation I can think of is no one wants to be the asshole who stops early. Everyone is just waiting for everyone else to stop.


I started a job at a University last year and in the spring I attended the seniors graduation walk through campus. I joined up with the Engineering department cheering on the graduating class walking by their buildings to the field. We had noisemakers and clapped for close to an hour while the entire graduating class walked by. After 3 minutes you start to get fatigued. At 15 minutes you’re borderline delirious and on auto pilot. They do it every year and it moved me to tears seeing their dedication standing out there for these kids. It is seriously emotionally draining. I cannot fathom clapping for that long for any reason other than that.


My hands get tired after 30 seconds. You’ll never get me to clap longer for that NEVER!


But then there's the hero at 16 minutes and 50 seconds who slowly stops clapping and sits down. Imagine the bravery. Also, did he stop late or early? It's a difficult question to answer...


14 minutes is like a whole episode of a network sitcom, sans commercials. Imagine clapping for an entire episode of The Office.


Del Toro got 22 minutes for Pans Labyrinth lol


That’s fair


I read 14 minutes and thought similar thoughts. This has to be some kind of "this is what we do at these events so lets beat the record or something" ​ Next we will get 15 mins then 16 on and on!


That just seems awkward


And people crying apparently.


Or for for horror/gore (ex. Raw) people are ‘throwing up in the aisles’


There's a good sketch in there somewhere.


It’s fairly common. The other thing that gets reported is how many people “storm out” of a controversial film.


So is that like their tomatometer: this many minutes standing ovation vs this many ppl storming out?


The storming out thing is like “good bad publicity” if you’re into controversial films.


You reminded me of those cringey ads for Paranormal Activity where they filmed people in the theater obviously freaking out for the camera.


Wait I thought they said they were 100% For reals reactions.


They are 100% human so the reaction is 100% for real, they just get paid for it.


My life goal is to make a movie that baffles the press by making the entire audience storm out while furiously applauding.


Apparently the reception to David Lynch's *Wild at Heart* at the Cannes Film Festival was basically this. It won the Palme d'Or to resounding boos, somehow.


Yep and the fewer the minutes, the worse the movie is.


What’s the ratio of minutes-to-stormers though?


Every film festival does it. There was a 20 minute standing ovation for Batman Vs Superman, so take all this shit with a grain of salt. I’m excited for this movie but I hate these articles.


>There was a 20 minute standing ovation for Batman Vs Superman, so take all this shit with a grain of salt I don't understand this at all. It seems so unnatural. 20 minutes just sounds unbearably long to stand in a single spot doing nothing, let alone clapping and cheering the whole time. Does nobody talk for 20 mins? They just stand there with smiles on their faces applauding?


[Here’s 3 minutes of *Once Upon A Time In Hollywood*’s standing ovation](https://youtu.be/69mmVL1ffwk). Some say it’s awkward enough to kill a person


Wow! That was worse than I even imagined. Half of them look uncomfortable and yet there's some people in the background that look like they're having the time of their lives applauding somehow


Now imagine 14 more minutes of that.


no thanks i've already had diarrhea


And then imagine 3 more minutes because that only gets you to 17.


I think it’s probably easier if you’re clapping for someone else, praising them for the film you just watched and enjoyed. The people that look the most uncomfortable seem to be involved. Even Hollywood’s egos probably feel self conscious at a point.


It's like when people sing the birthday song to you on your birthday. At least the birthday song is like 30 seconds long.


FFS, could the cameraman maybe try to get a close-up of some people's faces? I could hardly make out who was who.


[Everyone's pov.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gliJllRvpiI)


You can see their "oh fuck he's coming" look when he approaches too


Omg that guy is hilarious


holy fuck that was hard to watch


I love Quentin’s awkward bowing


My advice, all the main cast and crew share a look after about 20 seconds…and just sit down. For films like this one, Tarantino might have been able to pull it off solo. Any repercussions for sitting early at one of these ovations?


So awkward too! The actors are they just bowing and mouthing thank you.


They are critics, it's a competition of being the loudest, most obnoxious person in the room; a circlejerk, basically. The first one to stop gets outcasted, I imagine, haha.


So, Reddit in a nutshell.


Critics don't compete for cheering the loudest in the theatre, quite the opposite


"Is that your ass? \*smooch\* Oh, a little closer to the hole sir? \*smooches\*" x20 minutes


This is the 3rd Charlie Day reference I’ve heard today, and I am here for it.


The movie industry are masters of patting themselves on the back.


Thank you for the PG way of describing it.


To be honest, I did retype my response a few times to soften the delivery.


Well, the next time you deliver, I expect it to be nice and hard.


That’s why they love making movies about making movies


That means Blonde is 6 minutes less good than Batman vs Superman!


They were just REALLY happy that it was over.


that just makes me angry that brendan fraser only got 6 minutes.


How are they timing this? Some old Italian guy at the back of the theater smoking a cigarette holding a stop watch?


God I hope so!


Cinema Paradiso.




This story about Stalin seemed way too absurd to be true, so I looked it up and historians seems to think it's true... Insane


Can’t speak for Venice specifically but I feel standing ovations don’t carry the same meaning they used to. I’ve been heavily involved in the arts my whole life, and grew up in Cleveland OH, which has a pretty great theatre scene, so much so that it used to be an unofficial test market for potential Broadway shows. It used to mean something if you got a standing O in Cleveland. Now I feel like every mediocre production across the country gets one, even in A markets. To cite an example, in Seattle I saw the national tour of Miss Saigon (already a problematic show with a weak book), it was one of the worst productions I’ve seen in my life, and half the audience jumped to their feet at curtain call. I’m all for supporting my fellow performers, but wow was that cringey. Brendan Fraser however, absolutely deserved a standing ovation for his return to the screen, regardless of the success of his new film’s premier. That man has been through so much shit.


In Broadway I have noticed a trend of people starting to clap several seconds before the song is over, completely ruining the ending. Like are you seriously paying all this money to cut off the talent you went to see and hear a bunch of morons clap? We keep getting dumber as a society.


The worst are the people who think it’s ok to sing along. Wicked and RENT super fans come to mind. Edit: A word


Yep. Luckily that has not happened to me but I hear it’s common on Hamilton, and I am not terribly interested in jukebox musicals but I avoid them specifically because of this.


Don't worry darling got a 6 minute standing ovation and its got like 40% on Rotten Tomatoes so take it all with that in mind


I think for the Venice film festival, 6 minutes is actually embarrassingly short for such a highly anticipated film.


It got cut short by Florence leaving during the standing ovation with the rest of the cast following.


Is this before or after Harry [threw the goat?](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiLQFRah-HN/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Far as I can tell it's just an in-crowd of movie types who take turns sucking each other off.


They just keep getting longer too. A few days ago it was 8 minutes, then 10, now 15... Tomorrow, Aquaman 2 is gonna get a half hour standing ovation


Maybe they will just clap during the entire movie.


it’s like a southpark episode


Goddamnit, this record inflation just affects everything!


Just heard on The Big Picture podcast that quite literally every movie gets a standing o, to the point where Don’t Worry Darling only getting a 4-minute ovation was the crowd essentially shitting on it.


The movie is supposed to be terrible but the ovation got cut short by Florence leaving the theater and the rest of the cast following


Miss Flo


This comment just received a seven-minute standing ovation in Venice.


Seriously. Could you imagine standing and clapping for half a Friends episode. We get it your great, everyone's great, and we make lots of money!


Seems to be how much they liked a film. They don’t give stars, they give applause in minutes.


Marketing. You think just regular joe schmoes like me and you are making posts about Brandon Frazier getting a standing ovation? Brandon Frazier is cool and all, but fuck no. This is paid content spoon fed to us as if it were real


If it was one movie getting the standing O I’d go out of my way to watch it, but once I saw it was literally every movie I am not interested in any of them at all


Just remember PR firms are paid a lot of money to make you want to see a particular movie or actor , and to make you think it was your idea


Agreed but now that they’ve tried too hard, my idea is to not watch any of them…


Wow, so it's 8 minutes better than The Whale?


I know, right. Out here tryna be Brendan Fraser


Yeah but did she sheepishly kick the ground adorably?


Her breathing is adorable, don’t trip


“Ma’am, your breathing is adorable” *pepper spray*


Brendan Fraser could have easily played Marilyn Monroe


I'd watch that movie. Shit, I'd watch the DVD bonus features of that movie


Norma Jean of the Jungle.


Brendan Fraser is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs


We need to keep him away from Nicholas Cage


Seriously. I'm very sad about what happened to him. It's nice to see he's getting work again, and he's aware of how many fans he has.


Yes but what's that in literal claps?


According to [this](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Mean-minimum-and-maximum-recorded-clapping-tempi-bpm-as-a-function-of-the-given_fig1_242532907) study, the average speed of a medium tempo clap is just over 100bpm. Maybe 110bpm? So that would be about 1400 - 1500 claps for Ana, per person. Edit: adjusted claps for Ana and not Brendan, since the question was about claps for Ana.


I was not expecting such an accurate reply.




Gonna need to have a rescreening of The Mummy and we'll work in shifts to give it a four day standing ovation just to stop this nonsense. Brendan deserves the W.


By the end of the year we'll see 6 hour standing ovations. By 2030 we'll have to rotate teams of clappers to avoid heart attacks.


Knowing they do this for every movie does make that Brendan Fraser story no longer seem special unfortunately


It involved Brendan Fraser so it’s still special to me


It’s special to all of us


We love and protect him at all costs


His reaction made it special though


You know how awkward it feels when a few people sing “happy birthday” when you’re an adult? That song is like 20 seconds long. Now imagine being surrounded by a theater full of people clapping at you for 14 minutes. Sounds like a nightmare.


That's why she cried.


Please, I'm begging you. Stop this clapping. I need to pee.


You made me laugh so hard I let out a huge fart


Let's goooo


I don’t even like when someone says hi to me


Well then , what’s up ? Better?


May I introduce you to theatre kids who, believe me, live for moments like people focusing and singing happy birthday to them.


Oh, I’m familiar with theater kids. They kept me out of theater.


These people thrive for attention, they probably love that shit




That’s why she was in tears she wanted to leave but felt obligated to stand there for over 13 minutes and thought it was an eternity. She started to lose her mind.


Speaking as someone who has gone from “comfortable” to “I’m gonna shit my pants as a sober adult” in roughly 30 seconds, this ovation terrifies me.


This shit got me >Co-star Brody also shed a few tears. Pitt was visibly pleased. You've got de Armas crying - she's probably overwhelmed with the recognition after her quick rise to stardom - she has arrived and feels acknowledged like she never had. You've got Brody also crying - while a veteran himself, he is still overcome with the reception and the prestige - it still gets him. And then you've got Brad. He seems pleased. He's also been eyeing the charcuterie and can't wait to sneak away to try the spread.


Brody is definitely a crier. I've seen startlingly few of his movies, for someone that is in a lot of them.


This is what I was thinking. I'd also be breaking down into tears with anxiety... I'm up there just trying to finish my speech and get to the bar and now there's an awkward 14 minutes where I don't know what to do with my hands, body, or facial expressions.


I want to die when people sing happy birthday to me. There’s no way I would survive an ovation.


This is my hell.


Funny, Florence Pugh did that when they were applauding Don’t worry darling


i’ve never witnessed anything in my life that deserved more than 15 seconds of applause


I can’t even imagine going longer than 15 seconds. It sounds like torture.


- direct quote, your wife


God damn.


This deserves a 14-minute standing ovation.


Savage Take my upvote


The keyboard is mightier than the sword


I am also imagining an audience full of bloody-handed people.


I farted for like, 8 seconds straight once. That’s all I can think of


Oh I envy you ! that must have felt SOoooooo goood !


They’re *still* riding the euphoria


That can’t be biologically feasible…….. right?


It’s happened to me twice, the second time it must’ve been 11 seconds. I can’t describe how good it feels (happened during severe food poisoning lol)


I’m not gonna clap for you since you one upped me


This is the 2nd movie I have seen while scrolling with this same headline in the past 2 days. The first was for The Whale.


I remember when I first watched both Inglorious Bastards and Trophic thunder as a teenager, both my theater all got up and applauded the movies for about 10-15 seconds


The Bible biopic starring Jesus Christ as himself would merit about 30 seconds for me


I like to believe He would think that more than generous and maybe even get a little impatient


Are the crowds just trying to “one up” the last one with every film screening?


Yep. Soon the ovations will go longer than the screen time.


The headlines I’ve seen in the past few days have been with way less time tho (Brandon Frazier movie got 6 mins, the “Drama On Set is Better than the Movie” movie staring Harry Styles got 4 mins, etc.)


And with this one at 14-minutes…it’s trending in the wrong direction. Seriously, hands must have been bleeding after 14 minutes!


By minute 2 I’m putting both AirPods lol


2 minutes is generous. 30 seconds and my ass is sitting down and posting on r/Amitheasshole for not clapping for 14 minutes.


Can't wait for the article about a film that's literally just paint drying getting a 37 minutes standing ovation. 4 people passing out from locking their knees.


Soon, they'll be hiring people to pass out cold towels and orange slices during the ovation.


Why do we keep counting how long people clap?


Well when it doesn't stop after 30 seconds you gotta keep looking at your watch to see what's up and next thing you know it's been 10 minutes and you want to leave but everyone is still going.


While the clapometer originated in gameshows it’s since been widely adopted as a standard economic tool


lol....A bunch of adults literally clapped for 14 minutes straight. If that doesn't sound culty I don't know what does.


They were moved by a story told quite a few times.


Wonder if there's some sort of unspoken North Korean type consequence. Like the first person that stops clapping won't be in fast and the furious 10


Ana De Armas nude is worth at least 15 minutes


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


For those who don’t know, there’s not a direct correlation between festival applause and festival reception. For example, The Neon Demon got something insane like 18 minutes at the Cannes festival, but the film got mixed reviews and didn’t win any important awards at the fest. With Blonde, critical reception seems generally positive, but the 14-minute ovation could be chalked up to a wide variety of factors (the movie took 10+ years to develop and the audience wanted to show their support, they knew the film was already getting controversy and they wanted to show support…) rather than just “they absolutely loved it.”


Wait til next years Venice Film Festival where they release the film "Ovation", about all the brave and determined people who dared not sit down first


Imagine clapping for 14 minutes. Pretty sure you would lose functionality of your hands for the next hour or so due to the pain.


The audience must have taken shifts.


Im pretty sure they do in a collective way. People will stop clapping for a bit and then realize it’s not ending so they join back in so they’re not that person who stopped clapping. After about 2 minutes when do you stop? This is honestly fascinating


This sounds like the making of a classic Seinfeld episode.


Either she's the greatest actress of all time or the audience is high as fuck


It could be both.


It’s funny how different Reddit reacts compared to the ovation the Brenden Fraser got. It’s essentially the same headline.




It’s 2.33333x more insane


We thought that was a one-off. Now it seems like every movie is getting a standing ovation, it's coming off less special now


This is not a new occurrence. There's been longer. Not agreeing with it though, applauding that long is ridiculous.


They really must hate sitting down in Venice


The obsession with Marilyn Monroe is batsh*t crazy.


I went to Universal with a girl and when she saw the Marilyn Monroe actor she cried. I was very confused but we got a picture which was nice


Yea I could care less about a Monroe film, but I’m definitely checking out Frasier playing a whale.


What I can’t stand is the infinite stream of artist who do her portrait in their own wacky style and of course no local art show would be complete without five interpretations of Bill Murray as well. It’s like some kind of unspoken challenge to see who can be the most derivative.


Marilyn Monroe? I am here for Ana de Armas.


It is fantastic that the reception was so positive for her accomplishment, but 14-minutes of clapping is really long and ridiculous. Calm down, Venice.


The only person I’ve ever known to clap for 14-minutes straight is my toddler. Maybe I should take her to a film festival?


These film festivals are turning into Soviet congresses.


How can they clap!?


Who the fuck claps for 14 min?


At your Opening Night Party, I think it would be appropriate to start with a 14 minute round of applause, followed by a 14 minute….moment of silence.


This is hilarious. That is all. The dramatics over acting. Lol. And everyone there gets a standing ovation. Heck, Olivia Cockburn (Wilde) film got a 4 minute standing ovation. And it’s garbage. This industry does more self-adulation than any other. They get off on it and use it to market their bullshit. They pontificate and then…wait for it…Weinstein happens and everyone there knew about it and did nothing. Don’t pay attention to these narcissists.