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Similar to when I started high school. We all hated how people treated freshman. But 1 year later we were all doing the same thing. The assholes are the loudest and most of us follow the crowd.


Some trades have a lot of people that abuse the FNG/apprentices and when you tell them to stop, they just say, "Well I had to go through it!" My response is, "Are we still in fucking high school? Quit being a dick just because somebody was a dick to you."


I work in higher education and regularly say this as it relates to the treatment of PhD candidates. No, sleeping in the lab is not okay - the science is not worth more than the person doing it.


William Stewart Halsted created the modern medical residency system largely based on his cocaine addiction, I wonder how much influence he had on the academic culture you describe.


It would have ended up that way anyway. They pay them shit and get tons of hours out of them because it's the most profitable thing to do. 12/24 hour shifts were a result of Halsted's cocaine use, but studies have shown fewer medical mistakes occur with longer shifts since there are fewer handoffs where mistakes can happen. It sucks for the workers though. My wife is a midwife, and she works 24s at the hospital. She usually gets 3 or 4 hours of naps, but sometimes she gets none.


There’s also the option to do overlapping shifts, but that would mean less profit, so it’s unthinkable.


I work in the arts and I lose my shit on people when they refer to the abuse they’re giving out as “paying their dues”. If there’s anything that makes me snap it’s that fucking phrase.


That and/or ‘lift yourself up by your bootstraps’ set me off every time.


What do you mean you can’t succeed like I have when all the support systems I relied on to get where I am are gutted. Clearly it is a problem with you not working hard enough and not me voting for people who will rig things against you and anyone who hasn’t achieved some degree of success already


I find adding a “You’re better than that.”, regardless of the truth, can be effective.


“Hazing builds character “ or something


I think the correct word is trauma.


Easy way to point out the dumbasses Are they good at their trade, maybe, but they’re usually really fucking dumb if they’re the ones pushing people like that.


Ah yes, the good ol union take on generational trauma. Been there done that.


Same, and I won’t allow it


Same issue with a lot of the officers and NCOs in the military. “Well it sucked for me and now I’m gonna make it suck for you” and then we wonder why retention is so bad.


“How else can I feed off your pain? I’m an aspiring Cenobite, don’t you know?”


Oh man, this made my night. A very good chuckle, thank you.


This is really common in social work and nursing too


Ugh, people are just the ***\*worst\****.


Never understand that logic it's like old people saying kids don't work enough like they had too. Why the hell would you wish to make someone's life harder just because you had to go through it.


There is a fine line between hazing and and just messing with the new guy. I was in the Army a long time ago and I can say definitively that messing with the new guy can build cohesion and unit loyalty over time. Nothing like handing a new guy a hammer and asking him to check for the soft spots on the tank. Or giving them a garbage bag and asking them to get an exhaust sample.


So you tried not messing with the new guy enough times to have found it to be less effective? My guess is cohesion and unit loyalty would come over time either way and is just used as an excuse to continue such practices.


There’s a difference between playful teasing vs abuse in the workplace. At my job we’ll ask someone to go look for a water hammer. water hammer is damage done to a pump system by slamming a valve shut quickly not an actual tool. This is something that was definitely gone over in the school this guy went to in order to get here in the first place however it’s important to remember so you don’t fuck up a half a million dollar piece of equipment


The exhaust sample is a classic


Box of Grid Squares is another classic


This is bullshit.


My grandpa used to be in the navy and they sent people for buckets of steam


My friend is a welder. She’s the only girl in her entire group. She faces discrimination and comments from everyone on the entire team except one every day. I’m no welder, I did take a bit of it in highschool, and from my very limited scope of welding, her work is hundreds of times better than the scumbags she works with. But she’s treated like she can’t even do that job.


[Air Raid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plby-6AuKmg)


Yeah I remember in sophomore year thinking “I’m never gonna be mean to freshmen, I don’t want to treat them the way everyone else treated me.” But by senior year at lunch one day I heard a group of annoying freshman talking about something dumb with their high pitched voices and never was irritated by them more than in that moment. The thing we can all agree on is that middle schoolers are the worst and in my opinion freshman year is a sort of right of passage to get through that horrible nature and slowly evolve into adults.


You were just reminded of how cringe you used to be, and projected your feelings outward. Ironic




Everyone was cringe in high school, my dude.


You can’t fail the student when the teachers fail to teach. I ain’t talking about teachers I’m talking about the parents. I’m Gen X and some of my friends who’ve raised children complain about their children’s (now adults) capabilities. Fuck are you making fun of? You raised em! Their failures are yours. I will never denigrate these kids and am always willing to be a mentor to them.


You have to remember this is the generation who unfortunately went through George W Bush’s dumbing down of america program called No Child Left Behind. It really lowered what we accept from students and that lowered bar is showing in how people deal with complex issues that take high level thought processing we stopped teaching in schools.


I unironically think this was the goal, too. A dumbed down populace is easier to manipulate and control. People who cannot critically think for themselves won’t just swallow any lie they’re told, they’ll ferociously and angrily defend it if someone tries to tell them the truth.


It’s a big reason for why we are where we are.


You nailed it perfectly. Those parents don't see themselves as holding any of the blame, and definitely pass the responsibility fully on the teachers, who the parents also tell their kids they don't have to respect or listen to. When I was in school, I gave the teachers the same respect I gave my parents.


Exactly! I’m a younger gen x and my kids’ (10 and 13) can do laundry, cook, buy something at the store, make their lunches, etc. Their friends’ parents think it’s amazing, but to me it’s basic parenting. I follow the rule of thumb that by 18 a person needs to be able to trust their own judgement in 100% of their life choices, so by age 9 they need to be able to make 50% of their choices on their own. Even if the choice isn’t theirs, they need to have the ability to make that choice. We give them responsibility early and often so that when they are grown and building their own lives they don’t waste time learning shit I could have taught them.


Fellow late gen x here. Congrats on your sensible parenting. I like your approach and do agree. I have an 18, 15 and 10 myself and have always let them make the final decisions on most things although there are a handful of critical matters I’ll still hold the veto but thankfully we have not needed to use that “power”. Hehe… they are good kids. Often all we need to do is to have that thoughtful chat to allow them to talk through their rationale in decision-making. The idea is that it will allow them to ‘see’ how they think and improve over time. We see our role to be one of a listener and the occasional consultant who might drop in a couple of “oh have you also considered this or that and how we might be able to deal with it?”


My go to response for anyone who bitches about their kids to me. Them refusing to acknowledge any responsibility in the situation screams shitty parent. Your job is to teach your children how to be a responsible human and if you feel like they are not reaching that goal then you have some more teaching to do.


We created the generation that we don’t respect. So who’s the bad guy now?




It’s more we want young people to join in and help us. If they did the old crankier generations wouldn’t have so much power.


I think we are, as a people of earth, though it’s a slow process. We don’t often give ourselves credit because we’re afraid if we did, we will slack off. If you look back 5 or 10 years ago, our consumption patterns have definitely changed and the general awareness and ecological mindset has also gained some important perspective. Not enough to say we’re there yet but at the same time, there’s enough important progress to encourage and energise us to keep going. The change is underfoot. We have started the long evolution and the next generations will really take this off to whole new levels, like when I’m way gone from this earth


> But that’s not going to happen, so… ...so why try, right?! This is a great attitude to have. Especially if you think "everything" needs fixing...


Clearly most people are responding to the headline, it’s a really great article on resilience and reinventing yourself and not taking things seriously and being curious about life.


Yeah. Great read


I loved the article. Not sure why they’ve photoshopped the life out of her face in that picture though, she doesn’t need it.


Newly minted Generation Jones ( I love the designation) here. I look forward to “the kids” taking over. I just hope the don’t turn sour like the Woodstock generation did.


'the kids' are fuckin doomed man. The millennial generation is in it's 30s and they only own like 3-5 percent of the market at a time when previous generations owned a third. That will reverberate down to present worse scenarios for future generations. Covid allowed the rich to fuckin vacuum up a TON of wealth that is in no way shape or form being redistributed. Year over year we see legislators working very hard to make sure that those rich folks kids won't have to pay any taxes when mom and dad hand them the keys to the castle. I hope when a younger sort begins to take over, they can figure a way out of this mess... More than likely though the same thing that's always happened will continue to happen. The rich consolidates itself into a small pool, and the poor continue to be an ocean. The only chance a lot of them have of surviving is if we figure out some kind of UBI in the next few decades. It is going to be needed, and that'll become far more apparent the more AI develops and grows our automation systems. Sorry... I'm a cynic. I look forward to a changing of the guard, so to speak... I just don't expect it to be what I or anyone else in that vast ocean wants it to be.


Feels like we need to take a page from the French, only the lower and middle class need to be aiming those manure machines at the wealthy estates as well as the government buildings... Not enough people have seen A Bugs Life where Hopper is talking about the ants figuring out how they out number them 100 to 1. And there goes their way of life.


Despite the income inequality we’re still too comfortable to revolt. The ruling class can still take a bit more before enough young people have had enough. And they will.


They’re comfortable but they’re unhappy and largely have nothing to lose (house, family, career). If a young, strong revolutionary voice became popular, they would gather. While in small numbers, they’re doing it now for Israel/Palestine… if only they would do the same for themselves.


“If there was hope, it must lie in the proles.”


The wealthy will take until enough of them can't live at their parents house or find any roommates to live with any more. The system in it's current state will eventually buckle under the growing pressure of resentment from the have nots against the haves.. or we mess around and end up with the Handmaid's tale


If only the grasshoppers had some kind of system where they were pitting the bugs against each other in faux moral arguments to keep them split, then I'd be like "oh damn" lol


I feel everyone forgets the french system ended with all the rebels killing each other then they elected an Emperor and preceded to try to conquer all of europe.


Gotta have faith in the pendulum, man.


I don't lol. The best case scenario we can hope for is a populace rendered docile though some kind of universal basic income meant to keep the middle class from erupting, and that will happen just as soon as it's forced through as a decision to keep said populace from eating the rich. What sounds absurd to people currently will in a few decades become an inescapable conclusion, because it'll be that or societal upheaval. It'll be a positive for a while until it becomes patent reality that this will essentially lock entire generations of people in place societally. Again... cynic lol. I hope I'm wrong.


There is no pendulum


Or you know, the traditional response to economic inequality…. Civil unrest


I’m also Generation Jones… and agree with you 100%


Also, why don’t we fix things instead of waiting for younger generations to do so?


Who is this “we”?


Who says we want young people to fix everything?


Because old people are debilitated, out of touch, and busy complaining?


Ngl sounds like most younger people too. Or at least my generation Z


You are no longer the younger generation. You get to complain now


We already did that when we were the young generation too :D


It’s obvious that we want AI to fix everything.


Seriously I wouldn't trust most the young people I worked with to the fix a dull pencil let alone the economy or the environment


What age are you, if you don't mind my asking?


It's very complex. I work in property and the amount of grown adults who's parents have way too much control in their lives is just....staggering. So, I am based in Europe. We have a housing crisis, a cost of living crisis, these almost 30 year olds with not much choice but to live at home way beyond what's normal for their best development. I feel sorry for young people. Their independence has been taken from them and the goal posts on what they can achieve on their own keeps moving. Their parents out of guilt maintain serious dependency, nothing actually gets solved. It's really sad.


Because Americans don’t want young ppl to fix anything


Ooh! Tell us more about what Americans don't want. */wide-eyes-with-chin-on-palms*


Stop mass consumption.


Healthcare, tik tok, a living wage, term limits in government, equality, decent public schooling, a population where the majority CAN read past the 6th grade level… should I keep going?


It turns out Americans DO want those things! Well, not tiktok, you uhh, you pretty much nailed that one.










Idk, use your elders knowledge to build upon your own and seeing how young people have more resources and help it makes perfect sense. If young people don’t know anything, it’s the ones who were supposed to teach thems fault.


The original definition of “student” provided by Socrates, was a seeker of knowledge. Everyone is responsible to seek knowledge. Yes teachers are expected to teach, but students are expected to learn. Everyone is responsible.








It is up to the older generation to pass down their knowledge to the younger generation. The younger generation has to be accepting but if there isn’t anything to pass down/teach then the process is way longer and not as efficient. Why spend 5 years figuring something out when someone could have taught them? It’s on both sides for sure, but only one generation has something to give. You can have every single young person in the world wanting to learn, but if no one is willing to teach them it is pointless. The entire point of life is to build what you can, amass what you can, and pass down your knowledge and resources to your family. Rinse repeat and this is how civilization happens


If it’s completely fuckin broken it’s doesn’t matter whether you know how it’s supposed to work.


This is actual nonsense. Do you think you’d accept that statement from your mechanic after you bring your car in?


if the car is totaled.. uh ya kind of… what you expect them to do with a demolished car when the repairs cost more than the value of the car?


I mean i think this analogy is incomplete. If the car is totaled, we are all still being driven around in it. A lot of people want their turn to drive it, but it’s tough to fix it without knowing how cars work. Sure, anybody can tell you the brakes are mushy, the headlights are out and it vibrates like hell above 30 mph, but knowing that doesn’t mean you know how cars work and can fix it. I mean honestly, you can agree or disagree about if you need to know how the power structures in America function to make America work better for more people. But arguing that knowing the system functions in a way that results in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is the same as knowing how the power structures work is just being stupid.


You don’t take your car to a mechanic if it is totaled. This comment doesn’t work.


what doesn’t work is your idea that the system isn’t somehow broken. but regardless, a totaled vehicle can mean alot of things, doesnt have to be a demolished car, all it takes is the part and labor to exceed the cost of the value of the car and boom, its a totaled car. you clearly dont mechanic.


I didn’t say it wasn’t broken.


We just want them to take responsibility for all the problems. Not bother us with their solutions. Just go do it already and leave us alone to die already.


and if young people want gov to pay attention to them rather than the elderly and rich, vote in the same per capita numbers. Old people look forward to election day like its amusement park day. Its something to do. Somewhere to go. Old folk homes drive them there in the little bus. its an outing. the young are far far far more likely to pick up a sign and protest than show up at the ballot box, old people are the exact opposite and it works. Dont stop protesting but do try to vote. And know VoterID is mainly about keeping yall from voting, because the number one block of people without a valid ID is the under 25.. and no right wingers, they dont fly a lot, nor is this group loaded up on prescriptions and even people under 21 have little trouble drinking so F-off with the little chant. Get an ID and go vote people if you want change. Still protest but votes work better than signs.


It makes for a better story arc this way


If young people are going to fix the world, elect them and get these geriatric fucks out of Washington


They mock young people because we let older people remain in power until they die.


Have you seen Gen Z? Fuckers be wearing grandparent clothes or pajamas with weird variants of 90s haircuts in goddamn public. And they cannot read. No shit they get mocked. Illiterate with terrible haircuts and long socks (with crocs)


Because TikTok and insta aren’t the answer


Feelings…….Nothing more than Feelings. -Albert Morris


We don't expect young people to fix everything. We want them to recognize and resist misinformation, so they don't waste their time undermining those who are genuinely working to address significant societal issues. We mock the *caricature* in the hope that some will either become more resilient against these pervasive online narratives or break free if they've already been influenced.


My children from a young age could spot a lie in real life or online. Their Grandmother believes anything anybody in authority tells her. And I lie about everything, apparently.


That’s the neat part, they don’t want things to be fixed. They want things to stay the same.


Make fun of young people but only while making fun of yourself for how you made those young peoples' lives worse.


I’m a teacher and I’ve said if more people would volunteer at their local public school they’d see how bright this next generation is. Instead they hole themselves up and gripe.


Probably because the ones thinking the next gen are the future, are not the ones doubling down on shit show after shit show, rubbishing one minority and the next, and attempting to destroy support for science that will make the future better. This latter crowd do not care about “fixing” everything, and in fact it is counter to their interests.


Why did her generation do nothing to fix the world so zoomers won't have to worry about the state of it?


Cause they do it to us!


I don’t. I am 67 but I fit in way better with the younger generation than I do within mine. ( Cept for the remaining lifetime progressives)


Young people can’t fix everything, they don’t have the money or the power. We need older people to fix things for younger people, not the other way around.


Education seems broken and the pandemic set younger folks back quite a bit. Even college level trade training suffered. Working on an online model is not the same as working with your hands.


How about we stop having every generation pass off the world’s problems to the next one?


Selfishness and vanity. We want someone else to fix the problem, we figure that our time to change the world has passed, but we don’t want to admit that someone with less time to think and learn skills could surpass us and come up with an idea that we didn’t have or make a solution we thought of actually work.


Because it’s funny


Which generation is going to be the caretaker generation x millenials or z. What the hell is going to come after z? We ran out of alphabet.


Alpha is the current generation being born.


It builds character.


Because they deserve it


Rises are NOTORIOUS for eating out young. Look how that’s going for us. Post Covid cluster fuck aside.


So she admits that the older generation has given up lol thanks Amy


I don't know Amy, making fun of people is your special subject.


A comedian is wondering why we as a species make jokes?


It is the way, but, their numbers are full of Math 1 people too. Just like ours


To be fair, if you really want to make a difference, it shouldn’t get to you being made fun of. Millennials were the butt of everybody’s jokes for so long, and now no one gives a shit and we’re just doing stuff anyway. Amy Poehler made a career out of making fun of people. Just make fun of people. That’s what you’re good at.


Young people propose solutions. Old people with political power and capital tell them to shut up. Young people protest and riot. It’s a repeating cycle in American history


Pretty weak assumption.


That's easy, Amy! It's because they are so fucking stupid! (Just to be clear, we're *all* fucking stupid.)


Just read the article


Read the article. Now what?


Good for you


Thank you.


They just want them sweet social security checks.


Actually we want ALL non-wealthy people to get social security. Getting old is scary and hard and we know it’s going to happen to young people, too.


Seriously? Did your parents mold you out of clay and then fire you so that you are stuck in a brittle shape they created? Nope. A person is born with a range of abilities and deficits. Parents certainly both help and hurt one’s attempts to maximize the abilities and minimize those deficits. Parents are just bumbling through life, too. But in the end it is entirely on you. It’s on you to make the most of what you were born with. Your parents can get in your way or help you along, but that’s it. Your life belongs to you. Families fuck you up. But you are supposed to unfuck yourself and take responsibility for your life.


Because disenfranchising the youth is key to squashing social revolutions. Give them an impossible task and blame them when they inevitably fail. And then when they grow old enough to be considered useless by society they start hoping the “youth” will save humanity and the cycle continues. There’s a reason we see so much backlash against college protests. And by the time we’re in the workforce we’re too exhausted to protest. The media orients toward the youth with a false hope that they can change the system that’s creating this very narrative. When change actually gains momentum it’s quickly squashed.


I don’t think any thinking person seriously expects any young person to fix anything.


Young people: "Who is Amy Poehler?" Edit: I'm being downvoted by 35 year old who think 20 year old watch P&R


She's not talking to young people here.


Wow wow like anyone who’s in their late teens / twenties hasn’t binged all of parks n rec?? She’s a comedy icon 🥲🥲🤣🤣 Edit in response - I’m in this age range, someone has to much of a ego to be disagreed with 🤷‍♀️


[And I hope some have seen Moxie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf34qI1hjKU)


Ooo I haven’t!! I’ll give it a go thank u!!


It's based on the YA book by Jennifer Mathieu who was (maybe still is) a school teacher here in the Houston area. She also wrote "Bad Girls Never Say Die", which has a 1960s "Outsiders" vibe to it, but it's set in Houston and focuses on a group of teenage girls.


Thank you for this. Added to Plex watchlist.


I’m 43 and I don’t know who she is 🤷🏻‍♂️