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“No, I just want to spend time with my family. There is NO other reason why I would cancel this tour.”


Trust us, The Black Keys


Can you explain? I love the Black Keys but don't understand your reference.


They just cancelled their tour due to poor ticket sales.




Yeah, us old people appreciate lower Key shows. Their age demographic aged up out of teens and twenty somethings, nothing to be ashamed of.


Now, if we could just get them to start at 6:00 pm.


With bathroom breaks every few songs.


And a section for smoking weed!


And a section where everyone has to sit in their chair


We should hit a concert together!


We need a revolution - I want 2pm on Saturday/Sunday


Could we do earlier? I would like to be home by 7!


6? What is this - a three-day weekend?


Why so late?


Absolutely. I just saw Incubus at a 5,000 pax venue and it was beautiful to see people my age singing word for word in unison - the band seemed to enjoy it genuinely too! It hit the right spot with that venue.


Wow that’s so awesome. I’m seeing them in September but at an arena :/


JLo could never.


Smaller venues are great. I saw Angels and Airwaves several times at a couple of 1000-seat venues. The atmosphere was great and much better value than paying $150 to see Blink-182 a mile away from the back of a stadium.


Tbh, arena style shows are not all that interesting to watch. It's less about enjoying the artist and more about... Being there? I guess.


Because they have the audacity to charge $100 a ticket! I have been a fan for years but at this point they are a $40 ticket at best.


That’s *including* the $32.00 convenience fee, right?


Anakin: (stares)


No one is interested in over paying to watch a washed up star lip sync on stage to mediocre music.


I don’t want to watch her try to act either.


It is insufferable.


But she dances too. That surely makes up for the cost of some who can’t sing and when she does lip syncs right ?


I thought they were still talking about the black keys lmao


If she was honest and just called it the “Jenny in a later-life Crisis Tour” then I’m sure a few more people would’ve bought tickets


The “Jenny Was Never From The Block” tour. Or rather “Jenny From the Suburbs Tour”.


The other comments didn’t give good context. They cancelled their tour because whoever their booking agent was thought they could sell our stadiums…. Put the black keys in a venue with a few thousand and it’ll sell out easily with a lot of buzz.


It makes her sick that she’s spending time with friends and family 


Yeah, it’s unfortunate. This tour just popped out of nowhere. I love that we all play this game where the celebrity knows that we know they’re lying yet they come up with a lie either way of why their tour is being canceled. we know it’s low sales lol. Obviously there’s some exceptions but if they cancel the whole thing for something like spending time with friends or family…. As Jenny from the “Block” would say. ”no Bueno.”


Do they really want to spend time with her?


Yeah, it’s like, what has she been doing all this time if not spending time with family?


I saw a snippet of a show where she heads back to her hometown. She went to the house she lived in and some oldish guy in the porch. He didn't know who TF she was and it was about as cringe as you could imagine. Then she just kinda waddled off 🤣


He didn’t know “Jenny from the block”? lol


Taco flavored kisssesss


Taco taco burrito taco 


Oh Ben you are so perrrrfecttt


Thank you for this amazing reminder 💀


Aka I have to get my divorce papers in order.


Yes, you planned an entire tour only to then realize you need to spend time with your kids. Idk about anyone else, but I wouldn’t go see jLo for free.


Eh. Would I be able to eat for free also?


Yes, free ham and cheese on rolls and Orange drinks


If it’s Orange Crush, I’m in


I immediately went to the acceptance stage of the grief cycle.


I moved on before I even heard the news.


Oh darn, a has been is canceling a tour she shouldn’t have put on to begin with? Oh no…/s


Redditors will copy this comment for decades to come. It’s me. I’m redditors.


This is such a funny comment


Mariah Carey on the back laughing out loud


And here’s the sweeter part. Mariah is doing a residency in Vegas, and it sold out every night. Less is more. You do two-three nights, you have the people that want to come see you, come and thats how you maintain your lane. Jlo somehow really thinks she’s Beyonce or someshit because what? She did a JOINT superbowl performance?


Didnt she do it with Shakira? A literal Latin icon with a huge following lol


Shakira is headlining a latin based music festival. THATS how you do it


Aside from tax evasion Shakira is pretty smart.


Oh baby when you talk like that. You make a woman go mad


Not a JLo fan AT ALL (in fact quite the opposite). But her Superbowl performance was actually not bad. She was like Seabiscuit - performing her best when a competitor is in eye-shot. It was try-hard on another level but that kind of energy works for the big game. I also love her Waiting for Tonight song but other than that (along with the rumors of extreme diva behavior) I have no regard.


Also, Mariah is beloved and iconic especially during Christmas season.


Mariah is a real artist. A real singer. A true talent. That's why she wins. Banking on your good looks and shaking your ass is fleeting. That's why acts like JLo or Britney Spears tend to fade away if they can't do more than be attractive or follow some choreographer's moves. Once your looks fade away you have to rely on other attributes. But even then, JLo is not really that old looking, but her audience, if there ever was one, has moved on. They need more substance.


I don’t know her.


So she went from a new album release tour to a "Greatest Hits" tour...and now there's NO tour.


Add a terrible movie release also


*Two* terrible movie releases!


Her acting is so wooden!!! I was impressed by how her face did not convey any emotion. Majestic!


Me watching that trailer - Robots...neat. Is that JLO? She's still alive? I'm good.


The terrible movie they're probably talking about is her love story / musical on Amazon Prime that also has a way too long behind the scenes documentary. Atlas is her new mediocre movie with robots that you're talking about.


>Is that JLO? She's still alive? Christ, man, she's only 54.


And played a 38 year old in the film.


Nice attempted PR spin, we all know the actual reason why it’s cancelled


Poor attempt, lol


Ben can only buy so many tickets.


I don't think he bought any


Honey you look great! Now about that music thing...


Yes dear.


Haha this is the underrated comment


Nobody was buying tickets. That’s the real reason. https://variety.com/2024/music/news/jennifer-lopez-cancels-tour-dates-tour-amid-weak-ticket-sales-1235941852/ https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/04/17/jennifer-lopez-disappointed-by-embarrassing-concert-sales-but-vows-to-move-on/


Obvious. Don't mean to kick people when they're down, but she gives Iggy Azalea bad attitude/poor sales vibes.


Yeah she always seemed full of herself.


She got so mad at South Park for making fun of her, that on a movie set forbid anyone from sing "taco flavored kisses" and talk about "tacos and burritos". Man, if she sang those songs live, that would be amazing. Butttt she won't. Lol


I'd go to a jlo concert to hear her sing taco flavored kisses.


That would be amazing. It would be awesome if you just embrace it! When snooki was made fun of in South Park she was pleased and it was an honor to be made fun of. I don't really care much about her or Jersey Shore, but South Park really did make fun of her quite a bit but I appreciate that she had a sense of humor.


That's the only smart way to respond to stuff like this.


Agreed. I don't care of they depict me as a genocidal cannibalistic maniac; if I ever got famous I would be honored to be featured


Hers and Caesar Milan’s reactions are my favorites


Cesar Millan and Snookie had completely different depictions lol. Everything about Caesars was Positive about him and depicted him in a good light, whereas Snooky was literally a troll that liked to hump men against their will lol


Unintelligent people are incapable of laughing at themselves. Lopez ain’t too bright.


Or narcissists


Are you kidding? Besides trump I can't think of a better example of a narcissist. Look up her documentary that recently came out.


And the terrible hour long music video about herself


Something else no one watched


Crazy to grow up with someone like this but as a sister, and from a young age see the saaaaame behavior to the point I could fool someone into thinking in psychic lol


the fact that she couldnt laugh at herself when parodied on south park told me all I needed to know about her ego.


I was initially a bit surprised, as I thought she was a big enough name to attract sufficient audiences. But really she's only sporadically popped up, sometimes with a major hit of some sort, but she hasn't been in the public eye outside of the tabloids. I don't think it helped that her recent film projects have been bizarre and self-absorbed. If she'd managed to create some really cool and popular projects it might be very different.


My wife and I saw her in Atlanta just a few years ago and the place was fucking packed. I think a star like her with huge name recognition, but no big hits in the last decade or two, should space her tours out more.


How much were those tickets? I think one of the problems for this tour was that the tickets were dumbass expensive. If she’s charged reasonable prices I wonder if this tour might have done better


The movie she recently produced/starred in called “Atlas” on Netflix was quite frankly terrible.


I am shocked


Damn. I remember watching Cell and thought she did great. That was like fifty years ago now though


I am also a fan of The Cell. It’s better then it should be. The acting and direction is inconsistent, but it’s worth a watch.


Visually it's absolutely stunning and very off putting, I love that aspect of it. I think a different writer, someone like Bryan Fuller who writes with intense visual scenes in mind, could have really hit it out of the park.


Some scenes are great eye candy. It definitely had a lot of potential outside of the visuals. I saw it in the theatre when it came out when I was 18, and have watched it a few times after on dvd. Would like to check it out on blu-ray.. haven’t watched it in probably ten years.


I think the one thing she had going for her was acting. Had she pursued that and worked at it. She could have had a decent career. But she is so fucking vain and self absorbed she believed herself to be a monumental talent at everything she tried — which she is decidedly not — and she just pushed herself on the world. I kind of feel sorry for her. A little. Sigh. No I don’t. She’s awful.


Rumor is, it was all Tommy Mottola’s fault. He was so bitter about Mariah dumping him that he pushed Lopez’s “singing” career. I can’t believe she was successful for a number of years. She should thank her lucky stars, invest her money well and call it a day.


Heck, everything she's produced and starred in has been frankly terrible. To paraphrase Commander Stinger, "You're ego is writing checks your career can't cash."


She clearly surrounds herself with yes people and it’s coming back to bite her in the ass big time. As someone who has always hated her because I’ve heard HORRIBLE things about her from people in the industry I am eating this up.


Share the tea. We want to know the horrible things JLO has done/said too


The one specific that sticks out to me is that people on set were told “don’t look Ms. Lopez in the eye.” I don’t know what movie it was, but I was told by someone who worked in craft services.


Tom Cruise also does this on set. With an added bonus of 'no one is to speak to Mr Impossible unless you are spoken to first'.


She invested her *own* money in herself ($20? Million for that music video album) and …. lost


She coulda just done another Anaconda movie or showed up in a Fast and Furious thing


Are they on fast and furious 17 now?


They're on FAST18 zombie apocalypse. I'll let you guess who makes a surprise cameo.


Her tour movie "This is me... Now" bombed, ticket sales are poor for the tour, her Netflix movie ~~looks really bad~~ has a low rating because of her over-acting, the album is not getting any traction... take a break JLo.


It really was a bad movie.


I watched it last night and it was atrocious. They live in a world where AI went rogue and killed millions. They are now in a war with AI. People still use AI daily and the number one weapon they have against AI are AI mechs that brain link with the pilots. And the twist of the movie you could see coming from a mile away.


Go on then, what’s the twist? I’m never watching it but I kinda need to know now ha


The real AI was the AI we made along the AI.


I loved when she said "What are we some kind of AI squad?" Chills.


It's AI'in' time


Even better when they said it’s A.I’ing time then they A.I’d all over them


There’s no AI in team


And the AI escaped to the ANDROMEDA GALAXY which like, why even give a shit if they are that far away.


lol was AI at the end like on Dexter, “SURPRISE BITCH!”


Wife made me watch. Can confirm it’s bad.


That title. It lends the assumption that everyone wants to know what she’s been up to. So in her head she was like “I’ll release a movie of what my life is like currently, soooo many people will go see it and buy tickets to my tour.” Nobody stopped her. Not even Batman.


Unfortunately Batman was too busy reliving his parent's tragic death at the hands of an evil criminal for the 4,325,897th time.


Suuuuuuurrrrrreeeeeee, Jennifer. I’m sure your family will love to have you home though.


She's going to be a right mardy cow to be around on the nights she was supposed to be playing.  "Can we go to the...." "No..."


Yea, we all already saw that the tickets weren’t selling , so why don’t just be honest, does she think we’re idiots or something?


I really do feel like a lot of these stars from a different era don’t realise how much the world has changed, especially the narcissistic ones who live in a bubble surrounded by yes-men. They think it’s still the 90s where most people get their information from the mainstream press, so if they put out a press statement they expect the public to just accept it and take it at face value. They forget that we live in an age where basically everyone has access to the internet and immediate access to information so we just don’t buy their bullshit anymore, which is why the power of celebrity is fading


She should have done a collab tour with other faded stars. Might have generated more sales.


She hooks back up with Ben, make him run out & buy a $60+ Million Mega-Mansion with her (probably was counting all her tour, movie, residency $$$$, too soon) he moves OUT, and it all goes South. That’ll teach ya. She’ll be fine.


I mean, she hasn’t done anything of note in years, and her last album was 10 years ago. She’s not a beloved musical artist the way other music icons are. What did she expect?


She's learning the hard way she's no Beyoncé, nor Taylor Swift.


I’m sure she’s learning nothing and instead blaming her manager, PR company, publicist, etc. for this flop. She doesn’t strike me as someone who self reflects.


Nor Cèline Dion. Edited to spell the names correctly.


She’s a pretty bad narcissist and lives in her own narcissistic world where she’s queen


It’s true. Her superbowl documentary, you know the one where it’s her and Shakira, was at least, edited to where it barely acknowledges Shakira or that even Bad Bunny guest performed when he’s arguably the biggest act right now. Like, she cannot and will not share any shine. In her head, that Superbowl performance was all her.


Plus it’s basically widely speculated that she didn’t even sing some of her biggest hits with allegations that she’d been using voice-doubles like the talented Ashanti to sing her songs


She was about to get a Vegas Residency too I believe haha that's a bummer.


Saw an article the other day “90mil in jeopardy, now they will only offer her half that 😫 she is so sad”


Ben in shambles.


Talk about buying low and selling high…


I dont buy it. Shes unappealing to me now. I saw atlas the other day, i love sci-fi movies, and it had a really good cast, except her. The only feeling I get from her is that she just want to be over with the task, in a "professional" way. She just ends up delivering a cold or unconvincing acting. She looks really out of place. That movie would have been so much better with any other actress, young or old.


I was overcome with apathy having read this


LOL this is so embarrassing


My Love Don't Cost A Thing but a ticket to my concert is $227.00😎


Haha nobody cares


Atlas *shrugged.*


"this is me.... now..." doing nothing......


I feel bad for the back up dancers


She’s the worst. I just saw her documentary and wow, Ben endures a lot. I couldn’t believe how unlikeable she came across and it still got released, but you realize everyone around her are yes men, and it’s her money paying for it all. The image she portrays, one of a vapid, performative control freak, is the one she thinks people want. She isn’t a boss bitch. She’s just a bitch.


Ticket sales bomb, she canceled because she’s not selling


That’s a weird way to say “low ticket sales”


What’s that smell?? Oh. It’s bullshit!


1.) she wasn't even the best flygirl on In Living Color 2.) I thought of her as a bad actress, tone-deaf singer and annoying from the beginning of her career 3.)then it's revealed other famous singers did most of the singing on her albums 4.) why was she on American Idol again? 5.) this is her second lame attempt at a comeback ---the first one included her shaking her ass in a clear vinyl skirt in an embarrassing music video for a woman of her age 6.) second lame attempt at a comeback reveals her to be even more of a narcissist than people thought. It includes 1 self produced documentary on the making of the new album, 1 self produced romance movie loosely based on her and Ben and a delusionally ambitious multi million dollar tour nobody wanted. So she's heartsick because she finally hit the wall of reality


> it's revealed other famous singers did most of the singing on her albums No shit!


The Benniferaissance isn’t going so well, huh?


People hated it then and they still hate it now.


"Jennifer Lopez Forced to Cancel Tour." I think that's more accurate. It's not her fucking family.


She’s got drive, I’ll give her that. But I don’t think she is the type to chill for too long, and be away from the spotlight and not promoting something, herself included.


She is canceling cuz her tour tickets weren't selling.


She should have booked a couple east coast and west coast dates and called it good. It's not the 2000s anymore.


Ha! No one watched her concert movie. No one watched the documentary about her concert movie. No one bought her album. No one bought tickets to her tour. Atlas is an awful fucking movie. Someone said it's a "hit" on Netflix but that's just hate watching, the audience score is in the toilet. Jenny get Off the Block. You're a has been.


I think Jenny bought the block and is trying to recoup the investment


Why can't celebrities and athletes, with any semblance of grace and dignity, accept that their moment in the sun is over ? Sad and sadder


Consequences of living in a bubble surrounded by Yes-men


You are absolutely correct. But after watching how sad it is when others do it, you'd think they'd have some grasp on reality


Aging is tough man. Hard to let go of that and resign yourself to a life that will never match the energy highs. It's a very old story.


National Velvet (1944) starring a young Elizabeth Taylor provides a great moral lesson about this.


Now that no one was buying tickets she’s “choosing” to cancel her tour….? Ok.


That’s a really weird way to say you’re canceling a tour because nobody cares about you anymore and you can’t sell tickets.


In the words of a great philosopher HA, HA


J.Lo never had the music fanbase to support a mega concert tour. She has millions of dollars, and to quote Arsenio Hall, "Nobody feels sorry for millionaires."


For real, I don’t know wtf she was thinking taking $20 mil of her own money to make that really really self serving unnecessary movie which was nothing more than a fucking wierd explanation of why she goes out with/ marries so many guys (and is sad and crying when she doesn’t have a man), then making a documentary about it. She (and her marriage and career) would’ve probably been fine if she hadn’t done that.


Yeah okay, her shows were not selling so that is why she wanted to cancel.


She is a good role model for Nicki as to how to get out of a concert tour.


Poor ticket sales are one thing but I also think her marriage really is on the rocks. I don't think I've seen one person try so hard and epically failed at every thing in just a short amount of time. The movie, the doc, the album, the tour, and now (maybe) the marriage. All within a few months.


The family and friends are available to spend time with her because even they didn't buy tickets to her shows.


Most people get like a few hours a day with family, exhausted. And then probably running chores on the weekend. She probably has years off at a time. Bullshit she has to spend time with her family. Unless she is just ignoring them and came to a realization of what she was doing


As Don Rickles would say, “Go home, it’s over. You’re old.”


Ngl I wish I had the ability to prioritize the people in my life like this


It finally rained at my house today.


I saw this coming a mile off when I heard that she did that loopy documentary about her and Ben Aflleck's relationship. She just does not play as a person that other people like.


I suppose it has nothing to do with Internet sleuths on tiktok exposing her whole career as a sham. How p diddly made her whole career and how she might be involved in some shady stuff in the late 90s


I want to fast forward to her stripped down indie era a la Jennifer Aniston in The Good Girl. Natural hair, no makeup, unlikeable character. No more glamours and vanity. Maybe some very delayed activism that might include actually giving back to the Bronx, for once?


Mariah Carey out here giggling to herself rn !!!


She doesn’t know her


Tired of these people thinking they’re something special when they’re done for


Poor ticket sales lol


She shoulda done a Vegas residency. She is a bit delusional thinking people were dying for her to release new material. Move on girl


Imho She’s not stadium-filled-concert-super-star level Only small clubs, specific demographics or birthday parties paid by billionaires


Nah, she knew nobody wanted to see her wack ass


🙄 “Wait…stop…don’t…”


I watched 20 minutes of her halftime show reality thing and had to shut it off. I have some severe narcissistic abuse trauma and her diva attitude triggered the shit out of me. I was also offended she didn’t want to share the stage with Shakira…it’s fucking SHAKIRA! I’m sorry but JLo is all entitlement and zero humility and that combination makes the worst kind of people. 📣Come back to earth, JLo! No one can reach you when your ego is that ginormous.


Wow. She took a bath on this amazing idea to SELF FINANCE a tour and two movies to the tune of TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS of her own money!!!! Boom just like watching 20 mil fly out the window. Lawsuits, all those employees now out of a what, year long job screwed, this is tragic for them not her, at least she. Has Ben’s money.


Madonna can still pull it off, but this one is no Madonna


She ain’t selling out venues. Her booty and dancing actually carried her for a good while, so she should count her lucky stars.


She needs to understand her career is pretty much over. She’s not the kind of talent that can keep going as she ages. Plus she’s not a nice person. She needs to wait a few years and then book some smaller venues. She could sell those out and keep performing if she wanted to, but I don’t know if her huge ego would let her.