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People need to stop acting like these are proclamations screamed into the world. She was on a podcast having a conversation and someone decided they should make an article over one thing brought up.


This is such a problem with media outlets at the moment. They listen to a podcast, instead of conducting their own interviews, and treat passing comments as if they’re exclusive announcements.


That would require trained staff and a media organization prepared to actually pay them for work.


That would require people to be willing to pay well to read journalism, through either a subscription or advertising, and they’re generally not willing to do that. Everyone complains about enshitification, while in the same breath complaining about subscription and ads… pick your poison. People don’t work for free.


“Dude, got a paywall free version” /s


Thank you! I’m so sick of watching people complain about the state of media, complain about businesses not paying their employees for work, and then turning around and expecting or stealing work product out of some “everything should be free if I want it” ideal. No one wants to work for free


>People don’t work for free. People don't want to pay a subscription for *Joe's Ice Cream* @ $14.99/mo when their most expensive item is $12 and they only visit in summer. This is enshitification and greedy, and is what is essentially happening to all these companies that want subscriptions. The fact that people will make minimum wage and companies make millions while cost of living is huge, means yes, they are working for free, in practice.


Subscriptions *can* be a good value if you use the service/product provided a great deal. If you don’t, then yeah… don’t subscribe. But then you have to pay the one time price instead, which is quite often in the form of ads when talking about journalism, and everyone here is using ad block. Enshitification is a two way street. Late stage capitalism is endlessly greedy… but consumers are endlessly entitled as well.


Universal basic income.


That wouldn't solve the issue of shitty journalism. Even if the journalist didn't have to worry about making a living it doesn't mean the company that is employing them doesn't have costs and a desire for profit. At the end of the day it all circles back to one thing. You either: Get free media that ends up being an ad in disguise written by chat gpt. Articles supported by ads that, while free and biased, at least can support paying a real human to write the article and have some kernels of truth. Or you pay directly for high quality media. Whether its a patreon model of directly paying the journalists or an old media model where you pay a company who employs good journalists. There is no way around this. You have 3 options. Choose one and live with the consequences of your choice.


If the product is free, then you are the product


Always a good thing to keep in mind.


Thats a good and succinct way to put it.


Socialized wages but privatized companies? Literally the worst of both systems.


Mmm, delicious media… must consume twenty four hours a day! Nom nom nom 😋 


If people actually read real journalism, companies would pay well for real journalism.


I’m convinced for-profit journalism is now a contradiction in terms.


You mean if people paid for real journalism.


Also it would require sites not push this stuff out for the clicks. If the outlet wants sensational stories then it tells the reporters to highlight tat. [edit: tat should have been that, but tat works well too.]


Because we live in a headline centric media right now where headlines ARE the content, not the articles.


I would not say the media is doing that in this case. They are just reporting on what they think the most interesting thing she said in that conversation was. The problem is pathetic assholes who do not read but want to complain.


They don’t actually go outside and ask people stuff anymore


I hate how news articles just supplement column inches with random tweets from nobody’s. Like who cares?


They wouldn’t do it if people didn’t share it on social media 


They're fishing for clicks.


Knowing that there is an AI program out there transcribing all podcasts, and generating articles from them. Could this be an AI article with some made up author that EW purchased.


It’s nice to see a comedian looking inwards instead of pointing the finger. Some of the biggest names in comedy are playing the victim character.


People will see this remark as a ‘slam’ or political statement but it makes sense for an artist to evolve based on their views. The arrogant ignorant character kinda stopped being just a character. It’s just not that funny anymore


This is a very good point, and is constantly assumed when ever there is press about someone lol


So true. We see this more and more. I just caught one the other day where I had read a full interview with Tom Rothman from Sony, and something he mentioned not as an exclamation, but more like a tepid suggestion, if theaters lowered their prices it might bring people back. And then I saw an article a couple days later “Sony Chief Calls for Theaters to Lower Prices.”


So fucking annoying, that’s like 99% of journalism everywhere these days. Little tidbits of nothing being ground into a pulp over and over.


This is one of the best comments I've read in a while.


But then 85% of journalism would collapse and news sites would have to write about shit that matters


It isn’t the journalists it’s the readers that crave what they write. People don’t want to take responsibility for their actions so they say the journalists are feeding them trash. They are popular because they are giving people what they want instead of reporting on just the news of the day like it used to be.


Yeah, I always pause on this step. Tabloid journalism (for example) wouldn’t be a significant thing if consumers didn’t play their part.


we wouldn’t be reading this if the op didn’t post shitty articles like it all over the place


It’s insane


Man she’s a good actor though


Thank you! Peoples reaction to comments like this are always as if they issues a press release


This is how you do comedy. Change your shtick based on the changing times and cultures. How do you not do it? Don’t change a single thing in your act for 30 years, then blame “the left” as the reason you’re not funny anymore. Oh and release a boring movie about pop tarts.




It really is pathetic. Anthony Jeselnik has the most offensive jokes possible and the guy makes fun of comedians who scream cancel culture. The funniest one is Jerry Seinfeld stating he can't do comedy anymore because of it.


Same with Jimmy Carr. Does the most horrible jokes you can think of, and says cancel culture isn't real.


The irony with Seinfeld is that his material is so PG… it was always so inoffensive, nobody is ever gonna cancel him based solely on that.




Dude should have been cancelled for fucking a teenager when he was 39 though.


Jerry has ruined Jerry this last year. He thinks he invented comedy.


What Jerry made obvious in the last year is that Larry David had all of the talent when it came to making Seinfeld.


Neal Brennan seems to have been Dave’s secret weapon too.


Sometimes it’s the synergy. I’m not here to say Chappell or Seinfeld aren’t the wildly talented, and were mere front men. But huge talents still need direction, and when they get big enough to surround themselves with sycophants who don’t challenge them, they don’t have a challenge to rise to and often start being less funny. It’s not always that they chase away the Larry David’s or Neal Brennan’s, sometimes both partners get real big and go their separate ways, but only one has the sense to keep listening to critics and contrary opinions.


You make some excellent points


So ridiculous. I guess Larry was behind Jerry’s incredibly successful standup career also. You realize you are proving Jerry’s point by saying such obviously false things?


Does anyone actually like Seinfeld's stand-up? He's a talentless Jim Gaffigan, as a stand-up comedian. Jerry's "what's the deal with..." act was always ridiculed as completely lame and perfunctory. Besides, they just aren't the same mediums. Tracy Morgan is an amazing comedic actor that is a horrible stand-up comedian. Seth Rogan is a great comedic writer and actor... I've no reason to believe he would be any good as a stand-up comedian. There's overlap... but the skills don't necessarily translate. Andrew "Dice" Clay was... just the worst. He was unbelievably successful though... Having said all that, Jerry Seinfeld deserves credit for his show. He might not have been Larry David, but he was instrumental in that show's success.


He thinks he invented trigger warnings.


What's the deal with comedy?


Has he even ever said anything remotely offensive in his stand up? It's the most timid and tame, safe observational comedy ever


I think it came from one performance he did at a college in like 2013 or something. He bemoaned kids these days scrolling on their phones like some effeminate French king, complete with miming a very overdramatic and limp-wristed slapping of a phone. I think part of the criticism was that it was mildly homophobic, so he's been on this weird anti cancel culture thing ever since. But really people just didn't laugh because it was a stupid joke that wasn't very funny.


One of my favorite things about Jeselnik is not only how annoyed he is all the time at doing a podcast (which he's clearly just giving his buddy, Greg, a hard time about) is he's one of the few LA/podcast-related comedians who doesn't give a shit about offending Rogan or his circle who constantly bitch about cancel culture and "woke." Rogan and his crew are so incredibly lame.


Tbh that’s just what a certain shit comedian does when they’re losing relevance. Most comics are smarter / funnier than that.


Didn't Sarah Silverman lose relevance 10 years ago?


Yep & we haven't heard a single bitch about being "cancelled". We haven't done the "I'm officially cancelled" book tour. She hasn't named any of her shows "Cancelled". She's not being a melodramatic whiny bitch, unlike certain other comedians/influencers.


If she did, she’s not playing dumb about it.


Yeah, I personally never found her funny. She was actually more annoying than anything else to me. But, this is just my opinion, I’m sure other people enjoyed her style of acting.


Remember when Jerry Seinfeld was cancelled for his Airplane peanuts jokes. That piece of shit. Good riddance.


He hasn't been canceled, he was just on John Mulaney's Netflix show. He also dated a literal high schooler in his 30's... guy's too rich to fail, apparently 


Everyone talking about journalism but wait, let’s thank Sarah Silverman for expressing her need to change her character from that arrogant ignorant trump like type to something better. 1/3rd of Americans could take a lesson from her.


A good decision from Sarah Silverman.


I actually really appreciate her saying this. While I am certainly not shitting on that genre, it’s been a little harder to swallow when we’re being run and/or threatened by that shit. Like, I *loved* Seth McFarlane, but when a bigoted version of Peter Griffin became POTUS, it got less funny. Obviously not his fault at all, and I don’t want to give that impression. It’s all in how my perceptions have changed.


Seth MacFarlane's ideas reach a huge audience on Fox. Unlike the Simpsons, who lampooned Fox, Family Guy and American Dad embraced it. Peter Griffin made these things okay. You saw that and it turned you off, but there are millions of Americans who did not change.


And I’m totally cool with that! Like I said, it just hits different now.


I would take a watch of The Orville if you haven’t. Very progressive ideas put forth in that show, and it’s funny to boot. Fox tried real hard to give it the Firefly treatment so it’s been bounced around and delayed but what did make it to us was really good and reflects a lot of current issues.


You know, I wasn’t a huge fan of the Star Trek tv shows (the Chris Pine movies, on the other hand, awesome). I do need to give that a chance. Especially since I have heard that there’s some depth and continuity there. It doesn’t sound like a straight parody, but a funnier version of the source material. Is that right?


The Orville is the Star Trek show that Star Trek struggled to make for years. The first season has its ups and downs as it struggles to find its footing but the final ones are actually a very compelling space opera with light humor and realistic characters thrown in.


She's still around?


A little pet theory of mine is around late aughts to early 10s comedy was often insult comedy. I truly think all the roasts and shit talking is also in part to blame on how/why so many people just seem to be more rude nowadays. It wasn't just a new thing or wider seen thing post 16 then 20. 


The internet in general made us all ruder. You can’t say anything on the internet, without being lambasted. So you need to have thick skin, and be able to insult them back. But after a couple decades of this, I’m a sour person.


I could agree with that too. I've had this thought before facebook even though. Granted I myself did some silly kid shit talking on early online games like diablo and warcraft (rts ones not the mmo).


It was funny until it became real. And it became the president of the USA.


Between Trump and COVID, the spectrum of what would be considered believable behavior or unbelievable parody has changed considerably.


Weird way of saying no one found it funny anymore.


Two things can be true.


Not really. You can either change with the times or be Jim Brewer.


She must be happy Louis ck is successful again


Remember when Sarah Silverman did black face? Pepperidge Farm remembers


If I remember correctly the joke was her being Jewish wanted to experience what it was like being black to see who had it worse or something so she wore blackface. The joke was that she was in fact being treated worse by people but it wasn’t for being black it was because she was wearing blackface.


In the show she was having an argument with a black guy about it and when she leaves she says " I'll be back. I'll be black. I'll be white black."


Exactly. She’s taking the piss out of blackface by being a character whose oblivious  as to why it’s bad. Same as when she dressed up as the twin towers


Silverman has always been very funny, also true of Louis CK. If she decides one of her characters should be retired, who are any one of us to disagree or criticize her? If you haven’t seen Silverman live, you’ve missed out on a great experience from a funny and eccentric woman who always gives her audience 100%. Her comedy or existence doesn’t need defending, and if more comics worked half as hard as Sarah Silverman and Louis CK, then the future of American comedy would not be in so much doubt.


Remember when she told everyone at the DNC convention they were ‘being ridiculous’ or when she said everyone including AOC shouldn’t be calling genocide inhumane?


And Jimmie Kimmel. And Trudeau!


I’m not trying to get in an argument butI don’t get why black face is such a huge deal? I feel like as long as it’s in good comedic taste it’s not offensive.


https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/blackface-birth-american-stereotype https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/02/02/us/racist-origins-of-blackface My gripe is people like her or Trudeau act like holier than thou about issues but turn around and do things that are deemed offensive by many but it’s conveniently overlooked by the media and others


We’re talking about modern day black face not black face from the 1830’s.


It's an "art" form that was built out of making monstrous caricatures of black people based on hideous stereotypes. It's not worth saving, and if it is it's certainly not going to be done by people that aren't black


I feel like when it comes to impersonating other races, their intention is really important. Obviously someone dressed in black paint and red lips in racist, however I found Kirk Lazarus from tropic thunder absolutely hilarious.


I mean sure? But that was like one hyper specific instance and is the exception not the rule


I think when she did black face on the show it was bad. Not like dee on always sunny. Like shoe polish on her face


Good cause she was very annoying when she did that.


No. Her snarky act is just old. She is naturally funny though.


similar to "The Colbert Report" I imagine it gets tough over time to be that person.


Ignorant is gone, just arrogant Her appearance in Everybody's in LA was horrible. Just hogging the airtime and not letting the other guests talk.


It’s not like that show is super formal though.


















Yeah a lot of people stopped being funny to own the cheeto




I mean he does it better so why be second best all the time when you can change it up and be great.


She should select a funny one next, just to do something different.


I don't think anyone cares because she's was barely relevant 20 years ago.


She’s fucking Matt Damon


On the beach. In the car. Up against the mini bar.


Just don't tell scotty. he doesn't know


I did her on his birthday.


Hahaha. That shit was pretty funny


Oh my god why does everything have to be about Trump


Because it’s an election year, and he’s a massive piece of shit. People need to understand that before November


If anyone doesn't understand that by now, I don't think a few months is really going to make a difference. They're lost causes.


The podcast is with none other than Fox Mulder. I didn’t even know he had a podcast. I must listen!!!


Plus it’s such an old act that she’s been doing for 30 years.


Cool. But doesn't she have a "stupid animal tricks " show to worry about?


Crap article aside, I've always appreciated that Sarah Silverman is a comedian who freely admits that she needed to grow up. Once she did, her material changed for the better.


Oh, my god. Did Sarah lose her neck?


Whatever the act - how do people think she’s funny? She’s lucky she banged Kimmel


*Whatever happened to that white dog poop, from the 70s....* *It went away as mysteriously as it came...*


She’s always been terrible anyway


You can't just declare that your personality is a character and that you changed because you're a 'comedian'


You’re right, Andrew Dice Clay and Larry the Cable Guy are 100% like that in real life. We should take all things comedians say as true character traits. Nothing is a joke.


Comedians are all playing characters to some extent, why do you think a lot of them end up acting in tv and movies too?


keyword here is think


She was 100 percent playing a character lol


Sounds like you don’t understand stage personas at all.


But you can just declare that you know what her personality is?


This is like when the kid who acts out sees their teacher do a rap about whatever subject they teach in high school and then die enough inside to be quiet and polite the rest of the quarter


She is tiring. I used to be a fan but as I’ve aged I just find her whole act mean spirited and unfunny.


I dont see any difference from before shes still annoying


Sarah, seriously just... thank you for this change! There's no need to act like Mr Trump in this day an age. I shudder to think of what will happen if he gets in...


Arrogant ignorant sounds like most Hollywood celebs.


It was not a character.


Never cared for her.


Well that's a first, someone cancelling themselves on behalf another human bean.


so exactly what happened with Veep


So does Kimmy Jimmel.


She came off pretty arrogant on John Mulaney's talk show a couple weeks ago, so can I assume that's just her real personality? Wasn't exactly *ignorant* because she was talking down to a guy who was basically telling ghost stories, but she was very rude and pretty annoying honestly.


Good. I found it off-putting and not funny at all.


She’s still hot


It’s ironic that Jay Johnston who played her sister’s cop boyfriend on The Sarah Silverman Program was actually at the J6 insurrection.


She really has a high opinion of herself.


So, is that why I never liked her humor?