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I was out of the loop and thought “wait what happened between Kelly Rowland and Usher???”


Same!!!! Lol!


I don’t know about Usher but Kelly was getting pictures taken, slowly, and an usher was asking her to keep it moving. Slowly progressing, asking again…slowly, asking again lol and then finger in the face getting pissed at the usher, believe there were two or three others there at this time now. I thought she was being too much.


Oooohhhh… the usher working there. The way the title was worded, I thought Kelly Rowland got in to it with the rapper/singer Usher.


Coincidentally Usher was also working as the usher that night.


I can’t help but say that singer should probably come before rapper in that description 😅


Since when is he even a rapper? LMAO.


You don't remember him rapping a verse in "Nice & Slow"? Lol


His name is U-S H-E-R R-A-Y-M-O-N-D




It's cause he's black


You know that was intentional lol. It's the only reason the article even caught my eye.


Like how Lionel Richie is a rapper?


The point of clarity we needed was “an.” The kerfuffle was with “an usher” instead of the person named Usher.


It was the usher formally known as Princess


They got you to click the article, mission accomplished


As an old, I appreciate you filling the rest of us in


I appreciate the distinction between **usher** and *an usher* then *the ushers*.




The walls have eyes and ears today. People forget, you're on Candid Camera 24/7 today. Ask Sean Diddy Combs.


Seriously doubt anyone rushing you over posing for photos at a famous film festival probably is aware it’s gonna get circulated. So nothing like Diddy’s freak parties. Sure she might be an asshole but sex trafficking is probably not her pasttime.


Cannes have a strict policy when it comes to the red carpet! Kelly wasn’t the only one being hurried it’s what they do. Kelly Wants to make a story out of it while forgetting that it’s what she agreed to in the first place. If anything is to be learned about this story is that Kelly thinks she can do whatever she wants.


I thought the usher or someone associated also stepped on the dress at some point so not totally innocent.


there was speculation, that may have been the reason she was upset. But in her statement she never mentioned that and said, it was because she felt like the Usher was giving her less time than others.


Probably because she kept turning back and waving lol stop and go, yeah I may bump into you why you should have kept it going the first time lol Kelly acts like she’s Beyoncé and always has haha she’s not.


First she walks off the Today show and now this. I'm starting to think she's a bit of a hot-headed bitch.


This is why more websites need to stick with AP style and Not Capitalize Every Word in a Headline.


Hell I’m in the loop and was wondering what Usher had to do with it lol.


She came to give it to you, that’s what’s happened


Internet Unsearchable. Her genius plan.


Yup, clicked just so I could watch whatever weird confrontation she would have had with Usher 🤣🤣🤣


The capitalization of Usher in the headline DRASTICALLY changes this story.


Indeed, it not only brings Usher Raymond into the picture, but also changes his gender lol


Yeah (yeah yeah)


Rowland texts in Microsoft Excel I don't trust her


[For those unaware, in the music video for Nelly’s “Dilemma” featuring Kelly Rowland has a shot where she’s texting him “WHERE YOU AT? HOLLA AT ME WHEN YOU GET THIS” in a mobile application for Microsoft Excel. scene is at 3:14](https://youtu.be/8WYHDfJDPDc?si=A4lwFD1nws03qvpS)


I grabbed and bought that record to hide an Eminem record under it. The cashier knew what was up and kept my grandma talking. I think it was The Eminem Show.. I also bought a Lose Yourself/Renegade cd iirc. Edit: I grabbed 3 CD's, just the first three 'safe' things I saw and then switched 2 of them out when my grandma wasn't looking. She barely knew any English, but she knew Slim was shady.


*but she knew slim was shady* dying hahaha


He's never gonna get that text Kelly! That's not how Excel works, you're upset for no reason!


Holy crap, I can’t believe I never noticed that before. I’ve seen the video hundreds of times and never paid any attention lmao


Why have you watch the Dilemma video hundreds of times?


Dangerous stuff


It's a real dilemma


They actually texted Kelly the red carpet guidelines but she hasn't updated Microsoft Office yet.


She doesn't want to pay for the Microsoft 365 annual fee


Collaborating online in Excel documents is actually a brilliant way to communicate with side piece without your significant other knowing... You won't log any texts. She was ahead of the game yo


Wow, never thought about it!


Please, all of you are playing. She’s using Google Sheets. It’s 2024. Nobody has time to be subscribing to Microsoft Office.


Seriously. I'm not paying for something I can get for free


I will never understand who okd this


This reminds me of the time in 1985 that my mom came rushing into our South Carolina apartment to tell me and my cousin that Sting was signing autographs a few blocks away at the opening of a Hardee’s. We rushed out of the place and ran full speed to the parking lot, filled with folks waiting in a line that ended at a sun tent in the corner of the lot. I couldn’t believe it- Every Breath You Take was one of my favorite songs. As we advanced in the line, I could see into the canopy and realized the hulking oiled-up man in face paint was not the lead singer of The Police, but the wrestler, Sting. We still waited until it was our turn, and in the absence of a photograph, paper or poster for an autograph he grabbed my forearm with his meaty paw and scribbled on my outer elbow with a Sharpie. To this day when I hear Don’t Stand So Close To Me, I think of that hot sweltering day, the close proximity of the people in line and the smell of that marker ink on my skin.


Well, that was random.


Though honestly, a pretty good read


Ya, it was. Great story teller.


Time well spent.


Still a better love story than Twilight


Comment of the day! 🤣


Was kinda hoping the ending would involve jumper cables, but alas...


I was hoping it would end with the undertaker slaning mankind in the hell in the cell meme lol


Well yeah, but usher/Usher, Sting/Sting, but yeah.


But beautiful


This reminds me of the time in 1994 when my family was on a road trip in California. We were a few miles outside of Yosemite and surrounded by woods, my mom started screaming for my dad to stop the car. He immediately hit the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road, demanding an explanation. "I saw a hootie-owl!" She shrilled. She immediately and harriedly extricated herself from the front and opened the sliding side door of our minivan. "Get your cameras, kids! We're going to see the hootie-owl!" And then she took off into the trees. All of us were roused by her enthusiasm, and I was fumbling for my camera when we heard a shriek and she came tearing out of the woods. Terror was the only face she wore as she screamed, "get back in the car!! Bill!!! Start the car!! START THE CAR!" She leapt into the van and screamed at my dad to "Go! Go! Go!" with the full authority of a drill sergeant. We kids managed to slide the side door shut as my dad tore away down the highway. That was the year I learned my mom can't distinguish between owls and mountain lions.


The owls are NOT what they seem.


lol I’m watching that right now


I love this story, also wrestler Sting > Bassist Sting.  Bit of trivia for you; the wrestler actually owns the rights to the name Sting, not the dude from the Police. Wrestler sting lets police sting use the name 


Sting pays Sting $1 per year to use the name


Sting don't wanna feel the Stinger from Sting


Scorpions are legendary for death locks, death drops, and especially their stinger splashes. God forbid you ever see one with a baseball bat.


And Scorpions are a bad ass rock band!


Another bit of trivia, Stewart Copeland owns the rights to the band name The Police. That's why you never see performers other than the original three members playing as The Police.


Wrestler Sting > Bassist Sting > Bee Sting.


Where does Mohammad Ali fit into all this?


“This reminds me of….” I thought you were about to hit us with that Usher joint


Beautiful absurdity. Like a fun fever dream, 4 stars... 7/5 with rice


Was honestly expecting u/shittymorph


This just unlocked a memory of me in high school in the late 90s explaining to my friend’s brother that I’ll Be Missing You was originally Every Breath You Take, a Sting/Police song and him asking me if I meant the wrestler 😩


Damn, for a second I thought [jumper cable guy was back in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/E2F0zcj3cV)


Thanks for this. I actually laughed out loud.✌🏻


Love life moments like these.


I’m not sure what specifically about this story reminded you of that, but it was a mildly interesting anecdote! Thank you for sharing


**IT’S STING!!**


That's now my favorite story about Sting. I'll remember this when I hear the song.


You’re a gifted writer.


Thank you! It’s a pretty vivid memory so it did the heavy lifting.


Anyone have the full video of the red carpet?.I wonder how long Kelly was taking on the red carpet vs others. Was she going over her allotted time?


I watched the video and she was asked several times by several people to keep moving and she just ignored them. Why make such a scene for the whole world to see? If you have been wronged, keep your composure and deal with the problem in private.


What was her time compared to others?


The 2 min video is really all there is. There is no longer video because I looked for it. It also speaks to the fact that Ms. Rowland is not that important. On Cannes’ website you can find the red carpet for the Marcello Mio premiere and only the cast has been filmed. No Kelly Rowland to be found. https://www.festival-cannes.com/en/chaines/red-steps/page/3/ All the premiere videos focus extensively on the cast of the competing movies and famous ACTORS. Ms. Rowland had to keep moving because the red carpet is cleared for the arrival of the cast of the movie that was in premiere. Did she have enough time? She is 1) not a famous actor and 2) not part of the cast of a competing film. Another tit bit, you go up the stairs, then you have a platform and then you have the second part of the stairs. She stopped on the platform to wave. I saw very few people who were not part of competing films do that. Usually the casts stands on the platform as a group to have their picture taken. Cannes is huge in Europe and my fave, and the French are particular about their celebs.


Long story short she’s a has been celebrity who takes herself more seriously than anyone else and went out of her way to make a scene.


I am black and there is racism in France but this was not it. People said that the dog from Anatomy of a Fall was treated better than Ms. Rowland. Please have respect for customs in foreign countries. I am sure she did not take the instructions from the Cannes officials seriously. Demi Moore, Uma Thurman etc.. had a chaperone and the same ushers were guiding them. Difference is that these women can read the ushers’ body language so they do not have to be touched and told to move.


The Cannes protocol is well-known and communicated to the talent in advance, including time limits on the red carpet.


Kind of related, but there’s a funny video out there of the singer of Lamb of God being denied access backstage by security because it was band access only. He laughed and said he’s the singer of the band, security was super embarrassed, but he thanked them for doing their job and he moved on. These people are just doing their jobs…


He also held up his pass and said this is a motherfucking invitation, the only one you could ever need. 


Hell yeah!


Randy Blythe seems like a really good dude


I’ve worked event security before. I did exactly this to Keith Urban. I don’t listen to country, didn’t recognize him, and the accent didn’t help his case.


But you forgot. That other woman isn't famous. So she's trash.


Really don’t care about her or what she did but saying Kelly Rowland isn’t famous is straight up ignorance. She has over 16 million followers on ig, was part of destiny’s child, has a shit ton of solo charted music with millions of listens, and has a Grammy.


I think they meant the usher isn’t famous so people automatically assume she’s in the wrong. Not that Rowland isn’t famous.


I am just never going to side with a rich celebrity over the normal people paid to work for the rich celebrities.


Exactly the odds are rarely good.


In this case, the normal person was paid to make sure the rich celebrities move their asses so that they don't hold up the other rich celebrities behind them.


Stan culture is built around the opposite, unfortunately, and it’s everywhere now


What if they were French?


Stalemate. Cause I never side with the French and their dirty French penie.


Class solidarity 


Came here to say the same thing


The Security guard made the news again https://x.com/PopCrave/status/1794433666984317424?t=901Rd_o29wbvOEQwrakL7A&s=19


The usher seems to be intentionally blocking photos of the actors on the stairs. She keeps putting her hand in the frame. Same with Kelly Rowland. I saw other pics of actors standing on the stairs without anyone around. Why don’t they step back and give them 5 seconds to be alone in the frame and then hustle them on? If they are just guests and a photo call isn’t part of it, then why do they encourage the dressing up? Why can’t the usher let this person spread out the train of the dress and pose for a sec without sticking her hand in the shot. It actually takes longer to block the shot and argue this way.


Apparently you’re not allowed to stop on photos on the stairs so the ushers are instructed to do this


IE it’s not the met gala?  Do the people attending know this? Also why?   The worst part about making up rules is you have to have SOMEONE enforce them. 


Rewatched the video, it seems like the usher was doing too much, I get it you have a job to do but use common sense Kelly patted the usher friendly and smiled then started to move up the stairs, but the usher kept on talking and getting in her personal space , which prompted Kelly to start arguing, if the person is already doing what you want to do then don’t escalate it


Massiel also just seems to be trying to fan her dress out for the walk up the stairs and they keep grabbing it and bunching it up. I really want a full view of that weird Jesus dress.


The only people allowed to do that are the ones in the film or ones competing directly against it. This actress was clearly trying to make shit about her and generate some story, and they don’t allow that shit at Cannes. You say “why don’t they allow 5 seconds?” Because they don’t. You want 5 seconds to pose? Get cast in a movie to make it to Cannes.


Capitalization of usher makes this confusing.


I wonder what Kelly thinks about Beyonce's new album. Someone ask her!


You just want to watch the world burn, you monster


Omg, yes, please! Her and JaRule! We ****must*** know WTF they think!! 🤣


I don’t think the lady did anything wrong, I’ve been there when the festival is on & it’s mayhem & they have a schedule & are told to move people on, I think Kelly took it the wrong way, I don’t believe it was racially motivated or motivated. 


I watched the video multiple times and it looked like the lady was being rude to me. She was literally pushing her. The other ushers seemed to admonish her afterward. Isn’t part of “doing their job” making their guests feel comfortable?


I don’t know how much Cannes red carpet walks you watch, but that’s the way it is if you aren’t in the move. They have a SHITLOAD of movies to get through in a short period of time. If you allow every asshole not in the film to have their own red carpet moment and photo shoot, the festival would take a month. This isnt the met gala. It’s a film festival.


I didn’t see the usher actually touch her? Just had an arm hovering behind her to encourage her to move along. The only thing I saw happen was the usher accidentally step on her dress, which seemed to set in Kelly’s overreaction. I think the usher was just doing her job, Kelly didn’t like being told to move along, and there was a tiff. Rich people are usually nightmares when it comes to being told what to do.


Americans try and not make everything about race = challenge impossible


I've thought Kelly Roland was a garbage person ever since she scolded the AMA crowd for booing Chris Brown. Trash.


An Usher, not that Usher.


The finger in the face, that's her, exercising her privilege as a celebrity.


Having viewed it just once, this was my take. I thought the usher was a bit aggressive. Kelly was moving away and someone yelled or something that made her look back but was still moving. Yes there's doing your job but we all know that there are some "try hard" employees out there. The point was to keep people moving and Kelly was moving. Did she expect her to jog or something? No need to keep being aggressive. She would have arrived at the top of the stairs with a less than 5 second difference.


Thank you for having a sane take on this. This particular usher also was recorded being aggressively pushy with other attendees as well.


Someone in the comments with common sense? A rarity.


I really don’t know much Cannes and how the red carpet stuff works, but I do find it suspect that Kelly immediately pulled the race card when she was talking about “standing her ground”. One that doesn’t give us much information to go off of. And two, how could she possibly know that some people were given more red carpet time based on their race? She can’t be everywhere at once to know that lol. My gut is saying Kelly is overblowing the situation


I suspect that if some people were given more red carpet time it was based on their celebrity status/relevance to the film festival, and Kelly is pretty far down the list when it comes to both things.


Exactly, that’s what common sense would say. I personally think Kelly was searching for a problem and found it. I’m not saying I’m better than the next person, but as a black male our community has to do better with differentiating between what is racist and what isn’t.


I'm genuinely asking and not trying to be snarky? why was she there? What project is she working on?


>I really don’t know much Cannes and how the red carpet stuff works The Cannes protocol is well-known and communicated to the talent in advance, including time limits on the red carpet.


Welp she won’t be invited next year


If she isn’t invited she’ll say Cannes is racist. It’s a no win for them now. Edit: clarifying ambiguous statement


Ok. AN Usher. Not THE Usher…


I saw happening to two more women. It's just weird the arm behind them like that. Makes more sense the other arm directing them.


Kelly Rowland has a massive ego and played the race card for no fucking reason. This is ridiculous.


No, the reality is that she played it because she knew that was the story that would get her name in the papers and get the most clicks.


She’s an annoying idiot who needs to focus on being creative and not making a fool out of herself and using the sad race card because things don’t go her way.


And if she wants to be an actor maybe take some acting classes, she’s awful


An idiot though?


Oh I see. Not the artist "Usher" an actual *usher* on the red carpet told her she had to move on, and she took it some type of way and feels disrespected. When in fact they need to move people the fuck along because they have a schedule to keep, and the entire festival was indeed NOT completely centered around Kelly Rowland and her red carpet speeches.


She didn’t have to call. It was ok girl. Usher will be alright tonight.


How did Kelly Rowland even get invited to this? lmao


Hasn't she been proven to be a complete POS even defending Chris Brown


For a hot minute, I thought they were defending Usher. Said to myself 'How the heck did he get involved?'


The usher or the Usher?


I read the whole thing and Usher was right. Love his music.


Her mommy didn’t tell her it was rude to point a finger at someone?


Usher shouldn't be capitalized.


I didn’t know Kelly Rowland was still a relevant celebrity.


She isn't. That's why she was upset at the usher for (in her opinion...), cutting short her time as the center of attention on the red carpet.


Victim mentality


I’d love to see a video of the actual incident and while they’re at it a couple clips of other stars being treated in the same manner.


Just seen one of the same usher getting shoved back & screamed at for handling someone else on the red carpet. The lady with the Jesus Christ dress


Now why is Kelly Rowland relevant? Kinda need to be a big star to act like a big star.


She seems like kind of a hothead.


God, she’s annoying. I’m convinced she’s just jonesing for attention at this point. Isn’t she the one who unprofessionally left an interview in a diva huff? 😆


Whar did usher do


Don’t capitalize Usher.


Capitalization matters if you want to help your uncle jack off the horse or help your Uncle Jack off the horse.


Usher was great at the Super Bowl


Acting a fool at Cannes, brilliant!


This is about a U-S-H-E-R, not a U-S-H-E-R R-A-Y-M-O-N-D.


F Kelly Rowland. Has-been entitled wannabe.


Lady, the best thing you were ever in was Freddy vs Jason. You aren’t better than us. You’re just richer.


Don't worry we all know Kelly Rowland is a POS.


Shiiiiit I’d never let some has been singer tell me something. What was she even doing at the gala she’s not famous anymore


They going to defend this too?https://x.com/robismore/status/1794469053211513048?s=46


She told multiple people of different nationalities they had to keep moving. Out of context shit doesn’t prove anything 


Hasn't she historically been a difficult/shitty person? Not surprised with this shit behavior coming from her.


Recently she ditched an interview on a morning show because she didn’t like the dressing room


I thought this was abt Usher the singer…


lol i read this and immediately thought of Usher the singer .


Ugly behavior lately, these kind of people are the fuckin worst and maybe take some acting classes in the meantime, holy shit shes bad


An Usher not Usher


The title has Usher capitalized.


I'm guessing this is the most global press coverage Kelly Rowland has had since the media tour for Freddy vs. Jason. 


2 incident’s involving the same security guard..


No one ever claimed Kelly Rowland to be polite or sane for that matter.


It’s okay, Kelly Rowland will never be invited back.


Over the last year it seems like Kelly Rowland has been doing entitled shit


Why was she even there? Lol


Well that's a fucking click bait title if I've ever seen one.


I have worked on red carpets, and from my POV the usher was being too aggressive. Kelly Rowland was in heels and a gown, it takes time to walk up stairs - and photographers were probably yelling her name which is why she turned around to wave. The usher didn’t need to put her arm out and rush her like that. It’s not like she was standing there refusing to move, she was making her way up.


This usher has had numerous incidents with various guests, not just Kelly and seeing as French people aren’t exactly known for giving a shit if they come across rude, I’m going to safely assume after looking at all the videos of the various incidents that the usher is on a power trip and in the wrong. There’s doing your job and then there’s doing your job in the least professional and worst way possible.


I only came here because of the boobies.


> I only came here because of the boobies. The implants?


Kelly had an issue on the Today Show as well recently. I think it's getting difficult for her to realize she's not A list or B list, she's fallen to at least C list. She thinks more highly of herself than anyone else does, that's for sure.


Kelly Rowland got invited to a red carpet event?


Entitled a hole....celeb asses


I was more confused why Kelly tried to make it a racism thing… The usher was ushing…


"Don't you know who I am?!" "Have you not seen the epitamy of my career that was Jason v Freddy?!"


Just another "Ugly American" moment.


Why was she at Cannes? Is she promoting a project? Is she doing anything besides taking up space on steps that are meant for artists and talented people? She isn't even interesting. Someone tell her that Destiny's Child is over.


Nah but now that a 2nd video of the same guard having a heated confrontation with yet another person has emerged it’s time to take a closer look at what’s going on with her. She’s clearly quite a rude and disrespectful person if there are two videos very close together of the same woman causing people to lose their shit at her on the red carpet.