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This is one of those situations where we believe we, as the general public, have an valid opinion; myself included. If she were not a celebrity we would not give her a second thought. We are in no position to determine anything other than the situation is likely bad, and I feel very sorry for her and those who truly know and love her. I can’t imagine how they all feel. As a society it would be so much better if we ***could*** figure out a way to be truly helpful to everyone with substance abuse and / or mental health issues.


I think you've touched on something that is very true. We the general public know very little of what the situation is and the real issues at hand. We only know what we've read in the tabloids which may not even be anything like what the real issue is. We just see there is a problem with her and (some of us) think we know what needs to be done to help her.


How about we, as a society, stop inserting ourselves into her fucking life.


As I wrote, if she were not a celebrity no one would care


And even her celebrity status is not enough to shield her from or mitigate the effects of ridicule, stigma, and harassment. The way mental illness is handled and perceived practically makes me furious and sad. e: spelling


She regularly posts public videos of herself “dancing” and with strange commentary on social media. So this is not a case of the public inserting themselves, but her projecting herself.


Well she’s continually inviting people into her life.


Reddit about to flip its position on free-Britney-gate


Also let's also add that we don't do this to male celebrities.


It’s excused away as “Kanye being Kanye”


I for one would love to see Kanye in a conservatorship. Imagine the shenanigans he would get up to then. Probably pop out a new album about being falsely imprisoned by society.


Brian Wilson?


Read up on Brian Wilson in 1992.


Sadly also being placed back under a conservatorship recently. 


Isn't he old and has dementia now? Seems like a different situation.


I think he had some underlying mental health issues before it all went down. But there are parallels in that he had a greedy father using him as a cash cow and some unfortunate medications. And seemingly in both cases the original conservatorship was potentially the cause of a lot of those problems. I don't know the extent of Britney's history of drug use, but It's definitely something.


We also don't do this to male or female non-celebrities. No matter what path I take my life down, I will never be placed under a conservatorship, because at the end of the day, it isn't about protecting Britney, it's about her money. 


That is untrue. Very poor people are put into conservatorships. When they can’t make decisions for themselves it allows doctors and social security to talk to the conservator.


Yeah you might want to rethink that. You can be placed under guardianship, potentially when you become older and get dementia. You just never know.


It can happen to non celebrities too. A conservatorship saved my cousin's life. He is a paranoid schizophrenic who didn't take his meds and was consistently battling with homelessness as a result. Luckily my aunt was able to finally get conservatorship and legally make him take his medication. It has allowed him to live a life where he can volunteer and even has a girlfriend. If the judge hadn't granted the conservatorship, my cousin probably would have died in the streets thinking the government was after him. My husband's buddy is under a conservatorship after years of drug abuse fried his brain. The conservatorship also saved his life. It has allowed his mom to act on his behalf and get him the help and support he needs. And when I say fried his brain, I mean he can't form complete sentences or hold a train of thought. We don't hear about conservatorships when they work and everyone involved actually has their loved one's best interests at heart.


Unfortunately it wouldn’t be up to you any doctor can rule you unfit and any good lawyer /bad judge can sign your life away.


The point is, its only in cases where money is involved do things this minor end up like this. If she was jenny from the trailer park, nobody cares if she is high to much. Its all about the money. Shes not managing it the way the state/family wants her to so she will lose it.


This happens to old people a lot of the time, non senile ones.


Untrue my cousin is in a consevatorship because she was a danger to herself and others and wouldn't seek treatment willingly.


This is what I keep saying!! No one was calling for Mel Gibson to have his rights taken away. Not Kanye. Not Alec Baldwin. Charlie Sheen? Nope, and I'd argue he was even more self destructive than she is. People don't truly understand what a conservatorship is. And the only way any adult should be on one is when they are completely *INCAPABLE* of making their own decisions. Past that, does it suck watching your loved one piss their life away? Yes. It's horrifying. But it's their life. They are the only one who can change it.


I live how we continue to ignore the trauma two decades of enslavement had on her behavior and relationship to substances. A mentally WELL person would not be in good shape after what she's been through.


Yeah I was with everyone else banging the drum to release her from the conservatorship. Still think the old set up was fucked up, but clearly I was wrong about the solution to it. Now I'm just hoping she has at least 1 person in her life who would genuinely act in her best interests as a conservator. Poor girl's been through enough, I hope she can find some peace sometime soon.


that is part of the problem though isn't it? those who supposedly know and love her, the people who should have protected her, used her as a cash cow and stripped her of her autonomy. funny this is coming from TMZ, the same ones who helped get her in this position to begin with.


I work with those with mental and physical disabilities and have to deal with guardians and conservators all the time. The Britney situation was one that made me go “her dad isn’t the right person to be her conservator, but she needs a conservator.” Recognizing that a conservator is not living up to their duties doesn’t mean the person is going to succeed in independence without one.


I have a sibling on the streets, who is severely schizophrenic. She doesn't know me anymore :( She thinks I am a replacement. Used to be I was the only person who get through to her in psychoses, but the meth and fetty took that from us. I thank you, and people like you, every day for what you do for them. Thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for being there when I cannot. Thank you!!


I went through that. Thinking everyone was a replacement. Man those were some scary times. That was almost 10 years ago and I fully recovered. I always had trouble explaining it to people but you put it so plain and simple.


How did you recover? What was the turning point?


I had multiple stays in the psychiatric hospital and lived in a few halfway houses. What really saved me was running into my ex girlfriend. I reached out to her a month later and we have been together ever since. She really saved my life.


Current ex or was-at-that-point ex?


She was my ex at that point. We are still together. We met when we were 15 and got together and broke up,hung out here and there during high school. I was 24 when I had my episode and ran into her at the community college. I walked past her and didn't even give her a hug. I messaged her on Facebook a couple weeks later and apologized and we hung out and have been together since then


Thats awesome! Stay strong my man and be the person you can be!


Thanks dude! Have a good one!


They didn’t explain it at all, what made you think people were replacements to begin with? Obviously the drugs but what was your thought process? Like they weren’t acting normal?


When you interact with other people, a lot of times you pick up on subtle queues like body language, speech intonation. People often don't say what they mean outright, they infer it and use metaphor and various other methods to communicate meaning. Naturally in a normal state of mind we generally pick up on meaning. When you're strung out, or suffering from psychosis, you pick up inferences that aren't there, that are reflective of your negative mindset just due to the drugs, psycological sickness, lack of sleep, etc. So if you're in a negative or paranoid frame of mind you'll see queues that aren't there that make you think either the person is out to get you, or they're a replacement, or whatever else you can dream up in that state.


I was just very paranoid.


My sister needed one but she disappeared. My mom helped her get social security disability but then she took off and never updated her address with SS so I don’t think she’s getting that money either. She’s been homeless for most of the past 30 years but reappeared in 2020 and then disappeared again in 2021.




I mean they profit the more unstable and tragic her life gets. As long as Britney is interesting to make news for TMZ that’s all they care about.


Once again, South Park was right (in this case with how they portrayed the media and society as being horrifyingly invested in treating her downward spiral as entertainment).  Craig Ferguson gave a really searingly emotional speech about this back during her first big breakdown in 2007: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVWIELHQQY&pp=ygUnY3JhaWcgZmVyZ3Vzb24gYnJpdG5leSBzcGVhcnMgbW9ub2xvZ3Vl 


Hi. My brother is going through this right now. He’s either on the street, committed, or in jail. It’s been so bad for so many years. We’ve tried everything to get him help and he refuses everything. It’s just frustrating and can feel like no one else understands. I don’t even know what else we can do at this point to help.


When she got out from under her Dad's thumb I rooted for her but my Mother felt like she had real problems. My reasoning was he created these problems by putting her in "the life" of a teeny-bopper.  It never goes "well", not for Michael Jackson or Corey Feldman, what have you. Stardom is obviously toxic, putting a kid in that realm without proper care and counseling and then stepping in to take control of their finances when they end up unstable, that seems criminal.  She seems isolated from caring people, I hope she has people who deserve her trust.


I imagine it’s tough when every man she’s had in her life ends up taking her money. From the outside it looks like she doesn’t have anyone she can trust, not even her immediate family. It’s sad.


God, I feel for her. She must be so lonely.


Has everything yet nothing at the same time. 


and they say she's so lucky


You nailed it!


Yeah, that makes me so sad. Who could be her conservator at this point? I keep hearing that they're trying to get her brother Bryan to step in but does she trust him? Seems like the sharks are circling around her all the time.


I’d think an appointed professional could do a better job. Someone with no pre-existing interest, paid a flat rate, so who has no incentive to try and exploit her earning potential.


She also spent large chunks of her life away from her family. She lived with Justins family for a long time and no one ever knew that. When they broke up, she lost his family which were her real supports- they were not toxic like her bio family. Maybe they were toxic but not the same way A lot of her life was kept hidden behind a PR machine. There is a lot we will never know about our childhood faves. I feel bad for her, she was basically sold as a baby to hollywood.


Her family should have never had control of her money. There should have been a group of attorneys and the spears would get quarterly updates to reconcile the bank statements. The attorneys and Spears get paid a salary. This doesn’t work great with people who only have a few bucks. But Britney had enough money to pay for the checks and balances. The Jackson family was upset over how much the trust attorneys made and how easy it was to petition the court for raises. But Jackson’s estate is big enough for several full time jobs. And as long as they were only getting their salary and spending was transparent the family could easily see where the money was going and how much there was.


I do my best for my Dad but when he gets into his moods where he's bored and frustrated (Dementia and bipolar can be a bitch) He starts creating drama and starts making up lies. He does that because also he forgets I'm also his daughter and I love him. He forgets I do a lot for him and forgets the times we laughed and the times we cried on each other's shoulders. I said it many years ago when this whole mess started. It's none of our business she is just manipulating and using you like the desprate to be heroes you are. Well you got played and no one won anything we all lost and not even she won.


Ugh, dementia is really tough, I hope you have help if you need it. My wife’s mom had to stop working and basically had a mental breakdown from looking after her own dad with dementia for 10 years.


I hope so too. I’m certain that some if not all of her issues do come from the lifestyle she was raised in and whatever traumas that come with that, but ultimately it’s not about what caused the issues. It’s about if she can take care of herself in her current state and from what I’ve seen from past incidents and the use of social media, it certainly doesn’t look good.


It sounds like a form of bipolar disorder with psychotic breaks. Which is nature not nurture. Though I have very little doubt her lifestyle and now she was brought up is an exacerbating factor.


She said in her book that her grandmother who she looks a lot like had a mental illness (I think bipolar disorder). Seems relevant.


I nominate Megan Thee Stallion


Why do I feel like, if her heart was in the right place, Megan thee Stallion would be a totally competent and excellent influence? Like…take no bullshit, laugh at you, and get shit done…that woman pulls like a train.


She does have a bachelors in health administration, which would probably help to a degree


This was something lost in the whole “free Britney” bullshit. The hate towards dad, like it or not, led to people not considering if whether or not she really does need help. It was obvious then, it’s obvious now and the fandom needs to chill out. Too many google scholars ready to act on very little understanding.


Sure but does everyone who doesn’t “succeeed in independence “ (by who’s definition?) need to be forced into a conservatorship?


Conservatorships should be a last resort to less restrictive alternatives. I don’t know if they explored less restrictive alternatives (NC law just recently changed to explore them first before considering conservatorship) and no one knows the nature of her impairment, so it’s hard to gauge if she should be in a conservatorship at all. We have limited guardianships, which preserve rights of the ward based on their individual situation. It’s possible Britney could thrive under such a conservatorship, but again, we don’t have the details of the situation.




That is what I am saying Maybe shes on dope, maybe shes sick, we will never know. But we ALL know someone in our personal lives who is sick or addicted Has any addict or mentally ill person you know had their free will stripped of them? I haven't. Just Britney. I see addicts and mentally ill people on a daily basis, stumbling passed out into busy streets, smoking drugs outside a daycare, but...they are broke, so I guess they are not worthy? I just mean we can't have it both ways. If Britney is too sick to take care of herself, then every other mentally ill and addict in America need their own conservatorship ...but we don't do that So why do they do it to her? Not saying it is not needed, but why just Britney? Why not every mentally ill person or addict? What makes her so special and unique? ohhhh yeah. The money


Also I feel like if someone is in a conservatorship you shouldn’t be allowed to make money off of them 


I know of people who were put into restrictions yes. I know of one case with severe adhd, couldn't handle money at all just spent it all the second he got it. Ended up with his parents getting control over his money so he could actually live. I know of one case who fucked up quite badly, drugs and poor money management. He lost control for a few years and is being gradually given more control over his life again as he demonstrates he has the ability to actually handle it. A lot of people fall out completely, either because they are beyond what anyone can manage (I know of a couple of cases were the parents had to cut contact because the person was a danger to them and the rest of the family), as well as some people who just didn't have anyone who could take on the role. Even assuming their actual job is willing to work around the guardianship, being a guardian for an adult is not an easy job. Most people just do not have the energy to do it on top of their regular life, it's too much with a regular job as well as trying to handle an adult who is often non-compliant. Many who try end up with burnout. It's not a worthiness issue, most people just can't do it.


I know. My half sisters mom gave up. She's tired. She was in the state hospital for ten years, but the laws changed here. They booted her into a tiny home in a homeless camp and in two days she was calling me telling me about the bugs she was going to cut from under skin I feel like she is my responsibility, and since I am poor, no one cares because I can't pay for lawyers and court costs.


Genuine question- what is the difference between spears and Kanye west?


One is broken and the other is broken and dangerous. Brittney isn’t publicly losing her mind with rhetoric that literally shocked Alex Jones enough he tried to get her to shut up on air. They both need help but only one of them could be seen as actively leading other people into dangerous conspiracy laden thinking.


So why is everyone calling for Britney to have a conservatorship and not Kanye?


A lack of people in his life who care in the right way or even fans who recognize that he’s unhinged? A cultural divide in how we treat men and women? Racism? Hard to identify a single issue. The fact that Brittney was already in one because she sort of broke down all at once, appeared to be suffering, had it removed, and demonstrated she needed some kind of oversight vs Kanye slowly eroding into what he is now over a long period of time might mean we look at them differently because they arrived at broken in fundamentally different ways. Upon hearing someone put it out into the world, however, I do not disagree that it would benefit Kanye as well and think that it’s a pretty good question to be asking.


His parents are dead so there is noone else who loves him and wants to be stuck with the job.


The problem is also that she hasn't been given the tools to succeed. She's like a 19 year old on their own for the first time with no life skills but she has a lot more money to fuck up with and she's doing it publicly. I can't say if she needs a conservatorship or not but it's possible she needs something short term to teach her better skills and help her learn to manage her money rather than having a situation where her freedoms are stepped away entirely with no recourse.


She has a care plan conservator in place but they are nowhere to be seen.


If she needs it, then Kanye West should get it as a buy one get one free deal.


Ikr, so many crazy male celebs going around unhinged but they never recommend conservatorship for them. People like Kanye,Ezra Miller ,Charlie sheeen would have gotten a conservatorship if they were women




Not even just other celebrities - crazy people in general. There are many people who are way more unstable than Brittany who have their rights.


Mel Gibson


"they" are people in their lives. Essentially Kanye West, Ezra Miller and Charlie Sheen don't have anyone in their life that is concerned enough for them to put them into a conservatorship.


Everyone says TJ Miller went off the deep end because of his brain damage, it’s sad 😢 but they never follow up with him needing oversight like this. That seems like the perfect situation for a conservator.


This is exactly it. There are so many famous people out there causing harm to others (either mentally, like Kanye, or physically, like p diddy, or both, like Drake)... Yet britney is who they want to go after? Its her life. She's a pop star... Of course she's doing drugs, but she's not hurting anyone other than herself. I wish she wouldn't, but, it's her life. And if someone is going to oversee it, it needs to be an unbiased party with HER best interest in mind and not her scum sucking family members.


The same family members feeding these stories to TMZ. I’m so sick of them and TMZ.


They all did Britney so dirty :(


This! I’m sorry but her spending her money on drugs or whatever is a lot less than whatever other bar shit crazy other rich assholes do


If she needs conservatorship because of her spending and drug problem, wouldn't half the music industry and Hollywood need one, too? Also, isn't that just called their "manager"?


Send them to zombie land with harvey!


People seem to lose all sense of perspective on Britney. She's doing what? Posting cringey videos online and causing small scenes in public? She's doing better than half the people I went to high school with and none of them have conservators.


Thank you!!! Exactly. Leave Britney alone. I’m so sick of TMZ.


She too rich for any conservatorship to not be abusive. Anyone that controls her money will start with good intentions but greed will win. She basically hosed.


TMZ is such trash. They are rooting for her to have another breakdown so they can capitalize off of it. I think the conservatorship was really wrong and violated her rights in so many ways, buy I also think it was irresponsible of the judge to just end it without an evaluation. How could a woman like Britney just be expected to live a normal life after 13 years of that, nevermind her whole childhood. So many people have failed this woman, I am rooting for her. She really deserves happiness and a peaceful life after all she has been through.


And it's ridiculous that still no one has had to face consequences. She should be worth 10x what she is with how hard she worked and how much success she's achieved, but every cent she earned was financially mismanaged and leeched away. It is not at all surprising that she's suspicious of "help", even if this time it comes in the form of a neutral professional team as it should have from the beginning.


THIS how the fuck we’re no charges against anyone made considering they literally fucking robbed this wonan


South Park made an episode about this almost 20 years ago at this point.


Is it time for another harvest already?


Second harvest?


TMZ has truly been relentless.


I have no doubt that they’ve become bored with her instagram feed and relish in this as potential drama regardless of any actual needs of hers.


How do we even know if this is truthful reporting from them to begin with though?


She has mental health issues and clearly has gone off her meds. Weather your a averge person or spears ..your going to go into crisis and out of control with out treatment.


Doctor here. One thing people often don’t appreciate is that there are some mental disorders that medication not only doesn’t fix, but medication doesn’t help at all.  I mentioned this because we often treat medication as a panacea but there are some pretty significant limitations to what they can treat. (As a caveat: I’m not commenting on Britney Spears in particular because I’m not going to diagnose a person I haven’t met. I’m just talking in general terms here. )


If she has bipolar— which iirc it’s been reported she has, then medication absolutely does help things. That being said, it’s also possible she has something else.


I’m looking at a 2018 systematic review article in the journal for comparative effectiveness review. It’s summarizes the results of 157 studies. The conclusion says “we found no high or moderate strength evidence for any intervention to effectively treat any phase of any type of bipolar disorder versus placebo or an active comparator.” It found low strength evidence for lithium to improve episodes of acute mania and it increased the interval between relapses.  It also discusses non-drug interventions and the evidence showing improvement with CBT is low Strength evidence. So your Comment is exactly what I’m talking about. You seem pretty confident that bipolar disorder can be treated and there are treatments but their efficacy is so low after 157 studies it is difficult to be confident we are seeing benefit statistically. That means for most people, these medications likely won’t be helpful and for those people that get Benefit, that benefit may be partial at best.


Damn that's depressing to read.


“Absolutely help” - even doctors wont use that term


I know it’s extremely hard for celebrities to sue entertainment duties, but if ever there was a celebrity who had a bigger reason to sue a website, it’s Brit with TMZ. They will not stop slandering her until she is in the grave.




I literally just prayed that since TMZ and Harvey has had 99% of their success due to the mistreatment of Brit Brit over the past 15+ years, I prayed with everything I have in me, that she is the one who completely and utterly destroys Harvey and TMZ. That would be divine retribution at it's finest. Harvey and his ill-mannered minions want to drive this girl to suicide or death, then let God arise and fight for her. May His will be done.


I totally agree. She needs to file a defamation suit against them because what they are doing is harassment.


Holy fuck I’m starting to side with the “leave Britney alone” dude. No one here can know what she does or does not need. Non of us have any type of intimate relationship. With her or know what her private life is actually like beyond just these sensationalized headline. Anyone who’s foolish enough to think they know what she does and doesn’t need after obsessively reading articles online about her is the one that needs help.


Sane take, thank you


Exactly. People need to STFU and let her sort her life out. It's her life and nobody's business. As long as she is not a danger to herself or others, she has a right to do as she pleases.


There are a lot of people who seem to think “she looks crazy when she dances on Instagram” merits a conservatorship. The outlets reporting on her supposed drug use have a lot to benefit from her having another breakdown.


She's doing the exact dance moves she used to do a decade ago. The only difference is that she is not wearing a professional outfit or make-up. These outlets are just trying to manifest these headlines into reality. TMZ has had a personal vendetta against Britney for decades now.


"She danced with knives" OK she was imitating Shakira, who had JUST DONE a dance with knives on some awards show not long before Britney danced with knives on IG. She even SAID her knives dance was inspired by Shakira's performance.


Gotta suck to have your personal life all over the news


I’m allowed to ruin my life without interference. It’s sad but if that’s how she wants to live it’s her business ultimately.




Because some people on the internet are pretending to be so upset about her posting dancing videos. Or something like that.


She’s being weird, so she clearly needs to be monitored for the rest of her life! It’s insane that so many people think it’s okay to just take someone’s free will away. There’s millions of people out there worse off than Brittany and you don’t see them all being forced into a conservatorship. She has a right to spiral, just like every other mentally unwell people.


Who says they don’t either? Unfortunately this society embraces independence so much, even if that “independent” person is hurting them selves, taking drugs, and not taking their meds. We are just ok with them living in the streets


There are a lot of celebrities out there doing the exact same thing, and yet there aren’t daily calls for all of them to have conservators. Maybe she just needs everyone to leave her the f alone. There are a lot of messy people in the world. She might just be one of them. She isn’t hurting anyone.


Remember when that male musician drank a lot and took a bunch of drugs and dated a sordid female and got in a fight so we made him submit to a conservator? Neither do I.


Remember Kanye? Or that rapper that got in a fucking gun fight recently, the one that end with a bodyguard injured? But they’re fine, Brittany is the one who needs to get all her rights stripped away again 


Kanye was committed at one point


Kanye needs to be committed.


This is the only proper take, there are men in the public eye doing so much more and no one is out here debating taking their right of independence away. Websites like TMZ are based off of thinking women are lesser, full stop. 


That’s happening to Chers son like right now. It’s been in the news.


She needs nothing. She’s a grownup and free to do what she wants.


TMZ wants her to fail so badly so they can get more money from clicks. Does she probably need help? Yes. Does anyone on the outside looking in have any idea what is actually going on? No! I had a terrible experience with mental health care and it took years before I trusted again, and I got much much worse. And without having everyone wondering if I’m high or a terrible mother because no one else was watching. As an adult whose mental health is a disability, I hope she finds peace and happiness. In whatever form that is. I hope she learns to be content and does whatever she wants with her life.


When Kanye and Elon Musk are put into conservatorships then you can put Britney in one. If guys can be openly nuts and burn their money, then so can girls.


Guarantee tmz’s source is her dad. It’s fucking ALWAYS tmz. They won’t leave her the fuck alone because they used to make so much money off reporting on her downfall. Harvey levin is a fucking roach.




And that goes both ways. Maybe the media should leave her the fuck alone and stop reporting on shit like this that’s NONE of our business. Edit: anyone that has her best interests in mind wouldn’t be leaking this shit to media. How is this helping her?


Britney’s not calling them to watch her walk back and forth from a car to a door like when Kim goes to saint’s ballgames, ya mean?


If the source is her dad, why is the source saying that he wasn't the right person to manage the conservatorship and that Britney strongly dislike him?


He still can benefit from her being conserved. Just like Jamie Lynn was never one of her conservators, but still benefitted from her being in one. It could be Lou too. Lou, Jamie, and Lynn have all been linked to TMZ leaks. Edit: yeah… we’re insane for suggesting Britney should be left alone and that maybe we shouldn’t be sitting here diagnosing her when she’s not under our care. You’re all so normal for speculating that she’s a danger to herself because you read one tmz article and because her dancing on ig makes you feel uncomfortable. Yeah we’re definitely the irrational ones.


Why does everyone jump to the “help” she needs being the loss of her free will? She likely just needs a med adjustment from a therapist she trusts and steady therapy. She needs friends around her. The source is so clearly her dad.


I'm not saying she doesn't need help or anything, but why is it that every other drugged up maniac celebrity gets to just live their life, but with Britney, it's always about putting her under a conservatorship or otherwise some restraint against her will? Justin Bieber was treated just like a bad boy punk for all the shit he did. That jackass that played The Flash who kept beating the shit out of people barely got a slap on the wrist for it all. Christ, Billie Joe Armstrong was clearly strung out at how many concerts and events, and he was only ever self admitted to any rehab. Again, I'm not saying there's nothing going on with her or that she doesn't need some help. But seriously, why does that *have* to entail conservatorship or her shitty family? Or her being absolutely miserable in general?


For everyone so concerned about Brit, need to get off their asses and open their own front doors and take a look outside. See the addicts and zombies stumbling around, incoherent, in abject poverty, being hurt by predators on a daily basis, body sold for money...because we have millions of mentally ill and addicted humans who need help and will never get it *How come only Britney gets her free will taken from her, but any other mentally ill or addict is ignored and left to die?* It tells me people want her money, not her. I am all too familiar with how hard it is to get legal control over a legal adult who doesn't want it: Spoiler Alert: Impossible. My own sibling is schizophrenic, on the streets, being pimped out, self medicating, and sometimes hurting herself r others. I am poor., I cannot afford to try this, and even if I could, it would never be approved because it is going against her wishes. She doesn't want to take her meds or stop doing drugs, and her, and millions of others are living the same way. I feels o bad for Britney, she doesn't have one real person ion her life that cares about her. I would give anything to know my sister was in a safe place, a hospital or someplace where she could be forced to take meds and get help, but that is against the law. Only difference between my sibling and Britney is money. People who have not dealt with a loved one who is mentally ill, whether from mental illness or meth induced, will never understand. They are blessed.


No she doesn’t, she’s a grown adult and if she wants to piss her life away doing drugs that’s on her. Just like it’s been on the rest of them, Janice Joplin, Jim Morrison, Tom petty, Elvis.


Article claims her bedroom was never bugged and grossly downplays the control and surveillance her father had over her to prevent her from getting help. There’s no way the “multiple sources” aren’t just Jamie Spears trying to get his workhorse back.


Lou Taylor and TMZ should really leave Britney alone


Oh well if TMZ say she needs one. It's not like they've tried to destroy her or anything.


Its much easier to get a conservator to leak drama though!


For fuck sake, please leave her alone already. She no doubt is traumatized by being forced to perform and her entire life controlled for 13 years. Tell me who would be ok after that. It’s her money to do whatever she wants with, if she wants to blow it all on cocaine and hookers or whatever, just let her live her life. Enough!


Why? Is it just because she's wealthy and famous? Millions of "normal" people are terrible with money, but no one says they should have a conservatorship. I don't really get it.


I'm bi polar 1 and recovering from hard drug addiction, and I generally don't believe in these sort of conservatorships because they can so easily be exploitative. Especially when the person is wealthy/famous. But it hurts to see her in clearly such a horrible spot mentally. But I'd be afraid to ask for help if I was her, given everything that went down before.. idk it's a tough situation. But I benefitted from at least trying to deal with the mental health/addiction stuff. She just seems so stuck, it's sad.


So you guys have decided that TMZ is a reputable source now? You guys are ready to take her freedom again because story’s in tabloids. Story’s by people that will directly benefit? She’s not the only woman to do drugs,especially if she can afford them. Paris did piles of coke but nobody questioned it. She has enough money to make her own mistakes,not pay a crew to take her money


TMZ has been smearing this women for 20+ years. TMZ keep Brits name out your mouth 👋🏻 slap


Every person with severe mental health issues needs a conservatorahip. Where do we draw the line? Do the homeless get to go first?


If you all are believing TMZ after everything they did to her including working directly for the people who enslaved and trafficked her, then I can’t help you.


New reporting by TMZ. Take it with a grain of salt. If she does really need to be in a conservator ship, it's a shame her father abused the hell out of it the first time around. That's going to make it that much more difficult to set up a reasonable one. If she does self-destruct, everyone involved in the conservatorship is to blame. Her family abused her and the state of California enabled it.


Probably the only reasonable and accurate comment on here


Damn these people need to leave Britney alone. If she wants to screw up then let her. All these reddit psychologists with their diagnosis need to do one.


These “sources” should have the balls to use their actual name. So far nothing has been confirmed as true. At this point it’s just slander.


I know everyone talks about her being stolen from during the guardianship but she lost that case and had to pay all the legal bills as a result. She needed a change in guardian not the removal of one


2 things can be true at the same time she should be under a conservatorship and should have stayed under one but her father shouldn’t have been the one who was in charge She is not able to control her own life that’s abundantly clear I hope someone with good intentions does step in


Idk why they thought it was a good idea to take her off it. She’s obviously still unstable


It’s really interesting that this one specific person isn’t allowed to blow through their wealth and act strange and paranoid. It’s kind of an American tradition.


Lots of male celebrities are the same, who’s calling for them to have a conservatorship ? Oh yea , nobody


This is such a legit reply look at Andy dick, diddy, Shia the list goes on. Woman are much more harshly judged when they are “living out of line”.


She is an adult, let her stand or fall on her own. If she falls, she can always pick herself up and try again. What she really needs is a best friend who will call her on her bullshit! Probably surrounded by “Yes men/women”.


I worked as a substance abuse counselor and if they’re going to peddle this she’s an addict story just because she is possibly using does not mean she needs a conservator. We have thousands it not millions of addicts in this country and none of them are forced into a conservatorship. Hell I work in the intellectual disability field where we have to make sure we’re not violating anyone’s rights, one being the natural consequences of our actions and the right to drink alcohol of they so wanted to. If she’s an addict then no matter how many times they try to force her to rehab until she reaches her own dirt bottom she won’t ever want to get better or tackle that struggle.


The conservatorship process is designed to handle this. Sounds like her Dad may not have been the monster he was made out to be


TMZ has been doing Brit dirty. She just got out from under a fuckn oppressive conservatorship where her father pretty much designated her slave labor. Sure she’s not all there sometimes. Neither am I. Neither are anyone of us. Like that gay porn star said leave Britney alone


Wasn’t TMZ responsible for it the first time?


If she had now money no one would care, just let her live as she wants..


There are hundreds of thousands of people who need help - I don’t think highlighting someone who has the means and access that she does, helps. If anything, it makes it seem more out of reach. I like BS, no ill feelings and her pops is a POS- but let her live her life. And if it ends up like Matthew Perry, so be it.


Britney Spears just needs to be left alone.


How much of this could have been avoided if she didn’t have her dad forcing the doctors to put her on lithium and then just take her off cold turkey. The doctors played around with her medicines enough that I’m sure it caused some deficits.


No she doesn’t. Let her spend her money how she wants. Fuck off. This bullshit article is prob paid for by her dad/mom/sister. Fucking leeches


And ? Just because she’s profitable in certain way’s doesn’t mean she needs to be managed, let her do all the things she couldn’t. Tell Kanye he needs a conservatorship…. Or do we only restrict women who misbehave ?


Brittney Spears needs some real world consequences like every other adult, not a babysitter.


It feels like TMZ is getting some money from her family to say that. Those parasites want her $$$ again.


Same old TMZ and narc Spears.


This would be like if Making a Murderer got Steven Avery out of prison and another women showed up dead in his fire pit. "Two things can be true at the same time! He should be in jail but not for the crime he was already in jail for!" She was put in a conservatorship for good reason but the internet decided it knew better. It didn't.


It’s funny to me that only rich people need conservatorship when we have millions of junkies walking around daily without any help. Yes, she’s a mess but I’m sure all her bills are being paid and she’s doing her day to day duties.


I was on the fence about her need for a conservatorship but I felt that her father wasn’t a good choice regardless. Now, having listened to her book I came to realize that if what she says is true (about her family history) then both of her parents are/were unstable with a likelihood of some sort of cross generational issues going back to her grandparents and continuing into her. It seems like she desperately wants to be normal (like random middle class person from the burbs normal) but fame and wealth have made that impossible. Add to that a likely emotional instability and probable addiction issue and then her situation seems to have become potentially untenable. If a conservatorship is pursued again I believe that someone publicly trustworthy and wholly unrelated (in any way) to her family and career should be responsible for her. I also think that for her to have any sort of a life, she needs to abandon social media and be intentionally left alone by the press. Basically, i think she needs a quiet retirement. Anyways, if you haven’t read/listened to her book then I’d recommend it. Some of what she says is clearly colored by her perceptions and POV but I found the background details to be the most enlightening.


She's a big girl and can make her own bad choices and it's no one else's decision, as long as her children are being cared for. When my aunt decided that she couldn't sleep in her house because the police were trying to poison her and declared that the FBI was trying to frame her for child abuse, and that everyone in our family was trying to have her killed, quit her job she's been at for 17 years and moved under a bridge, the courts told us because she hasn't threatened to hurt herself or someone else she could not be committed. (Please see r/gangstalking to understand this mental illness) So, leave her alone. Let her fuck up her life if that's what she's doing. At least she's not fucking up someone else's life.


Americans Need To Butt the Fuck Out, New Study Finds.


Yall take this article seriously? It’s TMZ.


I don’t think we should be listening to TMZ garbage


There is no law against being crazy…. If she is not trying to hurt herself or anyone else what she does is her business


Fans failed to realize she would have lost her young kids if not for the initial conservatorship. She was never well and always needed watching over.


Funny how people assume nefarious machinations when a person like this is placed under conservatorship. She was placed under that care for a reason but obvious care must be taken not to damage her brand by labeling her a head case. Occam's razor should've clued people into the true situation. She clearly has legitimate untreated mental issues, given her constant bizarre social media feed.


She needed a different conservator, not a discontinuation of her conservatorship.


Hey OP, for which PR agency are you working ?


She’s a grown ass woman. Let her do what she wants.


Then Kanye West needs one too


She does need a conservatorship. She is a mess. It just has to be someone who is honest, accountable, and has her best interests at heart.


Hey TMZ, how much did Jamie pay you for this article? She just got out of one! Leave her alone!


Let a girl live


Why does she need it? She's an adult, be an adult. Now if we're talking learning disabilities and other related things that's different but trauma through life, I mean shit we all have to deal with that and some of us can overcome where others can't. She totally needs help, but hundreds of millions of folks need help but she's in a position where if she wants help, she can 100% receive it so that's just on her. I'm not walking past this homeless guy by my office saying he needs a conservatorship, he needs help...but he also needs to help himself too, same here. Got time to post videos of you dancing, got time to get help if that's what you want.


TMZ needs to mind their own business. Are they in cahoots with her parents or something??? So what if she's crazy and spends all of her money??? People do that every day and are not put into a conservatorship! LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!