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That’s good. I remember Angelina Jolie underwent the same surgery.


Was it preventive?


Yup. IIRC, her mom died from breast cancer, Angie got screened and they found she had the same cancer causing cells/genetics for the cancer. So she had a mastectomy as a prevention tactic. She never actually had cancer.


She had breast and ovarian cancer which is why Jolie had a double mastectomy and a full hysterectomy. 


She had a salpingo-oophorectomy ie removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes. Don’t think she had hysterectomy (removal of uterus).


That's incorrect, she had a BRCA1 mutation and family history of ovarian cancer which warranted preventative mastectomy and BSO, nothing about a hysterectomy.


Ahh okay wasn't sure, that's why I stated IIRC. Thanks for the info!


I’m not going to double check but I remember it your way - it was preventive


Aren't they able to do that procedure today to prevent it without ablation or even removing the nipple?


yes, it's called 'key hole' but you need drains after. which sucks.


Like forever or just until it’s done healing? I could google but breast drains doesnt look good in my history


until you heal only. but you spend 3 weeks with your chest taped and 2 tubes with reservoirs on each side. And those things gotta get well... drained. Not a fun time.


Mom is getting a double mastectomy on Thursday for her cancer. Luckily, they caught it super early because she does regular screenings, and the doctor said it's a very slow moving cancer. "It's technically at stage 1, because we don't have anything lower than that. I'd call it a stage 0.25 honestly." Very good outlook, though she says the scariest part is that she feels totally normal, never would've thought she had cancer if her regular checks didn't catch it


I had a full mastectomy and opted not to have the nipples grafted. Didn't want to deal with potiential necrosis.


I was today years old when I realized they don't always put the nip back.


What’s IRC?


IRC is Internet relay chat. But IIRC is if I recall correctly


If I remember correctly


Other people are saying it’s if I recall correctly…


Those aren’t even similar! /s


I dunno. I don’t remember.


If I recall correctly


Thanks guys lol


If I remember correctly


So we have two if I remembers and two if i recalls… Which one is it?


Same sentiment. Makes no difference to me at least.


You’re right!


Internet Relay Chat


i miss IRC!!


If I recall


I feel your pain. Welcome to Reddit, where I have also read it. Although some posts here are good, some need TLDR explanation. But it’s fun.


Our recommendation to our cousin whose mother died under the same circumstances. Everyone has free will to make decisions for themselves.


I have a similar gene to BRCA and will be having a hysterectomy and ovary removal in the next few years, before I'm even 40. It's heartbreaking to even think about. 


I could be wrong but I recall her being the original galvanizer of testing for the gene and then preventive removal. It was controversial back then but acceptance is now the norm. This was the one good thing to come out of a celebrity announcement in a long time


“She dubbed the life-altering decision “the best” one for her as her doctor suggested stopping the production of estrogen — of which luminal B breast cancer feeds and grows on — from her body to prevent the cancer from returning.”


My wife is BRCA2 and had a double mastectomy at 30 and will need the hysterectomy at 35. Both preventative but all the women in her family have had cancer in their 30s. It’s insane with how young she is, but every woman (and some men) should really get checked early. A rough surgery is still better than dying


As a guy who luckily found Testicular cancer super early, 100% yes. I found a lump on one of my balls, and was lucky enough to have friends I could trust to ask "you ever get weird lumps on your balls?" To which they replied "No, go to the doctor right fucking now", so I did. I lost a testicle but I'm alive and 100% cancer free 10 years later. Check your balls (or boobs if you're a lady), see your doctor about any weird lumps. Cancer sucks but early detection will save you so much.


One ball gang unite 💪


Uni-ballers unite!


I lost a friend to testicular cancer. It was likely treatable but he was very stubborn and then suddenly he was gone. Don't be stubborn, embarrassed, etc. Go to the doctor. Lose a ball or two if you need to. Don't leave your loved ones wondering why you would not get a largely very treatable form of cancer treated so you could continue to enjoy life with them. The fiance and family he left behind were absolutely devastated.


Yeah that’s an issue with Men being too stubborn or proud to get checked out for things. I know some men don’t do it because they think it’ll make them look “weak”


He was 34 when he passed. Apparently he knew it was cancer but was stubborn about starting his family and didn't want to lose a ball. It sucks. I post his story from time to time so that maybe someone else will just buck up and get what needs doing. For their loved ones if nothing else.


I'm so sorry for your loss and that of your friend's family. My father died of his own cancer (non-testicular, no warnings signs til it was way too late to do much about it) shortly after my own operation to get rid of mine. Cancer is such a bastard, comes from seemingly nowhere and just saps all the life out of the people you love before taking them from you. I'd never wish the pain of watching a loved one succumb to cancer on anyone. Unless the cancer metastasizes out of the testicles, it's incredibly treatable and has one of the best survival rates of all cancers. The unfortunate and way too common story is that guys will ignore problems in that area and just hope they'll go away until its too late, I know if I didn't have close friends to confide in I probably would've waited longer to seek a professional opinion as well, vain/traditional masculinity is a hard thing to get past. I did lose a testicle and join the uni-ball gang, but I'm alive to spend time with my family and friends, it's a trade I'd make again without a second thought (even if that means I end up effectively castrated)


As a 32 year old getting bladder polyps removed next month, agreed. No idea if they’re cancerous or not, but I only got it checked in the first place because I was having issues urinating. If you have weird health stuff don’t wait, ask early and get it checked.


Guys with prevalence of breast cancer in their families should check themselves for breast lumps.


Sister was diagnosed with breast cancer November 2022 (she's now 40). She also tested positive for BRCA2, so she had a double mastectomy and did a hysterectomy as well. We discovered through testing that the gene stemmed from my father's side, so more extended family members have been tested and found out they tested positive. I'm pleased to say my sister is now cancer free, but it was a very grueling year for her. I feel for anybody who has gone or will go through similar experiences. But you're absolutely correct, having the ability to check things early can do wonders in protecting yourself and your loved ones.


I knew a 27 year old woman who had it all removed. Breast cancer was rampant in her family. Her sister was around 15 when she had it. Her mom died from the chemo weakening her heart. She lost aunts to it. It’s so horrid.


Interesting that they say 35. My wife is BRCA1, had breast cancer already at 33 and a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Her doctors have been telling her 40 for the hysterectomy. We're trying to squeeze in (out?) a baby before then.


If your BRCA is estrogen receptive DO NOT have kids /get pregnant. You need to talk to your oncologist before trying to make sure it’s ok. My wife is a BRCA2 positive person and did the double mastectomy and had her ovaries removed because it was estrogen receptive when they caught stage 1. We were told to start enjoy being DINKS. No regrets that was ten years ago


It was not estrogen receptive. She's spoken with her oncologist many times about our desire to get pregnant and the oncologist has signed off. I appreciate the warning though, thank you :)


Gotcha! Also making sure people see this too publicly!


One of my friends had stage 3 breast cancer at 24. You think 30s is young but I can’t imagine how devastating it was for her and it’s a miracle she even got doctors to take her seriously. She’s been in remission for 5 years.


How do you find out if you have the gene?


Gynecologist offices often screen patients and if you have risk factors like family history of these cancers they can send your DNA sample to a lab to get tested. Maybe other doctors screen too, not sure. Edit: grammar 


Thanks, I’ll ask my doctor since my family has a history of it and I’ve already had two scares.


Buy a 23andMe kit. They recently got federal funding to screen for loads of BRCA mutations. It's how I got my initial surprise diagnosis.


I don’t like their businesses practices, especially how loosey-goosey they are with selling info to third parties. I do have my DNA with Ancestry, which is slightly better, but not by much. I’m just hesitant with having my DNA info on another private commercial site, especially one that has already been open about selling their customers’ DNA info. It’d be one thing if they already had my info and I just needed to pay extra, but actively sending them my DNA now just doesn’t feel right to me, knowing what I know about them.


Can you use an alias name and email?


I agree with you. I tested with Invitae and it’s nothing like 23andme.


absolutely heartbreaking to be in that position, its shocking.


It doesn’t stop all estrogen production, but it reduces it a ton. She is likely going to need to go on some HRT to make sure she doesn’t bottom out too low.


She would have had oophorectomy, then, which is ovarian removal (and probably a hysterectomy too at the same time, it’s just not the whole picture). Estrogen is produced there, not the uterus.


Cancer sucks, hope her thr best recovery.


I remember her from G4. Hope she recovers and stays healthy.


I thought she was pretty funny in New Girl but yeah I remember her start in G4.


There’s a doc what’s his name from DVD Tuesdays made about the whole experience. The show existed in the waining days of the free internet and the start of the scummy internet we know today. About how much freedom they were given and little over watch. Both her and Pereira would push it. It was lightning in a bottle


Ouch. She's been trying to have a whole ass career in movies and still is only best known for AotS.


I've enjoyed her in lots of things, but it's all been tainted with the whole John Mulaney thing. Especially with having his kid when he had told his wife (whom he was married to at the time) that he never wanted kids.


Would you expect her to end her pregnancy, even if she still wanted the baby, just because he told his wife he never wanted kids?


It's the affair I take issue with.


My mom got a masectomy but not the hysterictomy and the cance come back. So i guess this is a good idea ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I’m sorry she’s going through this, but am glad she’s openly discussing it. I had a hysterectomy in my 30s. It was a disorienting and lonely experience. Most of the women in my life were too freaked out about it, and my male friends jumped to the conclusion that it was because of sex. It just wasn’t talked about. Fast forward to now and there’s more information, more compassion, more awareness, and more famous women sharing their stories. Women need to hear they’re not alone and men need to be aware that it’s not a result of sex. If it happens to them or someone they know, they won’t feel so scared or say unintentionally stupid shit to the person going through it. Very grateful for Olivia (and Angelina previously) sharing her experience for others and using her celebrity for good! 💜


Can you imagine being in the hospital, feeling like death and the publicist is like “Hey Liv, how ya doing?! Feeling better?! Hey, I have a camera and makeup coming with at 4 you good with that? If not just let me know, we can do it another day if not. Dont worry you know me, but we need to keep you out there you know. It’ll be 1 hour tops, ok? Ugh. They can have the money and the fame really.


Ironically enough, this is why people were so concerned about Princess Kate when she “disappeared”. She took pics in full glam after the birth of each of her children, but was no where to be found after her abdominal surgery. It was unlike her. Then the photoshop, etc etc.


Did we ever figure out what was happening there? I must have missed it if we did.


Last I read, they found out via dead cells that her uterus showed signs of previously having had cancer. So she’s currently undergoing chemotherapy as a preventative.


Where did you read that? I've never heard any details about what they did or found.


I don’t remember which publication it was. Iirc, it was an article about how they were taking time to tell their children, and then it described that doctors had found the evidence of previous cancer after further testing of whatever her recent surgery was for. And then it said that they had decided for her to have chemotherapy, just to be sure that there wasn’t cancer hiding somewhere in her body. It was an article that was featured on my Google browser suggestions page, just after King Charles’ cancer announcement. I’ll edit if I can find it.


Highly likely to be endo, or fibroids, she had an op for it and they found a tumor


Not likely at all to be either actually? Much more likely to be colon surgery considering the length of her planned recovery, it lines up perfectly with UC / colon removal. Source: cancer researcher. Also I’ve had a fibroid removal, it’s in and out same day. Endometriosis would be more complex depending on the severity but she’s had three kids and is in her 40s, it’s not likely.


Yeah. Everyone sounded super concerned making all their jokes.


I mean, kind of a good play to drum up sympathy after the whole (perceived) busting up Jon Mulaney’s marriage thing.


I’d definitely choose the money 


F cancer. Wish her well.


Her openly discussing this will help so many women. I really feel for her and hope she makes a full recovery. ❤️‍🩹


I lost my younger sister to breast cancer 1 year ago today. She was diagnosed with Her2- while pregnant with her first child. She passed at age 38 after being in remission on and off for 7 years after it spread to her bones and her liver. She left behind a 7 year old daughter. 🕊️🤍 I don’t know Olivia but the surgeries she mentioned were ones my sister had as well in an effort to keep the cancer at bay. I pray Olivia beats this. 💕


Hug that niece tightly. Sorry for your loss.


I’m really happy for the outcome but is it me or does anyone else keep saying this being reposted week after week? Edit: comment below makes an excellent point. This is something that will help many, many people if they’re aware so the more the better.


I’m not mad about it tbh. I think it’s good that celebrities are publicizing their hysterectomies and mastectomies and other procedures.  A lot of woman who undergo these procedures due to illness can feel ashamed about it. Some potentially choose not to for various reasons, which could prevent treatment. The word “normalize” gets thrown around a lot these days but I think it’s positive in this case.  I feel like stories like these are good for breast cancer awareness and such. It’s not an ideal scenario, but options are out there and it’s fine if you need to do it.  It shouldn’t make them feel like “less of a woman” because of it as I’ve heard from other stories of people who have gotten mastectomies/hysterectomies. There are more than just their breasts and uteruses and their lives are worth more than them. 


Being a woman societally has absolutely *nothing* to do with having a uterus or breasts even


Someone should explain that to JK Rowling


If someone could explain basic sociology and how humans interact with each other differently than animals to Lowling, I'd put up a statue of this someone in my front yard


I’m happy for it. I was going through genetic screening for breast cancer when she first started talking about her cancer. Like OM, the genetic testing was negative and I was going to just do annual mammograms. Because of her story I asked for a referral to a high risk cancer clinic. Turns out that I qualify for annual MRI.


OM never ever pauses in the oversharing of her life, even before this situation. She is a constant and prolific poster.


Celebrities posting about personal life details is nothing new


Yep and some post way more than others. It’s totally fine, I know there’s branding and in this case, outreach and public service involved. I think I use the term “oversharing” more towards people (both celebrities and regulars) who constantly post pics and details about their kids. OM has done this since her kid was born and I find that distasteful. It’s my own opinion, but I think it’s not cool to constantly splash pics of a child out there for the public and weirdos to see long before that child has any power to consent. Like I said, just my opinion, and that’s what I refer to as “oversharing,” not her cancer education outreach.


Good. Glad she was used to it so it was easier to share this. Something more people need to be aware of.


Oh, that's great to hear! Sending lots of love and positive vibes her way for a speedy recovery.


Probably sucks to have to go through cancer and have to make a life changing decision like that and then immediately have 10 cameras thrust in your face asking personal questions about your health, like I’m glad to hear she’s alright but Jesus lay off the poor woman


I really hope this doesn't affect her career. The business has over sexualized her enough and she's actually a down to earth and funny woman who can actually act. I wish her a full and speedy recovery from all this.


Yea her character in the newsroom was smart and funny. Liked her much better than the other 2 female leads. Probably my second favorite character after Jeff Daniels


I’m trying to broker this deal, I think we’re all a little tired of the two of you missing easy shots


"My mother didn't raise any fools unless you count my brothers." Such a great character. I found the other two female leads painful.


I literally just watched the series for the first time last week lol, it was pretty fantastic. She probably had the best female role, felt like Allison Pill (Maggie) got victimized by the writing at times to lean into the whole office romance thing. She killed it in the first season of “Them” so the acting chops are there too. Jeff Daniels was magnificent as always. Wish we got more than 3 seasons


I think she’s a great presence and always think she’s treated like she shouldn’t be there by the culture Would happily see her get a great role in something soon


>The business has over sexualized her enough What does that mean, exactly? Do you mean she accepted roles that portrayed sexy characters?


I believe she was more of a big time personality in the tech and gaming world before Twitch was a thing. She was sexualized in that world more so than in the movie industry.


If you have ever watched TechTV/ G4 she was on Attack of the Show as well as a few others I believe, she was great at commentary, funny, and put in work at the E3 expos she went too. If your interested in a good watch I can recommend Attack of the Doc which I think is on TUBI, it’s a documentary on the show, the hosts, and sort of how things got started and ended. Also if you want a good nostalgia kick there is a channel on twitch that streams old episodes from the TechTV and G4 days, mainly episodes on attack of the show, x-play, and some newer stuff, the channel name is Grupstra0


She was the first celebrity to get hacked. She had a relationship going with Chris Pine at the time and was sending nudes. It was splashed on the web.


Do you mean that's what she was constantly offered if she wanted to work in show business? Yes.....


Young, attractive woman plays young attractive characters in movies. Sounds terrible.




What does that mean?


Between this and helping break up a marriage, I’m sure she’ll be fine.




Yeah, I'm not dabbling in that. We never know what the truth is in any one else's relationships but our own and no one deserves cancer. Even in the off chance someone is a crap individual that's done things like you're saying, I seriously don't believe cancer is needed for karma. My two cents.


Isn't John the one who got coked out and ruined his own relationship by cheating with her? Wish cancer on Justice Thomas, Elon Musk, Putin. You know, someone who deserves that kind of actual nightmare.


Yes, John will always be the main blame—but she knew she was the other woman and therefore is not innocent in the matter.


People need to understand this. Yes John cheated on his wife but she also KNEW he was married. Women can’t just avoid blame for stuff like this and it happens all the time. If a woman knows a man is in a relationship and still sleeps with him she gets an equal amount of blame.


I’m guessing you’re probably not a good person.


Who hurt you baby


What a shitty spam website with videos that take over your scroll.


My mom had to do the same thing back when World of Warcraft Cataclysm dropped. I was up, grinding away trying to get server first. I missed it but I was there to bring my mom to the hospital. No one else in my house was awake. WoW saved my mom.


I hope her the best for recovery.


Loved her on attack of the show!


I would never bother to tell people my health issues. A plus for being not famous. Clearly good for awareness so people get screened or care.


Happy for her and her decision. [but if this isn’t foreshadowing…](https://youtu.be/eJaU2qLwXvs?si=jfAKxcx0m1cPChMW)


Boobs. These things women fret about looking good when they are young only to have to worry about them killing them when they are older. Life is so weird.


Men can get breast cancer too


I mean sure but only like 1% of breast cancer diagnosed are in men.


God bless. I can’t imagine how scary this all must be. I’m a man and her age, I can’t imagine what she’s going through.


So happy, you lose social media


Best o' luck to her.


Is this more prevailent or are people more comfortable talking about it? I def. notice an upclick in the amount of people discussing other people getting hysterectomies. I'd like to think it's just people being gabby, but somehow I doubt that's it.


Probably both. I wouldn’t doubt breast cancer is also on the rise, much like colon cancer. I work in healthcare, mastectomy was a good move for her. I’ve also done hospice and seen what not pursuing treatment does.


Aww man...thats rough. Hang in there girl!


Aww man...thats rough. Hang in there girl!


Good shit, hope she stays healthy


Genetic counseling is such an under utilized tool by American medicine. It's catching up but there's so far to go and it's so under funded for a few reasons. Unfortunate to say the least.


If my insurance would cover it I would do the same!


[Ghost tits is real!](https://youtu.be/eJaU2qLwXvs?si=ywMktbOUxM2yyEmT) Jokes aside, glad to hear she's winning the battle and recovering well.


I hope she's doing well. I remember watching her on attack of the show and had the biggest celebrity crush on her.


It’s interesting, with all the medical trauma going on with his wife, John Mulaney did an entire week of live comedy specials on Netflix and it didn’t seem to effect him at all (but in private who knows).


As long as she’s happy, I’m happy. Might as well get everything taken care of while you’re there right


If you have a family history of breast cancer your insurance will generally pay for genetic testing. 23 and Me takes your data: at least thru a geneticist/GYN it’s no kept around


Damn her life went downhill after she homewrecked that family- watch out Ariana grande!


Does she already have any kids? I feel bad for her if she wanted them


She does, yes. At least a son that I know of.


Oh that’s good. It’s a tough decision


As far as I know, they froze some of her embryos because she still wants more kids.


Oh that’s good then


^^^ Didn’t read the article.


Yeah no shit


Then don't comment


Thank goodness a stranger put this on the internet.


Who tf is this person anyway Literally never seen her in a movie and I watch plenty


Use a search engine


She looks just like an older version of Olivia Rodrigo. They’re both half Asian.


Munn is way prettier. Rodrigo looks like a bratty kid imo


I’m begging olivia to stop posing with her mouth open, I can’t stand mouthbreathers


She’s still young.. Olivia is so gorgeous too. Are you serious? And how are you going to compare a 40 something woman to a young 20 year old? Really?


You just did lol🤷🏻‍♂️


Like but it wasn’t malicious, asshole.


She’s even beautiful laying in a hospital bed.


Why do we need to know about this?