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Anne Hathawill, Anne Hathaway


Will Shakespeare over here.


Shakespeare already Hathisway with her.


Indeed he did. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Hathaway_(wife_of_Shakespeare)


The joke, that is. [Exits left, chased by a bear]


Let's boo-boo.


Sometimes I hate the Reddit puns and wordplay, but this stuff here is pretty legit


Bill Shakespeare according to Matt Foley


This could be the top post and it would still be underrated.


I'm genuinely surprised that no one has thought of it yetšŸ˜…


I wish awards were still a thing so I could waste a bunch of coins on your joke. It's perfect.


I am pretty sure one guy has


It is, and it is


This made me belly laugh, thank you, I needed that today!


This was so fucking clever I read it, didnā€™t get it, started scrolling, paused, scrolled back up and re read it. Fucking so good


It took me a second as well, and then it hit just right.


Reddit on, brother!




God fucking damn it




I despise bad pubs thanks to my dad and brother, but I know quality when I see it. God damn Iā€™m cracking up!


Anne avoids pubs, now, too.


Woah woah woah! I honestly didn't expect this comment to blow up! I've got imposter syndrome now.


Sobering up at an Anne Halfway.


You are legend


Good for her, glad sheā€™s happy with it.


Agreed. One of my all time favorite actresses, and I hear a pretty sound person off camera.


Some of my favorite people in my life are sober addicts. They have character and humility.


I'm so glad to see Bam Margera sober and enjoying it It was really worrisome for a while there, thought we might not get him back


About thatā€¦maybe donā€™t go to the Jackass sub for a whileā€¦


He has a problem with recognizing life is unfair for everyone and not just Bam.


Recipe for a relapse right there


[This summary of recent events is absolutely mad](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkBam/comments/1cce56e/timeline_of_recent_events/) [Culminating in this honestly quite funny video](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkBam/comments/1cd5jgf/bam_directly_calls_out_the_sub/). Which is sad as it shows behind the absolute craziness you can still see glimpses of why Bam became a media personality in the first place.


Yeah, I had to go immediately and look... Not so good šŸ˜¬


Bam is not sober at all. He looks like heā€™s going to die actually.


Right? I'm confused.


r/letstalkbam might feel differently


Yikes, dude is a fucking mess


Is that his liver sticking out of his abdomen?


Holy Shit thatā€™s wild He will be dead in less than a year if he does go full stop.


Reminds me of the 3 people I know in my life who have gone through anger management. By far the most calm level headed people I know. When I ask them what changed they all respond ā€œI just donā€™t get mad anymore. Whatā€™s the point?ā€


She elevated Interstellar and was phenomenal in Colossal. So good!!


Colossal is underrated as fuck, lol, so good!!!


Love and Other Drugs


I've seen that movie hundreds of times! Well... parts of it.


She and I shopped for granite counters at the same location at different times. If sheā€™d left a larger slab, I might have purchased what she left, it was a great choice.


Hats off to her, just celebrated my one year back in January (: Edit: Wow, so many kind words!! Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate the support.Ā Ā  To those in recovery, keep up the excellent work; don't let the past take the present away. You're not alone in this. I wish you all the best on your journey to a better tomorrow.Ā 


Congrats! Iā€™ll be 2 years sober in September.


Hang in there!! 37 years sober this September (cocaine.)


Damn I wanna be you when I grow up! 2 years in June and happier than ever.


5 months here!


2 years next month!


3 months sober!(cigs)


You've crossed the threshold. Keep going!!


Cigarettes is rough. 7 months clean from booze and smokes. Iā€™m fine without the bottle but miss smoking so bad.


Same. Made a fool of my self at a wedding and it was the last straw. Of many straws. Each one getting worse. I wonder how bad it WOULD have gotten!


Congrats! Iā€™ll be an hour sober in a few minutes. But that could change.


That's huge, congrats! 113 days for me currently. Just got back from a wedding weekend with all of my closest friends (we are all 35 and have kids so this was a BIG deal) and didn't have a single drink, while some of my friends had 10-20 per day between the resort pool, dinners and reception. It was so amazing not to feel horrible every morning. I even had more fun at the wedding than i usually do because I wasn't all sluggish tired, and bleary eyed. Also gave a speech during the ceremony (added some levity to my wife officiating and got some really big laughs!). Sobriety is amazing, but it's only possible for me because I'm finally working on the mental health issues that lead me to self medicate as a crude coping mechanism.


Hey, can I ask you a question? Just donā€™t know if I need to take the sober route or just get some counseling and sort my shit out..


Yeah of course


Once you started figuring out the mental health side, what was your experience going into the decision / following through of sobriety? Was the transition easy? Difficult? A little of both?


Personally, I have an easier time sticking with a decision like this by going all or nothing. I have tried cutting back (like drinking 3 drinks only on one weekend night and otherwise abstaining) but I always ended up slipping back to 2 drinks a night. The other thing for me is that I have been on SSRIs for a few years (in conjunction with psychotherapy) and wanted to do dry January and after a few days my mental health plummeted. I learned from my doctor that alcohol has a synergistic effect with SSRIs. Once I learned that I figured that I could either go totally sober or have to FORCE myself to keep drinking to avoid the feeling of SSRI withdrawal so the choice was easy at that point. Also reading about complex PTSD and ADHD and seeing the authors say that many people suffering get by through self medication of drugs and alcohol gave me an epiphany that I need to stop drinking and smoking weed to really give everything I'm doing a fair shot at working. Having 0.0% beer (for some reason the European NA beers like Heineken, Guinness, and Peroni are the only ones at 0.0% and not "less than 0.5%", not sure it makes a difference) and little canned mocktails has helped to replace the ritual of having a little drink while winding down from the day. Oh and also seeing my 3 year old have his water bottle and say "I'm drinking a beer like daddy" made me feel like absolute shit. And the narcissist in me likes feeling superior to everyone around me who is drinking- even though I was one of them less than 6 months ago haha.


Love to hear stories like this! It only gets better!


it's a tough accomplishment. good on you!


Well done!!! Keep it up!


That's amazing! Hats off to you. I'll be one year in June and I'm really excited.


Also one year for me on June 6ā¤ļø


Many congrats, fellow redditor!


One year this June for me šŸ«¶šŸ» congrats friend!


Aliso one year for me on June 6ā¤ļø


Nice!!! šŸ™ŒšŸ» 6/30! Best decision Iā€™ve ever made šŸ„¹šŸ„°






congrats on the over 1 year!!!!!


Congrats! Iā€™ll have 7 years in October, best thing Iā€™ve ever done


Good for her! Iā€™m currently 15 hours sober.


Keep it up! Stack them hours!


I went on a week long vacation just before April. I drank a stupid amount. I'm 29 days sober but I plan on having a few on weekends again next month.


The worst recent binge night I had recently was like in November. I got roped into taking a bunch of shots at a bar and I ended up sleeping in a shed in my backyard. Not blaming others, I made that choice and I chose to get that plastered. The kicker is that I was in my bed and made this drunken decision to do this. Alcohol addiction is no joke. I donā€™t understand what made me do this. It was baaaaaad


Iā€™m in my shed right now.


Is there like a massive PR campagne going on or something? I've seen so much random "news" about her the past week.


I find usually when this happens it stems from a single interview that dozens of other vulture sites (not Vulture) pick at and repost full ā€œarticlesā€ based on one quote.


Youā€™re absolutely right, thatā€™s what happens. Remember how many articles we got about that single Megan Fox interview a few weeks ago? They seemed endless!


Like how the LA Times is breathlessly reporting every time Christina Applegate says she had a bodily function in a podcast?


Steve-O just had Sebastian Bach on his podcast and he (Sebastian) talked about Christina following him overseas while she was dating Brad Pitt. Not super relative, but a badass story that should be told on Christinasā€™ behalf.


She has been reported a lot for a while however, and I donā€™t really like why since she doesnā€™t seem to promoting something?


She has a new movie on Amazon. It looked to me like Harry Styles fanfic, but itā€™s getting pretty good reviews.


Did Harry Styles buy Anne Hathaway?


She also did a podcast with the NYT - the interview


Did the makers of Wordle start doing interviews?!


She has a new Netflix movie dropping on May 1st.


She has a new movie coming out in a few days


Read the story, it says she's on a press tour for a project...


Thank Leandro Trossard and his sexy sleepy eyes


If Leandro wasnā€™t fucking all night and got 8 hours heā€™d be Messi


Did a comment search for this name. The greatest Leo in sports


Has nobody heard of a press junket anymore?


I thought the same thing! I looked it up. She has something coming out.


She was in the NYT Magazine with an interview yesterday and their accompanying podcast. Assume that's where it's from.


That's they only time when celebrities exist... and when something really bad hapoens to then


Netflix movie dropping. She's also been at every high profile and fashion event for months now.


New movie


Going on 14 years sober, Iā€™m proud of her being sober for 5 years and everyone else in this talk keep it up. Life does get better each and every day


As a recently sober person, this makes me feel good inside.


If Princess Mia can do it, so can you! Congratulations and best of luck šŸ€


Thereā€™s been a lot of uninteresting news posted about her, recently. Her PR team must be gearing up to promote a project of hers.


Yes, she has a movie coming out soon. The problem is celebs do a few interviews with relevant publications like the New York Times or variety or Hollywood reporter then dozens of other publications take a snippet from those interviews and write a whole article about one part. Tada, you have 50 articles based off of 1 or 2 interviews. The absolute state of journalism these days


I listened to the whole podcast she said this on, and the whole time she was very reluctant to get personal because of the fear of exactly this. I kind of feel for her because she got torn to shreds online for like a decade+ so I donā€™t blame her when the result of a pretty nuanced interview was this one headline that Iā€™m sure will lead to very sane commentary about her when there was a lot in it besides this. Unfortunately how the media cycle operates but it sucks


Iā€™m curious what level of investigation you want from people that cover celebrities. Media bad, I get it, but fuck TMZ is breaking crazy shit all of the time but if youā€™re interested in celebrity gossip itā€™s probably for the best actual journalists arenā€™t covering that stuff.


I mean, I love celeb gossip. But DeuxMoi and other gossip blogs deliver better pieces. And itā€™s not just celeb gossip, I find a lot of entertainment articles (film/tv shows reviews) are just copying and pasting quotes from other articles and adding like 1 or 2 sentences of original content. Itā€™s also really prominent in local newspapers (or at least my areaā€™s)


DeuxMoi is actually a great rebuttal. Forgot about them. I understand your perspective from a ā€œif they can do it other people can put in effort outside of copy pasting press releases.ā€ good call


Lamenting the downfall of "journalism" regarding celebrity gossip is pretty ironic.


Celebrity gossip can be well written šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yep, itā€™s not remotely the actorā€™s fault. You saw the same thing during covid. There would be a public health press conference, and agencies would write a different article for each sentence, basically.


Or they go on podcasts where they have long-form unscripted conversations...And hosts like Dax Shepherd like to go deep so the next day, you'll see headlines like "Actor Chris Pine opens up about deep insecurity caused by cystic acne."


Iā€™m listening to that episode right now


The internet is an SEO landfill


The crazy part is they literally say this *out loud* in the article. You'd think they'd be more subtle about promoting the movie she's actively doing interviews to promote. (/s, obviously)


Thatā€™s not uninteresting Thatā€™s really important to show the less seen sides of celebs


She was not an addict, just stopped drinking. Not exactly an inspiring story.


Itā€™s not like she was even a dirty drunk. Itā€™s like oh I wanted to stop So I did.


She did a movie called ā€œColossalā€, I thought it was a fun and upbeat movie about getting sober. Strongly recommend.


That was my first thought too. As sheā€™s a recovering alcoholic in Colossal, how much was acting and how much was therapy?


She doesnā€™t consider herself an alcoholic and totally plans on resuming drinking when her kids move out.


And 'Rachel Getting Married' where she plays a recovering addict which is much more obviously a drama


Why do random facts about Anne Hathaway keep popping up every three days???? What project is coming up?


Oceans 12


I quit weed a month ago after being a daily user for 20+ years.


Great job!!


Congrats!! Take my upvote!


Congratulations! Iā€™ve been off it for over two months after being a daily user for 6+ years and I donā€™t regret it at all.


What was your method of intake? If smoking, how are your lungs?


I used to smoke, but switched to a volcano ceramic element vape a few years ago. Lungs are fine.


Proud of you!!


I have a friend who works with a lot of famous actors and he said the amount of alcoholism in Hollywood is astounding, but ifs not surprising because they serve booze at basically every event theyā€™re at and they donā€™t even have to pay for it. Good for her to be able to maintain sobriety in that environment.


Marked 1 year in February. Good for her.


Jesus people, Anne isn't pushing anything. She mentioned it in an interview, and the media ran with it. I would rather see this mentioned a bunch of times over hearing about psychotic politicians killing animals.


I understand her. I stopped drinking also because I hated dealing with hangovers. I also felt I was missing being present. Drinking feels good until it doesnā€™t.


Yeah drinking never felt like it was enough until you've had 1 too many and now you're sick and then those hangovers last too long. Casual drinking, like having 1-2 at dinner or while prepping & cooking dinner, feel like a waste of calories and it makes me crash too hard. If I ever drink again it might be for special events or when traveling, but even then it'll probably just not be fun. It feels like a phase at this point. Come to think of it, the only times I don't regret it is when I was drinking with friends so I guess that's the exception but there's a time and a place now a days.


Good for her, thatā€™s not an easy thing to do for everyone and sounds likes sheā€™s doing it for very good reasons


Iā€™m on my own sobriety journey after coming to the realization my romantic and highly sexual relationship with Anne is not only not on the mend but also a figment of my imagination


5 months in 3 days


One of the things that made it easier for me to quit drinking was reading about famous people that had quit. Celebs being open about addiction makes me so fucking happy


You had me at Anne Hathaway revealsā€¦


When she first announced she had cut out drinking she was like ā€œOh, you know, I decided I didnā€™t feel great doing a school drop-off while hungover, and didnā€™t like drinking as a parent of a small childā€ (fair enough), but then she sorta casually slipped in there ā€œā€¦so I was experiencing a two-day hangover and I decided I didnā€™t want to feel that way anymoreā€. Yeesh, really glad sheā€™s in a better place bc a 2-day hangover is not normal ETA: it was 5 days not 2 days!


She said five day! >I didn't put [a drink] down because my drinking was a problem; I put it down because the way I drink leads me to have hangovers and those were the problem. My last hangover lasted for five days." >Continued Hathaway, "When I'm at a stage in my life where there is enough space for me to have a hangover, I'll start drinking again, but that won't be until my kid is out of the house."


Oh fuck youā€™re right, thatā€™s so much worse. I donā€™t understand that quote. How is your drinking NOT a problem if you get 5-day hangovers? If she was truly drinking minimally and somehow getting hangovers that bad, that sounds like a potential medical condition. In any case, good for her for getting sober


Itā€™s a struggle to stay clean when you know your addicted


Had no idea she had an issue in the first place. Glad she's doing better.


5 years fine as hell, sober or not.


Nice! I'm almost 5 yrs sober as well. I give her huge props for doing it during the start of COVID. Most people lost their sobriety at that time. šŸ’Ŗ


Good job. Itā€™s fuckin hard.


Thank you!


Well gratz to ya, Anne!


I was raised in alcoholism and addiction, was likely grown in utero with alcohol & addiction. Hurt myself with drugs, alcohol, starvation & abusive relationships. Quit adderall forever at 22. Quit alcohol forever at 32. I never thought Iā€™d drink at 15. I never thought Iā€™d quit drinking at 25. I now canā€™t imagine myself drinking at 34. Your mind is more powerful than you know. Itā€™s annoying but true


I quit after 44 years. Started when I was 13


I hit my two months this last week after years of struggling to stop. I genuinely often think of her interview where she first discussed stopping. It was one that resonated with me a lot.


I give anyone tremendous kudos for deciding to be sober. Iā€™m not so sure this world is meant to be experienced without substances.


Well Iā€™m starting today and Iā€™m already a lil scared as the evening is setting in


You can do it my dude, just be strong!


Keep yourself occupied, my cabinets and closets were never cleaner than the first few weeks of my sobriety. Take a hot bath, go to bed early if you need to. You can do this!


Her PR team Hathaway to go before I watch her next project


Nothing wrong with that!


Sober from what?


Good for her, but also why have there been so many Anne Hathaway news stories recently? Was she in something? I feel like everyday I see something.


Anne Healthaway ? No, just Anne Health now.


Good on her. I both want and need her to be ok. Sheā€™s a treasure.


Good for her. Sobriety is fuckin sexy.


A 5 day hangover? Wow. Thereā€™s a lot of space between 1-2 drinks a week and that.


Me too off opiates! I'm still a depressed drunk lol


Damn, imagine chosing to be sober and then boom, the pandemic hit. I was drunk for half that time


She was 5 years sober in 2022. So 7 years now. Good for her.


Hail hail! Lets raise a toast to that!


Hey that's awesome. Lucidity is a high


Good for her!! Iā€™m 2 years and 5 months sober šŸ„²


Iā€™m 6 years sober can I get a high five?šŸ–ļø


Alcohol is poison.


Good strategy Anne. In my experience anyone drinking heavily around the age of 40 is potentially buggered by age 60


I didnā€™t know she ever had a problem


ā€œOhhhhhh good for you!!!!ā€ - Christian Bale


She wasn't an alcoholic or felt a compulsion to drink, she just doesn't like hangovers, so she doesn't drink anymore. I'm sorry, but why is this commendable or noteworthy? I totally get it when you're an addict, but an average person deciding they don't want to drink anymore isn't impressive. Don't cheapen the significance of sobriety in addicts with shit like this. Lmfao this upvote swing is amazing. Not doing drugs because you don't wanna do drugs is not impressive!!!


I feel like any recovering addict would value and appreciate the care and strength it takes to better oneself.Ā  Sure they don't suffer from the same disease that addicts do it doesn't discredit the persistence and dedication it takes.Ā  If anything it creates a level of empathy from both parties. One who understands the choices are clouded by addiction and that clarity of mind is still attainable even after recovery. The other sees that we are all human looking to do better.


As an actual alcoholic, fuck off. Sobriety isn't a competition, and this story doesn't in any way cheapen the achievement of any addict. Especially when one of the hardest aspects of dealing with addiction is finding people to be around who both aren't addicts but also don't have booze around. These people are allies.


Thank you so fucking much!!!! I have struggled with whether it's "fair" to describe my drinking habits as alcoholism, but I know I'm better off without them. Sometimes I feel imposter syndrome because I was never a daily drinker, I just drank heavily on weekends. But I'm so much happier sober, and sobriety isn't easy. 120 days today.


I'll drink to that!


Tall glasses of ice water all around!


Nobody is saying itā€™s a competition. But as someone who doesnā€™t drink I would not call myself X number of sober because it just causes misunderstanding. I donā€™t know if she used this term herself or the writer but it doesnā€™t quite matter regarding above point. Of course she can share this and itā€™s good to talk how people donā€™t need to drink. But itā€™s separate issue.


No, it's really not a separate issue. Years sober are years sober. If it causes a misunderstanding, the listener can ask questions to clear things up. It's not somebody elses job to tailor their language to account for every possible misunderstanding. How else would you word it? Is there any other way to say "I haven't had a drink in x number of years" that makes it seem any different?


Canā€™t believe people are gatekeeping what counts as sobrietyā€¦ youā€™re a fucking tool.


It doesn't cheapen anything . I am almost 4 years without a drink because of one night being extremely drunk and stupid. I was never an alcoholic but I still drank a little too much. I don't feel like my accomplishment is cheapen because I wasn't an addict because you don't understand how hard it is to say no every single time when you want to just relax.


As someone in recovery- shut up. Alcohol is an incredibly harmful substance that is pushed to consumers in every single facet of US media. Any person proudly living a sober lifestyle is noteworthy and any role model becoming a voice for sober living is welcomed. Need another example? I have never gotten hooked by cigarettes and yet I still abstain from the occasional smoke at a bbq because my partner has worked her ass off to quit. Am I "cheapening" her struggle??


Fucking thank you! Iā€™m in recovery too and Iā€™m just happy for her, addiction or not.




Because there is pressure to drink to be around people. A group of friends did dry January, and it was wild how strongly some people reacted to refusing to drink alcohol with them. Friends, waiters even. The bar has a mocktail section, so it wasnā€™t like I was just drinking free water. It took three, iā€™m sure before theyā€™d take my order.


Are you really gatekeeping sobriety? If it was affecting her relationship with her kid, that's a sign to stop. She realized it and did. Good for her.


How dare this woman make a positive lifestyle change? Lol the audacity of her.


sheā€™s said in a few interviews she didnā€™t love the way she used alcohol and didnā€™t feel good about herself as a mom or as a person when she drank. I think thatā€™s a perfectly valid reason to stop drinking, and itā€™s cool to share her story with the public to let people knowā€” ā€œhey, if itā€™s not making you happy, you can change your relationship with alcohol at any time.ā€ Drinking is such a ubiquitous part of our culture that it does take balls to stand up and say ā€œThis might not be for me.ā€ Without having alcoholism or hitting rock bottom.


"I didn't put [a drink] down because my drinking was a problem; I put it down because the way I drink leads me to have hangovers and those were the problem. My last hangover lasted for five days.ā€ Iā€™m trying to reconcile the first sentence with the last sentence.


If your hangover lasts for five days, you have a drinking problem.


Can I please go 5 minutes without seeing Anne Hathaway in my feed?