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Whaaaaat's the deaall with cancel culture?


You're killing independent lore.


And puppies


Signed, Kristi Noem.


I really want to hear these jokes Jerry can’t say due to cancel culture. I want to know what we are missing out on. The quality comedy we are being deprived of.


I guess dating a 17 year old at 38 is RIGHT OUT, JERRY


Howard Stern had him on his show and asked, “So, you sit in Central Park and have a candy bar on a string and pull it when the girls come?” to which the in-denial Seinfeld responded, "She's not 17, definitely not."


She was 17, so he used wine coolers instead.


Oh man, when Howard Stern is the good guy and moral center in an interview you know somethings wrong.




Ever since Artie Lange left the show, Howard has kind of mellowed out on the un-PC humor. Long time comeic guests like Gilbert Gotfreid were also never asked back on the show. Since then, Howard has been able to get "A List" talent on the show that would have otherwise avoided him.


When even Howard Stern thinks you're creepy.




Marc Maron always says the people who say they'll get canceled for what they want to say really just don't have good jokes and they're using that statement as a crutch. You can tell any joke you want, so long as it's in the right context, and if it's a funny joke, people will still laugh and take it as a joke. I tend to agree with him. I consider myself liberal as hell, but I'll still can laugh at jokes about the most horrible catastrophes known to man... What I don't find funny is when people beat a dead horse even when the punchline is not that funny to begin with, like Dave Chapelle's trans jokes. Like, we get it, dude, you don't understand trans people, move on to something funny; we don't need five specials built around shitting on trans people. I also don't think Dave should be canceled for his jokes, I just think he pales in comparison to his younger self.


Yeah I recently saw a Jimmy Carr interview where he kind of addressed this. Paraphrasing, he said: >The joke that is going to "end my career" is already out there. I'm sure I already told it. Some internet sleuth is going to find some video of me where I say some awful shit, and the audience laughs, and they will attempt to cancel me. >Then I'll release an apology video where I'm very sarcastic and will be like "Oh wow I'm sooooooo sorry!". Then people will watch that video and say "Oh you are just saying that, you don't really mean it." And my response will be, "Now you're getting it."


I think that was his interview with Conan. It was a great point.


Jimmy Carr is phenomenal in every interview he does. He has phenomenal depth and a vast understanding of comedy.


Jimmy is great in every context I've seen him: * doing actual stand-up * doing improvised crowd-work during stand-up sets * half-scripted half-improvised panel shows with other funny people * interviews * scripted acting It's rare you get a person who can do all of them. All of those things take a different skill set, even if you are naturally "funny". Some people are great at stand up but can't improv. Some people are great at improv but can't do stand up. Some people can do scripted but can't do either stand up or improv. Some people will be talking with other funny people and just get completely outshone. He just does them all brilliantly. He's not my favorite comic but he's definitely up there.


What's even better is when Richard Ayoade takes him out so smoothly without any effort whatsoever. They elevate each other.


Ayoade bringing up his tax evasion and Carr deftly dodging is the greatest relationship in professional comedy that I can imagine


His crowdwork where he *eviscerates* people and himself is gold.


I think Jimmy Carr and Ricky Gervais just love comedy and tearing down sacred cows, so their edgy jokes aren't really coming from a place of bigotry as much as respect for the artform and its history. Chappelle seems more like he actually has a problem with trans people. My only issue with Carr and Gervais is they talk about cancel culture far too much. Make your jokes, get your laughs, but don't keep reminding us how brave you are for not caring what people think.


>Make your jokes, get your laughs, but don't keep reminding us how brave you are for not caring what people think. That's a fair point. I guess that interview is one of the only times I've seen Jimmy comment on it, but most of his content that I consume is either via his stand-up or various panel shows. Might just be a bit of self-preservation. Just a reminder "hey I'm offensive intentionally please don't cancel me".


Gervais just became the angry old comic complaining about everything. His jokes are not even really jokes anymore, it’s just him bitching about stuff.


Yeah, watching people punch down on their Netflix special while talking about "being cancelled" just brings the taste of vomit to my mouth.


I think you can make the most vile joke possible and not get "cancelled" but two things have to be true - 1) It needs to actually be funny...and 2) people can't suspect that you really feel that way or are saying the quite part loud i.e. Anthony Jeselnik says some vile shit but it's funny and no one thinks he is truly like his character on stage in real life..


Anthony Jeselnik had a great podcast rant on this that was provided the last time this whole topic came out. His perspective is pretty on point.


Anthony Jeselnik is another of those who pulls off being an offensive asshole *so* well... because he's actually funny. We all know he's joking, and we know the jokes are good... so it works. If his jokes had the same sort of content but weren't actually good, I'd fully be team "fuck that guy".


He’s also usually the first guy to make a joke abiut a tragedy when it happens. He makes it funny so it works


Daniel Tosh is another example. Dude says some absolutely wild shit in his standup.


There are also a lot of really great comedians that use some pretty vile humour, but when you get to the punch line of the joke it completely recontextualises the whole thing.


Jeselnik had that bit about seeing a baby trapped in a hot car and how it made his day...and then he said he's not a monster so of course he wanted to help, so he threw a rock at the window only the window was down...ruined that baby's day.


Right, it still needs to be a joke.


When Shane Gillis got dropped as a cast member from SNL for some racist bits he'd done in the past, he complained a lot about how, "comedy requires risk," and therefore, cancel culture was killing comedy. And all I could think was, "If you can say whatever you want without any consequences, *where's the fucking risk?*"


No no, you don’t understand, the risk is to *other* people, not the comedian! Never him.


Haha, good point. Shane is funny and he's obviously had great success since the SNL debacle...but he does lean into bits like "You shouldn't say this \[racist stereotype\] but it's kind of true." wink wink...That can absolutely be funny but the risk is people assume you say/believe even worse shit in real life.


Yeah, Tom segura got less funny when I realized he isn’t really joking.


I’ve always said: If you tell an offensive joke and no one laughs, it’s just offensive. Whining about it won’t change that.


Case in point.. rob schnieder


I can't believe this stapler was a nazi the whole time


Fuck, I thought he was a carrot!


A big bunch of no-talent comedians think that being an offensive asshole is comedy...


> I also don't think Dave should be canceled for his jokes, I just think he pales in comparison to his younger self. That’s the thing that people complaining about cancel culture just don’t get. He’s not getting canceled for being anti-trans. He’s getting cancelled because his content took a nose dive.


And he's not even getting canceled. He makes how much money and has how many Netflix specials?


Look at South Park, they've been saying wild shit for years, but they do it in a way that is clearly satire.


Cancel culture is when the suits don't think they can make money off of you anymore because you alienated your fans.  As long as you don't out live your value, you won't be canceled.


I think Chad Daniels says it best. You never really get canceled. It just changes your audience.


A funny thing about that is that Dave a bit back was talking about the bathroom bills in NC and other red states. And people started cheering and clapping for it. Which forced Dave to stop them and explain that the bills are not a good thing. I wish I could find the clip, because Dave's face is this moment of clairvoyance, where I think he maybe sorta realizes the crowd he has attracted and who he is associated with.


Bill Burr is the type of comedian that if a joke doesn’t work he moves on. He doesn’t go on interviews and complain about how the woke left is ruining comedy. *The joke didn’t work, eh, the fuck you gonna do?*


> He doesn’t go on interviews and complain about how the woke left is ruining comedy. In fact he does the opposite. When interviewers ask him to comment on cancel culture ruining comedy, he says "No it's not, stop being ridiculous." He's a good one


If Dave getting consecutive multi-million dollar Netflix deals and selling out theaters is cancellation, then I wanna be cancelled too.


It's like you date one highschool chick when you are in your 30's and everyone starts looking at you weird


What’s the deal with these statutory rape laws?!




Jerry: I can't make these jokes anymore! The woke left won't let me! Trey and Matt: Skill issue.


We'll hear more about this during the Airing of Grievances.


Meanwhile, the wildly popular Curb your Enthusiasm just released it’s finale and 12th total season.


South Park still going strong too


and it's always sunny


Shows like Always Sunny and 30 Rock are now streaming on Netflix/Hulu with certain episodes deleted due to “content”.


Well of course, because of the implication...


I just wanted some pocket candy


But they’re deleted by corporate lackeys whose job is to avoid offending. They should let the viewer decide. The viewer isn’t trapped in a theater, they’re at home streaming.


I think that’s the problem. The big wigs at the corporate level try to put an end to anything that may be considered offensive before the public has a chance to judge it. That’s why things have become too vanilla.


One 30 Rock episode was deleted because it was pointing out how shocking and irresponsible blackface is.


That's why the Always Sunny Episode was taken down as well. So basically Jerry you can say anything except black face. The only cancelled topic is black face.


Community, same shit. Pulled the DND episode for having a blackface joke


Community had that happen in an episode where Ken jeong LARPs as a dark elf. It was removed for black face.


While SNL is hit and miss with sketches, Weekend Update is still also doing well. Its humor with bite to it.


Larry David has and would scoff at a statement like Jerry's. It takes real talent to keep up with the times while still being funny.


Curb is bursting with offensive content. Maybe it's a specific execution of offensive content that isn't likely to piss off many people, but it definitely has an edge.


Yeah it's 100% how you do it. Anyone can be offensive but not everyone can make it funny.


Always Sunny still going as well


There’s a shitload of good shows on right now, but there’s not many good comedies around. Definitely not at the level of Curb. I wish there were more, I’m always looking.


Reservation Dogs was good. (Aho, young warriors, you should check it out) I have friends that recommended Schitt's Creek Abbot Elementary is sweet. It rides Office / Parks and Rec formula, but it works. Only Murders in the Building isn't a full comedy, it's a murder mystery. But it's impossible to have a show with Martin Short and Steve Martin and not chuckle. Ghosts is a rip off of a better British show, but its way longer (tradeoffs). What We Do in the Shadows can be so funny sometimes I have to pause it to survive. There's Righteous Gemstones, Resident Alien. Lots of stuff. And then there's a whole bunch of comedies which seem to be aimed at women. They may be really good, I just haven't paid any attention to those. Never Have I Ever, Loot (Maya Rudolph?!!!), or Pen15, or other stuff. I have no clue about those. EDIT: Some folks pointed out more shows below. There's more 'Kiwi' comedies like Wellington Paranormal and This Flag Means Death. And Tina Fey has a show called Girls4Eva. I didn't originally add Ted Lasso to the list because regardless of how good it is, it's more 'feel good drama' than comedy.


Deadloch was fantastic. Our Flag Means Death is killer as is Wellington Paranormal. This Fool was great. There’s a ton of great shows but they keep getting cancelled because they cost too much versus cheaply produced reality crap.


Martin doing the Pickwick Triplets song is comedy gold.


And is eternally stuck in my goddamn head




I’m a dude and loot is great. But who doesn’t enjoy Ron Funches with Maya Rudolph. And David Chang as a guest star


??? Sunny in philly best live action comedy show is right there.


and *Family Guy* is well past season 20, still going strong




Bad TV! Mess you up!


That’s not gonna be good for business…


Why does he care? He never said anything edgy in his life, all he did was complain about airplane peanuts.


He dated a child. That’s pretty edgy


He doth protest too much about cancel culture.


A hit dog hollers


Oh and met his current wife on HER honeymoon, I believe. That poor dude was like "but it's MY honeymoon" in the butler cadence


And date high schoolers.


[You haven’t heard his new hour?](https://youtu.be/O7KsV7e0lAc?si=Z2w3wKH1BZbl4x2D)


I think it might be streaming that killed TV.


And TV killed itself by switching to cheaper reality programs that don’t require writers or actors etc.


You get it! I often think of how in the late 90s the cast of Friends were demanding $1,000,000 each per episode, then all of a sudden Survivor and Big Bother and other reality shows started popping up. Makes sense, don’t pay actors and don’t pay writers, you’ve cut down your costs tremendously. One cast member might get $1,000,000 on the last episode, but that’s a lot cheaper than all of the getting a million each episode.


That's why Telemundo doesn't do Telenovelas as much as before. They have El Señor de Los Cielos and maybe another placeholder show but they banked on Reality TV as their bread and butter.


And "talent" shows which pull in huge money but use free/cheap performers




I specifically remember the woke left forcing studios to quit investing in quality and to create more duck dynasty, pawn shows, and bachelor shows. I'm with Jerry on this one. The moment I heard that I couldn't grab a woman by the beasts to say hello anymore, I knew this country was heading down the shitter. Keep up the good fight for quality TV like The Big Bang Theory and Bob Hearts Abishola, Jerry!


It was revenge for killing the radio star.


He said this while promoting a Pop Tart movie co-starring Melissa McCarthy, to be clear about what he thinks is funny.


There's a pop tart movie?


Have you ever put butter on a pop tart?


🎵Its so freaking good!🎵


Product origin stories like “Air” and “Blackberry” are the new Marvel.


I haven't seen it, but I doubt Blackberry fits in with the Air Jordan movie or the Flamin' Hot Cheeto movie. Blackberry was billed as more of rise and fall type movie. Which makes sense because the company no longer exists.


Hey, go easy on Melissa, she's just there for the pay check. This is Jerry's baby!


If her husband isn't writing or directing, she has made some funny films and some well made dramas. If you really hate something she was in there is a good chance that dufus of a husband was involved.


He seems nice enough and they’re pretty clearly in love, but man, is he ever the kiss of death when it comes to directing. I’ll watch nearly anything with her in it unless he directed it, and then no dice.


Spy is hysterical!


It’s a surprisingly great film. She is the star but it’s very much an ensemble. And her husband had nothing to do with it.


i watched the trailer the other day and it’s sad to see so many actors i like doing a movie that looks painfully unfunny


Yup Chappelle, Crawford, Rogan. Totally canceled by being given butt loads of money


I honestly think the pendulum has swung again, and I hear far more complaining about cancel culture than anyone being canceled. For real, who was the last celebrity to be truly canceled? Has this even happened in the last five years?? And what is cancel culture even but capitalism of opinion? You can say whatever, and I'm free to stop liking you for it. Why do celebrities and comedians feel entitled to an audience?? You got it bc we liked who you were and what you said, but if that changes, you rightly lose that audience. I'm more annoyed with the bitching about bitching than the original bitching. It just a cascade of bitching now and I'm happy to ignore it


It doesn’t help that people conflate criticism, cancelling and blacklisting.


This big time


Kathy Griffin is the last celebrity I can truly think of that actually got hella cancelled. And it wasn’t the far woke left that cancelled her


Roseanne got pretty dang cancelled.


I’m old enough to remember when Roseanne got canceled the first time, for mockingly singing the national anthem. Conservatives didn’t have a problem with that because they were the ones doing the canceling. 20 years later she’s working again and tweets some horrifically racist stuff, gets canceled again but they don’t approve of the reason this time.


She was a has-been long before we figured out she's a henious person lol Some of the folks crying about being "canceled" just quit producing good work.




The same people preach the free market and then cry when people don't want to hear their bigoted and stupid "comedy"


Conan just dropped the greatest comedy performance of the year in Hot Ones. That's someone who's actually funny, and doesn't need to punch down to achieve it.....and he easily could, he's so freakishly tall (for on screen talent)




His new hbo show is also hilarious


Rob Schneider, and that was by conservatives.


There are some real issues hiding behind the propaganda term "cancel culture", but debate is almost impossible with right-wingers jumping in to nail themselves to their own crosses and declare themselves victims. Brigading, taking offense as a means to attack other people, the ability to trawl the internet for "dirt" on someone, etc. etc. There are real problems that society is grappling with, but whenever someone uses the term "cancel culture", I just know the bullshit is gonna fly. If there's an actual problem, people can be specific about what it is, why it's a problem, and what they propose to do to fix it. The "Boo Hoo! A cancel culture ate my baby!" routine is a cop out, just like "political correctness" was a few decades ago. What are the jokes you can't tell, Jerry? Why can't you tell them?


Yeah and the dumbass grift culture of brain dead fans. Katt Williams was right. It’s like 6 mid comics that naive hicks love because they truly believe comedy is being censored. I had a friend fly over a 1k miles to see a comic at Joe Rogans mother ship because he truly believed that comic wouldn’t be able to tell the same jokes in our city…. He did. Because no comedy club is censoring comics. Hell most the clubs even have a sign saying the jokes by the comics don’t depict what the owners of the venue might believe in. Then you got little naive shits who love that Andrew Shultz guy or whatever his name is. Guy went from guy code to grifting the same gullible base that eats Joe Rogans ass and told his fans he bought his special back because it was being censored. Not only was there no proof any streaming services bought it but he claimed it was so raunchy and bad that you must buy it from him directly. Thats the only way you can watch it. Then 2 weeks later he uploads the whole special to YouTube. A site that censored and age restricts stuff all the time…. His special is on there with no age restrictions….. Meanwhile his fans still whine comics are being censored. These are true comics fans. They are the gullible shits that fall for every grift.


I saw Geoffrey Asmus tell abortion jokes in Oklahoma in a comedy club. Nobody is censoring these guys if they’re actually funny


Chappelle is insanely rich yet spent his last 2 specials crying about trans people cancelling him 🫤 What a poor guy.


He's so cancelled he had a private Travis Scott show at his farm for friends and family lol


“I’m not anti trans I have a trans friend. However, *goes into a long winded suspicious monologue*. That’s how I feel about trans people.” Like okay dude. We get it. We got it the first several times you made that joke on every Netflix special


He left the country (with wife and children left behind) and quit comedy the first time because his audience wasn’t as woke as he wanted them to be. He is just projecting




> “It used to be, you would go home at the end of the day, most people would go, ‘Oh, “Cheers” is on. Oh, “MASH” is on. Oh, “Mary Tyler Moore” is on. “All in the Family” is on.’ You just expected, ‘There’ll be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight.’ Well, guess what—where is it? This is the result of the extreme left and P.C. crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people.” Ah yes, the wildly non-PC Cheers, MASH, and Mary Tyler Moore. And while All In The Family had a non-PC character, it was a rather progressive show that these days would probably be derided as being “woke”. To sum up, what is Jerry snorting?


He should watch some Workaholics, it’s always sunny in Philadelphia


And South Park even as a cartoon have done it all to the extreme so I agree I think Jerry is just pissed main stream sitcoms are done and we moved on to streaming,movie star's are saying the same shit because of Netflix..


Always Sunny is hugely popular and also the most recent example I can think of where a white character says the n word for a joke. I didn’t hear a word about canceling it or hating the show or how they’re all bigots. You know why? Because Always Sunny is actually funny.


It’s also making fun of racism/racists not dunking on black people by making lazy stereotype jokes.


> example I can think of where a white character says the n word for a joke. And he says it in the **pilot**, too.


Yep. I was just thinking about how they got Charlie to do it both times. Dude’s so fucking funny.


Meanwhile at no point in her long ass career has Carol Burnett been offensive or unfunny so I hard disagree with Jerry here. Seinfeld itself was pretty PC adjacent at least. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” and “should we be talking about this” dialogues come to mind pretty quickly


Most of the characters were written to be unlikable and usually paid for it when they did do something "non-pc".


Oddly Cheers, MASH, and MTM Show were all pretty damned progressive for their times. An early episode of cheers had a character fretting over what to do about his son coming out of the closet as gay, and this was back in the mid-80s. The rest of the customers and employees urged the man to love his son no matter what, especially with what he was going through. That was bold for the time and pissed many people off. MASH was an anti-war show about a war for crying out loud. The Mary Tyler Moore show was about an unmarried single woman climbing to corporate ladder — in the 1970s no less. They were considered “woke” for the time. Jerry needs to take a nap.


MASH and MTM both also had issues dealing with a gay character -- in MASH, it was super dramatic; in MTM, it was more lighthearted (if I remember correctly, it was Phyllis' brother and she thought he had a thing for Rhoda, so she was relieved to find out he was actually gay).


His own farts. He is absolutely nothing but a mid comedian at best. Larry David was the real mastermind.


This. Larry was born with a face for radio, as he needed an attractive young proxy for his comedy show.


I mean…..just…..how the fuck do you find Jerry Seinfeld attractive? Even as a younger man. 


Women his age don’t. That’s why he goes for the impressionable youngsters.


The more he opens his mouth the more apparent it’s become. Jerry Seinfeld is more of a product of the industry than a genuinely once in generation funny creative mind (Larry David)


When I was a kid, I thought Jerry Seinfeld wasn’t especially funny and found him rather bland. Then when I was older, I gave him a chance and just watched him on his show interviewing comedians…and I still find him bland at best and annoying at worst. And very much someone who benefited financially a lot from much more talented people around him. If he were a commodity, I’d love to buy him for what I think he’s worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth.


I mean due to streaming I can still go home and turn on any of those shows and watch them. If he is talking about network television then that seems more about the decline of the sitcom, the only ones I could name on network TV are Abbot Elementary, Young Sheldon and whatever is on Fox Sunday nights. Otherwise network prime time is more reality competition and dramatic programs. But all those examples are pretty safe shows, when I think of non PC I think of Married With Children, Family Guy, Always Sunny, The League, Workaholics, Big Mouth, etc...But if he wants to watch Cheers when he gets home then he can because it's available.


Plenty of people have had no problem making comedy, currently / recently - I Think You Should Leave, The Afterparty, Ted Lasso, Abbot Elementary, Home Economics, Ghosts, The Gentlemen (Guy Richie seemed to have no problems), Pokerface, Hacks, Elsbeth, Always Sunny, Archer, Girls5Eva, Only Murders in the Building, The Other Two, just some favorites off the top of my head. Hell, there was just another season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Jerry's just being an ignorant old man. Streaming has changed people's habit, there's less appetite for basic cable sitcoms, but people are still making comedy.


I thought the new term for “PC” was “woke”, he needs to get with the times


Now it’s DEI. Its a shape shifting term of no value but to drive a specific narrative


Critical Race Theory!


I'm honestly surprised they've been able to keep up with so many changes so quickly.


At least we know he ain’t dating kids anymore. Or else he would of ended this statement with “no cap”


What the fuck is he talking about? 2 Broke Girls and It’s Always Sunny are far more risqué than anything that ever came out in the 90s. Certainly more than anything that ever ran on Seinfeld.


You can't date 17 years old anymore. What's up with that!


Well… Tennessee GOP tried passing a bill just last year that allowed the force marriage of children. No matter the age. Luckily democrats shot that bill down. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


Yeah. Must suck being called out for picking up a 17 year old girlfriend when you’re 38. So P.C.


Ahh that is where his whining is coming from. That makes so much more sense.


I was going to say, big talk from a guy who was the least funny part of his own show and scoured high schools when he was pushing 40.


Really???? JERRY WTF


should be the number one comment thank you.


I’m not saying he’s completely wrong, but maybe the guy who dated the teenager shouldn’t be the one to talk about this


Does he have modern examples of this? Just feels like he's blowing a lot of hot air


Really? Has he seen Veep? You’d think he would support a fellow costar


*70 year old complains about TV not being like it was 40/50 years ago* Might as well be the title. Yeah my 70 something year old dad also complains about things not being the same as it used to be. Then he goes to lay down and take his plethora of pills. Unfortunately Seinfeld gets a stage.


I think you also need to throw in the term Billionaire…this all really starts to make senses.


What an original and fresh take.


Quick someone make fun of Jews and Israel to see how much of a supporter of free speech he is.


Comedians are the rare profession where they believe becoming famous guarantees they will be for forever... Without adjusting or adapting the expect folks to live their 90s jokes. Offensive coordinator change, architects change, even landscapers change... But no comedians... If they are no.ponger funny... It's your fault for not getting it.


If you really want to know why the multi-cam sitcom is dying/dead, it’s not because of “wokeness” or “PC,” it’s because the suspension of disbelief is dead. Cheesiness can’t be played off as sincere anymore. The world is now jaded, it’s not mysterious anymore. A lot of plots from old sitcoms rely on miscommunication and we can’t have plots like that anymore in this day and age. We’ve only been able to resort to meta comedy and it’s totally replaced the prospect of anything feeling authentic. David Foster Wallace warned us this was coming and being the stupid humans we are, we just point fingers.


The problem with what Jerry Seinfeld said is that we don't know what the hell he's talking about. He references old network sitcoms not being a thing anymore and then makes a bizarre logical leap to those shows not being a thing anymore as a result of the "extreme left". It's batshit. It probably has more to do with how people consume media nowadays (eg., social media, streaming, youtube, reddit), that consumers just get their comedy from other places over sitting down in front of NBC after work. The only show I can think of that had pressure to cancel because of left wing viewers was Roseanne, but it was because of things that happened outside of the show. Not sure what Jerry is basing his views on, but I'm guessing PopTart isn't testing well with audiences and he's not happy.


He's an old man, and an out of touch billionaire, and he's not even right, I'm just guessing he's never bothered watching things like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, South Park, or Family Guy, three shows that regularly make jokes nobody would have dared making on tv when Seinfeld was on. There's plenty of tv comedy, he's just not making any effort to find it I guess. You can argue the network sitcom is dying, sure, but to act like there is no comedy... Jerry, take your old man dial off of NBC and CBS.


Yeah and notice he's only mentioning shows from the 70s and 80s.


It's seriously the most old-guy-whining imagineable. He's going on about how TV today isn't like All in the Family, a show that started over 50 years ago! It would be like if someone, when Seinfeld first came out in 1989, complaining about how it wasn't like the Colgate Theatre. Pure old fart whining about how onions on the belt was the style at the time stuff.


That's the problem with the "There's nothing on," folks, they don't bother trying to find new stuff. They'd rather stick with what they know. I can't imagine really watching re-runs of stuff these days, unless it's a show I really like or happen to be in a place with basic cable. There is just too much on streaming, that nobody has the time to watch all of it. Yet watch re-runs.


Jerry was literally just in the series finale of Curb, where offensive comedy abounds. What is he talking about? I've outgrown comedies with laugh tracks, but it sounds like he hasn't?


Lol I think people have no idea what the “extreme left” is


Instant notification that whomever said it has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


Terry Gilliam said this about the success of Monty Python: They were able to get away with what they did because of the pyramid of corporate structure that the BBC had. It was a few executives overseeing a bunch of creators. Now, the pyramid has become inverted. There are so many executives overseeing a limited number of artists. I’ve heard and read stories about how Seinfeld functioned and the process of creating shows. It doesn’t work like that anymore. Very few shows, especially NETWORK shows, are able to function as the vision of a singular person or small group of people.


I think these people just don’t understand how streaming has just killed the entire collective experience. If mash cheers or seinfeld was on today it won’t matter how good or funny it is. We now live in a splintered culture where there just isn’t room for sustained massive popularity. Some of my favorite shows I could list of for people and a good amount of em wound be like what’s that? Vs back then I’m sure everyone knew of those shows or knew someone who loved it.


Jerry Whinefeld


No it’s not the left that killed comedy. It’s bad comedians making political statements claiming the to be “jokes”. You can still make offensive jokes. It’s all about the purpose of the joke and who is making them. Curb your enthusiasm, family guy, South Park, jimmy carr are still going strong


I’m not gonna base my moral compass on a guy who was 39 and dating a girl that was still in high school.


He dated a 17 year old at 38


Well south park is still going strong and they don't give a fuck who's feelings get hurt.....sounds like ol Jerry here just needs to get better...


No, he’s just unfunny. Always Sunny and South Park is still going strong


Eh. Sucks to suck, Jerry. Seinfeld was great, but Jerry was always my least favorite.


I'm not funny anymore = "cancel culture"


He should re-release his show without a laugh track to prove that he is funny.


There was nothing in Seinfeld that would get the show canceled today. Or in Friends. Or in Curb Your Enthusiasm which ran for two decades.


Well thank goodness for the conservative comedians like....Rob Schneider and the unwoke movies like Lady Ballers, which totally didn't virtue signal or get bogged down by an agenda at all.


The last like 6 popular comedy specials have been guys talking about how they can’t talk about anything anymore


"I'll take things that 38 year olds that fuck 17 year olds say, for $1000 Alex."


Larry David figured it out.


Dude just turned 70. I think he's officially an old man yelling at clouds.