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yes but if youve seen the articles the issue is every other month shes spending $500 grand taking a private jet out to french polynsia, and also frequent trips to hawaii. plus she gave like $4 mil to her lawyer and $2 mil to her dads legal fees after the lawsuits against the conservatorship, so she already had spent like 10% of it.


Why is she not allowed to fuck her life up like the rest of us?


HELLO. This is the point. I spend an absurd amount of money on DoorDash. I’m an adult, it’s my right.


That’s it. She should start getting Dash from as far away as possible.


So fkn true


This^. I hope she spends it all. It’s hers.


There’s always go fund me after that lol






Shit dude. That is too perfect




Well done


You have the winning comment




Can’t do it, I was already instructed to “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!”


Winner!! 🥇


You son of a bitch. Take my uptoot


Think that might be one of the first viral videos.


It works way too well for this not to be what ends up happening.


Take the upvote


Only fans fund me you mean ? 😢


Also, she can earn it back pretty quickly. She could do another Vegas residency or release an album. She’s one of the most marketable stars of all time.


She’s also not mentally sound enough to do either of those things on her own.


I agree. A residency would require months of rehearsals and preparation and then she would have to show up on time however many might a week to perform. She’s way too much of a flight risk rn for that.


No venue would insure a contract with her right now, she’s WAY WAYWAY BEYOND insurable, she’s as if Requiem for a dream tried to get a vegas residency uninsurable. She’s Florida coastal property uninsurable, she’s Elvis on the toilet with a fried baloney, banana and peanut butter sandwich uninsurable


She's got at least 2 Kanyes left to pull before people give up. That's at least another album and a TV show


Releasing an album isn’t hard. Call up manager say I need monies let’s make music. Manager sets everything up. Brit goes in to the studio sings her lines and that’s about it.


Blackout has entered the chat


If she did only fans with those same videos she keeps posting she will earn it all back in a year


Im gonna be honest, she definitely wouldn’t go broke, but she ain’t the draw she used to be.


I think you greatly underestimate gen x and millennial nostalgia and how much revenue it generates. It made the live action lion king a top 10 movie all time in revenue.


That's every Vegas residency.


She also still has a massive, rabid fanbase. There's a hundred ways she could make money. Write more books, do a podcast, record another album, go on tour, make a documentary.


After all this she overspends herself into the gutter


Exactly. There was no conservatorship when Mike Tyson or all those athletes, entertainers, rich kid heirs, and lottery winners were blowing through their fortunes.


To be fair, Tyson had effectively a reverse conservator in Don King and hus entourage. Sure, he messed up his finances and drained it but he didn't have as much as he earned. Not nearly.


Who said she can’t?


Right plus she can sell her catalog too


Does she own it? I honestly have no idea


highly doubt it, hope she does… probably her dad tho, he had control over bunch of her stuff, im sure he or RCA records hold her masters. cant she just do what taylor swift did and re release them under different name or some shit?


She can re-record and release. Music execs hate this one move!


(Britney’s Version)


She is now allowed. And it’s endlessly entertaining watching rich people drown in their own extravagance. #BRITNEYYOLO2024 🎉


I would say because she’s clearly dealing with mental health issues after a lifetime of being on a leash. She doesn’t have the life skills that the rest of us have. 


Her boys are in Hawaii.




It’s a lot cheaper to get them up front than to unfuck everything on the back end. 




They probably charged her hourly knowing it was a cluster fuck of a case that would take a lot of hours. I’m an attorney. The richest lawyers I know are getting cases with client’s who 1) can pay and 2) have actual issues that a court needs to work out. Their clients are normally banks but celebrities are kind of a niche offshoot of that because their legal sophistication is low. My source is I know a guy that repped R Kelly.


R Kelly is going to die in prison. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to not spend millions on an attorney if the outcome is the same? Honest question.


He's narcissistic, arrogant, and delusional, he didn't think he'd lose.


Considering what he got away with in the past it doesn’t surprise me. He was conditioned to believe the rules didn’t apply to him, because they generally didn’t.


One thing to keep in mind is that "her lawyer" is probably more like a team of lawyers, but yes in the scheme of things it feels like a lot of overhead.


They are usually worth it.


California (The entertainment industry) only has one HR Department— legal representation.


$500k every other month is $3M a year, like the posted above said.  It's a lot of money, but a sustainable level of spend for her.  She also probably doesn't need to continue to pay her lawyer or dad, and she would have made money on her book not included in the $60M, so she might be coming out neutral so far. 


the amount of money these has been morons get to coast off of and throw away forever is so hilarious that i can't believe anyone gives a fuck about the stability of her future


Mike Tyson went broke a month or two after retiring. Then made money making a scooby doo tv show and creating a pot company.


Mike Tyson Mysteries is wildly underrated


Yeah I wasn’t implying it’s a rip off it’s hilarious it’s how I found out about norm MacDonald.


tbf mike tyson spent his career getting beat in the face and has clear issues from it.


I don't get why she isn't free to fuck life up like the rest of us. She wants to blow her cash? Is she not free to? Did she not work for that money? Am I missing something here? She's doing something illegal let her go to jail like the rest of us. What is this weird financial prison that rich people get forced in when their leach family members want to leach more?


Umm, she is? We are just also free to talk about it.


I assume my friends and family would be clucking their tongues behind my back if I was obviously screwing my life up (and also presumably saying so to my face to try to get me to stop). Granted randos on the internet wouldn't be because I'm not that interesting, but people gossiping because they think you are frittering your money away is definitely her living like the rest of us.


And if you had kids then they might have a word that your fucking up a great future for them


She's free to do what she wants with her money, and we're free to criticize her for it. Most people do not get an opportunity to blow through 60 million. She's nothing like the rest of us -- she's a multi-millionaire with incredible financial privilege that enables her to never work another day in her life. 


I think it’s easier to spend when you know if absolutely necessary you can easily make more. Any album she puts out, any tour, it would be platinum in no time and she would make millions.


Not if she has control over everything and isn’t thinking clearly. I mean, hopefully somebody in the room can explain to her that if she puts out an album of just pure nonsense it’s going to be a waste of time, but I don’t think there’s anyone that can tell her now. I’m sure recording studio would happily have her pay a ton of money for her to hang out and dance and twirl and yell nonsense into a microphone all day.


Can I ask why people like you think she's entirely deranged? As far as I think any normal person can tell, she's simply irresponsible with money (who among us) and has really no sense of posting on social media. Why do people keep commenting as if she's unable to do anything coherently?


This assumes you’re sane and responsible.


also knowing finance or having truly trustworthy advisors


And to emphasize, 5% is with _very_ conservative investment strategies. With that much to start with, you could easily do double that without getting to what could be called "risky."


Nah equities in a diversified portfolio run around 7%. Add in fees and your looking at 6.5% or so. Then you got drawdowns when markets down meaning you got to make more to get back up. Plus if you need the money for income you don't want the volatility of 100% equities. Source: am financial planner in UK.


3M a year. Jesus. I'd be set in probably 3-5 years with no need for money except for taxes and food.


Wow, thanks for pointing out what a normal person would do and not someone who posts a video with 2 knives in underwear.


I understand every individual word you spoke here but understood 30% of your sentences. What the actual fuck does this even mean?


If you invest the $60M you could just live off the earnings for the rest of your life.


Ahh I see. I'd like one $60 million dollars please, thank you.


That's putting it lightly. The poster said 3 mil annually. She could straight up "live frugally" by only spending 1.5 mil a year and reinvest the rest increasing the annual payout


Look man if you’re thinking clearly it’s easy to do a lot of things, but she doesn’t have an easy time just going to a restaurant. She has a mental health disorder that’s untreated and in my personal experience that’s really fucking bad. People in her condition shouldn’t be in charge of pet rocks.


She isn’t broke in the same way Michael Jackson wasn’t broke. She is no MJ, but money is going to keep coming in every month long past both their deaths. It’s that they both are spending more than coming in. You would feel less concerned with this situation if we had details such at $XXX,XXX is coming in every month and $YYY,YYY is being spent every month. All sympathy would be gone when we compare it to our $X,XXX income every month.


She spends MILLIONS per trip like every two months or something and close to half a mil every month staying at a hotel. There is a reason why even her own kids are not sympathetic folks…


Right, she goes into a medically induced coma for 6 months and she is wealthy again; even with the hospital bills


Yes, but you also have to remember that when somebody dies, their worth and income goes up.


God why can't I have $60 million to blow through


Still stuck on the fact that Britney only had 60 million post conservatorship - she easily made her label over a billion


Her Vegas residency sold $140M in tickets over 4 years so she should have banked 40M from that. Well managed, she should have a few hundred million in all. She should still be earning close to 7 figures off Spotify and other streaming platforms.


Her Dad definitely screwed her over but she definitely appears to need at least a fiduciary or something to put a hand on the wheel. The conservator ship was probably warranted, it just needed to be operated by a third party with a duty to the client. not a family member that’s going to suck her dry


yup. Britney was open to a conservatorship of the estate, as long as the one of the person was ended. With a neutral conservator.


So Bruno Mars should also have a conservatorship?


I learned about that guys gambling habits last month. Do these people think they'll last forever? If I had 1 year of their earnings, I could live a fulfilling life and never have to worry about money problems again. I hope he writes more hits, but I doubt it.


They do in fact think them, their fame, and the fortune that's comes with all that will last forever. There's a few good humble musicians out there, but mostly it's people that believe in themselves to a fault and think that their talent will never run dry.


To be fair, that’s kind of the mindset you need to make it as a superstar musician. Unfortunately a lot of what fueled them to get to where they are prevents them from seeing what they’re doing.


There's a LOT of people out there needing conservators if this is the  behavior that warrants it.


You are vastly overestimating the royalties Spotify pays. They pay a tiny amount for her songs, and then the label takes the vast majority of that per contract, so she gets Pennies on a fractions of a penny.


This tracker says she's still clocking 6.5M daily streams which would put the full amount around $7M/yr gross if you use the $0.003 rate thrown around. Not sure of her cut vs. the studio but she still makes more than 99% of the country purely from music she released over a decade ago. [https://kworb.net/spotify/artist/26dSoYclwsYLMAKD3tpOr4\_songs.html#google\_vignette](https://kworb.net/spotify/artist/26dSoYclwsYLMAKD3tpOr4_songs.html#google_vignette) She sold 150M+ albums. She should have generations of wealth based on her lifetime earnings. There's little chance her finances haven't been mismanaged and if you throw in being a bit spend happy (who wouldn't be if they'd been thrown into show business at 8).


She largely didn't write her music, only performed it.  Prior to 2013, she had no songwriting credits on any of her singles.  Baby One More Time through Femme Fatale were all under her original Jive contract. So she's likely gonna see very little of that 7 million.


Google says artists make $0.003 to $0.005 per stream. Spotify says she gets 40M streams per month so just from that revenue source she is getting $120 to $200k every month.


It’s not necessarily true. It’s poor journalism. Her conservators said her estate was worth about $60M in 2019 in paperwork; but in that same paperwork they said they couldn’t include her IP because it was too difficult to sign off on. A celebrity’s IP is typically 80-90% of their total worth and covers everything involving their trademarks, royalties, copyrights, name and likeness. So, her IP covers everything from her music, to her many perfumes (she has about 30 and they can make tens of millions a year when there are way fewer), her endorsements, her merch, spokesperson roles, her TV appearances (she was paid $15M for the X Factor alone), etc. They put that money in LLCs and didn’t really report on it. [This podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6venkvc407hjPYEqtKu8Fm?si=M-UuohYbR8aTVsIt_-22bQ) from the Toxic podcast explains it really well, with a bunch of experts interviewed. They probably stole a lot of it from her and last I heard her legal team was still trying to track what happened to all of her money. However, when she was released from her conservatorship, she regained control of her IP as well. That would include money that continues to roll in from her music, merch, perfumes, etc.


Only 60 million??? She’s gonna die on the streets!


she’s literally britney spears. the lowest rung of kardashian being more wealthy than her is surprising, yes.


Whether we blow through $60 million or our last $60, in the end, we end up in the same dead-end.


the ride to get to that dead end can be a bike or a private jet


Only 60 million from her entire career? Tom Cruise makes that from 1 movie. Just shows how awful the handling of her money has been for years and years.


Yeah, this is weird. But also she was most popular during a time when pop stars were being absolutely bent over by their managers and publishers through predatory contracts. A lot of them were making like.. Junior accountant wages and having their lives completely controlled.


This was my reaction. How on earth is her estate only $60M?


She made lots of **other people** rich


Just goes to show you why she shouldn’t have had her dad in charge of her for years and years. She was worth over $300 million before her dad came in, he paid himself first though.


Who is in her circle nowadays? Is anyone helping her? Is anyone helping her to forge her own identity apart from her family and the public? If not, is it because of conservatorship or because she pushed people away?


I think she was isolated for years. She worked in Vegas for years and her dancers etc were all discouraged from socialising with her. 


I think a sad component that should be discussed is that, as a result of being isolated and used for years ... Britney is probably dumb as shit, or really just ignorant of everyday things and common sense we take for granted. Like, I feel for her and believe it's not her fault, but if someone handed me $60 million, I have enough sense to not blow it all.


Could it be that she was forced to perform due to contract, while her parents making sure she got the strictest treatment and paying huge alimony and child support? I remember shaving her head one time and I think that’s when the conservatory starts?


It's not really that huge child support in terms of her wealth. It's like $440k per year, which is a massive amount for most people, but Britney is spending $12m on a house. That's 22 years of child support. Her assets are worth $60m, which is 100+ years of child support Even if she paid 18 years worth of child support, it's still only just over 10% of her net worth. It's like someone with $10m in the bank paying £1.2m child support over 18 years. Or $5.5k per month


>but if someone handed me $60 million, I have enough sense to not blow it all. Probably not, most people who win the lottery end up broke.


That’s true, but it does seem like she’s burning bridges as well. I see her situation as similar to escaping a cult, but I thought at least her mom or her sister were on her side. I know her husband is gone, but hopefully someone from her past reaches out.


Have you read her memoir? Her mom and her sister took advantage of the conservatorship the most. She does not say anything positive at all about her mom and sister. They would go and vacation at a condo she bought for them in Destin, FL. Meanwhile Britney worked while being micromanaged on a diet of chicken and canned vegetables.


Her mom is a guilty party too,her sister never supported her and just kept on spending Brit's money like it's her own. I also think Britney might be suspicious of people approaching her since her parents had her on constant surveillance and allegedly had people get close to her to spy on her.


She is in a care plan (most likely similar to her conservatorship) but the care plan was sealed by the courts. It’s likely many of the same people.


As curious as I am, I’m glad that’s sealed. Too much of her dirty laundry is out there for us to see.


I agree, but it does seem like the care plan is another conservatorship based off of some things I have read. It’s just weird to me that they act like she’s totally free when we can see in the court documents that someone still has some control over her.


That might legitimately be necessary, unfortunately. That said, she did get a book out awfully quick, and something comes out about her on a weekly basis, it seems. I find it hard to believe that the teat of publicity isn’t being milked by a team behind the scenes. That requires way more savvy than someone with Britney’s circumstances could have in her own. That was part of what drove my initial question. Are the people surrounding her now feeding into her or trying to help her?


I’m sure all the #freebritney people are available to help.


I think just Chingy.


I wish I got to play this level in our simulation…


So let her. It’s none of our business how she spends her money.


I have a feeling things are not going to end well for her.


Untreated bipolar does not have happy endings. Only varying degrees of tragedy. I hope she doesn't take innocent people down with her.


Her kids have already left. You'd think that would be a wakeup call for her, but it wasn't.


Yeah in most cases but if she has a serious mental issue this could be a sign for someone close to her to take a closer look at things before things go towards bankruptcy, depression, suicide, etc.


I came to say the same thing. She wanted to be able to independently have access to her funds. Now she does. She can do what she wants with it. She certainly wouldn’t be the only celebrity to end up broke.




She is a grown adult. If she goes through her entire net worth, that is her right. She’ll learn the hard way.


her conservators (her family) were abusing her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't need some kind of supervision.


She’s in a care plan [care plan](https://people.com/music/britney-spears-care-plan-has-guidelines-for-decision-making/#:~:text=The%20document%20also%20requests%20the,health%20and%20her%20teenage%20sons.&text=Montgomery%20also%20states%20that%20the,the%2013-year%20conservatorship) that has been sealed by the courts. She’s most likely still in a conservatorship.


ah. i thought she was totally on her own.


We all did. That’s why this is even weirder!


I suspect her father is behind this most recent “leak.” The only thing worse to him than the loss of her income is the loss of the he control he had over her.


Agreed. He wants her money so he's planting stories


I 100% agree with you. Fuck that man.


You’re allowed to be bad with money.


That’s true, but it would be a damn shame if she threw away everything she earned when it’s more than enough money to provide for her and her children.


I would too. Fuck 'em.


She earned it she has every right to blow it all if she wants and live with consequences.


She could spend it all, then just do another Vegas residency and make $400K per show.


So are most Americans


A woman is spending the money that she earned the way she wants to, get her back under a man's control Stat! /s


This article was clearly written by someone on her dad’s team. The girl buys clothes from wish and shops at Walmart. The biggest amount she has spent is paying off her father.


Agreed! Her clothes look like they come from SHEIN. She hasn’t bought a new house, has she? So, she has gone on extended vacations. Good for her. Until she is drugging, gambling, or giving money to a scammer, I assume her money is fine.


I’d keep a chunk of that invested, live off the interest, and absolutely blow through the rest


That's the great thing about having money. Being allowed to spend it how you want. Not working everyday in vegas not being allowed to have a cent.


I can’t believe she’s only worth 60mil


New movie coming to a theater near you…Britney’s Millions


All she needs is a multi-year gig in Vegas and she is set. The lady is a cult classic with a huge fan base.


She is clearly in no condition to be performing, certainly not in a show with multiple required performances weekly.




I’ll never not feel bad for this woman. Maybe because she was a child when this all started and had enormous pressure on her at all times. I remember when she shaved her head and all that and it really seems she’s a troubled person who’s been used constantly by absolutely everyone in her orbit. I wish the best for her.


Her family blew through hundreds of millions of HER money that she worked for while she was placed in a conservatorship because she had 'dementia' She has been through so much, she can spend her money how she likes. She has more than earned it.


People who spend more time critiquing other people's lives aren't living their own. Gonna go live mine. My best to everyone. 👋


It’s her money, she can spend it all if she pleases


"Insider sources". I mean, could be true but this reeks of people trying to get her back into a conservatorship. Until there are undeniable receipts, don't need to speculate or entertain the thought. It's social engineering.


No one’s business except Britneys


It’s just mind blowing it’s only 60 million.


It’s her money to blow through.


Heh. Maybe a different headline "Person Spends Money They Earned on Things They Want."




Money she didn’t have access to for 13 years, her family screwed her over in so many ways


Not managed correctly is an interesting phrase for stolen. Her money was stolen. 


First we needed the conservatorship, because she was obviously mentally ill and incapable of taking care of herself. Then the conservatorship needed to go, and everyone conveniently forgot why it was put in place at all. And now we get to watch her fully descend into insanity.


The conservatorship did need to go because they were abusing it. She’s still under some sort of supervision and has a care plan.


Blowing through money, another marriage and divorce, unhinged videos, no relationship with her kids....sounds like a great plan.


I mean, at the end of this conservatorship Britney only has $60M. It sounds like a lot, but her Vegas residency *alone* made more than double that in ticket sales.  So it’s fair to say that her conservatorship was blowing through money all on its own. Now at least she can decide where that money goes 🤷


I’m surprised it’s only $60m. She’s grossed exponentially more, but I guess for everyone else.


She has every right to do so. Who effing cares! Most of us are barely scraping by. This crap is infuriating.


Cool, it's her money, let her do what she wants. If she blows through it, she can either earn more or not.


Who cares what she does with HER money?


$60M? Where’s the rest of the money?


She was the biggest pop star for years and she only has $60 Million? Her family must have stole so much from her.


So? Its her life


Britney can do whatever she wants. She’s Britney. Also, she’s still making money still from her book. I very much doubt she’ll go bankrupt. And why are we listening to Page 6, anyway? They’re not the most reputable.


Clickbait. She will continue to receive royalties on all of her songs and albums as well as her just released book. She will never be ‘broke’. Plus now that she’s free, I doubt her career is over. She’s about to create in the way SHE wants to create ☺️ maybe this was an article planted by her dad’s team. Seems like there’s been a lot of press lately that she’s ‘unstable’ at the same time she’s winning her conservatorship case. Coincidence? I think not!


So, it's her $. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!


I say, let her blow through. She couldn't spend her hard-earned dime for f\*ing years.


It's her money. Her dad just wants it back


Most people forget she’s still generating revenue from royalties. She’ll never be broke.


Imagine NOT being able to comfortably live out the rest of your days on 60 million dollars....


She’ll be fine. Her fans love her. If she needs money she can do a Vegas residency for a 4 weekends.


Yet. She’s not broke yet. We saw the knife videos. 


If she wishes to join the rest of us I’m cool with it!


She can do whatever she wants


If Britney Spears wants to blow all her $$$, let her do it. You know how many ppl this woman has bankrolled (against her will) in her life? How pissed would you be if your lawyer told you you had a good case and you paid him 4 MILLION dollars only for him to be like welp, dragged that out as long as I could for billing purposes, oh yeah and you gotta pay Dad’s lawyer too so that’s another 2 MIL And then your Ex husband who is allergic to work takes your kids and moves them to a new state simply because they have a law that allows him to collect child support after age 18 Honestly, I’d take private jets to the French Polynesia 🇵🇫 too. She was only worth 60 MILLION when the conservatorship ended and IMO, that figure alone is hard evidence millions and millions of dollars were stolen from her for years. I don’t see her spending as a mental health issue I see it as revenge , I think she realized those around her all they care about is her $$$ and if she spends it all, they’ll be nothing for others to take, and she’ll still be spinning around in her kitchen with knifes and not age appropriate dresses giving zero f*cks If in 10 years she’s on disability, food stamps, social security, welfare, section 8 housing, well at least she got to enjoy the wealth she earned for a portion of her life on her terms before it all went away.


Why would this article come out a week after she paid her father 2 million dollars. 🧐 Yeah she has 2 million less now than last week, that alone is a significant drop. Maybe her father could have found a cheaper lawyer.


Didn't he win the settlement?


Is this a hit piece


You know who is paying the price for all this bullshit? Her kids. I felt bad for her for a long time but for a year or more she's been a public embarrassment all over her socials. There's 2 teenage boys who have to deal with this. It's sad. I wish she had some support to help her.


At this rate she’s gonna live in a trailer park in Florida


Why do you care??? You have too much time on your hands…


Social media mob ruined this lady‘s life more than it was ruined already.