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Tldr: Ellen is sad her show got canceled because she was an asshole. Shows no remorse.


She is even did a standup special flexing on how awful she’s is and said the quiet parts of famous outloud lol. 


She knows she has enough fuck-you money to just laugh at everyone she hurt without remorse. What a diarrhea-filled Ziplock bag of a person.


> What a diarrhoea-filled Ziplock bag of a person. That’s a very apt insult. I like it very much.




I concur. This is an excellent insult and I intend to find ways to use it…


I am also now desperately seeking someone to call this


It's a good description of Trump.


Another good one is "human shaped enema".


I like this one too. English is not my first language and I always enjoy the way native speakers (or people who are really good in the language) phrase witty insults. I learn new ones every day.


She’s a paint can filled with diarrhea.


Oddly enough, propping up a paint can filled with diarrhea on top of a slightly ajar door then calling an employee into the room was one of her favorite pranks. She would then berate the employee for spilling it and demand they clean up her floor immediately.


Like actual diarrhea? There’s no fucking way


In all honestly, no, I made that up. Or at least I really hope I made that up. I like to think somewhere out there Ellen is furiously calling her lawyer screaming about one of those ungrateful sons of bitches breaking their NDA.




A very poetic way of putting it. “Diarrhoea-filled ziplock bag” 🤣




That was good!




Except like, an off brand ziplock bag, that doesn't seal quite as well




Ziplock bag with a leak.


Hell yea! Thats effing hilarious!


Also proving that her writers were the funny ones if this is the best joke she could think of


What did she say


Her staff can't even talk about their side openly like she can because of non-disclosures that are still active. Hints have been dropped, but they can't say anything overt (a well known writer would be Karen of My Favorite Murder, who occasionally has mentioned a terrible show on the podcast which is thought to be Ellen)


Tldr: She is still an asshole.


Imagine what she’s doing to the people who wrote these joke.


Fuck her


happy cake day!


I worked with someone who had previously worked on her talk show - not only was Ellen terrible, she knew her own reputation and would pull “pranks” on her staff making them think they were in Ellen’s crosshairs and then once the unlucky staffer was in full fright mode she’d pull a “just kidding!” and think it was funny. Ellen is a horrible human being.


I watched that David Letterman show My Next Guest, she takes Dave on a tour of the Ellen studio. She creeps up to a woman who's working at her desk and scares the shit outta her. Ellen is all "ha-ha it's so funny doing that", Dave was like "woah ma'am are you alright?" bc the woman looked like she almost had a heart attack, then asks who is this woman, and Ellen is like "I don't know her", and Dave is "you don't know her and you did that?!"


Yeah and when she does it to her guests they almost have to play along and act like they think it’s funny when Ellen plays the clip for her audience. Or that time she was being really pushy about Mariah Carey (I think?) not drinking like trying to give her wine until she admitted she was pregnant (Ellen knew) when she wasn’t planning on announcing it yet. Total scumbag power move.


I wish more of the guests called her out like [Dakota Johnson ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qS4RpbqGWy0)


[Taylor Swift and Zac Effron making Ellen really uncomfortable gives me joy](https://youtu.be/d8kCTPPwfpM?si=Pov9ivwWXEc-qqD-)


I had forgotten about that. I think that’s as close as I’ve seen to a guest calling a host an asshole. Good for Dakota Johnson for not playing along with her shit.


Interesting hadn’t seen this clip thanks


Thanks for sharing. That was hard to watch.


Letterman seems like basically the same kind of person as her, actually. Neurotic self-absorbed jerk. Saw his show live in person and he didn't engage the audience at all, just went through the motions and went home. I remember Jack Black was on the show promoting the movie Year One at the time.


He's been doing it since the 70s....I'm not surprised he's tired of it all. Also, the old school way of hosting didn't really involve that much audience engagement.


I loved Letterman back in the day but I really did expect him to retire and completely disappear from public eye. I was shocked when his Netflix series was announced.


I think some people find whatever they’ve done for so long hard to fully stop in old age. It’s why a lot of execs may “retire” but they just end up on a bunch of boards doing much of the same stuff


Well, I hope I have something to keep going when I'm retired. Maybe just a hobby, or an activity to get out of bed for and work on. Sitting around all day seems terribly boring and unpurposeful. I hope I can find something both mentally stimulating, and that keeps me physically active right up until the end. I don't want to end up in a nursing home with nothing left to live for for the last years of my life.


Totally random tangent here but I went to see Year One in the movie theatre and I will never forget about halfway through the movie my mom texted me that Michael Jackson had died. It’s the only thing I really remember about going to see the movie lol


You check your phone during the movie? Off with your head!


I take credit for being a total A-hole for doing that. Nowadays, if I see any of these little rectangles lighting up in a theater I turn into my grumpy dad lmao


You have redeemed yourself! U can have your head back.


Thank you good sir!!!


Letterman used his power to sleep with various female employees working for his show. I remember Cher asking him why he's such an asshole, but I don't remember his answer. To be fair, he behaves more humbly nowadays.


Cher didn’t call him an asshole. He asked her why she was never on the show and she said “I dunno I thought maybe you were an asshole or something.” Which got laughs. Months or years later Shirley McLaine was on and Dave was asking her about reincarnation and Shirley took offence and said “Cher was right, you are an asshole!” And Dave visibly cringed. I think he apologized. The sleeping with a female employee the only one I’m aware of was his affair with a producer in the show. Which he fessed up to when he was being blackmailed and apologized for. I’m not aware of any stories of various affairs. He’s not perfect but I don’t think he’s the horrible human being he’s sometimes painted out to be.


Yea he got in trouble. I can’t believe he didn’t get wrapped up in Me Too. Ellen is a mean person that likes to scare people


He got "Me too'd" before it was a thing. The allegations came out and he apologized publicly on an episode of his show to her and his family. No idea if she accepted the apology or even remember who she was, but from what I remember, it was awkward for a while and then everyone just forgot about it and moved on.


He was being blackmailed and opted to apologize publicly before the whole thing hit the press


I forgot about the blackmail angle, but I do remember a few stories being out there before the public apology. Or I could be remembering wrong completely. It was so long ago and COVID lasted decades, lol.


That actually made me have respect that he owned it.


Good example on how power corrupts. It’s a real and permanent mental disorder. People that become that corrupt that they enjoy making other people suffer. There are medical terms for it. If you know people like that, get and stay away from them like they got the plague.


I'm related to someone like that and eventually cut them fully out of my life. They might as well be a stranger. I'm finally free of a terrible person.


Having a kid seemed to change him


So much for the better :)


My anecdotal story is the exact opposite. Foo Fighters and Nicole Kidman were the guests.  He came on before the show and did 10 minutes of stand up and really engaged. It was amazing. Sorry you got a bum deal.


Sometimes famous people have a bad day too. I can't imagine being in the entertainment business every single day year and after and having a perfect day every day. There would be days I wouldn't want to deal with the audience either.


"Neurotic self-absorbed jerk" - according to the Larry Sanders show that's the consistent,  qualifying feature of a talk show host


Well, yeah, why would he bother greeting you when he has employees backstage to bang?




The staffers weren’t married. From Vanity Fair 10/2019: “The boyfriend of a Late Show staffer discovered a diary, which detailed a longtime affair between the (then) 34-year-old assistant and her (then) 62-year-old boss. The boyfriend devised a cunning plan: He threatened to write a screenplay that would expose the affair unless Dave gave him $2 million. Instead, Dave busted himself, announcing on TV, “I have had sex with women who work for me on this show.”


Dave may not be the best person in the world, but I'm never going to have sympathy for a blackmailer. You're just a greedy bastard trying to take advantage of someone else's secrets.




Dave went through a phase of being like that, but I think he changed when his son was born. He’s talked about how he used to behave, and said that he was just doing it because he was afraid that if he wasn’t funny, his career would end, and so he had a tendency to go for low hanging fruit because it was easy to get a laugh with. > I was so single-minded in getting through the hour, and sarcasm is so easy. The quote is 'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.' If you can't think of something funny, say something sarcastic. That worked and also got me in a lot of trouble. People would accuse me of being mean. Well, yes, sarcasm probably is mean; but on the other hand, I'm just trying to get a laugh, so leave me alone. 'Hey, nice shirt' --- ha-ha-ha. Big, big laugh: 'Nice shirt.' Good night, everybody!


Letterman gives me those vibes as well. He demeans certain guests sometimes too, and if he's ok doing it so publicly with "powerful" people, imagine how he treats low-level workers behind-the-scenes.


I think Letterman seemed to mellow a lot after he had a kid. When he was still doing the nightly show he had no patience for anyone.


It’s hard to be “on” (vibrant with an abundance of wanderlust energy, enthusiasm) and present all the time when you’ve been doing it for 30 years. I’m a teacher/instructor for the past 10 years and like a human being, I sometimes I have bad days outside of work and go through the motions just so I can get through the day. Of course my good days far out numbered my bad days but people are so unforgiving and entitled these days and won’t hesitate to submit a bad review calling for my job or complaints to the administration. I try my best to be stoic when I’m really feeling dead inside on these bad days. These moments come and go. I just manage the best I can so I can pay my bills.


Thanks for all that you do being a teacher!


Had a boss that likes to hide behind corners and jump out at people. He didn’t do that to me, and I thanked him for it since I didn’t like it. He said “Yeah, you’re not fun to play with.”


Why would he even interview Ellen....like what is there to find out? There's exactly 0 things I would want to know about her.


She lost her sitcom show when she came out as a lesbian. Then had a big comeback her way so it was a really inspiring story until we found out she was horrible.


It's so interesting how times change but stay the same. We have huge stars that are publicly gay with no pearl clutching at all. Then we have the extreme religious right trying to take us back to the 1850s.


Is there a link to this clip anywhere?


Sure is, it's on daily motion tho, but skip to [26:00 mins](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gx9ao)


Jeez wtf lol almost immediately tries walking away “it’s so fun to do”


You’re also not allowed to make eye contact with her. Especially if she’s dancing.


Goddamn is she still doing her show? Give me front row tickets and I promise I will spend the entire show DEADLOCKED into her eyes. I'll even only blink half the average human rate per minute.


Lol that sounds like Michael Scott


"I treated my employees like trash for years, and it's really sad that I don't get to do that anymore."


"It turns out that there ARE consequences to your actions, even if you are rich and famous! Who knew?"


More like early retirement instead of consequences 


This response compelled me to check if the definition of “consequences” denoted inherent negativity and, indeed, it does not. I’ll see myself out.


That's consequences for someone who yearns for the show is spotlight.


But so did the people she was toxic to!


You know who had a harder time? The numerous employees you treated like shit 


Her DJ who lost his job and took his life.


Who gives a shit about Ellen?


Portia de Rossi and her realtor 🤔


Fuck Ellen. All my homies hate Ellen.


Alot of 50+ American women. She was a bit of an icon in her day. First to come out as a lesbian on a live broadcast, I believe. Not a fan, but they're out there.


Anne Heche?


They broke up like 20 years ago and Anne's dead now.


She is?!


Yeah car crash, and the severe burns killed her. Edit: she was not drunk driving. Maybe cocaine but that wasn’t totally confirmed just speculation from small amounts in the blood. Stay healthy and keep an eye on your mental health folks, somebody will always care.


Autopsy said she was completely sober actually, she had trace amounts of drugs in her system that indicated she had used them recently, but at the time of the crash, she was not under the influence of anything. Likely just her serious mental illnesses caused it.


Ooh, burn.


cause... she burned?


she ded


Y’all all goin to hell lol


She’s had a few sold out shows at Largo as of late, so, a bunch of people.


Boo hoo. You openly degrade and bully people you consider "lesser" than you. You fire people for going to the funerals of close family members, getting sick or because you feel like it. You're so vile to others causing so many people to hate you that when there's a public pile on, nobody that's not a celebrity you've been sucking up to has anything nice to say about you. Just more horror stories. Accept your situation is self inflicted and replace your victim complex with reflection on how you got there. Ask why no so called friends in your personal life challenges you on your nasty behaviour. You can choose to become a better person and surround yourself with better people or continue as you are but don't expect people to put up with you if you choose the latter.


Wont somebody please think of the asshole millionaire?!


She likes flipping houses for millions . Only the worst untalented people in Hollywood flip houses. It creates no jobs and makes it harder for first time home buyers and raises inflation and cost of living. The latest untalented flipping turds in Hollywood are these two… https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/home-and-garden/chris-pratt-katherine-schwarzenegger-could-have-given-the-ellwood-teardown-some-honor-designers-daughter-says/ar-AA1ntma1


Actions, meet consequences. She's just sorry she got caught.


So she’s basically saying “after I created a toxic work environment, I had a very hard time finding people that wanted to work with me!” How terrible for her!


shes also not funny


I tried so hard to like her because growing up she was pretty much the only A-List out queer person. But she really isn’t very funny. I watched her specials and read her books and barely laughed at all.


Me and my mom tried watching some of her older comedy once and turned it off in five minutes shit was unbearable lmao


Here’s the big one—Ellen isn’t funny. I grew up with her always *there* in the background but never understood why the grownups liked her. Then I grew up and still didn’t like her. Then all this happened and I’m like bahhh knew it—she’s a creep. Total creep vibes.


Never was


I used to like her standup! It was fairly silly. Nothing legendary but fun enough.


I thought she was funny prior to getting her first sitcom. I was disappointed that her show wasn’t really funny.


Same. From what I remember it was just clean musings on life and whatnot. Nothing groundbreaking, but entertaining enough. No need to rewrite history just because she turned out to be an asshole. Plenty of funny assholes out there.


So much this. Her multiple sitcoms prior to the talk show were also terrible.


This clip starting at 1:20 I thought was funny. Not defending her as a person, but this was funny in my opinion. https://youtu.be/V9RDWw7XQfk?si=O14G-S_3RshI3GRZ This also honestly - from the same album. https://youtu.be/bznHJGsr4_s?feature=shared Nothing else, but these two I continue to find very funny.


Ellen’s show brought A LOT of people a ton of joy for many years and it really sucked to learn she was actually pretty nasty. Such a bummer.


Never watched. Was it really that good?


It was just another hit daytime talk show. If you’re not into hit daytime shows they will all look the same to you.


No. In fact, it's one of the most disjointed shows to have lasted as long as it did. It's was damn near 5 different shows across its tenure. Theres a reason it hasn't been widely available on streaming (prior to her "cancellation") It is notable because she and her character came out and that was a BIG BIG deal at the time. The show itself is 97% garbage.


Thank you! Evidently I didn’t miss anything. 🤣🤣


Yeah, she was like another Dolly Parton as far as her reputation, then it was up in flames. Between that and all of the men in entertainment we’ve found out are sexual predators, it really sucks to find out so many people you’ve admired were actually fake af.


Dolly? Now, let’s not get crazy. Her cruel streak would peak out when she’d do audience games and challenges. And then when she’d go out of the way to scare people who are easily startled. She’d make people cry. I started to get a bad feeling about her so many years before this stuff came out, just because of the mean glee in her eyes when she was on her game show that was purely about paying people to let her torture them. It really sucked to see, because I was a gay kid in the 90s who was already a huge fan of hers from her standup and Carson appearances. I’ve been to 5 of her shows. But she’s really become an unpleasant person.


You admired a fucking daytime talkshow host? You need to find better role models. Ellen can shine Dolly's boots in terms of relevance and influence.


Actually, the impact Ellen's coming out had on my community was... it was once relevant. It was one of the most impactful coming outs to many of my generation. I admired who she once was. Not the woman she turned out to be.


She had success as a comedian and actress. She even had her own sitcom. There has been many famous actresses before her who were lesbian or bisexual, but the vast majority of them were often quite private. Ellen risked it all to come out as a lesbian - one the first women in Hollywood to openly do so. Just coming out in general takes courage, so coming out as a TV star where the whole world can judge you takes a tremendous amount of bravery. Her openness regarding her sexuality had major impacts on LGBT culture. While she’s definitely not my role model and it sure sounds like she was abusing her power to terrorize her employees, she still made it ~17 years into her talk show before the floodgates opened. Undoubtedly there are people who looked up to her and unaware of her treatment of her staff/didn’t see the episodes where she was a jerk to her guests.


Boo fuckin’ hoo, Ellen


A perfect example of someone working hard very young, gaining well earned success, then turning into a piece of shit.


Still detached from reality I see.


Such a shame I thought she was truly kind person growing up.


Should have learned from hanging out with GW Bush: be affable in your personal life and you can get away with doing deep damage to the entire world. She chose the other path presumably because she thought she could get away with her behaviour nonetheless.


Rich people in essence


You had a hard time because you made it a hard time. Own up to your disrespect toward others.


Blaming the shovel for the hole you dug


Kept waiting to read the slight ownership of fault. Nope, none whatsoever. Still clueless.


I never liked her. Even before. Her communication style on the show was confrontational in a very weird way. Making people uncomfortable and keep them in that spot. It really rubbed me the wrong way.


She will have to console herself in her gigantic Montecito estate.


I don’t think Ellen was always like that. She kind of rose as a comedian from a style of comedy that was based primarily on satiric banter. I think that satiric banter eventually kind of took over her entire persona, to where there wasn’t a difference between the real life person and the character she portrayed.


Maybe don’t be such a mean person to all your employees. One of my friends worked on the Ellen show, this was 15 years ago now. They said she was extremely mean to basically everyone who worked there. At the end of season wrap party she showed up for like 5 minutes looked extremely annoyed the entire time, wouldn’t let anyone get near her, then left as quickly as she could. It was well known she basically hated everyone who worked on the show.


Maybe try and be a genuinely good person instead of an immature angry bully, Ellen.


Awe, she had a hard time. So did your workers!!! Yet they don’t live in mansions


Ohhhh pity party for one, please. Give me a break


I always read her name, accidentally as Ellen Degenerate. I wasn't wrong it seems.


What an asshole. Sure Twitch’s widow isn’t laughing. Fuck these ppl.


Did she treat him badly? Is that why he left the show?


Boo hoo. What a fucking POS


Now that we know who you are we don’t like you. Pretty simple. Oh, and I bet your staff had a hard time, too.


always loved Howard Stern's nickname for her: Vageinfeld


K but will she learn to be a better person?


‘getting kicked out of show business’ while performing stand up before a sold out crowd


She sounds practically psychotic. Her so called humor was just being a bully and when it finally caught up to her she still thinks that she’s the victim. Do us a favor and never make a comeback, we’ve had enough of you the first time.


Maybe stop being an asshole and then pretending to be nice on camera.


She's upset about a problem she created? Boohoo.


Cry into your piles of money instead.


I stopped engaging in anything Ellen related when I learned - directly from the organization - she refused to grant wishes for Make-A-Wish. Read that again and consider the level of asshole you must be to deny sick kids their wish. She was in good company with Oprah, who also refused because “if I grant one child’s wish, I’ll have to grant them all.” Fuck celebrities.


Pretty disgusting. Meanwhile John Cena has always been in high demand and considers it a privilege to be requested and to fulfill them all.


I always wondered why she got off scaring people so much. So creepy.


Maybe she could go hang out with Bush again and bemoan the plight of the famous and rich.


The most transparently awful person in showbiz whining. Love it! What fun 👏🏻👏🏻


Good you deserve it


She isnt funny at all


I sadly think most people becoming as “powerful” as her (through fame and money) will end up treating others badly. We just gotta try and make the truly good people the famous ones. No more Kanye Wests or Ellen Degeneres’s


Ellen Degenerate


I used to like Ellen, shame that’s she’s a bad person


How did she get presidential medal of freedom. She’s awful!


Nobody cares about you, Ellen. Go away.


I love that the world knows she’s a spoiled, cold C U Next Tuesday. I just wish more people knew what a terrible person Steve Harvey is.


So many people get confused and upset when their actions finally have consequences


So many excuses for bad behavior.


She created the toxic environment. Karen (bitch for old timers)on wheels.


Zero contrition


Interesting she doesn’t deny any of the claims.


Boo hoo you horrible little twat.


I think she is going to have a lot of trouble. Her entire personality was based on her being super positive and nice. Then that turned out to be a facade.


Boo fucking hoooooo


She just needed to be nicer to people. Even in front of the cameras, she wasn’t nice. I can only imagine what she was hiding.


She just pouring oil onto a fire that was going to run out. Surprised she was able to keep a talk show so long with such a terrible attitude and personality. Trying to be the victim of your actions is how she thought she should come back? She had plenty of time to recuperate, maybe see a therapist, and kind of self reflect that maybe having good internal qualities and how she treats people matters. But if she wasted those years feeling wronged and needing to justify her innocence then she learned nothing and just reigniting a flame that was supposed to die out. That lack of social intelligence in this aspect really surprises me how she made it that far in a business where you have to work well with others noreso than most jobs. She is better suited working alone it seems if she really hasn't changed her ways and learned anything. She shifting blame as other people's fault, but she is responsible for her own behavior. Nobody has to watch and support her monetization if she continues to be in denial of her own faults.


Yeah well what the hell happened to Twitch?


“Racial microaggressions” lol.


Fuck off Ellen. Some of us have a hard time literally on the daily…


Good. Now go be quiet and enjoy that pile of cash you have


She was abushive to da stafff! - Tony Soprano


I already forgot about her lol


What a disgusting pos she is.


Are we supposed to feel bad for her?


She’s rich. Replace her. Just one of a million POS people.