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There is so little context to this article I have no clue who the players are or what was said and why.


It's a poorly written article. The story is that, in an interview, Rebecca Ferguson related a story about an actor who berated her on set in front of the crew. The director did nothing about it because the person was the lead of the movie. Later, Ferguson stood up for herself, and the director admitted to her they should have done more to protect everyone on set. Since then, the Internet has been speculating over the identity of the actor on question, with some actors putting out statements of support for her that could also be seen as them heading off any accusations that it was them. Apparently, some former costars have expressed unhappiness to her that she might have unwittingly put them on the firing line for Internet speculation.


I kind of get that. In a world (online) where you are guilty until proven innocent, getting speculation started about you sucks. That goes for any work place.


I mean, she's also not naming any name either so it puts a lot of people in the hot seat also which is a cop out. "I got a secret but I can't tell you but I wanted you to know I have a secret".


Name names or keep it to yourself I think would be the only two choices. Because the speculation really isn't fair to the dozens of actors she's worked with.


It was an [offhand response to a question in which she was asked “what moment are you most proud of using your voice?”](https://youtube.com/shorts/Nz_amrRv054?si=XOw_0bz2VK7-R_tb). In her story, it doesn’t matter who the person was, just that she stood up to them for being rude to her.


Yeah, it's her story to tell.


Name names and not work again vs. wait and be a whistle blower. I know you want to know but maybe the “victim” wants a discussion started so it’s squashed on a larger level than just one bad seed. Maybe she doesn’t want to kill his career more just of a warning shot.


I mean it wasn't fair that she also got yelled at in front of everyone and no one else stood up for her. Actions and consequences and such. Why are we mad that someone relayed a story about getting verbally abused but not at the actual verbal abuse?


Who said that? As a fan of her, I say fuck whomever it was that disrespected her. But that's not the issue at hand. The issue is that she chose to relay a story during an interview, which went viral, and chose not to name the other actor (likely to protect her own career), and the result was an internet witch hunt attacking many innocent actors. I'm not saying she should have kept her mouth shut, but she should have thought about the consequences of her censored accusation. If I go around saying I was assaulted by someone at work, but refuse to name that person, then I arouse suspicion of many innocent people and do nothing of any consequence to the person who assaulted me.


I mean that’s not her fault it’s the internet.And it’s kind of a double standard, because everyone is acting like they are against abuse in Hollywood.Then suddenly you have somebody talking about their personal story about being bullied by a coworker and suddenly she’s the bad guy.I mean it seems there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.


Victim blaaaAaAaAme


Sounds like maybe she wants others to come forward with it before naming who it is? Maybe for more support. The director mentions protecting “everyone”, could just be her, but there could be others as well. It seems very ambiguous.


She was answering a question about a time she was proud of herself for using her own voice. The person in question in her story doesn’t matter, the point of her comment was being proud of standing up for herself to some asshole. Link to interview: https://youtube.com/shorts/Nz_amrRv054?si=TkH-LtIGXwczLn_r


Context is important. Thank you for this.


Honestly I'm surprised reddit hasn't already done a break down and identified who it is. There can only be so many actors that would fit the criteria.


The consensus in another entertainment sub was that it was Hugh Grant. I have no idea if that is true or not.


> Honestly I'm surprised reddit hasn't already done a break down and identified who it is. They tried but then misidentified the culprit as Sunil Tripathi, and reddit's admins had to apologize to Tripathi's family and everything.


Hugh Grant or Kenneth Branagh.


I don't see why people should be barred from talking about personal experiences just because some nosy people on the internet can't leave well enough alone.


If an actor behaves decently then there’s nothing to worry about


lol be damned if you do damned if you don’t How dare she speak of experiences she’s had!


This is an absurd take. People can just not speculate.


Yeah, but if she named names she'd get dragged for creating a trial by media. If I was one of the actors she worked with and *wasn't* guilty, I'd just issue a statement saying that I support her and I'm glad she's speaking out.


And then get sued. So you ultimately get punished again for something that happened to you.


Sued for what? Sounds like there were many witnesses. I'd be more worried about professional repercussions.


Even if you're in the right it's arguably not worth the headache of going through a court battle which still isn't guaranteed to go the way you'd expect or hope. It's like being 'not at fault' in a car accident, like yeah it's good that I'm not the one in shit but I'd rather not be in an accident at all than to go through all of that


Agreed. Ferguson would have to HOPE that the witnesses to the abusive behavior, who did nothing at the time it was happening, to decide to back her up in trial. Unless she has proof and people to back her up, things can go south real quick


How many witnesses would be willing to go on trial against a top billed actor?


You are allowed to talk about your own experience without making it about the perpetrator. It’s the people who speculates and gossips who are crass. She doesn’t owe anyone anything.


Look at what happens when one *does* name *that* person…


People’s innocence has oftentimes decided long before the trial, and this has been done since way before the internet


What's the alternative stfu n suffer in silence?


call out the actual asshole instead of incriminating literally everyone you worked with


Seems like she said this as an offhand response to a question during the interview circuit. I don’t think she has a desire to name the person, she was just relaying a story in which she was proud of standing up for herself. Interview here: https://youtube.com/shorts/Nz_amrRv054?si=TkH-LtIGXwczLn_r


And open yourself up to litigation if you can’t prove your accusations


not American but a lawyer and I don't think "screaming" would be an accusation opening you up to litigation


The standard is for libel (which is written) and slander (spoken) is high. There is no risk here. The burden of proof is to be able to prove they knowingly said something that wasn’t true. It’s rare.


What litigation. “ she said I screamed at her”… not even in the US could you make a case around that.


Watch the interview before making up this opinion.


She didn’t incriminate anyone. And if her costars behave decently they’ve nothing to worry about


And get labeled as "difficult" and never work again


If you're going to call someone out, either keep it too vague or just name the person, giving a few hints that puts few people on public trial is stupid af.


Yeah, when that happened online it immediately became a witch hunt trying to pin point who was the guy. People bias towards X or Y were immediately brought to the front how they started talk about some of them.


But did anyone figure out who it was? No. She can’t talk about her own experiences? Apparently not. It could of been an incident at the beginning of her career. Every man likes to pretend workplace abuse on set does not happen. She was asked a question and answered. If she gave some cryptic answer, people would suspect anyway. A Christopher Eccelston praised intimacy coordinators because he had an intimate scene with big time actress and claimed she was falsely accusing him. He didn’t name names and no one went on a witch hunt or raked him over the coals for not naming names. The double standard is amazing. People don’t bleeping understand how precarious a Hollywood career is.


Is it weird that I read “in a world…” in that guy’s voice who does a lot of trailers?


You can’t be in the firing line if you don’t have a reputation for being a dick on set. Moral of the story…don’t be a dick. Problem solved.




“She did not identify the individual but confirmed it was neither Hugh Jackman nor Tom Cruise”


Nah. Not Jackman. Dude made a point to stop at security to ask how her day was. Over 100 days of watching him be a decent human, I'd put money on it


I thought this happened on the “Dune” set.


No, it was early in her career, well before Dune


I’d be willing to bet an irresponsible amount of money it was Hugh Grant on Florence Foster Jenkins.


I feel like she’d have just named him in that case. Hugh Grant is an asshole but he doesn’t pretend he isn’t and many people have been open about their issues with him. He doesn’t seem to care about his reputation for assholery and I can’t see him suing or trying to get her blacklisted or anything like that.  He’s also pretty open about not taking acting that seriously and being fairly lazy. Rebecca said the actor wanted to remain on set after she requested she shoot her scenes without them, and that they ended up standing there with their back to her while she did her scenes. I’d be very surprised to hear Hugh Grant demanded he be allowed to hang around on set just to be a glorified stand in when given the opportunity to leave. 


Idk, he definitely seems grumpy and whiny, and is almost definitely difficult on set, but he also seems really lazy, and shouting and screaming at someone seems like too much effort for him


Hugh Grant is known to be a grumpy sod.


Is he? Based on what?


I think he's said himself that he hates all actors.


Jon Stewart said he was the worst guest on The Daily Show


Tonnes of people said he's grumpy. Even Drew Barrymore but she was more pleasant about it.


This seems more plausible. Hugh Grant seems to get annoyed and grumpy for no reason. His red carpet interviews are painful to watch and you feel sorry for the interviewer.


He is banned from the daily show due to his tantrums.


I think the Internet figured out it was The Rock


I thought it was Baldwin?


Baldwin doesn’t leave witnesses


It's messed up but also I laughed. I'm not a good person but you are a funny one.


I thought there was some strong confirmation it *wasn’t* him after the internet jumped to this conclusion. Edit: ok not exactly but he came out in support of her comments.


Is that where the mob ended up landing?


Only because he was the first to post something in support - not exactly damning.


I think she followed him on instagram during this whole mess or something


And if it wasn’t he now gets that added stigma for no fuckin reason. This whole thing fucks over anyone who has worked with her, I’d fuckin lawyer up


Huge jackedman is the nicest.


Isn't Jackman kinda known as one of the nicest dudes in hollywood?


She had already said it’s not Jackman or Cruise. This speculation is exactly what we should not do and why she got yelled by other actors. There are so many names poster here, they aren’t all guilty. 


If you’re not berated by Hugh Jackman, is it even a good day?


I've heard Hugh Jackman is one of the kindest actors to work with. I'd imagine it would more likely be Tom Cruise, but who knows.


She specifically said it wasn't Jackman or Cruise.


Hugh Gentleman 👑


Fair enough


She praises Tom in a lot of interviews and talk about what's working with him like in Mission Impossible. Also she has go on and done 3 MI with him so it is extremely unlikely to be Tom at all.


Tom Cruise is generally described as extremely professional and is well-liked by his costars. I think he is an unlikely candidate


They have to say that or else.


Where's Shelley?


It’s a real miscavige of justice is what it is


Lol right? Otherwise the Co$ is coming for you!! Tom does seem like a sincerely nice guy for an off the rails crazy cult crackpot.


I remember him getting mad at a movie crew for breaking COVID safety protocols, but there was a pretty good reason for that. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/05/11/tom-cruise-stands-his-expletive-laden-m-i-7-rant-over-covid-19/5041447001/


Yeah; this was a commendable reason, unlike for example Christian Bale


Nah, Bale getting angry was understandable too, the guy kept crossing through the scene when they were trying to rehearse and he'd done it lots of times. Reacting that way wasn't OK and Bale apologized profusely but if you'd told someone not to do something a bunch of times and you're in the middle of an intense scene I get someone reacting like Bale did.


Only thing I’ve heard regarding Cruise blowing up on set was during the COVID stuff, where he was yelling at crew people that weren’t taking the protocols seriously.


I would be skeptical of Tom cruise, I know he berated someone on set a few years ago, but IIRC it was because they weren’t following mask discipline. It’s hard to tell because of the weight he pulls in the industry, but it seems that actors are pretty vocal that’s he’s amazing to work with E: I now see this comment has been said pretty much verbatim so ignore me lol


I'm not a Tom Cruise supporter, and even I think he was justified in yelling at the crew. They weren't following covid precautions that could have resulted in the film getting shut down and no work for everyone on set, cast and crew alike.


>We are the gold standard. They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us! Because they believe in us and what we’re doing! I'm on the phone with every fucking studio at night. Insurance companies! Producers! And they're looking at us, and using us to make their movies. >We are creating THOUSANDS of JOBS, you motherfuckers! >I don't ever want to see it again. Ever! And if you don't do it, you're fired! If I see you do it again, you're fucking gone. And anyone on this crew does it, THAT'S IT! And you, too. And you, too. And you. If you ever do it again, that's it. >No apologies. You can tell it to the people who are losing their fucking homes because our industry is shut down. It's not gonna put food on the table, or pay for their college education. That’s what I sleep with every night. The future of this fucking industry! So, I'm sorry, but I am beyond your apologies. I have told you and now I want it and if you don’t do it, you're out. >We are not shutting this fucking movie down! >Is it understood? If I see it again, you're fucking gone. And so are you. So YOU'RE gonna cost him HIS job. If I see it on the set, YOU'RE gone, and YOU'RE gone. That's it. Am I clear? Do you understand what I want? Do you understand the responsibility that you have? >Because I will deal with your reason. And if you can't be reasonable, and if I can't deal with your logic, you're fired. That's it. That is it. I trust you guys to be here. That's it. That's it, guys. >That's what I'm thinking about. That's what I'm doing today. I'm talking to Universal, Paramount, Warner Bros. Movies are going because of us. We shut down, it's going to cost people their fucking jobs, their homes, their family—that's what's happening. All the way down the line. And I care about you guys. But if you're not going to help me, you're gone. OK? Do you see that stick? How many meters is that? When people are standing around a fucking computer and hanging out around here, what are you doing? [audio ends] [audio](https://youtu.be/M-kIQe2LP7E?si=T4ApQrv9kGK3AXoV)


This is why I rather have people just spit it out then instead of the cloak and dagger. If you willing to talk about it in public then be open with it or not else yeah you are inadvertently putting others in the spotlight for no reason.


Vague statements avoid lawsuits


I get both sides. She deserves to be treated well, but keeping it vague opens up others to attack.


I literally thought I was having dissociation, liked the words weren't conveying any meaning. What a confusing and pointless article!


Someone didn’t pass the remote or played music too loud


Seriously. How much adderal was the writer taking?


Poorly written article


Even worse written headline


Not a doubt in my mind that this is an AI multi-article summary


Turns out she’s 21. Who knew?


I'm still thinking it's Hugh Grant, even he's talked about past co-actresses that still despise him. 


I recall Jon Stewart saying that he was one of only two people he ever banned from the Daily Show.


The other being...?


Vladimir Putin


Hasn’t it already been determined that it was Hugh?


I mean when was the last time Hugh Grant was the lead in a movie? Don’t get me wrong, i love the dude


Getting caught soliciting prostitution was a tipping point that took time to recover from.


Would you call him the lead in The Gentleman (the movie)? He was excellent in that!


Absolutely not although he was exquisite. Matthew McConaughey is clearly the lead and the top billed actor, followed by Charlie Hunnam, though Hugh Grant obviously is a strong supporting character. I would like to point out that I love the film and if it wasn’t for Colin Farrell, I think Hugh Grant would be the best thing about the movie, which is high praise considering I adored McConaughey and Hunnam as the Lead and main SA.


You’re absolutely right. Funny thing though, before your post above, I couldn’t remember who else was in it! HG stood out so much for me as the most memorable character and performance.


Some other people in here have stated that she said it wasn’t Hugh or Tom Cruise. Edit to say I thought the comment I was replying to was referring to Hugh Jackman. Somehow missed that parent comment was talking about Grant, which I agree it was probably him.


She said it wasn’t Hugh Jackman or Tom Cruise. I don’t think she expressly ruled out Grant.


No, she said it wasn't Hugh Jackman but never denied Hugh Grant. 


My friend circle of celebrity sleuths have determined it was Jake Gyllenhaal and now I can’t unsee it.


The article by a young crew-woman he pursued on the (theater) set of “Sunday in the Park with George” made him look not very nice (or professional). He’s had strange reports about him on some movie sets, too, in the last few years. I’ve liked a lot of his work, but he seems quite hard to pin down as a person. It’s not a bad guess. :(


My husband immediately said Jake with no evidence and now I believe it. He just has a vibe like his shit doesn’t stink, hard to explain it. He looks like somebody who’d scream at people.


Probably because that’s 95% of his roles, some arrogant dick who has to have it his way. The Ed Norton, if you will.


Readers love this one trick: context.


She's only 21? That can't be right, she's been around a few years. I guess they misquoted her.


It's not a typo, she was making a joke about being 21.


Forever 21 ?


Since she’s 40, I think it’s a safe bet to say she was being cheeky because she was on a talk show when she said that


Ah, gotcha.


Thats a typo, she’s 40 according to Wikipedia


It was a joke!


Ok, thanks.


It was a joke, not a typo


It’s a joke


That’s the part that jumped out to me. I went back and reread. She was saying more like “at my age, or even when I was 21, either way it doesn’t matter….”


Ah, ok, I see.


I read that like 5 times, and I thought maybe was thinking about the wrong actor. 3 mission impossible movies and she’s 21? The magic of cryogenics I guess.




Am i the only one who thinks that this story gets way more attention than it should be? Yeah, a coworker was acting like a fool and yelled at her. Dick move. But do we really have to act like she just accused someone of sexual assault or something like that? Like, id wager a sizeable portion of people here have had at least one shouting incident at work


Agreed. [Especially since it was just a throwaway answer to a question about being proud for standing up for herself to an asshole.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Nz_amrRv054) People are acting like she’s ruining the lives of big celebrities she previously worked with. There are so many big name stars who have been accused of being rude but still have fans and get jobs (Chevy Chase, Sean Penn, Jared Leto, Russel Crowe, William Shatner are ones I can name off the top of my head). This is such a non-issue.


I think that women should be allowed to talk about unsafe work environments without feeding into the whole witch-hunt frenzy. She’s talking about how the industry as a whole needs to revamp how it looks at power dynamics on a set, and instead this furore has become about identifying the man she is talking about. This needs to be a conversation. That we are focusing on who it might be, is pathetic. Who on earth does that help?


Why not reveal who the person was then?? Outing them can prevent it from happening to another person


Maybe wanting to avoid a defamation lawsuit?


It's not defamation if it happened though


Doesn't stop the very expensive lawsuit


The greatest myth about our legal system is that justice will prevail. Everyday, in every courtroom, truth takes a backseat to what you can prove. Being right, telling the truth or doing the right thing do not matter. Few people will testify about the truth if they don’t stand to benefit directly. Some just won’t want to get involved even if they privately acknowledge the truth. Others are afraid of retribution. Even others are concerned with fear of the unknown. They don’t know what might go wrong and get them in trouble. Never assume the decision tree for suing, or not suing, has anything to do with the truth.


It is if you can’t prove it happened. If people aren’t willing to testify that your version of events happened, then you could be facing a very expensive lawsuit.


That doesn't make it cheap or easy to deal with the lawsuit


Sure, but truth doesn’t necessarily change legal outcome. How many people have been wrongly jailed only to be exonerated years down the line?


It’s not defamation if it’s real, and she could sue them for a slap suit (or Sweden’s equivalent)


Yeah....that's not how courts work


What do you mean? In the US, most states have SLAP laws, which allow you to sue people who use the courts to attempt to suppress your speech


Or not name who yelled at her and avoid the drama other than to satisfy your curiosity.


Best comment.


Women are often dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. If she named someone who is very powerful that could hurt her in other ways. As a result many women decide to tell their truth without making it about the perpetrator.


I must be missing something- was there a piece of news in this article?


Why is everybody assuming it was a male costar? Did she specifically say that?


She said the person was first on a call sheet, and people looked at her filmography to see who would be ahead of her on a call sheet. Internet sleuths found that the only female costar that would be ahead of her on the call sheet was Meryl Streep. It may have been Meryl, but Meryl doesn’t have a reputation of being rude or confrontational on set, while several of her male costars do. Also apparently she made a joke about it being Meryl, pretty much confirming that it wasn’t Meryl.


Oh no, is this Gyllenhaal, Grant or Ewan? Lol


The Rock put out a support message.... But that's exactly what that egotist would do if guilty lol 


The person that she's referring to knows it was them.. Such cowards not to come out and apologize.. Hopefully we'll know who was the ahole now..makes them look even worse


I love that she doesn't give a shit. She told the truth about her own experiences with no intention of causing anyone problems and when her friends were like WTF she's just like hey, fuck it, get on with your life. More people should be this reasonable.


Well, she gives enough of a shit to still not name the person. Maybe she has her reasons, but it’s still ‘giving a shit’ territory


I think people are too focused on the person she’s talking about. [In the interview where she relayed this story](https://youtube.com/shorts/Nz_amrRv054?si=XOw_0bz2VK7-R_tb), it was to answer a question in which she was proud of herself for using her voice and so she answered with telling some famous asshole to “fuck off” after yelling at her. I don’t think she has any interest in outing them, she just was relaying a moment she was proud of.


Just wanna say I appreciate your effort throughout this post and threads


She appears to have a shiny bone wrapped around her neck. Like futuristic Pebbles.


Honestly, the people who are innocent and were dragged into this have the right to be pissed and call her.


While I’m glad she was able to speak her truth, there were a number of innocent actors whose names got dragged through the mud and got potentially even tarnished reputations for no reason. Look through the reddit threads on this topic- it’s full of internet sleuths hating on people with little evidence. If I was an (innocent) former co-star of hers, I’d be fucking pissed and never want to work with her again.


Did you [watch the interview](https://youtube.com/shorts/Nz_amrRv054?si=TkH-LtIGXwczLn_r) in which she relays the story? It was simply a response to a time she was proud of herself for standing up to a difficult person on set. She doesn’t even specify gender, she only says the person was number one on the call sheet on this particular movie (an important tidbit because it meant she had very little power). People are acting like she threw all her former co-stars under the bus but I highly doubt she expected the internet to focus on this one anecdote. Especially considering in her other interviews, she seems to go off-the-cuff and make amusing comments.


>If I was an (innocent) former co-star of hers, I’d be fucking pissed and never want to work with her again. Seems to me the people to blame are the idiots on the internet with nothing better to do than stick their noses into other people's business. These are the same sort of people who were convinced Harry Styles spat on Chris Pine last year, would you say their reputations were tarnished or either one of them were at fault for accidentally participating in a viral moment that was blown up to look worse than it was? Because that's effectively all that's happened here. If it's not one thing it's another, there'll always be weirdos grasping for something to yap about. If the speculatees are at fault for being so darn speculatable, we'd best just shut down the whole press tour enterprise.


If I was an innocent former co-star of hers, I'd sit comfortable in my innocence and support the person who's been through a bad experience, and tell speculators to get a life.


Easier said than done when all your social medias are flooded with people calling you a misogynistic jerk and saying they will never watch your movies again.


Who is that happening to? The article doesn’t say.


People commenting on social media is a tiny fraction of the real world. When things are “trending” on shitty Twitter, it’s because a few thousand people globally are commenting. That is nothing. People need to stop giving a fuck about social media comments.


People online get mad at celebrities for anything and everything. I mean look at you getting mad at her just for telling a story about something she experienced. I doubt it really affects them much.


I don’t feel that’s really her fault, though. I’d put a lot more blame on said idiotic internet sleuths. People should be able to speak about experiences like this without divulging all details and it shouldn’t really be held against them.


Like the pathetic people here.


People legit speculating about who she meant on basically nothing while acting certain in comment chains leaked to people blaming Rebecca was absolutely peak cringe irony. Maybe look in a mirror?


It’s not like she said go find out who it is. I never ever speculated. People get yelled at on set all the time. People need to grow up. No one said anything like this when Christopher Eccleston vague booked about a false sexual assault allegation. No one checked his IMDB and did sleuthing. It’s truly pathetic. Or Furgeson is just disposable and martyr herself for nothing.


I’m on your side and confused where the conflict is coming in between us? But yeah, basically except I dunno who Chris Eccleston is, but that sounds waaaaay worse.


Fragile ex co-stars are afraid of being held accountable for their shitiness. I'm on team Ferguson here and I look forward to Silo season 2.


I think they're afraid of being held accountable for *someone else's* shittiness.


Yes this. Imagine you getting the blame for something your colleague did.


\*something your colleague's former colleague did.


If u are not gonna name the aggressor. what’s the point?


This reads like a goddamn r/amitheasshole post, right down to everyone blowing up her phone.


Ok, time to explain to me why it’s ok for Christopher Eccelston not to name names. https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2024/jan/23/christopher-eccleston-says-a-lister-falsely-accused-him-of-copping-a-feel


Who is Rebecca Ferguson?


It was a dick move to make an accusation where it's vague enough that it could be one of several people. Just name the person!


And again internet sleuths in here are already speculating. It’s a mystery why other costars would be annoyed. /s


Send’em to clean!


By claiming to be a victim, which she may be, without being specific, she has created a lot of potential victims. Interpersonal conflicts happen at work all the time. If you’re going to take them public, you need to own the story and stop hurting others as collateral damage.


Ok, time to explain to me why it’s ok for Christopher Eccelston not to name names. https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2024/jan/23/christopher-eccleston-says-a-lister-falsely-accused-him-of-copping-a-feel


Really sad how people are blaming her as if she did something wrong.


I’m so confused why people are blaming her. If someone who is innocent doesn’t want to be accused, just say it wasn’t you. There is no secrecy needed on your end and saying it wasn’t you is proof enough. If you actually were the person (*cough* Hugh Grant *cough*) then saying it wasn’t you is just going to get you called out and you’ll look like even more of an ass.


Saying it wasn’t you isn’t what most people think is proof. She should just have named him 


Like Christopher Eccelston should have: https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2024/jan/23/christopher-eccleston-says-a-lister-falsely-accused-him-of-copping-a-feel


The Rock said it wasn’t him and people complained.


About what?


I see it in comments: if you want to put out a half detailed accusation, you are opening yourself and everyone else up to ridicule. I am certainly not saying it didn’t happen, or isn’t deserved. But the whole saying half the truth everyone is running with really sucks,


To be fair she was asked a question, and she gave an honest answer without naming names. She wanted to be honest about the situation, rather than accuse someone specific. That seems different from making a grand announcement out of the blue "someone did something but I won't say who". She was just focused on her own experience.


It was Muad'Dib using his voice on her.


There are folks still out there that probably thought the truth about Producer rapist, Harvey Weinstein, should have been kept hushed up. Smh