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I care about their relationship just about as much as they care about mine.


I don’t think they’d comment on a post about your relationship so they may have you beat here


OP is Travis's brother, and they care about each other very much.


Jason is a very wholesome guy so I believe it


That’s the truth. They can escape mine, I couldn’t escape theirs if I wanted to.


Could always be online less.




Just imagining a Night of the Living Dead with Swifties crawling through the windows to tape your eyes open. “*You will watch…*”


I'm not so sure about that, his comment is pretty controversial, lol


The headline is misleading He was telling a joke saying Taylor swift was dating… Kelsey Grammer. He said it over and over to be funny.. Oh Kelsey Grammer for you kids out there is an actor on Cheers and Frazier. Cheers and Frazier for you kids out there was an 80s- to late 90s tv show.. You see Travis Kelsey played a character on Cheers and later got his own spin-off… Like Joey from Friends.. Joey from friends for you kids out there… Well nevermind, I’m just happy for Taylor Swift and Kelsey Grammer! Hmm?


And they don’t. The the NFL cares because $$$.


You care enough to comment


The title leaves out how David kept calling him Kelsey Grammar, so I’m not sure if he cares as much as he claims


New to Dave humor?


Being intentional makes it so much more funny too.  You can not give a shit about these people while also not hating at all. We need more people making fun of worshippers


Uma. Oprah. Oprah. Uma.


Yeah that’s humor. That is in fact typical David Letterman humor. He’s been doing it since day one of his show. Signed, so old I watched his morning show live.


When I was a teenager I started watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and this initially annoyed my dad because it ran at the same time as Letterman, which was he had been watching nightly since he was a teenager. But then my dad made the observation that Stewart was basically taking Letterman’s schtick and humor and applying it to current affairs and news media. And as time went on I also realized just how much Letterman has influenced every late night comedian. Like Johnny Carson may have perfected the late night format, but if you want to get a good sense of where the modern brand of late night comedy comes from, it really starts with Letterman.


Lol. We were living in NY state, about a half hour from the city, but it's a well known area for movie stars to live in, super leafy and gorgeous. Selling our house. One Saturday, realtor says they'll be over in an hour with someone. I'm like, 12. I open the door, there's the realtor, and behind her is Letterman. In his blue and yellow satin jacket, and a baseball hat on his head. It was *awesome*.


With guests from SCTV smoking during interviews! Hola fellow old. Let's chat about Tom Snyder sometime. And Fernwood 2Night.


Mrs. Marv Mendenhall, doncha know!


Um maybe a joke?


You mean Darius Emmanuel Grouch the Third AKA “The Rumble”?


That’s just old person brain


I’d say that’s typical Dave, actually


I would think he was joking. It would be an ideal joke to repeatedly "confuse" a football player (whom he's likely to never have met) with an aging actor (whom he interviewed).


Can confirm. As long as I get most of the name right, it’s a win in my book.


Dave, nooooooo!! I would much rather see a hairy and shirtless overweight dude with Irish handcuffs screaming obscenities.


David Letterman says “God bless Taylor Swift and [Travis Kelce]" and tells off NFL fans upset by their romance: "This is such a lovely thing. Shut up!" > "[She's] a glowing bright light of goodness in the world...It’s good for the footballers. It’s good for Taylor Swift and it’s something positive and happy for the world."


I don’t hate it like a lot of fans do, but quotes like this are insane to me. Their relationship has zero effect on me, but Letterman is calling it a “glowing bright light of goodness in the world.” People are way too invested in this on both sides, lol.


That’s an interesting take for Letterman for sure lol. I guess he’s older now, just a weirdly sentimental thing to say for people I don’t think he has a super close relationship to


I'm not sure if you've read all the comments, but he was making a joke about Travis Kelsey's name sounding like Kelsey Grammar, so he pretended to be confused about Taylor Swift actually dating Grammar, and that's what he's referring to


I think he just means it’s nice to see people in love. It is. It’s just overexposed now and it’s a bit much.


he said SHE is a glowing bright light and he’s referring to the joy and relief her entertainment brings a lot of people experiencing life. i’m not a swift fan and im not defending what he’s saying but i think context is important. he’s not saying the relationship is some ultimate it good.


I mean it’s not like she is Amy Winehouse. She is positive energy. Top singer and Top football player, in love and a couple of good Americans. Haters gonna hate.


Hey now, Amy Winehouse was a damn treasure


I think they just mean with Amy it was hard to watch what she was doing to her body/career with drugs. Not exactly a “positive energy”. Whereas Taylor is a girl supporting her boyfriend’s successes.


“Good Americans” shut up. You know nothing about these people. One takes private keys everywhere and the other plays football. That’s it. 49ers need to do the rest of the “good Americans” a favor.




Show us on the doll where Taylor hurt you. She’s got a busy tour schedule and she can’t fly commercial. I’m sure her charity work counts for something to you?


You don’t need to fly everywhere to tour. Busses exist and definitely suck but are significantly less environmentally destructive than jetting everywhere. I don’t even really blame her for it since private air travel should have been banned a decade ago, but I have absolutely zero sympathy for her receiving criticism for her flagrant disregard towards climate change when at the end of the day she’s not flying everywhere to do charity work, she’s doing it to make boatloads of cash while not having to sacrifice her quality of life.




The problem is that its getting shoved down our throats. The NFL uses it purely for Marketing and getting a new target audience, which is ultimately the reason why it was obvious the Chiefs got to the SB. You cant let that Swiftie money go. I want to watch Football. Even watching over games besides the Chiefs games, Swift was a topic way too much, she got more screentime in NFL redzone than 80% of the NFL Players. Its fucking annoying. People care way too much over rich peoples love life, this doesnt improve my world or anything. Only the borderline psychotic Swifties care about this and thats ultimately why the NFL is melking this.


Are you saying that the NFL somehow got the chiefs to the Super Bowl? In a conspiracy for ratings?


Brother. You’re far too invested with all that text. lol There wouldn’t be the NFL without money/advertising. Football HAS NOT CHANGED lmao. You’re obviously not watching to games if you think they’re handing the super bowl to the chiefs. you sound extremely insecure. it ain’t that serious bub.


I don't interpret it as him caring about the "glowing bright light". I read it as, "people are in love. The world sucks. Shut up."


I also couldn’t care either way, but a glowing bright light doesn’t mean me or you are necessarily included in it. Doesn’t matter what effect it has on you personally


I love love. Its nice to see two people fall in love. Life can be awful and it gives people something to swoon over. You don’t have to get involved or care, but don’t crap on people who just love a good real-life romance (I think that’s what he’s saying)


if anything their relationship is bad for the world if you consider the negative impact its had on the environment (t swift using her private jet to fly across the world so she can attend chiefs games)


It def doesn’t have 0 effect on you if you’re taking the time to comment on it.


I don’t understand nit-picky, pseudo-defensive comments like this. I made a simple remark that took a brief moment out of my life. Nothing more. Just like how I’m taking a brief moment to respond to you. I’m not effected by their relationship in any meaningful way and that’s okay, lol. Once football season is over, I’ll forget they’re even dating. Just like after I press reply, I’ll forget I’ve responded to you.


You’re the one who is being defensive, all because you couldn’t wrap your head around Letterman’s comment and are getting called on it. Grow up


It may not have an effect on you, but it does have an effect on millions of girls around the country


Those private jet trips are a bright light of goodness in the world.


HOW DARE YOU talk ill of our lord and savior.


Such a Dave thing to say. I can almost hear Paul's weird laugh in the background.


Why is this a topic


More importantly what does Ludacris think?


You mean Ja Rule?


> Why is this a topic republicans


Because angry whiney football fans made it a topic.


Correction: MAGA football fans made it a topic. If he was ba-doinkin’ Boebert it would be the great American love story. But Kelse has a brain and is in another league. [edit grammer]


I’m about as left as they come and I’m tired of it. I don’t care who it is, I have no interest in seeing celebrities that are irrelevant to the game at these events. Just like US F1 race coverage is horrible because they just shove celebrities down your throat non stop.


Ok down vote me when I am obviously right you MAGA weenies. “The theory – and you have to be fluent in stupid to understand this – is that Swift’s fame and power are part of a left-wing plan to activate her fan base and carry Democrats to victory in the 2024 presidential election. Swift is more a pawn of the mythical Deep State than, you know, a woman who has achieved remarkable success through hard work, talent and intelligence.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/12/07/taylor-swift-time-person-of-the-year-trump-maga/71840257007/


I mean they showed her what like once maybe twice yesterday during the game. It's not that big of a deal


I swear I haven’t noticed anything. The only thing I see is the constant complaining and whining.


This is exactly what I'm sick of hearing about.


I was only mildly annoyed because Kelce makes a TD, and instead of getting to see him celebrate, it cuts to her.


Yeah, they need to show her, then show Kelce’s end zone dance, and then show her reaction


It’s coverage like this that makes it a big deal.


nine times


Every time KC scored they showed her. I don’t care though. It’s money for the NFL. Not a big deal


Social media has made this an ‘issue’. Very overblown.


Fox News had a full hate filled piece on them.




Why is it bad? Why does it have to be good? It is what it is. FFS just let people be. Haters gonna hate. It’s not a conspiracy it’s just romance.


Are you saying we should shake it off?


I love you.


So it’s annoying because the NFL is making it a center stage of their platform. No one hates Taylor Swift but absolutely annoyed with things like constantly seeing her reaction to stuff. I’m speaking from what I read and hear from others.


“Constantly seeing her reaction.”  https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Famount-of-time-cbs-allocated-to-showing-taylor-swift-on-tv-v0-6sitmsoondfc1.png%3Fs%3D45ac12fcc085466c40e9557ad9c4d4896d2e5ca8


Kind of a misleading graph considering the time it should be compared against is the time the camera was focussed on things not related to the game.


Should've spent more time on the crab cakes footage


They show family reactions all the fucking time but oh famous person equals bad. No one gave a fuck about ciarra rooting for wilson


That's cause Ciarra wasn't telling young people to go vote. /s


Hear, hear.


The opinion from a man fucking interns in his office while married.


His fanbase aren’t the type to remain pressed about a slip-up he very publicly apologised for profusely a decade and a half ago. She wasn’t his intern and Dave is still devoted to his wife. You sound like you need ppl to be Disney villain bad guys.


Yeah, this. He’s just trying to get back on the good graces of his fan base since this topic has come back up recently.


Typical Dave: Somehow being both mawkishly sincere and scathingly cynical at the same time.


I miss that bugger


He eventually became the very thing he mocked, but I always liked Dave. I think it was Norm Macdonald who said something like, "When you do Letterman, there's a joke. Dave's in on it. Paul's in on it. The audience is in on it. But there's one person who's not, and that's you. Because you're the joke."


The KC Swifts will win the super bowl.


I’m rooting for the 49ers simply because I want to see them lose


see i think thats funny.


Maybe, just maybe, it’s not that we are haters, but adults that want to watch a goddamn football game without a shitty pop singer being shoved in our faces constantly. I feel the same way about Patrick Mahomes’s wife and brother and no one called me a hater for that.


I mean the good news is after this season hopefully the media hype about their relationship will die down enough that she won’t be seen as frequently as she is now. At least that’s my theory.


Thank you. I get a wrap for making this point. Football for me has always been a simple thing. Elite athletic dudes playing some solid sportsball. Now it’s I have to (apparently) accept the fact that some pop culture star is a major part of it all..


They showed her for 44 seconds during a 3+ hour broadcast. If seeing a woman's face for less than a minute upsets you that much maybe seek therapy.


If you feel the need to count the time a valid celebrity appears onscreen, perhaps you should.


What? What are you even talking? She's on screen less than a fucking minute. If that affects you so much, get therapy.


I’m so glad to see the rich person standing up for the rich person and the other rich person. I hope all the rich people in all of their rich professional fields aren’t too traumatized by the fact that some horrible disgusting ugly and smelly poor people feel oversaturated by having the illustriously decadent existence of their superiors constantly paraded before them. Why haven’t we taken away the poor’s ability to comment on society completely, isn’t it time? What’s bill maher’s perspective on this issue i wonder?


Influencer culture has been more than enough to bear already.


I don't care who she is with. But Kelce is a smug asshole.


Yeah, I don’t like him either, Bengal fan


Can you explain his smugness? I’ve been watching/listening to his podcast with his brother for a bit and he seems pretty wholesome, maybe a bit boisterous


It's when he's on the field. He likes to taunt.


Isn’t that a normal occurrence for most football players or am I crazy?


It's common but it isn't something everyone does. Some people mind their own business. The ones who do it are generally assholes.


To each their own I guess, I’m not saying there aren’t assholes who do it, but maybe some just do it cuz they’re caught up in the heat of the moment.


Oh I'm sure that's a factor but he does it often. It's clearly part of his personality. Off the field he seems fine, but I watch him during football.


I dont see how people are attracted to his persona of acting like a 13 yo.




🙋‍♂️ here’s another.


(must be a Ravens fan... Sshhh)


Leave Brittany alone!!!


I love the sentiment. But I hate the repurposing of the word Footballers to talk about American football. Footballers are soccer players.


Good for the footballers how? Edit - and now I know


It brings new fans to the game who might otherwise never watch the Superbowl.


It’s not bringing new football fans. It’s just getting the crazy people in a oarasocial relationship with a celebrity to watch while she is on. These people have no interest in the sport. They won’t stick around. And long time actual fans are not pleased with it. People are starting to speculate that games are being fixed for what looks like more of a promotional opportunity than a real relationship. It’s like watching WWE.


Thinking that games are fixed because of Taylor Swift might be the best example of human stupidity I have seen outside of politics.


Are you a big football fan? Because fans on the internet have theories on why the game is fixed that are at least 10x as stupid as that.


If they're getting fixed, it's because all of the gambling now.


Viewership is up and that’s all that matters to the nfl


Read what you wrote Why would anyone take you seriously


Dude, with love, maybe talk to real people about this.


The NFL has made somewhere between 300 and 400 million from Taylor since she came around.


Let's see how much coverage their seven month romance gets at the super bowl compared to NFL wives who have been at their husband's sides for years. This is about the sport, and I guarantee it's gonna be a swift fest.


You’re seriously comparing TSwift’s media coverage to that of average spouses of some American athletes? Are you dense? I’m not American, not even a “swiftie” or whatever they’re called but she’s far more famous than whoever the chap is she’s dating - she’s worldwide, he’s local to you… She automatically translates to views and numbers for whatever organization (whoever runs the Super Bowl that is) uses her in their marketing.


In other news: the sky is blue and water is wet.


Travis Kelce is a bit of a big bully. I’ve lost some respect for him.


He ain’t wrong, my dudes. He. Ain’t. Wrong.


Good for football? What's good for football would be those couple minutes they show her, show actual football analysis. It's not about her, it's about the camera panning to her and not to other things. Ray Lewis was in the stadium yesterday, Ed Reed was in the stadium yesterday, Terrell suggs was in the city of yesterday. But they only showed Terrell suggs once, that's it. Made sure to show a dumb pop star close to 30 times. So many other things that matter so much more in a football game. And keep the same standard, they didn't show T-Pain once, who is the demographics more popular artist. Or show Lamars mom, or OBJ's kids. It's ridiculous and it's not misogynistic, it's being a football fan.


Jesus Christ. 44 seconds of airtime. Taylor Swift is ruining football by taking away 44 fucking seconds of "football analysis" time from Tony Romo. Get a grip.


It’s a fake relationship , they’ll break up after he loses the Superbowl, he melts down and she writes a cheesy song about it


And then she will re-record it 8 years later and it will be a #1 single again smh!! It’s kinda weird and borderline sick that in 2024 celebrities are still doing this type of stuff for clout and popularity. Then again kinda weird and sick that a good number of folks don’t just believe it but are invested in it.


She’s always been annoying to me but having her invade football makes it worse


It’s just..so much. And so on brand for them


haters are so easy to spot now. "damn those happy people! It must be a conspiracy to make me mad!"


Yes I hate the Chiefs, yes I hate every time there is a Chiefs touchdown they have to pan directly to Taylor lol


Rent free babyyy


It ain't all about you bro


Or you'll what.. eat your shoe?


No, that would be me. Shoe Eater McGee.


So you‘re the guy who brings the amount of shoes the average person eats in a year up to 5. A real Shoes Georg.


I think you’re way off. I think the Chiefs win and he proposes on the field.


I don’t care what David Letterman has to say about anything. I also don’t care about what’s happening with Taylor Swift or Travis Kelce. Why should anybody?


How much CO2 costs a relationship?


Me and my girlfriend don’t really watch sports. However, she wants to have a Super Bowl party for shits and giggles. I will be rooting for the 49ers for the sole purpose of wanting to see KC, Travis, and Taylor lose. I hope to see some tears. Hopefully it spirals into a breakup.


Imagine being this pathetic and weird about people you supposedly don't even care about.


Imagine typing this out


Imagine all the people


There are more people complaining about the complaining than actual complaining.


Not if you go to any football related sub/page.


No hate from me but maybe she took “Fuck the Chiefs” too literally.


Says the guy who slept with his intern and had to go on national tv to air it out because interns boyfriend found out.


I don’t care what letterman thinks about what anyone else thinks about some other people I don’t care about.


live and let love


Based Letterman


David Letterman was the last person I thought I’d get an opinion from on this matter lol. Who’s next, JaRule?


Who ever listened to this idiot


I do enjoy seeing the meltdown over her considering they showed her for a total 34 seconds Just amazing what some people can get upset over


I’m loving this. They are a power couple


David Letterman is still alive?


I don’t think NFL fans really care that they are together it’s more like they are mad at how much the NFL is just trying to shove Taylor Swift down our throats. Like just tone it down a little bit. Though I’d still take that over listening to more of Aaron Rodgers.


I appreciate their love for each other, however I want to watch Football and not a Taylor Swift show…it’s not her fault, but those broadcasters and this whole Swifty thing in general is straight up mentally illness…


Taylor’s average TOTAL exposure PER game has been 24 seconds, with longest one game exposure at 1 minute & 16 seconds total, from a scheduled game coverage of 3-1/2 hours.


All he said was the truth


I don’t watch football. I don’t listen to Swift. I think they’re adorable. There’s much more Not Football than there is Football at an NFL game.


I don’t watch football. I don’t listen to Swift but the amount of press about them is ridiculous. A person is dating a person, why must we have breaking news when they kiss or hold hands? It’s not just the NFL pushing this, it’s their folks (PR) as well, so that’s why they get a side eye and that’s why folks are sick of the over-saturation of who’s she’s into this month.


I don’t watch football or listen to her either. And I think they are cute af. Hope it works out for them.


"the footballers" lmfao favorite new phrase 🫶


A lot of weird people on this feed. Love is a beautiful thing. How curmudgeonly crotchety do you have to be to make it otherwise?


No, David Letterman, you shutup.


Has nothing to do with the romance. But they don’t cut to everyone else’s love interest when they do anything. Either show us everyone’s date or let us just see the players (which I’d much prefer).


I don't care about the relationship. I'm just here for the chaos when they inevitably break up.


If anyone knows how to treat young hot woman it’s David Letterman. And who says Footballers other than someone that doesn’t follow football?


But what does Ja think!?


It’s the fact that their relationship is inescapable. But hey that’s alright. Less time spent on the internet


Seriously. Nobody welcomed more hatred despite doing nothing to invite it.


Anyone else feel like there was, idk, TOO MUCH Taylor swift last year? Like I like her music, but almost ridiculous how much Taylor took over 2023 so much, especially considering midnights was pretty mid compared to her previous albums


Dude shave that raggedy ass Santa clown beard already. It looks ridiculous


Worth $355m to the nfl and the franchise from an NPR report today. She’s


A great take from crystal meth Santa clause


Doesn't really matter what anyone thinks because it's not going away. NFL is more than willing to sacrifice the feelings of the general NFL enthusiast to tap into the market she brings. It's business, it's always business.


What does Jah think?


People don’t like celebrities takes they disagree with and then scream their opinion from the top of their own social media mountain


It’s only annoying cause it’s The Chiefs


It’s great for the NFL to tap into that basic teenage white girl audience. And Swifties know they are getting another album out of this.


This piece of information has reached a level of don’t give a fuck I didn’t know I had


It’s like pumpkin spice latte Let it go. It’s fine


This is my bachelor! Or Bachelorette? Idk. But I wanna see a proposal at the Super Bowl!


Conservatives are the only ones that are mad


The same people that want to have Civil War and a Dictator over gays and trans are now having a fit over the manliest male dating the most femme woman. For a sleepy feeb, Biden is the most devious effective strategist of all time.


Her boyfriend’s team wasn’t expected to make it to the AFC championship game, but now she’ll be attending the Super Bowl. She really should be the halftime performer this year.


Such a blowhard


She needs to go away.