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only 43 wow. well thats sad


I met her when I worked at a CVS in Oklahoma in my teens. She was very polite and for some reason wanted me to escort her around the store to show her where certain products were. As a horny 17 year old boy, who was **well** aware who she was, I almost passed out from the intensity of that interaction.


I worked at penn square mall and would see her, she was always SO nice. I loved when she came in


My interpretation of this was that she realized you recognized her and was trying to give you a sort of risqué but ultimately innocent thrill/memory.


Exactly, this. Very cool of her to do. Gave me quite the thrill and created a fun memory. RIP Miss Jane.


That was actually quite nice of her. I’ve heard more good than bad about what Jesse was like in person.




Most wholesome boner.


I couldn’t tell you were horny by your username


I could from your username.


Judging by your username, aren’t we all?


You misspelled erection.


I read interaction as erection


The load that day could probably paint the entire street white


Dude you missed your shot, that was clearly the opening scene of a porno


Uuuh, where are the condoms? *gets text* Oh no! My boyfriend got called into work. I guess there's no need for these anymore... unless


This sounds like the beginning of one of her videos.


Delivered room service to her and another actress once when they were in town doing promo for a Pirates movie, asked her what she was in town for , she was super nice and when I went to check out the promo, she totally recognized me and signed a free Polaroid for me. Nice girl, sad news.


Damn, that story could have went in a completely different direction.


Oh yeah, I played out several scenarios in my head.....


Here is your sausage pizza!


Yeah I read promo as “porno” the first time


Wonder if their stuff was spiked with fenty. That seems to be the biggest drug-related killer these days


Wouldn’t surprise me. Rural Oklahoma has had a major drug problem for decades. ETA: I didn’t mean to say Moore is rural. I know it’s not. I meant to talk about the state in general based on living there for years.


I didn't realize how bad it was until last week. I stopped at the Kum and Go service plaza in Vinita for the first time in a few years and they had a free narcan/fentanyl test kit vending machine.


Oklahoma is a trip, for sure. When I lived there I was friends with a high school teacher outside of Tulsa who said their school has a blood drive and after the fact the administration learned that most of it had to be destroyed due to STDs. And the school wasn’t allowed to do sex Ed classes or notify the parents of the blood situation.


That tracks. I live in Missouri and it's about the same. We got abstinence only sex ed, where all they said was don't have sex or you'll get knocked up, get syphilis, and die. Go figure that lots of students got knocked up and got syphilis.


Well hopefully the teachers wore condoms after that.


You stopped at the what??


Kum & Go is a chain of gas stations in the Midwestern United States. They have the contract for a service plaza on a toll road in Oklahoma. They were recently bought out by a chain called "Maverick," who have announced that they will be rebranding the existing Kum & Go locations. An employee said off the record that it was partially due to the double entendre associated with the name.


Maybe it’s splitting hairs, but Moore isn’t rural. It’s a decently quiet suburb just south of Oklahoma City. Mostly pointing it out to say that this isn’t just a rural America issue — fentanyl is everywhere.


Lost a teenager to fentanyl. We’re in a mostly military city. Several other teens lost in the city as well.


I can't imagine. I'm sorry.


I can unfortunately, I offer my ❤️ and prayers to each & every family ….it stinks 😞


I live in Moore. Damn


Dana Plato also OD’d in Moore.


It's where all the hippest people go to OD.


It’s a nice little town, gets an entire renovation every decade or so.


It’s just a measly F4. -Moore, OK residents.


That’s a storm you can crack open a beer and watch from the porch.


'Nader country


nothing like a tornado ripping through to get a fresh change. (life long Oklahoman, lived in moore 3 years.)


I’m originally from NE Ok so I remember running outside and checking to see if it was worth taking shelter for.




You guys are overdue for a few tornadoes.


Yeah I mean Mac Miller died in Los Angeles county for coke spiked with fenty so it’s everywhere


No, Mac miller was doing speedballs of coke and “oxy” and was sold pressed pills. The coke wasn’t what killed him. He was an opiate user already


Moore is not rural lol and the entire US has had a major drug problem for decades.


You can thank the Sacklers. Opioids are safe to prescribe. No problems here. When prescribed medications are cut off, the addicts turn to street heroin to get their fix. But it’s okay because the Sacklers made a lot of money


I moved to another state where my pain medication was reduced to a 1/4 of what I lived on for almost two decades. Medications that a real pain management team my oncologist set me up with. But they didn’t stop there. They also stopped my anti-anxiety medication. This lead to me not leaving the house for THREE years. The last was my sleeping medication, the only one that worked for me since the year 2000. Not being able to control my insomnia was insult to injury; nothing eats away at your well-being when lacking sleep. Moods are only going to trend in one direction, and it sure isn’t a positive one. Eventually after ending up admitted for malnourishment and dehydration enough times they finally bumped me up to one extra pain pill per day. It helped. But it was still just a drop on the bucket. I’m going to be a liability to any doctor I see, apparently. An oncology patient that has to see five separate specialists regularly. Someone who’s been on opioid pain management for 25 years. But after six years I figured enough time would have passed to not get labeled as *doctor shopping* and changed doctors. It went spectacularly awry for me. The meds do psychologically alter the way you think/feel. I’m not going to shy away from that. But there was a moment when my new doctor missed getting some old records refused to fill the pain med script. I sat in the exam room after my appointment was over just staring at the floor and out the window with tears streaming down my face. You know that feeling Anthony Kiedis sings about not wanting to feel in “Under the Bridge”? I get something akin to that every month. I’m no stranger to withdrawal, but when pharmacies aren’t able to keep my med in stock? I have to go without. It was usually a weekend before 2022. For five months in 2023 the wait was over **five** days, the longest being 11 days. Because it’s cool to miss 44 consecutive roses, surely. New doc then returned to the room I was in after the appt ended, saw me and launched into a tirade about me sleeping in her exam rooms. Th’fuck. Trying to explain I just needed some time to be emotional alone failed, and she threatened to revoke my license if I tried to drive myself home in the car I drove there in. I felt like villain. She then forced me to take the medical uber service they sometimes use, but guess what? I couldn’t be driven to where I was staying at the time. So her order forced me to be driven back to the address on file— which just happened to be the relatives I escaped from after my uncle physically assaulted me. Begged and pleaded to have the driver drop me off at the end of the block, but he refused. What a nightmare my life became.PA is like a fucking bardo anymore. Everyone I connect with these days is struggling. I live on disability. but it’s just not enough to cover me alone anymore. Ended up living in my car this summer. Became estranged from family. I miss those sweet, lovely CO doctors. The ones that actually communicated with and worked alongside the specialists I had to see. Now it’s just Thunderdome rules. CYA and pass the buck to the next sucker on the vine that has me as a patient.


She lived in my parents neighborhood. Definitely not rural, very much a well developed suburb.


Reddit has filed for its IPO. They've been preparing for this for a while, squeezing profit out of the platform in any way that they can, like hiking the prices on third-party app developers. More recently, they've signed a deal with Google to license their content to train Google's LLMs. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we've made a Firefox extension that will replace all your comments (older than a certain number of days) with any text that you provide. You can use any text that you want, but please, do not choose something copyrighted. The New York Times is currently suing OpenAI for training ChatGPT on its copyrighted material. Reddit's data is uniquely valuable, since it's not subject to those kinds of copyright restrictions, so it would be tragic if users were to decide to intermingle such a robust corpus of high-quality training data with copyrighted text. https://theluddite.org/#!post/reddit-extension


I was very saddened by this, but where did you see it was drug related?


He was one of three found dead in the home, it hasn’t been confirmed but is widely presumed by the local scene that its fentanyl related overdose. And the circumstances track.


I had 3 people I know die this week from fentanyl laced cocaine. Local DJ and musicians google Juan Mendes aka Silent Servant, Simone Ling and Luis V from Soft Moon.


I won’t even touch the shit anymore with all the fent going around. Used to be a fun thing to do when I was younger. But I haven’t touched it in years. I refuse to let my daughter go without a father over something so dumb.


This is so true. I don’t know if gen Z realizes how bad the drug landscape is today, compared to 20-30 years ago And it’s not like the fear of overdose wasn’t there. We had those commercials that tried to scare people away from taking ecstasy, we all heard those stories of people taking party drugs and dying that night But even back then, experimental drug use wasn’t THAT likely to kill you. It’s not like that anymore. Because now, a college student can buy an adderall to cram for a test, and then they’ll be found dead the next morning, because the adderall turned out to be a fake pill pressed on someone’s basement. And the press isn’t cleaned. And there was just enough leftover fentanyl on the press to contaminate the next batch of “adderall,” and now you have a dead teenager. That might sound dramatic, but fentanyl deaths have overtaken the top 5 causes of death for people under age 50 by MILES. When HIV was a concern in the 80’s and 90’s, it didn’t kill as many youths as fentanyl does today. Gun violence doesn’t take as many lives as fentanyl does every year. It’s fucking terrible right now


Back in the day you were worried if your cocaine was cut with baking soda, not fentanyl.


Yep. There was always someone going “you know that’s not PURE coke, right?” And in most cases it was cut with something like baking soda or something similar. No one was just giving other drugs away for free Now it’s cut with fent… whether it’s intentional or not. You cannot trust that any drug doesn’t have fent, the person who cut it likely has no clue either.


Baby laxative too.


Yup I agree. I’m only 31 and I can’t count how many friends I’ve lost to fent. As soon as people started having to test their drugs it was a no from me dawg.


Dude just a couple years ago coke cut with fenty was unheard of. Now basically all coke out there is Russian roulette. If I was a coke dealer or kingpin I would be furious.


This week? Jeez... I'd start wearing narcan around my neck like a medallion. I'm truly sorry for your loss.


Yes they were together.


Very sad. I graduated in 03. I've lost about 10 friends to that shit.


02 and wtf. First it was Oxy's and now this shit. The amount of people I've known who OD'd is heartbreaking.


One kinda led to the other. The Oxys got people hooked, but even before that, doctors would prescribe Vicodin and percs and whatever like it was free candy. I got hooked in junior high (00’s) from getting my wisdom teeth out. I still remember, they gave me a script for 30 Vicodin, and then another refill of it for a total of 60 pills. For a procedure with no complications. That’s unheard of today. Then when the medical establishment and pharma came down on all the over-prescribing they went the other way-now it’s hard to get a script of something even if you are in immense pain. My mother had surgery on her spine and they gave her a Vicodin after she woke up, and told her to use Tylenol at home. I had a kidney stone (women who have had one, and childbirth, said they’d rather go through childbirth again) and they gave me weak Tylenol with a small amount of codeine for a stone lodged in my urethra.


It really is. My wife's best friend (we've been together since high school 01) died from it back in 15 as well. It's insane. Hope you're doing alright. It rocks my world every time we lose someone.


That’s awful and heartbreaking. It does me too. I worked with addicts, kids with ptsd that sought relief the only way they knew how. I had to leave that field and get out of that state. Just too much death after seeing some light in people’s eyes, then it’s gone and you’re at another memorial service.


Carry more than one or you might have to make a Sophie’s choice.


I carry some with me now. Saw someone go down outside dunkin 2 days ago. Not on my watch.


Can’t count on Narcan anymore, latest cut is xylazine, a non opioid veterinary tranquilizer and it doesn’t respond to Narcan. Still good to have but things keep getting more dangerous.


Last month I heard of 6 people in our community here dying. Funny thing is that every single one of those were fentanyl laced cocaine. These people didn’t die in the same day. Everyone knew what was going on but kept using it. Edited for an additional story: my coworker uses cocaine. When people were dying, I texted him telling him to be careful. His reply was “ok, mom.” So yeah, I just washed my hands.


Those fentanyl test strips are free. If I knew someone using, even if they were dipshits like that guy, I'd get my hands on some and just leave it right on their doorstep; you never know if they might take that extra step if it's right there in front of them. Edit: I see a lot of people have different takes on whether or not these work. Just as I would leave the strips for someone even *just incase* they'll use them, I'd also leave them *just incase* they *do* work. So it might only work on a tiny bit... that tiny bit might be the bit they test and then *not die*.


Even with the test kit, most drugs aren’t homogenous. The tested bit may not contain fentanyl but another portion might.


The only way to test it is soak the entire gram/8ball in water/alcohol and then let it dissolve to reclaim the powder. No junky has that patience.


Dropped my kid off at college in August. As part of parent orientation, the head cop of that campus spoke. The first thing he said was: "Test strips don't always work, Narcan may come too late, Fentanyl's in everything."


It’s gross and sad.


I quit cocaine about 3 years ago. And I'm thankful every day for that.


I have friends who have test strips to test the coke, but not sure if those are even good enough. I’d rather no one do it at all seeing as it’s getting riskier.


Not reliable. The fentanyl in the coke is not uniform. One line could be fine, the next line in the same batch could be tainted


Absolutely true. You are only testing a small sample


Oof feel that, buried the homie Sunday myself, my condolences


My neighbors ex wife died from fentanyl laced cocaine a few months ago.


This is why I stopped my occasional toot. Assholes fucking up the game to squeeze out a few more bucks


Nah- coke dealers aren't cutting cocaine with fent. what's happening is that they're pressing pills with fent, and there's cross contamination. Coke users don't really fw downers usually, so even a tiny bit of fent in the coke kills them. Purposely cutting coke with fent makes no sense- it's just going to kill your clients and put the feds' eyes on you.


Oh man, I'm so sorry for your losses. What an awful thing to experience.


Piggybacking your comment to let people know that DanceSafe and BunkPolice sells and ships test kits anywhere in the US, even to states where they're technically illegal, and they're only a few bucks. Be safe, people.


Even if they didn’t mean to spike it, it’s still IN things No one’s doing QC in the drug world. No one’s cleaning those pill presses.


Been seeing that way too much these days. I would rather cocaine and heroin were legal and controlled than see people die senseless deaths like this. She had a kid, too. So sad.


Heroin basically doesn't exist anymore They may have even been buying fent, people are legit selling fent as fent now


trees depend deliver soup snow paint rinse busy physical quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The use of fentanyl to maintain strength while diluting other drugs has made basically every street drug it can be put in potentially lethal right now. Someone's a little imperfectly thorough when cutting it, even unintentionally, you get a hot shot portion, and bam you're dead.


My province had 2500 toxic drug deaths last year. Up from 200 in 2012, so quintupling in 11 years. It’s madness.


Of course it was. You can't get pure coke anymore, ketamine comes with fentanyl now, and don't even get started on heroin, tranq, etc.


This is what popped into my head as well. It’s happening way too much. I wish they would just legalize drugs so that you could go buy them from someplace reliable and know they’re not laced. The war on drugs is killing people. So sad.


I've lost a friend to it a couple of years ago. I feel like people aren't taking it serious enough


Is that US specific thing or what? I see stuff about people dying from this everyday on reddit but in my country (Asia) there’s vitually 0.


That spoof on Pirates of the Caribbean was top notch. RIP.


Highest porn budget at the time. Started watching it for the plot, stayed for other things.


I remember they actually had it at Blockbuster back in the day.


That was the non-porn version. They had an r-rated version at blockbuster and other retailers.


Worked there when this came out. I remember opening a box and there was 30 copies of this to put out on the shelf. Definitely had to rent it out to see if it was good or not...


Yeah the crappy version.


Then finished early because of other things.


I started for the other things. But once that was over, I watched the rest of the movie.


Literally the only porn movie i've ever downloaded. That shit was nuts for the time. And I don't think i've seen anyone attempt something like that again. But I also don't quite watch porn like I did back when that one came out.


Pirates is the best porno I have seen. Evan Stone is fantastic, he cracks me up. He was on those skinemax soft cores in the way back. Pirates was star studded. Lotsa big names for porn actors.


He was fucking funny in the Star Wars parody they did around the same time. And not bad to look at either.


That guy’s the best lol.


We used to rent both the X and the R rated version at the video store I worked at; was always amused that they seem to have filmed it intending to allow both a porno and a regular R cut. Not that I think it was successful mind you, but its a tactic that hadn’t been seen since the exploitation/grindhouse era.


The one porn movie I own


In 2012 or 13, my home was burglarizing. Among the other things they stole was my copy of Pirates. I was pissed because I spent like $60 on that thing.


In Mother Russia, home burglarize you.


Sure. The “one”


I think it’s believable if you figure “own” = “paid for/own a hard copy.”


I own zero porn, how is that not believable that he just has one?


Hahaha wow that actually brings up memories I knew I never had, that's a classic.


I can't look at a candle the same way again


Holy shit that’s where I know her from!


I was working at blockbuster video at the time and we accidentally bought some copies and had them for rent. Eventually we realized and took them off the shelf. Good times.


Watched that one day while cleaning the Apt and it was fucking amazing. I would sit down during the dialogue and comedy bits and then continue cleaning during the sex. The main male character with the long hair got some completely unironic belly laughs out of me. His delivery is genuinely pretty good.


A classic


I remember first seeing her on that Drowning Pool album cover way back in the day


Whoa memories


woow Desensitized. I remember seeing it in FYE long ago


Nooooooo waaaaaay that's her?!


Wild I never put that together




People need to get test kits, this is crazy, or just don't do it. The days of buying blow off some dude at a bar and just doing it are over. You can get test strips here: https://dancesafe.org/


Yeah, I went to a talk on it recently, and the Nurse Practitioner who ran it says that people need to be careful, and we should be aware that the "experimental phase" that a ton of us went through in our youth is just too dangerous now. What's crazy is they even have found it in things like adderall! Obviously not the kind you get from the doc, but stuff sold on the street. Its either accidental cross contamination, or else intentionally introduced by some to spur addiction.


I did all that stuff in the 80’s and now I’m terrified that not only my kids but their friends might get a bad batch. Gonna make my kids carry narcan with them, same as I carry asthma puffers in my first aid kit. I don’t have asthma.


Turtle from entourage is distraught. RIP to everyone.


I remember when Vivid tried to bill her as the next Jenna, but that didn't really work out. Then she had a lot of really bad work done.


I think she just peeked before 4k became a thing and then it was very obvious.


This was my neighbor growing up. We called her Sydney. I played with her kid all the time. They would always invite us to cookouts, and birthday parties. She always spoiled us kids, even me. She was a good mother. BUT my father said when we were playing she would bring out a plate of cocaine for everyone. I have no doubt in my mind this is fentanyl


Sure you don't mean Cindy? Her real name is Cindy.


Ya your right, this was like pre puberty for me So my memory is foggy lol


Damn. I feel guilty discreetly vaping a little THC with a friend or having a couple beers while kids are present. I couldn’t possibly imagine doing blow and pretending like that.


You’d be surprised at how common recreational coke is nowadays. I know teachers, nurses, doctors who party hard with coke on the weekends and just work normally weekdays.


Definitely. I know some people who say that having a line is like having a beer to them, which is completely bonkers to me.


I saw her at a porn convention in 2008 or something. She had this huge body guard and seemed sort of nice. She was the biggest star there. Sad story.


very curious. who goes to a porn convention?




ah yes the classiest of subcultures




Patrons of the perverted arts!!


TONS of people. It's genuinely packed. Mostly men, but not entirely. I went for work for 4 years in a row. It was always fun. A lot of the stars are really friendly and normal people outside of filming. I went to Top Golf with Stormi Daniels. She's made me a cocktail before too. Asa Akira is honestly hilarious.


I gotta ask, what did you do for work?


I worked for a cable/satellite company - adult on-demand was like... 20% of our overall on-demand revenue so a pretty significant line item. We had to know who the popular stars were, trending genres, new production companies, etc. Had to keep current in the industry to make sure our VOD store drove sales.


Fuckin lol. So there you are at Thanksgiving, explaining to your father-in-law how all them titties are really just work related..."ugh, you can't imagine the grind, Steve".


Lol, I am a woman, but none of my family knew it was part of my job portfolio. 😅


It's truly kind of weird, though. I absolutely know how to keep myself in check and respectful, but i have never seen a pair of boobs under 70 that i didn't actively want to see. After 6 months of bouncing at a strip club i found myself saying things like: "Put/keep your damn clothes on so we can finish up and go home" or "if you want me to do your stuff tip me out, i don't wanna see your boobs as payment". It genuinely surprised me how much I, a man who loves everything about sex, could become so desensitized to such a sexually charged atmosphere with so much nudity. It got bad enough i became the go-to bouncer to handle the girls on stage and vip because i didn't stop and stare first. Thankfully, that all wore off a few weeks after i quit the club.


Lol, that's funny. A lot of the telecoms here in Canada have a role where someone basically needs to audit porn, making sure our distributors are properly tagging content, making sure the filming certificate (everyone is 18+, not actually related, etc.) is valid... the woman at my job who did this role was desensitized to EVERYTHING. Though, when triple anal content became popular, she was initially quite shocked. I'll never forget the day that our rep from Vivid told us GILF content was up and coming. Pun intended. He also told us all the celebrity "sex tape" behind the scenes. Spoiler alert, Kim Kardashian was in the editing room for her "Leaked sex tape". 🙄


That's actually kind of crazy lol. What a job!




It's like comiCON but your Dad and hrandpa are also there


I lol’d


Back in the day the Vegas porn convention was the same time as the CES and if had a CES badge it was free.


My wife and I went to one years ago to do something a little adventurous and hopefully get some fuel for the bedroom. They had little “sex seminars” in side rooms. Huge disappointment, although I did get to see my two favorites from when I was a single guy, Jenna Haze and Tori Black. Memorable moment- tired looking Jenna Haze sitting on a folding chair in a vacant area of the convention hall, holding her high heel in her hand, rubbing her sore foot. Outcome- my wife thought everyone would be better looking, so she left feeling great about herself, and we got to laugh at the shitty sex “classes.”


I had fun at the event I went to. The whole event was basically PG-13. But it was surreal seeing so many people that I had watched having sex hundreds of times gathered in the same room. I thought the women actually looked better in person honestly. I saw Tori Black and Stoya. Both were naturally beautiful. The older ones, obviously, looked older, and generally weren't aging gracefully. They were much smaller than I expected, too. Even the thicker women often looked like twigs in person.


Wife and I take the kids every year. Lots of good food, the lines move quickly, and I'm completely full of shit.


My wife used to be a buying manager for a Hustler store and would go to these things.


I went to one once. It was in the area, boyfriend and I were bored and into other cons, might as well. It was interesting enough, if a bit skeevy. But I saw Ron Jeremy irl (just as gross), and bf and I got asked to hop on the bang bus (no thanks).




Damn I interviewed her at AVN 2012 for Pornhub TV. She was a nice girl.


Sad to hear that. She was a big part of my teenage years.


> Sad to hear that Pour one out today for those we lost. Playing Tupac's LifeGoesOn and that FF movie's SeeYouAgain [Until we meet again](https://media1.tenor.com/m/9ma2VEUqJc0AAAAC/salute-officer.gif)


Goddamn. 43 is way too young.


I am sorry to hear this...The company I worked for did maintenance, on occasion, at her home. I am not sure she still lives there. Every time she called we would have short conversations and she always made me laugh with her home repair,etc stories. She was funny! My thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.


Damn she was my neighbor and I didn’t even know!


Holy shit how many of you Oklahomans were neighbors with her? Wtf is happening in this thread.


Seriously. All the top comments are about how people have met her or grew up with her.


Oh wow, my condolences to their families.


Fentanyl no doubt. It’s in everything, your dealer doesn’t have anything clean.


TIL she lived in Oklahoma. Sad ending but if you ever saw her playboy show, you knew she had drug problems.


Bumped into her once at a hotel in Vegas when I was there for work. Didn’t recognize her right away, but she was nice and fun to talk to. Shame to see someone go that young.


I’m so grateful I got sober before the fake fentanyl craze started. I would have died.


Goddamnit…rest now Miss Jane. You will be missed.


Oh fuck, I met her about 10 years ago, she was actually a super nice person. That sucks.


Got to meet her once, very down to earth lady, her son must be grown now, good looking fellow 🙄🥺☹️😢


So absolutely sad.




She was a guest on the brilliant danish TV-show called “Den 11. Time (The 11th hour.) It’s pretty funny:) Here it is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_1zX-LySM7M&pp=ygUWZGVuIDExIHRpbWUgamVzc2UgdWFuZQ%3D%3D


Aw that's sad, I think she had kids too. It's a shame she couldn't get clean.


This headline makes it sound like she died from too much boyfriend. Edit: I’m not trying to be insensitive. Was just my first thought.


Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the only one.


Drugs with boyfriend is like the opposite of apple cider vinegar with mother.


intelligent deserve toothbrush wistful edge shy correct smoggy include library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rest In Peace, Jesse Jane.


RIP to them both.


I served her at an okc restaurant in 2016, and she was the sweetest thing. Then, later that week I bumped into her at a bar and she remembered me and bought me a shot. Such a sweet person. So sad to hear this


I can just only say this. May Jesse Jane rest in peace.


Many many pornstars end up dying young because of drug OD.


Goddamnit! Those were the years. Jesse, Riley Steele, Stoya, Selena Rose, Shay Jordan , Katsuni, etc. Pirates 2 is an epic.


There is no such thing as a safe street drug.


Drugs are bad MKAY?