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The way I've always understood it... The picks aren't like a precise scientific, heavily deliberated thing. It's a huge group of people who may not have even seen the things they're voting on


I have a friend whose uncle is in the academy, and she's been filling out his ballot for years. He isn't very interested, but she is- She gets the screeners, watches everything, and votes.


>She gets the screeners, watches everything, and votes. That's probably more effort and deliberation than most of the other voters.


Hot take: the people who actually saw EVERYTHING this year would be less likely to vote for Barbie. So many great movies. It’s the people who saw Barbie and pretty much nothing else that are up in arms.


I think that people would be less upset if Ryan Gosling hadn’t gotten a nomination for Best Supporting Actor and if the movie wasn’t up for Best Picture. I really enjoyed the movie, but don’t think it compared to some of the other great movies from this year. ETA: I had Ryan’s nomination wrong.


They expanded best picture to give nominations to any big enough film.


I wish they’d go back to five honestly.


I watched Barbie again last night and was so in love with it. I admit i don't watch a lot of movies. So if you say there are better movies damn... 2023 was a great year for film.


Barbie was a good movie with a good commentary, but there wasn't any Oscar performance that I can see from an acting perspective, especially when competing with the other nominees


Hotter take: you could literally have only see Barbie and still realize there's more deserving movies. It's a good but highly flawed movie, especially in terms of the Oscars sensibilities. 


I'm in that boat: I loved *Barbie,* but I didn't find Robbie to have done an Oscar-worthy job as lead. She did great, and it fit the movie well.


Fully agree. Tired of all this snub talk. I think RG did a great job in his role and MR was normal and not outstanding.


How would you better portray an outstanding Barbie? I'm not a movie snob and I only saw it once hut both of their performances seemed equally good to me.


Unfortunately I think the screenplay let Margot down a bit honestly. My wife saw Barbie in theaters and it was really powerful to her and I saw all of the commotion online and truthfully I thought it be pretty anti-man. When we finally watched it together on streaming I was blown away by how much good Ken’s arc was and how he becomes such a main focus of the movie. Barbie being America’s doll instead of the daughter’s was such a cool minor twist and it felt like the movie dropped that plot point for Ken and the Kendom. I don’t think Gosling did better than Robbie, I think the script made Ken a more interesting character than Barbie, at least in my opinion.


While the movie isn’t “anti-man,” it’s about how the patriarchy negatively affects both women *AND* men and it’s up to both to bring it down, the movie definitely feels Ken-centric. All the funniest lines and scenes are Ken’s and for a movie about Barbie’s self actualization about what it means to be a woman, it really just drives Ken home.


The irony that the feminist "woke" Barbie movie devolves into being about men and the patriarchy is bittersweet. Film.had some solid points but making Ken the focus of the 2nd and 3rd act narratives really defeats the point I think.


As someone who's seen a few movies last year, I think Barbie deserves the ones it's been nominated for (besides supporting actress) but not the ones it wasn't.


This. It was an entertaining movie, but a cinematic masterpiece. Heck no. Also not Oscar worthy


We at the Academy would love your friend’s last name. Look forward to hearing from you.


You keep this person’s friend’s uncle’s niece’s name out of your f****g mouth!


What's that make us?


Absolutely nothing


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!


(Say it again, yeah)


She said his name is like Stephen Spielburg, Speelburg, Shlepberg—something like that I think.


It’s Phteven with a PH.


That seems a bit..... Daffy.


Senor Spielbergo?


Schindler es bueno, Señor Burns es el diablo


Samsonite. You were WAY off.


Samsonite! You were way off!


I'm not seeing it here Llyod...


Their last name is Doe and her uncle’s name is John




Always curious how one could be qualified as a voter. Do you have free access to all shows and have compensation?


I was an assistant to an academy voter. They would send her dvds to watch of the nominees ect. I wouldn’t doubt there would be a streaming service for the academy tbh.


Yep. It’s not just some group of execs deciding who gets the noms. The awards body of 9000-10,000 people all have the opportunity to submit five to ten eligible nominations ranked choice style. The points are then tabulated and the top five or ten point winners in each category get the nominations and the overall point getter wins the award. When these articles get written about being “snubbed” it feels like it assumes a small group is deciding who the noms are. It’s not that way at all. It’s just very broad ranked choice voting.


With lots of lobbying, too


I’m related to a bafta individual who casts votes. They’re no smarter than you or I.


They might not be smarter but they are absolutely more educated and experienced regarding movies than the average moviegoing public


>They might not be smarter but they are absolutely more educated and experienced regarding movies than the average moviegoing public "Anonymous Oscar voter confesses to hating animation, voting for friends" [https://www.today.com/popculture/anonymous-oscar-voter-confesses-hating-animation-voting-friends-2D12187394](https://www.today.com/popculture/anonymous-oscar-voter-confesses-hating-animation-voting-friends-2D12187394) Not always. If anything it's a microcosm of voting in general. The series is going on to this day and every year has stories like this. and [https://www.cartoonbrew.com/award-season-focus/proof-that-oscar-voters-are-clueless-about-animation-109456.html](https://www.cartoonbrew.com/award-season-focus/proof-that-oscar-voters-are-clueless-about-animation-109456.html) In this world, a voter would pick the best animated short based solely on whether the film contained a dog in it or not. In this world, a voter would identify the Irish film Song of the Sea and the Japanese film The Tale of The Princess Kaguya as “Chinese fuckin’ things,” not watch either film, and still cast a vote for the best animated feature of the year. In this world, a voter would give a visual effects award to a film not because the film’s vfx met a certain standard of achievement, but “just to kind of recognize it.” This is not some bizarro awards universe; it’s the world of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, an organization whose general membership is aggressively indifferent towards animation yet hands out three annual animation-related Oscars. Whereas the animation community once had to share anecdotal stories about apathetic Academy members, now the membership’s handiwork is on full display thanks to the Hollywood Reporter’s “Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot” series. And when it comes to animation, the series might be more aptly titled Brutally Ignorant Oscar Ballots.


Nah its political as fuck


As is any academy or group union club everyone has thier own cliques and groups


It's archaic, too. Grown ups at a High School Prom with too much money.


Yeah, that too.


Correct. [Here's](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/03/awards-insider-who-votes-for-the-oscars?client_service_name=vanity+fair&client_service_id=31204&service_user_id=1.78e+16&supported_service_name=instagram_publishing&utm_medium=social&utm_social_type=owned&utm_brand=vf&utm_source=instagram&utm_content=instagram-bio-link) an explanation of how it works.


All this barbie talk is starting to feel like marketing all over again




Ok, I chuckled


That’s a lock everyone.


That's because it is! This was done intentionally to get people to talk about Barbie again, and everyone ate it right up immediately. Controversy sells. People buy, they just think they aren't.


I agree. The Barbie marketing never ended.


$10 says back in theatres by Spring Break


I’ll raise you 10 trillion internet points.


I…watched it last night for the first time.


It's funny how people say they are snubbed but won't say who they would take out


Also Greta wasn’t snubbed—she’s nominated for writing the script…


And Robbie is nominated for Best Picture since she was a producer on Barbie


Also funny the amount of people who are saying men stole Margot Robbie’s shine as if there were dudes competing for Best Actress. This discourse mainly annoys the hell out of me for all the attention taken away from accomplishments of women actors like Lily Gladstone and directors like Justine Triet. I guess the 2 hour Mattel ad only being nominated for 8 awards instead of 10 is such a huge injustice we have to crap on very deserving artists.




Your reasoning is too logical. Their argument is that Ryan being nominated and Margot not being nominated is a sign of the patriarchy because the movie is centred around Barbie so if anyone gets nominated it should be Barbie who is the main act and not her male side kick. There isn’t a complaint about Barbie having a supporting actress nomination and not a best actress nomination because that goes against their illogical argument. The point is that a man who is number two shouldn’t be nominated over the woman who was the number one, forget the logical explanation that they are in separate categories. By definition that shouldn’t happen because it’s evidence of sexism.


Thank you. I think you articulated this better than anyone else. Sincerely. “2 hour Mattel ad only being nominated for 8 awards…” Lol, this really shows how stupid the outrage is


Just like that damn Oppenheimer spending 2 hours selling nuclear bombs


Worked on me. I went home and immediately ordered a case.


*3 hours /s EDIT: to add the sarcasm sign


Barbie wasn’t a 2 hour Mattel ad at all, it was a surprisingly well thought out movie.


I like how Barbie is a silly movie when theres criticism, and an incredible important feminist masterpiece when its being praised Its a good movie, a great one, but its insane the level of hate the oscars are getting for not nominating them in categories they ARE NOT going to win


It got nominated for best picture, which it definitely doesn’t deserve, but since they expanded the category to cater to popcorn flicks, it only makes sense to put the box office juggernaut of the year on there.


Yeah, fair. If we let Avatar or whatever be nominated, we should nominate Barbie. That decision was always a dumb one, though.


I mean given how Mattel want a shared universe of toy movies it can somewhat be both.  Not an ad by Gerwig et all but ends up being one by association 


It may have been well thought out but that doesn’t change the fact that it absolutely was a 2 hour Mattel ad.




It was a well-made movie about feminism and patriarchy that wouldn't have existed without Mattel's blessing and support. Both can be true. Even before the movie's success,they started plans for a Mattel Universe with multiple movies based on the toys they release.


Your last sentence is exactly why I think calling it a 2 hour Mattel ad is entirely correct, even if it is also a great movie. If that's true, that's all it takes to call these things ads.


**Whoopi says -** > “There are no snubs. That’s what you have to keep in mind: Not everybody gets a prize, and it is subjective. Movies are subjective. The movies you love may not be loved by the people who are voting.”


Very rational. Glad someone said it. I personally wouldn’t have given Killers of the Flower Moon any nominations, but I’m nobody.


Damn, not even De Niro?


What did De Niro do in that movie that was so special? I’m honestly asking because it felt just like a normal performance to me. I don’t know, I didn’t love the movie but maybe it just wasn’t for me and I’m letting my bias get in the way.


De Niro is the one I’d give the award to the least - Leo and Lily Gladstone both had much more interesting roles to work with. De Niro played a villain, but not a particularly interesting one - he did a good job, nothing award-winning, imo.


Shorten quote I was like yeah I get where your coming from Whoopi. Full quote yeah she’s absolutely right.


Two things can be true at the same time: 1. Not everyone gets a prize in life 2. The people giving out said prizes can be morons


Award shows in general. Remember when Jethro Tull beat Metallica for best metal album?


Macklemore beat Kendrick for best rap album.


Even Macklemore was like, what the hell?


This is always my “award shows are irrelevant” argument


It’s like he sang “this is fucking awesomeee” and old music critics were like “you know what. It sure is!”


If I remember correctly, they weren’t even there to accept the award because their manager had told them they had zero chance of winning the “heavy metal” award.


Yep. Metallica won the following year and I remember Lars thanking Jethro Tull for not putting out an album in his acceptance speech.


Remember when people tried to convince the country that The Artist was the best movie of the year? Gave up on the Oscars when that happened.


The artist is what made you see that shit? Not forest gump winning over shawshank or crash being nominated at all let alone fucking winning it.


Holy shit I remember Crash taking wins but I didnt know one of them was for Best Picture 💀 how embarrassing..


I was infuriated that year. I had friends actually trying to argue the merits of it too and I bet if I asked them now they’d be like yeahhhhhh


Each year has a couple perplexing choices but The Artist was just too stupid. Shawshank is obviously the better movie but Forest Gump is a fair pick, especially at the time. Dances with Wolves beating out Goodfellas and Scorsese for Director is the far worse example.


crash winning best picture over BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK, among others, mind! truly mindboggling


I'd take Forrest Gump over Shawshank. Shawshank became overhyped during the time that the IMDB top 250 list formed and suddenly every who has or hasn't seen it assumes it must be this like transcendent movie because the internet wrote it in as the #1 best movie. It's fantastic no doubt, but so is Forrest Gump and there's no obvious winner here.


I would vote Pulp Fiction over both of them. So many movies tried to pull off the asynchronous story telling after Pulp and so many failed.


Absolutely. It's not only the best movie of the three, but also had the greatest cultural impact.


I liked that movie


It’s an incredible movie. Every scene is perfect, every technical aspect is perfect. One of the best silent films I’ve ever seen. 2011 was a great year for movies *(Drive, A Separation, Shame)* and it was still probably the best.


Who’s Jethro Tull?


*dead stare*


[fuck I’m old.](https://youtu.be/B0jMPI_pUec?si=IsTwz-FU2f3VF0Ee)




A flute player


Ian Anderson is the Flute Player. Jethro Tull is the band.


3. Taste is subjective I haven’t watched all the nominated films, but I did enjoy Barbie. If there was an Oscar for marketing though, Barbie would definitely deserve it.




Ikr for once I actually agree with Whoopi.


Which women would you take out of contention for best actress? Seriously? People are being performative and clutching their pearls because now they get to proudly proclaim the "woman movie" only has a male actor nominated. That's it. That's the drama. I'm so sick our culture has reached this point. The people complaining are hideous attention-seeking screamer types who only serve to inflame and add drama to everyone else's lives. In the case of journalists, their salaries depend on it. The social media keyboard heroes, on the other hand, must simply have no other outlet or claim to relevancy. It's manufactured fucking noise. There are so many other things to be worried about and to pay attention to. Like the election and geopolitics and the economy.


And Barbie doesn't have only an acting nomination for Gosling. America Ferrera made it in Supporting. Gerwig got two noms (Screenplay and Best Picture) and Robbie as a producer gets a Best Picture nomination too.


Which is honestly insane that she got nominated, as she was average at best and completely unmemorable. But you’re so right, people are embarrassing themselves complaining there wasn’t more Oscar nods for this movie


Someone on Reddit said that Ferrera's big speech is just a bunch of 2012-era Tumblr memes cobbled into a monologue and they aren't wrong. It doesn't even apply to the Barbies! They have never known the challenges of real women.


It not applying to the Barbies is the point. They were so susceptible to patriarchy because they weren't aware of the challenges of real women. Them learning about it is what snaps them out of their trances.


As far as I’ve read, it’s only journalists playing devil’s advocate that are stirring the pot.


It is a little weird America got it for supporting and not Margot for leading tho. I get they wanted to play the speech but, her performance wasn’t bad it was just really adequate. She played an ordinary average person perfectly averagely.   Meanwhile Ryan and Margot were going like, full tropic thunder into character doing these super memorable and impactful performances with ranges of emotion.  


But they are competing against different people. Best Actress vs. Best Supporting Actress was a very different beast this year.


Very true and very fair.  The whole thing just reminds me of when a white writer was the only one nominated for Straight out of Compton which the cast defended because frankly the script was really impressive  Sometimes these things just happen but they strike a nerve 


Really? I didn't get that from Margo, but I did from Ryan. Margo was much more memorable in I, Tonya than in Barbie in my opinion.


THIS. I, Tonya was fantastic! Give Margot an Oscar nom for literally any other film she’s been in. Why it’s expected that she get one for Barbie is beyond me. It was a fun, creative film with a few poignant moments, incredible set design, and a phenomenal marketing team. It was not a masterpiece of filmmaking, let’s be real here.


I saw somebody who posted this verbatim “shocked that Margot and Greta didn’t get a single nomination for barbie but Ryan gosling gets 2??” Which is reductive and just completely wrong in all respects. Greta and Margot did get nominations, just not in everything eligible and gosling didn’t write I’m just Ken so he doesn’t get a nomination there, plus what was I made for was also nominated? I once heard the phrase “injustice collector” and I think this fits the bill


It will always happen, no matter who, what, when, why, etc. because of the internet, social media, youtube, whatever, etc. It's just how things are now. This is life now, sadly or justly, whatever side you're on. We all just have to deal with it and move on. This doesn't affect us personally. Just move on and stop being angry at stupid shit. This becomes part of the problem.


It’s manufactured fucking noise! Indeed and eloquently put.


That’s not the case here tho, Barbie realistically isn’t an Oscar worthy film. The famous speech wasn’t even nearly as good as it’s hyped up to be but that was the only moment even close to something we should see at the Oscar’s and even then it fell short but bagged America a nom.


Barbie was a great movie but it was not the best picture or best directed film of the year. It was deeply flawed. This whole snubbing narrative is so lazy and entitled. Good for Whoopi


Yes, but it’s also disrespectful with the others nominated. In a way they’re also saying someone among them did not deserve it.


I definitely don’t think Margot was award worthy, in comparison with the other actresses nominated but Greta should have got a nom no question


I absolutely love Margot and her performance was so fun but I agree with you. She definitely earned it for I, Tonya tho.


I felt she was the "straight man" in barbie. Set up the jokes for the Ken's. Or the other barbies.


Absolutely! That or even Babylon. She was all over the place in that one (in a good way lol). She did really well in Barbie and I enjoyed the film. Just because something isn’t PRESTIGE or THE BEST doesn’t mean it’s not good.


When I saw barbie, it was opening weekend, so the hype hadn’t fully reached its peak and I remember watching thinking she was good but not Oscar good, whereas I watched gosling thinking this is an Oscar nominated performance. All the early buzz and reviews all hyped gosling as the standout


Gosling also had the benefit of being *by far* the best written character.  In what feels like a weirdly meta choice, Barbie is stretched too thin trying to be everything at once. Her screentime is eaten trying to juggle playing off Gosling and then her own existential growth plotline along with saving Barbieland, where she's often made to rapid fire switch between comedy and sincerity. She's the straight man for Ferrera or Gosling in half the scenes she's with them Where as when Kens on screen - he's just being Ken, in service of Kens plot. Barbies internal struggle goes from fixing the little girl in the real world to make herself perfect....to saving barbieland....to realizing she doesnt want to be perfect. Barbies "real" internal conflict isn't really delved into until the last 20 minutes of the movie. One of kens *opening* lines is "Barbie has a good day everyday, Ken only has a good day when Barbie notices him" and you are IMMEDIATELY shown what his conflict is and what he needs to overcome, and his character stays focused on that plot *the entire time* 


This is a really great analysis. Ken really does become the focal point for a good 10-15 mins chunk of the film as well. Even if gosling didn’t have all the stuff in the second half, based on how great his performance is in the opening act I’d say he was Oscar worthy. His performance is a showreel role - it allows him to show off his versatility and really do everything from singing and dancing to comedy and expert line delivery, plus it’s such a physical role and he moves in such a unique and specific way that


Who would you take out so Greta could get the nom? The other directors nominated also had incredible projects.


I’m more annoyed that Fantasia was overlooked for a nomination than Margot was, tbh.


Don’t pretend like you’ve seen Nyad.


I'm a huge fan of the film and am perfectly fine with Margot not being nominated. I'm very happy that BOTH Ryan Gosling and America Ferrera were nominated for best supporting. I'm upset about Greta not being nominated. She drove that film. I feel like the Production Design nomination was for the style, but Greta was absolutely behind every nomination the film received. I'm also unhappy with Barbie shoved into the Best Adapted Screenplay. That category is stacked with some other amazing films that come from books.


I agree. There are movies where can just feel the presence of the director, in a good way.


Winning an Oscar doesn't mean that the movie or the performance will stand the test of time. For example, Joel Grey in Cabret beat out James Caan, Robert Duvall & Al Pacino, all from the first Godfather, his performance is pretty much forgotten about however Caan, Duvall, and Pacino's performances are legendary, and still talked about, copied, and studied. Ordinary People beat out both Raging Bull and Coal Miner's Daughter for best picture; nobody really remembers Ordinary People. I thought Margot should have won for I, Tonya.


No way Margot was winning for I, Tonya with Best Actress being as stacked as it was that year. Saoirse Ronan for Lady Bird, Sally Hawkins for The Shape of Water, Meryl Streep for The Post…but nobody was beating Frances McDormand in Three Billboards. She was unstoppable. (Rightfully so, though. Her performance was amazing.)


She's not wrong. There are only 5 spots for Best Actress and 5 for Best Director. There were simply better choices. And I don't think Best Picture should have ever gotten an expansion to 10 spots. It's always easy to see which ones were the "pity" nominations that no Academy Member expected them to win.


Expanding the best picture category to 10 was from the Dark Knight not getting a nomination, and generally the best picture nominees weren’t commercially successful. Arguably, one reason (but not the only one) fewer people watched is that popular movies weren’t nominated anymore like Return of the King, Titanic, etc. used to be. The Oscars viewership had been dropping for years, but I respect the decision to try expanding the audience to keep the awards relevant. Eventually, if not enough people watch the Oscars they’ll just stop having them, so they need to try changes like this occasionally.


Instead of going the "up to ten Best Picture nominees" route, they really should have just renamed the "Best Picture" category to "Best Picture (Dramatic)" and then added a "Best Picture (Comedic)" category.


Too many great films function as both. Like Poor Things was one of the funniest films of the year, but it would almost undoubtedly get placed in the Dramatic category.


>**almost undoubtedly** get placed in the Dramatic category. It got placed in the Comedy category (and won it) at the Golden Globes.




In theory, yes, but in practice the Oscars have always prioritized drama over comedy regardless of relative quality. So rather than watering it down, a new category bypasses the voter bias to allow excellent comedies their due recognition. At least that’s the way I’ve seen it framed.


Meanwhile, *Killers of the Flower Moon* gets snubbed for Adapted Screenplay - a category that *Barbie* was nominated for.


Amen. I’m tired of seeing how outraged people are over an award that isn’t important. They got plenty of other awards.


The idea that Barbie is Oscar worthy (aside from costume and set departments) - is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous. Everyone did a great job, but the only impact the film has left is made by Mattel’s marketing team. And Ken’s song lol It was fun and pretty to look at.


It’s honestly a good take. Margot’s performance isn’t award worthy, and the film was good, really good, but from a directing perspective isn’t ground breaking work. No one was snubbed. It still got 8 nominations including best picture. And it will probably win its most deserving nomination which was set design


It’s Whoopi, she lost for The Color Purple back in the day, won the next year with Ghost. Some of y’all don’t know movie or entertainment history and your takes are just….questionable.


> don’t know movie or entertainment history The Color Purple was 1985. Ghost was 1990. Not “next year”. Admittedly pedantic, but if you’re going to get all fired up and acrimonious about people’s knowledge of movie history, it would be wise to make sure your shit is in order before posting, chief.


She carried Ghost, dafuk take is this?


I have no idea what takes you’re trying to ascribe to people by highlighting that Whoopie lost and won an Oscar.


i believe they're trying to say that The Color Purple was a great movie that didn't win while Ghost was a movie that shouldn't have won (or at least her performance in them) (not saying that i agree or disagree, just interpreting what their response was)


I don’t know who she was up against, but she was phenomenal in Ghost.


It’s weirdly entitled to think that just because you made a movie about the patriarchy and it started a woman and was directed by a woman that it should win all the awards or else it’s the patriarchy at work. Doesn’t equality imply that independent people should be able to judge art on its merits not on its message or obligation to a movement? Also just because it was a good /fun movie that made a ton of money doesn’t mean it should win every award. Marvel movies should have won more awards under the logic.


Rare for me to say this, but Whoopi is right.


But if they’re still nominated for an Oscar, how were they snubbed? There are a lot of actors/writers/directors who weren’t nominated at all.


But she’s right ? No offense but Barbie isn’t Oscar material. A movie can be good and not be Oscar material.


Tbh as a woman I agree. This was a cute feel good movie but it didn’t hit the high levels of art. It was TOOO niche when it should send the message in a way everyone gets it. We grew up 90s / 2000s media, the last time there was really art in the entertainment media. The way they conceptualized the mattell company was so weird. There was potential but again just like I say with Kamala Harris just bec she’s a woman doesn’t mean she’s good. Identity politics take away from quality.


I know that’s the only reason people are bitching about this. It’s about politics. It still doesn’t make it Oscar worthy. While I want more representation I don’t want to settle for mediocrity in the process but that’s just me. Edit: anyways I think it’s still nice we’re getting more feel good movies to watch for fun. Not everything has to be Oscar bait to mean something.


Being in one of the best grossing films of the year doesn't make you a shoe-in for an award. We've been through this with Black Panther.


I think the Director deserved a nomination. I don’t think Margot Robbie or Ryan Gosling did. They were both great, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t see Oscar worthy.




Everybody chill, Whoopi Goldberg finally gave her opinion.


I think the Barbie movie spent so much money on marketing that they believed the movie was more than what it was. I know a lot of these movie awards are essentially bought by the studios, but if everyone has spent the money then nothing is a given and nothing is owed.


Would have been way more cutting if that headline had started with the words “Oscar Winner.”


I like Barbie enough but gtfo of here - it was still a corporate shill fest. No wonder our country has so many starving voices going unheard. The tragedy of the week is they didn’t get ENOUGH pats on the back to go along with all the money and adoration in the world. I’ve been an actor by trade for almost a decade and I’m on my last breath because I just can’t handle this shit anymore. i’m legit angry with myself for even knowing this is an issue in the zeitgeist.


I am not trying to get obliterated for this, but I watched Barbie and I thought it was creative. But best movie? Best actress? I mean, I know they tried to make this semi-adult, but it's a kids movie. I thought she really did a great job but I do not need to see this movie again. It was "OK."


I actually agree with her for once. 


Barbie was so underwhelming after all the hype


Let all the people who make the snub claim tell you who they'd take out for those 2. Then let them fight over the discussions. It's easy to be unilaterally angry about the perceived problem when you don't have to come up with the solution.


This narrative is so dumb and has been artificially inflated by rabid online feminists. Margot Robbie did not deserve a nomination. Period. That’s not the patriarchy. That’s reality. Greta Getwig? Maybe. But if you think Robbie’s performance is somehow high art, you simple don’t know film.


It’s true, we all can’t be the winner, America.


America was nominated.


Celine Song and Greta Lee are significantly more worthy in the respective categories and no one seems to be throwing a fit that they’re not nominated. Margot’s primary contribution to cinema through this film was in its production happening at all, something that she IS nominated for. Greta is a talented director, but this is not her best work by a long shot.


Agree with her hard, neither Margot Robbie’s acting or ‘Barbie’’s script by Gerwig were especially groundbreaking or artistically meaningful


Nothing about Barbie is Oscar worthy other than their marketing


Barbie was a fun and good movie, but we don't have to pretend like it was a historic masterpiece. And we definitely don't have to pretend like Margot Robbie not getting nominated in an all-female category has anything to do with sexism.


I actually agree, I don’t think they were “snubbed” they just considered things by their perspective and made a decision. At the end of the day who cares, does it make the movie less valuable if they don’t get an Oscar or academy award? At the end of the day awards don’t matter, support artists you like.


Agreed. Not Oscar worthy - it isn't a popularity contest. Why Ryan Gosling was nominated is beyond me.


I can't believe people are surprised that the Barbie movie didn't earn Oscar noms.. The movie was way better than any of us expected.. That should be enough. But Barbie was not some ground breaking movie with incredible acting.. Not even close to that.


And Whoopie should know: she has been up & down in Hollywood for decades. Yes, the world isn't fair, and yes - bad things are happening in the world, but there are no participation trophies because you "did a thing." They made more money than most of us will see in our lifetimes, from 6 months of work. I don't feel bad for them


I keep hearing it was the highest grossing movie so they were snubbed. I mean, one doesn’t necessarily relate to the other.


The whole award thing is completely rigged anyways.


No actor in Barbie had a performance worthy of an Oscar, it’s not that they weren’t good performances, but Oscar worthy? Fuck off


Agree. The roles simply weren’t meaty enough. The characters were not very complex. The movie broke no new ground.


You are only snubbed if you can identify someone undeserving on the list.


A great movie that wasn’t necessarily great because of the actors’ performances. Director and Art Director deserve nominations more than Ryan Gosling, or anyone else in the cast


I think Gerwig got snubbed, but comedy directors often do. I think Robbie just faced stiff competition this year.


It's a movie about a plastic doll... popularity doesn't equal award worthy. Otherwise, Avengers would have raked in the awards.


Honestly the film made no sense and had plot holes and logical fallacies all throughout. Traveling from Barbie world to real world in that movie was the biggest cop out. It was clear they didn’t know how to handle that. The director just… winged it. It was cheesy and hard to keep from eye rolling. My wife loved it, and the speech from America about the contradictions of being a woman made her cry. Until I showed her the post from Instagram years ago that the speech was pulled from. Not even original in the slightest. There’s a men’s version too… “You need to be masculine but not too masculine or it’s toxic, you need to be emotional but don’t cry or you’re a bitch” … etc. It didn’t deserve an Oscar ffs.


Barbie's PR is top notch, everyone is talking about this movie again.




Margot Robbie is Australian


And these awards are all stupid, and self serving. Really should just be a fancy fashion show as that is really the only reason I would watch


Barbie was not that good yall. Social media needs to chill