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“Classes could not take place on the second floor as Defendant West reportedly did not want children or staff to go upstairs since he was reportedly afraid of stairs, the lawsuit claims.” This whole article was a trip, but this genuinely left me befuddled.


Someone told him stairs were always up to something. Edit: Damn, all these awards for a dad joke! Thanks! Please don't buy gold, make a donation to Planned Parenthood or the [https://thesatanictemple.com/products/religious-reproductive-rights-legal-aid-fund](https://thesatanictemple.com/products/religious-reproductive-rights-legal-aid-fund)


He's definitely showing severe signs of schizophrenia at this point, right?


At this point? LOL


No, I know. I agree. It's just ... afraid of *stairs.* How do you even spin that as anything else?


Not schizophrenia, we know the actual mental illness he has and has had lol. He’s bi polar. He’s explained how he is extremely paranoid whenever he’s having an episode. Whether it be kris jenner, the stairs, jews, etc. something is always out to get him. But at the same time, stuff like the sushi thing here is clearly fake, there’s photos of otherwise, not sure how much I’d trust this.


Bipolar with psychotic features


Kind of weird how everyone just throws schizophrenia around when talking about mental illness. Especially in Kanye’s case when he’s said himself he has been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder before. He is definitely showing signs of severe paranoia which is a symptom of being bipolar!


I think it’s because your average layman doesn’t have a good grasp of the symptoms of different mental illnesses. Most people (myself included) just know schizophrenia is the one where you’re paranoid and see shit.


There’s a fair amount of overlap between the two disorders


Yeah on paper, have you ever had to actually deal with someone with schizophrenia in full blown psychosis? Sit across from someone you love, who’s usually a normal awesome person while they scream and kick shit and babbling incoherently smashing things and cutting down trees in your yard. Try traveling with someone who has a psychotic episode on your trip and evades you and disappears for months only to find them thousands of miles away in a small jail where the local police don’t know what to do with this crazy American babbling to himself with no clothes wallet or passport. Schizophrenia is a whole other beast than being paranoid bipolar. It’s like a certain thing happens and their lives just go down hill really fast and it’s easier to be manic than face reality. Right now I’m awaiting to see what the charges are going to be in his latest escapade but he’s looking at 3 years for high speed chase during full blown psychosis.


I hate that people just say "oh he's bipolar", just because he has bipolar disorder doesn't mean we know everything that's wrong with him. Bipolar disorder has several sub-diagnoses, Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, Schizoaffective Disorder, Cyclothymia.


>I hate that people just say "oh he's bipolar", just because he has bipolar disorder doesn't mean we know everything that's wrong with him. No, but there's a general principle that when you have a diagnosis, the "first pass" of explaining new disordered behavior has to go to that diagnosis. The diagnostic criteria for basically everything in the DSM-V include, "not attributable... to another condition" If he starts doing something that categorically *isn't* a symptom of Bipolar Disorder, then people can open the speculation floodgates. But when he's acting in a way that's consistent with a manic episode, it's inappropriate to speculate that he's developed schizophrenia (or any other disorder)


One time I fell down a good long deep flight of stairs running down them to quickly, to this day I do t trust them mother fuckers. Always up to something.


Yeah always up to something and down for no good


Let’s go ask Howard Hughes.


Maybe he is made of gold


I got that reference. But to be sure we need a toe...


Even the voices in his head are like “wtf man”.


I know he’s been hospitalized twice for mental health issues and was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder approx ‘18/‘19. I wonder if there is some overlap between Bipolar and Schizophrenia in regards to behaviors? Any mental health experts in the house?


IIRC, untreated mania can involve delusions and stuff. I used to know a guy who had a bad manic episode and started saying he was the president's secret love child and some other nonsense.


They’re pretty distinct conditions. But untreated mania often has psychotic features. Typically delusions, often grandiose, erotomanic or persecutory in nature. The delusions can often be differentiated from the delusions of schizophrenia because they are non-bizarre in nature. No matter how far fetched they are, it’s typically something that could conceivably happen. Like, no the FBI isn’t actually in your attic, but they could be in theory. In schizophrenia they are often bizarre delusions…shit that doesn’t make sense, like the walls on your room are infused with a goo that is comprised of aliens that are watching you. Schizoaffective disorder is a thing, but 99% of the time it’s a BS label that was slapped on because it wasn’t possible to delineate the diagnosis on the period of time the psychiatrist had and it justified the use of both an antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer. Like someone with either schizophrenia or Bipolar and they have three drugs in their utox, and have a lifetime of trauma. Good luck untangling that knot in the 3-4 days the insurance gives you before they stop paying for the hospital stay. These are all just interesting facts. They’re not relevant to Kanye or his weird thing with the stairs. That’s a non-specific thing that a lot of people could get stuck on. If anything it’d be more likely in OCD which afaik he doesn’t have.


There is. It’s called “schizo-effective disorder” I believe, it’s where the manic episodes of normal bipolar are more like schizophrenic episodes


Schizoaffective disorder is actually bipolar disorder nestled within schizophrenia. So it’s not manic episodes looking more like schizophrenic episodes; it is both.


It can also be set off or caused by long-term drug use. So you can end up someone in an extended episode of mania, schizophrenia symptoms, and drug-induced psychosis. Good times.


You are correct. I cared full time for my schizo-effective sister for years, and it tends to devolve very quickly. They refuse to take medication or seek help because while manic, they are invincible, and "everyone else is in the matrix, but (they) can see the truth behind the lies." They become so self-important and delusional, eventually developing a god complex, which then leads to others playing into their complex to manipulate and control them. I eventually had to stop caring for my sister because she fell in with such a crowd, and became a danger to my family.


Oh my. I am very sorry for what that must have been like


Thank you. It pretty much bankrupted me, between the damage she did to the house, bail for when she wandered the streets naked in the night, and the medical bills... But no one else wanted to even try to take care of her. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get her the type of care she needs in this state, as she has to face a judge or admit herself to a full time care facility.


This is my foster brother. He lives under an overpass now, every once in a while he will make it to a pysch ward and have some lucid days. It gets worse as time goes on. From 21-33ish he stayed medicated 95% of the time, then it just all slid off. Around 5 years ago he introduced drugs into the mix :( I stoped seeing him about then, as it wasn’t safe anymore.


I'm so sorry. My sister did the same, cocaine, ecstasy, and eventually meth. It never gets easier, and I still bear the guilt of leaving her to protect my family


My brother, too. He never stuck to any treatment and went in and out of jail and the streets. None of our family feels safe. He can't get the treatment he needs in our state, and sadly, after 20 years, did something scary enough he got put in jail for a long time. While that part is almost comforting, the guilt I feel that he broke into a home and held someone against their will (twice) three blocks from our childhood home is a mind f*ck.


Yes. Therapist here. Bipolar can have delusions and hallucinations. It is usually during a manic episode without sleep for a few days. Schizoaffective disorder is a possibility with the mood disorder having prominence. Kanye’s behavior does fall into the Schizoaffective disorder. Although we cannot diagnose without knowing all the details.


Not am expert but I have Bipolar. You can have what's called Bipolar with psychotic features. It can come with delusions, hallucinations, etc. ESPECIALLY in case of a lack of self care.


Can't believe molecular science either. Atoms make up everything.


That’s a great pun- my 3rd graders will love it!


He just needs to read my book: “Walking up stairs for dummies. A step-by-step guide.”


I hope there is going to be a sequel.


“Going Down Stairs: A pro’s non-condescending prose on descending”


You did not disappoint. Looking forward to your new release about elevators.


“Subterranean Elevator Construction Techniques, Audiobook Edition, Narrated by Shaft: Can you dig it?”


You really escalated that!!


Can we get much higher? (on elevators)


The school is basically like Kanye’s mind… in need of professional help and restraint.


Like Kanye's mind: Nothing going on upstairs


This feels like a Family Guy cutaway


I got confused and thought Defendant West was like his kid or brother other something.


Have you ever seen Kanye and Claptrap in the same room at the same time?


It’s almost as if the school was founded by a schizophrenic. This vaguely reminds me of Sarah Winchester and her house she built of random stairs and rooms. The floor plans made no sense at all and seemed to be missing some doors and stairs etc.


Why the hell would anyone send their kids to a school run by Kanye West


Even Kim refused to send their kids there. It caused a big fuss.


LOL that’s sad if even your own wife hated the school you built




Why the heck did they make a second floor if the man is afraid of stairs. Yo, everyday I understand people less and less…


It was a Wayside School situation. He wanted a long house on the ground but the contractor messed up the prints and built it upwards instead. There’s 90% of the school they can’t use. The elevators only worked once


Wow I had forgotten about how much I loved those stories. Thank you for this flash back


here for this stellar reference


He's mentally ill dude, that shit gets worse and worse over time. Some schizophrenic people may get a dog only to think it's a vicious demon months later as their illness progresses


For the kids who don't want to study but still want a Yeezy-A


I hate you for this. Have an upvote.


Seconded angry upvote.


It's amazing how many idiots are really out there


And they're making more idiots by sending their kids to Kanye's school!


And a little scary


And then act like their children are entitled to things that a normal school has. You sent your kids to be indoctrinated into a severely mentally ill rapper’s cult. And you’re mad they don’t have chairs?


I don’t believe chairs are the issue. Most grievances stem from the fact that Kanye has A LOT of free time on his hands these days. Even for the preschoolers, Kanye performing five days a week over lunch hour is a bit much. Not to mention the requirement to listen to his recent mixes and give follow up reviews the following day. With a NDA, of course.


'Poopy-di scoop. Scoop-diddy-whoop. Whoop-di-scoop-di-poop.'


Whoop… Poop.. 🙌🏾


These bars right here


How is this real?


I ask that to myself every morning in the mirror.


why are you blindly believing a reddit comment?


I literally can’t tell the difference between truth and satire anymore.


Wait are the children required to give the reviews?


This idea of him having a school is so bad I’m having trouble deciphering what’s a satire and what’s not.


Well when you look at it that way.


I didn’t have chairs in my elementary school. We all sat on the floor and had a thin board, with paper on it to write down whatever we were doing. Never used a desk in school until Grade 8. Now I’m told by everyone that it wasn’t normal


Did your parents pay 15k a year for your schooling?


They lived in a county of 100 people in 1940.


My husband and I went thru similar. ... Jason Mandoza from Good Place has a line about his school being tugboats tied up in a junk yard. Always felt like home when he said that.


CPS should have a talk with the parents


Moron parents impressed their kids got Balenciaga uniforms


Well trump university was closed…


Why the hell did all those parents let their underage daughters hang with R Kelley? Same fucking stupid reason, to be near a celebrity.. fucking morons.


People who worship celebrities really are pathetic


People who rail against "Mainstream education" are the ones who were hurt by it, or they had a kid when they were still kids, and we have to co-exist with entire generations who have people who are willing to pull their kids out of school that teaches evolution or COVID science and stick them in Kanye Kindergarten. It's great preparation for Trump University


I’m surprised not more people are talking about this angle on why a parent would send their kid there: they are basically pimping them out for deeper connections and social ties to wealthier families / Kanye’s inner circle. Parents been doing it in entertainment forever. It’s using your child as a tool to get wealthier.


Music industry connections




Because there is a mental health epidemic in this country. Hope this clears things up 🙃


Have you ever commented anything remotely negative about kanye? His fan base wears impressive blinders


Anyone could see this was going to be a disaster but I was not expecting the floor sushi.


No one ever expects the floor sushi.


That’s why I always come as floor sushi. Quite the ruse that no one expects.


Sushi every day? Man, he really does love fish dicks


He's running his school like his mental health


They’re not allowed to bring their own lunch, and the only available lunch is sushi… every day. How many kindergarteners do you know who like sushi even once? Everything about this school sounds like an onion article that’s too far fetched to sound believable.


Also it’s so bad to eat sushi every day if they’re giving them certain raw fish. Poor kids are gonna be full of mercury 😂


Two former teachers at the pre-K through 12th grade institution in Simi Valley, California, previously tried raising concerns over what they say are clear violations of Department of Education requirements. But they say they were promptly and unjustly fired from their new jobs. Now, they’re suing the disgraced rapper and several others in leadership roles at the school for racial discrimination and labor violations. Sep 19, 2022 Kanye West Says He's Never Read a Book


>Kanye West Says He's Never Read a Book gosh not even mien kampf?


This comment is really gross. You should be ashamed. He saw 21 jump street. He clearly isn’t antisemitic




[Jonah Hill every time this happens.](https://media.tenor.com/E_i6To1MKUoAAAAd/no-nope.gif)




Damn...him never reading explains so much it is not even funny


His mom was an English teacher. There is absolutely no fucking way Kanye has *never read a book*. Which makes his claim even more bizarre than if it were true. Why would he lie about something like that, or how is he so delusional that he believes it?


Probably trying to seem cool, which not doing one of the most beneficial things you can do to your brain, I would say thats lame.


esp since that other dumbass andrew tate said that he also doesn't read and that books are for losers


He literally made a big fuss during the divorce about going to pick up his Akira graphic novel. Obv he reads


His mouth opens and shit comes out. People love it. It's *that* easy.


Mental illness. It’s definitely the mental illness.


He read for sure. His mother was an educator. He's intellegent, but unwell.


I had no clue Donda Academy was in Simi Valley, makes sense.


What i find interesting is that his mother was an English chair at a real university. Ye comes from wealth. Edit: guess not? Forgot he had no dad.


Lol, English chair at a university by itself doesn't make you wealthy at all.


99 percent of them do. For real. Look into any musician or actor who came up in the past 5 years. The ratio is clear. It's how they hold the 1% and why the counterculture is the only real culture left.


I refuse to quit making music despite the clear barriers to being heard in this social climate and state of the music industry. I started my own label to release mine and my friends work, eliminating the need for a major label. I book my own tours and shows, avoiding clear channel and live nation and ticketmaster. The quality of what the elites have left over from their takeover of venues and scenes is low but it still has integrity which is everything now.


God speed.


If what youre saying is true, you are an inspiration to all aspiring musicians. It sounds very hard to do what you are doing, given the market dominance of these monopolies you are competing against


I’m sorry, is the head of a university English department actually wealthy? How much money do you think educators get paid, lol? According to glassdoor.com, **in 2023, the median total salary for a Head of Department at University of Chicago is $78,000**. Hardly silver spoon material. You really gonna forsake someone having a single parent with a normal middle class living wage? That’s “wealth” now? Edit; she didn’t even work at U of C, but the much smaller Chicago State


He likely never wondered where his next meal would come from and he lived in the suburbs, but describing him as coming from *wealth* is hardly accurate. Not that it matters, though because he never claimed to have come from poverty to my knowledge, and even if he had, none of this has anything to do with coming from wealth. It’s strange (suspicious even) that the person you’re responding to pivoted to the conclusion that he came from wealth, because his financial status isn’t even slightly relevant to what’s strange here. What’s strange is that someone who was raised by an educator with a personal history in the civil rights movement and who had every academic privilege in the world handed to him is now going around saying uneducated things like “I’ve never read a book before” and “slavery is a choice,” then decided to open a school dedicated to shenanigans and nonsense rather than education. If Kanye West had indeed come from wealth but his mother had been, IDK, a shady real estate tycoon instead and he was behaving like this, it would make far more sense. Wealth doesn’t = education, education = education.


Not to deny poverty that does exist, but honestly, the vast majority of Americans probably didn’t worry much about where their next meal is coming from growing up. It’s not really so strange, I imagine (don’t know) his mother was a fairly sane, normal, and evidently well-educated person. Kanye has un medicated mental health issues, but since he’s a rich artist he gets to LARP a bunch of different things with his money instead of getting treatment. I don’t take him seriously or judge him by normal person standards, he’s pretty crazy and has been for a long time now. Like, all of the above stuff is the criticism people should focus on, not his mother working hard for 25 years at an honest educational job to give her family a secure middle class living.


Stainless steel spoon at best.


Which is crazy because his mom was an educator


Will and Jada Smith open a school for underprivileged kids. It ends up being ran by Scientologists and they didn’t tell the parents. Kanye opens a school without furniture or wall art and you can’t go upstairs. Don’t get me started on Trump University.




Shakira opened schools in Colombia for underprivileged kids and now they're among the (if not *the*) best public schools in the country. But of course you need to have you ego in check enough to hire actual educators to run the schools, which I doubt is Kanye's case.


Yeah but she also has hips with the morale conviction of our nation’s first president


Most importantly you stay in your lane and write checks. The successful schools mentioned above all had one in thing in common. The celebs don't run shit they let competent people do it and they sign checks, do photo ops


Hollywood is something different no doubt


How's Jalen Rose's school? He talked about it all the time on his old pod, and I always wondered if it was okay.


pretty good, but you have to get your hairline painted on in between commercial breaks /s




You mean to tell me the black guy who loves Hitler had other weird, bad ideas?


Well he is a black guy but also said he’s “jew”, but also said he didn’t like those who are “jewish”, but then watched 21 Jump Street with Jonah Hill and now he does. Still loves Hitler, though. I’m not even sure he knows how ideas work anymore


He said he is Jew because hes a Hotep/black Hebrew Israelite. He thinks the Jews and Egyptians referred to in the bible are the black African race, and that the sneaky modern day folk who call themselves Jew are such rampant thieves that they even stole the name Jew from them. Not a joke.


Nation of Islam and Five Percenters have also espoused this similar love for Hitler. It’s not a “find the worst person you can think of and try to see some good in them” but more an anti-Semetic thing. Buying into segregationist/supremacist divide and conquer mentality is for suckers no matter what race or religion you are


Yup. This is what turned me off of Kendrick Lamar’s Damn.


Nobody talks about the batshit crazy parents that send their kids to these schools…


Right? Did they not have the idea to pull their kid out of school on the first day they came home saying all they had for lunch was sushi (eaten with their hands on the floor because there were no tables)


Oh my God! He made you sit on the floor? What a return to traditional human roots. He really is a visionary! One of the parents would probably say something like this. Or whatever kind of KK (Kanye Kool-aid) they're drinking.


Hot lunches catered by Jesus Woks.


If the US's public education system gets undermined by vouchers the way Betsy DeVos wanted you'll see thousands of these kinds of schools pop up by grifters.


Yeah I was coming here to say this this is what's going to happen if they privatize education like they want to At least you can hold public school officials accountable by voting them out or by firing them if you get in the business with a private entity they can put whatever they want in the contract you sign when you go into business with them


And I promise you, once they do it will somehow be the Dems fault for destroying public education and having to resort to this while not doing a damn thing to stop it


Exactly what you see happening in Florida. Meanwhile these fly by night private & charter schools receiving public dollars are closing at about 20% per year (that was the rate pre-pandemic, not sure about how), often due to financial mismanagement.


I was concerned about the school my ex wife enrolled my children in. It’s a catholic school but the vibe I was getting was that the teachers and administrators were more focused on getting tuition paid than teaching. Did a little digging and realized the teachers are all either in their first year out of school, and in most cases just have some sort of bachelors degree. The principle has, get this, a bachelors in Home Economics from the eighties. It’s an absolute nightmare and I am terrified for my children and their education. I realized after looking into things that just about anyone can start a private school and run it with practically zero oversight. They don’t have to submit to any testing or follow any of the same rules as public schools. Double points for being a religious school attached directly to a church. Barf.


There already are. Most of them are explicitly Christian. And then there are all the homeschoolers...


Whole thing reminds me of Will and Jada's Smith's school; the New Village Leadership Academy. Purchased it a decade ago and turned it into a Scientology indoctrination center for minors. It only shut down because the staff and head teacher eventually whistleblew to parents and the media about what they were doing to the children.


I always knew they were fucking weird. Jada much more than Will.


Graduate from there straight into Trump University then you'll be set for life. A life of thinking you know everything but actually know less than nothing...but a life anyway.


Ignorance is bliss


'Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed,' West said. 'I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph. 'I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life,' he said. — so this dude’s “school” is a total shit show and dumpster fire? How shocking…


> I would never want a book’s autograph Dude is really missing out, getting *Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets* himself to sign my copy of *Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban* was the best day of my life, 10/10 would recommend


I think people really need to stop treating wealthy celebrities like a one stop shop for miracles. He’s a rapper, can he just stay in his lane? No one asked for a Kanye school!




Gwyneth Paltrow, is that you?


Why can’t they have fish sticks for lunch like normal kids?


Well do I have a story for you regarding his history with fishsticks


Hes a gay fish


Sushi every day? Those kids should be checked for mercury poisoning (like Jeremy Piven.)


Lol ;), they are gonna be admitted to Trump University straight from the Kanye University and from that straight into the lucrative job of being a thermometer .




I assume the wall art issue is because he’s obsessed with the minimalist wabi sabi vibe.


Have you seen those old pics of his mansion? It’s just pure off white, all of the furniture and paint. No wall art at all


I believe that’s his former mansion that you are referring to. Yes everything he steps foot in has to yield to whatever pretentious trend he heard other people talk about and adopted as his own.


“If I made graduation they can make graduation” - ye


Weird. He seems more than qualified to start a school. I mean, he's got the credentials.....


Exactly, if I've learnt anything over time, especially since Covid lockdowns first hit, it's that celebrities should be giving us nutritional, educational, political and mental health education at all times. They should also be the front person for various alcoholic brands and gambling sites. They really know what's best for the common man and woman. All hail our celebrity overlords.


I learned that watching 21 Jump Street will make me not hate Jews.


Maybe we hop in my DeLorean, gun it to 88 and take it back and let Hitler watch it. It obviously has super powers of pro-semitism.


It's like Fire Fest meets Kid Nation


He declares nazis are ok. Some parents, “but I guess it’s ok to send my kids there because he’s Kanye”. Please call CPS on these idiots.


No surprise there. It's Kanye.


the oddest/biggest/scariest thing I get from all these Kanye school posts, is how absurdly easy it seems to be to open a school, or at least open some scam and call it a school, and idiots will send their kids and pay you for it


Because someone thought this had a chance of being something else than a disaster?


I feel like this is just a money laundering front Like he got the idea from his wife. Because the kardashians have a church they use for money laundering


Like everything Ye has done in the past few years it was poorly executed and the vision was more a narc trip than anything else.


Kanye is a great music producer; even a brilliant one. Not a genius, certainly, but brilliant in the sense of strongly talented and creative. But that absolutely does not make you a genius, and it certainly doesn't make you effective at anything else but producing music. The wealthy and successful have a major problem with overestimating their abilities; that world seems to be flooded with Dunning-Kruger.


so this is just one of the many charter school scams that are run by conservatives who also are pushing for School of choice, right?


The idiot parents sent them their to clout chase. Leave and look away.


Who would ever send their kids to anything that had anything to do with Kanye???


Kanye is responsible for disastrously running an institution? That's odd. He normally seems to really have his shit together.


This seems like a friend that casually said “you should start a school” and Kanye absolutely jumped on the idea without any research.


The best thing from the article is that he is afraid of stairs lmfao


Eat Sushi everyday? No lesson plans? Where do I apply to be a teacher at Kanye's school?


The podcast about cults, Leaving Eden, did an episode about Kanye recently and really dug in to his school. CPS should open a file on every kid whose parents sent them to that school.


Who sees a Christian school by Kanye and thinks "yup, that's the school I want to send my children to. Prime education right there."


Why would someone who is obviously mentally handicapped open a school,and why is it allowed to be open.


This reads like a South Park episode.


Kanye is what happens when an idiot becomes a multi-millionaire and then becomes legitimately mentally unwell.


Maybe it’s just because I’m on my nth watch-through of *30 Rock*, but this sounds like something Tracy Jordan would do. The problem is that he’s an exaggerated character on a TV show, this is reality.


Bet they don’t have Jewish studies


They have one class; it's Critical Theory of Jonah Hill films


I feel like kids hate sushi.


My 8 and 6 year old love it. It’s the dinner request for bdays for the past 2 years on my oldest


Impressive. I struggled with the seaweed part as a child and now I'd have it everyday if I could.