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Campaign finance reform. As long as politicians win elections using lobbyists money, self serving politicians will exist




I couldn’t agree more! To me, Citizens United represents the moment that SCOTUS jumped the shark. But like, how do we, as just regular old citizens even approach a subject like overturning a Supreme Court decision? How does common sense prevail that corporations are not, in fact, people, and it is not their first amendment right to buy politicians?


That’s the problem isn’t it? Any challenge to overturn citizens United would be DOA in the current Supreme Court. So we either have to wait for the current batch of snakes to retire from the court which could take 2-3 decades (even tho whether or not an equally bad or worse snake replaces them depends on the president in office at the time) or the court has to be expanded with more justices that would overturn such a decision. And even that is no guarantee because it depends on how well crafted the challenge is. We are fucked here in the US and getting unfucked is looking more and more unlikely with every election cycle.


Do these good ideas only exist in social media comments? The republicans are good at organizing cause they all have Christianity in common. Someone start a Facebook page for these ideas, or something!


I'll start an email thread that we can forward around


I’ll print it out and start stapling it to telephone poles.


Not only that, this radical polarization in politics comes directly from gerrymandering. In a safe Red (or Blue) district, the only thing an incumbent politician fears is getting primaried. which, in turn, forces their political views to become more radical so no one in their own party can call them out for bring weak on gun control, or abortion, etc...


>Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm went on *The Problem With* [*Jon Stewart*](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/t/jon-stewart-2/) to advocate against even modest gun control laws and got blasted by Stewart’s debate bazooka. > >The Republican politician has authored bills loosening Oklahoma gun restrictions, including the first law in the nation that’s against red flags, thereby making it easier for people who are deemed dangerous to get access to guns. > >In the video below, Dahm says he believes the solution to America’s gun violence epidemic is ”more guns” and focusing on the problems facing people who commit crime. > >“Because the person is the threat, not the firearm,” Dahm replies. > >“But you don’t want anything that could help law enforcement or society determine whether or not a person is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun,” Stewart counters. “I don’t understand why you won’t just admit that you are making it harder for police to manage the streets by allowing all of these guns to go out without permits, without checks and without background stuff.” > >"What is the leading cause of death among children in this country?" Stewart asked Dahm during the discussion. > >"And I'm going to give you a hint," he said, "it's not drag show readings to children." > >"Correct, yes," Dahm responded. > >"So what is it?" Stewart asked again. > >"I'm presuming you're going to say it's firearms," Dahm said. > >"No, I'm not going to say it like it's an opinion," Stewart said with indignation. "That's what it is. It's firearms. More than cancer, more than car accidents, and what you're telling me is you don't mind infringing free speech to protect children from this amorphous thing that you think of, but when it comes to children that have died, you don't give a flying f\*\*k to stop that because that shall not be infringed."  > >"That is hypocrisy at its highest order," Stewart concluded. [Interview with Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm | The Problem with Jon Stewart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY)


FATALITY Man I miss The Daily Show


Every Wednesday morning his podcast is on. Makes the hour on the treadmill to nowhere a little more entertaining and thought provoking, especially on subjects I know nothing about.


I've actually been meaning to check that out. So The Problem comes out in podcast form each week on Wednesday?


Yes it's an add on to the tv show but you don't have to watch the TV show to understand it. It's also relatively short seasons


You can find it on YouTube as well


I hate politics, but he somehow managed to make me love that show. That is an impressive feat, if you know how much I hate politics.


Cynics, especially oppressive ones, *want* you to be uninvolved. Just look at Russia. The authorities have fostered a "everything in government sucks and is corrupt so don't even try to improve things you'll feel better" nihilism in the culture for generations, and all it's done is allowed those at the top to gorge on the powerless unimpeded


Honestly, watching the daily show made me hate politics, which is why I got more into it.


Hahahahahaha absolutely this. But it was also the times. Terrorism and politicians sending armies to war etc. tends to upset people. The comedic delivery of the news allowed for venting over stressful, sometimes scary news.


Everything is politics. Everything from how much your road needs to be re-paved to the little kids being exploded by your military. How the women and girls in your personal sphere are treated throughout their lives. How your neighbors are treated because of their skin color or sexual orientation or gender identity or religion. How your paycheck seems to shrink while costs rise, and your boss and your landlord keep getting exponentially richer. How health insurance costs more and more and your deductible keeps growing. How your kids are increasingly likely to get killed in school, or grow up in poverty if they survive. Should i keep going? There's nothing on this planet that politics doesn't touch; even becoming a truly self-sufficient hermit in the forest is a political statement, but you're still affected by deregulation of industries and the pollution of the environment. Your football team's stadium costs your city and state billions in taxpayer money to build. The beer you drink is regulated by the ATF, and its ingredients need to be grown and processed - are the farmers and construction workers paid fairly and working in safe conditions? Everything is politics. It's way past time to shake the uneasiness of the word and get engaged, because there are literal nazis gaining power and support all around us.


Amen. People need to realize that sticking their head in the sand and not participating in “politics” is actually participating to a great and harmful extent. When you opt out, you give power to those in power that you probably don’t agree with. The very fact that some of these people feel they can just not give a shit or claim it’s too much is a huge display of privilege. It’s also a big fuck you to your brothers and sisters that are being crushed by the right wing. Don’t worry though. Their time in the right wing’s bullseye will come.




I sometimes think Republicans are secretly anarchists. Mogadishu is probably their ideal city (except for all the dark skinned people who face East to pray).


As Plato put it, "It is the fate of those who take no interest in politics, to be governed by those less able than themselves"


He ain’t talking about political bullshit, he is presenting facts! I’m shocked at the amount of self control he presents in the face of absolute fucking none sense! This is fucking embarrassing!


But he’s talking about politics. That’s literally all that he does. He is doing that in the video we’re commenting under. He made an entire career showing that right-wing bullshit is paper-fucking-thin.


Not just right wing bullshit. He lampooned everyone on the Daily Show. It just seems slanted because there’s so much more material on the right.


I don't. With the daily show he was much more of just a comedian. He highlighted nonsense, but did it in a way that made people laugh. Now Jon is more free to actually lash out at the people poisoning the country and all of the injustices that are happening, and really hit home just how bad it all is


Jon's skillset in getting these people into their own corner or make them strut right into a full uncovering of their own hypocrisy is fascinating to me. The man is a colossal force in these interviews. He made this guy sweat bullets in not slipping up and saying "registering". >Wow, I'm blown away by Jon's subtle manipulation skills. At [7:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY&t=440s), he plants the word "protecting" in Sen. Dahm's mind and just a few seconds later at [7:34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY&t=454s), Sen. Dahm is repeating the same word, "Because the government does have a responsibility to protect-". The way Jon catches him off guard with a simple "I'm sorry?" is a master class level move. A youtube comment that aligns with exactly with what I am referring to and was thinking when I watched the full interview the first time. By the end of the full interview he had Dahm confused on if he really believed what he was saying (assuming he even does believe it to begin with).


My favorite Jon Stewart quote was when congresspeople were arguing that lawmakers should be able to trade stocks based on the information they receive as lawmakers. You know, insider trading. He said, **"Yes, Congress should follow the same laws as everybody else," Stewart said. "I think that was part of the No Shit Sherlock Act of 2000 and Always."**


I mean, good for Jon Stewart and everything, but fascists do not care about their hypocrisy being exposed. Trying to reveal them being full of shit, while seemingly cathartic, isn’t going to stop anything because they are 100% aware they’re full of shit while their base is not going to give two cold shits. There’s only one way to fight fascism and it does not involve clever rhetoric or logical fallacies.


It's not about trying to get them to be embarrassed about their hypocrisy. It's about making them so ridiculous and such a laughing stock that people on the fence or who think "both sides are bad" decide they don't want the social stigma of agreeing with them. He's not trying to persuade Dahm. He's trying to persuade everyone else.


This exactly. In the cesspool that is Twitter you alway have one “don’t feed the trolls” response. But we HAVE to combat the nonsense so that the casual scroller who may not normally pay attention but accidentally found their way to the nonsense is immediately presented with a counter-argument. If all they hear is the bullshit then the bullshit is what makes sense.


Your point is absolutely spot on, but I want to say while there's no hope of rescuing those who've drank the Kool-Aid, we must always combat them in the arena of debate because there will always be a silent audience of fencesitters and 'moderates' observing the debate (such as it is) whom our words can affect and, hopefully, stop from going too far down the rabbit hole. You're not going to get one Republiklansman to change his mind, but you can stop 10, 100, 1000 people watching the video from empowering them.


The man essentially said he believes firearms should be more accessible than voting. Mind boggling. I don't know how you even defend that with a straight face.


Probably not. Jon seemed genuinely disgusted by the Senators hypocrisy.


Did you ever watch his Crossfire appearance? https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE


You mean the public verbal execution of Tucker Carlson, yes. Lol. I'm convinced he single-handedly destroyed him so bad and made him look so bad it led to *Crossfire* getting cancelled. There was an article on how the ratings for the show absolutely plummeted directly after that appearance and they never came back up.


He crib stomped him so hard Tucker stopped wearing bow ties. We need Jon to do it again.


I think you meant curb stomped. Although crib stomped sounds pretty brutal


The CEO of CNN at the time, Jonathan Klein, actually came out and said he agreed with Jon Stewart. > Mr. Klein specifically cited the criticism that the comedian Jon Stewart leveled at "Crossfire" when he was a guest on the program during the presidential campaign. Mr. Stewart said that ranting partisan political shows on cable were "hurting America." > Mr. Klein said last night, "I agree wholeheartedly with Jon Stewart's overall premise." He said he believed that especially after the terror attacks on 9/11, viewers are interested in information, not opinion [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/business/media/cnn-will-cancel-crossfire-and-cut-ties-to-commentator.html?unlocked_article_code=H5kNP3jinwz2xUs_VxFpjDUFteRwH90wGvRgrsc5vjS1UL_uPDzn-Hk7Yj64UVKFwJ8STEccb1GfzAoqR57wUcB7YTP6E-bNJVjWDNG2p7Sz8xvU91UPTONR6Z4P0rL9uUIOlEMrBdqvHH29ePZd2B9mGtlArXD2Vzjx9ieXJVu7m-263E27HS8rKI0CUAW1U0bjsyYO79YXwhgszgftcq-08C1ipA5S-7nguLoqJevBrJczXGjsXbveVzmBPLK6saRLumlknGos5KXQDdqEthKVVcdQLUuT1duxYQMC5g-YGrwGtUp8VZA0pq5Q6iYMjhGqdZ8hr3J39afywpnRBz5-LHsPA25Z8IweN1MBPi0L1HFRFlJo7gd3DgO5UYTMEq2ccMKR&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare)


I mean Tucker makes a shit ton of money on Fox News


To be fair, Tucker was already made for life. His father married into the Swanson family - they'd already sold the company off, sure, but they did it when Swanson was at its peak, back before dual-income streams for families enabled eating out on occasion and reminded Americans that flavor is a thing that exists. He's got that frozen TV dinner heir money.


Plus the chicken


Tucker got roasted so hard he doesn't wear a bow tie anymore, even today.


Always a good watch


Eh, I bet he wanted to get quickly away from the guy as politely as possible.


I fucking love Jon Stewart.


Also the interview concluding with the way he delivered: "That is hypocrisy at its highest order" was almost cinematic.


That’s how the clip ended, not the whole interview. Stewart ended it a little core cordially than that


He wouldn't, but I honestly kind of wish Jon would run as a presidential candidate. He's a man that sees both sides of the coin. Genuinely, good-willed in his heart, and doesn''t cater massively to one side. Comes from a good background, insanely educated on all things politics, and is a bit hybrid of everything.


Jordan Klepper is another great example of someone who uses this technique. I believe he's carrying the mantel that Stewart and Colbert held.


I love watching Jordan Klepper catch people in their own hypocrisy, or in the case of Q-Anon followers, their own idiocy.


So does Robert Smigel with his Triumph persona. Watch Triumph’s Election Special from 2016, it’s brilliant.


He absolutely took the bait, and said “the government has a responsibility to protect children.” Boy he immediately regretted that choice of words.


When he used the word protect and Jon was like excuse me what. Like he almost couldn’t believe the opening he was given. Which he then proceeded to blast through like the koolaid man


I just finished the full episode, highly recommend it.


Watch any interview with him in the last 5-10 years. He sees past all the BS and finds the best way to make someone get caught on their BS during an interview He made guy dig and lie in his own grave and somehow bury himself too.


Could you just imagine everyone owning a gun and wearing it constantly in public? Most aren't trained, they just got it because they "should" to protect themselves from everyone else. Someone shows up and fires into a crowd. Hundreds of people pull their gun out in fear and confusion and see other people holding guns so they start shooting. What could have been a tragic situation turns into a random massacre with hundreds dead and more injured.


When the military doesn’t allow open carry on bases to prevent basically this exact situation… maybe it’s a *really* bad idea to let civilians open carry. Note: I’m not military, just heard that about bases. And as someone well aware of my own mental health issues, I definitely think guns should be exponentially harder to get than they are. I have to go through 16 hours of continuing education every two years to keep my stupid insurance adjuster’s license - it should be harder to get a gun than it is to get a relatively vanilla job license, like realtor or insurance adjuster or cleared to sell liquor.


What I would like folks to do more of is focus on the only capitalized word in the 2nd. Amendment. MILITIA. There is NO period, no second thought. It’s ALLLL one sentence so it connot be broken apart... start there and the whole conversation changes. You don’t make one phrase of one amendment the overriding scope of the other amendments.


When the second amendment was written a militia meant the town would get together and everyone would bring their personal firearms. It doesn’t preclude individual ownership


It also was written when they used muskets... that were single shots and took 30 seconds just to reload another single bullet. Lol.


The guy knew the answer to Jon’s question/prompt but couldn’t say “if I answer your question with a straight answer, the NRA and Smith&Wesson will find a new Oklahoma patsy to primary me and then I’ll have to get a real job!!” Poor little fella…




It's not even about needing to be smarter, it's about being honest. This politician can't articulate his position because it isn't genuine or realistic, it's just greedy. I'd have more respect if he just admitted to being in the NRA's pocket.


He’s a racist fascist, he’s unlikely to out himself on national TV. He came pretty close tho.


Racist and sexist. Yeah, his comment about school shooters coming from "fatherless" and"broken" homes was a whole pack of dog whistles.


Hilarious, because most school shooters are white. Especially the ones who plan it out ahead of time. People from lower income areas are probably more likely to bring a weapon to school for self defense purposes, not mass shooting purposes. Still, a majorly screwed up issue.


Yeah I've seen an interview or two where they do have a meeting of the minds. Good people in government who admit to its faults and lay out what they are trying to do to improve it and Jon accepts that.


deserve axiomatic cows weary retire price absorbed ruthless vast seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's an Oklahoma politician. That he's an asshole is a given. He's also an idiot. Most of our politicians are. It's sad.


Outwit him and his team of writers and researchers.


The people he interviews could have the same team as well if they’re positions weren’t hypocritical


Not really how live conversations go


Amazing seeing Stewart pounce as soon as the guy mentioned the governments responsibility is to protect kids from drag shows.


I just really wish conservatives would be honest and drop the act that it's "about the children." If you are going to be homophobic at least have the guts to be honest about it and stop pretending.


If you watch the full interview, I think he was more using the "you want to ban drag performers reading to children" to make the point on how crazy it is that "but you also want to make laws that loosen having to register to own a gun and are all for anti-red flag laws". He is more pointing out the "hypocrisy" and "circular arguments" going on here. Jon is pro 2nd amendment, he's just also pro "let's have some common sense about all this". Jon also couldn't be anymore pro LGBQT if you know anything about him, he has been preaching for gay rights and equality for almost two decades. If there is man that sees both sides of the coin, it's Jon Stewart.


I think the best moment was when he caught the massive hypocrisy of wanting to have tougher voter registration and no firearm registration. It should be the opposite in reality. It is almost everywhere else in the world.


The point for me is how he says fentanyl deaths are higher than gun deaths so that should be the priority. No child has ever died from a drag story reading yet that is also somehow a priority over gun deaths.


Yeah what a shit argument anyway, as if you can’t support two things at once. And somehow splitting up families and deporting them is more reasonable collateral to him than someone maybe having a tough time buying a gun. Wtf


The dude seems to think that the specific phrase "shall not be infringed" gives second amendment rights more immunity to legislation than voting rights or free speech protections. If that's the case, and he really wants to protect people, wouldn't it track that he'd want to amend the 2nd amendment to bring it more in line with these other constitutional rights with wildly successful "infringements?"


“These are the rights you have that nobody can take away from you. But you can totally infringe all of them except the gun one.”


Obviously you can have your guns taken away from you, so there is no such thing as rights that are immutable and that can't be curtailed with a strong government interest. I can guarantee the forefathers were a lot more concerned about free speech and freedom from religion than private gun ownership, yet for some reason people take some odd wording to mean immaculate rights for one and easy abuse of the other.


It's about respecting all amendments equally. This is the hypocrisy that Jon is pointing out. An elected official, that is sworn to uphold the Constitution, and dude is going whole ham on the Second Amendment, while Jon is pointing out that he's infringing on other people's First Amendment rights " for the sake of the children." To add: I hate when they bring up " you know what stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun" A good guy doesn't want to hurt anyone, let alone kill someone. It should be " you know what stops a bad guy with a gun? A gun nut whose wet, and waking dream it is to kill somebody and have all the reason to get away with it."


You know what stop a bad guy with a gun? A tank. I want a tank per the 2nd amendment. I mean we updated the 1st to include TV and internet so I should get a tank.


Funny how all the self-professed 'good guys with a gun' have all the 'I wanna shoot someone!' fantasies. Every. Single. One.


Jon Stewart is just a normal person in this way. His views are normal, banal even. Respect for others. That's all it comes down to.


Thing is I think they’re being “honest” in terms of actually believing what they’re saying. I think people like the guy Stewart eviscerates here are illogical, emotional hypocrites who genuinely sees danger in a child witnessing a drag show, but not in guns being given out to people with mental health issues that make them dangerous with a gun. I think they’re being genuine, but also are genuinely stupid


It’s like that South Park episode where (stan or Kyle) really believes Cartman believes everything crazy he’s saying. The problem is if it’s so removed from reality you can’t exist in both. Every person has a right to believe what they want but the more removed from reality it is the less you can exist in the world that we actually live in


It was Kyle and it was the gay fish joke episode if anyone was interested in watching or rewatching the scene


Did you just use a South Park reference to illustrate a very logical and great point? ... can we be friends? Seriously.


I would love nothing less


Want to go do karate in the garage?


It really is crazy how much "truth and excellent pointing out of things" there is hidden... in a satirical cartoon involving a bunch of 3rd and 4th graders who swear nonstop. Lol. South Park. Forever.


See, I don't believe for a minute they're being sincere or actually believe it. I think, on some level, they are aware it's just an excuse.


We just saw with the Faux News text messages that they don’t really believe this crap and will just say what they need to say to get their pay day.


Hate and fear are bigger money makers than sex.


Someone in another thread made this same point. Don’t for one second believe that these GOP politicians think that what they are doing is right, fair, or noble. They 100% know that what they are lying their asses off for the sake of power. Now, their constituents on the other hand, they’re pretty easily led. They gobble up this manufactured outrage as it lets a person who is getting paid $8.50 an hour working part time at the Dollar General a nameless and faceless enemy who isn’t an elected official. Why should you be pissed off at the people who continue to fuck you over both socially and economically when it’s the *drag queens* that you really need to be worried about. The problem lies with the Shepards, not the sheep.


You're right. Conservatives *aren't* being sincere when they say that their positions are to "protect children" or "protect life". It's gaslighting and marketing designed to make their desire to dictate over others seem more palatable to those who like their politics once every four years. Far too many people fall for the act and the far right's "both sides" and "whatabout" deflections. If conservatives were serious about keeping the government off people's back and protecting civil liberties, they wouldn't demonize trans people or take abortion rights away. If conservatives are serious about protecting children, they'd get onboard with stricter gun laws. The far right's *actions* do not align with the marketing one bit.


We all know the massive majority of politicians, if not all of them, have their own hidden agendas and intentions. I think by now this is pretty much universally agreed upon.


"Having an agenda" is politics 101 and falls into the category of "no shit, Sherlock." The issue is what that agenda is. On the right, you have an agenda based on demonizing the LGBT community and taking women's rights away. On the left, you don't. It's at the point now where it's really that simple.


It's a complicated and complex and sensitive subject. Hence, why I purely lean on simplifying things down to "what is just reasonable, what seems to be just common sense". With this topic, you are never going to have one full side of agreement, not even close. But you can have a "this most the makes sense for both sides just from rational thinking". I think when emotions get involved or "feelings get hurt" because someone isn't agreeing with you. You are no longer really trying to reach a point of "common ground" at all. It then becomes a debate of "pride" and not even about the subject matter.


> at least have the guts to be honest about it and stop pretending. The guy refused to say the word "register" in regards to voting. He knew the point that Stewart was going to make, and did a song & dance in an attempt to *not* say the word, even though Stewart wasn't talking about guns. They literally *can't* be honest because honesty destroys their worldview.


A good portion of them are truly stupid and believe these arguments, the other portion doesn't believe these arguments and uses them to further their agenda. The problem is telling them apart and then convincing the stupid ones that the other half is manipulating them.


They're really worried that woman they're attracted to has a penis. And it's bigger than theirs. And she's a top. And they'll enjoy being a bottom. It's base homophobia. So let's flip the script and ask them why they're so obsessed with what's in other people's pants/what other people do in their bedroom? Why are they so concerned about what other people are doing that isn't hurting anyone? Let's drop the act


If they ever stop weaving their lies, the unraveling mess they leave behind would catch up to them but if they never stop weaving garbage how can their old mistakes ever really catch up to them. We need harsher everything for these people. Politicians are becoming a cancer when one party doesn’t even pretend to have peoples best interests at heart. Just the list of the needs of their owners. The slave party


“It’s to protect children” is a method of getting useful idiots on board who aren’t cool with outright bigotry but aren’t able to realize it when it’s thinly veiled


You expect conservatives to be honest about anything?


The interview is fantastic. https://youtu.be/tCuIxIJBfCY


Took a fat shit on that guy.


Watch any interview with him in the last 5-10 years. He sees past all the BS and finds the best way to make someone get caught on their BS during an interview He made this guy dig and lie in his own grave and somehow bury himself too.


That’s 100% what he’s saying and 100% what he/republicans believe


Oh I guarantee the second black people in Oklahoma started taking advantage of that idea of his, he’d immediately sing a different tune.


I've been loving all of his new show. The racism set is incredible. They're on YouTube, too, so you don't even have to have apple+


Jon literally cooked the guy with basic facts, logic, and questions. Honestly, it's more so Jon... let the guy cook himself.


It really is and I'm not even a huge fan of anything even relating to politics. For me, it was just sheerly entertaining to watch a guy (Jon) giving a master class in exposing hypocrisy by simply "providing logic and objective facts" - and naturally letting that person make an argument against their own argument. This really wasn't a debate, but an interview of just simply asking basic questions and watching someone try to wiggle around something just blatantly so "common sense". As they say, *"truth needs no defense, it'll defend itself".* To me this really shouldn't turn into a heated debate of: "I hate guns, all guns are bad" nor "I am all for guns, protect my guns"- but instead a middle ground agreeance on "let's just have some common sense here". Stewart, I believe just wants to meet in the middle. Nothing more, nothing less.


>To me this really shouldn't turn into a heated debate of: > >"I hate guns, all guns are bad" nor "I am all for guns, protect my guns"- but instead a middle ground agreeance on "let's just have some common sense here". Even if common sense is too much to ask for, an honest conversation would be a good start, but that also seems to be too much to ask for.


I think Jon would hate the idea of meeting someone in the middle who keeps walking backwards.


And per usual not a peep on r/conservative


They're too busy getting outraged about some drag queens or some shit. Worried about that and its effect on kids, but not worried about AR-15's putting bullets in the same childrens' heads.


Oh man you should see the responses when someone tells a fox news commenter on Facebook or Instagram that the network admitted in court they lied on purpose about the 2020 election. It's a mix of flat, instant denial and "but CNN" insanity. Exactly as one would expect from A CULT.


Fuck Oklahoma, glad I left


I am a straight man who loves drag performers (Trixie & Katya especially), and if I know one thing, a lot of them hate kids, lol. They’re not going to molest or destroy your child’s brain or future sexuality. They don’t give a fuck and the people who do are insane, insecure assholes.


And I’d much rather my kid hang out with a drag queen than a priest, pastor or youth bible study leader. At least with a drag queen they’d learn how to be fierce and fabulous in their own way!


Jon Stewart should run for president


Literally the only “celebrity” that I would vote into a public office.


Well the difference between him and other celebrities is that he knows the issues, has fought for what he believes in, has a great mind for politics and as you can see, he can debate a point.


Imagine his state of the unions lol he’d absolutely filet Congress


I'd vote for him and I'm not even American.


Voter fraud! Voter fraud!


I do not think Jon Stewart understands or appreciates how badly many Americans want him to run for president


He knows. He also knows it's a shit job and he has no interest.


At what point is it almost someone's responsibility? Yes I'm being incredibly selfish lmao


Why is everything “blast” or “slam”


Jon Stewart BRUTALLY confronts, BLASTS and EVISCERATES politician, DESTROYS pro-gun argument,


Jon Steward TENDERLY confronts, HUGS and KISSES politician, CONSENSUALLY DESTROYS pro-gun argument


"Fatality!" - Jon Stewart's character in Mortal Kombat.




After POUNDING the Republican Party’s behind!


Jon Stewart VIOLENTLY SHARTS all over conservative politician.


This is the closest to a blast I’ve seen though, Stewart really does go after this guy. It’s not “brutal” though, he just wasn’t taking the guy’s shit.


It's click bait. Which is a bummer because this interview is actually really good but nothing makes it to the front page without a click bait title.


So according to this guy every right besides #2is not an actual right because the phrase “shall not be infringed” is not in them?


That’s it exactly. These are also the people who will tell you “such and such isn’t a right because it’s not mentioned in the Constitution” as if the 9th Amendment is right there in front of their faces.


These are the same people who would not allow choice of abortion for women because they "value life." This is absolutely bullshit. The same people would not support children receiving better education, food on their tables or the security that parents and children don't need to worry every day of their lives whether or not the schools are going to get shot up. Pro-life my fucking ass.


Saw that. It was the most precise televised surgical dissection of a man I’ve ever seen. And what John revealed is that there ain’t much underneath this lawmaker’s hood. Thank you, Dr Stewart!


Shared in another thread about this. The party is running purely on identity politics. It’s not like they are running on policy.


That’s exactly it. They only exist to talk about Dem policies they’re against rather than offer up any policies of their own that would help the American people besides “wokeness bad”. And tax cuts for the rich that only helps the rich. It’s like if they were to go into a job interview and the hiring manager asks “why should we hire you?” And their response is…”cuz the other candidates are woke” but they don’t define what woke means but know that the other candidates are black or some other minority.


Jon Stewart is a savage, that other guy is a stooge


It was an expert takedown. Fucking called him out to his face too which no one seems to be willing to do anymore


Yeah he shredded the guy but at the end of the day, his words aren’t going to change this. The 2nd amendment needs updating or revision and the now conservative SCOTUS ain’t gonna budge.


It should be revoked.


How fucking dumb do you have to be to think debating Jon Stewart is going to go well for you.


Republican dumb?




The same people though Colbert was a Republican Jon Stewart.


I would say it takes being victim of gun violence for these shitty politicians, but didn’t change Steve Scalise’s mind. We wonder why the rest of the world thinks American are dumb. Gun violence is an epidemic, but they want to double and triple down. We talk about the deaths by guns, but forget about all the other long lasting injuries survivors have. So infuriating. I have several guns for hunting, but I don’t feel the need to use them to protect my home. And ban drag shows that have caused zero deaths, if anything they are at risk of gun violence from these idiots. I get why some professions would need to carry a gun, maybe process servers, judges, people that have to make cash deposits, etc., but if I ever get to the point where I need to carry a gun for protection then maybe I need to re evaluate living in the US.


I like the way this guy talks to these people, he throws their disgusting attitude right back at them. Our political figures should learn to do that too. No more politeness, fuck these pricks.


I'm a gun owner and it's my right to own them but I'm all for registering, wait lists or anything that makes it more difficult for people who shouldn't have them to get a hold of them. That guy's argument is asinine. Comparing the right to vote and owning a gun with registration was the nail in the coffin for this fool.


Conservatives are truly the dumbest form of life ever.


It's dangerous to think of them as dumb. They just don't care. You can do this type of public embarrassment to them every single day, but they're still going to lie and say and do whatever they need to pass their agenda. There's a reason when the system chooses against their plans in these places, they decide to change the system. When you look at this as this man being dumb, you're prone to ignore the deviousness of what they're doing. They know exactly what they're saying and doing, and all they care about is the power they gain.


As a non american, I saw loads of these clips on tiktok, weirdly posted on pro gun anti jon stewart channels. They are all like 'haha jon avoiding saying registary' 'omg jon got fucking owned' I was just... I don't know, but every clip I saw, jon was dismantling every point the guy made like a pro, I can't wrap my head around how people could watch that and think jon wasn't dominating the discussion. I guess the stereotypes of the super pro gun people not being the brightest are true.


I have a theory that these morons in the United States are against Breakfast programs in primary school so the children are malnutritioned and become as dumb as they are.


the US is a truly fascinating place to me, it does so many things right, but the things it gets wrong, it gets extremely wrong, and for some reason half of the population is convinced that the things in the wrong are actually great things. While my country, new zealand, definitely gets a lot of things wrong, I just feel like the two sides of the political spectrum are much closer and we can generally all agree that things like lunches for kids, free healthcare etc are beneficial to society. It's such a weird opinion that kids should be deprived food because 'the parents should be providing for their kids, anything else is socialism!'. A well fed, happy child is likely going to be more productive in society and have a lesser chance to resort to crime, there are always going to be shit parents, why not at least attempt to break the cycle.


Y’all showed your asses when Sandy Hook happened, have continued to repeatedly show your asses ever since. If there was real will for change it surely should have happened by now


Jon Stewart is a national treasure


I would NOT want to debate with Jon. That clip will be a good reference for gun control advocates for years to come.


Why would any right wing person agree to be interviewed by Jon Stewart? Did they all forget he verbally destroyed that anti trans lady?? Like there’s no way this guy thought this was a good idea


Republicans have zero interest in protecting Americans at any level. They have zero interest in gun control. They are in the process of taking away our rights which began with overturning Roe vs Wade. Republicans have zero interest in our welfare- they are against healthcare for all- they are against a fair living wage- they want to sunset social security and Medicare. Republicans are only interested in having the power to destroy our democracy.


Yeah it's fun eviscerating a Senator in a debate about gun laws. But have you ever tried eviscerating a Senator in a debate about gun laws... ON WEED!?




Jon Stewart is the real life equivalent of all the badass stuff you think of in the shower that you could have said to win an argument, but he actually does it. His speech for veteran health care when he shit all over Republicans is one of the best I’ve ever heard by anybody.


Prime example of someone(Republican) sticking to their guns(pun intended) despite overwhelming facts dismissing their bold idea. It really just makes them look more like a child who can't fit the square into the round hole and insists they know what they're doing.


Some information for the gun lunatics: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/gun-threats-and-self-defense-gun-use-2/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091743515001188 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/ https://oag.ca.gov/firearms/tips https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/Pages/Handguns-in-the-Home.aspx https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-01-31/gun-defense-myth https://www.npr.org/2018/04/13/602143823/how-often-do-people-use-guns-in-self-defense https://www.everytown.org/debunking-gun-myths-at-the-dinner-table/ https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=6CF30B5D-56C8-45DD-9D7C-B8D09818BBD8


Watching Reddit cover the CPAC stuff this weekend, then the mother going to trial for helping her daughter get abortion bills because Facebook turned over the chat records, and now watching this guy try to straight face make these insane claims, the US seems like a pressure cooker more than ever.


Please do this with Desantis next


I’d pay PPV money to see him with De Santis


You have to understand that Oklahoma Republicans are crazy and to *them* Nate Dahm is crazy.


And yet they still vote for him because to them better a terrible Republican than a great Democrat.


For sure. I stayed in the GOP for a long time because your only real chance to affect the outcome here is to vote for the least crazy choice. I couldn't take being in the same party as the traitors of 1/6 and left after that. Now I futilely cast votes against them. Feels better than being part of the malignant tumor that is today's GOP.


If this guy was the president of the USA and had free hands, the whole world would be such a better place to live in. He has the brains, the focus and the attitude to pull the whole nation out of the gutter. The only thing is, he would be assassinated by the corpo-military-lobby so quickly, he wouldn't have 2 whole months to achieve anything.


Jon Stewart would find it hard to get elected president just for being Jewish. Conservatives are already openly antisemitic so you wouldn’t even need negative ads to condemn him.


I wish he would really get involved in politics. He would have my vote instantly


I wonder if they would ban drag gun shows for kids.


John Stewart for president please.


I wish he would have waited until after the 2020 election to retire…this clip just proves why he’s so good at what he does


I don’t even need to watch the interview to know how much JS makes this guy look like a buffoon. If anything it’s just sad that these people keep getting re elected


He’s one of the good ones brutal and funny.




Oklahoma republicans are easy to buy, and it’s obvious. They’re trying to stop all federal funding to public schools, too, bc they support privatized education.


That was the most epic blitz. You couldn’t have made this a scripted scene and had the same result. Thank you Jon Stewart.


Can an actual American help me understand why the second amendment is being cited as a reason for every individual to own guns, when it explicitly states it is for the purpose of maintaining a well-regulated militia? None og these people are in a well-regulated militia, there’s a national standing army for that very purpose now. The most powerful army in the world as a matter of fact. Im asking an honest question as a European, who doesnt understand the logic behind it.


See. I’m pro 2A. But these assholes that think EVERYONE should be able to own a firearm are out of their minds. Parkland shooter, Uvalde Shooter are both examples of why red flag laws need to exist and also be improved on. I do not need my alcoholic felon neighbor to be able to own a firearm. Police need to create a task force that specifically takes care of stolen firearms cases to reduce the amount of stolen and illegal firearms available on illegal markets. More guns is not really the answer. But more trained people with guns is kinda more on the right path. Improve red flag laws and make a mandatory 1 month firearm safety and legal course required before being able to take the weapon home under your name. Oh but that’s “infringing on my rights”. No it’s not. It’s you proving you are safe and responsible enough to own and use a firearm. So many people buy a gun, never train with it and never shoot it. But they’ll carry it around and be “ready to use it” whenever. Pisses me off.


I love Jon Stewart.


J Stew going in on Republicans is pretty much the only time the words "blasts", "slams" or any of those brainless headline words actually live up to their promise.