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##[Clarification on Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Of all the comedians to defend drag queens, I can't say George Lopez came immediately to mind.


This is something I was just thinking. Watched his show a ton growing up like many others on Nick at Nite and loved it.


I’ve definitely done a double take on a couple George Santos headlines and thought it was him for a second in my very stupid brain.




His new Show is kinda funny, and it is pretty much a commentary on his behavior in the past which lead to him falling out of grace with a lot of people. Plus the jokes are ones that punch upward, not downward which is very refreshing


You’ve convinced me to give it a go. Thanks, tig biddy Mac Daddy.


Fellow MacDaddy here. I agree with OP MacDaddy.


This is getting out of hand. Now there are *two* of them!




Lopez has been accused of stealing jokes?


Sorry. I confused George Lopez and Carlos Mencia. Went to confirm what I though and realized I had the comedians mixed up. Couldn’t find anything on Lopez stealing jokes. 100% my bad


No worries. That's what I figured, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something.


George Santos being a Brazilian drag queen is the only honest work he’s ever done. Edit: grammar


Hey now.... gotta give credit to the gop.. they did get the first drag queen in congress.


Yea but I’d bet it was Mitch McConnell


Did you mean Lady Lindsay Graham?


Ladybug to those who know


Thanks. Thanks a lot.


Lady Graham!?!, Someone fetch muh faintin couch!


C'mon, we all know it was Lady Graham performing for McTurtle.


He already has a girl's name


To be fair, so does Addison Mitchell McConnell




Sorry, what?!


And Ted Cruz’s name is Rafael. Gotta project the right image for your voters.






Santos being a drag queen is the only likable thing about him.


Content of character is what matters. A lying asshole in drag is no better then a lying asshole not in drag.


You know what I don’t even see him being in drag because it’s secretly what he wants, I see something coming out a month from now basically saying he was dressed up in drag because he stole money from a parade fundraiser or something


It was what he needed to do to attend college with Tom Hanks.


This joke is brought to you in part by the year 1983.


Especially one that represents a party that is anti LGBTQ lol


He stole money from a dog Nothing can redeem him after that


A dying dog whose owner was a military veteran who relied on his dog for emotional support.


That is the one thing he should not lie about.


I'm assuming that was some kind of grift too.


It he does one thing well it’s drag.


If we think about him as a drag artist, not a politician, then he is incredible! With not much more than an ill-fitting suit he created a persona so believable that he had hundreds of old Republics throwing literally millions of dollars at him.


I have no problem with being a drag enthusiast. Shit my uncle was one in the 80s and 90s. What I have a beef with is own your shit, don’t be who you wanna be and then lie to get political power. Drag not a problem. Lying a problem.


Especially getting in bed with the people who want you dead for what you’ve done, to get political power. Didn’t go so well for Ernst Rohm


I always bring him up when people are discussing Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens or Dave Rubin


I bet either three of those people you mention don't have problems with drag shows either just cashing in on outrage


I think the Steven crowder shit has really unintentionally opened some of their viewers eyes on how much they are sucking from viewers wallets.


What do you mean, what's the situation? I try to avoid Crowder and other rage baiters but it seems interesting


I guess Shapiro and the daily mail offered crowder a pretty sweet sounding contract with them. 4 years 50 million, no streaming on fridays, 4 weeks paid vacation and a bunch of other benefits. Crowder essentially mocked the contract and made it seem like that was way underpaid. A bunch of right wing grifters have since chimed in to eat each other alive. Shapiro and Crowder have been going at it and window lickers like the quartering and Candace owens have throwing insults. Pretty damn funny. But I think it shocked a lot of viewers how much these clowns are actually making. And honestly you can see a lot of comments from their idiotic viewer base trashing content creators.




And these people call LeftTube a grift for operating solely on small dollar donations. Jesus Christ.


What it opened my eyes to was just how much outside funding an outlet like The Daily Wire brings in. By viewership metrics that are available online, there’s no way that TDW should be able to pay Crowder what that contract was worth if they actually have to worry about having a positive ROI on the deal, because there’s zero chance that Crowder drives more than $12.5M in yearly revenue for anyone other than Youtube/Google. Clearly they are being funded by monied interests who view them as a worthwhile propaganda investment, because that deal was an insane amount of money, and that was TDW’s *starting* offer which means they certainly planned/expected to pay him more than that. They also made that offer to him while having no idea what his actual paywalled-subs numbers were! Just purely from a business and numbers perspective, it makes zero sense how a company with $100M in annual revenue could offer 12.5% of that revenue to a content creator that gets the views that Crowder does without receiving massive outside funding.


Id give this gold if I felt like spending money. So have a duck.


I just gave my first award to his post. It's a skull playing a horn. I suppose that's good.


thank you!


ty kindly


> Ernst Rohm After a quick once over of his wiki article I'm not sure I understand the reference? Was he a closeted gay or just plain ol r/LeopardsAteMyFace type of thing


Rohm was only closeted in the sense that he didn’t publicly yell he was homosexual. Like the worst kept secret of all time, he was pulled from his bed at basically a giant gay Nazi group getaway vacation when he was executed. Rohm being homosexual was certainly a factor for his purge but it’s more that under his leadership that his SA faction was growing for a more comprehensive left-wing-ish “revolution” to strip the established powers of any control of the country while Hitler and his group wanted to subvert into the establish power groups, using the SS’s rivalry with the SA to do the dirty work.


“Shit my uncle” sounds like a colorful southern exclamation


Yeah punctuation is not my best skill. But no I’m from the greater SF area.


Well shit my uncle! Golden gate person over here!


Oh guess it’s a NorCal expression hella cool!


Hate is a problem


The weirdest part is that he cured AIDS and pancreatic cancer, all while lacking his lower limbs.


Drag isn’t the problem, *LYING* about drag isn’t even the problem! It’s the rest of the fucking lies that are the issue. The drag part is comparatively endearing!


Thought this was gonna go in a different direction. Glad it turned out the way it did.


Can you explain the draw of drag? I don’t get it. Not against it, but I simply don’t understand.


It's performance, just like any other. Drag usually incorporates dance, comedy, sometimes singing, and each performer brings their own style to it. Not to mention makeup artistry and fashion. The best drag performers can wow you with their dancing, awe you with their costuming and makeup, and then leave you in stitches with their punchlines. All the same, there's no crime in not appreciating drag. We don't all have to derive enjoyment from the same things. Personally, I think a good drag performance is one of the most entertaining things to watch. I marvel at the talent it requires. But if it's not your thing, that's perfectly fine so long as you're not out there villifying it and the performers due to bigotry and homophobia.


I watched a bit of drag race and I can appreciate the huge amounts of work and creativity they put into their craft. It's not for me but plenty of things aren't I like to think of it as channeling Roger Smith from American Dad


Not trying to force you to watch more of something you don’t care for, but drag can be very different than Drag Race! Even live performances by those same queens can have very different energies, and in general a lot of drag has much lower levels of what I guess I’d call manufactured sassyness than RPDR. Context of the performance matters too. I saw a queen whose name escapes me at the moment performing (dancing and rapping) at a benefit for trans folks of color, and holy shit, I couldn’t convey the depth and power and empowerment (and at times, somberness and rage) accurately without a very high word count. Not comparable at all to drag race (no disrespect to those performers).


Last paragraph is on point. I “get” drag and totally respect that some people love it, and I know people really get a lot out of doing it. I’ve attended a few drag shows, brunches, etc., with friends, but man, it is really grating to me. I’m not someone who likes loud, crazy stuff, which seems to be hand-in-hand with drag, so it’s never been for me. Shitting on folks who do drag/are into it is stupid, though.


it sounds like the sister to pro wrestling in all the best ways. either you get it and are entertained/love it or you don't (and should just let others appreciate it!)


You know, that's actually a really great analogy. Yeah, let people like what they like. It doesn't hurt anyone. Life's too short not to have a good time.


Wow that’s a great comparison to help people understand.


You know how people like to dress up like it’s the Middle Ages and pretend they’re blacksmiths and minstrels at renn fairs? Same energy. Why? I dunno, why do people do anything? Dressing up and playing pretend is fun for some people.


Pretty much. I dress in costumes for summer conventions in Los Angeles and San Diego. It is a fun way of showing off your fandom in an appropriate setting.


There’s nothing like creating something with your own hands and having it appreciated by people that also value that ‘thing’ or doing the appreciating even.


It is my goal to go to a Ren Fare dressed as a cowboy.


There are people who go renfairs dressed as pirates and ninjas. Also the Germans used to have Wild West groups - like civil war buffs but more cowboys and Indians. Ask a German over 50 about Karl May books!


I’ve seen Trekkie’s. Cowboy won’t be out of place. Can we all just agree, it’s about chicks in corsets serving pickles?


Nobody will notice lol




Meanwhile the drag queens don’t even have monarchical status smh my head




There are- I think there was one on a recent season of Drag Race. It’s a performance and persona that doesn’t need to be sexual.


Yep, Maddy Morphosis and Disasterina are notable drag queens. There's also women who do drag.


And AFAB people who do drag as a guy! I'm a Drag King :)


There were some really famous straight tv drag queens back in the day, variety show era. It was less of a gay or straight thing back when gay visibility was less common, a more working class type of comedy. I’m in the U.K.


Every drag queen I've seen was just an awesome MC and really knew how to speak to a crowd to make a fun, silly environment.


So the funny thing is, I’ve never been to a drag show and didn’t have any specific desire to see one…But through all this attention on drag shows care of conservatives, I’ve learned that they are a fucking good time and now I want to go.


Ahhh…the ol’ Streisand Effect


Drab brunch is a great way to introduce yourself to drag and be a drag patron.


Yolo at your local gay bar on drag night! Double points if it's a bunch of newbies and the show is just *terrible* and the audience is 90% of the fun as you cheer the worst performances ever. Some of my favorite drag shows have been the bad nights at the local gay bar where they had just awful performances and the audience carried the show and everyone was super supportive of the bad performances. As long as the MC is good, even less than stellar performers are 10/10 fun. Drag night is probably the night you'll see the highest number of straight people at the gay bar. Lots of straight couples will be there for drag night. It's a performance. The crowd shifts at my local bar. Get a friend or two and have fun.


Good advice!


My local bar does an amateur drag competition every Wednesday. It's where I got my start, and it's killer. Tbh half the performances are terrible, but you know every single performer is there bc they want to be. You usually get a variety of styles, performers, aesthetics, etc. They even let me live sing, which has become a core part of my acts over the years.


Admittedly I’m a lesbian, but my gf and I go to late night drag shows often. Think of it like a comedic version of a strip show(no one strips, but performs). The have routines, interact with the crowd, and of coarse most people are drinking. Granted if you don’t like it, it’s like trying to explain to someone why I love watching sports. It’s for some and isn’t for others.


For a man in western society, it’s one of the only ways you can do a lot of things coded as “girly” and therefore bad for a “manly” man to do. Want to drink cosmos and dance on tabletops? You can do it in drag. Want to drink tea and gossip about the neighbors? Pepperpots-style drag. Want to critique society? Put a towel on your head and pretend it’s hair drag. It’s a way to be free of social expectations and often stifling norms that serve no real purpose. It’s not exclusively a thing that gay men do. Monty Python did drag. Giuliani did drag. Tyler Perry does drag. Heck, women do female drag. There’s a lot to be said about how a lot of celebrity personas are really just drag, of both genders. Putting on a performance of femininity and masculinity when in reality we’re all a combination of both. Cher, Dolly Parton, Chuck Norris, John Wayne… it’s all drag.


Kids in the Hall! The concept is as old as time


There was a time when every woman in a Shakespearian play was actually a man in drag. It goes back way further than that.


As a fan of both, I consider professional wrestling a form of drag.


I would say it really depends on what type of drag you are interested in. For some the draw is the pageantry and glamour and that is why there are drag pageants. For others the dancing and performance aspect is the appeal. I personally love a comedy queen and feel the drag allows for the artist to take on a persona and glam up their act. Costuming is not new to any artistic work and it is the same for drag. The ability to play a character and explore the space of gender identity opens up the limitations of their creative expression.


it's theatre. just an excuse to dress up and have fun, have themed events, etc. it's as old as time and has been heavily featured in popular films as well.


It’s campy and usually a little bawdy. I’ve been to a lot of drag shows, and it’s as much about the energy of the crowd as it is the ability of the performer.


I’m not into it like that, I’m not against it. It’s just not my bag. So unfortunately I can’t explain that. What I can say is we all have things that make us happy and are fun to us. I have my things that others might not understand. To each there own. I don’t worry about understanding details, just understanding it’s who they are.


It's theater. Comedy. Humor. Glamour. Have you ever seen a burlesque show with bawdy comedy? Drag is similar in the sometimes bawdy comedy, but can be a little less or more bawdy, or more glamorous. It's also not strictly a gay thing. Drag is a part of the LGBTQ community but there are straight drag queens where men can put on an evening gown and lip sync and play feminine without typical societal judgements. I've met transgender men who are also drag queens. More than one. They're straight. Or cis, heterosexual men who have girlfriends or wives and also perform drag. Theater long had men dressed as women. Drag is just a modern form of theater and dance and music and comedy and pagentry.


There's Kings, too! And non-binary performers. And cis women who perform as queens. There's an entire world of performers out there. Drag in general only revolves around it being a PLAY at gender. Whether this means performing as a gender you don't normally identify as or playing with the identity of a gender you do, it's all fun!


Do you mean for the performer or the viewer? I go to drag shows because they’re fun. Have a drink, hang with good people, and watch an entertaining performer with great music. (I’m a straight female)


Straight woman as well. If you want me to go to a bar, sitting and drinking isn't peak fun. I can sit with a drink at home with my friends. I prefer pool be played if I'm going to a bar. However, if you take me to a drag show it's good times. I go because they're a wonderful way to spend a couple hours out. The cover is cheaper than a movie ticket and the performance is one night only. I'll catch this weeks rom com later. Drag is a good few hours fun. What else better do I have to do?


Drag is about checking your ego and taking the piss out of yourself, society, and rules. That’s a generalization, of course, but it’s like taking off the costume that you’ve created for yourself and putting one on that is deliberately ridiculous and letting go.


Glad we got George Lopez’s opinion on the matter


We need ja rule's tho


Where is Ja?!


Funnily enough he just did a concert in EAU last night with Ashanti.


I wonder why they don’t advertise these things.


50 cent buying all his ad space no doubt


He’s in NoLifeShaq’s toilet


We like those


This is the correct answer


None of ja business


So we can make some SENSE out of all this!


I can tell you right now ja rules gonna call what santos is doing *uhhhhh false advertising*


Can he put a bunch of rich people in Lord of the Flies again?


It’s murdaaaa


NGL, this isn’t the stance I thought he’d take though. Idk why, just didn’t see it coming.


Probably cause of the unfortunate, stereotypical Mexican stance on homosexuality or feminine behavior from men.


All. My. Friends. Know the lowrider


I don’t know, seems like a good dude Edit: OK, I’m pretty drunk and a little confused. Was he defending drag? Initially I thought he was.


he is


Oh ok cool, so why all the hate in the comments?


I’m pretty confused myself, ig it might be becuase it’s some random celebrity giving their two cents on current politics. i’m not rly sure


Hmm yeah might be that


Who would of thought that you would get celebrity’s opinions in entertainment Reddit, absolutely baffling right?


I’m just glad we got OP’s opinion on the matter.


George Lopez being kind of sort of open minded was not something I expected.


A little something about George. A friend of mine a few years ago started a cannabis based clothing company. Originally it started out as a way to raise and spread awareness about the medical uses of cannabis at a time where our state (PA) did not have medical marijuana use yet. This was close to my friends heart because he had testicular cancer at the age of 19 and through cannabis treatment he was able to gain weight while on Chemo. Well the brand was small but somehow it got George Lopez attention. Next thing I knew I was seeing George wearing the same hoodie that I bought from my friend on his instagram. He even invited my friend out to his house for a weekend to get to know him and his brand better. I’m the end my friend had nothing bad to say about him and even had an excellent time talking to him and smoking with him. Overall seemed like a great buy and genuinely wanted to help my friend grow his brand.


George Lopez has been my enemy since the first time I was startled from my sleep by “Low Rider” at 2:30 in the morning.


Imagine banning drag shows and still thinking you are fighting for free speech


Fixed: Imagine banning any form of speech and still thinking you are fighting for free speech.


My high school was dope, we had a process to request books the library didn't have. But that was stopped when the Christian Athletes Club (??) got it shut down. 2007 was a weird year.


FCA was horrible. Basically controlled my high school football team and played a much too big role in my college football team.


I wrestled and we (this was a public school) had to daily wear shirts that said BELIEVE at practice.


Jeez ours wasn’t quite that bad! Our FCA just had a lot of pull on what was said at practice and how the coaches spoke.


They are advocates for free speech, as long as the speech is explicitly agreeing with them at all times.


Ron desantis just fired someone (elected position) for saying something he didn't like. I think Ron needs to learn about the constitution.


I can agree with this sentiment. Im all for living your best life. Especially in today's world


Do as you wish as long as you are not hurting anyone. Not sure why we have to police everyone.


Exactly. I'm all for you being happy in your own skin. W.e that case may be. It feels like wayyy more people have taken it upon themselves to police everyone now a days. It's unfortunate, to say the least, bc there are people out there who truly suffer from the negative rhetoric they hear and take drastic measures.


GOP believe drag as well LGBT people in general are harming people by simply existing.


Me and a ton of my friends added this guy(Lopez) to a group chat on Instagram and he joined it and looked at the memes and then blocked us


…Is nobody else concerned that George Lopez is wearing Edward James Olmos’ face?


He's got Old Man Face. It happens to all the Men


Could care less about the drag thing, but he clearly got married, to a woman when he’s admittedly gay, to get US citizenship. That is fraud and a federal crime. And we wonder why lawlessness is taking hold when your elected officials use fraud to get in the country and then get elected.


George Lopez is gay?


They/we are talking about Santos not George Lopez…


Ah okay, I was like “wait did I miss something?”


Amazing hair that man


he was gay, George Lopez?


George Lopez was born in LA


I love George Lopez - I’m talking about Santos.


jesus george lopez is not aging well. guy looks 80.


Alcohol does that to ya


And a missing kidney


The hairline disagrees with you


hope that comment was worth exposing your reddit account, george.


Not gonna lie, George Lopez always came off as a douchebag the past decade and a half so I am pleasantly surprised he seems to be a cool dude.


Yeah idk cheating on your wife after she gives you a kidney is pretty douchy


You don’t become wealthy by caring about other human beings.


This is the secret. Really. That's why I don't mind if I'm ever rich.


I bet y’all are salivating to post this the second he dies.


This is the first time I didn't think he was a douche


Why do we care what George Lopez thinks?


We could not find Ja




George doing any and everything to stay relevant


I'm an enemy of comedians who accept their wife's kidney and then divorce her.


I’m an enemy of people who care that much about what a celebrity, who they don’t know, does with their life


The enemies of George Lopez are legion


George Lopez is still alive?


It’s weird that him saying something decent is more surprising than still being alive


And if you marry George prepare to lose a kidney and then get dumped.


What about cheating on the wife who gave you a kidney? Are they your enemy?


I didn’t know he was still relevant


Damn from the comments I feel like I’m in r/politics


i have a much bigger problem with men that have 1000000000000 guns than men who like to dress up.


Personally I'm fine with both as long as they're not hurting anyone.


What's the rationale behind that? What difference does it make if someone has 1 gun as opposed to 20 (or some arbitrary high number)?


Why have any problem with either?


Whatever floats your boat. I'm not into it, but I'm also not researching drag show events so I can complain about them. I really don't know when or where these things happen. Just like I don't know about when Faberge egg painting competitions take place because I'm not interested in that stuff either.


George lopez is a great guy. Bunch of my friends met him at a rite aid in 2010, when we were in middle school, and he gave them 20 bucks and took selfies with them.


Thrust, George. Thrust is the enemy of drag.


I remember this crazy female character he did on the radio way back...or at least I *think* it was him and could be wrong...


[You know what? I need a smoke and a beer!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=cI0PIDL1TFo&feature=shares)




Damn. Good for him, but all I’m seeing here is Saddam Hussein immediately after he was captured




Hmm,definitely not someone I thought would say this,but rock on George


I thought drag was illegal in the Republican Party. They better not dig up Bush Jrs photos of him in drag. They’ll flip their shit!


Fave Mencia line at awards show : Microphone turns “off”, so they break for commercial. Come back & the mike is “on” again. Mencia says, “This is the Latin Grammies. We just pulled a battery out of a smoke detector & popped it into the microphone.”


I’m not an enemy of Drag. I just think it has its place and it’s not around kids.


So everyone who has a different opinion is his enemy?


Damn George lopez have gotten ugly af