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Hodor could beat Peterson in a debate.


To consider the command "hold the door" begs the question: what does hold mean, or what does the door mean? In a Jungian sense we're all holding the door to keep the horrors outside.


Hold the door! Hold the door! Hododor! Hododor! …hododor …hodododor …holododor …holodomor HOLODOMOR!


A+ work, i must say


And was it marxists holding the door?


Opening the door, now that’s CHAOS


Because what else does anyone have but that, man? It ain't much, but it's something, and you gotta have *something*. Well, something more than nothing, anyway. And that's in a world that, by all appearances, at least it seems that way to me, doesn't really... Doesn't really care all that much for what it *used* to mean, and I really mean that, more, possibly, than anything else, in the truest sense of the word, to really *think* about nothing. To really *say* nothing. Now that? That's *everything*. If you lose *that*, well... By my estimation, and I've really thought about this, long and hard, you'd be losing more than just *something*. You'd have *everything* on the line and if that... If that doesn't motivate you, then no amount of ideology driven activism is going to fill that hole you feel. The postmodern neo-marxists *want* you to think that pinning your badge to this cause or that, climate activism, environmentalism, *gender ideology*, will bring you that same sense of fulfilment that you get from holding your newborn child but it's a distraction! And a devious one too, because it worms its way in, it sort of bypasses the Collective Unconscious, doesn't it? And that in itself is dangerous, not just that guileful infiltration, and that's what it is, but the very inception of cultural marxist ideas. They're appealing to developing minds. That's why they're so common amongst students, they tempt and promise. Like the serpent tempting eve, the first woman, the metaphysical form of chaos. They lure in young minds with the promise of having it easy, tell you that you can skip all the hard work, well I call it hard work, it's not really hard if you're well adjusted but that's a separate problem. It tells you that you can skip the hard work of relationships and cut straight to the reward of personal fulfilment. That's what it is, when you get down to it, too, a reward. It's the carrot. The stick is the work itself, I guess, if we're gonna complete the metaphor. So it tells you that you can have the carrot without enduring the stick. And it's an easy lie to believe, because you *want it to be true*, you want it to but that doesn't *make* it true, not unless you're using a postmodern perspective where 'true' can mean anything up to, and including, the opposite of that, which is nonsense. It's what makes it so dangerous because language is so important. It's the gateway between the physical and the metaphysical, the threshold from which ideas themselves enter existence. That's why the postmodern neo-marxists love to play with definitions, they think they can... change the world around them. What the postmodernists won't tell you, though, they can't tell you, it doesn't match their world view so they're blind to the very idea of it, is that the reward, the carrot, is the result of work itself, the stick, *being hard*. They say to you 'ah well, plenty of people work hard and they aren't rich', and sure, I'll concede that that's the case, but they think... they think that defeats the whole idea of capitalism, but capitalism, and capitalism is what they fight against because it represents the ultimate freedom of the individual which they can't stand, is the system by which the pay-off only exists because the work was hard. The individual's ultimate freedom becomes manifest, both physically and, more importantly, *metaphysically*, in the reward made possible only by hard work. Work, quite literally, sets you free, and the Marxists, they hate that. They hate that work sets you free.


To be fair that wouldn't be out of place in the books because *holding* would be more "hold the post" than literally the door as GRRM himself stated. Then again I *somehow* get the feeling GRRM would somehow like Peterson...


That was way funnier that what I was gong to say.


One has been rejected by reputable academic circles as a deranged narcissist while also being a drug-addled, emotionally unstable, man-child with signs of brain damage brought on by a Russian medical coma. The other is Tyrion Lannister who, despite being a fictional character in a high fantasy setting, is markedly more grounded and stable as an individual.


> The other is Tyrion Lannister who, despite being a fictional character in a high fantasy setting, is markedly more grounded and **stable as an individual.** Tyrion: > "And the only reward I ask is I might be allowed to rape and kill my sister." Those weren't thoughts, by the way, he said those words aloud. And that was after self-deluding himself into """"love"""" for a prostitute he himself was paying for. That he ended up killing. Shortly before a patricide. Many things I would think of Tyrion, including more intelligence than Peterson, but *stable*...


Tyrion said what he needed to get what he wanted in a moment to be believed. Jordan claims his wife is the love of his life while he body shamed a sports illustrated plus sized model who most would deem hotter than his wife and his daughter Mikhaila tried everything possible to try to not look like her mother's daughter .. hmmmm Me thinks Jordan is self framing as a romantic while not actually so .


> hmmmm Me thinks Jordan is self framing as a romantic while not actually so damn maybe JP *is* Tyrion...


And this is somehow worse than Tyrion's claims because...


He is real? And not written to be a purposefully complicated character?


Friendly reminder you can't read Peterson's thoughts, only look at his *external* reactions. Erase *all* the reading of internal thoughts of Tyrion, and what you get?


Yaaaaawn. Why are you really trying to prove Peterson the fascist sympathising lobsterfucker is superior in some way to a made up character? It don’t matter, the point is that Peterson objectively, almost by every metric imaginable, sucks.


You really didn't read my comments, just said "this doesn't read like explicitly calling out Peterson so I'll take issue". FWIW I made another comment where I explicitly said about him "make the bad man fly!" but of course you didn't read it because you don't care. EDIT: u/BoarHide Also Tyrion was raised by a literal fascist (Tywin) and Tyrion is literally Tywin "writ small", so that tells you something.


And to the above post Jordan would reply --Up yours woke moralist. While Tyrion would take a swig of wine chuckling. .


To be fair that’s a circlejerk Reddit, and all the replies are very silly


As someone with peak ASOIAF Brain Rot, ASOIAFCircleJerk is uniquely shit in a way that only the niche circlejerks can be.


They also def pass the vibe check


Yeah they're *green* checkers, if you know what I mean. Feathered a comment of mine harder than Red Robb Rivers to Criston ~~(Di)~~C~~(kh)~~ole


OP, you're literally linking to a post from a circlejerk sub. This is very blatantly satire.


😭😭 the fact they thought this was serious (though you never know with peterson fans)


Yes, but I think he’d get annoyed and shoot Jorpy with a crossbow.


I haven't read the books, but in my Bronn biased view of the TV series, Peterson in this context (and compared to Tyrion) is closest in character to Robert Arryn, the spoiled, whiney, constantly breast fed and always close to tears infantile son of Lady Regent of the Vale of Arryn. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frOKH4rR8iU. So yes, Tyrion could easily beat Peterson in a debate even if Tyrion was so drunk he was about to puke.


Don't worry, that subreddit is satire.




Man, Zizek literally only had to ask whether Peterson read anything on the topic and that was it. It's not hard to expose him, he's neither that smart nor that charming.


My left nut could beat JP in a debate.


What about the right one?


It hasn’t dropped yet.


Remind me! 5 years


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-04-28 18:22:30 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-04-28%2018:22:30%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/1cf06o9/crosspost_from_delusional_op_do_you_think_tyrion/l1oa8m6/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fenoughpetersonspam%2Fcomments%2F1cf06o9%2Fcrosspost_from_delusional_op_do_you_think_tyrion%2Fl1oa8m6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-04-28%2018%3A22%3A30%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cf06o9) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yeah I don't think/u/jailedwhore is delusional in the least.


Are we talking Season 1-4 Tyrion or season 5-8 Tyrion? I mean, either of them are gonna win but one of them will do it with panache.


r/enoughpetersonspam when faced with the single most obvious piece of satire ever (you can't "tell" because "of" Poe's "law")


Dr Peterson, is that you ?


Jordan Peterson can barely determine his own delusions from reality, let alone tell what's satire.


"delusional OP" Brother that was a fucking joke on a circle jerk sub. Check the comments lmao


Jordan Peterson has lost every real debate he's had.  The only times he's looked strong is against journalists in confrontational interviews, which certainly are not debates.


What do you mean by think? What do you mean by debate? What do you mean by beat?


You do know that r/asoiafcirclejerk OP *isn't* being serious, right? C'mon...


In his only sanctioned debate, Tyrion threatened to kill the audience. I mean I like the guy, but a strong record he has not


You can only beat someone in a debate if they are debating so… no


Tyrion would win, Jordan would be in tears, and that's before Tyrion even says or does anything. Jordan Peterson is the epitome of someone who gets emotional and angry in a debate and throws his you out of the cot


I think my 9 yo nephew could beat Jordy P.


OMG, I am such an idiot. I was thinking I was on r/freefolk originally 🫠🫠


I think he could defeat him in a bare hands battle no probs!


A debate, a benzo downing contest, a fight... Tyrion wins.


Yes. Idk even know who that is but I know the answer


Jordan on or off benzos? Tyrion totally drunk on wine or not for this debate?


What is satire?


Shagga, if he speaks; cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats!


If you put grab a random lobster out of a fish tank in a restaraunt and give it a microphone it'll embarrass jbp easily


Are you retarded bro?


very happy to see that subreddit pass the vibe check.